Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Jun 1914, p. 2

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war sareea leading British eqàbor "aid that tbere was- one sUPreme C reason whby those _Awo nations ie. phudqever fih epx'h oijhr-&nd ir*~hIet U tu n was Be4ehoven. INQW fa q4y min Germa 0oug< t hen we discues tbtheveied que9- s an equiaiiy eOnindiC't, German. oWgtoo like-'4 ý to Bay hat anotq(h,'er upreiKie rea- rgueas if every crne 1*ýudVbx'i son for jeaeeébet5weeiiBritiin d beésunder eI*etly the'mme O Tegime ' - (rrany bas been. overlooked - As -a.,matter -à£,f act, 'd*Ifen.t per-- namly Shkepeae.sons'*iead very difféeft live&,,4kýdp namey,.Shakspere.those différences ought- to be re-1,: SL'haeGriav-li-.d 4b fleMtd in the foo'd they eat. 13e- C4 lish tee aimi, too-VIhat they ar cause au elerly lad, v ho spfflsd c nxost o!1lber tîme inian easy -ehaýir, t -more loyal -to the Bard o! &V,0 doing embroidery, is btter for eewi tthan'tte ii nglisli. The German ing v-ery littie mnest, or even 0n theatres 1really play aeper.A *meR a l et iikdoefi Dot fOllQW tý ('erînan xkser society ha, the hunter, the soldier ..qi a log juît beea celebrating ýIts golden u marcë1i, or tFhe eiler 4tupea will fiod ]Ubread -and butter and sliced ban4-ii- bilee. -What le even imore strikingetus enough for il h iical need t a Berlin th eatre of tlhe first olaffl An ulnpreiudiced study'.of tibe qW l jit Omplet«Ieia ix mnithâ' diet ohnaenkildi, through tle6", season 'of Shakespeare, ha,%,;ng Pro- farces us to tihe ccnéIurýon ha.t insu dred before pgeked boucs , OIi1 QnierW, n, ia the proportionof anial food1 that fouoteen o! the pisys of! the niyriad- hecMn sefely shlow i2lfwl zinded poeit and ihaving surpassed va.ry a«Oor dng to hie mode o! lite. a&Hleeocl records intVhe ineatter of Men ate much more ineat when tiiey unbroken tihesprical e'u<fceses. hd 'ltohunt their diiin»ers for thein- selves, and yet ý they'I probably 4d Ibere ýare tdioee who say, vynical-. no-t. suffer aIl frointhe illis <of',* ly.Vha inEngandan aotr dawsoecsive ineat eeting. o! whidr4'-We . A,ý«t-aý* inEnlan an-atordratshear se inuci to-dsay. They b-a :tc -ini *Sliakespeare oniy vihen he bides spend their liVesin -the open al'9, ý him farewell. The BrSitiesh read and take a great deal of veéry aobx$e Shakespeare and wvrite about him, pr.ysical exercie in èUtig, tbe#3 but tey d not lay Ini %je Ger- joint, and isteaksad'hops. , To-day' the c4se je quite different.' man& heat thern bere,-. and the de- Mankind has xnoved from caves ,nd feat is acknowledged. "-Wiiy" re- tents to lieuses, whieh are eo ýcomn- mains an open and debated quélâ- joreable that-we stay in -thernni 1t<>- ,ion, hut the fact je unchallenge<l. getier too muca. (Sur kill'2 hlangs The Bi'tih cat, hoever res n ftempting revs in tihe butc'ners' TheBrit.,!w cnthoeve. eisntwîndows at so mu à a .Pound, and the Teutonie annexation of Shakes- vie have îearned to cOok it with peare: it î a tribute to teir geni- skill and dreffl t w4,ýh rich- sauces, ti nd a b:ond of 1inutual respect until tile satisfa-tion of healthy L _ Iý1adI -ta ll, an- Iiad Bettsr - have The WisAbout ire, Aor 'methin ' iis eir4 primén1Oe ryts9 miuterwu Xî Edward' s eldeet siater, oukr Prisi, ces Royalý, aftlrwards wite o! hi German- Emperor Frederick. AIS&' the facial recnli Ce f KinÀ Gecorge a-nd Prinee Henry la n mnarked. M.evete r ot T~eaen<> two brothers in h w-Orld, perhaps, Who axe uiore Ili like in characte.r and diS1pOditk9sC than týie Kaier a.nd bis'ozly. bro- ther. The Kaiser -isba Prusssý t and -ipluse! ofa t-housndye.r o! Hlienýwllerns xnay be esid te b pcrsocnified in hîm. Ris brother, on- thbe otîher hand, hias frosa infaiicy been bis gentle "ither'sso. lIn 1the d&ys when tii. K.aise~r rnd bis brohe6r. wer4¶ boYs ýit. w485al-' wa. Priûe .He~siyho odup fer 1his methr, apidwhterr-w< chinfionei4.- Queên Veoi quiçkly devedoped-a, strong ffe-' tien fer Prinoc e H[eury, ho, tëbeugh a ively 'lad, vas very* kind-beirted and etudious, and alvi-aLYe geV talo6nS vell vwit-h bis Englisis relationÙs. Queen Vicutorie a,e eai-y -cnceiYed emethi-ga-m' .mutng t-o dis- lile efthtie heir te the Prugsiari e.,u.And the time came whlen lit-tle. Prince Hen-y uset t cocue té Fngland alouel - Thse lLis Friemsd. un-c inss-to. o. h e' Iiiiiger nasg gven . waex ieui ad)ilaI on.1ger-.uis joy cf eating to-r the sake of A secndueetftue me lie Engli lu reta-linste 7bY Playiflg .ating - - s-, ur King Georgeaud Princ 't3 ees'nu sntle Gs inss - -aaogias-mosis uHeur-y developed t'îeir roîinas-kabie -cil- - Ski- pi- w-5 mosiid be thse mater -of! ment l -a good thing, redhpvhl oso -nyea- woriîvo!wîht -s ee Lu or civ il- it is bv nu mens eertain!thats-riet olti. zatyo wa.t i Et i otu.traîî -isi lwv av;s . And if aly cirnistanes wre bcüd, vear bY vear, ant i vse-ly se, seal affeotioCn vuieiî cxisted f rots J<u-hu Btans;, iead o! thbe 1si tiwh but the race îvitl thr-e better if tube youth be-tween Prînce Gées-ge -o! Board o! Trade, je- peliape claii- change in dueL le net madie to-o Sud- WaleS 'nd Prince 1lens-y o! Prussia ig for party vuat Ehould be credit- denly. A -sensible persan sbonld it camne vit-h t-l istrarigo quarre1 edto1the spirit of the agbut the learsi Vo observe thse neetis cf hie tyautins-ose betuve-euithle nevi Ger- - oin gvste-m. and modify hie diet se- malK--rWi selin Il. ais4,lis f'et,; o! t-elie otia1 refus-m legla- c-rui.i11g Y 1oft iessons, -if tliey met-ler, t-le Empress Fretierick. ions te wlilch he p)oints inrsu eceat *dus e-, vili iearn-especially as t-bey T-be latter lady, unable te beu-r ln i4peecli are certainlv sigiificant. icave v,itb -ehind tliem--iuat they bler vidowluoed, as Fbi îad a-s a Iis In aled referio seftl are 1,Iytiyically hetter and mental1s' vite, tise scor a and m-alice o! old anud bsars-en, huit sanie of these tise more aies-t, wl-hon they ont a cer- rnc Bs lxc , oe u - e parai ivele sinail i-motnt of meat.- evu defence, anti fou-nd lie-r eldeet wult h een adojptiîg aitiully t-s ompan:oîu. son arraye-ti ageinst ber as- the -aelife and health, te say nathunig- chamnpion of t-be veicîon-ous Ps-us- ùf linian 4ignitY andi sel[fsrlpcL 1 NI4,I C>-dSOl -Fou ýrseverai years 1 have suifer- -Ms-. Buisns eshom- f t i tl 11wlaý.L*ed f-soig-e-at nos-souS ýdepres-sien. S 1eveil<Or eiglit ypars ftise iedtiO-1t un S-etimes I becoureme 1-1ZMiser- un tihe Britishs death rate, attribut- al>le, anîd for ùet-leîme heing my abl -t betciioiein, ifan-vil-enes-gy 'ee-nms iol ave me, and 1 abl tohet-rl-i,,jýin, nfat-wl-feel tinable take auiy iutereit i fau'e legisiatio)n andi olluer ma 1wr$.Iansy:h;ng. 1 Sieep 0111Y w.t dif- lias, been reinarkbt-lopu it6Itad wake lirnrefsesheti. My grahiciix roOGm pesans -smîuîlife ii anu uit?r busdn.' 'r:: xt, ai:t fs-cm tise lettes- of a iy~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~li e1itrn-a "lîîi " -f -p)(iid.?YuL la typieai o! mnny --- svolld ni.-tbu lut- r itue '(id cùid- illepi-s),ties is uvhicis re-ade-ru ask i ion. , f i giii. an ft% <ng ho au-fi'iuia-rt'on on the best way.of deaing nth mental deprec-sclon. Ia 9-U.11ca'jeç uosiing is 'oedifficuit Thi-liner or f patup1i-s in là,,g- than tc) suîggest d-o6niLe treatment, Ind nti\Vcle bs ec-ea-c- du'~ brta few gener-al uise n t4ue suis- tii sane hor nes-otih~ >~ oojef{t 'vilî prt>bablvho ussoful Vte hose û15 ,,dr -rod1ý 1 iso sufer lu this 'vay. peî-sou-. Wiih tise gi-ovitis M! opul- A s a gen-oral ule, -vies-e tise lite ltkin ilere vouik i atrall' have (cf the patio-ut le a sodentary eue, ~ caaeor se505{iau inî:reaaec lugicat berseit- is obteuued fs-cm an - thienusaubs' c - njutesactive ossticrýr lite. Maruy cases peo-hoeare benefitei by t-he_ avoidamice o! andt public dupedent'q. 'lh-ut CId- swork Ni1hit-ih inu-olves responsibiiity, aire pensqion syA-enu, <-ripled v, -th os- inwhich t-bore 'aie imes o! spo- tut- accident cunpenç-'s.n s-ies-cial etriin. LS-eadv regiilar viesk anti ie enplyleion ex-C:ng, lias v-u ieti, ven'thoiiglis maUl-- Sil as-y, antin-et se mui respo;isibility, I>rôituglît abats t titue decrease. O U-isto lie btaineti uviere possible. pers,)ns remin-, a bunord gue'tqAmbiîtion. aid all tiuat goees wi-th Oii t-dhouses, vi-t!ti t-hi- idsetbe so-acaed FiLsentions lite, are fa- un i-at o!beTîg rive 10sut-I.peu tL those vit-h a mas-ced tendency pet' i-elief. 'The nation, t 'te, ùci mental depression. Bliet Ethouiti pavs th(--b"iî, -huit dues 'i. -ia natiocn a!ý,o receive attention. Goti feed- pay the bis of paipoti-un and reI -i-ig is essesti-al, anti a nouri-shing lie! i Suuînd -social andti r,dtsi-rxrl mixet(i dieL le desis-able. In some - uefoi-m 1S gond economy ar L IS 'ri a e maali amouint of light beer pIrurc-e HenryI of P,'ucssO. gnoU mos-ais. or light vine le untoubtediy belp -_______________ futi1. If an active lustesest cauu h de- .SUNDAI' LAW ilir'S K usn;Et. velopet inluseme ltobby, such as î-it- 8ian dipflomait. Me-rt people kuemw e-satre, ga--teniug or natural liis- hovi aisgs-y Queen Victoria vasat Miiu'it 1111Y S'ausage Onl Week-dnys or. torsy, a gi-eat L.ep will have -been theisengit-s oifered to ber eidoest 1 (io %Willouut Sliadsuy. takien Lov)was-de cure. Wheu sîeep- dauugites- after-t-wenty-fivc ye~re of F. he tip+,,)- (f Grmny e eý.%ier-s-s-letroubleg-me-e-n graine- loyal residence ln Prussia, anti h tse siptruu'(i Go-manyde-o! ruidee! n-asl diselvei l ~neeties e VoSay, tise t-be-nPrince co sies seusages for'is Stsnday,'seven- %vinegl-a1sstii of vie-tes- mav he t-aken KeLs(ing Etivard) and bis tuv< ing auci, lho ca-n luuy t-hein tise at nlight, or, if thule is net sufficient, 1son vies-e equal-iy amnazed sud sser- llirefore, juRt like auy c«saumona upo l tableiti jiSay be tid ti~fied at t--e, Kaises's tetete citize-n, os- elEe go vit-lit. Thse Nny digestive dîsturbauce, sucli as bismoat-ber. iaws eguu1ating salae and dtejiveq-y contpain'me hocreeei3v 1-oves-, thse t-.ire. bd corn o!gouda in Gos-mauy On Sundiay - tas- themok important tinin . vhen Princ-le Harry hi-assoit ha< àpply t-o te ugr su e-a e-I, 4good.cuet a heojti. tIs snis' -nt-e cmedPdeaiing vwitTimenta-ide-presson, c-st- ae-bojeiu gre ast-ohi- manet sbje. hoveerlet-bat the patient thoniti able I«songi'i.i'dt T is tiseheci o !a Primsian do -hi-s'l' ummt not t-Wdwelî on bis a be horo cd:utrt -lu the case ot a san sage deai- VaL ,et-ieaiti er on ihie troubles--§ laine oet bis maginificentpaces er vise appealect £romi a ânse e! real or imaginas-y. I)rnga may lielp Berliuý Prince Henry onee daY eun $1.25 ferv iolatsug the Sunday ob- a liftte, but th. t-setment lu nellV couîit-eired in the apa-rLr-e'nti fl'tt- ,se-vncelais.Ou-aSunday -mos-.a- Il ces e a rna ole moral tissu mat-es--Empreera Freder-_ck, l eln -ing, tilh-i,l'51y bèoe-e10 'cloek, t-ho a],sind more seste v'ith tise patienýt charisg Pri-acese vise vas as Eugý lieus at wb-i-cls al siispI-n Bels-intitan vîtb thse phiysician.-A Physi lieu ,as any daught-er-ef Windsor ei mulst be cloeeti, tise Euuperor's pri- cdan.- Bucekinghsam Palace could wve-Il be v-ate cou>k telephieoti rem en ew f---- Bc as the- Prioess Isene - palae at -Prtusdam an orties-fer Tises-e as-e rnigity fev people visa Hesse, and iber met-ber-r b. becr fiau,-ages es'ort-leJaspesi-laità1le. eau see it-le et-be-r ede 4,4t a case as King Etivnrd'e ill-fated slaVes-, t--b- Tise de-aies- loa<.l-ed thle de -r as-os cieasi-iy'as tise-i-r ovin. pqua rnesAie on hie dehiveu'y wagon anti- etarteti -The.h a-ppy pair, bçffvever, forus" Ât foi thle- railroati station. On t-be "B-iige't. voe e u enteutainiug themiselvesemnbit-tereti once agail vay ithithes- t-he deL3'es-y ma-nva-s a mon i-n thse kitben 'ISast oven- by th iseunfeeliug Bis-ma-s-ck. Th! i3topped by a poli>eman, mho en- ing2" 'W ell, musn, thAV's for hiin lista! n Iodrn bd bcsiet--h qiïred vihy be vas viol-at ing tise toe e-n. Oi done my be4, vit içý bggbeor -of-4be German. Royalties 1.lavi. Tluje eps-e*entuetuuout-ha-t Vise mate-iais rnt -baud, Mmni' ad,-tilsey aè ed incapable- e!f dois' Bm-peors- a-s vaitiug for tise sans- --ast.i. wcit bs anett. 1H ages bad Tneeffee.t ontlb-e policemantu, Subbube--Irn goisg t-o staftL-a vàsino't -'4i-ýpoWei!«1_r î4ue 4 - ant ilfise suit %vas it'ie fis-e foi- ts gardon -of My ovin. In a fevi -monLis--i trusts-st3 -t--e love-mat-eh o!"P.rind t A id s le d,r el as ,y Le ,i xi n r. I Le -- - - - - - ,~j -'e' - us~a zreqnex~uy py j.~uu, &fl<5 ~ 2. A chie! publi~an-l~1iis je cvi- e Âeteristie. of hies tyle. I-n this ehap- nl n Ooffiltitle and, ébows .'0 te;asn911eXi Te Ge~l ~ thattie office held 'by- ýZîcdaes 0 Lu4e,-cer~inpas he.iiae ben a sgh' -an thaut of the ordin- '9 bb Mt' téget-heeç wuuich -hi ua-ry ta Collecter.- As < Jéricho vas thought sdand i in otant Centre f tràd, it ken-t ifrit Lie n eudb ie»ly-tia , -comsion- 151ifentý 4pIft4Sê. à,u Pa.rabloe ér Of taxes shoffld dWell thelre, huis ne evident oenuecétiea 'sitlithe -And -he. karai - sricheS xni.y On.vihci revde it(venes1-) hve.bee gîned throgh extor I or- vit-h the .narra;tive- vhich foiiows tien.i (ioreqe 3 -3). .The erOW-AO uuel, ý a large t iL rueted iu theunseives th&t nuraber of peopèý folleved Jesus. t t enf vi tigliteous&-¶d tleY S&Me 01t hese May havebeen G4ii- trute in Cod rether.- than in them- laean pilgrim goiug t-o J'urusalemi selves, tis 'IWruat viouid have led for thbepassover festival., t-hemt-o,-a recoguition'o e! ihal- 4. Zaelaeu-s lad, no doubt, bIowuema-of theit ovin terniai piety. beard of Jestus, -snd vas wiliing teO Aisdset ail- others at nougit- brave thse criticis o!i thbe crewd lu The word je-,a strong one, meaning order t-o se. him. Hile desire may Si.'4 terly despied, or- "trea 4ted as have been, fis-st o f! lli.pr onq»ed by o! ne aSeoesst."" These - Pharisees cuiiosit.y, but*ise eeemî to have lied *were -probabiye situate-d thM t iL-an àhonest heart, and in ti in- -îaa easy for t-hem. -o1keep tise let- stane, as .1-n m o ihers, our Vêr if thé1.-. Te~f[sImdepaks Lod'sfriendlly intercourse with et-ut-hoe"','th impldè -o Men- pubiieaassand einnei' as justi'ied, tien ~ ~ â "e,~or utia"-'-which thley -by its -resul-te. ÏBi' rn. Tey believed Sycmoet-eA t iM ruit ihqtu~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ýéM, thyaùïiýergssus u ie -i i, and iae like- is he ymatisyvi ,ÃŽOtçbtouelq, md'lb tery, ca-led tise- fgmler-the beeausq iheywviese-leue fortuse.Vely 0. 1 mutabidea4> tb.Y - lse - situated, vere ýunable t-o observe Tlhis je tise eniy reported ocasion vit eg-sest- emustness aIl tise- lavis on vih Jesns offered husuself as a sund ceremonies ceunected witbh the g-uest-. thouglu lie freqnentiy aooept. Jeviish reigion. ed invit-ations. 10. Two men wen-t-Thie temple 7. He la gene lu te lodge vith ua stood. on Mount Mos-ah, se it wouid man t-ha.t le a sinner-Tliey ma-' not be necessary te go up inte t-he t-en=- have kuovin auyt-hing about Zac- pie te prusy. An incident suoh as chaeus's personsi chas-acter, mereiy the eue referreti to might easily judging hlm te be a sinner because have oecu-rred at one of tise issua1 o!fhis occupation. Clirist's frieudiy heurs of prayer. actions se eutraged their seuse e!. The ene a Phaisee-The Phari- propriety that tisey ail inrmured. sees viere a religions part ,y asnong 6. Overwlielned by lirist's cen- Llie Jewis vihose ieadiug cliaracteris- descen-sion iu cosning ta hie bouse, ties vas their scrupuicug observ- Zacchaeus reselvçs te lead. a tes ance of thse lavi. They also ebserved selfish life and te make restitution many traditionshbanded-dovin fs-ens vhere lie has vireugfuiiy acquîired their anesetors, sud these viere wealth. even more binding than tCe cern- The hait of my goods 1 give te mandments -of tUbe writ.ten law the poor-The preseut teuse is used. (Mirk7.8). T-ho viritten lvi bad to Zacchaeus does noV promise fur t-he be exp_1 ! A .--ed-un --accordauce_ 1-. 1visi. -n-în tradition vin ieli v a te nos- o! taiie, natin al, social, nd la-f dividif athusa, t-octhel, religin- coisdin the uuecurae korelege aonstierpdus obs aeura n ,-ed la aud tru uùition. ace4) lw antri tionera. ubicn pnblthéus er aime lca -Jew»isi tuiax colere fr he Roan ev-sh erument. T-bey viese despispd amoug the Jevis because of their îunpatriotic conduet lu servîng a foreign powier, anti for their di.3- honestv in extoyting moire than the s-eqiiired aWisnt, of taxes. . i. The P-barisee stod-It vas cuîst-omary' f or tihe Jevis Vo stand viben thcy prayed (sec i Sazn. 1,i6' Mark 11.25). T-be.würds of Jesuis seemed to intiicatle that this Phari- see, howeV'er, sou-ght, cuit a con- tpcltSplace 1xe stand. And- prayed t-bus with husi- Thbe Ptsar-iseo r 'eally offers ne pray - er. Hie asks Ge-c for no't'ing, andl rnereiv lises tbe fersu of thanks- giving. Hie add-reiý,es bis visete loti, buit ;8 ail the Lime thinking about liimself. He congratulates himuseibecasîse of bi% goodnesesud congrasilates God on iuaving sucb a faithful servant. 1 t-hark t-hee, that 1 amrnont aà tise lest o! men-He puits everybctiy deiOn a class heluv ihimseif. Con- trast uith these t-lie viordg of St. Puul lu 1 Cor. 15. 9, 10.- TI-tTe Phàrisce thinks Ihlmself superilor Le otiiesrnen, usot on]i' vlu wihat h. abstainue from, but lu iat he deles. sale lvi enjoineti huitune sat-in t-be year, the I)ay co! Atonement. i)uring Lise exile it became cnet-orn- as-y to, observe tous- yearly faste ins rnemury ot national calamities, tube eue su t-le fous-t-b montuh, coninieu-' s-ated t(se capture ot Jerusalem ;' t-bat efthtie fiftli montlu, ise destruc- tion of tise cit-y sud temple; ofthtie seveaftismentlb, tise mtîirter et Ge- dalle-h (2 Kinge 25. 25; Jor. 41. 1); tisat,t tise t-cutis, t-he begisuning et tise sleg (Jer. 52. 4). Occasionalil' speciai faste vwere ordes-etinlusea- sons o! drought anti other pubJic calami-ties, anti thiese fasis vere ai- vsys heid on Mostisys sud T-hure- days., ,Tlunuadsy beisu t-ho -dsy ý> vhicb Mosffl vas suppeset t-'bave ascendedth -le unt asit - Mofsday. t-le de-y of hie rotun. - $o t came about- -t-at oôn e!fthse pcopjI stý eti tii Moneutsandi Thuretiày.s al t-he year round. I give titubes of al Visat 1 geV - i Titises vies-e requis-eU on smre tisings, but noV Ã"s eve-thiug (see Matt. 23. 23). fies-e tÉ- lis-Parisee boaste ofdoiug mos-e tissu le vas requîrsed. - 13. Tise publican, standing alas- off trous thle Pisarisee vould net lift up, oe. muchs as bis eyes uste bheaveà -s.Cotriaet lii humble man- ne-r vit-h tha -ofet tie oves--confident-, e-on_ farnihiai' attitude oft-tise Siuuete -bie breagt-Continued te imite lanlis sarnestuesa. s u ~ inner-,-ettfr, s-i, thbe'1 inner." t-bat ho singles.. hlm-self eu-tatise chiel e! sinise-ss,(Comparu' 1 Tisu. 14. Jtistified-Cennted as riglite- Rather tuian t-hés otb«rs--While tis dees notexpressiYstte thiL t-liePliisec vasnet just-ified, tise us-*.loe - pa.ra-bic wou-hd leati us te t-hink, that -ie vise sot re gartied S rightýeous ofo rgveD. -vo-y c-- ls' x-It.i suah ho hurnbled; but ho tmsaet'huli- bbeul -uese! -islIbe, exaltedi- L Coparenkb14. ,- vis wer t W man .atemet- vas nsed -by-Jesuis on asotuhes'Occasiois. ?The tolloving p=srateve is Men- tiesDeti 40c' by i aelse osel nthemb ïld 1is'iuture h6tne up- tUii n k t vcr in U vum ee, Thtissbl1& n la rock «0e thaït Ohe so Ms me unions, whio(h mon and wu'nen forai core aind thbe winds blovi and t-h.wrhere, re-ason, ooTrs2,>CliC and Mo-- raves be-at upon it vittihout feazing rai -pur pose havle entered da am weil t. lI that case tbe '-young iian'-zas the jyand P4eSio)n 0o!vouLlh ave iome will k ds cief aet. Ha a thoit.sand-!oidelore Premi" tWJ1 n.-if lie fail ta put wisdom and ail, toeh-ty ill-coneldered <at-.- opceîeiftbo Ihe building of tbat tchulent5 W(hoh - rpest U he~ meke it hris'he'avient lialibilit.y. vtePa sn f.cy o! an hotur. _He ic zibuild hio p ýins f r future -i -liho -14 emer speak o!A '-faliin 9 1apeess on t~he s-ends, snd *lien lin love' -rise to 1e5! Lt the mu-tuai the betrd ter'c corne t-le vilile s»oeiw- response yôen unake eaéx te thbe Cure vili ho vrecked, cther'sdh.ars a e he est' risiflg fO YOUng people are 'requelntlY m,91 meet t-hebekV. Tisemod wi1IlMt ing 'tbe mos-t Momentou-s deeis;ion;s the vihole pur1xse and meihod 6f) of their lives- n a sweet swoo ofyeur lîve-s te a -higlerlevel of sentimend- ni-bting in the -hock. par- i'hought and Feelinig- lor wït)h be li-git iloy. Thuey need Marriîgee the veryv Maiterlorr - to viewitube vhole mat-ter in brad in the vi-hole nouiniirange 0f d-aYlighit. 'These decisions. have eàrithly privilege. k l; fer 'tý'S elect more ýte do wibh health and fi-appi- te ovi qaîhso b'dy, neés than any ether decisions in brain -and besrt whielh' iill enàble- lite. Nu inan vieuld t{hink -of buy- tdiex te make, the ascent and stand ing i tarin or as bouseelot by moozi- âa thVie ery- pinnacle o! ea'rthly %sp-- light--he- needs even -more d-aylièlitpis. adsund judkîment in- théie laesng - Be a mise mian isnd build ypur Ovn ame Is1affectfions,. becaue-allthéebsructurye of futu'r-e-happiners uüp<fl real estate lie viii everovin vii net & -rock by he,&,riiig thfe ords o! àffect. hies future well-beirig as will Chbrisýt aud aobiug uIpin ithe-M. The- The Ilarlage lIfe Makes. borne -le the ftuund:mejnV.nali - 1Jd- Ailtub gratintresus-lulit! ion upon %wbXc I lt-lie other3- AU he rea inerestj -i fie frethe sohool, ths cjhur"h nud t-ho sLa te better vibere vie ground- t-hem in -are een to- s-est- Ilitu wOrd -at reason anid moral purpose as viei ts et us a home, for Oucti-s1.9O-ar 48cith tlinsvith]veiy senti- Fathes-,' and we enter righlit rel-a men-. Yen will take your viie as Lieus vi,h Hm vihen vie he-cFe the marriage service says. "fr bet- as lititie child-ren.' Le-t yosîr .-)ww ter, "' that s e sy.v; 'fobr worse," be- home, t-heu. ea you - shape il p, 1-le eause ûb-at, to, -m-ay fa]] Vo your lot. -a miniature opy (if the gréal mtrg] lyen iii take heprfor xnchert-- order w eeitn It viii then a-ny girl1 is re dy to do h -" r be-c'one our ow-,»beet -asset. k t ii - porer, hecause t-ho mav bt o r- hecoîne tile nohlet contribution Pelled to estand beside youîtbrough yen make to y-jur ountry, fer the long, liard yensf financial ts-ug- strength f a nation depentis upon gle. Vo u villi take her "iu sicknes- tube numher and -t-lie .qual-ity of it - and in heaithl"---yuu I usI the-re- homes. It iii aise -becorne the fre, asc yourself if vyou h-ave it iri highest a d houe-et effering yo'u1 vois to iilow thatSame fise fsd-eiîY i-y li ever, make tu abat total weH- an-c tenderness throgh possible being worthy to be uarned as the- .vearis f expensive invaiidism on tihe Kingdom of! Qed upon at.-ev part of yoir wife whih vu showed Charles R. Browa.- I reste-s-e fourfoiti-Feurtold r-e- t e ee vihat -ho e oti do, a-nd r stitutionuv-as imposeti by t-be law li t- -orne distance avay. Thbe dogý uiiseu a telibes-ate set ot robbe ry 1 111111 l ks b arking gaylys, rau atto-s-t-le ui lied heen committe-t. -£~ui~ALI~7 anti hsonghbtit b-ack ilu h'eý nouut-u- 9. To-day le salvatien cerne to and-laid it attse boiys foot. 'he tiss bouse-Not Zaccisaeuus alo)ne, ~secoind ime Lthe stiek vas t-hrc)wu.- burt lis vihele lioneehoiti is iiîcluded lie caughf i-t in hi-s ment-b, brougisi in tIse biessing o! Jesus. TPle tusans- A Boy andi a I)og. it back, asic1 rolleci vafit- e in r-onit formation ef his ovinlife woîîld Bob isat, on the iviceiile and uf Bob. , usake possible a nov samI' vith 1I kLcked -wi-ay tbe chips witiî bis ba-se IBob's becs-t vas vwon. Nie laug1î-, bigises-ideais anti soblcr cond-uiot. Cnes. The sun vas inkiug-a bigoU -atoîsth , s hnleloeie A son et Ahraisharn-Tliotugls ai round, seti, rs.iemu-!lîfuking bail. He Yinotielttie dog's b-ev-a eyc.s, pubiLes, Zacciseens was c-f - t5so1vas se- oeoe tseei~ anti at lisee-ush-pibs, anti a lumî liolige b! Jerael anti entilie titL i1 long. long t-mme ýsince lus mot-hou- lad caime î1m iels t!urcat.'lit- psivilegcs. î ie!e nb etgeoneawaybu t-be eaî-iy Mo-rninig; wstosc ltFu-ieuti "' lue aiti. "itVie F rien-d siseep t-bat Jesus conleseU h Iiespe-- 1i tise la-dsti-Leti juist as tisebgsuisl es-o, Friesîci : Wat t tc e- My cial miesion. wuspeeping up 4'n il-e oilhersiode* of ! «ui-1 1 - i ý- the .ky, anti Bob Cu1n-ayed bs-}uiU -lriFutis ti.,lit wh-a,'k-d t-be grosinti __________________ b-caus tht--e vol 1 îlt îiîcit it. iaised a 4clo(utio! d-augt, antid witlb Doîn ecuthr , jid ithîouh iecltd o sesn Le roo-ti for hlm in tis buggy c4in- týiùil h 1u. o rsnl sng hume, w-ah al]u 4,t-lie groi-clespued tise buggy c.výr-img up -tilie lane.- t~-i'hn U nt ndt uisis- Vh±iiigs.. Hý,ilion-tiser wasi 1irging hile ni'ue -lî iima-ny bon- gon ebririg huiilitti-u cukee vitisles - £ MiI JI UIJIL s--id ioles lunthe ie îddle, anti le - 'bs - rnitli<'i'sniled wv"ison he, lisutipyonieeti te hogooci ant i îappy sawi th iseuu-coiore i fguire ihat ail da.y.Anti -ail day hlie d beeu ecampereti at Boe'- heels. "lis gooti,*anti ho lrti trieti t-o hohappy. is Fie-t; aid Bob, introd-ucing Light Shades Favored. But s'cu. lie vas ve-ry tis-eti fHe hlm. -01Ob. titi vsu .bri-ug me-the L.t lse asitinov in aParsÏtha-t ligluthati ielpeti Dos-a t1ofeeti t-hoehink- nice lItdO cakeme mheties as-e tavou'ed foir eveniug is sud caksed -t-becIscs--s. an#tire viens-.Pale piuk, certain sphades o h a do ,gtii speffo'tough. -and h" o pedt-ho rn~~~~~~~~~ 1'i-w _g 1sen p ie nih a~alnoe i-utlu ii:jackage sud -beld coe p, poort1bs Cý_- velow lilitgfren nd lii a.d le Ný§7l' lon wili he ink Little Friesit, vitis yeips sud leaps, rreal o- Sky bine set-lu sori' nsg siîsi. EWen t-ho'liens vwere sts'ag- circ1ec-i reunt t-ho bey, anti isever imut-taisco, Isîs uedtu Uevelop a pcspt- gliig off Vouiiýr soost, ne by une o o - i ~ee f. h ck fraun- las- A s -ojct m od e ] . -n o th e r p p u - I t w a s a l e W m . t a »k his- modle - matie of ruse chas--1 ieHo openeti us ücitis te say. 'i%-Bo,-bisit. sid rien-se, fos- ail rîcseýsh ades are ac- 1< hick ' chick ! b uit inustue-st i e ho 'Iv - b. lle 'rendr saii -Gpoti --s.yo igent4 . y Ailiflelaiaid, ers.dI lU ve dnt'evn uau'ly -stas-r'efi. Bî-iug*-Ilm into t-le, tu-i'e as-loner.s-âte We on'tkitelsen. -9 1 is aseason of artificial flowerïS. hci - c- hr n-tiepth-ht RoviFriesit tii eut1 IVn 's vij1î- T-bey as-evidelV' rseti-ouniats. Tise led te t-ho big -rond stotia vu des-fui, anti yet it vas -pitiful, t-a eisîgle la-sgo floyer os- bîsucis (tfsec lus anti Le -iseshorhe littietuic 3ma-iles-floviess at tise boit le of-en anti everv r scii g out - - byasee uba-nd socunet- i exac.tly qice een.- Flowors are gariaudetion ho- in lui-s thi ie.issu barlis tbac-'e-in-'pîsank vois ?' Uic-e anti skis-t. iee tim er e-u ieseeSad>antid osr-iokig ue PiOi -thuture lise vas Bob* ' -roepiug -garlanid o! floviers, jusutt-ail gave t-i-see quiick vings antiebn trienti indeeti. ansdi tôt'ix'have for- belfvi tiseU-avis-utp blstie-like tir-a- Ui'oopeti piti-ably. - gotton svhu-at Lfeels like te -he loune- pery at--tise hacil cf -tise skirt, anti 1-ohUii not kuov i s. hi-ut tises-e îl 6îometsrnes roes- ottilue t-hu, de-col- vas eose t-bing t-t lie vas3 afs-titi of, -M esBoub saiti. vue day. lette botilce. anti tisaitvas a dog. ,Su nov lue said. alo q-e'1o ik- t-suteue t-i-ne senhIop)m. ThI 1 flem'-Go -oo-eddo tir- vas se a! said cf a dog "-.ýYout11bhs Sca-ilopeti etges finieh massyo! tise Tie ctt ' Cmed&1lssanionusru Pti abott uickl.s-. pint[hietait 1)0- Cc7pujxaues neweet taffets anti serge fs-oeis. -pou l iselegs, anti is-teld to u5n. .NoV il -t ba. Mauy st-s-ot suits show s jkis--tà with b ùjjjItt îîi ti-nies o! t-affeta's- gabardine fiuisb- - ! utdes Is tpe dnt ed l dee-p oun ecalop, ~ devin. andt began t-o vakts od Guaîi-wIvtets utt vit-nld -bisst.boidthsim p , usip i ' une rieht leg, luetcsri -- vitb inel-i-de bande of.block niom*Du'-s-eed k , !e su-l s- stis ousest-ock e ~ eyes acileti, s3pla iniy as oves- aur Dori-osrO, utcU ue Mse .sik r , . oue rocs f aë- tongueaseketi. '-Muest J go îi - Mac-Dougall1. e-t-a art- 1î2îWd bC5l9t- ;Ye. -Vs. -you mu,3t- - ob saiti, ý ane--Hots, iii &- i 'pMe ti > ar-w fs-ll c! net s; verely. '-"Nov go !~ Strangelv o-n-Th et es haie a nti jàne aong t'îe- under ced nee sofofal'uisrotugli vos e scsti andti ley're buth tle« ame The Changeable Sncb. loedats -ganiLestcth4- - - 'Dls'sass ea be raneti e tl h dedtakhen ripan U isdtc hte - .ta lsdntg Ct- e-imoet aupo n d Vili e a geuinti. a- jaivi-ys bve -v huu Wiasl s-hion-tabi sy i. is aetov steet Wbn.u-li o aits iktiItei alOw-heu e-t-t for he.gin. at suit h-e ea;s2b-istOIOneni l teei ju gave d aises-t. éepp bs-k, ani.ti e fii." 1e o orea t-lie hw b acls Listluaigf"epping m ae a bLît ruh tapy b. an i g-i isb , euti. bow intise mitdelettise fs-ont- be-weemed--'perfeotly plain 55wwt lisWutoluyus-uins? 1ev :tle- 'es.-- dog mind tilsat ail venîti bc vieil. -T-heprncipal jp' Tt 'et IL iswex Chafea ng-ebet-o -lea- ii dea co ti e s.,oes-y ine-kuois by- tblis timni, taffe-ta, 01 a 8ott, - up' pie. qualits' uba-t- rsusise lu t-be baud use li chn~iJe f$c-.e wily violet us inc asugeable -fit. Bie o espei--13',leps-eninsent-co mbsed an-c wih gree.- ASeordeon piesting je enjeybr.g -6 qaVises- unekpeeteti Laveor. A <barmi- ing.-blouse le mède vitlba sectionO ,ext-endi-ug, yokeýwis, fs-enst-le bacil t- -tise front,' of accorde-en pleat-eti chiffon. Thse xt d -ise -blouse us8 -matie ,o ala-over -lace eveir t-ue.* Ciserxmung-tuunieso-f 'the -nov-,long -sort -& re -smiad e- of amcrIeesi ple atedi chiiffonos- r-net-.;- One, moltIhlu tupuips, -o! ehiff enixnbs-sidered -vitus big diss about t-le bottoms fous- 6r Bve ofthein cf4gra4d ses ýin ,np- i-glit rova. -T, umis eut-'to Mat'f te e o teobi tthse, bacil, but in- tise front ît enly rewehes te vitbmh eiglut incises f flue hein. Tise we as- ofet-er f rocksi iitis plain tuinioqss-a- foindat.iois T hse cape seime ;te selerb e re- -a vaiEt-comt tat but-tonis enugiy. Sometimes tise cape, -asnd -veut.or ai'StCoat a-s-octhlesame celer andi utUTiai , and ,cmvàt-igmos b-bbh col- ore antifariscoutre- %v,'w0 Now ashs. -BraidiÉ'vmuh -ùéeed-,nowfor gird-' les antiboita. . UAgirdle -t.at i-e made abu-bt hs-o c h"ý.ide seuls.ï for five a-dad ehait dollair-a. - Thîebrait is et-Leet tgsshê~ tom~k along 's-sih-%six incehee -wide- sand !,ývô >ant'd a.hayards long. -t. le fiesisiheti at i«,-!, i,4g 1,à . -Fixiosg 9'lIi for Fathet-. - T-hries-&s geoi-g t-o le f -tsa nl u m s hsoiue vien, pu taî'tss to pus-t hP t w i'ndo-uý sésrese." '-Yep. One, day - vin wter 1 -nea Wti p *lub te b -tcad -svith-e.cl al tise Hltie umberi jon Ms-s. Joue&--ies-e le au olti p4 ef. shois yur>u may ho b ie etci lie. ; Red-g1eti -- Iutges - Yce, t-hie tongutes as-e gene, Vihse soeon are t;hs-ugliaud, the o ppers are rot-ten, but Lise lacesas-crestilI gooti lerses -have -haiT sund ne ceaibâ; r-oesters ba&ve combe eand ne hais- Yeii theY .9,Y t-hat nibîîse'eneyer Wlu-ate ire cr-itizins- ous- - 4 I ARCI Jiuff. The-construction i1 g aix' dam across theç River, .83 miles east, the Canadian Pacifie~ pany, hag been cern resuit of its opening of prairie land, pre uponi as of little oru cultural purposes,i - under irrigation and prOductivýe ils anly the Dominion, The wMhihas entailed o f several millions been carried-out u vision of Mr.-J. S. D -- to thé President, a Departnent -ofNa4iu S About- three yeai spent on this work; thiat. the reimainde during the year 1914 part of tihe earthw Snais, ag-gregating- cubic -,yards.. bas aîîd operations vie the principalstru taining awork fo b largely of plaeiug i6malistructures, tcattered over t-he covering. the grea Square Juiles. Thequittis records of the D nient, are n1Otall rceiviýng thic drai d,000Of-quare miles It lhas à lmeavy' highýeSt stages j tween June l5th a and tFhus furrishin ply through thbe c 4Qther. times it -affo quantity for con tlie main canal t'O voir locatfd wit-h tract. Tlhis iýrovis a atOf-thke irr' the vicinity OÉ th- aanassutrance classles o! operati The Iow w&ater feet by 1the Bas.% composite struectn ble p ortom bezng way, é720 fe e tin buijt witli-regar niaterial and îA the' bedof the by suit-ahl iit-off- are erected butt, tiloping deck wîtl; of water pe r s-_cý The -concret-e dyke with niaxit -Q feet and. length tainîi-Sabout1, Ext ýding * (ste1 is the maijn7 a entpaltly in mac-le in c*rhc able trouble. I -ular deepetnlî béen- iiide and tauned iuder sil CanhIh5 iii Mont areas.PB yoixd -this cit-thei capa4.ity -f3,80 cond, dlividesil with 1id -idth paeciïf >!800 ui turning.-toward I larger branci, * oo scond-fect. a-4bme, luA

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