Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Jun 1914, p. 7

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as bs ~ o~ntbng Mxost partiua MA qumstws' wolt of Sugaz, or - Js - coran Wrénohaw h lft the 5A 4Uars wotb f Buar" andgelsee ber ln the hall below,' Liiith sprang ~-au unlcnown quantity from her aeat. Whtch faced mine at the -c Uk Ubreakfast-table, ai'a>prcached me ln -acooôped out cf in opfl barr& "Don'ct.believe a Word ab soayo!"'e -into a paper bag? Jaci4'n. She, aareguiar c14 cat. Bhe hates me and sauspects me, and watcbes.k me jizt because I amn pretty. Promis you won't listenl to lier tales about ffe."' L' muet see ber now that.11 have pro- Whsbldyou? Send her about ber 77 bûl»ae" i .Be'jloniv come ýt*try A.nd, -"'Tou forwet -that ber brother bas"' béee n i my service, and- that,-of- my la- ther betore me, for over tbirty vears, I. calft treat a relative 0f ,isbaly." > *'Wfl, 1thon, If vou wiU ten"' s- SU A Rileaded, claapinir ber-haadr Tond myý a 1 ~A~ rm "rmneme at lea tat ou, we' - liv-a.word, abssays., -You- IukKW~~L~Udon3 tknow what -awful stories alhe makea upi about people." - 'I p'omisat ieast 'to teli von -eviryc word that passes between Us. Wiii« th4t content you?. Let me gzo now, doar, 1 mpuet ose the woman, aince I said 1I 4rreluetantiy as ewitbdrew her de- ltningc. lasp, and at my liat view oft oer as was standing disconsolatel ln Thé Wed ing Eveho middle of the room., with a ioo of 1, he eddili EveI own that my mIfd miagave me as I descended the stairs to wbere Mrs. Jack- _____________________son. oi, iiydresaied, motberly ioi sort of woman. waas sated *ait- ing for me on a chair ln the bail. fihe rosée at my approach. She was a Or, Married to a PalrIT littisý red In the face, and very doter-t mined-iooklng, but civil and collected, In maniner. Ji "I, sbould:m't' be doing my duty, air, abell began, "knowing and reapectIng' your family as 1 do, if 1 dldret report CLIAPTER 'XV.-(Continued). searc:i of a hansom cab. "That la the to you what bappened last night. It I ntcoe worat of nice things-they pansno goes againot me to se money and kind- f Ths, princi mii ballet did ocmen quickly one bas hardiy time to know neas waated on worthleas and ungrate- until ten, ana for Liiith's sake 1 regret- one, la enJoying tbem." -, fut people, air; and r-think lt only rIght f ted this, At half-paet nine I had tu "A pbilosophe ladatsvne!yoshu kwtetrh.c touc he armto emîd he oftheWhy Lilitb y ou are beginning sari p" The biood rushedte t my face but1 fligbt of time, and 1 fournd her flushed "is t being a philosopher tu think kept rny temper, and askecl "er coldlyk and.radiant, with shining syesaand happy thinga iast too short a timel t exraboutheeif. eso Yulet i partsd lips. gazIng rapturoualy uPo n a Wvellî anybow, I have had a iovely day, "tUaotteyugpro o e -gentleman ln spangles, who waa balan, thanka ta you, dear Mr. Hervey. And at my hous at haîf-pnast eleven last 8 sing tbree plates, a box of cigare, a bot- now ie are goinz to bave another han- night, sir," as proceeded. 1«I asked her8: tic. and a walking-atick on tbe end of. ern, andr I1 do love hansomal 1 would If ehe'd bave ans, aupper, and aseaye hie chin. like te lîVve ln them. . You can't- think as was, too tlred for anytbing but, to "Is't he wonderfui?" asit whlapered. 0oW sene Iarn, thougb. 1 shall nover go ?igbf off to bed. Seo, as I had a roomr "Very. But, Liltb, dear, yeu muet kcep awae until we reacb BaLttersea," ready, I Just went up wlth ber and corne away now. It'a baîf-pat nifle." $ho spokie truiy enough. Before we se~aghtenéd it a bit. And 'Good-night, b She shot a half-frl$htened grlanes at bad been drîven out of the square be r .s Jackson.' abc saya; 'and have you me.bddroeaai.Thnbetobr locked up for the night?' 'Not me, -tb hat tai~~ se ,iurure. " hebat dofead îaned b hoer leook bedmisa,' I says, 'for my huaband, being on -h attanagensë, You know." agraInht the back of the ca ngb-uy nth alwyt<t irei I started fropi mv seat. "Jt'e rather uncomfortable, as epro-in t ventemrnn.ThnIw tt "'Tou told me. you aasured me agalix sentîy murmured aleepily. I wonde; to bed, air, but my room waa next te and axain. that there waa a toen o'ciock If you'd be very much offended If I rest- hors, and, before f got off toe ieep, L tnin te Bristol on Thuradays." ed rny bead on your aboulder? I should- tougbt I heard an odd sort of creaking 't I said so-but there ian't. Plsaae be much mors comtortable." on the ara.ThnI cail e outd othfe donet be cross. You cant tbInk how* i abeuld bave beon rather mors oranerTenIuty adotote mucli I wanted toe tay." lesa t an a man If I had renisted sucb window, and saw sornebody on the aide' Si "'Ten -o tod m adelbertefaîe-an a peal. I eiipped my arm about ber1 walk before tixr housbail a cab and "'Thn yu tld e adelierae flse enJu mp ln and drive away very fast: In- hood?"aeer for waisi. and witb another deep sigb lilte deeâ. It waa toe darkfomeosswot 1 suppose I loeked very s'ire a ired cbIld, seenestled lber bead down f abt o or of presetiment elle grew extrernely pale, and laid ber upon my shoulder, and In a very few aIt ais u asotb o aend naat hand timidl1v on rny armr. wi-seconds was a tst asleep. mynyounsli ays edronon ad o aTr 'TIsne n'tbe agry" as Feneah Llit'a ofi bee r" ~ was no anawer, and It was locked, and pered. "1 arn enjoyi-ng -myeelf soz much, waa beatingr loud and Tant. I suppose the key taken eut. Of course, ase might PT and 1 did ne want a boliday. You ses, ne man can ses for the iret time un- bave been Inaide and aslsep, se 1 cailed tj 1 amrnelt a littîs girl aný more, te ho moved the head et the woman he loves bernm hogtekyolaaiad always at echool. And-and 1 dlii 0 resting on hie breast. Lilith's absoluts r ane btbthrogbthenoyoieannd ,want te be a little longer witlî you!" trlust and confidence ln me an ealed tae ontiaeia n oietkn The lamit argument teld, as I -suppose aIl that waa beat Ini me, wbi fe at the and dwsr I Went tQ the hall, when, ri abs uesed t weld.-8b waawath- at should I fnd. but tbe front'door siteizusse ltwoul. Se ws wteh ame ime fit could neot fail te etng my lef t ejar, and the sca etuck between t Ing rny Tacs, and I suppos abs saw vanitv te note the way In. wbich abe t e to e cr Tapurn lou a seie cang lnILfor h witbdrew ber irorsd rny love. and treated me as a bit, air,, I muet stay, for acreas the Singera frorn my arin, and said (luite tbough 1 wcre eigbty instead ef eight- wyte' a ugaai havr JOyeual>': -and-twçnty. wytedhdbrlr ntl eya "Adnow we can wait for the ballet, Heî h eed. as It drooped ferwadmr road enly a month age. So 1 Juat biows bf can't we? 1 wouldn't misa It, fer the beavily, made a 'baper witbinmwar mos out mi, candIs and geta behind the door world!" oktrste tws madg', bren-tand watts. And at close on ense 'ciock 9g Whai was te be done wl tb aucb a 1ce ute twa ag i-îheera a cal, rattllng down the atreet, t gilrl? .abs opened letter and this remInder of mi' and stoPping auddsnly a lthse way UT,. As steherseit lad saiâ,site wau ne tanmoat uesene anrvd t rujuetnm- lad cornes hurrying tootsteps. and my Stl longer a cbild fir ceuld ehe be ecolded a tiene aanabler, d nutIm ay neake un tbte stepe. liTfte eut the and î'uniehed as oe. $ho was a Yeung patiencouhi nt hae tae e scrad raper, enh-i-ndm hersîf ln my arma. .-g wonn sduke, o"Yesthr f heair; olaedthere sheWiaq, thie beauti- ut et ber, the trernendous respensibllity I yeung Idiots by wbom sbe was sur- buiIsaLltSxowh ehton had undertaken witb regard te ber came rouniieh, and leave me ln peace te pluck but nd gloves, andi as frigbtencd as iipon Me for, the first tirne ln Ita fuladwarti htl cidilwr & uJld be when I eaughtIber se nicely. force and meaning. marig-îde hîewt v ry ire ho le it?' abe saYs. a l ot a pent. 'Ites In a- quixttie Impulse I bad under- eT mi' bdi 1 ýlovehi Lilitb, abould I înet m'I a akoyurlnld, as taken the guardianebip 0f this Young be workicIVga-cruel wrong agfaînat al NdcO golngs-on, I muet say. for aileung P creatui-e, 0fr-wbose early training,.au three of i$e-agalnat Mahige and LTilith lay te go off alone et twelve 'cleck et afficiatione, and tarnihi characterietics, I andi myssîf? AndI would flot MNadgs, nigbt In a cal,.' I onli ' ent taePaad- A4 knew hardly anythlngr that .wu 110 once marrled te me, apeedili' dIsco'.sr dîniztôtlStatiolî allter mi' luggege,' eayseu~ whehiy bad. Her beauty', ber Innocence, tbat mi' love we.s given wbolhy te an- sile. 'A ver' likely etory.' says 1. 'We andhi br belpleLsenese bati appealed te other women? Wbat happiness ceuihi 'halses whet Mr. Hervey wIli thInk of til -me Irret;lstibly, andti ie course I bad comae. ofaucb a union? l when I tell birn to-rnarrow.' 'Mr. taken toward ber seemeti the anTi' on- A b-mmn bech ueto IeVi! eeci dilon e. An yi wbt - ootimeu Feha i esbed acrosa my brain we were bsing n olbm'Aiuwud dons b er, firithccetead mer nu Frsc driven down Northumberland Avenus, aI s en on on ber kneea ta me Bngib.l'st the great, ne hotels. Opomte te beg and prai' me net te let yen knew. thougb slliabod, waa passable. Buone et these our driver came te an un- Adar Ma Go ie Jackson, and gam nw apart frorn thos detala, andi noms ex- expectoti standatlll, owing te the sud- DerMs Jcsn'cniodns nw travagant tantes abs appeered aomehew tien tirawingr un ef another hensom be-wbat asewasn't goig te do fer me If if te bave developeti, she wes Juet the fore the portice. Within the vebicle enly Id help ber te decelie yeu. A-adsa: igame faaceinating littis vegralît who were tbre 'oung men ln evening tiros, eabe ertienber nocket anti pulls oui a bail -tanced -betore me In the auns taliking and laughinx pretty loudly. Our Tew shbIllinge, ami prenses them upen tri Ilight at the "Rose and Crowvn" rather cab, was -stoppeti no suddenly andi n0 me. 'fer the children.' ausee aye, andi an more than a yeer aea. a snar the ether that the lIghtn of the she'ti give me any arnount more the next Tt seemeti abaurd ta kesp .ber et latter flashed lull.upon our faces-Lu,- day If I'd proise net te tell you. Butfi nchool: anti yet what ln the world was .hs and miLne,-anti, te mi' intense an- I let ber monc' al te the iloor, anti. 1 ta do witb ber wben sescame Out? noyance, 1 percelvei that one og.thn ewdo it. At new1u pyou gon a Mer covde h isI Iko vtuy~ilngenuousnesn on the subject of three men ln th.e ether aî'a, 'anti- m e the time of the train wee truli' etart- recoirnized me anti was Ia.ughi ngl tei'urrDm. misns.-end you u ièYme the hi ling:-but. tay as 1 might, 1 -cauld net ot lnting me eut ta bis companiens. key anti 1 locks vou ln. Ant Iif you was be ver' greatlv, sheeket yIf'i. It was The man was Charles Iirookton, an ad- the Qneen et E'nglend 1 weuhdn't bave th. of ne use expecting conventional notions mirer ef Madge's bctwsen wbem antiîou ln rnY bouse another nigbL' Anti ci ot decerum trami thie ittîs Bobernian. mî'self there existeti a strong dislike then as creepe tup-staira before me, cri'- She wanted te bc bappy' anti abs granp- whieb .was, perbapas, partI' the resuît oetig andi sobbing, but very quiet and abs- On ed at the chance even if it Invelveti a Jealeuay. bLut chisihi' that e! antagonia- tient: andi abe Cees te ber room, and I l consitlerable amount of- fibbing. She tic tantes ami'- cheracter.Beko locka the deor. anti opens le egb c ul v' welandeothe- llwnigt etMr1.wes witty. cynicai anti disaipated. He I 'cleck this rnorning. Anti Tm surs, air. 5< .Takso's.ant onthefelewig dy Iwae In chronfie need o! monsi'; but 1 iafter tbis thet i-eu'il untieretanti wbsn th( weuld myssît ses ber lnia the Bristol irealhi' believe ho wae nearli' as rnuch ln si that net 'even for Yeu ceuld 1 train. Sih eti u am'psto love witb Matige as witb ber money I otige the voung Perron anoiber nigbt. -as guardian -te rernontrate witb ber 1 Andi now ho bhd certaînli' sen me. amdi'id d o a great deel for î'ou. Mfr. Hervey. t over ber alarrnig diregzart et verecity, weuhd record the Tact te Mad ge; 'htiadaven- great deel; but I've get s. young h en anIpresentli' I ebserveti celli: safe e.i ahno a ib a fmly growing un, anti al of thern olti Ma "I preaurne vou wsre aIne teling aj ise Tameoat inratinoni'abentier enougb l a tesnotice. anti mi' A-ne "I spadaiti-'.te-reve-.yenfror sen- unofngit. end etingn on nht be n ne arrlhw a.1dIm ndt Orte 11Wpnhoea Ibai og ~e n oek from __mi'1tiesk -Nichoha-s M e es hem, or how csnnantlî'he Wr&Y's-rsketchbf-er andi Baladin the NwSyl fDtugLte. iniawse- beti tinces betwsen mie and mi'cest asleep ln ft huh i. work. iiting like merne newîv rissn Ve- Fer mie othe iiigbt I set andti uht Periharp thluVt Minge in the.Mil; nus hbetMeen myVvisioîn ndthe wav-e- et ber. witb tbrobi~bng brain, and burn-wrdoe hc h aaiwo a ti'ett pal nt. Luckiîv. LiItb igevea. until, se atrongK was the fanci'wrdoe ho tevgre ! tghts s;eîdem reulaineti-_ long abî- anti se great mi' lenginr fom hem, .J Coulti fashion might b. expected to exer- wf zbetiwitb oesaubjeet, anti vomi' aeen almosi ses ber ge-b us sye sbining the, graili' coloe ballet encbaineti ber ai me frorn the dark corners et the case and influence la in regard- te- miu uttçrli' tOe hoexclusion ot ail roemm oom. anti Teel the, aIr.shakçen y hemer uch an every-day ra ie" h brance et mi' oins 0of omissien, end- 1 ustling akirin as, she daneed. betweeir le ati C ,was loT t te Wateh'the exquisîte curvea mie andtihie waning lampýlight. 'At'lest, stYl of dating lettera, Yt even to,j of hem profile as. wltb chin ibruet a lit-. ta exorcise ber witchîike preaneIrs here fade and fancies have thêlý' q tle -forward, abso drank ta tho nioîingt ro-nr mi'chair: stretched ti mi-seif. -drew Olitij;e efore, ber.o fab rammi--p "Mugo.unoven leiter, way. A flew fancy je said to b. the ~ be lt wre lucanîyt-o isave was -oneofanti trieti ta forgret. Llith'n - a.u bn lmnaino PhdtO!th o Ii- th. nt elar? twib to aehs going' fshti eaîscone chrts. f g, -h. denaIevr! agaieh ' as hemseatn ahals.me cting theshoneeet maltogether, simply giving the day of! . bAriwal hem baitrn . 'h@ îgbeti, as î1 'er,ver,-fer away my Tuture wife the- çear. For is&n,,March - 1 arrn, brh ainseene t tame ln thoscoiti hours be- , matie-m'way ibhrougli the cmawd In Tore ithetiawn an I vaini' irisdto trace 1éhiid b. represenéed by "00-1914," hei anpaper the eatures oft that otheroes ~ frN- - - ~~-the girl I laveti. Anti farther ?- atil l MOI,' Ee"35 soee ew botfr later. whenatter,.a fe- f914" would be used, -' bouma' fifui aheep anti troubîsti dreams, 1. Rotaiup, ilessot, - anti ascendedt ftgain ~obi< ÇY4J tini mytu4to. te tlin4 Lilithln ifpousas- § Ion. *,petttng saïa4in. and -taig Wren- o fae, jwaais ayltng ,the -brba tast -tal. ' itfIe D ' ou ft -~ a h D~ ,ulu&.rwhM o wltI amut rlllanforin -- 11r~N wWa t;o iiéLUs oy -" r.a 1ervs bastiii - w that irl siokee, drin-ksa ailitt muoie tae-door. mua r' er a n i n o e~ard l in,-Dntyu0 4'Vo Imhungrry. ÂMd It'à no good "I [know, I am @p>i-ng to mM t yortowninor et me newfor I'm grown u.addon'i mmrd a bll' her to reform her," n'y t 1entereti et t*îat moment, andtiheb 'manîl Ie tlai' orensotwe, se. ?+ _ or 'Two." .1 anawsreti citly GyOd 9 'Wbet titi I tell You?" iilitb asked G>theDo. r hlm, ln triumph, as, witb a backwarti Higgins- "Twiggins la aýlwayâ o ______ 0o!o çxtrcrnoýdIggust. Wrenahaw lOT t, bra-gging about his den at bhom." pea Th ait abs caine tome. anti helti out Wiggiins. At ytlegot Mnadme 25 Mahkcn the Cloîhes as hem amall righi hent Iin grosting, haugh- when I """ok- of 1t a ak i "l. lng anti bluabing -a lutths. '" saene oLUS..e4 -Y ou iase, I arn ruchbebttei- beeavet 10 Whit.eaS ho ihan 1 usedti mnbe," obe saaitiprontihi. "I cents. '1 y n dent catlli our servant 'Mr. Wresnaw.' SIIC Wondered. tr.Ous<ctrej iy art-i 1dont bhug i'ou!" h;" wodr he ts The Co i t du,, 'e mai' do the latter If yen wisbto;I odrwhrhhs Limis, ! ' eai cI< Cn, "But itien't. I know bhtter ,1ii4<v" clouds are geing1"T£ Ifguknew verv mucb better ay He-: "I thinik Vhey are goîng te-ý luelj der .yotz wotuid have waitt'd aithudA. t - -Mme. Jeckaon'a for me ta fotch vou, queakyInterestUug lard or -blte ê e e e 0i1iî and, lie'. a rbbou; ad Dag 4a nxlg wnere, it- gets a ad-ke, ri o -s'd a-r olrrent of ot ar' - fui of oramnge flower-.waoVer,,i -e , ýTC'enio'oposra-tehani 9îate zes of half-a&deMon. If, voa.-7 ptsfo-th ad [Pila â adedit la uua.iiyput, .n f ? orykuivos dïp a cuhasuci.skiw thé lait thing insteadi-of ber., Ipîn ic sd to n-pýowtd iuto tblis, p éW . *a t îm . & i r s pu i s a ii rub tii -spots vig- half-oup 'of dried d ntisftedefieur, i ýtht hese aniýd tien. -cutih t :t .StMYQ -ea*-nuore cflOB BaysnateiVkep-e- reférince - theti-- etffneu. -ý si6. nîed dieh, -party fipled ýbegté tegpvaque-ga th - lu'the oe ~o ë, otý h, i,,e eýhatdollar. p Sometiîme, white-'cf- n ~ Shiapin g- and; Baking.--A,4, orts et, ay . aveti-f roïm wa,ste b3îý whip- piug t very a",f anti at4inq it te fài"y 4£nd .pla.in IW»"ti are used for creainod butter anti coufStcnro lady< fingers, or thîr peste is, pressed -su'gar for a,. pudding saucé. out ou 'b white- pape-r f rom, a paY T en lse onmnssb bag, ueing amali plain -tube, Therea ut rvss i u-da are sovoral sorts of biscuit. moitis, taroh m tixec with' waàter.- When in block, which make cakes about dry, brush off the, stroh sud the thé. uize o! &alady ûingor, andi if the. se-lid parts will tiusa.ppear. tiîne or facilities are lacld-ng the ny% oItrt friurwe cake may b. baketi in a thin sheet thèr octveied wth clotb, clamaiekor andi eut up. 'chintz, wil-1loock znuch the better - If miotis' are useti butter theru, for beiug clsaned occasionally with anti thei dtretge witb' sugar. Talc. broin anti flainnel, - the paste up in a. te-apoon, start at Have a hok or staple in the end one - endti c the nx>ldjt andi iu'w the cf the- ir-oning, board, so that it nisy pas-to aîlong to thé other. Mos-t cf hc hung up when mot in use. There t-be fa.ncy or plein oblong meide willi5i leas danger of the. coe-ering b.- beiti just- about a heaping teaspoon- <e'oming soileti if tuis is done. - fu1i of pasîte, whica riéses or àwelýls Hon-t your plate before pu-tting' f ren a third te a,'îhalf in baking. hot pieg on thein when firet taken One way to beati- the -top ilto eprin- froani thooven. The hot pies on cool kIe grauulatéd sug&r ovor it, tchen plates ocause a eweat thkt makes shake se-mo drops of wa.ter ove-rhe sn-ggy untiercrust, sugar. Balteiina anoterate or, When ironing ci rcular eentre- slac)< ove-n for eight or t-en iinutes,- piecos, tablecioth,-e thatt Vhs iron if cakes are of the ten-spoon n-ize. move.9 with -the atr'aight grain o! the I-f tii , ve-n is toc hot they will net ci-t-b, In this way only 15 i-t posai- teati. blo te- preserves 'bhe circular edge iu -.The true lady firi-gers, bakled on a its true lins. ýa.per, 'have the. form best adapteti Houselceepers are nie-r or lese to the ernamenting -cf various tubh- bothereti with the aàppearance cf ea, anti se bekled they cnnbc put ants or e-thon insecte on their closet togther wît.h a syrup or jeîly. To shelves, but if those are wiped with shape, prepare a pasbry bn-g by cayenne pc'pper Ch. insee-ts wili koe-p iliding into it a, numnher two tube, away, sn-ys an autiîority. ant thon fll in the paste, closing When peeéling Fientda oranges tho bag firmnly anti letting iL lie a se t themn in the oven t e ent thon- cew ninutes. Have the. sheets cof oîîghly for a few miiutes. Then, laper ready, ta-ke holti o!f-the lower when you peel themr, yen wiil finti part cf the bn-g, near the tubhe, with that, the tough white' skin can h. he left h&nti, holding the uppen easily retnove wîî-h the ye]low rint. tart with the. niglit. Press wi-h the A. moistened newspaper resting right hand anti drop the batter on on dryen layers maltes an exceel1ent he papcr in a lins thre-e inohe-oÇg tust tunap for oither the ocontents and abotn bn-f n-n inch wide. Leave of a. carps-t weeper or a tustpan. ft leaet three-qîîantens, cf an inch Dust anti scurryîng lin-t, dees riet be-tweon ea.ch, These mn-y have escape when a stray d raft strikes, it., t rranuleted au.gar aprinkiet avec uwing tte ioistening papai' holti- Lhem, or another wsy to beat the ing it. uî'face is te aprinlile powdered -eu- To presenve. eggs.-Ponr 6 quarts ;ar oer tbem tbree tnes, n-t min- of boiling water on te 3 lhs, cf fine < te intervals. Shako off superfincus lime, 1 oz. cf creamof tartan and tîgar before baking slowly. lb. cf sait. When quite colt pour Wonk tegethen until light 'anti this over fme-ah oggs, cn-refnily n-r- rnootb threc-fourths cf a cup of ca-n get in jars, anti see that ail n-ne >o-wdered £uge-r anti four egg yolkls.- covereti. Tie over witiî paper and titit t ts, a -ittf, t a time, on-e 8tand -on a sheîf in the larder or ini ap cf boiling milli, s'tirring aill <te a cool st-orehouse.n Âme. Put on the fine and stir to________ )oiling point, rem-ove f res fice, fie- ror anti aIrain. Stir frequenxly PROOF POSITIVE. -hile cooking. Thus, w-lth the saine meunt cf creani, maltes a fine ice, Dr. Norris Theîîght It Would Bc reaan. Itmny be useti bot as a Wll te Wait Until Satprday. aune, or eld, in tiîe sa-me wn-y, for Yt6gMs Sd~yw2/ageti r'f!. With the addition of gela.tiin frienti of Dô5'ctor Norris, anti she t4 cd w)iippeci cre&mn it inakes the dit noV hesitate te call hum up ou g ýnest cf Bavanian creamas, -et.- the telebone whe-n ah, eedeti ad- t Fine Butter (ýrîeam-The fines. of Nic. 1 butter céama, t-be anio<e-hest, "I)octon," she demnandei one c- antisomeast andi more wbolesone Imxorning, "is it safe for my Rachel aI han the ordina.ry French bttt;fer îto play iwitii the Crockett ehiltiren renmsrnay bc inade by atiding iveé Nons cf them have -ever hatid is-haif cup of this custacti. when i;-lîeoping cougb, and I wouldn't 5 akewarm. te four cunces cf cream- have little Pa-ul take it for the g d sweet býuttrr, andi then beating wumld. '- g he two uîntii light. anti smo oth. "dHo% long has Rn-chel hn-d it?" m Snow -Egg-s.-One way teuiltilize ake te occi e he whites cof eggs lef t avec fnomcm "Neacly seven weelis," en-id Mcs. f(e iaking t-his custac i i- the euliow- Sydney. "She doe-sn't whoop a 111 ig Beat tiiete whites to a, suit part icle, but schil " -M ,oth and cegrefully att!to theîn 'a- "Proof-positive tii-t she'sa alle-ver tO cod tablesix>on!nl cf powvdt' ed su- il," broiek- in t-he doclor. haetiy.. "I -r fer e.acb egg. In a fiat pari put! shouîd uay i-t wa-s all -right to eÎot er nough sweetened rnilki, flaoreti Iplay'with the et-her chiltiren." hc.fld elUIilif -hiji ustrd oft1j "Tha.nli yenu evor se much,' 'saiti aoooecntistency a-to -hpja.de. "If -Mca. Sytiney, podlltely. "l'il1 wait a. ei'eurn- thMekenough, wiien - côli, ý*FMinutee boefore 1, let Raobel ,put be wen-,laye-raofcaltme 1é u t " s-hoe itsti. "I abcultin't he mcrd,, use onensd*a bai! -table - e ysurpniset if Vhs docte-r oonfuls of ce-cm starch. - Stralw~1 bi d" Wnd eir while ib s' oÉ F lin ged d. e-f ~ .1, ti.tinr-----, fi Ihâ iber telephone rang. "Mns. of te tin-nraort. -Favor.d Syd.ney, 501<!- a very poilte voice, ,h asilJ, e-e -ugitneyer 1use '"perha"ps-' k weîîld b. wiser te 'wait .1uRtt anexg a;tiitde beforeh.di- ré 'ixpe-nsivoe Fnglaoi creaw. - -:- Uý b Sn- uty;eAhboýftIe Edisit ong~~~~~ gie iaa ihathin ISyer. IR.ohe81a ' ll ovr, aVi;I tnawy-- cake, of thle -biscuit typ-, or I w ise teté ik~ i PÀuoMs~l th thie bigeuit '401t,pol'ôeth i - -' - ie, of Vii. cuistrd sauce, tiien PU16 W'll make i nexict' Sîturi-, r a laye r ofe-f -o-r preser;é) ,ýý - en an'othor layer c! oi , .d ca, Sydn, ,-gôoe .iàuil -à<lThon eetu rod to feer 1l'âdaýugh- te cutarti You au sop hsh'o, ter. --- 7<ku ennpour ove---ii. wholo a ,"BY inexitùM&-ry, dean, le will liL sYnup o! Vhsesani-o flavor'là be perfoctiy sn-fr for you te pin-y Dfruit useci, aay etrauvberry, a-nd, witii the Crciotts."y U a dot ths unhole, witbh ittie ___ -lis c! whipped, crea.u orcf egg Exact. ýringue. Sherry oo ther wine 1 uie:"Ia l irn-o a 'ei-mes useti instead cf syrnp. dg 1" Whti oraem- Witnes: "Twenty s ei'en anti O ' aiJutge: "I want youîr exact n-go, rgi'ie zinc a exceptionaily fine pie-e. How mn-ny mo)nt-ha?" ' *.re rub il witlî lecciiene, Wtness: "One hundret and L.piece cf sanTipaper is- <f the t-%sent>'." - B'ave e 1é.OileCt an importantW iniereatinz - tage., - ,The -lack -of spectaculr' in<Uti , d uring Vthe -paat. year or, two may bave, alIit.s puletention, -but, devýJomen-tS- antiaigi~cntNo.'new Eldords bebeenp u'n9overed ilu spie ofk wid~epr~tiProsp>ýQCiLgý, ., rom ooa.b e etthçre lbas ncV- beeýýn more tIi4n àa g elnnaner ofpran- thatCobjt ntiPor>cupinüeiwfil e-ver- dke 1 iv l ated 4 . iY et ii - g oo tinuee7 u me cnine o bol oes o! the livelieit -of Vii. Doin-- In11, CJanada's. to.tal BInerai ctpuîb, inoluding oël, ire-n, abse- tcs>, go01d, sive-r, "d every olher minerai, ainounte t ta$144,031,047, or *85 per hpad of population. - In 1886, the. total wase-a liVtle -over- ten mîillion dollars. Silver minesë las> year yielded 31,760,618 ounoSa of buioi<n, or a valus of *18,984,012, Gli muines produceti a v&1ue of &P- proximzately $16,W00,000, -of whioh. $5,835,000 cerne froin the Yukon placers, * 6,138,000 from Brit.ish Olunîbia, *4,380,000 from. Porcu- pin., end a emaîllamou-nt frctr Que- îwo provinces suacwed a ciecrease. Cobalt Dividenda $51,833,180. Cobalt aud Porcupins, of course, occupy thie centre of tii. picturo lun the mindi of apeculatOrs, altibcgh tuhey je-intly pr-oduced on-ly elightly .more t-han s. seventh o!f't-h.t"ta minorai eut-pute-f ths cou-ntry in the. twe-vemonth. It la, however, a reinaniable f act that up te Je-nu- ary, 1914, Cobalt bas paid divitenis o! $51,833,180, cevering Vu.e-ourse a! ils history, nnnmourut that in equal te fi!ty per cent.of'e! i.total vaine cf ail the shipping mines, in- elutiing ail divitient anti non-divi- riept paye-rs. ThisstabiesCo- bn-lt (cave-ring seven square, miles), as tiie thýird largest silver pnotiuc- ing n- non uthe worlti, heang ox- zeedeti cnly bythle wbole e-f Mexico and the wbole o! t-ho United States. Since Cobalt bas passeti into the manageme-nt o! big syndicaites witb t- diminisbing.cf higb-gratie cro botiies, ths attention of - rining rn-pital-ists and ongineens bas con- -reo e-other sections of the rcoun- -ry. Parties cf prospectera bave been placet by on-sternors in the wake of the Grant Trunk Pawifo' -onstmuction gangs worling thcongh îsuctbemn Britisb Columbia. CosI- ly expeditions bave pa-trolledtVhe Fhocos o! Labrador anti Hîtson's Bay. How fn-r- the scarch fer new mineralizeti areas le likely to sue- octd is thus set fcrth by Mn' . J. B. Pyrell, a Canadi-n mining s u Prospects Iln Labrador. "Labrador effara a fn-r prospect f minerai pro-duction. Along tha-t ;ection berning' the ea'st she-re o! ludson's Bay, soma iron ome-bear- mg rocks, have been founti, nunning wn te- frfteen-- par ce;nt. loe-sin ratie than furnaces care ttehalte t be prosent Vime. Snch ore se-oms 3onfinedt te ccost. Bnck in t-bs ýuntry are granites- a-nd. green- tcnes, andtoeogots away f rom Qpper-beaning rock. A-ny chancesl nthe interior are for goîti anti "South cf Hutieon's Bn--y, tue ranite andi greon.stones n-no tht anse as extent frein soutb of Per- mpm.e te n-round Sudbury, and crm a -mighty horsesbe-e, eunving pward tewandtht-e moîîth o!ý the n-clionzie River, anti pasning* on-st 3 the Peace River country. Thon. iay ho n-ceas rich in mineraIs, but' Ihe ar= ntpce ls oohr theyre netpn-cked cs geiir.- Hre atithie cre . aw osfn-v-t- caou te-the, - ccureeh aiprre-~ cicu lgstetabuhetwf en thsnJn trwc n up t the ese rocy coun .nty, e w ici ponte-o prosue, ave flt hen hwn vale. ue n-ny- a ctbine o! l e o pln-esI arnlt prespecting. ~SINKS, &~ LJ *~i'-.... - 'g- . "Iu the, Pes River Country, am -it le genern-liy known, is anoîher set ci rocks e! later geoloical 'ge, bsn-ring immensely -icb teposits of con--cen-I o! aIl kints, the very poor as wolln-n the i'ichest. Il might ho' wortb while, tee, te le-k for other motels. Brit-ish Colum- bin- bas trawn attention reently,- because of tie- uncovecing -o! a cie-h botiy o!. coppen et IHiddten Cneeki no-r Prince Ruper~t, wieh cbthe Granby Seiter peope o! Phoenix, n-cae teveloping.- Rossln-nd bas sbown up- 4 new botiy cfone anti activities have, been st-i-nulîrtedti a fn-ir tegree Gelti miningpro- ces-cl e-ne anti thons t-brough Bri- tish Coluia i n l a snail wa-y, a -Md an enormoîîs amount of prospecting 15 going on in thbe icinity o! the- Grand Truînk Pacifie une. Sensa- tion-ai triltes lae been repontet n-gain and again, -but later factado net appe-ar te be-ai- ou-t the hgepge ef- golt ian lange quantities. ".NewfoundrlaLnt se fanri!- an iren ccunitny. Vs ry. lit-hie prospecting bas ,been.carniet criandtihte mining. of precieus metais ia stillone of the probloanatica.ll- --ce.So with Nova Scetia anti New - Brunswick:- Quebecý's bis item bas thus fan been tii. asbestes mines.' Se-me Ciuppen has been uncove-reti, and prospect-' ing fer goît is 'in vigîoreus swing aiong theo new route ef tiie Grand, Trunrk Pacifie., caugiit. . Wife: "G -ebnge, I1-want to e e that le-lotr. -, Hushant: "Wbat letter, tien-c " Wi!e:-"Thet -one yen u i-t oeueti. I ltnowby -the handwiviing itl;a frem a woma-n, aniti yentùnneti paie %-lien yen reati il. Hanti it hece, ire !"y Uxishba.nti:- '-Hece it in, dean. it is from youîî dressmaker.u Egypv andi Swedexi110w have wo- une-n judgee. - -t s- rBuida',Better silo' SaeMoney BUILD the kind that- will keep yorensiIau always at its beat. Build the 1nd of silo that- doca flot have. f0 le rep*îrei or daitrr d wil! show ifs apre clationfi in theé àddifîidal qutUty o~'nil-itiv, TIWàaî!àuc, br-k*eep- ing enalae perfect, Iicrouae outputand mon paya fr ibdLf. ,- Mh = sut iiedpyer.ý - don md doct 'noc petnir t o ýtedry 6utor grÉr mouldy.A concee silo.canntjek ~ u!or dryOut. Itihai na ~ ps t relc.Roquaires Do peinE and* noad 5en4 to-day for thi trf oiW " -W hiai - ute às'~ do W itii Concree.9' maay eher.îthhiP.n thefe.rrn uhat wili gavé su inaauy 'Idollar. Canada Cernent Comnpany Liinitéd ee5 -- --- ------' i - ~-1- - -- ~ -- 4 - -" --- t~î-K ~ -- ~A. - - - --- ~-..,.. ------ - f~- - - -~- -~ v J- il7y" rs .!" V. and r a cm' lut - I1 l= 9À

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