Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Jun 1914, p. 3

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INot Chilla has a lnw 1tuîoîistcnai'-oisti- alOi as weillk,(n r orhÏ hto tne'1Ue wm lt Gmaniiat t ie etct-ering appa r'atusofa t<iri t [ toht.for a lîiaactgraphie appliancres, as ho prfctei ark Fnrieda Mahnrtic "Býritist i inaval at-roplano moto a-t Nether- eect tht tic e pe 0 -f CTaula tiýlî lthe cai'bo-.1 prioýss ca.ldthse dry Britsh T1 erii,,Iilîhlp.fAvonl, andl nftera lgtoe ti tid[e dceun t<lit- filîc forani of lte <ciî,andtihie Rritfsli ba-k Hî,t bonr Plain, landeti with cs <lc t-anwie p1w J.. ci l, it'-r, -li, Thse lace lias woîî b'the fthe yeOnanry c.anP. TIîa First Lord ofte. 'di-lttn n "tr(a(dth eptr-b - 'W WiE iLEFrieda Mnlin, w-hjtai, ~ 2 ii.hopes to cîualify for his cc'rtiîitate <ba th tiew cool 4OfitUtion 1- orti- onit-he-passage, thse BriLti h îfte< îv. next week. pet-o,,-nt îîw, Il makCýth eri't VreBravely i'r5ing <o fiet Ro-ng oc fcrajiM~ i 2 Circxct,, l!fulmwra n1 itigil'oidei' Ont of Bo\. dîy1 )11111) I N (IIIlEUAT(cON V. powelî14 In the Patliari-rit. t tt at-s ( lv offcafpreie %'< vgis tegci 'A despa t-h fr.mm edar Rapidis, --+'0'... lvijin Ilis I'iugeu' %Vaîs Fl"i t o alto a Nationafl 'l ualI cf ldis,- ur~î., ey:Two mon, Olaf Singin. rine be-nsati<lt -..,it'Oa n anti Wilde Jamscn, Swede-s, In thlie SalUle Boat. llilkerville Man. fih i<ai was 1Pti-.ting a Itvoutioa <Q u-. Illt a xl osion f dyna- De Broke-"54-, iîe ,ti i(rcaîlei A de8Pateli fa be adtatI.srct unýml kle ya epoin(rom Windaoî', Ont.,i nialie blitnelt tt ao. elacîs m n h ere û Te,, AvTh.~..ff.- -. . -n mtout tOut ho hai ree Oe --cl yl LU .ffa . 'nnhy wte reuluii. Dr. Jn'e asthero eJ3îcu eniployetcionsmtruction womk for trutti In <boue saruî-s u'bmteveî for <lhe (edar Rapiti Powver Cori-pany. tbers Ia no prospect of another t-cc-lu- \paknoast'm iovletfe <[on. A-pr rmasen hvl&tfr Dr. $uon Yat-,Sén 1l4 hargeîj wlth t- . o a newly--openeti box cf dynamite. lng <o ot-ganîze ruvoit. but titis frienuls -'n -nýnntcdteý, n squ> It ta net true. and the record or thit Saienntctite bac n statemînan ltucli na <o luetîf>' <li ei'ei- hmaVeiy atteumptedtit gettise dysa. lng tîtat If bu lu a dreamer bu liq net a.. leader. Ho lias done bis wvork. t-rnid tai-teout cf<tie box. Larsen wss tlie govet-ament oîer <o stronger bande gcing te Singinson's assistance <ban lits own and Is now dolnri, othîîîg w tednamnite exp-lodeti, kill- <o hinder tlie deîeiopment nt great<iie iet> noptîbticigbt o hm'T' e . 4soAurUu -m ois cfnt inTywen'by nies Theru Inu uomethinfc lnsptrtint [n the ckn atevcnt eekok ' tinilsicm essagu wbiclî it-r G'eorge cd dow b>' tise force cf tise explo. Ifid, &uotraUa'n Iigli commissioner, sion, but were.sot injureti. KideysCured or They re odorin bnYtng GIN PILLS. Theyareool ona positive guarantee rthattheywillcure al idnoyandBladctor Tronblek, Bheumatlsm and Sciaticat l IU the S * tAanà fte o, yen ean h=084aYtl &ta fit 0 a n Me eempty box t yone. ,ate TisaI spws bow crtai rxtQ4y 0 for 2.50.sent Mni fPilI h ODet UP lYOU. NATONA 1>110A~tuCe4eUrée CÃ",, n -uon" aa.ii wiOth my bill!Ii i>-ou ttisayI was euit?" Ris Mas-"Yes, ar;anti 1 îol< bita I tisougist he lia-s t- . One Answcr.' Teache r (drawing -twe parallel lises on tise blackboard)-Whtre- lation asre tiseee lin,". te eadhisothor? Hlead of Vie claas-.Twi5. Five Young mnstroopeti into -a *hoP. e-aois te buy la Gw tut-. Scent- ing fus, thoeasoime bi<he eunter waxed joeular. "(Ae o u al max- rietikIe '"ho * re Yeso, they chornd. "'Then if give a himt to thie mian wl-das t-thfu-ly SAY ho isas not, kl.ed a> iSaibtIi ow-n wife since hbelitauwedded." "Rand over tise,,bs<," eaid Oeeof the party, "iT Was arnieti yoster- day." On-efthéOtuhera iras Spin- pig thie yr- hswife, and illi 1auehter sutidenly gave way 6'o je. "&.ayJQhn," aIse asked? <'hcw W&Q it you tiidn't bisone.?" Seme imen Whoe poseashihfm landi with ia duil, sickening r raya: Uo cayr ago At-chibal-c Le- .SppT-anýce, 45t an einployee (cf Walk- emîille distiller>', m-n a smiall sliver into bis finger, He diedti o-day at tise Ratel Dieu fnom blo-ot poison- ing aftêr suffering_f roui intense agosiy. Soon atter tise accident ce- curret i te iinan's enkre body l>e- cameè.-affecteti, tise arma anti legs swelling, anti delirium set in . H. leaves a widow asti six youn.g cisilti- TWO SKELETONS FOUND. Believed Vo lue ludians BàId Be. f'ore Arrivai et whitcs.-i iA desp" tf ram Wizîdsor, ont., enys: Two okeietoni., believfdti te cf Intitins, wereo uneart&lerj b. wcrkmen .4Leamlnstom. T['ie imon weO'e exeavafng for , »ewpavilion ».$ feet 4100w the Ouriffl 01t hé voima. It lp ouppo»ee4 hey won~ uraéd IjI¶,ÇtgrC Uettelloet ,0t ounyu pc. riy ,ud ope-t brou n» i, <1tse1 e~sadWest. Wlbîistise fermer there yvas an Indian ie al hE- A- ur t-o The Late Iigh Comimissioner's Fortune Amounted WHA RTU WEOIEN. PEOPLEes to the Large Totafof $327QoAEUUG ulis - i'rogressr et Lise t 6 lted pi y A deEPatch from London sa.ys: The household eêffeGVw in Lord log a Few Polantel "Od.4PW Sprsonal1 property lef t by the Strathcona's GrZtsvenor Square brtd he aI'cDry ak late Baron LriVheona: anidMounI . 1A hv enyaIola h ooý Wr 3 t *130,000, ndhi, Pýt gat $80,000 A .~týory. Net profite-lor- the I fè .iadi'mn-e oH&Lordship 's in teré , t in 1the, chick *ÏtÉfot ee , a o ted $per1cent. on th a 010. This wa.disclosed when pro- Rudacn ' fiBa. yom aýTnoutnre w8k, eh plie oLan. aÊe paId-up Capit.al *21for~ ba4*e>wapgranted on Wednesday. to $1,240,000, and in the Anglo-Per-. couver instituttd 30 proiecut4Sn Talcing into account , the average The precise value of' ihe real -5- sian Syndie&te $280,000. eULa iter-'under thé Lord',s Day Act. both c-apital a.nd thé rest accu tete Ieft by the testator, who <ied es in -Baring 1er<>tiera is vaîued:at Inliéh retnDtLt e, - rWhÃŽch #JQUledt I3o81 in Liondon,- JanuaËry 21 this year, $22o,000..Nla, ti xeee 000Bn ane .3pr etw wa.s not imade public, but the fact If the will had corne uncler the crates of tornatoee wrn l cra a,,e ' -trfi0ls. hài&Ma earne tbat the duty paid arnounted' to provikoion-s of Mr., Lloyd George'. fox ehipment this sumMer. ~ < 4. r h< $4,189,f00, indicatea tha.t his entire BuJget; -.juet iiiroducecl, the dutW At Nangà.ma. Chinee lauladie-.closed ý* a àomê*What tryLng« ësea,rial and personal, had a payable would hïve been $5,585,000, Y iscezatd na r hihfr l~b.kte0o imd total Value of 8U7,928,000. inetead of 84el,35,190. 'anea.,ore nui. lan fry. He forAthe Mreanss tenkh_'w18 omade 1 >The holdings consist of $6,603,340 A deepatch f rom Madison, idaaeep w.vd ihen I fi'.ry,,ke ut,-atdeIiîgl c aatsetank'For conidr of Great Northern Railway sok; ssnBy: The estate of Baron neyer woe. ab1' e tidton ttey r a cnd $3,'380,328 Northern Pacifie RItilway Stratheona of Canada will p. stocks; 84,112,803,Canadian Pacifie nearl $0,Ooineitne Ceunterit Prince E dwe.rd Islaed commnon .with otiwr, countricae Railwa.y *tocks; $645,052 Bank of the S&ate of Wisconsin. The Wis- -8i0Va'ncouv0 lerati- nCSa wiJe- cunter a eridcfhepeain Montrea]MStok; 466,071 Laurentîd8 consin holdings wisicb wil e taxed aeueadtô heeew~ he ntefrdwt ieeri eto>Ck; $400,522 Dominion Ste r tcso ieNrhr aCi t reted, charged wiibis c oul'ainig. of tlie b&nks. Exact cc>mparisoi kt& {iwy proiaey,8,0. the p4Oney rone-y.,with- previous year. La difficuit1 Tise uumber of. Ohineso enterilTlLeoigt VZ rttn B.C. deereaaed by 2,294 i.n one yea. fsa er cf the 6banukc wi§ chai1gf comment on Evente look back t from AiItralIa to Great e.jfigureswere . FroIU prU 1912 f rom November, 3001 te April. 3M eIIubernt proprt st il wing al ong to Marh, 1913, 5,7191-, rom, April, ndt.est'me e sued ei A Kronu a uns SCCUSOn pei~' 113 taad199M1, ,45. to the.present une oovered a. peric In the long roll of heroio women an paîe h honorable place mnust be reserved for fur settlers. The strëani of, Immigra- A pin rzsng mop for B. 0.of but five monthe.. cm- hesadle utili flot commlensur a e .h.c a.t An ea'n&ion c à !pnder of'the Persianjgendar merle abeen t.fh. n o! nty Faerury l aut. if'hederinactioenla-would-be *emigrents. perisaps* as thu re- VYWn veeeih hows that geins ",r» nmade ina Inoval of former restrictions wîîî no and çme; and ej wili b aoeom- nierulu lathe.ony force In <bat counitrY doubt show. iFor 1<is in ulncitiabW,,tdepa rt hens firah, ba n' t whicli keeps the peace. It la officcred Su' Georg tsnfori2,l000 by . 1wedeu and they are doing- £plendid Si ere Reid uuggests, that Austra- ndinfr200mmend 600te.FrViefrtt ntseh won< orPesi. f te fYces aybelia hao attractions to offer to people of herses, tory citiebnthrsrvtu Judged b>' the wife of their colonel they fu~i, -tc ha r secal'pw equalshepi-paiaecs are bappy men.tle*abge Enln atl A ei as M i s oWi a UP I hegoer nlad tat lue prnd a.benisued for a theenow standing at $7,000,000, The tale of lier exploit ln a ihrilling saoing up con t ho eSole Seau , ewgusnaRy ,>m.yde onu. Her liuuband and the main part si- onr hu epe"neî.nwHdo' a opn ~ con siderable gain over these howinr of <the force under his command liad c<ions o'!andu race.e"ettai.prmetletr nVeçuo h- chonsho o an ce." i tebu rdi atnnalsoeiiVa~ue.T~ for tise previcus yea.r. Tise bank' marebed away to undertake a pight ti- In hier endea oru to attractIminlgra- Coet 0f 'bise structure will be in tise cash 'holdings are $1,500,000 greate tack, when <the barracks Inii NI i '-k.. v*Li2 ' - Mdme. Obilson and <lermato ion Australia naturaîlly becomes th neg..boh~ood f al a nillion doi- n thend f pr,11 gudrei eefte re aercefiyhe triendly rival 0f Canada. She lian pr-than tth+edo p ,+13 frenIrkei w oeemy t oe dme . a-baps certa<in advantaxen as she in more laswhile savings deposits have increa Obison <00k command. ordered <lhe ma- ofan oate ctommuonlty bo the At Fern4e, B.C., a ooro>ner'is juy' Id » 8 2,600,00. The bank', our chine aune <o the roof', and f'or six day, aeatato.o e odr.HJ1* ~ of Incessant llghtlng held the assaîl_ neisrhbors do flot exercise any Influence fou.nd thatAhuGrecaeo 'nInsirsed u!gti antu at ba>'. o nyddseead harden sentiment Un one direction. Thus his deaibh tho-u8h a kni.fe wound in year. by ovFer $1,000,000, and »(>' Inspire thle 4ezrerate defence but as 1< In <bat among tbe lessons whlcli Aus-. i &mi hc eee matraoitt 5,0,0,idct <bore was no doctor with the garrisptat a hatunded < <bu1Monded wlh liernone le more tlmely or im- ,wso eee natraon o847000 aiai own hands. FiNnaily relief rame, but pesv hntiemne nwih thehe wound being inflicted by his that, the bank bas been doing its ful <bat t came in time wa due entirelt vital problem of national defence lian ie ndeecec hrare by catering te Vise comnmercia the daunitleis spirlt of th1se 8=1 '0been faced. ieindfne fbrperson. edoftecmuie n hl lady. and lier power 0f Inspiring witb 'I- Thse licenees of throe Vancouve ree ac tis e cunte. in whi honr own couru adrésolution the na- - ', N' tiseNDOWS.ts branchc's are loe.ated TtheeLt-t tive.gendarme that were left witli ber. BREFA. N ISWNO S sVeuwr upne > assetsshow a gan f almost $2,50, It le a stor>' <bat not only tlie Swedisli cens. Board for mimanagexuent of g0,adnwaiont o$3l000 nation, but tlie female sex. lias a right Rid of Milita.nts s iat Buck- -their cfs tbigpoe hé to be pro.ud of. It reenils go-me of le R <tels tb'n rv' is 00 n o mutV 8,2,0 flnest exploite In tbe annalseoÃ"' <bu in- lnghaw Palace. they h.ad atllowe.dl wonen to smoke During thue Y afii. e tank issue£ diaxin mtin>'. and drink in tie - Tew stock, on whicis the premiuîr A Good suggestion. A despatois frein London eays: te t$100,whh ik A ESaskatchîewan Paver suggests tha ebr4>thVncurSip on <lie occasion of the coming vIsit of Buckingham aaei ob.n mse' zicadr aýd&rj-teneft cd 8180,0of, wic, w an the vice-regal party 110 the WeOut thftt longer exempt from the Windcw- ,ate' Aeviinpsec eo balancé brougbt forward amnounting the cumtomutry monotonous round Of lsmashing ra.idg cf 'the suffragettes- Lutim uph&iding the Oovernment in Ing, epeechl.fying and other public fune. 1< leakcd eut recently that two d-iadn htnatr fgsîne abetord1str0ibmtion.1,800,000 avai tions be curtalled as much ai4 îîo8mslle. militants suceede< i n evading tise lauinces hs ouId be _ bl fr iiriuton Dvion r The oyaly an devtion*ofbheapoplequirenents-absorbed 8686,000, pro orthe Wesat aanddentlonot heown6ùre ot te pa4w. Enter- weîî ns masters o feîSb it ani Jas cf<le en o t wo)uaaundanstly s own I hd tectinhA 's indr uaiets s 80,000, bank premisel or-ceneral inst favored It witb a vi.sW ing tise quadrangle, they began "fti ""~ àdbeen llaid actn,$,0,w fiespnin .I..wnuld no doubt appreclate th <b gsoesa è,wno u4rînte etinyt ngt t'd$000 rt--noffrdpe novel 1prliilegze of mingling free'ly witfh .0iîgatnshtav idws ner ate r ec<n î istfut!0,00 nte f o er tbe people wiibnut bleng subjected t0 and isat smasised twc of tisem wien a en given two yea;rs in jail ciation in bonds and investments %veani;ome formaîlties <bat- muet <ax tise se'-tries seizedth iern and took and 30 lasises," sait! Magistrate $135, 000, leaving $248,000 to hi is roverbial good nature, tact and physical endurance <o <lie lîmît. them te the police _ station witisin Soutis cf VanSouver, in seutencing carrieti f,,rward. A feature of tise Germany'u Comivat<tion. tise precinctè cf tise palace, wisere George Bremner to 30 days dn jail bank's report was the large propor- Gernsany's commercial competituon they gave tiseir nainçs to tise police, for be.ating hua wifte. Lion of quickly available aEsets, ith ietIrti ,<i ujc!eresttng s;tatement In <the nerlUn The Master cf the Ro(»-al Ho>useisold Cisin-ase eggs are lknoding the pro- whicis represent over 36 per cent. Vosmisclie Zeitung. During l'ebruaryî efused te prosecute thsem, and vineial anti ceat narke4 cf B.C. cf its total liabilities te tise public. tnh ad olodrsfrdlvr'e end o! <is year o<i etnt> le erlaeiatr' e uier 'hchreoentlyarriveci This is a satisfactory âhowing, es-pe- over one million tons bave -been placed hourrs' detentiois. At -a meeting of friontise Flower igo ruh'cal n iwc iercn iaca In Gcrmany by-lýnglIlsh. Riiesian, Swed igo ruh'cal nviwo hren iaea $oh. Duteli and German buyers wbo bv the Woxen's Social anti Political two milLious, an4 <bey wr otsnneo.At~b, ieso hibetndeitexluivlywib 3ntiliUnion, when Mrs, Manscll toid, eT in maniy cases, as tise prout fmai b'th a isaeteeor contractors. As a met-off <n the nation- outo aa h ais otenor al o;àtlmfaction at tbis atate of aaris. what tise twe w0ien had succcoded Canadian hiens. - g8ing, as it shows that Suod bank. tbu London Times correspondent In n -nte uine us no'h )& ay R,.ýCuto e B3erliun sunîniarizem a remaLrkable article~oîg h uinebrtito PeOkBy .',Ccr fP ing practice andi carelul coanserva- by Herr Ballin. chairman n! the'dlree- cheers lastinÈg several minutes. The h ~iaupbeld the ASpc&ç»ra5' tivc management charaetenizcd thie tors of <lie Hamburg-Amerika TIne, onsgeto haîthQuemstb l&,t 4xk f (iermanYs Moneyr pÃ"lcy. Hem Ballinsgetinha the Que iîtb Ian et. h treet railway's years operations.-Â4 t the annual maintains that I1<lis alsolutelv Impos-horrifleti at tisetreatment xnete-d ngto awîi a eidb etn bwsat eîeit subIe for German>' <o bave a good rgfofa, hchwcuite b neig tto as dcdimo s nelgn volicy as longc as the cns<atently ou oipriEoneti suffragettes 'was tise B.C. Electric Railway. Tise tablish a Holding Company for thse lncrt-asing surplus o! national weaî<h receivet! witis loud cries of dissent. jutigment ia subjeet te an alpeal te purpose cf taking over and xnanag- In res4erved for industrial and muniir- MsMasl togypoett ai renuiî'emnts, ÇWlth tbe result <bat s.Mne srnl rtse aspeecor ug i he rmssuiizdb te Germany seldom Parti<-ipa<es in foreIgn against tise action cf the Anch- bpetecut ade n rtis hpemhin ofîthlie va is loans; except as <lie partner cf otber biha At Vancouver, a Olunese namel ak tsd' ts poerl.Her alinpont ot bha -fh anerur in "refusing Hong,' wasflned $150 or tisree offices, Tise cld Board wene ne- tbu Frechl and Englieli 'taku <hl et anctiùary" te Miss Annie Kcnney,mohafrsreiiuîyntnn electeti, and, at a subsequent ineet- preactca wthgrapolitical <henddrng that tise waa re-ly eter Inone>' abi'advatgwl< enIg hl aandin ' teAnchbishop would Cnaa îmnitseU,. on ~Sir H. Montagu Allai s e pelitictalsplicres of ,"wer, and openlng be allewed ne peace until woinen Choawao ahe liday ong'p and !ectiPrsdnatiKW.Bc- new markets, espéecally by providing hobtaoninetiia ttised, vote.tedPrMisst adBarbaralck <bat a large part of the money tbey lend otie h oe i3 abr ewl iePeiet le returned te tbem In ii<ho hpe o! or- Wylie, alluding te tise raid on 3u8t wandered' iste Canada.HewlVc-rste. durs.. In prte li e.complains o he gpLIihom palace, s.ii ta < lwill wander back againwhnhi ehIffet ! iumay'-mne0 ol -. - e. - , pancMale1 Iis, ialede to yer wfe at Soesike-rs l)tuU,--- - - -A despateis froni 1Brli, ont, s Vîtcy-întîîttrpar ioiing tise vater, a< t-ding t., an <t-tien Uism I IC d b y i s e IB a i c f l f ca il itïa , r e t- i t ( i f an u î f a x - t- a b e a n a 1 y s- i s - f- lie ci y 3 sîpply . V ario uis t'sttis, amuir cd tht wte t-o abe ifsn'iN wili Ba-tei'îi.- 'The Board iili in- stuct, thie Wateî' ('olsmieiollr to d iF. x o nj t i n tt c d r a m -in g o n ~ t c > J f A T > uak-er'ît dam for a sipply tnt il a' I V YI I filtraticîî julant i4iiitinltd. 11111 ir'l% SO .1ILIuîtu îBI 'ii EI.' Il 5-til U la t eC i l i at M u e h I U U '; i uili Gr ir Iiough Montreutl. A despatcli f rom Mentreal t<ave: ,Aecod-ingtg Mr. James 'ammu-ti- crus, eigisty million bîisiels of 'ihîat will tisi. easor4 patiqtlrougi tie isarbor cof' Moutreal. Tisa estimate is baïeti on- lat y ear's figures, wisiciwore 65000,000 busielt, by far tie large-t esisipentii 'ears. ose ordeiï1,<Fo . eimillionzi tushele va. rgçela dtliis w«, er 91 xport, brioging gw tbe t" &aounb for tie weék Up te 1,600,000 or 2,000,000 Those Dear Girlo. lier ival--Yen e1ld siiget Jaçj She-But Jack dolAVt drink. lIer Rival-.No; but he'll piiobais- iv bé tempte t o later, % "That b<0rrid-woman ha-sbroken up My home 1" "aken'away vur Ixubandl". "No, 'bie eook." fUI GLBE~ Bitsh Admlralty Said.' to b., cf -Canda, !<UTINEL -Deposits Iin Albe tis Iisjire mad,,Ui. JYi 'A desatc roin Ottawaeys A te-nded f: Gcraýl lieorol, u YtmtcýexýpIor9tien 1etfNoris.rÉlthe fnegol ear Albrt u.h' view to the Iocation lempafly er- - Canada. and develepmnoetoet o depost2 -a bar. -l -.A, sales,,Kings.toin, diè4 been the rçm te -townships et tie Pm - Iresting -f &ppinted-m olnce, Èat ràt Iiï~r- vin 15- .-contemplaîteti by E g is t o int; U. 1 oil interesta, wisese representative Imenibers tise _Ihe 'German as lawhieh for e 1i gî arrived in Ottawa, on Wednesday- I ias intini iîch teen ,years. has flowB a&tBerlinTise térritOry Vo b. expicretiis is tatare prepi lur- OtVictoria Park, b ç oee r atalycxred by j f loneî rof Union Yack, wsut- dowa anti clalins un regard to wisicistse periodq Tise Britii jt mutited<, 7,for payment of rentais hea been ex- interestec >~ Sver~J ontealpolicemen are --- by under lll0truçdion&s <Ï0gi4would ATRnN re b4 $t'eet "maeisers" a souzîiAPEKR ler- turo unibg inifeàd of ar;resting-the n DrWrin..IE L in iDr.Kennedy, Just Retlred Fo en- real, fr murd'er a week ago on :the the - Canadfin stiiite. onstrnt fatlg romN.w Wisen the season cof annual din- ED ng Yrk wae net tise inn wantèd. niera La en fer varicus tecisiicai anti 0 Janie Ebert,, farier, iiear Camnp- le.arned eoeieties in Toroato noue of «>o bello',' l'y, Que:, anti Me 21-yeer.cld 'bise.functiolis, ceenisquete con- enui-of the sol! are deac, after eatini toa.d- îct if a-w tehaxer Prte Ke etcols. Tise 'enotiser andi three beardeti gentleman, rathwr of tise ois Young cýhidres are crit"elly il. un1, zis -sot sst coinfort- Tooto, )UI A a.siteinatic exploratinci et sersiei, larI hetfor <>oj Nortiern Alberta with, aview <o th caîy ngn. e~ near t-his vniall ue anba»- location, anti deveofl nt cf cil de.caim$.5e.r6l0i; acalei daoO., atposit. in 'the reinote townships c"o!îPn ,oÈ, L -ted"ite Inther-m tb th <eprovince, la conteanglated by in, '"eanti 1to isr-Ngrtlern, i ilI g clitèe" upOn'fs tse reverend-looking Ilittle t- Ontario i , TieCanadian Pacifiec Railway CcO e-, ,n n v n t rs a t ience Toronto, id s mdaclecut of $2 in l Vi. enoues-,er ïCisilésiee, -Notknow- OttýX boun ti ilsm igr ant ra t .e i 83 . 0,ogfh s e ke , oe r, g t s ie i i- W e tenn C i of3lÃ"0 -pate a zeîmi-ýsermo*n, or wor ýe. In- No., 2, ând'É agreet o about a nmontis ago by w tieadoePeauaedt atlko -7$l ng teamsip lns in tie Norths Atla- set, o e L r ee o atl ! Brley- abouding ienie interlardeti witi so5c accord: rstic conférence. -ltI isc uIfaoe uo ni ]ulayeNo er Premier MeBride, et B.C., aug- iteba;-fflfaoedhu ran Bcwei ge N . t i~ c u io s o is i. ap a k lin g w it. T h a t w iîl, b e D r ' C or - N o ý ~dence ta ieRnuqeto Kenndy, of thse Canadian lInsti. r4-M Lr- s io u l ti b e , b ro u g h tu j , a s, a n a tiie d 'u t e ,' T o o nto. b a s he worry to thse BitOhovernslent, >W already perplexed, by thse Uleter ïa Bttr g eu e , -e io _ c1 S Quebee Board of Trade urge-s the prits,'20 t tiDominion Govorernent to inMést tisat sldao eh one cf tie conditions f tie addi- Ufggs--21 lots. ~tional aid to tise Grand Truak Pa- ~ cific be a rreight rate of t-n cents . . . .... . pe ii>p4jc on wheat frem Winnipeg. ~-Coee. tQuebsec, antia proportionate rate 'lange,' and1 t'O Halifax anti St. John, li. eaîn p in - , a fi~~reat Bian '- -1 oic Su r Charles Walâtein lias-pré-I here -and c: - entecl the Victoria andi Albert Mu- <,~ -seum wvith a velveît cape whieh tra- dition asserte wa&-given by tie EBm- nî PIel'or Charles V. Vo thse athedral t/ on; on trac Is f Burgos in Spain, t o $13.26, ar Baied tr ta on track, Tc Thse estate cf Lord Stratscona c S acon-Lo lw;ll pay nearly $100,000 unhenitaisce M. i cse..be -tax to tise State of Wisconsiii onf bis ' '1 c; breakfa Nothema Paiflc Ry. holdings, 20 to 23é' Lardi: A woman wiso, after forty,'a3-1r. George Kennedy, M.#A*, LL.Doy, eumcd mian-like -physique, with long h.. d te <o black beard, w as exhib tedt t the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cash a ie-Ë Paris Academy cof Mediciine. For vhirty ýyparsGogeKn A Germa-s liner, the Bavania, neiy, M.A., LL.D., K.C.-law -evaded the U.S. blockade anti landi- clcrk c-f ùt-1e Departnient oLCrown Montreal, ed 1,800.,000roundk-of ainmunition ]Lande, a rno. ieN elow Ondt3000ilsu-f Western, forN anti3,00 rlise! brbe! Wreforin-,itute'8 executive as editor of its Wsen Huerta,.a..oMan. !eed. Puerta uro, Mxco- tnanîacitions. Thecy know Dr. Ken- spring wheai W hat La iselieve! te ho the ro- e n .,$ .0 mains f tie balîon in wiich Prof. nedy by name in every ciiliz etir ptets S a lag o n A . A n d ree a scen d e ti f ro m c î n ftise crlu - w i ere v r s rlg b t-cI tiser. is a -scientil0 r scicty cf a-.y itces >g Dane's Island., near Spitzbemgen, it lasovr-hyprsneijBan 2l Juyil, 19 na temtt i n a <c.reE8a-ntia set o 1Mouillie, $28i July 1897, NorhPee aenpt hini b boksadme-a a po ton, car lots, reacs vhmNotis otehavhbee valabl b-ka ew day. ago <ipn j est westerns, fouti Luina biot in eastern Siberia. bsriet-ns, i12 to --iritm .1. 4i. ,;gpç reslc.23 iter.2c4f,: e tobof thue Spanishn Uhanibenof 1,26 t. 27c;-'No, st, 23 t 23 <'t,: 2d Deputies wisen Antenio Maura, at- ~~Tise dc-etor was bers of Pei-h 6< 7;N ic,21 h:N Depuieswhe AntnioMaua, a- 1 - teck. 21 te lifie. Pot-atcc<%, t-et-bag. tacked - with his am~e and i ei fi s ire, Scctlan t, pare tage in B '- car ots, 95 te $1,25.' - the radical'd'eput>, R drige ons- <C0wn (now Ottawa) ou M rcis 1, Unitedl Mttern_ are ta. na, whc la<I calet ishi father a cow- 1838, anti hat a iot distinuisheti Mnneapoie June Z.---Wbefat- Mýay, cancer at Tor&nto University, -win- 90Ic; 301>', 91c. Cash, No. 1 liardi. 9.51 a n t. n -g g î ! e a a li e a h y i o 9 8 c ; N ,o 2 I N o r t le r n , 9 0 te ÃŽ 2 1 j ning gld m-dayolnlow, 6hys <o S to r.is + _ ~~~ast i hc. He teck hi& M.A. d- Nor néZ% te. 35j l t é 351tc. leut- and l'O TEACIl (,ARDENING. grce as long agco as 1860, anti vas bt-an uaclianged. 3 Duluth, June 2-WbIea<--N'c i brc, a iin tted o -tie bar in -1865. A t 941c. No. i Norilet-ti. 18 " N 2 No - 1 o i uli g g i mb; I h w i i u 1 1 i î î l ùJ in t e v a r i o u s t im o s i s i s l o n g a n d i j gs o t t l e a î e < 1 e J t > , î i ~ t C î Grenfel ission. d <lie presidency of sucis local Toronto, lunie 2-aî- huc ~ A dcipatci frm Lotionsayat hotu-en as-tise Borna Club, thi.lale- chers', s8.5; io, 7tlt $30 Mie CnitnaFllw, a Yarmouths donian Society, St. Andrew's -S- COtersf$3.60 Ite$: 1< ce i roms, lady, lias îtailed te Ncwfoiîndlanti as ciety, anti Vie Canadian I.nstitute. $6501 <c $7.60; cîloice bulle. $7 <o $7. bu. î-eal, $b.75 ta o .itî a volunteer helpei at lDr. Gnon: "0O1, ,w-ewil tili have to, haveuoian, ,34.30 <o $7. fell's mie7sin te teacitle fislîrm en tie doc-ton at our annual bam- S oc e a td ftdt-tSceo fii < sub-.&rctic5farming IThe- idea. is to quets," eaiti a pî'omineut ofice 700 to-80O ibs., $7 <o $7.50 , t $021 introduce tie nlt'aton uf cereals liolder of tie A;ssciationý of Lant o 7.11 anti garden producce i11 tle Labra-Srv-rs "Ho'll qîîalify a-s an ex- $6eeî5anti4.mb0-t $5;'w-es S 4.a"f) d o , go Ras o co nm b a t tille ilI e ffect e fp tp il, ytiu k o w . " $ :1 t- r ltir h ar a b s ' 1, iS <ot o! a di-t tooc zniuc restrictet Iote at -$7.50;. Hc-earlng c 31 . flj_0 u.1t. p o î k , fi s i a sn d m l a s - i * ', s . f d : $ S 6 0 < o $ s . o f i-5 s -.> < '. tuwth%-s-tIf'" i s fine td%,ice $8. f.o.. B EIR I I N W ÂT E It iii u 11' u . o r lise -th ro ig lî life , - <o 1ýc;- ne i i'i t 55-f ý 7 Y u n 41 B i tt be r e is -s o r n e b e y o n d a l îp i e - t a l e ; tl .. c tw -ý i $ ý' to ~ - h i su 'iy 'r! id Fuelp. n; <110 a~. dit tîîi'ped titi non- nb>'- tliey tain- 1 d, ' p a ho is r tht, liiè.t, Li t n:r lare tine t ver: dy fo 1 0 ii5» lie -la -i, In-terestcd An 01 erta iations with he Brà.1 r Thoz. éérpnta1s, h4ve îuIW Âd up, The'rpesn~t 'itish capiwaitw WO arei"n- ç themiselves in the.e clâimia ilerence to-day wit the- of 'bise Gevernmen t, azd mated,:tisat lu. principaîe ireto taspenti a la-rge suai y . in -a êystematic searc-i.. ais Adiniralty io sait tbbe dia tse projeet. UF FARO PIWOODCIS Gaiu, auOSes and Nrdu ait mum d u w. Jung 2.-Foun-Ontalo re, 199 per cent., 13,80 to $3,bô, ind at f3,585 <o si,<s, Toronto. -Flrst patents, lu jute baIs ,second, $6.1û, strong at 99 cý 'a pont. 2, o.0 S. O'iat--ýNot ,2 uotetiat $1.04 outile alid $1,00, on. tnaok, *2 Ontario oatu, 391 t<o 40c. I.at, 42c, on track Toronto. <nadu. oï%tu quoted.at 42clfor ft 891o*for No., i a> ponDs. 3 t 3 toGa î otad - 8 o Scouaie 2 Amnica. i-drled, 541nitoba bt-an, $24 <oa120 a ,s.- Toront> freigl. shozt,- Country- Produce. ïChpcee dairy, < 0;in- to 16c; fainera' sepat-ator ou 22c; ct-camer>' prIt-ms, ftea, d., ttorage t;rIntil 2'.) ctu23e; rage, 0< i' to lic pe- dozen, iii taru Extracted, la tins ,JI)à<ou lie itabl 3.25 ro $2.50 par <ez- S, ani 5$2for No, 2 ,ewi elîcee, .14 i, 141c fûr J4à te l6c for tinis. - îand-picked, $ t1<a$3 t 'rimes, $2.10, <o 31 Fol17 tou iD erpet * lb; <o t 20c;:dock. 245c; gesse. turkefY te2 o23c, 'ontarlis at *110 Pe- bag, an > No. 1 i t $14. 50 te.$10a k liera;No. .2qooted tiI.$13- Lnd clover' at $11) tej $11. aW---ilr i ot, $855 o 3. 1rotto. ong cer 14 te 1.4 fir per- lO)ts. 1aSeMelin; i o te>'. 17 t'O 18e: telhi..143I<o est bacýon.18 1 c 1: bz s Winnipeg Grain.- Jue,2.-Cash ih eat cIt)s- htirr jîrfor coýntr.t g-il , lewer to Ic hgner, camh anzed tte l la VSJ t I. - Ct- /tn 'il, 0. 2, 432 to 444c, e,3, 421 tu43v,1j;î1.ji, 6i <o t->c Ftuil:% t4i1. it patents,tilrets. if4u -c- strong bakers', 24.91,,Wt -choice, $ 525 ta(j st-s, $4.70 <o $4.tiî S, <2A20 toe$1 Illi.l M84.51,; l2, 'j ; ifr elli.t ort1 2. Milttttngp Y-ýfIt <o t $2..; clt- N. 2 ýtir -814ei <o $lr4- Ci-se1_un-' $4 to $6 Io

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