Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 May 1914, p. 6

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CR701' EN'] Thelie lld lni the, Niagara District -WIII Bc Poorest ln lany Years Ade% th-foi V aha-rineà 'cannot fixicla sinSle bud l itWl t -ý,h The pat t'lvo weecs have con- OCrud. firmd th eary pr'dic' lhitbe the failure o!' thîe peach fire h rçeatoded ry rdc crop wiIl lie. feit heavily by Commis- tions thbat flue pea.ch crop.in the"'Ni~ a, nmén and transportation coim- gara district wlIl lic the poorost in paniez, the blow wîll laU the Mos znany 'yearu, notwitheta-ndiag the heavily upen the young farmnerswho large aereàqe cf youîig tree.s thAt have bought portions of fari a a' ttis> y.ar àthoubd r each thT. bearing high figureis with litile captal b.- 'sae forthe first lame. - hind them and have devtoted 4 Si;aû well-known andi proiinent theirand and energy to growing -growers as Major Hisectt, Jas. Oms- pencher. in-tead i e a mnixet crop. Iow, Sale-m Muir, and Jas. Brady Ja-paîîeee plume, too, wil l e ,of Niagara township unheuitat-inghy acarce, but a fair crop o! standard say that the peaeh crop la practi- variety of plums andi pears is prom- cally ruined, and that thare wilb iseti, providing a few warnx days are, not, b. five humdred bask-ets o! experileneed. -The amaller fruits, peachei marketed _a te vicimity of isucit as strawbcrrieis and raaplier- Virgil and Niagara-en-thie- Lake. ries, pro-mise w.lh, Mdajo'r Higott avers that iaatead 0u A. W. McCubbin, Dominion Plant the. usual thouaands o! baskets that Pathobogiat, la investigating the he aeîd mamny neighbors usually -Ibip condi-tions wet of St. Cstharines, growers will not -have enough -for &Iong the lake ahore, fcunti a grow- tîeir -<Wri use. Me9sra.ý OnsIow, .er -with a peacit orchard cf fromn Bernard, Jaine Aikens, andi a few eight ta ten~ acres who offereti-t oibers aiong the la ke road say thcy take one dollar for hise ntir-crop. 'Z' cz~ m TUBZEADN mus or'£3E frites of Gatti@, arasa, ýces. ami otite? l@4u00 it Kome en4 £ltoaI Baatueo. - Toronto. May 1I 9,. l'Our.-OiL'io1 wbcat', Soursf, 0 Per centL. $3.,50 , t $3.86,. seatboard, ,aind at $8,85 10 18,90, Toronto.' latditoba--Flrib'patenit., Ani sîrong.bùkea'.- la jute baga, 94. . - Alanitaba whea-13ay prs-O Noîthera, li81e, and No,.2Zaut'941c. Ontario wheat-No. .1 quoted at $1,03 to K.04., oulsîde, and 11.05, on track, -Oana-No. 2 Ontario oais, 89J ta 40c, outalde. aindi a 42e, on trak. Toronto. Weeiemrit Canada oala, 42C for No. 2, andi at 40ic for NO, 3, Isaty ports. rPeas-$i ta $1.06, outalde. 13ariey-Gotl maling bariey, 54 10 Sge, accordtttg 1 to mllly. R--N.2 at 63 tu 60c, oulside, i3uckwîheat-s0C, oulsfide. Corn-No. 3 Amnerican, 76c, ail-rail, Toron tit. 1Brat-Maniiolia bran, $25 ta $26 a ton, ln bago, Toronto freiglit. Shorts, $26 ta $28, Country lro4uce. Butter-ChOICe daîry. 18 ta 20c; ln- fet'Ior. 16 t10 161cm farinera' separatot -prInts, 21 t0 22e; rreamnery prIaIs, freoli, 24 to 26ec; do., storago priaIs, 23 la 24c; isoîtis, oralge, 21 lu 22c. Eggs-21 ta 22c per dozen, ln case lobs. lîoncy-Extracted, un tins, 1,1 1 tic 1per lb. Comha, $2.26 10 $2.50 pei' doz- en for No. 1. and $2 for No. 2. Cheee-New chasse. 14b 10 15c for - - ---"~ Beana-Hand-picked, $2,15 tu $2,20- O ,Lonidon Latter now enîleetedt bsatlafy lte cravînga Of p0L.buohel; -ilrimeo, $2210 to $3, 15. the rich for an oid cotlage. - olrFwl 16 te 18e 7par lb., WIth -an <tit cottage you are un lte chiCîieas, 19 te fOC; Guetta, 17Ioa1 sc; gwimn. (nce there, wby theî'c'ut n1001111g geeme, 15 to161c, tumlçeys, 20 10 23c. 1iti Publie Truse'Win* 5vo1r. tise tut lire 10 ,,îrlvt for. Potatoes-lDeiawares, $1.20 ho $1.25 le on trackï here, andti onios at $1. 14 Iteianahl tsbiuu inuy1thue. 1)01)u- nots ito curSe B l'is pe ler bag, 011 tî'uck. *Ia'tytifrt e ril . 'esabiiIttti ofuu $eaiklng at a aîeeliag of the Folklore ___ (oirîîîîl tru;tîce 1us gîveit lntht'ehxthi<tceî'ut University College thtur weCI roiio aittui report or<If 'J, Stet',-ii.lowiluittEiadLvel iiltI i-yo h tiiat peusgotl'y»,expres'eeit tiulafiiiIll iii tu ret chîtuni Ltiantoi war rofite' Baron, long clear. 15 t0 16e peu lb. la their wiis haveie seeteul fluis office lu, ul- tuctreshIe ulenticondf ommou Lndhercase lots. Hams-Stiedium, 18 te tlc; Ininfitîr estates wigt' %,Uhtitle l01Cvr beati. costitng a cent. with a itearl shaît- do.,.lieavy. 17 t0 18c; roua., 15 te 151cm hu<f i lIiliti iouitt- 5117IT,iAn rt pndnt Il ureforcolde anti breakfast haronu, 18 te 19c; hacks, 22 te lie exaict Monte 6,000tOtrusts,îuîitt"Ii hug bronciti. 24C. loii noî'et thani $îtîut,Ott4jdoiuihSave been W%%hcn the chiltirea are Italies the Lard-Tierces,- 129c; tubs. 13c; paîls. utîtel ire bieng ituînî il1tt'î't'tI beais ni'e pttantîteil' neeks and nol 138e. Tits ttenîslit-tthewrckiitg tif n- tuken off again. Ile hati seen setveral onid vile forfirtes ly dishuinet -titet35 ir wtimî'ri-tivirr 10 ycars of age who ball Ealed Xay and Btraw. ttiallimLe t ttig orfihle hast il, i Higiaiid. tî'oî'i tuiese licads frointhei' cliliditodbTi aled hiay-No. 1 aI $14 .60 10 $16 a Terî'ui "rs lîgî t wa IL u fi-tluent thtig day and- nîglît. ton on track here;,; Ne. 2 cjuoted aib $131 forua ut rîtii.1 faItîlltt ag-w. il tiake oiff t10$13.25, anti ciover aI $10 te0$11. -ltît ite n-ititiey fIt a lie lcolefI 10 Ilaleti straw-C'ar lots. $8.25 1 $8.50, lis c'iiî'it. otftctividovwe anti ouphanit. o :a oot. Todi'te aduîisîmtrat loutifr prirtle VIN ILEIJ EGR IAN6S. o rc.T no taltei Is aiut tî'utoiiy lit Ile itaildu t thit publiec trusee, bchhidwltot Ithe Bosa" stnsfouh Fk ion Bogi hen a Wholesaaicseet imerchants are sellftg gîtil etttittîi tols httutiiulltfr leFae -BrultThuîte(a recleaneti seecîte be trade. ýott the iite- 'rIjete ic(o oreetiisuloffice, establiîshet alda to Fari.M.bs.-e l rNo1,$1te2; eoil P-x 1yvar- uo, al; xceded thedo., No. 2. $17 10 $17,60; aloike, No. 1. t e'u.tir ~i s prtf 151t'tiitrig, Iu A d iat rom Nort.h Bay cays : $20.50 te $21; uto.. No. 2. $17 lu ,S$1; m(ar t'îîit tmieties witlu four' asslsINt,10 I 1n.aîi] ;vingi-h-s name as-'Baron Timolhy,.No. 1, $8.60 t1$98.50; do.. No. jeaiulow ictuaîires a staftof 400. Tuthe r oba oa2. $7 ta 17.26,'alfaifa. No. 1, 914-to $16, oîiiT iena t tas ti'utitct rti tîrueti.Oro nger ieventhal, wohi endo., No. 2, $13 te $1S.50. it.tXot's tmorif luiis li <ud tr et'by; asmaking bis heatiquarters et NorthîWUISEGan ititiiiit'ral i' if mt r uiagtandt titutlit.Cobalt, has tUti foui-o!f te law, and W~innipeg. ay19.-Cas4h:-N'heat- etiîrtiî'îstîlar tf unus nt gati now in Sudbuîry Jail as a reBUIt No. 1 Nortiumn» 4c"oa.Noyiea Nu,. Stewart now et~ii"t i 10of bispecu liar lisincs Vraasaic- 921c. No. 8 lN'orthitera, 101cm No. 4,87c. m'l )reu eufuir uSlit ie cure ui dis- No. 6, 7ojcm No. 0, 741cm feeti. 691cm No. Ïursî'îttt tf teit' ttnî',isle oîî-eriie(il.tions. Itieventhal advertised in 1 rejeceel ;etilt, 891t'm No. 2 rejecîed "hie largetit <'ttte whiich the' office'ir9us Geu'aîan agricultui'al aewspa-pems stads, 872c, No. 3 réjecteti seetis. 551t' ciil'alit a 10 iontuvuiwiltu-mas 8f)i(,iltlttO oitiNondamîtt.e;icNo. 2 mnutîy, 87tcm Ille mtiua1ieKe-l- 9ft."he a-voelage vailue, tf fuir a manager to coriduct a Cana- No. 8 namutty, ' mNa smti!ntr îlot isîtttit lîall withî, loWe'uei' te about dian aria consisting of 1,400 acres. 141cm No. 2 mcd %%Itnter, 92àcm No. 3 reti $4itlt hui'ng tutwlia il-tt-i-l pet'Stîtht Wiaber, 90lte. Oatsm 'No. 2 C.W., 37gcm arae, litatrons taure gte'tiihly tatite lHe also advemti-eed li Germany for~ No. 38c'W. 361c No. 1 feeti, 351cm No. - el a r e îeg our.g o t'tize LitIpupils' lu stîîdy Canadian farming, 2 feeti. 35c. îarie>'-No. 3, 48c;No. q, trim fiis rcpard llm.iaeandt6 1 amnhtuition fe.'47c; rpJecteul.. 44c; feeti. 431c. Fiax- tt'it'î trst fmai tie ilat'd Ii ji'it~le b py $5 a ncnh <esNo. 1 N-W.C. $1.136; No. 2 C.W., $1.33; ýhwtidis tIitrre le atways thut' iltu tf litu -tdoi1th Rtium applîcti for lte pogi- No. 3 C.W., $1.23. itthu gîtfiauti ui t'iuu'tniltlttet't- i liîg- ingfiingr n fe osd it. i'it a guivetinttit offite hîki' ulio fiîilu~ ninatrtosie. - mE trial Markets. -Of IpUtlC trttet'thie îîisuIuIiitN' if unes ale ctr'etpondenee agreed te corne Iotei a 9.on-A ia tItrtiught sîieî'uhliti5 le dîtîteoa, - wIth. Unra,'ia O-oi-reiu 'Celte ti'umtee n Irvemt only tiualuuitiveil1 Cnada. andtuanage the arm for No. 2 yellow, 76 te 765c. Oals-Cana-- Anduritue lit d he worstaIIfite)-utel. If years, n t eencatiof which tilan W esteun, No. 2, 43 10 43icm do., vemtneits lin ou IldIv iterelm 1)N'a. 3, 42 ta 421<'. lterley-Manhtcibtt -sk ortife litomm"rIlep 1-liteîtuu'uau tttause i timue lie s'as te î'eceivi'o400 acres o! feei. 60 ta file, Fiotir-Manîtoitt te gîîeitimeit l isile l'or-liait. lahnd betidc' a moaetary on4dra pring wheat îpatents, fluests. $6,60; dti.. remited;cans sra econds, $5.10; sîrong balters'. $4.9o. Kat' lng'dom'u Driuk Bilt. toui. Itîmutai camne to e at anti W'nter patients. cholce, $5.25 Iii $5.60; 'Thedtinuk lei,, oru'le u'îîîîu-Ii lîguhouitaî'îived at Xurtil Bay, uviere lie Met atraiglit uîuiit-rs,$4.70 te $4.90; du., fl l'o' lte a-t var hos <ii uictaot'tiflie 'Baiuît"ant tu î'o enîlebags. 82.20 te 82.35. Rolteti oats-ltaî- $25,ltheitl)i).tl'érhows autit li(tti ustti (if l- e ru "Broi adteo" rang,,. 84.60 te $4.55; ha-g of 1golbs. agi'(: wts lîîsoti le fi)i îîcreuse te Warrient. TeiBaon duicet $2,121b t 8 2.16. Slillfed-lran, $23;. ýP, homeillim'.shorts. 925; mîidlangLq, $8; moullie. $28 î'oneunîîuîon ofait'uiiolic lqUote. itaku' Ruun te hîanid oî'er $550 as an gevi-102.hay o.2lirtncrlt. titis î'11îîrol istu e15littlofutgIi- tctifaith, andi Rie-ten- $14 te $15,50. Chýee-Fînttcswesterns, îtrîiperIty. floi' titi' htiuîguiururuu hti tuier thal then qitietly purchaseti a $6,000 ,-i 10 121c: do., eastemn. 111 fi) 121<'. î.iiu:et'tla iuttu 1.e0>îî1ar1f'n.a arnr ea tter-Choices r'teanue.ry. 23 te 238u'; dic'ae c'Lttug Iiai 'e e Warren, scnl 2li't -u. Egt,'-Freet, '1i ther 1--Liuct.4 l ectu eaN utre. il tri tt'epuinîig $5,00 down. Obinti the bar- te1024c'; seiccted, '26 ta2'7c'No,. 1 iu' ,lier 4cun ulgiiuillat 1tj rd gain. Rtiut inwaa introduced t t is bgcar 2.lo..h$1,0 22c$..)0,-o'e--li llots, 91.05 ttil$1 20 viu-iusIn ,.IS74 tuiàiS99. new duttiea. -buttbecamne auspicioua .A tiscutiîîagitgtg i-ure us4uIle anditicrt'semloyr arrest. United StatieMarkes.u ia teewcnseutitltuito t if slînts, î'îî-'tan aue heemlye' Mtnetupolis. AMitun. Sitiy l.-tiiîi t'ads wttu utulorcuto'tf i,2ut7,0(tit gui- Police Magistrale Broubie convit't-ed l Da, iOcm July. COIcI- No. i1liard trî' le;ieii.i seuconduîî, ivl ittt-002-000gai- lte "Baî'on' cf frauti anti remand- No. 1 Northern, 92lu'1v0teli4l'; Nu,.m 1 tt1 Le. 'i ietc uî'u i'i lt1.0.0t Norîliehît. 92îc. Coîi-No. 3 yeiiiill', uttlI ltltitiitttid hlm for sentence. te 1067e.'. ale-No. 3 wuhte, 3Sth t0 of oiliiltl iii fl ,, 'iiu'li;i.'f nIltîi le dinkualu tulthi' iii,...%la Ilýle w18 lilr Ile vüjjjgý fq* , fenty t Jern anaianfarming 1 bard, 841cm No., 1 Norulucun. '.131cmNo. Ji<ili3 iiitrîîîsîu illi, 1;ftun tîtti' he <'Baroi," oly to find 2 Northera, 921c'; Jul>', .31 10 931<'. [An- ,'tittt' i' ttie' uiti'r- I h t, fott __sed c sh $ .6 j;____1.7à flite hv itîyr ttî girls otutîer 1.5 ar tif cge, tittle had been duped. scicoei ah 1 6mJi.$S1 - uti iiîlii'ti ttltti tur.Il uituuy hi' ls- Live Stock Markes. s4utite tttuat Iituýi g h i'l ni~ ie ~ "~"rot, lt> i-aleCoc iîî'tuui'1uî'tit u. ' -, ' iiutt-bulchers, 97. 90 iii $.35; gIoti, *7i. 90 ii nle itîîlu Itig1C.ile' itî1sî .1'n . MiIL WA1N11RGlIT l)LAh $8.25; comnîntu touve. $5 lu552; ranl- iî-rigu i'ili. 2,S02iliuu-rî ii tut lti ers a-dTitieatr"s, $3.60 lii $4; chouce itt-il wî'tt'i *Ii'liiit'ti tii li ,d tii 1 :1i-m---fat couva, $6.50 lu $7.25; ulîtule bulle. hlitu tuiatIWtl- iîi iutt'ut-is ll.i lif 'r Oiclîemi f G IlP-' PlI'uS $7 te $7,50. tuih'I ie dwii 'titlitsIitute i PuI.- "t"1 Awaîy aI AtIlatic'Cily. Cal%-es-(ilotiîeai. $8,756e 10:;ctoint. u-î"u tit li t1g lu e e n î-îîîuu.i i'. it'. 1 'mon. $4.75 10 $7. di. .Suvalitttutcutîî'îtl t.ru'îîrt t 'A despatel i fr-u-aMontmeal aaya:- tackers iandti lr;Stee sot n14tIFthei tii't'uiie ihtt t20 )(,-dwa icevedlir Ftey » 00iiis.$.2 t 7.0tifdqu tii' iliiiiI Un 'itedî'u îit1g0Iiioit 1ý'11,0i1Wo i'< ()'e-i:dler rdy<f 113'.700 t1 0 1)1 Iouruds, $7 1< 97.60; liglitî îuî liti týi- ',, tf at' ituill 1taii lii' e-,bat Atla-ntic City of Mr. $6.25 te 87.25. 1110i t'- Stitcp ant i itmb-itgbl cwes, $6. 50 cui',hltgriittt' ifli' tiit Wfll. W'ainwmglit, senuior' vicepresi- 1t9; o e $5,*.75 10 96.26; Iîucks., letlt'.tti ii tii - mT'itheiîtnt- aluit'tuuîltvGré, 1uk n Gan $6-76 1u $8.26: Sirlng latiaits. t'tuich, $t (1111, it ; llLlid"ý 111 let fl! he.raýiýc ICunkandGrad t $10; yearling hembm,.$99 b' 99. ii.uit iit g %v- rutai-et1ut' ipr-iftiislti - i'r Tu'iink-Pa-t'fie I1ailways. Mr'. Wnîln- u'th 75e item hcud deductoti form allte t-ti-ttî u it iai'iutiri t-rt t iti-t'womat'4!- * aebocik latabe. îler, utt tI' îruttttZ.t lt ~ u~~ tj înigîtw ~~ s ~3'uta-'c ~ Hoga-'r'9.40, ted anti tiatereti, $1.60, -ot onCi iii' it-t-:-)u-luîtlit'- lttiid ltiad been cî'itically ilI fuir a Mo-'th off cars: $8, . tb, 'î'îîuitgitîtii. hut i o .1 lii'frontîînetitralgia in-t-ho hcead and. Itefotreat. lii' 1- rne io-e ftiI t ti'i'i'i'i iii u tiitl4.il oitr'ti. i tn ut )inpl.iationr-. H e bati gune I-o the srprte 7 081;m uiîî l uie:7t1' mutu4h îtî'îe th- i al'lý,l 'î'e Jrse' esottua rupe't't.. Cows. -35ti $80i each; tratues. I b3tac; Prince o! Waleu lu a Sport. Eh'ti-5 <lt' N; SI)Iilg lituis.$4 t10$$; I l'ltliiii ite utt111il-t i rtit:tIl lia.ss eernin bis condlititon. arrange-______ - titi ttîtîr J14t.- i 1 - tl!lt t lîu ut ilt it1i) mont s la in e-utnmadie te hi ing-M r. titit iii1iut i', ttliitt i liîiîî'iglut hoite. Seveî'al of bis '" 3 "18F l"i I" i a itutu tii trgtî t idi at.u -itttrirela-ies uere withbItin ûte centi. loitftiti ttil touttli" i ttlî'u -tu ii i tintu'git ai. e --11le t 1 'itIui- tu-m iii tht l*i tti' -m'iiiii-'.tas Mu. \Vaiuîswîight hbuI.dbe-en tiIt Mgsrle Iî('naiel o Mt uiitil htitiir rituiliit' , uttieI -i- tlitè (J'rand Tî'unk pracically front ix-Luaiple eutFirttt ('milpîit. tt-t, fotit htue 1'ittht i> l t11i siititci titiî D4 141l-1it- incepioa,,-and, 1.cing popular A despatc-h front Stralford says: tdhin<cIi itut' iii.11.%'rc il ht uia 'îitl meni cf a-il partiesi at Ottawva, Wiliams Abrahamt, a leanMt-er, tins ts"uiy. lii'-îtîîcIce tt'f itimii itte h wias entitîcted îitli the i'uiati's this momning sentened b3'. Ma-gis- SItit'ttlie le a gutuî-titai, utu inlereet tan iia-Items fua-t came lie- raI-c Oloane in the Police C'ourt Vo tîiîuieuiittî iilt ch & gu!ti e utlus lmfore Plamret. ten monîha la the Ontanio Reforma- fitthLeu. whig cati huldl itstit i rn it niug i ho 1itest it a mshitlgun; atitl t xfordthetti A native uf Laneuxabire, England, tory for bhc theft of a b-orse-clipper prince tîuýuil ii tîouruuugfurtballu, aodlue entct'ed the gservice o!fVte Man- <rom the stable cf te-c MeLeeti Miil- t-rtuc-'tiuury nnug. iiuring hie vii-t tut Ntirwiu3 ie t-ie isl tilit eskluutg. ichester, Shteffielti anti Lincolinshire ing Compatiy. He phendet i guîlty. Th'let u':utilitirerak titutue ut tt5otf Raiiu-ay, resigning in 1862 'lb corne <tPherets going 10 lie a cieaa-up -of h ut eî'u'uînîîuiuI11tiîuîit; fli tIis fildtId Ihe t tuuîîî't tles maptîgu t ihe'ung lta.lia-leusVoCnaa.He oninen-eti work as jo-st suei as you," saidth Ie Magis-- is' teilsuitiletl wit elietîre utin a clerk with the Grand Truak Rail- trate, la paFzilng sentence. <'Unfor- aummbte cottages tueT atssI Pad.. way ý:and rose successiveiy le the Iunately for younseif yeuî bappen le - G IN P L~I.S - anc lielievedti l have been tii'w-ned. Irs Gin Pilla act dîrectly on Iluese vital A ateýantPb>ycIa seaer iu-nk onc orizaJs-correct ail dseae-n otralize Wtasiyb tae aB-se ueaid-pumify tlieblood-re leve the ' aa I iemx en ov t irtn and rcdîuce eweil-ag lui haads and anti 16 rsaveti. fee. ~e. bo 6for $2.50. At ail deatr or sent on. racaipt o! price. 'Simple free if yDu mentionî this papcr. 15 Hec'l)o yu play a'hy intru.- ut ATINALuSGAmD CUEMSCA 0 O F CAN4ADA WuMME. * TOO . mertV" Peck (-radly)-ttOnby sc- hall agie, But! Papntais B Have, $100-o00,000 ln thg Banik k1bouit ii cent. f thé, t9tal-' swers are con.dered, rem.ôaàbI y re. vau fti. ,fùrnm ýproperVyý in,0' en vie*thMiiorgag4s age rmnz of Hon. Jovme4 8. ýDuff, Miuter of âs being >romnptiy met. A prapor. Agriculture, for thé year Just paa-, tion of the rnortgages, it is ascer- Md. Thia conelusion le arrivedata ained, have been taken te. enable a reult o! a canvassïundertaken bIy speculation in western reat .otate. the thirty-EeVen repreentativee of With règnrd- to' dç"loe- , it iii the Departanent, who found't'h-at 4b stated that tie.e havé materially per-cent.* of the ferms were mort- increased ini receùt yeari. Oné; gaged, *.nd cn-hr ol-b. a' cou ty estimakes a 20 to 30 per cent., fair estîmate of the âarount of the incriase; aflother 70 t694Yprl.C -I<; nortg&gës. ._' another 75 per cent. No accuriLte This financial survey o! fsrm ou>- figures can i, e given cof the. total ditiong, a&,- ft,,Might be callcd, is &II amount of farinera' depoits, but innovation'in the annuaàl report, and f rom estiumates furnished f rom the information was ascertained tinder different counties, 1V is &wiumel téhat the following heads : <1) The percen- the fariner& of &Ota&iohave one- tage of ferms mortgaged, per ceint. hundred mifllion dollars et their of inertga.ges.iîn value ci farina, and credit. To show ýhat' this la nut an whether increaaing or decreaaing; exaggcra<tec sum, 1V 18 point4X out (2) the extenti of deposits by farm- that the farm wealàh-of the Pro- ers in ea;vings batiks; 43) th~e extent vince ia valued at $1,405,950,940. cf the démnand onthe part of farin" The dexnand for leans dees iot> ers for Jeans; (4) rate cf interest~ appear te have been lteavy -during paid on both long and *hort-date the past year. The intereet, rate loans; (5) whether the bainé arc on varied f rom 51/g te 7 per cent. on the Purebhasing oL land only or are long leans and f romn 7 tà 8 and per- for financing farm operatiions., haps 10 per cent. in te newer dis- Bankers, business men, lawyera, tricts <-en short-date boans. registry oMce officiais and promi-' Theee f*cte are interprct'ed by the nent farinera wero relied on foi- the departînent as having an ouptihnistic information gathered, and the;,an- tome. THE SICILY EARTHQUAKE TRACEDY Mount Aetna i This photog.maph shows the Sicil lageti were wiped out. 1ME NEWfS IN A PARAGRAPHj 111E 0, 1.011E RN à 1îi UTSU1EIL. Con:îd:i,(bile rE,îilrc ant i lie ,Vnr1d Lu C(ener.al iheforo 100F J.S. Jaitnie.îîon, 'M. A., fias rcign- ed ithe prinî'ipaiehii<if thle Morris- lîur.- ('ol)legia-te Instittit,<; afler 31 Owe'n Sounîd ivîiii vote <on .1 il on hy-iaws to nid a dr'y dock andi shipping cnpanthe Untiton Ce- ment Co., andth ie ('anadla Xeîet Co. A. Bell andi J. Ilickei.ing, car in- spectons, were dr4oîî%nel liy the up- .wetîing -of t-heu' Ijoat in thie rapid current at W~hite River, Poîrt Ar- thuir. Mme. Alfred Smiti of OvînmSoiin4d- wns liorrified i tanwak;îîg in tîeý ntorning tio finîd lier lit-île tlireti- tîxont.hs-ild infant Joladl in the be'< be.eide liter~ The mtta 1ritereliarts o! Prince Ai- hert, t5agl., f'tiiîw'iuîg lte ber iof Regina and Mouse Jaw, fa-vr puît- ting- fc'ward thedclwks une hîîum frjnt Ju110 lit Septembei'. Thrteai'tinin g te rob severai of tuie cityts stores tnies, they are gis <n îvork, the unemploiyed of E<lmontîin 'ire- about ta hive tîp to onet' <iftlhtit' miotto)Ctt -Work, star e or eleal.'- Çlîief of Police Aif, t'tîddy, o! Caigary, la being ud by the local lbodge (if the Chijiese Ma-sotie Or-dem for $1,000 for raiding thieir premises on thc -thcony thatit ilwns a gaint- bling hotîse. Great Bî'itain. Referring to the desire o! Bristol to- hold an all-Canadian exhibition, extending over four nionth-s, in 1i16, the I.bndon Financial Tinies appreves of the genemal idea, but would 11#e ià in London. IV la inàerstood, according to the London Standard, t-bat Sir Edward G'rey advises tliat no use! uh purpose will lie aerved by Souîth Anterican inediators imb Mexie.o's il, and< that he wiil indicate tut, the' cabinet a ine o! policy whic'l will gtt far te) minijnize tthc pos2ibillity ut! firtiier bloodglieti. - t',d lStateg. Uta-h. CluJ-argea tif arsuTI, inunipr, tîîan- shaughîer anti larceny againal Major l'a-brick' J., Hanm-eck o! t-be laI-Re-gi-- meunt, Cokorad.e- National Gu-ard,l tiere filetiluefofe a genemni court- itiambial at Denvîer, n 'etiling fnom thue ecent strike %nir. -Sua gret- as the crtu'i te view Itc catafalqme, coabaining the bodiy of one o! hue xmarines killet inl Vera Cruz lanlte- ttîntiao! the muni- cipal building a-t Chicago, that scores o! wollien fainteti, whlie men, ca-mglutlaWVte Em.i.thering pre, criec for air. Geuteral. The Mexican c'rLsevuued plcdon the i I'S yearu, Invei iluy turne aftee -' tigelars' ad - 1, securîtîiso! th, ,Io years ago.1 mna le wlthdraw tl4ly Yra5td on - - Consumeri To Eoonoml t.Thlis hOM.%E TRADZ'ÇattlOgeU5lnpub' Ilicti by hluttd'ed5 of Progteé5slYO letil !uleprchanlii un a unîte.d- effort ta giveD - ' their ustomera lower pnices -on,'thte - td hey buy. il lista thoucituidao! accesai'> tî rtileii" Of- iuerehandtmO ut -- inmy uMavi'ng prîces. Thene imarchants are preparod 10 gîve yott ersonal Mail Order - r ServXe The kînti of, service Il la ImpossIble 10 recetve-thrugh an>' other means~'i-bey 1 will lîandle yquî' orders, look afbter ahip- triente, adjust' rontplaints, if any ariae, andi atIthe ca-motlime iavreyou Mîtldîs- nîan'.a profils, mince ihîey Bisy Direct f rorn Factory Wthen you buy HOME TRADE merchatîdîstu yn have the satisfaction Of tingwlins tuaI you are recelvlng the ttiwe.l.îtt.-itsibie priceit consistent wlth gooti cuality. - You gel bite latestinii every Unte anti wli l e deligitted With, the npleuttitt quathty antivalue recelveti. - You 'ýCannuot Lose on HOME TRADI Goods HOMEV TRADU1 Catalogue gootis are gurît'auiteed' 10 givé satisfaclioiL. Mont>' efunte iet hout quesîtionu tetin nt atieficti. flake the liOIIE iRADE Catalogue-Your B u y i n g Oulde. lte hME 'M'lADE Catlalogue inîcaris Wconomy anti abuolutei gali.faetiou fou yourmeif. a-ad benelît ta youî' ltit:Iu'.- iil'y AT Hit There is a HOME TRADE Nerchant Near VOU. This Traae Mark Assures- Consmîmîras' atisfaction, Botter good. at bowar prices. Kigitist Porsonal rve ziffîolency. Prospirity of TLocal District.'- maitwili itnd themmetvee liard premse4 Commen on Evntene "Il; -_,1_.._ 1 f treed ta remnalrî lit Mexico for an W _________- gtlitor tUrnde, Along the coast of AGyrouopieCar, Mlh ~exico, ee;îeclaly at Vera Cruz, the hu- car ket n tI»midity lm terribly opprêsile. Jnland A tw",-whteled riotor'ta' <p the hiurrîtdtty decroasiÇu. but lthe At in- uiprgliht pomlttion tiy the ume of a g"r'i«- crpaiies,. 'ralied igojilra tof the regular - stote, lbam been ('l ft'ititnd 1.9 low iWrrnlY, arcusîiomed to carnp Ufe, would - etrig experlimerited i wth to $ce if t c lie able t'î withotand tlie harometrie colt- lie rade available lni practice for ordin- dItIone îfthe doamit and the heàt of the ary uiwe. It le orly îîecttsIr3 10COil s un, but înemnbeseof lite National Cluard' pare thue bicycle wlth flhe tricycle to of the varioue inlatl would ttdoubtedly, - îeaIZlie matfl'iltages Oif two wNNheeiff le liard pressed If-ordered on long in- ___________________________ o ver tibret' or more. EvcrybodV, knows land mnarches In-Mexico. that te bicycle can lbu.jîropeled with £EoyRa o m lems power and at greater speeti. hat i e true of thît machines whlclt clepend i The name or ifgeb Do)minli senater o n humait muscles lei equaiiy Irue fer, who ham Introduced a bll* makIng. tlp- Wtîtose whie li deîî?.nd on ail engitte. Thle piitg a itisdeneatior wiii lie' anathçnia i4ingie track mnachtine offert ait sorte oftif10the large 'antd flourlshllng dde'or n Eriiption. delightfui 1osibiliitiestc tomottjirimte.lit J<iight5 <if the Itching Pl'a-n. Pulinan volcno i action.Seveal vl- cuitigo trer altit nt field pallie ai- Porters îî'ill leave hie bertî to lte last tla ca n inato.Sva i-togetheeta' barred to .the lordirîary moto'*, anti look the other way whien lie denires and liit new couint'-ies. espt.cially where a iI 2 i3hoe thines ¶ ilI gaze at hifî - ina-ny and beautifuiiy constructed i hgit unttouimycd footwear witiî contempt andi iroads a-syet are Dot, It would clie impiy the' wtîiers will sert. hlm %vith cold Tampico and the rebels; are in com- tnvaiuabie, it wouid Ihave ail the' ad- 5<>ti). Many luines xhul lihe presu the inand. vantages ln flic way of- stie undi ex- ltiittoii boforeth ie bell hop responds. peonseeof running which the inotor ucce tatd the. Piltgrlfi PIrogrefs was a lileaa- An anti-inilitarist, who is a nien-- Ilewpossessetl oer tlie <inotot' cul, antitire tirlît comîîareîl 10 the discornforta th1 "rsresa e ofar as can bc seti. nioue of the dis- an itt înoyances lie will lie, calleti upon ber oif team eere sal advl'tatge..Il, 1laiitamd Ihat liit ies to ituffer. Major ('orreia te cleath in a street tway 'alinet entirely wlîh lite danger- à Dilpicable Oui. iii Covil-hao, Porutgal. sîtidiers o')îftakng a curve at a high rte of Tlitre- lme nolltlng meanler, nothing spc-ci, mince the thing lImpoibt44tle with a moreeut tcirly tieeîîicable thail 10 batteut raidIedithe prison and ly'ncltîd hint. Kyi-tiscope e o toupiet ILTlereinbc dit he chalnr"-çllsc'overed wcltnemu of a A frindlyMexiaît anîy ffxcr fOiîCriiît-O<t wîll bue atchi dwti lte tthe' n0iori oîiae face publie ex- lias itîfornied G'en4'ral PunitIon that grpa.ttcct iîitecremit. îjitietî'e (fof tuu'secret-' elii. emlecialFY Kee my îirderera irnprisoned iluf Daw~ Iitti that exposUte must Ilîtolve othema. 'veny iiifr t d. .Thett> i'uniiitr eone- of the inoiqt tom- btle priýs4on of Sait Juan (Je UlîtaIltcit ii rîirîi lcn r' il.c'ug'.I" litiei îîi %Ycre reieas-eilby iist.ike lîy lte *1111Iitii itîtotu-r aichet! catiactuat- ntutu mak(ir îe tan abmstlute lbell upon Ameicas.ly bli tiade froin the Soya huait litoUlea'tit if onte lie hamsctes. 'J'le only Tue llan mertuvu~îîa h-. t p" icilaice oftif e tu cu. 'Tilis hcaflPrtetctiontiit.niait tir* womran ibas under t -- lln ticit4.)itiiiaiar and g iiuit c t heii't-ti' ef jCi iii ntn'e lO at o<nue take ri% ing at St. Johns, N fld. , frint ~;"lc of ililit -anîd Itelite ('011911t-he Iiiatt'ýrtg)ih@i ol ice and trust 10 wla'ot f 'aetiri "'aidc rteiltet whelltcthiit. lit titei' înlafilPt* mnust lie ar- Gi-gow, reports the «woers;t condi- lit oc1ucý-ýiegtî' 1 r. ile otî:t'nece"'sary Io af iti'trii 'h"aich1t.e1.4rthecluor înay lionts rcgat'ding thetnimbe r and tsize acd . etilue 'aie,.a a loii* SuI;Lt t' ittiti fthe 11-clru fi' lte piiîaclîtîlir l cor B tekIci tig calîi ortihe sc' 'va. if W aI. e- tee11l ill -fig~iît liîat'l it tand malte if iebegs fonitheGraîd 1'~ tît caeltuni'lit soy biit, aIL Iiîiitowîedge iax public as îpossible, "-ver t'xper'tenced by anybu'd: y ossîoithY Moitit' iîtlitttLlg i<iî>iui]iiTt timn m i e quite tnnrccitt of ai] btoard. -tltttotitiigha raii'ctiIii't ' Ir. but Ile <Id sca>'itig that there le No'if co.o:' t'Vl fluîy ltiio ci' ea ý< J iiii0 W11tlîu ti îlte tire Iiiusually _____o -Iu, htal e rlsfrl, 'iîuoted agaiietl huit. In any casce lie - 1 1 N G T A N S 1 1 1 - At r i t r a o u t a t iasO. i i i i ' i i c i f e g o f a c e 1 h t ' r o c as - r, x a i n n a t i o n I"L INL~I'A N S il iAh - liiun îltîI he tiiti t011 ( 'Lo i tii- c rCutisel fou lte def'Itd twhlch -- "utIt'ic aId ()f tt'eî'atiolltîi tilde i" îtu'tttabttî'ruin hic retitation andi ili îd 40-1Pou îul Boy, tCai' 411(11, î ;t'iiiihelflt e ~tliiuritir ilace ougit lîlast lit.-; chýtî rt' 1cr. lie cen ni/rtîen bu1t10 thetAir. il'lChair lit, te pjtî'ni foi-i' oeit'>'lie l, 111e;tr-u, a vic. 1h10 lii' .~ir.The New Gov.rnor-Gencral' l till (f a.'Iintîpiabtt' ur, but lie iîa cocrn- n à ggil I ed i lie gica ;tr(.tot fi'aIl iiît ' Inlie i- A d~p-ttlt <ro L ti-or e-î Il.l-ioftiili!ai itttiiy.t Iil ltC ltig fou titi out i. -' lîttîtl liai-c' b1eî'îî M. Baclielet' s f1ving trailin tiusi 1< ifîtiiîtgi a o i" Iitt'lctral lili'Euitl îii ul(oîl iv'a to-eat-tract at tenltin. M. Bachelet 'i1tînn e Lvliý, e"te l Qsn-ca3id Jourrialilts liaîvicJuat becît con- wîtîind tp a drttîîtîîst ratio)n-of hie bothr il' qlieit l e-y rilu-.it'ztlîitiilietl. 'l'lese til i Pt t l irifîlm ietition by lifting a boy i nto ftue der 1le Ici rîîv 'lta i'lit 1)e tYal 'iteit ut e0lci't'nt'ti Jii lte iei tente tuti îat- îi'îqeneeruîtcit f- itr ri..<tii iule tlia.c l 11trio ttd ii litali ntiiuu b>'ofi't la-tv fiv y tq id îîIgiirlgý w-rt it 1Il ( , ii tae4y laCît ii'ii'or i tl t tii' l t jitîb ii l i i , lu ey tt' ittt i tt itad a certain te 1uoiliiîds. iat ini a w itker cita i r.flitvlt i ticetii tc Il t -itOcatî. initir iu i'i ttait>' afft'cted the ; tît' govc(i'îttl'l-gciî'ill. Tlit i' ' oIe'tO ItiS stiýlliiig tif tlleit" "gitîitîc" l lut le coin- B-helct switelîid n t- he <'tr- . 1.', 4 . iiu uni.iIl i 't Il Unit>-. 'rtîrc-i ceu'tîîutl .ait e e relit, andîid II', chair'a nd boty ", elea -li rut îgî'r :and t:îI siai itiIClIIi' n pertirwhitîi tilr, tsi foutu -or frmtn t-it' c'-ouaatnd remained s vîr 'ý..tita fsî itîe etC'ii 'I ictîlI pored n hiairin1,iliin t lip tf'oiii' ti(f ryalii i'i. 'hat Wit nAîta. lîkecffc4. Tti' iît ' ~îcsc-gc'aind are 01rt tbforgi't tuaI h"ilig royalt, i(l " I N PCFC lik- cýfc4t. he ttil býiih.' ttt i unian' 1i1 jiaiiped w luth lie w a s siddîî 13liythe 1Pi-i iîse A f\lleNt îutiotf'i'îi 'itti-- ji'ked ii 1îwards, luit tq iiick i y broke prtiinces.te.4. ni' tht'inetityI lic iiG i r iîi Paisi f. VtI il:y -' e iiuto Ttntlt's and tttiiîil.<iptt{lirtali i le'triett. Sltcle Ile iterîc' lit Deaîlly Sîîglî lui-cs i'tiil' as Ilit t.fi i'.,t pL tti"J Urf th'reigiing dukt'tf a t.orbiiiî and'ti titlia an itt r sit uttli tin f Itit 'Qiui i : ' l'ui .<î~k i î' er Ilit .1 ilying ta il. Thelu e t(i or' Itic il t t , lit-r t' hiier Nwtîc ilit'- Zs Si l i cIr %%-eiglis niglittvinpi iii id-,.s. t -lat .IiSt diiti f the ltie Q i 'coî 'itnJ a i'l lHnîîit thet4'11 %%iii -cight liftlecl Il-ttc toi il'a tri, tti i t .1a~îtiîîîc pa i iTe-a,~- ttat es .9 1 c .-ole i' w1t eN01011'ait its niii' ing det-ti le'di 2Ila.ie ____W;14 -siti 11RI'A I N 1'.A N'IS REA RATION. ie tA is 'uea li'îcifti i rorla ignfe-p tio 1'1goc gitutandi Won hl u,tt i Ie us juels tîgi.'h'dp40.o Il'gbh tatttigîoi-loItiîtng.T iirttseto W-iltwe d'.'plcre eii 'tV s depIlifr' litWasliiîîgt*o n tmsutlrnileottrgaitzlttg rtbilitV ite cytli'a The case <if Wiiliani S. I)cnt<un, lthe' arloums ttles vilt'h 1hae failei lii huit g i t etn-îc.sa mince King t;.eorre's aiî,cessloù nmalle h ttitat in t-he future -ther-e wriM' be British stîljeot killied iilJluLi'tZ. brother-Iiîî jtW -to lite Kl'ii. fli lbas mreaîî'r atut more terrible -zstîIvîui- booms ihreaten-iýngly <>n the Consti- 1,tt'ui ittriti iitie 3'ctii'-amii-lias twOg tuti nali t ho izon G r nt B ita 'îîPît11 reî. 'î'îus Iaiitiii, gî'ue a royal a-tous haîtili the paet. Th-2. Pa-cifi e tutiinalet orizn. G'ea Briainyouin.r totîiple 'as 'eprerseiîltih't'of lu" j. lite meieting groitnd, o~t f na. ha.s annottnced that -it will exact King. Thcy wiili e u'ery welcome.» adeqîtate repara.tion for titis event . IZoxican Wsatber. titin,:.. but o f continents, andi- hero as SoIi asa resportsihulity can lib Titixioa mean average lenipera- nuigib be decided whet}iei Asiatics tlrîI -of 85 dîegî"'em us usual. antitd t' or Etii pas shah1gîidth de- fixcd tîpon authorities front whom 1îîith ie rtiidtcrls of -the North, who bticli reutatatioli cati lic de-maiîded. utave iieen accustomnell tea variable ell-tioy, <AifIis planeLt!' HIA MITON FAC'1OHIES 11['SY. Severml uf'hein ]lave Staried (o wlor~k Oveu'tînie. Adespa-icîtfront Hamilttîa saya h -Sevutial of I-lue large east <'titima-nu- faclurm'ng e-încerns Bave sbauted tu wtrk o'steîtiune. The officials o! the Slu'ei -('4'rnha-ny *of Gana-da repo-rt tîtut bettiness is Pickiuîg lp, -and tey expt'cl tri ha'-e Ilium plant working aI fu capaciI-y again soon .. Thux C:aîaditini \estinglboueComn- pany a]to trs imp'roved coadi- )ION'l'lEAILPOLIC'FORCE. 'hîro Ilîîidied ('oumietîbles a-ad Ten I)electits 1111'ih le Âdded. A tieabatclh fi-'ont Montreal says: li-t bimdred adulitional police con- cIa-des an--eutti eteetives, at a cost for the nest cf thte 3ear o! $126,572, are tmlie atided ti once to the Mont-, mca-h fore-e. Chie! 'C-ampeatt, gela $1,000 inerea-se in sala-ty ani an aîîtamrilICfor Ilus cuva tise. Thie iras ds-clulet on Wedtmeeday by te 1Boa id of CoaîtroL " '--q lu - -I And now for the Springclean-up. You'si'ill find Rarnaay's P.int lte litatietl helper you ever cnployed. Outdoors ant inl, il wilil malthings glislett li tew. For evcry purpose tere Io a Ppeciai Ramseay finish, and ln ei'cry--can of -Ramsay,'o Paint ltent Io the itteal conhinatlon of holuist, timne-tricti materLlt ant iuoern sclcittifie nethode cofumachtine mizing, Ramnsy* 1'ainttî viii mot fait yoit. The Jocat Ramsay tictler witl tilve yoit àpii'ndlii seMrvi andieuggciqtinoe or, write direct to tht faclory for interctinz piaiîtalittrltaI willi lut 1 soire your paint problcins. A. RAMSÂY & SON CO (Etabiliched 1842) MONTREAL, Que.- Ne reformer, tasw about efficieney, urgall thoti than H. ýG. Wells, -noî-elist and former 1 hliuai- droppet i iiüld, iii meady te jîîntp ou1hý -gustl is a bumeaucratiý -t LteadIa tua ncI-ing im] capable can >-prale t qpiekenediainto -b]e's are aifi'ia Keenties3, insýigit, grasl ,witlitilhlt-tfdi" coùî;, îS î iekw1ickekan. g e n t - p , t.ts <n U s r p éather tffiiiur'a>lîant reai kinti. Ttimt -dtiltî, biîreauntîate cannot ficienc'u' iii acli-niStrat evitient. The pculnl,. 'lInatt ene keeiî, bi'a-d ficieaey etof a lama-e tiinary suboditatitu -for efficiene'y l~fi Vlmtt tu cures, 'cheÀr-;sarmnn qitm.' indolente-' tive'11nt1J îeîpmst l-Op wIb simîple ni plish won-deh'c iit i af -Tt'fa-ct le, effiî'ncý's' t gan I-hanittlnli'. nia- result iii %i îd cl-as andiut'îrtaiua Fi f ihi Avenuue i the- ltp t.h ittu tii f L-miçi 15,31tOI,tkt.<Es'i'tl ale-ir i an iu î -n Muexicoî. FI. I' îî-1îîy y cIiatîsýî'eti'a.n'd i -n sul teu c pmita r- Î ip-tu tlVethiley have takex n la _Public affain-t. The e - -elildtini a umong Itue 1mis nia-ted a't -tîi .îcagm 50 per cent- Vie wli-e ra.mm i lu o cent anad hua the 'ch, coint u thieir Spa-nuj <arcies: T-ie large.n par ulautioCn la lu bu fouind-il ern ia2f-ef.-tibia Repubuul t -be arid cotnditioia prev numntth'. ; jhe elirmîtte on plains I titealI.,ailt .Crpz has e. large >Pýp safo euiait- c-nbe il Educa.inal, i;i.dusinriaI commrncial, tatilii i-a responsibility'uruapa îng atnlnu-rain l w<V&Sonce, cniu2uwaiehiefi. kztce anti- Ctimiual lun 11111213:o! the 1ieaderis -f n Loha-v. sei-um« f vm tnunera;tivé -empîc$'nent £tunity fer lie lIIprucýemz 'condittion are t-deel op im -rrte !tlîc two poireC -The RjuLIic cf Mexi cally dividex'ta îii, - era.l aind tlhre terri Stts're Écetràâlsui to dïstiicts andtÈitihenei palities. r - Eve ry - ia-n La abovei %-u~ ~ cor-dinst'ô. bis own1 S 0F ONTARIO NOTES AND-COll Ours~ ls.aniage .f xj Sit m ust , ý a d mr itt e d t] SipeLifc and (Opetýi t i n h . b e e ri r ia t b e r 1 ing. Jt lsa ut-cord-ng ' eeii nin mmnyre .' quantiîy o! th:, ga ii manLtetîrraPackei chants. (o lrinig hume ma-i theea nd amicoz simple life, 'o! , à reliai Everytlî;ig 'ta-t irtgen- uis aL hi.a disp'otal, wlieth Vo p1aý, éor re-t iyi the wo od,- forest, farm-how eré'.Iog ca-biui. ThT vi v ned anti other f, hlm_-le astoniwhixig,' 'ML ments -are madee !br lusi fit, Saothat evei_,irnthet dernessho neeti rot ýùf ifthte pheature -oi monioua s,:ouriti, Suît, as bondira criti re-ally 4he miniple lite 1. ýwhp carrnes with hnu coiitfomts, luxîuriele and turn te nature" ?- The * extra4Ardnary comîplem for wi-igm, the ediibitii -' l aliw.~teiri6ly expei 0imple lifý 6peilsharc sge-l-<Ieniu1-.. However, - hngtp go-to t.he etü tarins, eit>hcr for play moi'etnent' which'takek eut int.< the open, wi ileteuVograss, tree-s,. -fiowers, birds, blue a] mountairi'ss 's a mojvte serves etif-ouralgemen, trihutes tt;lîealt'h of!

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