Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Jun 1914, p. 4

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Insures the most delictous »and healthlul food By the use of floyal Baking Powder -a great many more articles of food may b readily ýmade at -home, ail healthful, ,de- liejousp and econornical,. adding much variety and -attractiveness to the menu. The" Royal Baker and Fastry Cook,' containing five hundred practical reéeipts for ail kinds of baking and cookery, free. Acidress Royal -Bîiking l>owder Co., New York. CoUrtty Counicil. journed, -as several of!h emeo were absent. ]Ex-Wardenoi John Fallowdown an~d (Continued -from pagel1) R. *R. Mowbrqy addressed the ÇCouni- tien that thoir request .would recelve cil brlefly. -' careful consideration.' Committees were meeting in the It was subsequently referred to the afternoon, lncluding a meeting w1tT a Commlttee on Agriculture, large committee composed of repre- Ia the atternoon the Council met sentatives from the County o! York at 8 o'clock, but immediately ad- and this County as te letting con- W.je LUKE -& .SON GARAGIE *Auto Livery Cars for Hire« Bicycles and Repairing NeývandSecond Hand Wheels New andFor 5ile i- - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 - .4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 i 4 I SWATER AND LIGIIT COIWIISSIONERS 1 "DOJ IT ELECTRICALLY" Homes that are usiner electricity for light may have the added convenience of usiag the following articles, at a cost for current as set out opposite each jadividual item. Let The "~White Goal" Do The Work For You Washing Machine & Wringer Electric Iron - - Tea Samovar- Chafing Disis Toas ter Stoves - Six -inch Dise Stoves Coflee Percola1for - Heatinig Pads - Electrie Fans, 12 inch - Il " 16 - 1ljets per hour 3ýctS I" & 3 j ts di ~'3ts 34ts 42ets And best of all, the 10 watt- tungsten lamp, whieh in now a commercial success. Use it for halls, verandahs,. or any pliace -you would appreçiate long hour burning, at a cost o! i cent for 15J hours use of 8 candile power.. GOW.P. EVEIIY, Supt. DOI.NG IT NOW, PIantînqj Tîme To get the best resuits use the best seeds. We hve 1 them. Cheap priced seeds are dear at any price.' Try us. GAIRDEN SEBIDS By the package Oniong i15c per quart. Seed Potatoes or by buik. Dutch Set Fresh Mangle Seed A nice lot of flowers and plants just in. -4 4 4 4 4 4 i Jno. E. WATFRIIOUSE Phone Il WHI1T BY Immediately made ,until Friday AI I RI DAY, &mong-,other connhmikstlna r [at the ;mornlag sCBUoi was omie fi Governer Schill*, !the -Cou aoaskiag an nerfiaze la salar! Mai i ne t onci nex't went intotý com-4 nittee o! tihe wbôlç on the byîqw to appoint a Couaty -Treasurer. M Wl son moved thats Miss Etnily y's, ame be inserted. An-amedme;by Mi Mo gan was t)sat Ile am,6 of. Hiram Gifford ho subÃŽtiit.ted. ~u broughit. forth soine jwsrnîx4 s1fin. Mr'. Wilson 'said tbat5,the 4 joitý of' the committee on -T4prs4ay '-a aot objeeted ;-to, ad Ibe. 'ýaaneùd"~ therefore, was *out o! ereer. . bMoore. and Iff. Cameroýîuuppoîtedl hlm. Mx. Cameron, quotslng f1$6om Bourr-,., mnot, spid the Wàrden.,woulli h ave t4' resiga bis seat.before'ItÏ could btf] I appointed to the position. Mn. Connut objeeted. He said th@ report passed the previous day should sot preclude asother ame to-day, and ho understood the mattor that way os Thursday. Mr. Gerow, who t'as un thse chair, subsequeatly daclared the ameadment out o! order, and Miss McKay's name was entered, the motion being car- riod by a good majority.' Thse salary was fixed at $1000. In thse afteraoon thse committee on Education and County Pro.perty re- ported. Thse cases ô! several dependents on the County were deait with. Mr. Jackson 'applied for $50, to be expeaded on tise Scugog and Cantr wight roadway, on -condition thaf Noîthuxnberland and Durham eacli spend a like amount. This was me- ferred to the Ronds and Bridges com- mittee. SATURDAY. On Saturdav morning, Mr. W/est- * lake, Reeve o! Thorais, and Mr. Cam- eron, Reeve o! Beaverton, asked foi $100 for the Lake Shore Rond in Tbomah. A by-law was passed appointing fI.. Smith as trustee for the Osh- awa 1-1gb School. -Thse irst report on Mileage and Per Diemn Allowance, the flrst report on ltoads and Bridges, the second report on (îounty Property and the secoid report on Finance and Assessmcnt Were prPSentèd and adopted. In thse afternoon the special comn- mittee to report on the proposition to take over tise Oshawa ('hildren's Shelter' made its report. The re- RSHOE SALE N AILY a car load -of, Boots and. Shoes have arrived, and will Sa-cr-ificed and Slaugh d.i tered. avinig 1)urchased the caref seiecuecu lii igracte tOCK -o~i. , trruiely £v. i~inevc,\JnL rùllya, fiv~1., thos~d dllrsworth of bootsad sh-oes4 slippeis pumnps, sandals,, tennis -goo)ds,. trunkd' and suit cases), the whole stocek will lie placed on bargain tables aiîd offered at great sacrifice1 prices until this large stock is ail sold. The Stock consists of higyh class- Regal shoes, Parisian shoes, Classic shô'es,- anhita large, assortment of American fine shoes, and it will lie Barg ains! B8argains - Ma w.- QO.LLJNS port was laid over until -the adjourn- ed session. jThe Printing Committee'q repoit wvas passed, also the flrst report on Adriculture. ing. uetok place ni Car- of Alo RBiIrBidA of the contents rtirnuient was made to Tue- Wmn fact, the car wa day, lune 16, at 2 p.m.riday afternoon, June 5th, at theth lrwss NOTES. home of the Président, Mrs. George thfie alarm abut Te sokofC 'hicCoucil efued t mae aA. Ross. In point o! attendancethe The Sound o! th liearm bot Teokoc gaT he 'rovnci al Fse t a ,aS~ gathering was probably a record one, ton e'clock on Monday nlght roused and the heat froi ciat o thielProicilFirA0 about ninety-ladies being present. the town to excitement, until lb was tense. The Rlame cithe st umefl10phs. rate 1t The speakeçr of the occasion wvas learned that the lire was situated on of another boxc The um f $10 ws grnte toMrs. LI. - Stephen, o! l-Tuntington, the outskirts o! the town., too far with contents ' the Whitby:I1orse Show Association. P.<Q., who took as her subject, "What' removed to be o! any danger to Needless to sayi The Couinty Property iomte w h ol. ondelns -A number o! clîr- caiised by this fi eecommended tlîat no increase of sal- Mrs. Stephen frst spoke of the duty ious spectators acc ompanied or pie.. fnally rb.n down ero arytbe atol.J.E Shllr gv owe to the world, to go forward. ceded the fire brigade to the scene, hiirning car wns eo tMnitr of the QaoI.o Many of us, she said. have our eyes when it was discovered that a box The small blaze Tnhi e Dpt iitero dcto, blinded. WVe do not sce the beautiful car o! coke wvas wrapped in flames. was extinguished - nbsrport to the Council, notifiedi ldow t a Sthem that the foîîowing grants were world God has given us. Some neitb- The car was in the centre of a !reight te ont madeforequpmet an acommda er take time nor nioney to travel, train lying on the siding near the G. iCoke soon hbecam mae oreqipet ndacomod-that they mai' see this world. WC T.lI. "Y," at the Junction. The the ground, and tion of rural schools. Pub. Schools, owe the world the duti' o! develop- scene of the conflagratton was so dis- $1868.27 r ePZ- c c__l, 114.. ng Our talents, such as music, art, tanît from the town and so difficult etc. We should keep ourselves in good of acoess that long before the bri- Beware of Ointments for Catarrhl health, cheerful, fit-for our work r gade arrived, aIl hope o! saving any that Contiain mercury we shouîd help along educational lio asç mcrcury will ..ntel¶. deatroy tbe e o line, Sées that our sehools are saisi- jU RN E AV NTGSRcn sniell snd collplettly derange the uhole sylàtelu tary ; we sbould beautify Our hms U R NED A VNA E when entering it through the iflucous surfaces. The worId does not owe us anythn. Teaatgegurted o sJ N Sncbi articles siiould neyver lie nsed except On r ig >piescriptioaf rom repUtabie physi.ians, an -the WTaet okfrou itg rplcholdran fogran ethogbots damage they will do in te,, fold te the good yen tephae then g ae aoreosralitio n p lchrbsi a rmness .,y . he qutf Canu Posblv derive froni theru. alls (iatarrh Seh lengv emntain is~5 cur, anfaLnedby F. J. cheuley &C. the preparation of ice cream, shpr- AsrneCmayaemc rae iToedoo.. dcoutans no mercnry aud in taken"_AsrneCmayre uc etr iltralactiug directly up te b Qdandbet and mousse, whi ch proved mnst fo&te reium pidthnfieyar q luugcuï aurfaces of the systens. f uigtt adwagral paei-aothe reCmpay iein aein ktl'sCatarrl, eure bcsure You fret .IOie g in erestîng abusinesslyapréia tak.J cen neriy &coaenaniaînTofboree te. Canada. This is stated as a fact which el Chà1eîîey & »s-ýce. reaî,eiî rete. A tteconclusion O! thse Program, cannot be succcssfully iptd n 4r y el",FltYPillahfor constipation, the -meeting adjourped- to the beauti- EXAMPLE-At age of twenty-three ------------- M«-ful and apaclous lawn, where refreah- next birthday The Equity Life charges -MARRIAGES, ments were served and a social hnur $43.20 for $2,ooo.0o insurance on the IDAL,-SLEEP-At Wycliffe College spent. Twenty Payment Lufe Plan with lever- Chapei, on Wednesday, June Srd, MnO. Ruddy, Mns. Cronk and Mrs. thing definitely guaranteed. Mot othér 1914, by Rev. Principal O'Meara, Davis, or!-the Pickering brancis, wereCanadian Companies charge exactly the Christina Gertrude, daughter o! gî110tS durlng the a!ternoon. rame amount and-imilar termas for a Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sleep, Whitby, _____________ Twenty.five Fayment Lufe Policy. At to Mr. C. Stanley Pale.- the end of :wcnty yçars the Eqbity policy FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER. ia fully paid for anaà bas a Cash va ue of - $898 o0, while the iîsuajcasJi value for FRECKLES. Farm of 77 acres, morie. or Idées,sit- the other policy at thse sainetine is $72o. uated on con. 4, lot 28, Whitby Tp., Trhe n'as who tudleshlu own Intereala willJ P patronize Thse !Culty Li1'd Asuîrance Comipaay A - NÃ"W I5 THE TIME TO GET RID tliree miles north o! Whitby towfl, when he want» jlite Insurance. 0F THESE UGLY SPOTS. li miles from' C.N.R., 2k miles froîn L. W. DUDLB3Y, - N. bUrnERLANI),' U the C. P. R. and new radial line, ffl n, Peîe T SoJnrolnato.'~I There's no longer_ the slightest and.% miles fx'om G.T.R.. Dy n.Toot.j need o! feeling asbamed o! your Farm is well suited for mixed c !reckles, as.the prescription othine- farmiag, dairying or market gardes- TU_______________ double streagtb-is -guaranteed te re- ing, abundance o! amali fruits, splen- J.A move these bomely spots., did orchard, about 50 excellent spy Skw 1' fI~cee (i -Simply get an ounce o! othine- tredes, abbut 7 acres good timber, £- double strengtb-from any druggist, néyer failing Stream, good f rame dien andti apply a littIe o! it nigbt and bouse, excellent bard and so!t water, NE LMTE TAN ERIEàA inoring, and you should soon Sée bank barn and other building s, -rural NEW_________» TRAI s ER- -BoMa that even the worst frecklcs have be- mail and telephione lunes pass the otel-Trno-O ot Cicg gun to disappear, wvhile the lighter farm. Via Canadien Poeitic a id Michigan à onies have vanislwcî entirely. t il; mbsa dellcto lb aMciosiCentrai Ggao ,LbeS.*&MIb Id rinbasanidél lcatonfor cu i cieCnraitg if@tcde. ue s seldom th-ut more Ihian an ounce is afor I K ven V<"' hlîî,r and > jt~~i, 'ii IdI. needed to co)mpletely ecear the sk.i wisbing to stock a trout stream, r 4 4nl.: 1*4ru)llto .0 lu.îî. trri 'Ill and~~ ganaaatiu la compe-acuntry home, or for an entcrpris-, Dntrait 1-1 3,5 k,, aud Chleaed,7 4b aais. lailY. ion. iing farmer. F'llu!c iglef .dî imi!tt Bc, sure te asis for tise double Also twvo lots In Town o! Wiitby,! strenrgth othine, as this is sold un- ione on By>ron st. norts, other on der guarantee Of mon ei' iack If it Eîîclid St., Norts. fails te remove freckleg- Tender , for farm and lots receivetl O- -separateli' up to, lui' 11, 1914.! WOMElN'S' INSTITTITE TIO01D RE-1igisest or any tender net necessar-i CORD MEETING. i ily accepted. O ne o! tise Most sllfccssfu1 meetin s Apply to CITAS. W. Smlh ex eever held b hise Whitby lirancis o! ecutor, box 596, Wýltby, Ont.-2 TORONTO..- WINNIPEG - VANCOUVER E >rem i, 4 arrives Toirîto il 45 iii,. fuiljv Mall,o I(zjb;us,Nu. 7 ir-avu- ,ilruit u 4v t-iiîa 1 0 Op.mu.. urrmvitig Witnliiîuua ý i .1.,>. 2 pil.uand ixpr.saN.. hMu.'- 'etu diil7 *-nru-t Tuer-i. Foritfu rtlier r;p&rti4-uîiars uspply tlii<i uualiiii J um'..i, <-i'. R>- - vu~~u.ua~,. y was ahandoned, ntýiI&ly aIl disappoared half aa houx ,s ail ablaze 1ef -re aftcr the alarm sounded. SubsequenLt souxsded. hi'- the fire engine arrived, and .a' ,ors, bune radil stream o! water was pumped from omutse -brned rain- the creek, there being no -water main me pet the enrdwa in the vicinity., The fire conlinued esasre to the endth to humn for some time,* andýthe bru- carto he ort ('ne gadc was kept busi' until -ab-out 3 labeled "explosive." a.m. som exitrnet was The cause o! the ire is- unknown. fact. An engine vas Tue car was consigned to Toronto, the rack andtiseand was on its passagé t-Ã" that desti- cut out o! the, train.sm pae nrh o on the adjoinin& rar Whitby, prohably Lindsay. d, and the crowd set- -atch the blaze. 'TbP ---rhe Board of Education held a ne a glowing nats On meeting last evening, 'but too fa-eto d the car hnd prac- bc rcported in thiis issue. vaste. 3iî *AaLAC th. Content-Proclucir NGY. dimlorêl mand unoWIystly bri ame Dot bell iscive e-cnetetWhy net Ibring about thir leb rai i bymemof -the.JAP-A-AC pm' eoe" u awI.*;bdng two ois of JAýP- C pnd caiew, 8 f JA P-ALAC m grnfg ~AP%%ZAC gann M d w mACo * p rP , P-AL& inma lazicol=lm foIunltioa .&9work.and TO-DAY s toefora JAP-A.LAC 94. amnd aco cL le5L «A Th=..aj a=j o.. n Whultby Jap-a-gac is sold by- G Nié N.Rice i (11 oil foi, pî aly, at itiîss u: J I I E I. c t c c p I c '-I J1 y0 what and ai mlot Co m Our exl iorne ns of tao; -wel WC $ILI Let -us, (solid affd Clocks-: jewelrf'i- WVatches Rin-gg Fountain F Ebbny go 25c1 ýraJonolas Imbrellas. anes :hina. 25ec,' ceather Gc Zut Glass Oppoal IVIIY PROIIIBI 'Trolithition polities, Mai' tn -ation o! tb is 1 cotsntry (U.S.A] it is being appi poxations and t ests -o tise cous go- a-long , iav ing this ,en&, ai lows igt"f mark.): - I'The 'big rail they will Dot e 'he, bigf:steel least several oh they -will not e -The order basi who, drink, whe -in their own t. erngaged in pe r 'for their- empI ,ployed. Tise tr ,the bucines lute sobrietvt.' -gay thaitheyi ough, With eare they areno chanc es. wiîth t We -have 9 -stJ% choose rrom at bazaar Vesterdmà k ng, an accoumt lished next e -Don't forge -day Sehool Ga' at V/m. Oke's- Thselaw% aD L4jbrary i'hnls being soddted. -eomnpJeted, thse onae o! tine r -spots in towii. -Send.your c eipsto. Wcl accsmato - and Pure dri; r anq! pied the psspi pastor, b1. îlot Point l« At Ib At Vs al aim tu,) pie:ý or Ici, crn TORONTO) to the end. See the elegant designs in dressy shocs for ladies, also in men's. See the classy models in newest styles. Sec the great bargain lots in the windows. Deal in Whitby and save money in ypur borne town. This Great Display wilI- be at- *JOHN FERGIJSON'S OLO0 STAND - Sugn---Trhe Red FIag. TERMS STRICTLY' CASH - ý - - V WwWW ýwýw "V"WW- ý --ý -ý - ý ý A 'A là A A A A A A A A A AI A A AI AÀ&ý&làLj&A ý 1- IV IV w v 'w v ýw.ýrlwlwlwlwlwlwwwlw Ir - 1

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