Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Jun 1914, p. 4

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* AbOJOIEYbai'ne ogub.ttude MaY. mixtures. are..o f~ed as substltutéCs for Royal. No'other baking pow4e! Io the s-zme in rwômposîtîotnor effectivertess, or &0 wholequome and economiçal, uior will mùake such fine food. Is heo~1y akrgpowdert7 made -Ironi Royal (Irape Çreaxn of Tartar E ioilCopmen. The Town Council iff DkDiasf ______fort to have Witby àdeT«tSd a Whtb tom bv cu h le the Ad. Club Convention to be- beld - "brlghten Up" spirt, for on every in Toronto towards the.end of June. ellde onoeséeovldencs of the Pit- Filty dollars will mot go far, but it ie* aotlvty. When nature is doing will do something tfowards making b«', beult1o mlake things beautîful, 14. lu but .fuir that pe ple shouîd do Whitby Inown7 10 the manutaoturers wiat thhoy can to agiaWt' zô Canada and the United States I WjeIUE&O GARAGE uto Livery aI 'rer Bicycles and Repairing New and. Second tland Wheels For 5Sale. rWATER AND LIGHT CO1Wf > 00O Il ELEOTRICAI Homes tisat are using eiectricity foi adided convenience or using tise foIIowiîsý >for curreîîi as set oui opposite eaeli mdi, »Let The "rWhite Goal" Do Th& k\Vashting Machinle &Wiingr- - Electric Irori - ryca Sainovar - - - Chafing Dislis Tlot'tt Stoves - - Six ixîcîsl ise Stovu.s - S(.ýofIee IPereotatoîr'- SHeating Padss - - SE1ectric1-'ans, 12 inech - - di di 16 di- And hast oi aIl, tihe 10 watt tungi n w commercial success. Use it for EI aplace 'ou would appreciate long hoi -GEO.W WISIONLKR 1 rLilY" may have tise' .g articles, at a cost viclual tçm4 eWoîk For Yo 41 ets" .3 4 ts " " 4 j et" " sien lamp, wlsîcls is 5halls, veraudahs, or )ur burniug, at a coul epower. V., P. EVERY, Supt. DOINQ I'T .NOW Planting Time To get the best resuits use thte best sceds. We hauve them. Cheap priced seeds are dear at any price. Try us. GARDE3N SE13DS By the -package or by bulk. Onions 1 5c per quart. Dutch Set Fresh Mangle Seed A nice lot of flowers and plants just in. Jnoe E. WAT ERtIOUSE Phone 11 - WHITBY Prompt Dehiverv, May 29th, -with tbhe loua of o1wo on uiiousad lives. So appallWngand trornémdous us the# cataatroph. tJiat L ttie t te Impossible lu realize ls brrot. -ne, cannot beip lnklng, If notiez.Creo ,prmsang, a WHY? Why tbie, awful à long f hythons larrwin f2per-A uDugW lece? Vali -isosqons b huanit al»rUu have thseu numerous marine disasters> beon lntended'to- teach-aumlng, loi 250. £ab'*COLE4ANLMJ ,ourse, that a Wise lProvidence con-ý trols the affaire ot men lWhether tue disaster *wa amere accident, a chance, or a dli!pensation of Provi- ¶MoPhadiden, ctt; U 1armon,* êIOlC- *uI ilt will be-iregarded as f Scott-.; Wn.,Dobson, Beah. Oscli of théelby diffeiLent pol ~O ensa~onn two deput4-1 there muet ho leâsons in il that hu- I tons. were heard,. The. firot. wau from 4 manity e -an and should Iearn. Io Oshawa. Childrei's Shelter, renewing therq something weak about the rules app.Ujation b have the County take of navigation, *ben It tg possible over the iùortgîçge, and assume con- for a collision such is Ibis tuo ocur trol o! tic Instiýutin. -Dtee two vesseIs, whicbhav been I A deputation from, the Whitby signalling each othei from the, lime Q-Town tCouncil asied tiaIt te CountY tliey were a'-mile apart? Io there buildings mtght b. asessed at the smre fauit with the construction of!ï aime rate as other property, for 5Oe. an ocean liner when she can bo sunk 4iorage pýurposes. Thé ('ôunty lu to ro- so quickly as was the Empres'? ceiVe the samne beneflt as others, and That this, di.saster mill hiave a deter- , î contfibution shbuid be made. The Irent oeffb upon ocean travel this ' atter was referred to a joint com- summer Mu prodicted. That 41 should pittee o! F'ruance and Roads and have that effect le perhaps natural, 3ridges. for there are multitudes who fear theî Wednesday, June 3, boing the birti- wator at all imes, and such- an ae- day of King George V. the (ounel, cident as tifs isewufficlent to multi- out o! deference to the occasion, ad- piy those féurs. To many reveront journedi at? noon ubtil Thursday morn- -Boules will corne the lesson that we 9n. are In God's bands at ail timesand duty Iou'the right place, wiether lu ail places, and that oevery placé of DiviisiC~n Court. deatb cornes or not. t UDEWO VSKA. y OU ar ed whiat will and en Mi. Sutherlnaùd, who hmbaS o etaying wlth i I'er daughters MB,. Erakîne, let s-,eîfal onthu, lesves on Saturday for, Monitreal, ccm panied by ber granddaughter, Miss Thelma Èrskine. ;They-sail on June 13th for lhe Old'Country. Mrs,. Ers- kine and sou, ýydney, aqco mpanied them'às far as Montreit, where they wiil remain for ai monti. INTERESTING POINTS_ ABOUT FAR.MS ANb 14ARMERS. Thie dePosits of farmers in the banks are estimàted Vto total one hundred million dollars. About forty-five per cent. of the f arme have mortgages against thom,I and these mortgàges represent only about 15 per cent. of the total value of. the farm proMtry. Llgitnlng rods, properly installed, are deplared by the Professor of Phy. ecs at tie 0. A. C. bo be a protectIon to bùlldlngs. Bee-kéeping 10 receiving incre attention, and the Department,,1bas Beware o! Olntments for CatarrI' Tile Court on Wednesday morniug on île mailing lisla tie addresses'0f tha Vntln eru t was occupied wibh only one case, but j 8,000 who are understood to bu LB~~~~~~~ mecmywIIsr.ycSrh~is uý.u heard by a jury, and lautedkeeping hec. completrly nti Yes p.m. The original was a ________ whenentérina it through the inucouissurtse.-P. Suit bkought by Mr. Russell Under- pi h rticles frs i uale hy Ia.d exst wood againat Mrs. Jos. Kean, for drge h wl l o x e fldt te vody ;payment of $50 balance dueonou ac- ELECT IC L ïIRING eau poeibly derive from thenà. Hali's Csisrzh Cur, mnufactusedl by P. J. Che:iey & f(o.. counto! a contract !ulfilled. Mns. coitin o necuyand I tkm Kean brought countersuit againit AND - I 'LI S iueeus surface of the systentInlu luying Underwood for $101), damages alleged HA0l'aCatarrh Cure bc sure you ft he genrnne. bo bee'çased on aco-ýo vra Eetia It le teken Intern l'y sud madefa Tot<0, Ohiaoo,.-. vea Having purcbased the 'Eetca by P J. Cheney & Co. restlnsonials f ree. différent itelms. The jurymen chosen' u!os rr a.S ln e Sold by VUuggixte. Prile 75c per hotie. were W. Balmer, T. Balmner, W. uies rmJs .Pn,1bg Takse iis aiy Pille furcontipatin. Bradtey, W. F. Disney, Thon. Conlin.te announce bu e public liat wo n.are prepared to ào. ail bouse wiring,J CHAGE0FLIENE. Mrs, Kean, represented by G. D. înstaîîîng of motpo s terations and Couaft, ff shaw, amltbd ~ repairing o! aIl.klnds, electrical sup- Ou Friday lasI lie Board of L-, $50 caim o! Mr. Underwood. For ple1ltrs t.,sdwl arn ceuse Commissioners for South On- i, oulesI4 h camdliIlefirs class work .n strict compliance tarlo met here to consider an. appli- laying o! a cernent floor bad been im- wîîî underwritiro' rueu., W. wili cation for lie transfer of thse licouse properly donc,; so as b prevent drain-cara complet.i linoe o!f fztures, and o! lie Windsor Holel. No objoctions, age, anîd liat lie cellar had been In incarry a etInb l itndg wero ralsod by any interestod pare-isuch 'a condition liat the several pinvite isp wetio by il lneadlou les, aud lie transter was accrding-I nîonthâ' ront hmd been lbut (rom the prchaes wbeui n ouwllnd our i ly made trom Meusrs. Emmerison I hos.Oermn caswr lothe Domnion. We buy In tii.c lofle King to Messrs. Emns~o & put Ip. ressi market, and' will only be toc M.Blpresned soneVes ! D. J.iwanson, of Oshawa, for pleue to furniah like flitures at ad- recommendalion, i<s pôke for 'hîm .tnewocneae itteIorvertîsed cul prices by cily dealers to an excellent character in lie conduct 'had tison laid properly, and that il tîrc u epeaa e of bis business enterprises. The new jihad heaved beçause exposed to f rost, ouîw.sellpie uîdo license holders took posuession on ýwhich was no fault of Underwood, quantity lots. W8 are luSt noW put. Monday o! Ibis week. Tl lu under- 1 Il was also ;shown that delay in bing on gk upecilicampaîgu lu dcec- etood thal Mr. Kinsg is to commenceot her m-ork lîdd prevcnted the rente trio fiat Irons, and combiflation ici b u i es n th it f H a i to . ng 61 the . ouse. plate aud toasters, a t very attract - 'l'lie !urt, atter a short retirernent, ive prîce., and -would advise all In awarded the $50 daini to Vnderwood dbivsi IM PORTA N T LE CTU RER COM IN G and ni)clatret q>o M rs. Kean. l s H on 'r îer yest talent é W o se o 'ui The Advanco -Agent of the National .ludge MVcGilivray gave no order as csoes1i oti i akt~ Sanitariuin Association, has been in le costs. whlci will mean that eaci lad tinht sîouîd Intereut aIl whe town this wek arranging for a lec parby bear ils or hier own costs. Tho ec Cnm ture by Mlr. J. B3. Watson, thse Fieldi jirY'csewl aIo-Mr parison of our ýwire drawn tungsle Secretarv andi lecturer o! the Asso- lampe wilh otier inakes. WC bandli ciation, on -How to Win the Fight Persona) Mention andi control t1je best to behaitm, and Against ('onsuiiiption." The lecture ____ in return solLct your support an( will ha illdstrated with numerous 11i ss Mona Stewart stmnt. t4e week paîrbuage. Open Wednesday and Sat lime-lighbt views, and will be debiver-, end wt epans.udyçnng. ed.in he own1-fllon he v ig 1NMisses Li7zie andi Emrna- Bell vis- o! unay .Jly5t, a 815p.m., ited friensis here lasI week. Marshall S. Sogles, just -after Ce close of tîse regular church services. This lecture has t MIIss may Foy spent Sundny witb Dundas SI., Witby beon given in many places lhrough-lher gransimother, Mrs. Bandel. -- out Ontario, and ha§ been invariably Mr. &.Jack Perry, o! Toronto, has spoken nf hv pulpit, press and been visiting his iiother here. GUARANTEEO ADVANTAGE' people, in terms mosi complînîentarvl1 Miss Anielia Waiters, o! Toronto, as inte'nse]î«v interesting andi thor-j Stinlay %with his parents, here. Tic asvantages guarantecd te it oîlisîtrue-tive( to this andi futurej îîerSldnoTrotispt policyholders, man for mail, throughoi generationq. l'le voung men. andiwo SnIler t 'îlis paf rent o, sentits entire business by The Equity Lb men of the towxn sîsoulsi 1w prescrit in Assurance Company are nsuch greate lrenismiers to gtpitr in, re- Ha 1Lrry Ilatchi, or Toronîto, was for the premiorne paid than they arei large g wthyma wn ut i i 'tonlaý,t vk alling on friensis. any other Comipany doing businessi tîsis grrat iglt. Nlrs. (;Po. lluntly, -who ivas oper- Canada. This is stated as a fact whic s atecl ~~on a week ago in Toronto, is cîno esccsul iptd NIAGAIA CAMP. iinprflving slowly. EXAMIPLF-At age of twenty-thre is. Wcks, who has heen in PortI- next birihday The Equity Lite chargt Elsewhere i this paper will be. land, M.,-o the past six months, $43.20 for $2,ooo.oo insurtnce on th 1 Twpnt..v Pavment fe Plan. ith vr JAP-ÂAeLACý- RANSFORM Your houe. ite aHO Ewsi. aidof.-JAP-A-LÂC-'âë, Hon+Maku. Fiish your "#don n mweathifrcd où, mad give..tai anishedtre andirous and liohting fixtures a wrouëht on finish wit duli blmckJAP..A-LAC AVWld dchleWiniad ah Eeic&tm~h to the [D>.Wlag Rooui), -A- CalwluL Yo il yournelf-@ exp.nence reuimdn driformwfg ecrwthhd msd xirlookintufi Of orflOO!s.- Always put up in Groeuien se ag the rnke GIDDEN." Tv.uy.one colors ta cboe rn.Rbat yom'ul hardmcwire are for a JAP-A-LAC oltw cerd and a cap of th i itde bo@h,' #Thiwea" maOne-Ueof JAP-A-LAC. U n.Whltby iap-a.Ilaclas oUd by Geo. NM, Rice I Th .iun aL 16Co. -jàbi. JTeos DEAT'HS. s~oeokr HARRISON-In Uxbridge, on Sal nls os Excursion-. day, May 301h, 1914, RaChel Mayk relicl of bbc laIe .jaines Harrison, To points ou li-e in her 701h yoar. lEIkMIQANORIHEEN ONtARIS IMtPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT RI WY REGARDING CANADIAN PA. jHaiieybury aud North,,u North- CIFIC CHANGE 0F TIME t - o ru Ontario. *MAY 2iST. rmalpitinOt la igconuecton wihlie com rusag ont n nanio and. rcifie Railway, effective May 3lsb, C. P. Rlys, except wesît of'Clîalk many illnprovemnifts lu train Service River and north of Parry'Sound bave boo= made, notable among lieue on ILie C. P. P. belng tho Inauguratilo! o tsolidod luxe trains, carrying corpnxînieat - Tickets aI speci-ally reduced rates library-obser vallon car, electrlc-1 - . good going. rligitei standard sleepers, together JUno 10th, and Valld for roturin unl wilh standard dining car service b tweon Montrea, Toronto, Detroit June 20th. Chicago, via Canadian Pacifie and See your nearest -RiwyAet I Michigan (Central Railroad, cor- rRipriu ars orap Agnt, -mending westbound May8l5lt, an fr ul A. i. PARs rapyt easlbound Juno 1. r Tiese palatial bragne will bc kuown . .P.A, T. & N.O. Rly. Ias 'No. 19 - and No. 22, the former' North Bay Ont j laigMontreai 8.45 a.m., arrivin~ 6.10 it65.40 «p.m. 1tenving T.or ý -10 P.. rrivong London 9.15 p.m.i fy xetHgGii ~~~~j-L a E e - v g .. o d c n fi p . . 1 v i n gjju s t in a k e HIg h G ra d e P i.i p a e.. . " leWindsor 12.10 n.m".,L-V1lg idse u~ Olzîeshool tîsat is well.k-nowm id 12.25 a.rn., arriving Detroit 11.35 P. tliroÎ1îgïlîott'si&l..g erel jm. (central liie), Leaving Detroit Sùperior trsnsng is tise, id 11.55 p.mn., arriving Chica-go -6L.451 aTrain No. 22 ,wiil leave Chicago. 9.30 arn. (central tume) arrive De. ( ý troit 3.55 P-in. Leave Detroit '5.05 Toronto, Ont. y. p.m. <eastern tume> arrive Windsor' (raiites o ti mholradyobtain -5.15 p.m. Leave Windsor 5.2) pin., emPlI munsectsettreae inans o. opt-tia.tig i dry m!ltev1iry year, anilwe arrive London 8.10 pin. ILeave l'on-. ar, - ecIln pnta 1"oi. tisshu wre am. don 8.18 p.m. arrive Toronto 11.20 E ntin..Collesie apei ail ys4ar. lp.m. Leave Toronto 11.40 p.rn., ar- Wiefrctlge rivé Nontreai 9 arn. These two Cor. Yong;e.nd -W. a. EUiOtî. trains will bc operated througs thIs lexue t.Piep t ife in in Ch 'ee îes Windsor. andi Detroit. The ncwv Toronto., Winnipeg, Van- couver service sisouisi be greatiy ap- preciatt'li by the traveling public. No. .3 now leaving Toronto at 10.20 p.m. will leave at 5.10 p.m., running throsîgi solisi te Winnîpecg nnd Van- couver, carrying only tise iighest MONUMENTS of ail Dea1gns and Mattrial kept in Stock worke and inspecl for yourself. Don't bo nilalesi b>'agents. We do net empiey , hem, consequcati>' we cais and dûanixm the agennts e énmieqion senanavrtsrnn orrcrist wni iymn ii iii iticyi-cis . ulinn, a I alwVc 9uo i UILd-la sea a asetiernntfo rerutsb ias returned home. thing definitely guarantecd. Most other New train known as No. 7 wili 10 per cent., wbicb you will 'certain- join tise Whitby corpany ta go into 11ev. M. E. Sexsmsith lu in attend- Canadian Conipanies charge exactly tise leave Toronto 10.15 p.m., running Iy mare by purciasing from us._ amp aI Niagara-on-tise. Lake on Mon- ance tis week at tise Bay o! Quinte arne amount and simlai ternis for a Ibrougis solid te Winnipeg, carrying A Çaîl bolicted, day, .June 15. conditions make - il ('enference at Napanee. Twenty.,Ûve Payment Lite Poiicy. At standard sleeping cars, dining car, very urgent that'a.good showing hot lepngcrs olnitcas made by tise counby îown in tise mat- ,Mrs. tisas. Taylor left this week tise end of twenty years tise Equity policy tourý4tsepn as cins as ~ ter o! sending ouI a company of vol- for Carînan, Man., wisere she willis 5flli> paid for andi has a Cash va'uc ot first-ciase concises, etc., Particularu f unteere. (aptain Cockburn, of Tor spens tise summer with ber daughter, $898 00, whilc thc usual cash value for froni Canadian Pacifie ticket ,,gents ono forom- be Mrs. George Davidson. tise other poiicy at tise same time is $72(). or M. G. Murphy,DitctPsegrOfean rk otbas frs m ie 11 ern o- The nien who saudies hie own interesi wil Dsrc asno fieas ok mand, but tise ranke of "B" Co' ,Mr, ansi Mis. Levi Dudley ivere In patle ThenityAf Asirc COuiPAnY agent, Toronto.-48. Oppouîte Slazrdard Bank, Whitby, Out wcre usuaiîy largely fillesi by Toron- PortîHIope on Monday andI witnessed L W. DUDLEY. M. SUTHEORLAND,--- - to mens. This vear Lieut. G. W. P. tise reception bo H.R.H. tise Duke Agenst, Preiiîlent & ( tierstl Mi ssgèr Evory is thee olVcer comrnanding, andi andi Duciss o! Connaugit ansi Prin- vlsitby. Ont. Tarants, Iffgv. do rs wo di.. *t2 ho Is anxieus to, have a good "spre- ceps Patricia. . -VA& M IA VIj UUowu uW [i Wi senlation of local youngmen. Tise Mise E. .Johnston, o! Owen Soundi, I ÇpnnPnîi erection of an armouries In Oshawa haq been Ia lown for a week or ton slnsn II~ ~ i nit uU bas given a stimulus b bise rilitary days, rnaking arrangement for berG 0 »DS spirt inthattown andtwo oin-sale of househols f urniture whici was CUT FOTRO panies have been fermod witis fuliscîsi on Tuesday. CUT FOTRO ______________________________ tanks, as thse basis of a city rogi- MTi. Arthur Jubh, o! lie Dominion11. ment. Now, if Whitby eau legiti- Bank' staff, leaves ou Friday for a 1. WHITBY-Misu E.L. Macdounell, malely isope te rotain biheiseadquar- two weel<s' h<liday lu lie States. Clerk, Wilby-¶,TJan. 18, Feb 5, tors o! lee i me l bere, thse is- H1e wiIl viil In Kaiamazoo, Mich., Mat. 4, April 9, Meay 4, 'June ,: GoId Dust is such -amn arvetous cleanser toile ansi preper centre for itit'ry '-andi -Chicago. During bis absence Mr. July 3, Sept. 3, Oct. 2, Nov. 79t a iteo hep o u ts rn ld i activilies, il Is quile obvious tisaI a Milner will take charge o! his duties. 'Dec. 4, Jan., 7, 1915. h tal teof h-pr d goosi cornpany shouisi be sent fromn- ~--- OSHAWA-Mise E. L. Macdonuell yo rPi'- tise lown oaci year., Il Is possible FR O AEB EDR Clrk-Jan. 14, Foi. 6, Mat. 5, Apr. y u scrubbing water w i s ve vo tisaIa ieadquartere for a training 4, May 5, Juno 4, July 4,.Sept. 4, mnos 4 -k k. 1.t i . scisool may ho establisised bore at a Farim o! 77 acres, more or le, sit- Oct. 3, Nov. 9, Dac. 5, Jan. 8, 1915 k '- "~-fl O h and ciean much nôt-too-distant date, ans it i l up to uated on con. 4, lot 28, Whitby Tp., 2. BROUGHAM-M. Gleeson, Green- m ore quickly and th r ghy ha an tise olsi îown le preporiy forll!y Ibm Vîree miles nerVhoWi e Wîîîîy wood, Cierk-Jan. 15, Mar.t, Ma f or ug l oth-n claime. Lieut. Every le anxious b i-j miles from C.N.R., 2-J miles from 8, July 7, Sept. 5, Nov. 11, Ja.oh rW ay. secure on lise enlisîrnent roll tise the -C. P. R. ansi new radial uine, 11 1915. n aM s o anumerof ctveenhu-an «' mmesîxesiT..8. PORT PERRY- J. W. Buruiam, For anything and everything - about %iastie vemîng mon who will well andi Farm is wel suitel for xe Clerk- Jan. 17,Mur. 7, May' 7, te o seGod.) tul>' uphois tise henor of tise County fariniung, dairving or market garden- tuie'8, Sep. 6, ov. 12. Jais 12,1 town at this lime wben msen areaL ing, abundance o!fernallfruits, splen l y 915. epts6thNobest k ownJTne GOLD DUST -W -M urgently neesicU. 1le wiiibc ld o dochard, about 5 excellent,5 15.i th be k o n - éG L DU T M N rive any 1 in f ormati on deuiresi concern-, trocs, aibout 7 acres goosi timiser, 4. UXBRIDGE- R. J. Moore, Ut- cea s r ~ .x rB e k D tr ing tise annuai camp. Inover 'failing stream, goosi frame brdg,JClr14, Sapt.10, Mat. 14, ce nrr ýy i e elLaçAD t- isouse, excellent isard and -sofI watcr, May 1,Jl 4 et ,Nv 0 n e a ('OUNTY COUNCIL [N SESSION. hank hemi ansi otiser buildings, rural Jan. 16, 1915. o ce ad y u The ount> ('ouncil convenied fer mail andsi lphn lines pass h .CNIGO - Pseru e it alw Ils June sesion on uesay f aim. Canglgon, Clerk-Jani 9, Mar. 13, USayse noon in- tise (ouncil roon itathbie larnî ias an Ideal location for club Jan. 14, July5 SetJNv 9 ('<uil flouse. Neari>' ail of tise wi'sling ostockaIont stream, for J. B15, 1915 a. A. Pater- a meribrs wre presont when tise roll a coultryihome, or for an enterpris- ~o A CY .a. 8 n 5 n wa ald nytre'rfour bigig re.sn eaetn lr-a.8 arge packages., . X away. lies. G.A. MeLean led in de- Alie two lots In Town o! WMistby, Mar. 1à, May' 15, Jul>' 16, Sept. 10',Buy h -yotional exercises. -1 one on Byron st. nortis, otier on NôTOv. 18, Jan. 14, 1915. u th large Net a great deai e! business ws ucid St., Norbth. 7. UPTERGRO4VE- Daniel Leonr transacoes, tise reading ef commuai- Tender for faim-ansi lots receivesi Atietie>', CleiâI- Jan 7, Mar 1 package for ecori zles nbe7hD y cations eccupying a large part e! tise1 sepaîatly up le July 11, 1914. -May' 18, Jul>' 17, Sept. 11, N~ov' m eto»i--7hDAU lme. Among lise IlsI were severailITigieýst or. an>' tender net necessar- 17, Jan. 13, 1915. ~~". h OODS WN iapplications for lise appeintmnt as Il>' apcepted. B>' Ordor, J E. FAREWELL, - -do 'our wo*,, Countv Treauurer, frein W.A. Helli-I- Appi>' l CHAS. W. Sit, e-) Cletk of lie P@ne.K '0.snu day, Wiiby; R. Webster, Scottv, N,,ecutor,. box 596, Wiby, Ont.-S. D14a hly o3,11. THE N. FAIBAN C PANY TTITED,..4j 'etelCnd j' (4 Our exper1 soine use tg of M'out c well -worth suggest (solid and-plate Clocks - Jewerry - Watches Rings Fountain Pens ýEbon]y goocis 3 c lvo-ry Brdshes, 25C tO Cor Grafonolas $32. ,Tmbreilas Canes - China 25c to co Pipe - Leather Goods Cut Glass Jeweler and ci PUBLIC, RI(,,I ; Ti cse of thse out of business, b pelîtion -o! thse P. iËoosi case in pi -witb the prssýition ness in ù(, eve says -an Axacri H4ere is a great c ormous invest niet legitimite and 'us outb-injury t oan5 service !ô mili field invadesl and eut by thse enacti for tie puhl'r - wý any whill h. -tisese gentîlîcýla. teon- andti t.c, nîi interest: wAo. tb ness b in ui' d i of theoaîso berv. Local* H rjesidence,- js s s M. Munree, 0o ly o! tise Standa *Smadayv iu town. choose -from aI ].cm Nelt argain Ré lag- Mi r a"ie T thse lil n -Pro troi ;. ai be-ui's - toi, TÉ%'%oRONTO * I s I 4 - 4 4 4 4 -l .4 * 4 Seed Potatoes M ARCHI il 1 'q

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