3A UIUAILH I~UDLI Thme Commou Cause- Is- Lack of Blood- Tiierefore Y u Must BuIId UP the Broo- Tiieain it-ho most intimnute. rein- tien bat ween tho cond!tio>n Mthbe -~biood nud t-ha -ý,activi y cf t-heest-o- mac<h, Tfi-obi d de»ends.u>n~h -' stomach for &a large 'part - fits nourishm-.nt, while.every a-t - of - igeshien, ftroui he time thbe food ent-at-h-e toma-ch and ie asaimx- lated by the blc-od needs pleint-y o! pure weli-oxi4i;zed bloçdi. The ,uzcl6e,-glands and- 'torves of thq istonah'ork euly aoordi-ng te t-ho -'quality of t-le bloç-d - The- nitot enoimon cauFleeeof mdi- -geption isle ack of rioh, red blood. lNot only dces impure blood wes-k'n t-he muzlea of t-heo ahymah, but it lêsseime the preduot eof the -glands of thle intestines and stonùwah,ý whleh Çùrni»h the digesotive fluids. Net- - ng iwill wmor-e promptly cure indi- 'gestint-han pleut-y of pure biod. Dr. Vililiarns' Pin-k Pilla. are t-ho gafast a-nd uxiet ertain blood- builder. A th-îrougii- trial cf t-hae PISl givosa.à hearty appet-ite, per- f t dieti, stre-ngth and h-oslt-h. Haro is proof cf t-ihe-value cf theso Pilla a ca-se-s o! indigestion. Ms Alfred Austin, V'arna, On1t., SYS-y: "-My syste-in becante run-downaad n'y otoms-ch very wvýeak. I -bad not Jesire for food aud whet I did taha eau ed me -grost ciera-ss, a-ad d-id net- affoed nme neurishment. and I Wa.s graduaily growing weaker, and cou-Id scarceJy de a.ny work at ail. I di-d, nc î 4eepuwndily ab- niWhte and woukle wake up flot at a.U re- freshe-d ad with a feeling o! dread -Sonne yeare previously I-had used j-Dr. Williams' Pin-k Pilis wà it nuch henefit, aud.thie decid-ed me t-oa-gain try t-hem. My confidence wa-s net mlisplaced, a9 by t-ho time I had used six boxes I wusagain fecling quito wall- Dr..-Williams' Pink Pills are, sold by- ail. mcdiein-2 lealers or will beý rw-nt by mtail at- 50 cents a box or six boxe-s for $2.50 by sendiug to The Dr. Williams' MedicineCo., Brock- ville, Out. - - WHEN MAKING COMRS. materia1 tiseU-rd anad , IWicw esa -Articles Are Manufaetaîred. Tinoe esen-t-i-sl aterials of t-ha riégualr coinibunakér are liernasnid liols&, whii-e tortoiseshal Leis cfte,-n nse-c. Rorns-nd boofs e-sn non' be -o excailenly rnade ha imite-tion of' t-ornt-usea-'nell t-bat t-le lai-t-enrquit-i uut i'a-ly otnet asit-h deam a- S _- itnidtib. Tb-e fins-.t rtep i-n comb-ms-king i% - -t-le cuuiting of t-le honxiy mat-aria-i jut - gncnts-cf a -fit- aiza. Aftonr briog eut -ici ieîgths a hemn poeesing a large diamet-arlias t-o -- -be divid2d again t-t-nsversely. The housare boiled befort- cutting. - thîidi -ed-r lt-ein Etften and t-lietf ont-cnaEii'rt-o cut in t-w-e. Tue-y ara nexlt cunveyvt-t-o theprsng -- floot, s-niapai'tmeut- flxed up 'it-h furnacecs. Iletidered< pliable by t-ha arti-en cf t-ic lîeat -tlcy are flat-tened .oaît iu t-le li-atid -f t--h-c n'orkm-en sad eut to shape "illi knives;.i - - Aft-gr hei-ng jon-rd hci in tout- blocks w-ile -tilt hut t-bey ccol in tjie forn -of n H-at plate. 9Xese -plat-iean-e next taken t-o t-hestoeck- vmoem, wbich is keptst a high te-t- pt-nature by me.s-is of st-tam rnn iut- nir-î flites, ivithit-be object o! dryinq orLarcienintg. andliera t-boy are trir.irne-d t-o shape. w-ile tha port-ion - -- ilit- is t-ohi'ttot-heitd l eut t-o a The tt-cet h are ctt lv-i'ilirt-a' ri., vng w lt- inotnc-'i able rapidity. W'ben île t-tet-hfi -t-ppred W a p-c-iit- a ndiîtitinde-.t-i. t-e fnishi-cra m iicit-htlie --t4lean tîo t--o prevent it from catel-iiinhtniîe lia-le Auek for Idinard'a and teko neo then- -t SpoiIiedIthe ý J oh. duine iig.t, di',it m r l. Poel-i tessilat'4 good ad- vicer Ineyer Fi Ft ra-llw to fie for Yi - le . d idî uiake a meý" of WIU AS Fro-m Head to' Foot. Itched and Burned, Disfiguring, Face and Arms Worst. Cutitra Soap and Cuticura Oint-ment Cured. -là ^cpre Corner. \toîîî'on, N. B--' When rey babim sfit-e ilon, it 11 is-s- a sa h wlli'ti uitise totiului t-t-n vy niticin. Tino rwsli -t vry bad anus ho wa -vrdfrein beaa ut or,-rle gt wi th lL wouid Itli sad bure ise j- mut-b Ihat lie usa t te- -scratchi tilt lia used 5o -brnigte blboot andth ion - 1it w-udti to s ant-t-ny acre whieh ditafgurod li=i. 'Ili' ,wort wax lits face tiîd armts. *,i trted s- gm imar.y dJilf-et. saitc ans-d icalpo but Ite11e us; lbe 90t ne bott-r. 1But - fter e wble I tbotiglit I wouIldtry CutIcurs- - Sosp sas-Oint-moItiandsad lety uss-t-boni two or tires t-ies elieti I saw a grotohange. The soreasries-up sad came onf andiahéwvai aeL"(Signef) 1ro. G0oig ra- Ms-y 28,-1913. - - yot pImpeos and- biackheads t-he followlng -la & most effectivo and economItcai troat-meni: - Oently #zà ii-be affect-cd part-a w-it 'Cuti-- cura Oint-mont. on the eond et t-heo fgot, but <entrb.Waah of te Cuticura Oint-- -enil ite Mhus iwti Cuticurs Sos-p sad - ot-wa ter , and contiînuathbigforsoieila- ute. -T8ILt'oatneitole het-on rInasns- Mtrlog. At qbh.r tin2M sa i Cut-icuna Sos-p *ely foritetlOt And bath, te-as"elinlapro- 't'ntlauti~im atodirit-t-onans- clos- glas cf th isOtleurs-Sos-p sad Oint- IDeamure Ideva, leraFor alîberal free omnple orszb wth32-p. booir, sendst- 0 Mud to Pot-ten m ru& Chani. Corp., Dept D> ogton, 17. 0. As Eno1a.nd -bhas eveatalfeiale f>6t- bal etc - - - Mme.. -etrova., the. aetresee, de- egà ,e own gowIs,. lh apeneea factories einploy over 500,000 girls. - Neari.y - 5000-4rai.aed nurses are. ' ow enroIled in thé Arnerican R.d Enl&nd hmasa& ihool where wo- men are. taught t-o, run a farni by themoelve. -Queen Ele-na of Italy eýould ear'n $400 a week as a champion swiîun- mer a-nd prize shooter in vaudeville. B-nglan4 ias over 22,000 barmaids' of -uh'cim one ha.If are- b-etween t-h-e 'gso eigh1ecýn and 20. -ýAcccrding -to fitatistics t-he deýà th ret-, amo-ng females is in eve-ry case lower thaan that cd males. Boston lias a woma-n who le ac- euýmu1.ating a fortune -frôsm, buying and -selling antiques. Great Britain has over 3,000,000 women between t-ho ages cf t-Wenty and fifty years who are unmarried, In Turke-y every ima except t-he Sultan is allowed -te> lave t-hreie wive*, anil t-be fîrst wile rulee over the others. Inl Cuba'ttie National Congsaof Mobes:wcrki-ng, for ba.by-u.ins and pllrmbidu$ng echool br.aIda.ýtÎfor needy ehildren. Over 1, 200 1servante ii, rý"oee ha-v been a-warded- a modal o! ý-hono6r for- having served oonti-nuously £f& 3 yeara in oneeeta-bI-lah-memt. Tha-st-cwn ci Weedapcrt-, N.Y. has 65 widow,% who own property andi are ani-ous t-o %marry, but -there ig a shortage of bachelors inx tbe Mra. M mazzuichelli of Corrnarthen. England, left a. bequest i-n her ç,il of $5 a year with wiiieh to pay for thse cl-cani-iig of t-he inrb1e on ker grave wýith eoup and water. As; far as know-n, Miso Ruth Buck, who lis just taken iher place in t-he choir of a Philadeiphia church, is the first bIind inger ln, amy ve.sted choir in the world. in islam ;% hu-aba-nd who desires a divorce hacul-y Vo-teli his wife to go thiree tin'es, whenO îhe moust et out wthout a protest, but the hu(s- buad muat give h6r a dowry. Denmark is gçin-gix>» raise the a-ge limit of femalevoters f rom 21 t-o 30 years, and for itho6P, whc deoir-e t-e vote for mnemb>ers cf the uppPr heuge of parliament to 3,5 yea-rs. The IB-rit-ish Royal Coru-m4Àssion, appointed to investiga-te the Condi- tions in thle civil service, lise, Nith regard to womie, rejected t-h ides. of their bein.g treatt-ed ou an. equal- jt-v with me-n. Im Pola-nd pcfiholgirls are cona- pell1ed by .wt-o wear their hair i a.way back f roin -their faces a.nd tied in tho. ba-nk with a. br4>wn hiair rib- bonm. They are a.>~o forbid-d'en to wear jewellery -c-r coers.t-s n-nt-il th-ey have been graduat-ed. TEETIIING BABIES Tc-thing time is-usu-ally a tixne of worry t-o inothers. It is usually accompan ied by iiervousness, stOmn- oeilj trouble a-nd extrerne f ret-fl- nesi. The mother.cei avoid al this; sbe can have h-or baby pas-s tlireîîgli fthedangerous teethiug timn-nw;t-hout pain or crD.ssn-e-s. Baby's Own Tablets are the-.îMoth- er' geate't -rien--at thiÎs time. They Feweeten t-he stonnacli. regulat.e the bowels, alla-y feverishneei whicih usually. accompanies the ceming of new teeîth, and in this way -niake teetlingeay.' The Ta-blets are &Ùld by -niedicinedealers or by mail at 25 ceuts a box frum The Dr. Wil-- E'NGLISJJ BUTLER 1PASSES. Niiional Tlype Vanlshing Froîn Bri- llait Empire. Thîle Engligha bu-tèienl rapidiy dis- .appt-aring into t-ho a-bs-dow-y psait vwhiîh iheo a-o ley -peoplad withI gh4osta o! peîsenmAhtiee. Tht- ra.a- son-s cf;is Ceinction a-ne not fan to inek l fac-t, thay we fuliy ex- pla-iaed in t-be daily proselas-t-w-e-k. Pt-cpI-e are hli-riting t-hein extra-va- gances lu t-ho oi4.'ay ia order t-o luivée mono, fer t-ha new. Thle- butIen ws-s neo-dirary servantlie- did oct n'ork by lus-unI!. An s-utocrai w-lt-il a îetbîn cf sa-rva-nts te minis- t-tr t-n lia w-suts, hlieea-s Iaxuiny, and no-w, in i-n ngo whcn eymc, tlue leVde-cc-ntivo luxuriehave ho- c'ionn*eesi-is.ho is. going. T4e t":- -;opitrti;zîy citeeply psid perle r unaid Ls t-ki-ng hi% place-. SI-c e-an -a'eaid s-ie e-ho an tvalet, andsho reiquires n-o rot-iie. The, buttier bu going eut-. AUItl this)haa of cit-le tinn s, a-nd like rincat igus o-f t-le tims, very aad. Thie prcks-nit gene-ration just- k-tova t-he-hutier butause lie- nas a grent figure ii the- pageant- oflt-s- yoiitlit, uend n'a iemem-ben t-h-e pe-ei who doîtv-inatcd- e n-s- u cur chldhoud. But lte ,gmenatbna o!# to-morron' - wilil uxe -e grc-at-er kaowlt-Idge o! tl-ho huitten than cf -oernnlti Cico pages of FielIdingtad Sotolatt at-eh ibc-iard-sonan -d îahosaet-o-day -15 ani-ad a. a-,citorail or any ctlier article o! deineStie utiuit-y w-hie-h ne- ver p à scd~.epa.rk cf lite. Food 1ln Mexico. Ratugees Ia Meirowill be reduced by t-hie time t-o aublstlng on tortillas sad frijoll', Vthe staple feeodef t-ho country. A t-ont-Ibis- le a.fis-t cake o! unles-vancd bra-. Thne cornu la soakail tn iye t-o dest-roy t-heinusk, sad t-le grains s-ne cuenihainto meal on s- atone table w-lt-hs-aSt-eerolllag pin by bsad., Mixed w-lt-h w-stens-ns-bs-k- os-, thene resultsa s-thfa st-caesk, whlch t-eas -ike bIetttng paper, sad t-sst-es- abolit- ss plossstly. Thasè, w-it-hoh frijolas on bs-ked beanu (oit-han blackt or wite) ceastit-ute t-ho dalîy focs-, w-ile ies-t, belng cookes- dlrect-ly It- la kibbos-, lo very tougn, sad la amot-her- os- ia gros-se. lIOW*Hudson Ka're1banîki -Aftoï. Sufferlng for Five- 5.esrs, Found q-iek Relief asd( Pensent- Cure. . the- Greatic8t ot--Caiaidiiiii: Maaiehbank, C gsCounty; N.B., J u-tie hlt (Spocial).-Aft-er-ufru Pr -'five years frem'kid-ney dis.ae broughttr,- on by aast-rami, Hudso Marchbaak, Es. , - the -wbll-k-nazw-.yi fariner cf t-bis. placq., is again .a itrong, healt-hy m-sn, an-d another grand-cure for Peodd':s Kidnay Pilla3 has been pte-,on record. lu 'a,. in- terview, Mr..-Marchb.ank rays: "About five yearsa ago I hurt my back f rom lifting, and it dzvelop'ed into kidnuey discase. My baek pain- ed mne ah t-he time, and I wa-s very -much tr<eubled withheadachoes. My appetite was fit-fi-: I had a bitter taste in niy -mouth ha VIte merunings- I perspiied Iresly a-nd my -esaa, tion lied a. dip-4releable odor. - III uEed liniment-s a-nd plasters, but tbey did net de me a-ay good, a-ad a-st-h-re were other symptoins t-bat tay. lcicheys werer affected, I de- c ided 4o tr ,Dodd'aKiduey Pillsý After uuiitwo bezes,--my *b-#k wa-qý COMplktely dued v nd .spy k!"ieys have ùno Vroubled--mue ince." ý1!,-- WMb n Mr' Marchba-nk ded that bis kidheys were t-ho cauecf his -troubles, t-ho ras-b wa-s easy. Almost any cf hie neiglibers. could téll -him t-bat Dodd's Kid.-iey PilIa alwa.y6-cure dlisea-sed kidnea-s WEIIID EXPERIENCES. V,'axrous Fiftyw-Thoui5and-Mfile Tow In a Motor-Car.- me you ceu esi'nc b.-b.La hf tfien, sciw Pela nI5s s -n nA ecm la- rub - iao atlwCn )u feelI like prIIW rI EûnSe aiùising - ristï«a- 'of thé broke-n *noee* as a, sviges batik have, cmteIght-.' Titre is the st-ory ,of, Pedmro AI-varode, t-ha i-c, whesae mines- yJel'ded eil-ver e j fva~t tlst he couId ,not- spentd it,j t.,hotigri lhabcuglit pie-nos end Shat- , laq.nd 'pc,(ies by t-Se arload, and al t-he metal wer b he pala-c t-bat E.-tocd w-liahie eld adobe hu-t- lid once been buiit was of mil-ver.- Alvareclo had noe faith in banika and kept great- quantities ocf cash i-n bis- house. Naturally mueh, of thls camne, à to t-ho handls c4 Senora 1Alvar ede. -Thte sariora- had -a- spochai bcrd quili jvhie;h-elways eovered her at -night, and was ne-et f ar awey in t-he dsyt!Mme. didlemad When -th-e se-noradidhrmi wet t-o Alva-redo aud a-ked for t-ha quilt-. But Alva-redo w-es supar-t.i- -t.oîe -nddiliedtegive ainything a.-ay tco wbiçh hie wife -had b-eau so -muc.h à ataéh-sd. J~offers t-.",-w-o- m~an money i-ssd and - thougli c<kîlare *o>Wre- -no Ileger fitcawinl at t-ha rate c-*000a- day haw-a-s gene-rous iha-t-ha, ma-4r.-Buqt t-he girl infiieted -tiiýt s-ho would hae" ne memtoriel -of bar m4str-çs,--but-t-ho quil-.- Finà lly, -,Alt&redo.' s su£5picienis wera arou-sed a-nd- le ripped thi quit teO pice-s-. It coutained $20,- 000 in 81,000 n otee. Amoug t-hem w-as a letter f rom t-he se-nor-a a'aying O.in.t &-tp hib. aqvo,sl la m4i.n for lTa-eearenia-ny ways cf geaeing LJIGUt-l11au Bay9 T~M~'-uviulyi' t--e wenld, but perha-ps t-le moat her twoEo-aa, anîd directing that it t-lorou-gh---eerts-inly the most uc-tel be put but-zh-ba-nk t-o their ea-dit. --way ha by mot-or-car. Mn. Glà d-- And uew t-ho young me-n are being den, ia t-ha article which appe&rs 1ý1e.danat--d in -sn Amerlos-acollage Pearso' Magazi e toil us of up-ou t-le int-erast o! thon mother's ms-ny w-ird experiences, a-n d o asvinga. soma recorda made- durb-ng lis f an- eus 50,000-nni1a tour, c-ne cf w-hie-la .wo quota :-- 'For 1,000 miles north WinaW ra ile' of Sockolmwa w-e-ne t-ha flrèt mo fotsnot- ver t-ha ros-d. The ontire lihCioi lcah drive f rom thé sou-t-ha-ny end o! Swadoen t-o thê' Aretic Circle-l,540 Teel r beAcd -mile-a'-w-a-eoverno-ode w-hic-h would - TeohTobeAed compare favorably with a- farmcen's Cnnst-ntly on tineir feet-. atteading t-na-ek f rom hie barnu te -s hay-fieid. to-tino w-s-t-sof a largoesad exs-cttng An evryvoler wewee geeedibyfannily, womea often break dow-a Andcveyw-her w wae gaatad-byw-th-nervous exhaustIon. uumnan-gc'abi hrsas and ca-t-t-I-. lut-ho stores, fectonies, sad on a Oftru c-rct'pa-utsol-i- ca-rt-s a-ba-ud-,cned farmn are w-es-l, allng wonnen, drs-gged tht-m entir-ely at otir approadli and dowa with torturlng beekacne sand ran for htlt-or to t-la woo-ds-. North benriag 60W-n pains. o! the- capital our route iay fecr 000 Sucin auffernag isn't natural, but- it' s mils ~rouh tle -oce skîrin~dangerous. becs-use due te dtseased teGulf cf Bot-bas-, iae lonela- kdcs t-ho The dizziaess, Insomnia, dcrenged ness rengned suprenne. broken 'Jily monseasad otiner symptens ef kidocy- by fleeks o! birds and, amaîl g-suref complaint can't cure tuemseîvea, uiay cnessing our ps-Fl.Inu a digtan.e - -A requtre tino assistance eofIDr. Hamil- 125 miles we pa-ssed <>,ily three mail ten's Pilla whidi go direct t-e the seat ca-rt-s drivrun, by -s-m-s-il boys, and in of dine trouble.- - anot-her et-rt-h o! fi!t-y miles ive saan' To gît-o vitalty anud power t-o t-le but one- humnsn being. Bu-i in evcry kidneys-: te aoad aid te tine bladder and settlement erowlds gnt-hcred t-o w-t- Ut-or; to fnt-o t-e blood otfipoisons, probably thene la ne remedy- 5sesuc-- ne-sa t-ha arriva-i cf -' firat- m<tor. cesÉful as Dr. Hs-mitoîi'a Pilla Fer ThIe tltphono is iunit-a rsal in 8w-e- ail woms-nly irrogularities t-hein menlt don, s-nd t--nd ciar moe-ment-s s-Il ik w-clknowo. along t-ht- route. Most childre.n raui Becs-use et their mtld, soothlng. sad awayna~ierti trro as -e rochealiug effect, Dr. laanllton's Pilla are away14ýortl rerror a wecanc sfeand re ecomenedton girls lip; otrs stoppcd Vo aask s s- ndwomae n of ail s-gos. 25 cents par questionasa-bout- t-ha ca-r as 'Whiatinbox st s-l deniers. Refuse s-ny suin- doe yen e-s-l it?'-'Is it t-he-maschine stitaîte for Dr. Hamilton's Pilîs et Msa- w-li-th kilis t-ha pecopIe in France?' drake anîd Vuttoraut. It- w-a-a on t-ha miorning cf Auguet-_ _____ l6tli, 1903, with t-be thErmcimeter st 45, w-4nn w-a- Ieft Haparanda for oaar womEr4WHO' HUNT EIG GAME. la.tda.y's drive towards caîr obje- tive, thle Arçtilo Ci-noe-a drive o! Lady Hunter in L.ondon TTols of Jungle 75 mwiles ct-en- reinda-er trz-ae-ks-. A-t- Thrille. thle few 6eeUlements tiie Finus ga-t-h- Log heurs of *"stalkIng," wrarisome er*d1tZ> chat-r us c-n t-le way. Fif- niglits spont mitting -en s- "kil' s-was-t-- tran miles from t-he Cire-i-e, at Mar- lng aine redaîrn ef a panther and endiesa ta-ne-n-gi, w-laeeisý Sweden's moatilets on tino bs-rit et sn oIt-phs-t- northonly citunchu, w'a teck ethdirougît thick jungle In quest of a tiger boa-r Mn. artieil, -ho omas-sre- aunoogat the Incidenta nxperh-îaced bcardMr.Marînel, he oRtas-by Mrs. H-olmes. Tara, w-ho ina mat t-ar of t-ho district, w-ho certîflcd eurcfomIdnwhtrsba- t-ha-t our e-sr w-ss 'the ir-st- antenn-j conîpaalod ber inusband on as- iooting bile t-o pas-at-he Aretic Circle.' I expeditIon, saya tino London Stands-rd. 4' 1- -Tino punsuit -of big gane Ila s sport wht-h Ila ttesct-lng numbers of woea. 11ER . O1TIIER-IN-TAWV The sperteman lu Tndis ms-y shoot Iat-w-o w-nys. Tinere la thee eue whein Prot-ed s-ise, (f ood Fî-frnd. requires match preparation beforoinand, - w-len jungles are plentituliy bs-lted la A yo6ung w-ona-n foinnd a nÀrea nvnnce w- t-h young buffalo testtract gond frie-nd in ht-n mot-be-in-law': tigers to lint spot ready for t-ho guna. jokes not-wit-hstanding. Shi writ-t-a:' and there is t-lee t-hon wheu t-le sports'- Iwas gr-2stly t-noubi--dwithlt mati chaýnce-s lins luckIn 1as scratch boni, st-ora-chcomplxion wua-s hctcy 1ega long saltd iîrougliîthe jungles, and yellow. Afte n ni1saI f-t--cn witli abufilo ted u3p et rand-oni on t-he chance et "dnawlng" a tigen. Tino latter sufferod sharp pain-san-d wot)ild Ihav e metîîod, mono sportiiîg, If aise more ft lie downn. My mothentif te-nit--o i] ardueus,n,-vaut nadopted by Mrs. Hlolmes- me it- was tht- coffere I dra-nk at Tarn and ht-r hinabnd. m-cala-. But w-bt-n I'd quit ecoffe I'd Mrs. i. Heirs-Tarn's r-xpeioncea cf have a- severe henaohe. " (Te& econ- shooting arenet-, however, conflned to tains t-he same p)ois-otions, drng, caf- Inbdin silo bas probabiy lînd mono ail- 1~ round sliooting experience t-han othor feint--, as tcffûeY. 1w-cne. "My flrst trip was te t-le Roclcy - Whiîa visifling my me-ýibe-r -inn'à Mountains. ia Wyeming State," s-be I remarked tînit 01-1 tlasMuîd-1Q- aid. "It w-as a rough trip; semetimes sîcli good ceffee, and askîîl hien to we aIt-pt inttite ground In tire non'. telii me lion'. Ski-olaugbed antiti ilti Weweno îîftor titer. vaplti and lies-ns' me à t 1 citVOtik'g-d Cif' at- th-le speaker w-cnt to Canada',,- e w-hu oue os turnkeý. wliîi-t nmotgst - nt-ir animals, e whe yo ue Pstu. ioose unnd caribou fell b lier rifle. "I be-gen te aise Pos-taîn as ait)'r- Ei!,t Airlca la, liowvvc, lit-r favorite ne I et h-oui-e, amd iîow w-c have the h-lîîntlng grouaîd. A rhinoceros, siot- anme gonod 'cuffet-' (P-osiaîm) veny'-w-tlui c .303 rifle, and s-n elepis-Ot aad day, a-ad I hava nu ont-retroujille. rI llnot-tr05 w-it n 400, ure amongst- Indigtsti-on is a thing .ft, - psthr sot prlzed Africain trophies- &n ompmaxi ast learcd ii-'th -îe Britlith Museum t-bat trip," remark- heuti! uly. id Mrs. liolnoea.Teln, "sad ms-ns-gad' "My grand-mot-htr suffered- a grea.t t-e capture t-w- ewn gent-rnis-d tan' dc-al with hi-st-oms-ch, lier doc,,ton) rare specles,. once whan Mn.- R. J. totd lienrtele-ave coffi ctffee. She Cuninghs-me sad 1i nen; c uIt att-enelo. thon tock tea-, batt t-hat-w-as ju-t s-s phant w-e w-ena teAt for 24 heurs, dines- ba-d. off a zebra's lit-en roastt-d on sticks - -She finally -ns 'ind-ueed t-<> tt'y Iadol -hs a miank Ato t-le Pestumw-hdi lieliasue~forct-n lelp ofai'afriendly herdamf.Aoio aotu, ya-ar SIte Vraeled dfrigvt-hjt-lit ttnas tout-h and go w-htthon w- wrehanges- by s-bord of lpat w-bte-r visit-i-g, slrnet-hing eue hRid 'but. fontuns-telY, t-hey- stmp dlte -ne beu blat- dofo ya-ars. SRhe oppnosite direction. Te niy mmd thora Raegular Postuin - must le w-al boiled. 15C land-25c packages. Instant Postaîn-Le a soluble pow- der. A tea-spoon! ni dissolves quiek- iy ia a e-up c-f bot w-a-t-erna-d, w-lt-h -ne-m and engar, mokas a doudeous beverage Instas-tly. n -d Sor tins. Tht- cost per e-up c-f both kiads La a-lotit t-hè a se. "Tliere'a a Ra-sen" fer Poesturo. -Sold by Groenrs. A ms-n wnt te) a Judge a-nd asIc- ed w-mt-hon ho could hnng suit fer siauder s-gainait a-as-nw-ho h-ad eslied h-tnas- lninocOiOs. "Why, certaioîy.i said th-aJudgr. "Wban did hoe-s-Il yen t-bat?" "About thIret- yeans ago." "Thre-o yeans a-go! And yen oaly et-art cuit t-o- da.y i" But, your Houer, yast-er- daY I sa-w- a rhinocenea for lIne flrst aa mitters xetin deeply sos-ted t-h0 -Pain 1à ý.or hsow long you -hvhs- lit -rîbbing wýth tIse, llg cf a-l uni- meints "Nervillnel' Wiil cure you. Nervillue -la hlghiy concotratd- -about fit-e times stronge, tinthe or- dinery -w-hite ammoala liniment -- therefone It penetr-tasi ulckly-sinks inu deePly--aad gets rigit as-t tle'corae of t-he pain s-t oace-dnaw-s out t-he lameness, takes aw-ay t-li tiffues;- es-ses t-ho Joints -tinst Lava hurt you so Ont comas Liha pain every time you1 ruin on Nervilline, which cont-atasS-orne-ý of t-ha moat' valuabl a ps-asubdulng nemedies known tao science. Worth lt-s w-elghInt-lagold to avery femuly in the land, sad sure t-o cure theo emergent sad minor filsaoff s- huadred -kinda that coastaatiy arise. Get- the large 50c. 's-mily size bottle; small trial size 25e. Nerviline le aoid by every deaer, et-- erywhere. - JIODERN MONEY-BOXES. -How,.tha- Sate-Maker Prepares fer 17 t-ho 8a4rBreaker. t-tonl atttemjt amia!e bùr.gla-ry la Lndù onioin.-motb -gi,-he. skeà gg eta a-fa ton, sp-at -aý w-hole nigittryin'g t-o iob -a. sà fe t-Sa -ot ained - eS0,M ~worth cf pearl5,,eolye Lc>ndon. Answers. - Tbat big pearI mer-cha-nt acw an- n.ou-aCe,6 that ho liae procùred a, new os-fe gu-ara-ntaed to baffle t-he world's mos-t -silif]îl sfe-brea-kers. If se, t--le -ew-s marks a-net-lie-r atep in t-li long aad keenly-fought duel be- tween t-ha safe-ma-ker and t-be safa- brea-ker. Til-l a few yea-rs a-go a drill w-as gocid-eneugl i>r safe-breà king. A hol w-as bored, and t-h-e pow-srful explosive nitro-glycarine in-ented. The safe-makers retaliatcd by building thlir safe3 o! 0'five-ply Eteoal,"' ha., o! five layera cf ha-rd annd soft steela -andwiched t-ogetherç TIhe hard layera wil-i. bafflet-ha finest drill e-ver made, while t-ho soft ones gi-ve -t-hew-ho-I-o a springiness t-bat inaies t-he safe re-sist t-h-e -hattering eff<sct cf a-powerful explosive. Thea nioîhod o! t-h-escientifle Mr. Si-kes was t-o get a grip for hi-s ex- poieai eply by scrat?-hing linss in t-le pain-t, and rubbing the nitro- glyee-rhne,--or, as ha e ail-sit- "soup" -in hy t--le aid o! a bail ocf day or pittty. S-cnietinnnee it w-as rubbed ia- te t-he cra-ck betwebn t-he safe door and t-he jam-b it le attached t-o. The safe-umaken bas replicd- by îising a-s t-hi-n peint -on hiesofas as poEsible, t-ho thick e-dges, w-ere t-le clon -me-e t he jamb being ieft quite unpaint-ed. The close fit t-ha-t t-he nawest safpg have-a- fit t-list.makes -t-hainsertion o! "sc-up" abselut-eîy £mposible-isà obteined by ba-ving t-ha deer tand t-ha teck grcumid actua-liy into their se ete. But -th a le-breaker lis refused t-o admit humêeet beat8n. Re h-ss- disecovered- the uses oet tho oxy-aca- tylene blow-pipe, sad regarda t-h-o (ioptoperator se <oid-fs-h4onsed: Tbeoexy-acetyieeabicw-pipe le a very simple, but treza-endously -pow- erful w-capon. A tube fronta- cylin- don of oxygen a-ad a-notihor fron a- cylinder -of acetylene meet ila a-pipe. Wliea t-ho nozzle of t-his pipe îs di- rected again»t a - pieeof met-ai, t-ha-t m-et-aI promptly baegins t-o rua liko candile-grea-se, et-en if t be t-le t-ouighcsiQt t-e-el. Eveny meta-Imiade-must yieid t- t-le blow-.pip5. Ail the safe-maker can do ha 1<> ma-ko t-ho ydelding as slow as possible. The newest s-a-fes arc builit -fnaganeoe step, -t-ho tou-ghest as w-e-i-i as thbe berdast cf Mme. Poincaire. w-ife of tino Presi- dent of France, la at present- a notable figure ln the eyes of t-he people of tinst country, w-ho are recalllng the romantie circurustauces of ber mar- ris-get-o M. Poincaire. The latter, w-hile s- young and by no means dlstlngulshed ls-wyen, met and feula love with the chinnig daugit-er of a ricin famlly. Alas for tine young ms-n'a hopes, however, the st-enapsrenta of t-ha girl damanded a sottiameat o! $200,000. Instad o! wes-kly glviag up sad alowlngstome nicher man t-o w-la iner t-ho pluCkY youag msas.oked only f«otire-fit-e years. Appiyiag limaelf 1aaslduously- t-o hiea profession haie ucceeâed lnasc- cumulat-iag t-ho requtrod annouat and se winnlng t-he girl of his eholce. Mme. FoIncaire haitht-e cherm, t-ho tact and t-be t-ast-a Ia dreg astl-t are coannon t-o t-ho women Of FPrince a-nd she inas beea t-le guiding star of lier husbs-nc's caroor. Ia addition t-o han other accomplishmeat-s she le an ad- mirable inousekeeper sad,,bookaafter t-he Ellyéee home-tno Pyeidential manson-niuch t-hoes-mossaie dld lier own home. Kreap Klnaral'U Liniment lau . "ie ED. 4. ISSUE 23-'14. jUngGeoi,.ga td, Queen Ma.r# oPenfd the naw winglcf tlieBritish- - - guselInion- rt-be7 th imet. - - V Hg Iet -A eltatue cf AbYLIIaini Uucoli will- sund moi -F- Bit-lah Roue cf. Lords ro- jcïc.teod t-i'w'-ma-n' f is-nce-biseBll Thor luit- week by a. véte'cf 104 t-o 60. - The de-at-h ïsanncuned cf Bro- t ther Jamis Baeidao!f1hedi, _C____ Clieîýhire, who, w-as t-ha oc.-et. odd..PA fleow uin, and-a-- W , DAWSON .SitiadweIl FiaIt Me-rket,9 -ih oo proed aem etilfailure, Le ew bcing i-aideut as Tiveroideopen i FrW-WI wlace fer East London. wrt 3 Twýn Soume 6,000 zceol cohildren, e-,01 h- carryag a Union. Jaok, wiî-î greet 111,W. OAW86f -the King w-beîn -ha visits Laya u Schol, Ca-mbridlge, to inaugurate e AGENTS WÀ n-o Nng pcaty O. Thé e Duke of Sut-herlaad-,liaspur- $ei C. cihaed Ne. 39 ,P.ortnaan. Square,, -- Nl!WBP Londen. The mane-lon- was former-ý c' op, - m ly t-ho -reiddence o e! tl a.ts- Vieo6untf, Tredegar.--- - Mr,. -, MaubFhew ,.T. Flemingg, -Qf a-Ciny Frernnali's. Billon-ca-y, E.Mex, ->,?er nie J laAýe of GlnsEgow-, EnetIndia mer- ____ éhantý, lo-ft, in addtion Vo,.real os- CAnOXU., Ic t-ste, pemsn-si est-valued- s t- pi:ba Dr. 3cmAber-crom-bie died on t-ha acili uit. st Augili Caet.lo, West- mreUlnd, af te-r, set-en îron-tha' 4i- ue-ss. Ha praet-ised -fer -many years ia London, tend ret-Irac t-o Weet- - morelamdic some eiglit years a-go. Mr. Dat-id Me-Gill, tlhe -ci1pto-r, Lte be iavit-rd te execute t-hae bronze m-de-lion cf S.ydn-ey Smait-h ia Vite Pariqli Chu rel i t Foston-le <I hOl CIa-y, Ye-r-kEhire, -where t-ha cale- n V brat-ed w-t minit4tared for rna-ryic yea-rs. The Briýtisin coa-st is so -wll Pro- tac-ted wbbh .dghthouees t-bat- if la Cane elip sahlod rigit round Engla-nd, -va Sect-ha-d amnd I-rele.nd-by nigint only Fix oceasions wMOuid be w-hera it could met ee-t he flash ef a- ligint- Suf bou se mte. The charge for t-obaec-c license se"o axnountis ouly tes. 3d. a. yoar. The caunot mnarr3 extent t-e wihicda -tino tmde la&,*grc>wa Whoe poumDS is ehown by the fact tMvnt, t-han-na. -<bsaoar ber o! tobacoo licenses ý has ini- sonne higha-n creased fro-n. 301,242 iu: iff t-o con- a-Wl- sidrably ever 400,000. '- &he-"Oh, The de-at-h tcok plao,,e at Nonrt- Y - D ampton On t-le 28t111 11i-.Of Mr. Tr uiéEeI Ja-mes Birt, who ->in 18914 won t-hae yes and Grani s-afet-y bicycle e-lampionshi-p cf t-hela lre.U -w-rld at the. Royal1 Aquarium. The ra-ce las-t-rd -six days, ad in one- pe.nied o! 48 heurs Birt covered 630 mi.u-les. Msres- A Parliaineultary paperet-at-es t--bst say wOs Üine - e.t thie e-ad of 1913 thle total num- tuaI ber of insured perro-ns w-a-S 08-, Pst- 700 in Englattd, 720,000 ini Walns-, lilibal, ma'ea 1,492,000 in Scofla-ud and 700,700. ia Irela-nd--making a-n aggrege.te for the United Kingdot o! 13,759,400. tata King E.dward. died on tîhe, iOth tilt. It t-ai5namIrî;-,h terriero . i Mnnîcî's MIt uscd t-o aocsom.psa King - E-dward h.t~- ou his raiïl.wd-y jour-ne5s t-o d.iffcr1-nt t ablîes for ye par-e f aiteou-y.. le d-gb-mt medicine. wore, atttee-ledt-o ita colla-r, a sil- ver -medal inzerib)ed, "I am '(uic- Poneo Bar,' thne King's dog." --J.'r_9 The tbeath Warrant-Delivered No <efence cati bo offered when you appiy Putnains to a soro corn-the qt- fender bas to di,. Nothing s, crtain $h- to quiuckly cure corna as Putnains orn and \Vart Extractor; try Putnaitns. lttc Apr)licant>- fiee fro10 aclds5, and painless-. bot- work where tien sold by ail dealers. -M-d am-13 Th _a+wogla~î~t~ girl who.îun- The an ho gts âie m)s <ifit ppiThant- seldoni gets t-ho best of i. na'am. Tha Ntnar5'uLOnirnon Lum-wma'u Trion . - < Mantèc incleTtand s es089 ery district wewanit h a iiian Will pa3y adien Dierriburora aneouver 6BCC Mient Proof. George, 1 amn afrsad I ry -y<cu. >I want ea mail m s anoble em-tition; bis Se't«On attailig- iid -Worth.y obieot."? A, don'V I wanit.you ? ,George!11 am you-rs l"- DRUOGIST WILL TELL '<OU' Ileredy fur Red, Weac, Watery tiated Byeiids; No Omarting--r Dr. W-rIte for Book of the Byo Lirine Eye Reinedy Co., Chicago. lis Affinent. -Wh-at ýd-id th e do etor rnatier with.you,- Ex'as 1Q- sayI1got a t>rpede Em. Lave us-d yourMiad' rny famliy and aiso in my mars and coniîsder It thei eobtain~able. TYours truiy. ALIFREID ROCriAv. Rox ton Pond Hotel and -o.ma'am, Icud' Bu w-e Iclve-1tised fe~ra, they are. SIye. EpizootlO. Shlpplng 0" ~D ISTE MPER ever and eatarriial Fever. Suecure and positive prvventive, fn mattcr huw horsen at tan3 age are infecwted or .expow.d." Lliuiui. given on thý3 tongue. acts on the I3Iood and Glands, expels the wifisnous germe fronl CI~ the body. Curei; P1ttnper iii Dogi and Sctii. nd Gbo]erft it toi. Poul try. Largent tselllng live otork rc'nidy. Cures La Grippe among hunvin b6ingcs and i s a fine kid-iey 'remedy. Cut thia ont. Keep it. $how iftfi your druggigt, ae!!, will get it for you. Fn-e B13iolei, 'Distomper, Ciumes nvid l s ODISTRIBUTORB-ALL WHOLESfi!F- RUCCISTO 800h, Modicai Caoi.it-1steand Bc'I~a' .GsoiI.... YOU CAN SLEEF LATIR And stîli breakfast on ftme by using, a New Pcrfee~ioft QAl CQ~Içr5tQYQ:' No tires îe kindle-no w-oed or ceai te muas w'iîb. ~Jusî touch s- mat-ch te the wick-then you have ail dthe t yen want, who you want it. Lessens the laben in the litchrn. 1, 2, 3 sud 4 butiner uizos, and a new stove with Fircics' Cooking Ovea. Ail hardware andi geacrai stores. Uita Ro.valita 011 fer Restat Rt The >CTIAPTER The- prIncipal. until ton, s-qd foe ted this. At ha toucin lbers-rai- fig-ht o titme. ai and radiant. wL-t Parted lips. gazli gentlemian-la spa sina- three Platee. tic, and a walklz lits chin '"Isntlie wonc 'Veny. But, 1 cerne av,,wat- new. I atunted fron '"You told me. and--ags-in.t-bs-ti tý>a1n tie Bristol0 -."I said so--bu donýt be cross. miut-h I rt-anteà "'Tien you toit I -Suppose Il< alto gncw extrai lnand tlrnldly on "Ploase 4on't- pored - I s-m en, and -I dtd se wa nlws-ys at choo want tn Uc a liti The Ist - arKuuo - -aie guessti It-V Iig MY face, ai t5io echangje in il fingera ' rom m>n "And*>oDa-aw ran't w-e? 1 w-ou What naste As aine lierseif -longer a chlid-no sadi-unlihed as w-oman, and as I 4~t h-r. the tren liatd undentaken iw A& forceand -nies-tin; li, -a <tixotie talion thle a-uardt, creature. of -who rçociattons. s-nd fai itnéw hs-rdly an. w-ot-lad er anti-ier -helple!s m IrresiHtlbiy, -aî 0- taken toward ei siblo one. And donc hon? lilitil wlth a vert- lair- a though slipsbohd, s-ps-rt-frein tinse trav-sgant astes t-o have developei had daiteti- befo lightatt-hoe'"Rom more titan a s-eaý Xt seemred abs fçchool:i and yetj h edovith hi Rer dbî'tngenuous ttie 0frins- be vnoYy groatms-e. ef nd' use -expeed-ia of -decoruin froir Sho Wlantcd te ho ed A, t he chait-o Consid «rab1e arnl - -could n'ery -waili 'Jacki;on'a. and (iii w-ould ittyseif e train. .'tttil.i. I el lis guardian te r on-er hlieralairmlras s-ndlirexertly fi -fitresmme yot -f ehod w-liony fhn nodded. /Pli' e dont apeuil h ratlier-rathei aW5Vsnd nôw r mu-t. itqeem.-i C beina- eold nd na - - Yen w-ii be nmarri, Itey R-s Weilib- ni "f hoîte r 'liafl ve'ri' oi'teii.' W-u t on.have hu1, 'iotît-.-! -i'-petit ai for- Y-nru. lipng yt) 31y Itearnt,,tpli "I uts aor ' '(tii.I ailw r- inl-rrpntngnie. Yaolig'îrnt hat rieih v hia v-e nam e zi- it a Mtithblavte lot Jimtatu ini-Al t. î1 diference to Icould o; se>- fr imacexhastdaced TORONTO WOI"K wliert3 rx