Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 28 May 1914, p. 3

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e1a, nteofo the -wood thrush, and, üfýr~e due proceseof! oraery .U UU wIýU k~ei~ei ,ens, 4&se4er nd p- When Bobby Was Absent. gptemt before a lice of $re4 !isMe oishce rie'd potato cakes, &-stack Yo 'Te late again," "iad Mie$ 4 wio~>pa bwl ! o~tmala Gava, a B-cbby came into the 4À wheo!.ate, aeggso oet., a kindsrgzrten, carrying hý.a lunch, plieroffrid ggo ec-ý 8 WTtYbaket. "Nvjê ou'-IÈU $îu n t bit ,d'note the-se <Laya. Our fierve or- with the chidren," eue ea.,d. "Yeu gaulostion ro-quites tiline for proë- muet go over thore ansi.tini the Par aaon to noeebthe iIy-exigen- cve. B-bylooiced longingly at hiei ciesa It haî to be'wrmied up. e.nd !réndàs' wbo wére ait ting round the, ,canud go cold to 16 w4>ik. It sýug- cirele, 'i ih e nt bravely Ove! to t'O te appetite that a bit -of a chair ù,-r0kr thie> wa. a *t,& Olt beoiled egg, and a cuP "And wh}ile you'.re aitting there, of colffee. will repreteDnb eufficlenecy Bobby," Miss Gravea wesit on, *nd kindneas to the interior e0ono ji»t hink liow often you've been - Bobby Bat down. Hle was not thie Therefore 'when, e, Frenchi man" of umallest boy in - the kidergartefl, ,10 wLth semng ogc eysbut in regard to work, hoe eemxed ' WZEifl, ihseis1gc"Y to be thie "baby"-o1 the .choo>c. He à tiat the heevy work o! desul nw&g nearly five.yearà Q14, -but ho 4cugh ob honuo Ae rettted could not do so many thiinge S 4igeaive organe and1 tLt confie. Freddy Turner, who had not pas7 quenfly the, "heavy iel" POf theçd hie fourth.rt'dy day oughbt o -ie.'eaten eariy in thie lne loeA lm eachrM rnrnn e(r.arFe»lanci 11«efedb unhappy when mori#ng. e repy iâ h6 êôrv he sala th-£in la nct py at4nf- ig pl*nliblç but in orror. Dzgetive tiçn, Hçw coulà any iie boy pay .-rasmay-tbe rested In the omern- nkten'ti, o i > tjs h ie .111dnok un ing,blut theqare nol wea 'orZwhi %ewee.om wcik, x'~pt~ tie aseofthe~~<~ nteresting things Iappenlng ea wçlro expb i theca« f th on ind hlm that ho did isndoetnd1 ra~e ad alwss beok:dgeu'tos Te t.acerwas alýwaye iii nsudh -a Weore mentioned. hurry, too, particularly about - *ight and lft handt. "laglt .haind -the theoe, Ae FrendLt'Man o! up, left hiand Up" ; and thie children des wxdom i« eocially wrong. Onie na.y would leugli wienhle raiseicibotii of aM welcorne thie cheering preeence of his. If hoy lad onIY known-he ove '1k ~ hwams doing tihat because the could one0'8. feow man sot 6 o'ock nthe tell bette? when they were both UP.ie evening, 'but no lover of the human <And "front and 'baek"-.thbley bo: wit racewants e. iesbrother ea4O6t-hered him, too. He bolieved nt Iai w -o'clock in thie morning. The inialien- he should like kindergarten if IMissa able right of humunitv at (5 'cDlock Graves would noV, go au fast if lie understood- more, a.nd if they would ahe n tAie norning e aà groud, e sie-%t, not ail laugh at him 9o o! to, and h comforting grouch which onIiy asks cali hlm, "funny.fu o! 1humnanity ftAat l t osunot ke.ep Re, disliked to be oalled fun-ny, u ouit, o! ight, st ýle-asbt ftkeepg ftIsbut ie had grown used 10 it. Even- fnother said thot 'ho was fùnny ;-butde fimouth ëhut. oe did not eeemx to .mind, nor <11<1ohé Elaltngis- hsca diversion ghe eoold him about iL. wt o Eatin le e inuli 8010dM'es Graves of ten laughed wt as it is etoking. As stoking , it te children, but most o! the ime wold beo-me. abhorrent end men ho did not know wrhat thie £un was l woulid fiee o tlilckewt with their about.. uI meatif atiig wre ot uo scial Re inbuttoned his ootand 1Put Meatif atifg wre ot lgo ocil.bis basket bouide hlm on thoe floor ;, A din ner, properly considere'do inh. remesnbered what had lsupponod isi- the gentle foq~Tli or fd-bh a-ct of the wlien hoe wase inging the septeinber day. Theielmax lhas been x«Cahed. gong. The strezss haà -been endured, Phe"'By al theso 1ooely dough- oomplcDitoflSnuts,' '> ho had eung. "'Sieptemb8r cmlctosmaotered, and thse da.ys aire hère?'" [te niind cornes -rstfully Wo the service Hee a e ure that was what slio of tho -budy. had said when seflrst taught the - esong to them. Now she ha chang- Il we are Vo have the "lheavy ed her mind, and wanted it "ite- iieal" o! thes day "et for 5 or e6 io." Tokerss-whàt a queor o dc aVemrig wi e wordl For -is ~part, ho intended eloo inthemorung itwil beto say "doughnuts," -because evon in ,eered to a- gene ration whiich site after ale lad explainod the word 1 aup ail niglit. -"itekbens," hie dîd not know whaît it toi -'meant. tiC GREAT JAP HCTS. HResat misérableand unrha.ppy (~RAT AI" IUTS. in t-h-e corner while Miss Graves waas1B. Lee enra -talking. and the children occasion- ov ,Lae Gnerl Nogi"m Sound Bles ýally glanced o-ver ut himn. 'here for Conduet. 'was Susy Reoynolds;; ho had ineant c The lab Generwl Nogi, who en- Vto be early -to-day-just un account w joys the uaire-seoved admiration -of o!flier birthday. She was only six, th- theJapn-ceontis -iglt -f heand how he wiahlieh were as oki the Jeraofeae' nmergqtof thsedas that There was to be a cake a siote O-f disciplinary instructions set 9,adiocemfreey i forVh pupie o --li gaxna- grdebody. -Susy ha4 told them about it g of the Poers' School. The note con- yesteday.ethtMssGaé Vaîn-s fourteen instructions, and oud nt -bet ha Misste Grve.o truly, refleots thlespirit wiLh -wich rwoavd no t h e gin tbe part.o the Blate general ljed îtAi. pupils o!f rhv ny0!tegodtigl the school. Thee giat o! the instrue- Bobby ooked at her; she was iteil- op 1kHw ma-ny -of you wash your face "î'vo niarked you absent," saidO wi-vh coid -waîter in t-be winte-r Yo-u Mis.s Graves. -I thought -that yen sho-u-d not use waim wùter'. were noS coming,". -and ashe wecst Wben iL is -cold tsi-nk iL is hoS; over to the piano. t sivnz when it bs -l-ot think iL le cold. This was dreadfli "Ma%,n'S I a IL se a îdiaie tVowear tom clothes cmeinto the inarch t" lie 'se bi wit-h-ut mending thom. eut te weàr timbdiy. the torn part patcbed 1s nothing t-u> "No, indee -"she 6aid. i be a-shamed of. "Mo-st every day." ho thougît Vo Knuiw w-at is élhame; ho who doos hirnself, as ho sait' down aga-la, I'd 0 not know -what ie tihame i-s inferi-or like to stay at home; but o-dav I Pl Vo dumb &uniawlg.. did wan-S to coine, an-d now-" B While lu geod -h-ealth; train your- The dhildren passed him as they t8 sif soas Vo endure physical labor. marchedc and Fusy Reyn4bds. for- t2 When yo-u are ili, h-wever, o-bey getting the digniSý' haVblongs 50 r your phyaLian'â instructions. a leader, gave hlmi a littie poke -as Ma-ke your cbo-hos a-nd siho-es big- she went by. Fre.ddy Turne-r didr ger. _Nover -md Vho -tyle or sha1pe. flot even smibe, or look a-S him at a. 1e.ore a man useful V o your aIl. What did Miss Grave-s -mean P~ eountry. W-hoeve-r canaiot be so is by not ietting him join in with the f btter dè'ad- ot-ber-s'î Ail at-once hoi knew what 'if ____- - 'she, meant. lie was -absent, and, a Gold Froin Lead. as the dreadful thougbt carne over à him ho began to cry. C Profeseor Soddy makes the asser- , At first Miss Graves did net nDo- y thon boldly hat iL la only a- question tico hl m; 'but as lie cried harder, of-application Vo change leord into and macle so rnuch noise, ah. camne v goid.Ile emys -thetw-ile now WO )ver tfo him and1 bovingly took him 1 mî oniy work wlt c.ectricity at o-n 'her lisp. ý job,ooo volts, -it is -onIy a matter o! "Telnie, Bobby, why are yen pûleretng Vie zMethod W b. cble cMing V' she-aid, te work at teni timeA fIatLMvoltage, Hoe nuggled ssp againat -1er, asc vt~en the basesr £iietaU 0 can be hoeaid, I'Im crying because I'm( Chmsged into tAio n-moe precsoua. Ina bsent." cther words, eletricit7, when iAbs ent !"- - bouh- Vosu, ige8tefioope nd "IYes. I don't want t e -oa-b-1 0;p&l-Lis t a he romi phi-losie- sen-t o-n the 4asy o-f Dusy's Party. pLeB tSoe for whioh the alehe- Please don't «nake me absent wlien à!*ijth ! -e nrddsie ages sear-hed -,ou al have ize cream and ýake?" seip."But :you'lro not," BiSusy, be- ginninq Vto laugh. "Yen know you "Hollw far bwok ca yo-u remem- couldint-" 4 r Elmor 1" as-ked tise inqulsitive Mia. GrBVes ehook lier ~bad &t ! Jlo."Oh, -over se f ar !" replied Susy. Takingflobby'sîhand, she thie lititie fellow, "Icen rernenber led hlm ha-oI Vo tise ring, anadSoon I lihen a vrs littie that I ie -wa-s playing 'sappily. U- oul'T em-eïiber ênybhing." As ho walked lhome, haad l iar s Colins. William 3emalinga Bryan,, cAinerican 8eretary of State,ý acending the steps of -thie Capitol Wma.hilgtý>n ater a conference er thie Xexicau situation. th Suey, le said, "ob, I' velad grand V-Ime, et Vthe party, even if was absent part o! tise tino." mucy did no-t I&ugb; ahe juet- brisa- hlm geod-by eit bis doorsten, as "Be sure te corne Vo-morroir, yen Dobby i<ent into Vise ieuse, iwon- ing, & e- ead efien don-0 wbv ecmlie-d him funny.-Yoiitb's mp&nion. IW DI IBE SOUMDIS SEA [T OF NEWS FRON TRE MARITIME PROVINCES. ois ef Ittrest ironsPlaces Lappad by Wavcs etftine Atlantic. Albert Carson, cof Wl-ada-or, N.S., kd aus a resilt -o-f geting flj.%hbo-nes. lbis iroat. Thne Bo-ard o-f Healts ai Fredenrie- bn ha-s reoe«nnended tise institu- on o! a-a iolaLion leepital. CuEstos reiturns a-t St. John, N. .for April, incrased by $20,0 ver the sa-me ments la-st yea-r. At Iiciibucto, t-bis 3-e-a-r. Lie ia-nnel opened on April '29, whics as o-ne monà-ba-nd four days latem a-a I-at. yen-r. The (Iana-déa-n Foreft.ry Associa- 'n, irnicis-opens ia Halifax la Ari set, wîll be aaked to, mois- in St. ilin, N.B., sextb year. NMt sine 1854 lad navigation so-ned so laite la New Brunswick a-s did V-is yea-n-May 5. Ia 1854 itý pe-ed o-n Ma-y 7. Sineiw fel 1c-n May D ay ini St. Jo-lia, .B., w-hi-ci did - ot help V-he, moving pera-tiens, the sa-me -betng be-avier han for ia-ny yeams bnck. I-n. Mon«oton, N.B.-, duriag vise iont-h o! April, 32 haen imiers irere la1t, w-t-h by Vhs police for albo-wing eir peté Vo runala- large. On May 1 a ma-n who lkald d-iven mer tise ronads beftwe-ei Centreville sud Fîorenceville, N.B., decbared ha-S tise sncyw une still1 t exifoc-t deep M them. Sevea huacirecl cards wtrt senV mst iHalifax, as-king ci-tizens te) t-coud a meeting f-or (tise formation )f a clvie iniprovenen;t leagimeý. mly t-lire- re.Q;po.,nd-er]t-o-t-le cal. Tise Momncton, N.B., 'rimS elia t.tory o! liow a bîaek fox mactiser, sade irresponsible lîy a tinunder- Lormni desVroçyer lie-r itter o-f five, ox pupe. eau si-ng n-boss t4')thie fa-m wners o-f $25,000, Wesley Fm--.U. S. (i-nsui at bharlot.etoir, P.E.L. for tisela-st ivo yea-rs,iras preseatcd uth au iddross ead a va-hablegift by tise usinese «ses o! Cha-bteVowa, -hon be I-cf S o ta-ke a nom pe->iio-ui In Cork, Ireiamd- Andreir ElLotS. o! GaIS Ont. an )naaie expert wý,ho brouw-s a-Ila-bout >oS-toe, ,mo-ms thIe fa-mi-ms-of Newt arunsws.ck V-ia-t Noi r nmswick pe- ,to-es -will no-V be a-dmi-tted Vo On- ýaie next 3-osr mnless the-powdery àcn-b is cntirely eîiminated. Tino o!d memsbers o!fVise (1 roundisoîse staff -were super- niua-ted atS-L Johna, NB.. i-n the crr-c-ns of James Golding, 'night foreman, a-ad EdwarclRusseIl, l-e motive fit-Ver: Thse former mas given a club bag by -bis falfloir e-m-piy-cis and t-be bat-te-r a- gold IockeSaad lhi-la.Eam iia-d beein for many yearsl ise euupboy c-f -Line C.R. A young ma-n naimed le-mon, a-ho-se'home le i5 Mo-stagne. Prince lidwardIsb-lad, was empboyed li i st-one in Caligary, sac o-ne day ne- ceivc-d sk telegram signec "Motis-or,' teiiing &slm -at Ibis faViner masserî cuuily inI, a-ad Vo hurry -home eu onoe. He dÎd o, ons-Vo flnd h t-her in ex-cllent iseelVi and V-ha; bi. mother isad sent nme telegram Ha is now ondeaoring Vo find ou d id, SThe Observant ('ild. othen-You n owhmat apart, ils, don't you. de-a-r? Doris <agoc !ud >Y ,ma-mm-a a party i. where you go and sitay s liV-le hIle a-ad pais your sauce baeb-r e one more and stay an other 11V-Vie wmle and go home. forý'hë te ting.- Iii Isegi-n 'to 5 -tst tata in-thie -wimiter.- -As, for i.fnitl,,-t-she fiai ing n1. of'! £.zi2iiulin that taIce uponi iteel a <ozeù'even ae.hu d-redi, forma. - kiV- le velopa in, the' Modi shaâpe. -héen it las 1on,39,polIuS ondeW tha m>±nost binas V-'hoe heet it -iýcled--o-laz -~.Boine -tiest.caled the' Brittaay ce lsbeçaueIVÎ-je sgeetive o! f th .Éritiâa.v hasints. And dozona < desnn'r i t .d<tefflcm! na-me it- ainei-nèssentiai. Th e.aIVîll ,oint about »t 15 isitt 'd aind à! lmoe i nvarmably bi eboming. It must ho macle of boni *iftîltfabrio, Vtho-e,£eerrthe be Ver;.- anc t tmust-ho .tiffened, usua ly iv.th ftiu ut~a t hlst pos it MaersplàÉied fo>r iV.- Thethin or-andY collars &re the new 011M Bia thfy are deci edIi fragile. Tbey ej-n be ia.und-e ed IWak into aha-ie, viftiot troubl -1tt t-oy. muzt ber laundered csfte Perliap;-tise iesvier inen colle are a litle more pmmatico.i for etire weaýr. Theyadd Vho toucl o-f dain- nase neceasary te evory ose o! t aing f rocks aïid -hehold Vhi spe loge ina d -ho ee aa.. lngrta o h hè o N o oegrBom O [I 'No seeme dd at et, VOd mo- anemd ogan-dy iie la ome sion wand the fnd eat-lacs.A bi ad oni-f oohe by-laces. mbou %ve chifo oug Iw -ogiolly oeerne, t-cha-noughcôlro! iley [ae.md Behve a éwiha a of cl lafe linon. i it tifc o ir ht .ar usdV- ol'nat w i e ong er ase odd. ndtiL muet -b. admit-te i iL s. Anit - mu9tVè.rite t The bosS e thînabou thse laha lesth -iseyproide aeti o!r ims haning -Uproe a or d offre.hey arup e fnacleor d froifs. Vomtois aet o! o made orf lionmaohiirada cuLf oan ormenou-l ea ro ndcuo!serigtI gabadie o tfroft l&adr col gabarnoes go thein abr o soir e eoiiam i.thing tbouaret niecwi- o «ure tat tls re At defiol Wmen lefat bon A n ebowni ot sorsdols. S n iShole dupliatýee in clarm S Anisdupa-nye iwona-a witisdoft ii cnas y wyoe-fra- ptt ea a-ad pla-Le iLnefr a ts'p -f rad oriat iinen. a trpofor ' Hein Seeme tu be laeklng. a-na-eur. Ina Vhs aodel collia-re the hein ieins -t o . 4;ngel.v lacking, in ma-ny cases. Tise edge o! t-ho colla-r ca-n be euit hlI au n ch iii dcer tinan it ie ra-nS- ed, a basting lins can mark V;hs de- sÏre-edge,, a-nd the collar-rca-n be finisbed wuLlb a-machias ina-de picot edge at some tnimnîing shep at elight expemisis If a regul-ation htem ha desimed a- loir atn.eisgbtino! amm inch. Then cut a bias &trip o! tise mat-nia-I a-ad sa-m it arouad tise edge, turniîîg 15 under lna - fa-eing. A hem cannot nea-dily be turned on tise collan be- on-use o! tise cuns'iag, bias edges. Sonmetimes it e es-en bettýes't-)cuL a regulation faciag thse shape -of the edge o! thse collar, t-la-n to uEe a ina-s sti-îpi Not sincesrmoulage appeared to make -a Woman's neck confortable and atîtractinse bas sucb, an innova- tionm as tise colla-r o! t-be spring -4Tfle h, us. 15 Is hoped itia-t il wtm11 finda long a-ad basting welcomnie for isr is surely a dainty a-nd becoming fa-siiosi- Comsparative Valuem. Ai feaitfîîi cowHe ilfe became hs gnieved cover Vis boss -via her ho-a- rtireve brke. a-ad siner-oo diedt Sa-ncrel iad suie bne n o. Sa o!ineigiassho-nredm a-d o offe he da-ignter ame hid sister, anisd augthir -ileniee for si e, anemapothidis e rer ferna-ie: hru-o hefr r eil, enae-iy e ia- t b-Stell tociase a ifyee -li a ir i in te to-irsa- As 800vany& ife me de-d a oice î o-ha-Ifas do-zie i-lsa leda offre mebalst mien n wve died, -tisey men'tioffes' me iqînge one.' A farmer was having trouble wit'h hi-§ horse. 1- would start, walkc twenty yards-vr s-o, then stop for a few second,; and start again, to rep.at- the Performance. After warching tliis exhibition for soine Lime a f riend overt.ook the farmer during one of the hiorges'g long wa its. -Mhats the matter?1 la it lamne '"he asked. *N-ct as 1know of," replied 'the farnier crossly. 'Then what's wrong m ith it V' " Oh, he's so afeard l'Il say 'W'hioa " and he won"-t hear mne,' replied the farmer. "he stops every nowv- and then to listen " Tile Most lcIpf;il. "You have quite a number ci booka, I eee," remarked -the visit, or, glancing round thie rom 'Wlueh do you think is the mosi holpful to ycu I'"Webster'a die tionary, without -a doubt," wai thie prompt Tesponse of Mrs Brown. ",You cdon't reaAly mear t t" exclaimed the vlsi-tor. "ýM,&j I ask in what partieular wayl' "Certainly. The baby alto un i a; thie table, and it7aves the pTice a [a igli chair," Perpetual Notion. "Hello,- Wedmann, anything go ing -on 7" "Yes, my expenses." INT UATIONAU LE SON9 - - J[AY ~ ~ - A 1IeSSage l#Por Mt T4t~~ W ~ ~v f Lesôm I X~. The Grateflil Samai-' i an, Lmske 17.> 1-19. Golden "I kn~ow..hy works. .lAatthou. e-ven'tualy amlidetlie d-aerv"Jl ii ---- - --my word. and àdsdt mât-deny my àlntwlho- 'rbii- wiaa I SVerse Il. 'Asthey- wereo on the name. "-Revel tion ili.;-18I. - ourag0d Jcoaùose - hh ld,-noV1ý way te J-rusaaem-A!tor tii. gond-, What -oouid 1eho m-ore 4uehing talents, o.ý avea k-wo, we hiae ,tm'ay- in ut JI the bOventy, recorded !in tAan.thig ,word cio!God te "the the "littlé" 1that We -1ave, >nd -lie- ý3 tise second lotion for- this year ohuirch in Pladel*ùia'" t Hero come <Iontent 1 to live 'an absolu6elY ~(janua&l-ý1). Jesus le! t-the pro- ires a -1 l1gou oC-hrietiafls gam unprodrnstive and -uns ýv1ceabIe, vince o! Galiloc, la wlich 'h lie ld therod together in on'eô! -hO gieat- li!.. ci Iabored. and tcogana jouirney - by eit, rW<heot'a-ad moat.hoîtiie of tèhe - o s, however, if Me would ,d -a circusteus roCute teo Jeruualem. cets od Asie use li-t4scon realiy'koep the word of God, aad- s The time occipied by tlime journeéy -m'unit-y, as lanothoza s! - '1hioIi we-no-t deny 'Ms holY "me6!- u è- muat havie been soveral xnontshs, b ave cesspiter knowledgé, theper- "'Power" o! >oàtiiofl.-and rsnl i.. and aithougl ivweleama !rom ýJohni'.s onù wio comprisd, the, church - ty b. - a -ittle isR8YO meGopl haiduia hi ' period - wer-e few 'ia aumber,, humSble in st-a- pleaqse. W-s ma-y have as -near 't6 Of! Jesus twice . attended fente at tien poor in tisAs \vorld'a gool0à,nothing whorewxih to e 5rvft A s.Jorusalem the Feaot o! the. Tabér- devoidof ifuence am-ong e r tel- worid ns .Vhes Olîieians i'i îe necies and the îFeaut o! Dedica- -!ows, min o -othem -lusndoubtedly Phula-de-pia. Sti«ust ire givoe - is tion), ho mut have re4urned to slave; ou-tatd and obscure froed- tho litte -Uat wo - have as faitbful- o- compieto Vhs tour ce teaghing anid men. -Thoy 1 littil e Iwo"la-n ly and courageouelv as thetigh. w ne preaehing before liii final. arriyil deedi! n e Ii lrit of G-ad jiaà~ everytlsing ma-t' fortune and i,ait Jerusaleum on ti. occasion o! his was ablo e 6-bear ;Élad wiLness tO abiliy vo-uld xffer.: 1.triumphlal entry compare Luke - 13. the fa-et that the«è people had kept. No. ie L go* Poor a-nd Mean hoe 12 Ba i le. 11028). "'My we-ê' und ihi sioL <eied but Whsat it 0%n do ao»mýt'bin5 or h a a i galông the h b er n I yPeverty , elan dli!. -re- th e larer an d cleep ier * ees of w*ma and5aG alile-That e y j t e flaiuiJ.inIMPrîsn- g jýj& 4Mie - o ai in the. border'eountry Letween àl1. ment, even .eat(h itse1f, iiaë no-t mtdo WhaV -we h4iivý, heweveri i.tsvo prQTmave5i.1a çor4ter Vo avoid *l u»-phçnM igfide rgni ýbC, ewholé- E>r Saa-à erioym ugrnis thePt-h n wliieh they Lad set bier Wh*we do, xwvat1ligi4- Sceld the Jordan and itave!led en,-ugli, -but-ôsuck ls Lt wae, kt wa-s undone. What we give, hoWONs,ý ithrough Fersa, recroeaing at a5a-Il God'a sud bis Ohrist',g!orever. tlmesaw-t wtiieb c-t-nbe eet- point near Joricho. Jesus was ne If I ily IIfad illions.. met, -perIhapeél 1 11 otAier way- Iti doubt taking - that - route, bocause. New ler 19 a- message for ail Wowo rùth 'e riglt whsen ie ïSaei -hoe ho desired to carry the gospel ticthose ecdiis-snd ire are tAie greait "'2eo a IChsid," - tir Vhe people of, Persea. . tajority-who 4saVe enly a ",littie rer 12, As ho entered into a certain po*er," of eéthmer fortune or abil- "Sinali 'sorvico e stràbo service village-Botter, "As ha was about lLy, tô do thelbingo wlichwie would 'u4iile 15 lats. te entt< If~ libe t<~o.~ Ionly lad millions ! u -beL.friends, brigist cre- To o n."h wee lpe e ! '0r. t-ijit01omsivui ue! eonotne Te Tho eonow tu eprevaeienco ! j u ,ic fortoil itt o nkss4. 'Plse !s, i a ehadew -bote; »n iepro.y la Palestine say -hat it Il 1 had ou1ylbeen bora to goemê po- c-, me wouid noV ho ,unusual noir to Meet sti o! O groat digtînctilon, what Protelete tlhe lingering dewdrop .o<1 so ma-ny lepèr, especimliy ini l7hu5 would 1 net do i-tise- -resto-fa4tion !rom th ise sua iV- frontier Bonry irle -Lb. dread- o! the lgnoran-b -h ,ufru, or fui hs1l4Y ha-c brokon do'wa lime nd the oppresect!1sf 1 onsiy sad However i- ay be wit-h nen, l 'ebrris botireen Jeir ad Saniari- the natu-rab gilts o-a. Webt.er or a surel' God scoras nt one-. b1s tan. It is lio Osilé tisat tAe le- lad.woae, to yhat great works 01 Henee Ri4 romise te V-e faithful pore had leèrd o! theo coxing o! poliioàl refoirm a- nd social redemp- church l11 Phii-adelpha, whih, witim ais Jesus. fioiswouid 1 not etir -thoen-uitl- a- ilistie poweor" -did inudli 'a SVood fr off-As required by tndes 1mw (sês ,Lov. 13. 48), though th ues1 o do we areuth Our- willi make men» teo-coie-and worzhip ol-nrceditnetbokpwant selvesa-ad disuovering V-st ire -before thy foot, and -Vo know that 1 iod ice dioac o ekp W th-ave ne wealth nor influence -nos' la-vo l-oved th.- LRe.Jn hrk î13. Br h ufrrduteegensim, we abandon ail ihope -and.flaynes Ro-Imes. lth ka<,wiisa te worIrs o! Jeans, toek- îdy tho initiative anad asked for heip. in.<>m l-~ ~ Jl quantiy hat!-the.5ýomach cannot s'0- Othors wlth whom lie came un con- fIdigst kt.A simple diet on gan .,or ta-ct, aUs o wioman la thse syna- a nd ripe Irut with sufficient exer- or. gogie (t1ceL . 1 - a nt thiIs cisei teopnair tekeep up a ioathé towe e o ek ns e' t o tkinm H L A L T gentie perspiration. wo-uld -spee dily the- ait kn o e e kor eru. e t w e laa Veuoe a moew alsohi.s Id and îis blessing were jeetacu. - thse given. eôo to-day sorne who sit l in"___ (>Onl darkn ose mek for thbe go-opel; others, Eezema.I NO HÀR1.[ IN DAILY BATH. du- rsdy aliko theo cbnrcln must minieter. tho diseases o!fVho skina 18emzoma. ~Water Plunge"' in Winter. Master-Suggosting onme having IV la -a very difficult and reb&llions a-uthority, as "the master in Vine disea-se Vo treat, and i5 ghows an W., are Icredited, a-s-& nation, houa.." obstinato endency Vo relapse. -It witth aho-wing a- predilection for tie 14, And when ho saw themi-Or, mayruna an a-caLe course, end 1ast use o! bat-bs, sa-ys a. medic a* in. "directly ho sa-wVhem."' Very only a- feu ieoko, or iL may beconne Vhe Londoin Standard. Eve a-,t thlia likely Jesus'had net noticed irbo chroni, *anad la-st for yeare or even day Eorn-of oour Continental -neigli- the mon irere until V-bey cried out.. a lifetazas. 1 atta-cks poison-s o! bor.s regard.tise diy bat-h inVihe Show yen reeves unto tise a-lb ages û-nd conditions, a-ad ca-n ligibt o! a- oustoe-tms un! r4ugbIt priostsa-Compa-re Les'. 13. 2. La-ch mimic overy othor skia disease tisaS with a certain degmee of- pont Wto ma-n would probmbby go tu a priseS ifs known.- he.alth. Not very klng a-go a weil- near hie home, Lise Priost iris had Eczema i-s genera-liy a coastitu- kan a.va-nt md public his viewsi ponounced hlm a laper a-ad sont tional disorder. àAlhvugh thseiin- on Vhe matter, ciseonra-ging t-h. h-a.- him ara-y f rom the clielling.3 of mediate'outbreak cas often be trac- bjit O! vashIjng the aida., others Î live in ca-vos and tombe.- ed te sorne local irrita-tien, sncb tas ]MesS pe6ple will sot agre-e iwit'h - Tise Sdrna-nitaus would go -tu a thbe use o!f-a -oap LIaS as tee strong, ithis w o fîthinking, but a-s a cor- rrnest on Mount cbefzim. or -tise action o!f-some chenumirli Vai-n ameount Cf cuntrovorsy bao- As tbey went, they were cleansed agent, the chronic cases do noS af- arieen as e.> uhether tisa daiiy a-bm- -ilseir prompt obedionce o Vo fect, thoso wrho are la gc-od physicai tiomn a- mea-sure cal-eulatdc'd obe Christ-s comimand shows their con- condition. The late Dr. E-n-nsfvorabe Vo hea-tb or the reverse, fidence. Hoir snpcb tirnoelapsed Wilson, an English -autso-rity oni 1 vent-ure te- believe tVitaS a-con-id-or after' they left before they irore kin disea-ses, believed t-ha-tezeme. atiios e! a few fa-tsw-mil ena-bic rn hea-lird 1 not indica-ted. Perisap a i a dise-a-se o! debiiity, -ad - ho reado.rs to romain firin-ly aciher-cot clîey had alrea4y separa-ted, ca-ch said.tist V-be debility could be divi- t thei -dail u1 omaa a L-o go Vo hie ôoin home, beoeatV-e dad isto tinree types-tse "nutri- ohakiesla their opinion oof itas by- healing oolr place, se ihat the ive," V-le "a-ssimilMive," and V-le glen-ie valu-c. Sa-ma-rita-n mas aloue. -nervous." The aesoirmltve-ye ut hieeigzig liseso0 15. With a loud voices gioifying o! eczema la -mest Olten fonnd in and-wato-r habit, no -enicouragene.nV Cod-The joy of his *heart couid infants, and theo troatment o! Ini- isintended Vo be heid fort-hVo he+e noS be expressed la ordinary tones. fa-rtile eczenua is <,hiefly a natter o! onirinusi astiswho, lin hecoldeat a-ad 16. ýHo fell upea bis face at his cisangiag VIe «nethod-o of feedîng, the'm«st inelement ca-ther, have feet, giviag hum tha-nks-Now that a-nd getting ühs digestion into gocd tVine e-obroe-ien 8o-n eom fa;rered bis lepiosy was boa-led i15 u o DOordesr. - istretoi o-f -ater a-nd pluni boldlyr longer necosary "to stand a-fa-r Mnong thie causee for cîronic ecj- i«aVe a fluid-so.mn-ay degre-e ;beloir off." Or, was iL that ia lis un- zema- ha eIder personis, gent easi1Y the V-empen¶a-ture o-f Vh-c huma-a bciy bounded joy-he forgôt. ail about tino ranke fîrst. 'Ma-ny person-s -fr -m-ri-usa. ieciilin- restrictions cf theo law fron gent or rheumatism witiseut the ckiun ppeduced V-rous a- groas -A Samaritan-The Saniaitans ha-ving ezema, -but hen sozema am1ount of work on the kideys, and were a mixoed people betis ID race does apaafter «middle hflteteise cluae ub uhmr ý0 and religions. Nben lerasl iras possibiiity tisaS it bas its origlil if 11 ductive -o-f-isrm Vhan e! benefit. canried ara-y captive by tise Assy- gout must always-be reekoned uit-h. A'lto!dcass!V-oiaar na-ns, Vtme sinaîl remnant romain-BEczena -o! tise norvous type isome- Arosta-out by mises orga-alsnui5. ar ing (2 Kings 25,.11l9 12> întemng- imes follows a- s-uddes;dok rbog..aotb u-oognn wit Vh ieatenCOIDiSS bo15 ma- b -Vs esuVeo! bek, ~whch ha-vema-de lodgment o-n «Vs led wtth ete ooit h tmyb-terslsofpxoioisged surface, and lanVise dips fo«xnilng settied a-mong tIson, a-ndie o-anxiety, or ovenuork. sbip -of Jehevah iras nsixed i t-h Probably eceema ho nover b rougît 'iai i-frol-ics and îsida-glands.- Toget tise idolatry o! the new settiere.. os by'local irritation alose;, but itV-be skis -estirely frea f rom tises Therefore, wvhon Vhs Israelites la- is important t a-void ail sueis ir- uqîn-u-t-afoas by wa91dng a-ad- appui- ter retumned fronu ca-ptivity, Vhs ritatione, aince it la noS alwuaYg cation - e!o un-tiseptic jutions is -a Sa-ma-ritaDO irr noS aibowed tu easy te V-el uhet-hen or net. a per- praccîa-lim sibltafarr iselp rebuild thé temple (Ezra 4. son ha-s a- predisposition Vo Visedis- ogaizod by bacVeriologists% a-ad 1-5). Their religion, bouever, be- ease. Eczema ile almo-et , a-ways 9ure -anV yaugos b camne a-S la-at pure monotbeism and wor,,e la winVer, for Vine sudden ii,,o.,w coer -givsin o-rnd-or Vobpr-- tise Ponta-tend' their la-w o! mer- changes in tempera-ture aet a-snue- ltact patiets !re inoe to o!ou- slip a-nd life., thouighi t-bs Jewers n- cha-aical irritante.tue'tise ski i e- aiet r. nec-o o pw mained unfriendby Vo them (John Waslbing. t-oo, abways sabres it at-les wo-unds bi"such organsfs on. 4. 9, 20). Luke aIons records the uorse, a-adeumeLes àis je nces- tlpi e ino luis li- e l-or istory o! Vths grateful Samraita,samy to ue 0ilinstead of soap and I-pt - bs îwsCVhm ca-ad lie alone gives tise para-bic toe n lann t-bis face -a-nd ough clea-ning nid-s the Lskia o-f tise - o! tme. good Sa-ma-rita-n. ýss theo banda. Tise tre-atment o! thedis rs-e ulbrofgmuaa m )Gospel wbich hoe urote was intend- Uss s oi cntttinkmi e ersion for a t3ufficient pemiod -la e rcd prima-nily for Gentiles, thesein- cal; an- a al case must -be ts-eaLed austabble a-ntiseptlic soluttion . 1l) ccidents irere for tise purposes cf experimont'aliy. for there la ne for V-be rnajorlVy of t-ho-se reni=Inii>g, rhie writing of great importance.. srrecific, for t-he diksorden.--YouSh'5 11 tisa-t, ia ail pro-bssbilit.-, tise bac- 1.Tequtestion V-csu nd-tria a-nd fungi Vina-t es0ajpe V-le pro- 17. inocf esu mdi Copanon.ces-s iSu ifs a11s0«,mpaneativlY few, tcates surprise. Why sisoulci ý-o-ne -in nu.nl>e- v ma-n bh o gra-Seful a-ad tise aine .bamNLotes.Noir ,à-a-h ugîs we ahlould no-! otisers make no 0effort 50 express- Xot24wm» n10arebaet-i -in-euf-cofVleb-y- thissuappreemation for Vine roader- Aot 4wren nI ebd -f il benefit linos' ad recei yod erne a isl!S m hnFeY j sc rreg &a-nLlaepVi-c siin is Srage-Ofoneîàner. a-me in,-Vho rigimt; -uomen, V-oc, 5.e asbesluin bieli a aurgecn ma-Y V 19. SMa e r-ee wo. e-O aved m re, requently quially strong in 1hatise lii Iiando,,_Yeit V-h e prsi'buf 19- Made arme thasa-emone. cîeansing an-ay b- a-rr-ied.out a-ad a tise.. Whe-her or net Jesue meUnt' Ma-ny people would so strengtisen milder disiafectant, pooiblly la-tAie by tise-se wondeVthat a- groato.r their Vînojats LiathaV-bey would noverkmayiaepod bbessiag was giv.e-n tte leSamarl sfe rm oeeswrete o ido!ito-a-p user]ia h'eipoe f a- nM Vo et-hers,,wieareaet bast sufarf nm'adeesewer t-oy o t iata 5ma ae-en -e -ganrgle oncOes'very day with slieLlty wVhavi *n l bé a e. -sure t - t it ustrhavebeen oibe-, aeui-b Ilhai mIuin L cail0<' iireOt~v bart. the t-atnu-in»er ,o-f «scro--orffa- 1 as fh7Tise use of anilk and eggs as 1adç, rs~rln aiatinonVn t ~~~~~~~-or as aidlan-building- up a patient Ms~ -hel da-tgOl mother Looks the P.prt. le often a tilfor-hnus.M y "iHo-w pae-ad worried your nie- patients will'ta-k-be zèurske Manly wl ece when ire connEldar cose -. tli~ boira.Le aimeudr b"m, os' oves lot, -and digest i t defLniita 'onditeis iwhich. aMbaclos te a-n ,m'm u pa'a geltisàe Tydily, wlea cold miik causes idis- any diseas piou pro oucd esi ~ gri." - - - V-sest. IV b a-n excellent plan't-o em-I netin tl iatVed l'And ile . fs'a-ld V-lat e wo-'t riese the nioutis uV-h cold, C-0, , r oa-s5-, toamethin-a-ubers 0s -~ «et 'w'll?" - - -ot ira-er, as preferred. -belorean îui«Osru nui - IISC )i "4oh, Doi but whepeves' pa,'a siok mter drinking ml¶lbr had«ay g -et V-le dfUus hue - morrie4 heu' se Vhab Oehée lwa-ys -The distiressing co:mpiaint of iclr forces O-f Vhie ssu--~>k~a ffic a 'hugh. she ia-d irhat was beadu~he is tise resuit o! eating tee- - iilig -m.'- - uch and exorciçing to lile. lI, eoait righti te -pra-y for -ie - -~~ thetise aority o! cass - 58e c iss hîe inge you wa-t -bt V-is edvisab1 - WIýo mouidn'V- iml aIorL f meia- la inohefaot Vha-t-Vho f1ood Vaken. iste do a llsele lustling for tAie-1tAilge ure-d by the golden rnis. se ricli in qutality or s0o XcflSivO oumu-t- have. - , -' - - 'j »Il. tops to 114ti

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