diaviaLn repressivé =movernstelu thit they are debigned- to stop a pm-rked corrosive rnvasiou e! fthse ipeasantry. Tue zarscommands te hi-s premierai6'thabit ehah b. - eecoguized "asimpQlitieaud Immo6ral for the clatIe t deri-ve revenue fromn atraffie wçýhieis brutalizes the people' of tube -tat-, a-nid t-ha-t thse minietry, - her-éfore, shah Suid means o! re- acjusting ýthe bvdget. Tis . mig>t, repre-sen-t-isserely tise moral butnot thonghtful aversion e! a r-nierdis. tressed by oonditions apparent We Che passing oye, but tise plans of tis ministry indicate tisa-t unde-r- at.andussguides lthe goves-meut. - lc bs been ma-de te ak tisa plae o! influen-ces v-iiob elieve huianl 111e fs-cm'the monou>ny o! es.i nu g breà -danai- eating -t. Life, mli net -aeoept sucstos-emi. lt v-Il1 e eek relief.- If noe other- relief is t-o be -lad iL v-i-il bho tondn aloohol. Humnans v-ll net alv-se rmain lu r !ggy. vliY s. m Thcy wv-l dimS ce-m - Ieigis. .Wheu v-inter encases the RuEs-ian village lu szie'w, tfie Rus-I 6îa-n villages- gues te , VS. brandy eisop. It !.-stise ocuhy plEwe-or has.j r\ een t-ho only pla.e-.-wiserf e Se coulaI euIirge tisce esoei0155 and ex- -pasi-lesà f -is lit0. said tiseoho <liai nla-ge thone-aiL tiste dîinking ability of a Ft-usdy constitution lu- iured.to lsa-sdsiip a-ad strengthiened by labos-. Tise Itu!eisian goerument founid tisat n rt oilly t-ho m-tcreai vill!ages-a but tise c-isdrens ves-e seekliïsgibeiis releasè fs-cm m iîs-- n-daritss tise Russ..,ian stoc-k vas being villa-ted. --Tise,danger la to ho fouglht net nerely by repi-essive legisiatien but by suibs.4ituitnig dises- mca-ns of on- jlargingthe comnmon life. Tiseatres, - -sealinsg -s-oma3, an-d varions crn-. miity entes-prises of social, valu-e - - are teo be esta-blisbeai and. eucous--g- ed, Tise RuEsaan vilLager la bo be taugiit -b ock frrelieffs-cm use- notcny i idies-place-s tisa-ntise - vodka- s-hop. Tisus tise lIssiars tem- pes-ance usovernent meaus moe - - - - -tisaistise eessse of tise physical ha- i.g -cf tise Russian pe<fple. It mea-ns tise enasgemeutof t-hein menta-aac- tivitiet; anda is a -socia-l mevemeu-t et - great importanuc-e. FEWER "VAGS." IN -LONDON. - - Ineurance Act.One Cause, gaye Gev. ernmient, RegRort. - srom a report lssued by tise Local Gevernmeut Boa-rd, It fi; avide-at tisa-t tise sciseme clevised for deallnsg v-tis tise homelesa people wlso' made lise, Embasîkîent thefr dos-mites-y la psev- n-g succesaful, .s-ays tise London Ex- sos. It coimenced about eigliteen mouthsaugo. and tiese ystem la te gIIve tise vagrants tickets for a- contre v-isece tisey a-s-odIstributed among eaèual1yards and charltable alselters. Ts eice nov- Issue fs-cm 1,000, te 1,500 tfi*leta per mentis. About aulue- tentiss 0 he reciplents apply ut thse Central Otltce oe-atuerlooe Plan; hit et tithseoaue sent te tise charitable agendaes, and practicaliy ail avalS themuselves ef the ahelter provldod. Of tisose saut te tise ca-sua-I varda fes-ly per cent. disappear, an-aIlIo slgilicasit tisa-t tise iumbers accept-E ln-gtiss iosplta-Iity as-e decs-easlnig.-i "Evldenlly,". sasys lise-repos-t,'tise -- ~casuai v-asds a-se net loeked upc-a vith - a-ver by tîsese v-li sloop eut, anid tise Posslbilllly that ilise la-ber task a--d cern- pulses-y bath inky be Insose degree respousibie for eus- figures- cannet be.~ Sînce Febs-sary, 1910, v-len tise nuns- TgeaSte h a Insted sc lng gai- ber of men a-s-d ivmen lns tiesatreets êgae a neie ri oggn a-nd slttlng up [n sheiters rase te 2,730, es-atiens cf ancestors a senne of ameli lise figure ha-s falien te 692 last Octo- se acule tsa-t Il appears nover te ise ber) il la admlîted tisa-t ises- factorsa at fa-uit. Professer Fltzslmons, dIs-oc- lbsà e mps-oved administra-tlen ma-y las cf tise Port Elizabeth' Museumu, ha t.s Igîves ln. his bockan7 "Tise Snkes o! ..avelIsfiuenced tise decline,,-ichis a-y Sth fia nItrsigIsac te pustly due te lImpsovemn-t ln trude. f teul Asica" anf lnîeeretstac "Otîser probable factos-s," h la a-dd- o! inseoo e bese ses-Ponta.gg aci,"-"te v-icisva-s-atiens ma-y badue onei1gsh o e! fainieons'd eggs are tise comi-ag lntd epès-atici of tis e oce -eutlosesofcabine sdobeok Oid 'Age Pensions Act, tise National ts la-ivusel fa e-dvs Hoa-lsh Insu-a-ueo Acta, and tln-sti- eggs. Boatii-g up tise contents cf a- tutlon cf Labos- Excisa-ges." fov-l's frsi egg, 1 syringed thom ns te Onie Important resuit e! tise sciseme lise empty sheila, sud earefully patd l tisa-t tise Iomelesaeues as-e brougisl tlny bitase-f tissne papes- aven tise hélas. under tise notIce e! those v-ho ca-n de4l I put tise. lu the egg-catera' cage, Ã-ud - ih v-tis tisnda-iPut tiso n utise vay v-atehed, for I expeeted the snak#ô te cf, eas-uIug a- lvellhood agaln.N îTv-e svalev- tisenu as tises dld tise btier * cases ma-y5be meulloned. À Civil Bes-- e899 i- Mst eue eggea-ter a-dviuced~- vaut v-ho thIrsough linesCain' dv-sHo touchoci eacis egggently lu tus-n to tehie- Embankmenî v-as put t1to t h lie thp e! hise eeos- thé point, situa-tien at nav-aIl-ici-ev- caterer'is; a- !lsfoioitoi-gué, sud crav-led av-ny chauffeuré-v-ho traxupéci te Loudon te la dilaguat. Ante-t"rand s-et - i-othen enlisI, but v-as unabie te do se, having ea-gesls- advai-ccd, - npeated,:t1ie *ies- ne referai-ce, v-as puonisfotaa. formai-ce, sud sts-nigistv-as- etIred. I Sterner.measns-es ns-e recomliieuded beg4n te 4eÃt- lnterealod. Leaving ti for thoae v agrauhs v-ho have i-ct yet eggs, 1 returuod lu a fev- heurs' time become amenabie te tise sciseme, sud te tii-citisma tiliýtises-c tise repos-b concindes vIbsa- vani-g 1 ôr tv-e v-isle i delkï bose eèggs s-e- tc tise publie of tise orSi e! iudîcrirn mained lu tise cage unte-uciseci, al- lnating dhas-lly. though I ;efrained fs-cm gilng tise - - ~ ~ - oine treas pieonu *gge p ut tissu . DATE FROM SOLOMON. - ito tise cge,ý- lTheenp;kèesapls-ched, ttIsuS e - ttexi -ita ta^nases or Jewlsh Tribe ln Abyseinla- Were Se- tangues, sud Instantis- began téea-i second tIsev-ibistisanme real. Fs-. Hoev-a- ernahi Jev-leh trIs.lved for queutîs- I have -O*tlced tisa-t tiese iakes coi-tus-les'la, tise-beas-t PtfAbyssinin -w<ind eatst 5950 th , eggs tisaI I geve- - ne ep.at4t*mt hé ' lomtade --s-Id a-ndlSéin-and - r et ss n~ k- iguraitofItexlsenc, sd howq, Su tise mtes- epen, I iwayi- touzd-tWt -tise fadesof seee pes-seecutlou. Il mans- thies- Wes-dýelthher asdiled os- else had-. a-- aged te proses-v.e -straditions sud P&rtiailildIleled,.yoang'Ird mi - wor.isp, v-as b tld, *6an -audience lu' I COU'Id.,ver-L e. 'au éggeaîer tb L.oudonr- bs- - De,. -Jaques F'aà ltiavltcis aashow'au egg tisaI v-hanet- porfectîy' weîi.kuov-u AbyssliIan bsavouler. < fseu. - légnd baes lbýtisa-t tise bribe firaITVisé eggeater la 5 expert cimber, -esL.red Use cousIs-y - lu htise 'rnee!asd h isis 'of0b! melil se oýsharp tisa- in lg pelern,hiaviisg mîgnaboc trous -hoe au diseover birds' ueslails htise "0 '-1,Buui éale sd' -N e age of i thomielvei te their nov- su*sounudruë, eggealer, ho v-lullabo e nenlice ef lb, mas-s-ed Abyselulan vivea, v-hem tiss-ex eeptte use St ocoasleuaily for a-è0"os cne-itedt Judnlotîrnsd lvoc on.- bed. But If yen put frsh eggs lun~ qu odtes-ms-wth thols- nelghbos-s. SenI Oi-ce debeets thels- presec,-i cm e godhobe lunmg oet tbis-- tisugis they as-o Isicden tromnu iaelgis1 I s-oes-tugo86 ex e- yifteyu îm st jjsey dlspeisedlin Nt Legal Tender. 'r s-îxen ratef ni Paticit-Doctr, I oe- r loess. Tise ebjeet -cf lise lecture v-se Dote->r-tha-t's a-Hiriis". air; but 1e amouse tiese ympathy cf bts- rce'-ne- Y ca-inet tike it un pn-ymient ofuMy- utilniato 1» Engîsuci ou Ii-boisait. services. "Fus-bld hlm not, for -h. t Ob agaiuat ns Lu for us."- Sorry IHo Spoke. Peck-I'm -sus-pnised -i-t à t yen aho-ulai loe.yens-self-control, Ma- ria. - Tisat'asernmetiing yen noves- sav ,me -do. .Ms-.- Peck-Yen lonit cents-elcf, voussof ise ia-y lI mar-led yen. Xio iolai fdyuur tangue. Mi>soal' !us are interested ini the bn-bèct of old age~;ple because we -hope,-te eci n uai e r- becs-uie we waut f-o iako 'the cld- age -o! thQse. who &'ro 4*r to us long sud isamiy.' - - .1 ýsenilky_6-a,d d age do Dot mesas tise sanie "tlsi ig.athougxih ma-ny -people weem> te think 'hey do. Blp- tilv. it à cquite poésible te live te an îdvauoed age 'witlsout sufferiug te auy great ectent £reon tseý de-' tenus-aVtion o! structure tt&leà lus- - pied lu'tise word ",sessibe." Bt-t duo not forget tisat e-yen the most healthv olai age -causes. a -ý gener&al "elowing down" cf thï vital pow- ers., Oi.cl peope thernselves sav. "T amu pe-nee-tly well, but I 'dos't r.- ciiperate as I oýnc did.ý" 1hat la where loving cane _-eau help - by; watching those reluetanit recupara- tive prooesses, sud lesrniug low far to depeud on the-m. - There is mueh pro-mture' old- akge lu thse wQrI d udit caa generally he traced tae disease - or - -ezeeai T'he exceases are offen owinei4.th OvenluýduigenCe of tise bs.ttJut excessve- tofl eau ai so wear ont>-,*h body prematum'ly..,h. ti. p- cially the case if- t iii toil i ws. s the: servons systeicmnsmuch in-V6Wv xdî, -for a-grýeat. nian-y poo0p1ý1" have been very ha-rd pîhysical Wcsrk ers live teaextiéme jage . In fa-ct, mort o! tise authoutie exmanles of- eitreme olAd age,are amoug the neoreit clasmss, asnd they ire u&ual- ly Persona who have werked veryv bard (often lu tise open- air)'- and lived ve-ry frssgally. A porsen isio -bas s-eseised mniddle life, and who wisbes te ive ite be eld, eugh-t to be-gin at once te regu- - hate bis diet -and -dimini'isthse amount of his food, for agi.ng npeo- pie do net ueed as ýmucis strenîg food as thse yosug do. There is alec a k-ind of- foolisis va-ity that may do a great deai e! barîn. Yeuth las eosweet te rnany that they try tesa-ps iL long afLer iL if; gene, regardiesa o!fihe Iiriu they rnay ha doing. They 'fu tiseir nervous sv-ysternsby refusi;sg te use the glasses -iait their eyes dena-nd; bY efforts te o neal a eliglst deafuesa; by c-on tinuing to run upstais-s, because ithey have ai- ways doue se; sud hy failing tu ne- coguize thatt- tise diges-tive po~wers do net aiways keep pac-e with thse appetite. Medenatio-n -l3 wisdom for a1l,but it la absolitely neces- sary for thse old.-Youth's Cern- A Safe Suinîner Drink. Lemou-s-rup is a deligbtfJui drink for tise surnîer montha, and, for pienie en-tinigs. Se ofteu tise stomu- achisl uPEet by unsuitable drinks during t-be bot weatber, but -tise fol- lowing recipe ca-n hoe-1--~en mendeai: Very tisinly Paîre the yellow part of t-he«.akin off three- lemous, sud place it lu a- jug iwith tv-o large breakfastcupfunia -of- water bv the Eýde o! thse fine te infuse for ani heur. -Squeeze tise juice cf tise tbree l-emod-gsin-to a chean enansel sauce-. pan, add oeeasd & isaîf pz-tund-s cf sugar, tv-o bre-akfasýtcupfuls cf wa- ter, and a tea-peonful -of tnta-nie acid. MÃx thia togetlier, and add the - water iu whkb tis eksa are infused.* Bei? aIl toge-t-ber for cton te fiteen minutes. Struin it-hrough mu-ain, and bobule <o-ruse. A dessetpoonful iu a tumblen cf water la -a most -refr*shing drink, especially v-heu a smahl pieceocf ice i s added, ÀW*C- -c Aller -A£ -u s eezeet u* -' la- Openi Boat. wisicisexple)d-ed ansd burued' off tise- 'COat o! -Hà ifex, iu tisee nboit in -wnch t-h-ey ý -bi-ed about for tv-o weoeke before Seing'rescued by tise eevenue cntter Seneca. Fis-st Officis- Ties-tià aiLtise st-.e-ing oa-. Tise photo vy-as ta-ko-aaaVis-e boa-t onme alongQide tise Seneca. When rescuai tise maen ksad juat enougli foed te liast a-nolise-s day. Tis con-- $isted e! a fev- erumssibc-fbr-ead- and leeatiser f rom t-bois-boots caretul.y Ãied ini a hanakerchief. DIFFER ON FIIESII AIR. London Specialists Who Waat Their Windows Shul. Bs- lRobertson Nicisol complais a-bout tise - detestable habit of open v-iýêowîs," by v-biebho assesatisa-t tlseatcs ucelai. Deapite -tise fa-ct -tisaI.ssay doetes-s ps-ca-ch-Mie gos- pel 'pi% tise open whidov-, tise sl -appas-ent diEsonance boit-veau medi- -ai taching an-d medical practice, says the Le-ado-a &Sanda-rd. AI haîf-paqt eight e'ciock on a s-e- cent akLru-îag in R-loly streot tises-e v-as atéarce a widev- that le-t ini -tise mes-usi-g ais-. La-tee exploration at eleven o'clock a-nd-at nien cf a v-asrn, sîslt.ry da-yla tise doctes-s' quartes-s-Hasloy- 9treet, Queeu A-nue street, Cavendias square, Wirnpoie atts-ot, andi Devonsisire street-crobos-ated tise fa-ct t1la-t te outu-ard appeas-auce, doctes-s du e net ps-a-dice ail t-bey are believeai Ce p-eac1s. A-.isscingave thee folev-ing explanatien: "Al up' and dcv-n Ha-nov streait just nov- yen observe tise paitîiers' la-ades-s. Iv-a-at tise ais- bu-t -unixea it-lthie odes- of paint." Tisi alied te socount sat- isfacterily for tise case, hov-ever. - Wisile tise xaisiîera s-e hua--about tise bouse eêf Dr. Abes-crombia, for instance, dond tise docte-rssia-ny windows rem-e aIl sealeai, tise men f e!ts bruir were equa-lly husy next - door te Sir JuinTv-edy, yet moat cf jais twelire v-udows lot munVise e0dos-ons ais-. La-adessves-e reareai la-gs-ist Dr. -do-ei H imes' -ad Dm'. Pegieen's, but tisa v-d-ov-s tises-e- v-es-e open %-lie. Yet a to-us- cf tisie district, v hero specialistis' cou c-uIt- iug s-comav-aFtivoutnumbered lthe paijit pot-s, ma-de it evi-demit tisa-t eleven eut cf 1v-elve cf tiseWc. Ensd medi-ul pra-et*seai -the plan et the closeai cindev-. In (7uvendiah -square but one ha-If hc-astedIv epe-n-ea windcv- lot the noontide air inb tiseho-use cf Dr. Syme% 'Jhompsou, son eft tie great pioneor of epen-,air tre-at-nIrenît f-er tubercuJosi-s. RSmVioleor Horsley kept his clozoçe, save eue on t-be second fl-ces, a-ad r-- exingly-,cf bis minai vese Sir1).ý Ferries-, tise -spe- ciaii-un ne-u>roiozv, Dr. -Sanditisa, Dr. Elizabeth Pattesous, Sir As-- bu-thnot Lune, tise senior sus-een e! Gsys; lDi. Du-ada-s Grant, tbreat an -naos-specialiat, manai ,ir Roua-Id Rocsr,v-h«o has--sspeciaI ex- perience cf tropical mtdinle. Tises-e iL appeared-.as t-jioughi ar six-incis opeuing v-as lnu defe-e-ie t-o tise1 wlshes of a -smaIl bird-tIia-t hun-g lu, a gflidai age. No. . Haley reei,, wisich lias the plates of- sven de-clossOn iLs doôr, fi-ad -but tv-o spsinsgly open- ~d winôw 'Ou> thil uther handî, thsee of Dr. Gutb-ie Ha-n, sygi- élan te tise Seamei-'s Hespilal st Greenwich, aIl op'éied se60 v-idely- VisaItiste currtiiniïfitalttes-ed eu-t lute -ise tehisya cf tise eVtertsund Sis- al,1ghsaersansd are ligbted, fer, a prt dt eat ylétfigit.çver, litty âglles o! cisabei'u ;è__ t' u'eé a1k cllfrghdye alreadyrbreiolïd Tise Dr I4svedlu 1 OçjtaqU awise Ésd heye téyburfed, mqsiy etf thefir dead. 'tie stoneièon wlslcb tbse lugsa sacrléWs w re 1mai s tlhl te te seen, as4 alio th welt from 'wlilcb wà ïer" lis drawn te this day. -- -- ad. light enoýugsh 'se o à fy'-eà ily. Evesi If d4 vornis se-trong enougis te cas-y 'a suilcae, Se:hisaes to- de -sbecause sun knov-sîh4elolc. -un-, 'comes-table. Yot- tisese fe eMany. ti-usea v-heuaa peer aoaaus-tb. e , said età ise-timea v-len yens- p oet-, other- dreadil imea senyens- isost insiste- on beiug -potrto-fs-cm tJie etation te ie- hugse.- ~Ribhoné là a<usca mus-e assd mo-e. Women 11ke nibbon, se thie lneya la v-louse. Tises-e are ne-me samiing new -sasSes uma&eo!fv-lie affts mîois-e nibisen. -lseencidsare fqld- ed lat-ta oneuusi fiiised -ith s sif-kes oira ent aid ta-ssci. The$e sa!S _ arip"raped tv-be about tiseé -waiet and'etht edidearo. tises lied - assai let t bang ioosaly oves-tise - Bi;à ed bage are stili thse -height of fashion. Borne o! them are en- ,tirely coveeed in slining black .beads -SBonm--amer. ebroidered in, PrlndesIgnoi M éelorî. There4is an unusually larve vari- ety o! ittie girl'. cetAhs year. And of thein thers le uothing ps-et- tier lihan ths e was o! suck poplin, ei-l-her plain or in moire finish. The best tnimming for these cents is oe that-bas rocently been shown -by a. special-ty ahop for childreu. lt is simple and essily washe'd-wide col- lars and cuffqs of plain-white batiste edged with inch->vide- vaiencienuea lace. -It seezns, te sec thse eioth1ps thst are built for littIe boys te we.&,r n-ow- adinys, i1hat a new order ci litH boýys mnust bave corne into exist- ence. A few vyears age wo had the Bustor Brown youngster, witb bis full, easy-to-wea-r knickerbockers, bisj looso, lcng waisted ccoat that covoned al - diserepancies at tihe waist iue, 'the large boIt that could neyer get out of place and tise coliar that was, -if properly fitteci, us cemfrtabie as ne ceilar et ai]. Rul- new for the hast six months fashion bas banisbed thse roliicking lad with the Buster Brown suit anc in bis place we have -a very propen lad with rtraight tip and down breeches-th-at brook -no bendisig over. They are buttoned up -higi and tight on thse waist -and t ie ai~is buit-toned w-ithn an insch cf ile ia,'Us skin a-cross the cheEt. A straight- arouud standà up collar, fits, at thse neck and thse sleeves are as long andi straig-ht as are the breeches. 'ýome- times these tight littie nuits ar-e 4e- velo-edi,e «?,nd w-hite, nome-- times in bIueaýîwhwite and somne- timues ins ail white. Cotton poplin, seems to' be the favorite material chosen. Ope variety of the new suit deveioped la pure white showed a two-inch-x- ott-on pleating a-t the cuifs anid around the neck. IL, -wouid be a model lad, indie-ed. who ceuild endure thse dieomfort of etif! f riliing -at his bandesud ueek, but pre-sumablv theimodel littie boy -bas ce>rne into fashi-on. IYollg FOIJ Jacquiline Paimer wa-s consider- ed tise prettiest littie girl in 1town. She had large blue eyes and long, light curis. But now, 1 arn serry te taýy, a littie witcbh ived in be-r pret- tv curis, sud a wicked--sorcAere" ins lier big blue eyes. For tisis reason Jacquil-ine had tiew friends. If anv of her playrnates did auy- thing te diaplease bier s-h-e would natghtilv -shakeho-r curis, t-hrow her bead higis up intte the air and wahk away eaying, "'You-have ne right te do that. You're net tise most beautiful girl. 1 arn" Jacquihine was se prend and dis- agreoab-ie that she was unwh-appy, but ehe did flot know why sbe was neot haDpy. Ohe day thse shades were drawn in the- large hoù»e w-here Jacquilie iived. Children,' even tise pr homeiy oee that she usad tr4eated badlv. Nwhispered - uYnpaUh-etie 're- marks fcor iittl-e Jîeqiline. For the dcctor had toid thenýftharb tise horrib!q egl.e'ýcaUed '>1.Yphà id Fe- ver" bad ïâzeâ.hér and ehat ts doctors were fightiug it day aud nsgt na, n-ve A -~Ys 5Cve5-a h sssiir suore - athully than, when be did tie - ting w'hscis ýioeti rebuke record- C ed iu Our toit. Here,-ehela-d dis- covered'l"on-e casting eut.devils" lui Je.sus'naieneud ,yet-ro!using te s-- cegu-izo tise Jâzarene andi juin Hi-s- baud. On -ie coutr-ary, this ma-n iu-isted upons doinjç his w.r-k of hiee-ling l in b uv-on way. Iowcouldi i John, hreflre, shcFw-issleyal-tyt to hie ate_] more ce-arly tlhan.by- aasaiiing, thisi-otr and, for-bid-. ding- hi-m -lu ontinue hi& sot-ivities3? "Hoe felweà I net us," sa-id tise weil -beléveTd jdiseiple, a-ad "wo for- hait Hlm."1 Tisa-tJohn if eit tIat h li- l doue tise sighit -tbiksg le indicateai-by tise fact *tiste-h.us-ade report, Vo Jeas wiLb pride 4nd expectati-en o!"aj-' proval. Great must have been bfis surprise. thehofeore, v-hen tise Mas- ter rebukea i hm sud laid dowu a3 i luc ucas esa"Lie -w-ho is net against us isIcor us." Wht if luii man doos e t foheb 'us? Jeaus seensa te hae argu-ed. Whsat il hoc <tees net joZs cssnog-anizetieuon o aceept ou-r -Weiefs or submit taOeus-i authoriy 1 Ze la cloinig good, la ho: -net ?'H;Reaj-ho-ahig-se sick, cern- fting tise afhcte.d -uiug tie dist-augb-taud tise -faleni. He is makiug tisev-os-idbettes- aud manl-' festiug love ifor his, felov- men. Wisy forbid bim, therefore i Tor wbat mono than tisis can v-e possibly desire 7 We woud-es that John c.ould have gene avtray ln sucisan ebvieus ina-t- tes'. Aud yet why aboulai we v-on- de-r? For have-e t mon ahways gene astray -lu mast this v-a-y, and are we net stili keeping up t-hoe practice moat delightfuliy a-t tise rroeut umomesnt? Wsy -as-otises-e of Chris-isuan- esevettat Jcmi~niww,- riglit and.j-esuz - ong Litis-Pr- tieulax :q-e betwees themI UE8ch churis, bt'sy inle aeting out de- vili", ;n Jo-sus',naine, la equaIly ,busy. la forbidd ig itu nei9ýr'É> 1lo likiswise for -t-se sole rason. that it "followa-e l t , -.s," 1t~d as8 -?e t enday, w-a are, ebseeed *1-tir- thse ide& -t-ha-t no mrpcai' do -xood [.1 t.he wonôld who does noV ,-alo-i- te ur Ch-rch,.-hold teo-<uc doc- tringiand îpe.k eu-fflailethg. N'sy, more ; it ia m an wio - 'f91- 1ev-s nol u" seems te be doin'g gocd-ho e iUthéreby tise more selY reveaied a Xbeu -ave tise pur-e uheant anti hélp-. ing' hand 0eerav-ailed akainvt'thée eha-geocf heresy?_ When bas the . pwer -ocf gocai deeds-ove- r uriied aswide -tii-es'Word eo! hat-ecimd pe-- secu-tion i Wheu -have v-e oves-beau wihllag to retognhiv thit-ien ÉviIs do net -hoki our -opini> on& or -walk Our va or juin eus'r gauizf.tQng nmay ha meved by ceusvict-ios as d.eep.n - umiolives as noble e.s eux ev-n Have v-e net ahi o! us be»en the followera of -Jchn 4-n thismuaI- tern 'las net tse vos-y aiucenity o!f Our devotie.n made - us -bigota 1 Ras no tishe vos-ypov-en e! esmr love _led us lu-to -lite? Net se,Ihov-eve-, -witls Jesus. What if a man dîd refusc te accept His te achings or join Ris baud -ef followers if he v-a aagoed maa and- v-as rtrýying as beat -ha could te heieal 'tise ila- anud -haniah tisev-rongs -of Isumanityl Was ho pure, un-,elfisis,, ,brave; v-as h-e se«eking not-his n but anothei's gain; v-as ho fulfili-- ing tiselawcf love If-se. thon tie wordocf Jeans -we empisaticc-- "Forbid his n.'>t,-ýfor- ho -ie Dot a-gainst us is for as"-eJe-ln Ha-vues Hoimes. 2b Tise extent '-f depeélts by !anMerýkin eaviugsbnkmsýý ý"3. Thse extput o! tise daand on tise Part-o! fasieus >fer les.»,.ý J4. Bâste o! sutereot paid botth on long anai short time leans. ' 'ô' Whsether tus Ioang are on tise ýpurisasiiiug à f . nd-ou-ly or feré financing fis-suoperationa.. - ý ."n -Ët;rn 1 nom - Mies ilion, là ,*yers, r-f sy - office officiais aud promissenit fa-rusess. As la v-eh knoîWn,' -îinM6tbf-a-type are usnahiy in choe toueS uithtise cou- ditions-of tSels- communitieos, butS by s-ensou eft tieis-position andi by reason e!'tisefa-ct tiat they h-ave liveai along tmein the district. Tise- intormati*n w-hioeS Sas thus been o cure-siould, thierefos-e, -be reason- ably relia-bic. "Aswers te ts ri question pertaining te, mor4la-ges elkitea tise fact VisaVa-bout 45 pes- cent. e! thse fis-ni, e! tise- Pi>viuce -ks-emort-- gage.dte stome calent, ansaithatoee- third v-euId boia fais- etiuatbo! tise amount whici tiseniest-gage reps-e senstt the total valueo!ftise, pro- perty. Tiit nesus t-ha-t mortgages- againist fans» psopenty iu tise Pro- vince reps-osent* only about, 15 per ce-ut. of tise total value o! fis-m pro- perty, wiih muet* be taken as a very enicous-aging sign. Mureover, a consira-ble percentage o! these mon taee a-oisld by fa-smers. Opinins -oe-eaiseunanmmous tisat morîga-ges are stea-dily decremisfing. Practicahy oves-y eeucty reperteai tisa-t pa-ynents were being ko-pt UP very prouipt-y and a large numben of rnortga-gcs v-o-s-ceing wiped off cacis year. Iu many-cases it v-as peinteai euttisa-t iortigagos, v-hile they are fsequeuthy taken as a haso- =-e-tes- e! prosperity, as-e net alto- gether an un'heaitisy sign, as ma-ny are pla-cea.inluos-don te secure money to' extend tise landi holdings, es-oct buildings, plan-t eut os-chas-as, put ini undes--dra-istge-, on effeet other improve-ments v-iich v-en-e in tise na- tur*e cf inveatnent. Iu a fev- cases, unfortuisately. it was repos-ted tisa-t mostgagos h-ad becis plaeed ou fus-ms in .order te rais mouey foi specula- tico-, lu western real estate, sud tisa-t there are tec ma-ny indications tisa-t a great deal of money cf Ontas-le farmers ha-s heen used for tisis pus- pose and ha-s net hrought tis es- turns anticipa-ted. "In tise mattc-r o! deposits of fas-nier-, there v-s aise a unahimity cf o'piion ühat these had increased mà terially in recent yea-ns. Inuoe co-tnty tise bunkers estima-ted tisa-tj the deposits isad incs-ea-aed fs-cm 20 per cent. te 30 per cent. lu the la-st fov- yens. In another ceunty it v-a-s estimated tisat 70 p>er cent. te w0 per cent. e! tise meney deposited lu local ba-nks v-as deposited hy tise fa-ruses-s. Anotho-r oounty eetirnate4, tia-t 75 per cent. cf tise farmo-ra ied saviugs run-nig fs-cm $700 te $12,- 000 ca-ch. As te t-Se total *mount of deposits o! farinera' - meey, uuly 'a genonai estimato ca-fl, cf course, ho- given. Oua connty estimated t-ha-t between thrce aud feus- million dol- lars cf farines-s' meney v-a-s depesi- - ed lu tise local ljs-ancis barîka, v-hile etibe-r 'stinsatea rangeai from tv-e t-o five million dollars. Under tisese cis-cums-t-ances iL v-culai seenu safe te crîlmate tise total umnount of formera" depe-sits in rural Ontario a-t oee unai-rea million dohians for tise eistire Province. Wiie tis ma-y appear te ho a very large fig- ure, Liltsboulai ho nememu-hrea tisa-t tise aggregate fanm v-eah of On- tas-le, iuciuding land, buildings, imu- plernents aud ive sto>ck, la placed A de Tise Pei lite Ba Royal, - vas net im tuba-tishe < $4,189,1901, -estat-e, re-a total Va-lue Tle isole& -of -GroatiN $3,3à 0, 328- sto()cks;-$4, R-aiiv-ay st Montreal so stock. Orif In v-nids kee by 8v-ode v-os-k for Ptl .ludged by the as-e happy met - - The tale oi eue. Hes- hu -of tise force nsarelied a-wa) -tnek, v-han MIdme. Ohîo, -gendarmes-lei sa-lied by the, Ohisoî teckc cineu sguns te eof Icassant a-uts at bay. inspilre tisa d, g tise- v-asne Dise atternled 0owsi ha-nds. thet i^-eare- i tise dauntiess lady. a-adlier beas-ows cous-, tlve genidarsme - Il le amsonv nationbut th - te ha proud c !inst exploite dian iutliy. À qa-katthf i-ostise esi- tise, vIce-regul the cu.atomai - -sdressas. .has -os-tise v-est w - vheo-ur poî'u1i -recrerai at f H.T'LH.%V-ouid ne .ipeople:wti - Wearisome form hieS proverbial ge k Gerrn-vý,cole v-ith (.r.at f-ritalj lnterteaing-sitat- VoslEishý- Zeitun a-ad March ceai tise ensd oethtls _oves- ria emiilion- Iu Cermany by 1ss. Dttehs aad O isithes-to deait as- ai satisfaction a-t -- tise Londcfn Tins /- Bes-iit sunmasiz. -- by Hprr iBalin' c tors o! tise Hamn Gern->-s mnuy - a-inta-ins, tisat It subIe fer Gos-mass incs-oaslng sus-pin la -rea--ed S-r ln al'i securemnts. -- Ges-es-nuy soldons loans except ai; Dov-orP. Hes-rB tise Frenchsend 1moe' abe-aci v-i pra-ctcai a-dva- -politicai spisers-o nov- narks-L, as thnt a las-geoas-t -It 7lus-ueOte t), -- dora, la pas-tienS 'badl affect o!f On Germa- szhipi, O f tisa cliaper v-ortisy cohtrart À iug te -lem la-ber ]Y isigisqua-lty e tise whoea orIdl tiens-.go tec, -rea Coveredi that lus hojls1tered v-ls s- st - for a fiÈht aiýd thse vlded{-o- titrre - but-Paîplait. Ac v-ho ha.-; s-te doas i:s-t ernvy Ili- gusrerounlngs: "Dt COmfos-t wli s-pass os-atien, but, 1ri t:: SOM do-s net awei v-e titnk, orTii - icrc f.tise scvt imeaor t- -tl tise rol«*,- ien t. oss stîs Chiaas Tempos' tu inOs titi acta tL1a ,,t tO- t-- tise çrg-i7la Lv hiexrtl:ins Su al, tisat une nets- cors5it pos-al-YȎcXYdierit Io pe-isnsss sw. -t dc-f '-xr-,-tix-e wl efh- ofprmier. 1 PvO-s ii111tise Par a-ici>a National Sisi liLai wwîs-so n-a-clîie î-self d(icta-t -bec-n r-su out, tia-t i s-C-Iiob5c. IDr. Jeik truth. ip Ihose ste tses-e laui i-esec Dr. s-Sn at-Ses,-, - Ing te erganIze- sev. sa-y Iola iot true. an statesnsan lm such. as Ingtisa-t Ir ho _,1aa leader. .-Re ha-a ides tise gevernmeust-ver tisaan lsown and is thide-the des-aie s-epublic'. There- tnsossuethusu optîssîla4tie me.4sage R.eid.,- Austraii-s i chastened by the thou1ght of ýthe su!- aI:ana~sf[~~l~Ifering which mnust precede it. III?~UNRT SB9~ L[iUÃŽ1 28-28. As - . . i the days of Noahi and Lot--Many people will be INTERNATIONIL LESSON, wholly ovcu1pied with- external af-, -fairs and ý4beir- own salfish 'en'oy JUNE 7. ments, busiéd, with the things they must some time leave bebind fhem. - Lesson X.--The Coinog of the King- and rnindfaue. fte'tiiso doin.- Luke 17. 20~-37. Golden 30. In the day that the Son of - man is revealed-Note the certain- '- Tcxt, Lukc 17. 21. -t:v of the-expression "is revealed."i 1 Verse 20. en asked b the The second adve-nt will be simply a Pharisees, Bhen hing dom, o-manifestation cf the Christ, who i5 God comethz-Jesus haci taugbt on arayivsbypeet previous occasions that the King- 31. In that day . . . let hîm flot demwasat and an th Ph~rieesgo down . . . return back-Ir. Mat. asic when it xnay be expected. Iti. 2.1,1 n ak1.1,1 hs 1possible that they wished to test wvords are. spoken in conneetion with him. If the xnention'ýd an early the flight before, th,- destruction of dat, ad tey aw s yt n sinsJerusaIem. It may be that C0hrisét date an the sa as et e 5iIi5there used the-m in referring to this of its approaehing, they would know fih;ad-eea n huhi that -no, confidence was to be placed fiht; adfere ag in, tougI n a.t in bis words. hdfe wrthlennectiof. In beth_ Net with observation-lt is invisi- csgth othende th e il hie. No aign-s or sounds will an- pssnes ine s, nd Itheirrn nounce its arrivai. A spiritual istance, tempoased ne f airi kingdom sn liways slow in produe-isacteipotnecavn ing outward efet&1fe. bere, the importà nce of being 21. Nithe sha the ~ ~ ready for the comirig of the Son o! here! or, There -In verse 23 Jesus man, 15 se ratthton fothing hn says tha.t meu wiil say these words, dhivetou ttnin rm h but their- sta-temont will be aIse.thg. TheKigdih s ot a isbl -je 39. Renierber Lot's wifé - In thet Kingde o a et vsbl jetlooking back, Lot's wife pzoved her- thaT, côn e Jocaehd. se slfunworthy of the sa.lvadcrn offer- Lo-Tat s, Bhoi! Usd'0 ed her. Likewise a.t the advent-of bring out the contrasit betwveen the the Son of man, & Christian con- statement wihich !ollows*-and- tha.t cerned about the sa-fety of his -goods he ibprcdes fit. s itiwould hc unfit fer the Kirigdom., The kringdemcf ed cis wi.thin M. WboÈnoever shall seek te gain youOrin he ida cfyou ththis life-That ia, "Te pre-serve for la, "a.mong yen, " since the King- himseif. " The words of this v erse dam was not "within" or "in the were cloubtless repeated on more hearts of" thie Pharisees to whom thian one occasion, and Jeaiis pla.eed he was spea:king. Instead of com- gretmpsiuont.Iisp- îng with, outward signs upon a de_ served in all four Gospels. The men nite date, the Kingdom was alreacty a-nd women who have moet truly there in the person of Chrsit and of liv-ed, whose lives have been #. les-- bis disciples. Another equally per- son and an î.prto oteron missible intérpretation cf this i. ir atiogneatio wnhav clause takes it more iiterally,'em- time ande wfr gtnea ofhe pha.sizing this inwardness and spiri-ben tose wo, fd- or th sa r coth tuaI nature of the Kingdom. Soe lingsdom.cote-ftthrow interpreted Jelsus may ho regarded 34,e de5. Tecoetcoýrdq-vl as stating a general principle or be separatea if one la fit for the truth without reference to its par- K-ingdom and the ether is not. ticular application to the Pharisees1 There will bc ne ti-me nor opportun- whem he is addrcasing. ity to a-ssit the one who is u-npre- 22. And he sa.id unte t.he-disciples, ae.-ythsfcsrvtor- The days, will corne,ewhen ye shallpared.us Mat w hi fact seve Vo re- desire te séeeue of the da.vs of the;madss te hilt-hesgve tat So fmnPrastePharisee sstncwhieteei etme honvc mauPerhaas the37.,And they answcring tgay unto hav rei edo it May be tha'this Iii hrLr -Ti words 7about the, Xingdom bring t lsWhrLrdTi quesLion the mind of Jeaus the years of toi, was, doubtless, prompted by, curie- and pe-rseeution awaiting the dici sity. and 3esus dee-s .not give s ples. ' Re foreseu. thattho-re willý be direct reply.HRe ;bas just- been- daya cf bitter diseouragement and teaching that the 'adve-nt wili notr' tel-le them that t.hey will long for a be limitëd te, any particular plame. foretaste o! the coming giory cf the h ýWhera the, body is; thier wl Kingdom. "And ye shaîl net see [the eagles aise be gathered-Tbis it." Tbis glory must -lé patient-ly wes probably ac-urrent, provorb. kI waitcd for. I-t 1wil corne, but net 1hais been interpeetecf toe n - ere. at the tlie of their discouragementj "Where 1tie dead body of! uian and their greait longing for it. ntr lnigteerbyhnsis, Oue of thse days cf the cs So o!man thee the judgnets o! eda,1ique rnay aie be tra-nslated '"Tbe first of tcorne"of Jeand-plets ad'ai que- thbe days of the; Son cf man." I t >siens cf ting adiace and empa- ,would th.enmes-n thbe day cf bis re- ~totig:frt h otit turu. This rnay -be wbat Jesusi fbstenn;-scntevr mes.nt, since the verses which fol- great importance cf boing-,ýready fer ki*r...efer te the second advent. ~eri~ 23. The disciples must net be iu- F.t.iet e8tesaÃibp Afliat. duced te beave their work. nor fol- Tefsetsemll u h'o iow -avftertin-gs ,which ,tbev migb.t ~Th ew ustsi taniitorpedo 4eptýryei suppos i-* uld '4eéad -them iýeÙ-the-jNovlk. hc n e-rce±tiitripé. placel cf the Son of mnan's appearq.reached a mean speed o ! 37 knMta ing., No faithis là te ho put lu thse over a -measured mile aud a- maximum4. staementa of those whô prediet ex. - t31- knots. >On 'i continduï- rus. aet dates or places for tihe Lord'a for -six heurs she- suade a, meapupeéd re-apperlnglof 36.2 bisets and> 36.8 durlng thse hast 24: Teaisesnd il easJthree heurs. Ier boliers .were. tred. 1 24. Thèêecod'adentvisibe as - eBxciuulveiy wlth- hlquld fuel. No amoke sudden and as generall iy ibe ssudfo Irsar. h aa the* iâhfnîng'ilu thé h bâ-seii9. No,.turblno-propeilod vessel. î - oné ce. fore&ee it and ail will know- it aà jsc. - I - Cape TownGardons. 25~-Bu fratm 11à ,Iî éËifflerrma-nuy Great xmroreslelaà ng Mailead, suc. a ARC TORONTO e- 1' -I culty lu secùtring susoney needea iD finance bis fis-m opes-ations, v-hichj v-as tise chie! purpoâé fer wisicb bcaseve-re* sought. - Tise rate cf lu-1 T ters-ot chas-ged vas-led fs-oms5% per cent. on loi-g-ise ans te 7 perj cait. on abus-t time iua-us, v-i,-th J occasiounahly rates o! 8 Per-cent. assai1 ho- per- cent.- in ecus- o!twseneweyr lecteai et t.he timev-heu tise iney -uicsuy geno--hl was searce, se th at -they weuld i-ct represeuit nos-mal Conditions. hI- evpry instance ut n.p- pearedTha ie fs-iienre were 'a-b0 te secune flua-il ia<crno"tiOn ou thes&a-m te-ms ai-ai tbais- --as those engalgeai in otis-osoupa4sens. "Tises. e tctv-cull indicate that tise financiol» cond-itionci . !tisePro- vince a-s-oùend, sud tisa-t tiseo look le healtbful." U 44 liieWa utie- hairýgg, - "tisât te isa ppiestusas- riaghs are inaae -by zppesites." « ",44Jinat tisink -oy ow r I am f'" as-1 gued -thle youag man. Trse la z Tisey as-e thattiev