Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 11 Jun 1914, p. 7

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Or, Marrled to a Fairy. 7..OHPTtR xvi.ý-(Ontihted). *1-tlbnk sobeceàuio it ilnp@Idl POO' - ;- he answeread, avertlug ber- eyes 'au -1 bedo~n'a. iot n ~pt "'quite undezrtand, 3Xru. Jackion, eLbiag'n i eo *h oniu meJygs."All-Yery uice hon" el t ho '1beauty ôOk'tintsmor', ~tI,1was not going to ask YOU -tO- àc» lite are llPos.ible. aren't they- -'-tbaaiyoutisUt."" » rndate Mina. Saxon anotherl nigit. I did flot atisWer. Rad shebe;en an l 'elarn growlng older" Ii'sa <'k"A sghe returnâ to school to-day. I ',wl eXperienced aid hand, l'natead 'Of a painter should understailA nature s îittiq *peak ta ber about these tiresarnOo choolgirl. obe cotild"not more, ukliflly bote.- v r .If hla Worth any' achollii raksofbars. ý e u nher llrry ai te attm s t,>Iove-mlakiflÇ tlg ?Pu adoge"bave you Corne ail~ wllYr ellM ht1 OOYu nbrit hc very w and then sllip- thse way. front Homburg te telnie thi*7~ accountr ed. Adl my uncle wltb y ou?, And your "Sohvoolgrl rank»Il" jaculated tbe Af terIunchlnw tagether, Lilitb a9ý mather? And when d14 y oùur.ot, wOrhyMe. ackson,, fallIng, back- a compauled ne lme lci1t a tele wtaur rh 3, tar. îgets tesia raph offIcean teodbesîdetmea tele -"Tbf mrnring. Only HenrIette là,, efatne bombshell apueared to have 1 despatcbod a message la ber narne te with me." created. .Weil, or. ail th.-" Mrs. Morland. $he paused. Her ayez roved r@tiii "Jvii iv t o oui cane,1 the room again. I knêw It was comlng- ii'I if' YOUviii te in mecheamnte" *Expect ma by the- four-tirtY train. BEl oe a4 akn'sriltte¼Llr, suLd, r arnyOinucli teliedto you for -"Liliitb saxon." ItIl'.photographo;,egamlned'thern stes-t and am ery uch bligd, t YOU-fertively. Thon. standinx-before tter Wlt)t > Your care af Mins Saxon."0f course. sie viii b. -surpr4ised at ber baok tued ta, me ulir rem irked iun- Bbc e eed 1lnclined ta dilate upon the igettiiig a-telewram from you)lu nLondon clear ievel touen 'vvbch betrayed no, sublect of Lilith's delinquencies' u when she thinks you arle at WVeàtof." Ï emOtIa'n whatever:, ai ter a lance at me ohe Wau sbrev.d sald: "ébut >'au muét explain. things e ta %Vhat a' very pretty girl! In Éieah. enaugbt41 realize that I wasflot to bie lier a beet you can., model?"* Irnpopeclwpau, aile contented h lernelf (It~n e ac hruieNa1, To be contiuued.) '.'rahrA8o~ with usrning a modevadte surn -for Lil- Lilit returned. ;,1 humi expenses. haviugr received which. Bomethiug lu ber touemadé me look I' Tii, Rejv. j. DISby, 'vicar of'st. A teM niierelief, ele took lbave Of a ie 4hap. aîer sey . srîîe vSràaid, IVNGou4on, whTER t -4 e , lài ' Me. cem udaparntinifernc a be aarlj 'ereylis er lver LVIG î-IiuleW1'R14 My cinadýpaetIdfoec ta playing 'about ý the écrners of lber moutit. Orpouesos h ia lai tise etartliin% nature of!DMnaJacksOu'5 1*1 have l'IthOC 'lait confidence la tbe Ln TM Bfln rnk-Fo o disclosures were wholi y assurned. Iu managem ent of Moriand Iouse/' O# 1 id. 191IeBtenDik ~ rpcuesostevcrcexi i'eallty. 1 vas perplexed. dlatres.ed and lit ln cea ta me tbat I must look af ter dents 0f Arld Reglons. - astongshed beeond measure. 1 had noet 'ou more cioseiy iu future."- Ihsbenpodbyatlex the heart ta race,-làiiithI mrnedlately; Bise Iaaked up ilu-eVident al4WM. I a eupoe yata i bpt 1 walked stupldly up and dowu the "Oith don't tibnk thatI" .11e;exciaIuied. perirýnt that s mali rodeuts ai anld ba&il, and lu and out of the tva groundIl-II arn sure you are dligMrs. Mariand. regions are able to livo for tva or, floar roomm, revlving ln My mmd wht an injustie. 'YOUhave no ýIdea ;boy -- 1 sbauld say ta be'r. kind elehe i-duatlike a muttiler teto m. tre ona a iard seedisud vithout -It vas'tt Musbe. saine mad f reakai And selledoesn't at aUl lîke being Inter' ay Intr.lu"New Traiis lu Mlexico,' the part o! the child, diogustedl by Mi's. fered with-ahe bates Surprise Viotti KalLmot ys'11tthan a» Jaokigou's vulgar curlosi t yand spying sud tbat sort of!îiig. It argues want an uwhotsüuys Cat t- a1mad v y eYt, 'vhy aboula site bave been of confidenice. elle'aays. Aud 1 think oai-tise 'dosert. bave succoeded lu n"ai- no ilearful lesnt1 shouid hear of lier ci- he'la rfïht, don't yOU?" lng theigielveo ludep,..udent o h egle h oo e e aee h hbyadl ot oua h ocapade? And why. only a few minutes "Sh. ban noa nlht ta let yau go about vater auppîy. more Idea that 1 shouisi hean Mns. Jack- 'It vas ail My fault. And tisat re- 1Hales, or burravu lu- thse ground tisat sons eorN h< i ed lmpiared me mindiume. Mr. Hervey. I have nome, ludiate tise presenceoattise radeuts or not ta ses the woman? Wiy-oh, Heai'- thing 1 ver "eny much want teanek of badgers are otten touund la great en, It was terrible, If was sêcriiegiaus you. But re'am efraid you may be an- cfAugItu -ca idglrr failyl tHing." cer tisan a lonely tinaja lu a distaut And here anothen horr ob sai- Hrvloîaoti. 1. looked at bier lu mouritain range, aofvisich, they could With tihe advent of!-the firsis fruits cd me. WaVuid ahe. when I taxed hep surprise. She was quite pale, and ber0 with lait nlglit'il fliglit. even tell meI lip tromnbled. 'hardly liave^bad auy kno wledge. Thée parations should be rna4a for the truth? Aiready ehaid lied to me 'Why. hat lu the varld la the mat- raviug mauntetu rheep require mor, rep on more theis anc occasion, and aven ton wIth yau. chid?"I exciaimed. I'You vator, altisougi Maxlcisneanau udi ausptting up the v inter's store.. A triffing usatteni. '(2otiid Il therefore. know a ulte weii that yau have rio res- , odkftsle epfxtiip-p houe Ia coax thle truth fram bler? ' on ta b e afrald o! me. and that I yull lisit that titey drink only viten nain go e e op ort8s ups Asàense of the absurdîty a! my ro~ 1- do any*thlng In ml paver fan you." talla. séhould b. kept lu every Weill î'ugu- tioa.-too, assailed me. How cauld elgl t- " aegat lundelt." she faltered, Moreover, I bave f ou tite autisorlty leted kitcàhen, and if mueh presetv- aud-twenty lecture sevemteen? lHa 1In"ludobt?" I repeated. lu great esur- a led ta do %Nlth a lad. wordî would ~v prise, "Toevliam, and lov mucli?" o! anIntelligent -and observant Arn- rng isidose -one large and oee snal couic sasly enaugli, and ut rang wo dot, 'To-to several ai my schoolfeliovî enican lu Sonara that vilatise vhite- kettie will be useful. They shouldt taa: but wi th a girl. aud a girl whom Ï -1 vili nover borrow agal-l have talled deer lu EaEteru Sonore drink be e£tiseý heavy granite or, be-Uer pauilonately loved, lt wai a yen>' diUer- boon quite miserable about .It 15la- rglry h nIswsenpr ent malter. Sa mucis hung ipon hem' au- thlrty, poundal' rslrY tts uiti vseupr tli, enanielled iron vare, An en- »%we*-alniost, indced, my bellot in woa- .Thlrty paundu"' I repeated, witit a nover drink uniess It raina, visicis manhood. My fareliead grew damu viti loy whlstie af astanîshusout. 'lIow lu happons rareiy. -Hoelias,,nover seen ameled spoon, dlipper and wids.1 Ille lniennity of MY anxiey and grief. the wenisi did you manage, ta spendthrtrcstte ie soatîre necked funnel to fit lover hecks uft lIsd there only eon a wa insu Wlthm t hlrty pounds?" eftrcsahwàrhosteep- reach to wham 1 coud have trausferred t was at carde," eho answered, althougit hoe bas abserved titom else- glass jars complote the set. Other theo dut>' o! 4inlg itlitlî ta book, It seemiug ta gain confidence as elhe pro- viser. flot vary fan £nom vWatar. An- liteneiIs miclh as havis5, sasîcepansl wosild have been anmin lnite relief ta me. coeded. -One of the girls in au Amemi.l ter Amerlean of mauy yoars' rosi-l e., will be found ilu every kit-chen. A voman would nt icast kunow what ta cau. and she tauglit- me ta play poker.i oay,f a id of (liaS I has iemia dea. And 1iilised the excitemnt. WVe îîiyed dence, visa bas sais deer south-egot For jellies provide a good bag o!f .S lest,,after what secmed js long lu- lu aur bedroams. O! course, Mm-ls. Mon-.Io! Llberted, confirms Ibis.loeyvoudube heecot ter1vaI of worrying thoughs. 1 vent slow- l aud kxsew nothlng about II; but (ho Itlal certain aiea thet dametIAcated oteywvndube hesclhc Iupétaîns ta (tie studio uud apeued the alliera wem'e îih, sud. playéd for moue>'. Wil ahose ,di tpan a Lao. Theme vas- the culprît, lu hon sud I--weli of course. I ought ta have animais lu tisa anld regions are mucis lîaho ewd l o n nuwy muslu drcss, curied In the big; remeusbored that I heven'I- an> mono> liens depeudent on vater tîap ilmase af stroug hook put la isomne conveuleutt arihii wt aainln l lier lisp, the, but wliat yautlis yoor kinduess give me. M olStér reglong.. atevi îevl lc 0bgc- în et rp snsrlngthrougli (ho sianting nantit But 1,i oS led Ésvay. and 1 kept on ioà- Ctl illv elpaes a aibn ret rp vlidov umon hon >oiiow liead. Honr lng niglit after nigli s a I vent on, lu for monthesvwitlîout i.ny 055cr vater aIso 'have p!enty o! parafflu on isaud bain was aiipaneniiy flot taelier Ilking, t lie hiee af gettlug Il back. And the thoantise julce of tise cactus.,visich fo ses] t-be jans and jelly glasses and"1 and Bite waB eugaged lu pitin gIt up1 g Is on't know about you, or they ln >'ie hi ricplmeaus o a gain. As lit fou about liersouIdors waouid toisesme dreadfully. îrs. hieor- patI as-hInpIcpa o !ne vrubbere for t-ho necks of Vise1 she iooked a child agaimi and (his e boip- ltold me nat ta tel (hem; sud they subsistence. Even isorses do ni caine ajrsfrauig ed nie ta the touee 1 shoulsi ake witth re- thlnk.I have icli relatives lu Landau; ln ta drink o! thi onu free vili gar drtacaru uielufrot undhrs, tIe>' they kuow 1. have been ta Laot- ever>' day during tise Winter. lu us>' y-iremember t(o have all andi began, mach lu the toue ono adaptasansoue moue>': do you-sec?"1 travels it vas the usuel (bIng for aur aee adaier itnistici towamuls alefrcoycîild: frurs I cee," 1 auswcred, very gravei>'. animais ta go Witisout water every üc-eah and sterilized -by, immersioni "Wvhat sail tiss heur ron 'B11ut, Luth dean, If I psycon thîs-ausi th'iusornof at 'Jlacksou about youm -Iputtlug sthe serapern usomber 1 amn vemy. very fufa rainsbel- eoddy sSiecsaso btin a kettle o! va-tai' vicl is VIien 1 lui the door. sud goiug off l'or a han- imîg a ricl i nan-ydu mustSRive me your Western dcseit Country, and tise uni- tiluwly brought to the bolitng- pointî i4mnidriov me atruig lii amitele? W'here word or hanar never ta gamibie an>' mals keep lu sunpislngiy goosi candi- and boiled.ais les-st ten minutes. f undnevr rturingtil on? Werelnmare. %Vill yau do this?" tihe sWorld sid you go ta?" -Oh. i ssvear IL ou my solemu word!' tien.Fo asedjli gse nd iShe hasi heen elmugirig coiar aud loomk- <ho ruld hurriedl>'. evideni> mnuch re- On one occasion lu Mardi aur hanses Fo'jm su jeieg-aesee lmsg thoroughly f ight-ued %%,hen I iret liivem5 'Ilve been (mite mîserabie about!- sud mules traveled i al day, sud lad no not be hot, but*in Canning, glaise-s, begani: but as 1 contlitued speakIng her lit, uani ehoumdn't think of touc'hing a! vaser for 76 bours. It was oulyII>' Us erý'ndfutm-tb hruh face cieered. - ard agalrm. Andi -you ivili jet me hanve cvr'u- rutmutbetouh 11 wiii tell, authie trutîs." sîse ex. Usie shirt>' paunids. vaut you?" bormes that suffcrcd, and tbis was lv] lîeated,.then saealed w'hile jar' claimnesi. lu a VOL-O et svdden deci.ion 1 tw,-ote her out a check while we mare fram te quality aof(lie vatenr ,-ands in s pan of -h<'-t wator, sud ralsing ler head sud lhrowing the hiar were havlmsg a cap of tea by thme 5tation, tliey isad bad than from thse lacis of IL. î1 be'smth a'fui ajse bsek out o! hiem' ýe.9 "1-1 came Su Sic aid witltIt gave lber a long eahorctoetiocmpanin, Sie dog boy-befoe iliginte frui; -he ad tter sotudio." jtri which she listoriesi vtif thehomtateia n'lss opalotedg u.bfoefligi h Mut; h atr "You came lierc "- gentieness ands ubiilsoms ,bu't wthu ever, cannot adapt Itself ta dosent con-. oîdb o e uU i _Ise gave mue a long loo hc i iaisaiga[y eycoeaeton hudb ord nt vrlwn net -undterstunsi. Thensh ie iowered lier ta f our dsi.at> e> loeaeto ditions. Besides suffenlng froin tlirestaeon eyes aid drew a ilck brenthi. A fesv misnutes Inter 1 stoasi accuthe- the lot sali makos Its foot sore, andto exclimde air. "oes" aise arisverédliu a ver>' 10v ptfaî is whuie tic Bristol trlain toi it adae not kuaw on viuelieg ta stand, ( Keep these directions iun 'aur i telue, -1 cane lie-'e" frous use a llawer-fa-ed gIrl ,wiîo susîlesi Even thse doge of thse Indlans, wiseu serap boo)k and pr'oportionsi for the 'Batt Yea had Just parteci froni me. auc-kîsses 1 lie ausi galiy Irain the car tse>' travel, sta>' pantingl sit-c fernkndo!fivlhogen mo ooriAndi tilsN oau hnock or m-g? 1 1 vas certain>' Name IOvc--:iul.forty ellade (bey eau llad under tedise vas sittiisg up; 1i numS lave hourd )'ou." pourndse vo -o le ii a o.[rmture t-o time.) 'I"I easw'dsov.vtslirdn:th an'fo irvsita gLau- dunlng tise bot par't o! tiseday, sud 3Method of Caîîaing in .ei'y Siail .No, sh ùWsveied lovy. ith er on;but St thse m-ment of t rntlngh cisc'o hermatr l heco nyes, fxd- i~ iSalslis s'allie. v-I-Is lad timuet lier licas out aoflien campas-t- o' 10 (enmses uts olQumnuities. - - Cook thse required wvhl c'l lî htm' i $*e1m's lay'esi. 'I sdS 'tdume ment amid liad i gvoîsme a long, solt. un- O! the evening. - mousut o!fiater, sugar aud prepar- ta. 1 'elt dal. 1 msted ?srs. Jaclmono aokesi-foon lË uise ain li>'heek. ______ inume. 1 like drivlng lunlianeame; sud,."Good-by, deui, 'Mr, lomvpy! 1i hah ""*"" df -i aa-iai eteutlts of course' I nov no oeelu Landan but nover forget î'oar kindnesastes-r!" TFIIiIGH tOST 0F LIVING, Pdfri itnder, l etho lelinto Sih' yau. sudItadi owhere else ta go; andi 1 Thon tise train hsd tuken hon framfri stnehnfl no tl, visnt tleels>'. tiid 1 vantedti tabe ieer lue, bofofeI1liaS even t(linoto nake a - îlt terilized jars and ceai. i a friend. no t di-ove ta the studio."-' rani of mysel' by tolling lier I eould die A h rsn is oebyn clo !('nig-olsmu 'T,"ou drove bore? At that tIme of for lier. À h rýet iepsil o Mtido ann.]ci i.a îîlht?. Did >'au ret out?" -ütlier ssibjcct is receiving quite as ad w-tar as a syruip for ten min. 'Yen. andi I waikesi about a bit, and CIIAITER XVII. s .I fld te mai tadriv haie thnucnI attention lu Canada ase tilesmte2, tkiuig off any ecuu titatusay vs>'. as 1 dd't vaut ta go ta ted. Thie uext fornught vas a diuleiult oneue 'rhst' ai. IBut I tiînt vaut>'ou ta ta live through. 1 had camee ta tovU 'ne. It will bo a surprise t nMos ise. Place thse pmepared frnuit ii, 0rlW 1ws no siî>." for severai rossons. 1 vantesi ta cisoase readers to knov that durnsg thse fis- sterilized jane, f11 Nih some cl the '11Y heartlient l'aster ivitis a joy wisulc puinto and cauvases, as veil as cloShes cal 3-car visichene ahas eould hardi>' nec-esc. The tisought af ta laseS nie duning my iext long sos-trifp chcne ac 1 synsmp and settise cavons on, buis d( shus lîstie. l%laseh' iol>'creature actuel- lsnd 1Sua oparticulanl>' vanteti ta gos 1913, Canada paid $li,500,000 a -in seevdou.Nov place a faise t>' drifug (tiste hnVse visere 1 vas, and . some studiesos<f un aid modeloi via vse du on food, n l fti a o ce on vandenlng lup and doivu lu front of It ta finS-rate for vikings Ilion Seing a vI k- tiy90u ilo tsslag ottom made o! slato ci' an ove-n lie mîcan lier nlou>'-frieus Inlu-Landau, Ing necesiar>' lunus>' ext pîctare. suin Is virtually a direc e nts ae feclirl iebtoso souclied mue deersl>' ,It happoTOd ta blie xceptioaniy fine ctaOnhe"yrofxeli ntebtom f But It bohooveesime ta bie ver>' mtoe andi surin>' autumu. and,. as 1 have oqui consumser:-alsg eteorws oIr u about so meS s prauk. amsd 1 proteccdefoeIrtciryIoenudnat l glancing over thse liet it is easy on this place tise jars -se thy d<o noV ase welmas 1 coaîd to lecture honeouciber ai Besson BuS i sery sonon ud 1sn oud-nta iattebyuwpb oc ueaohr qiktl I conduct. (00 usuels lu love ta put My h9art I ny n m>' t-ant arg e byngpb ocoeaotr.Flktl .1 "Thlnk bowyeyu Iigliteised paon Mns. vonl as I useS ta do. My fi-st moment lie ar'e themse Ives lreyte blanie mmteueek of jairs vith w arus va- Jackson," 1 caid, "and thesetonlei aise a! real happinescame viti tise ar-rivailumny ss., br act viii teil about yau. Gmrls cen't lie toc of! Lmitl's photographe, fon as a corne- in-5yinsaces~, Io"1'theeaetr, thon briug te boiling point. For carefai-peoulle are soameady ta sa>' an- mponetion ie vas isapoless. Nos one articles o! food r-od(uced inl Canada ,malfut wnymiue ii kin4 thinu,-specail- vion ,1e.grlsword mld1Ihonerdfrous hon1- -l aluceit votymnueswllb a, vei'y unfau-oi'abla reoin unE ga IUnst 111u911. Thhs vas -a rli 0cher -Volc.c i n wud bhasmved -Cana-.Cre ltbriel 4,si n Ms-o. Stanhiope Moriandp stewardship. ansi ev'elibefore 1 5urped us>' e..i ou ui voue a eSding Vo xnethod. Ni-ce ta For us>' awn iapeciai deiigist 1 drove - became sensible afi litSeXotic fragrance dieu Home Journal. use in makwg fasncy d8senite or JAiuta ami oe af tise bout plitogî'aphers a! peî'!umed hai, porfunsed- i'ece-Pav-____________ lu tise West End. sud lueevo i(.oni den. ansi perfamet cletheoi vîlcis ang vintercshont cake. fui>' y IWo isaurs and a ball, making tise about us> fiance,, Lad>' Margs'ret Lori- chîitlm-n ber lied Ibs a y and tisaS.Imol'. Ci iiloth'ils.St uiberry Jam. - rroportions: fake lier liaIr dovu ansi put 15 up aOainl, I starteti frôm ' ebSychir ansi faceflier, W.. oh ae. -Fosur cueilleof exiger. -Metlod : aml oksenfaus. lie curlesi up on a lipplng Llllsnu ploture wîthîn tiesle -Vtlo ttetobeAdý,blfo h ugrt uî n aIIudsW priiC iglît on a chair. strilco a ic'ket af mv paiuîing-caat.SI-etlo A -is trul Ad-hlfLtsesigrefrtan dsnlg5"atitudSeamd nisiser cheeik Matige did . abS Aiper la nbtibs the money eaui «et you imte. let stnd several hours, thon boil gainnt a ct;lha ionwtis ciset oye., as laction. Site vas exquioltel>' 4rssed I lu b oo tte r>be d h thougli esleor, .-la sort o a lt-wrap -o! titn-coloref R Wuiatevem' lappened. 1 vas resaived >et' sillu, -&temn;,à1t aps n bËiave gg eY eout 1ao.tts rul e.ty jrlt4~isî-e.- dti leta oposensiplens>' o! pic Lunes visicli traw. bat of tbe mainy ae. aud.s u i eug- e uohé'4o5I~.~n olunlfuti Mvoulus nocail ta me nsy lîttie usarsis bess out bat ust *r e.'--thk 4.Dd ale pr.-P4S1e nr m anr d îIn usone stsid> In panticula' 1 1 Soak tIeus mechanlcgliy, J1 coull ves rnsast careful ta arrangpe lb.glit not fiiid it 'lbnie to prétenmd ta velcome i*eniIiz&.lgd sscoygr wâth a an tisat. asî sue toof vitis imiling face lier vitis an>' showv oT--pleasurèe. ii The Other Way LesDuil. - da ui nibt.~d~oo ud loasenesi heIn, sud ose foot pointesi a'igit ai ber IuspIred lun s uatbir'cg bat < i .popo .y o Jewda.c'Oth ne vervith <>neick ut; shaugl i gnulng 5 dance.tie f.snstIn o og ; and N ero ect nsliS i>-eiemble that <of ê anlit 1 tatiou. ]BaL fan t1«biUIt nt fash eilou- loisthen a t.houesad a year," aeys l~e !retec para-afin d put on niy iyesutn vtIb in ed s oeftea!tise wvans. witblier moue>', ber dis;- a vniter. But aarne persane voulc4- coDver*. LU hts as a perfect model, ansi enjo>'- mouds, audihOT treneliapt -vt, 1 -caulsi n't live propenrly uo malterbhoyw StrawberÉ ad BhÜbàrb JeU.- ed the posiug titaraughl>'. Te obois (ake isi'lavely chuidlitue Llith to my îuIfethôdor hov ~wel'prtt>'ilu vanlaus'attiSaudes, vîtis hart; and-thus thorglt lveTe>be 't1 meke m ieul on grasé-ecosiniglie', me- coatreuef ahi«,oltconsclous au I - hbothy «t. ' Mthd -se e4ua ,l taties o fi f ai bedon o er notions'o! Iappînesa. ligisti>'kiéSesi the 'scenSed and povdened ,fi srmvimed -ri.Wàhedcurs- "Sliold't 1 bave made a capital an- choit Madge'rffai!ef te -mne.,- k&5<3 - a-i.n aid ,-u rÙ tIs t'a inodel?" île- askesi me more titan "Tou diS nôitlexpeet -nie," site sld. baÈb i'a'- wiî- the once as vitit ligît touches., ever>' o n king graefuuiy luto the aruscbaîr I -~ u ~ ~ xîe1vs~<- of vhicis sent (le bioad tlngltng ta muIr lif luit- vecato&4uî - -- -- - OoÏrejàràly a - flger-Slips'a ared ber bain, or ma<J- I mae enauIVSlstlvemovoinent ta' lornrin otearhubarb needu lon'er oc&>6 . se ed berpbedor baud 00 (liat1S houlI&lie neyent her fr0 tiu-t. ,Xeould nfot l î- e kng- Ue Wf'm'l lu focus. - Za sse ant enta ueo ber ju t mil1n. i ayis pic- NnDou ý i wavatr, as this fruit drawe 'rhe photognapber adhs si ta red LoitI thoukit, e 0,o IV, 1v1LxuvlPw'taOiavbr -w~e.actaaliy -ntliusiissthc. uie ifarced ta ahmit tat 0 - ta'i' er. uée Pe ý thi "I averealynover takenutisofeattractive P r-b0 r er, off er the important advnt- ries lu15àtigt fr ',a1;13ihr - g uýpýq1ei.. cattage that they do flot diaturb aýnd, let drip ove-rnight. I- a ormi- c,ifltdecl té 'leIbi. . c îst- i iemsur 0, (mcdea tir~~ei jtse~jç ulef the rest of the systein or -gms-r uclxua ai m> th 1?ousd-adfgae a e aon.'ô crin q ao vm 1!ecui i lýe tonri b ,iyi n fec lce"quâi -int .of -sugr 13rîng oL~rIl cde - Itlb o avembet e ito--spoil, cil.fr-uit Vo biling poitsdaine 8IW87 anmti? uoOsevSatîu-sd ta 5110.0 daenkeeofai bael. cYés 0f 25C. a box at your - ffiteen-mi-autés. Také o!!*-SoM - i'. "Gaiîg abouat anS spen Slug moue>',èle. ~ Yl-- -- ' i51 svuguc lIgs is >0-aaS- 'Ybu didn't exPect tasene"site re- 'ht-ie.Ad-ii itý u mnil-c?" beatef. "Cleei>. you eron't tbiskiug Druggisimmer;that v ices Ad u inte suga "Wiltb me fr rcosuîsa ln"a e. Are yau very buny?" --- p1~Du '-- u lxmrtnmr iueto ")f'course. Yeu are a, > -0nie Ver y. -i rael i~ls lto,- ,tir in reat cf sugsT; . Ateir it la (0iup" - oiolg came studgessfram" ald W b Iljr agean oin. eboiigpoint waLh WQtlf 0l'i-alI>' tlîlîk il lovely t ' tahtse' *, fin"mNaur ~e., - b, lw~e- Qb ss?"- nteaed fan a -viking. 1 expeet blm tii s soon as juice b-ones- thi 22' a, Oust. i lireak- h:uat tIse 101 1(1 i1d SA .1 "iiis a BoitbIalhe - - - 1,ga4ha', iu ury, athipt&h ifi 5011E CANDI» CüoMpABIsoN-%s ennbiSts l in. o!the. bliiid- BY A TRAVELLER. ag, î lady' a booti wilen placed ou cold plate it le don.. 5aYs Tfiey PJay Mûre Important Plcen.trilzo gase Vsit'ave Part In àNeiy York Tha h beau dipped iu water, oover witlh a .y t clotlu and lot stand for a Iew days, In London.a tihèn seab i-tis: p8itafRnf. If ai jelly I eea tbat a party of American0 baej in am~îdinvibegar andi -'a- hoteL propniotona have ornt ter as woon as it hai beon emptied England ou-a -tour <if inapection,e us vîli blook dean antd houable -ail -e-nit4oam-andi oomparisccn. The firet i sumumr; nover wash lt in vanin ia - thiag- ia a&il probabilify isat - yl te-r or usa. soap, or th. fruit maine trike tisonlis the- very -diffeout wtl, ha set. - oltion cccupied by Vise hoteis ,in Strawberry and Pineapple Jam Great Bitain antinlutise Unitedi Fie upfiuls c f, hul-led borrnes. - Statesi1 and- especia.lly in I*do Proportions: Tisree . oupfuiis a , Yfk wiesatrn-". «round pineapple; tvo cu-pfuls Of! lantse traveller bthois London DaÏly I -ii-uUed stwberries; fourcupfulo&af Mnýil stugar. Methoti»: Combine fruit with In Lonidon, hoiselq& are a conven- uiart o! tise sugar and letl stand a bonce, a veleome accesaory to tise few lheurs, Vison eook for fiftoenorscilrudauanebeadd- twety inuas.Atii rsto swaroertive ensbelîisisment. But Vhey1 aud coA until <lear and wvo'ltllick- are very fa-r froi being tise pivot, oued. Put iu susail gla-aies, coveror one10o! tise main pivot., o! metro- a-ad let stand eune or tve tiys, thon pelitau Hife. Vet tisait lis e -igis Ee-al as directeti for jelIy. finctMon Vhey fulfil in New- York. -They play a part in tise daiiy life cf1 UsèfUlIlit.Manhattan Ilond tiis b nfintély Illots.exceeethVie part playod by similar To make a iseavy sewing table establishinente in any otiher capital esîsghion, fi lia -tout cover v it i e. iu tise vorld. Thiis usakes a very heav.y cushioru N.Y. Folk Vv~e' In Rot-clu. tisat eau be used as a veiglut. A etr-kae!fVise vaitere in Vise New il le a vise thing te raise saule Yîkhassdrsarnsis okra a7nd dry Vise poe. Tisey wil1peoved- again and again te be littie keep indefinit.ely, sud tisere le ne leýs tisau social calsuity, noV a botter ffavon forsoupisud bouil- more treumblesome antId dconcertingt lons. incitint., but s-omeisi-ng tisat for tisef Aften vaising lac e tîrtains iay a Lime being positivoly di-snupt.s so- - blanket un tise fiocpr of an oifPty chety and bei-agsiilte oau abrupt -i-oin, spreadtise ciî'taiu-s on Vise -- blakei, urec'iin tiouscaef-ll stoppage. Tise reaeon l is at an sudet tethn -tmo ulk e pae (l eomusp e itgof t-le privase andthe wll ee inplce it-t ouetertaiument and hospitalit>' oft !asteaing uni dry, thse city lu given ir puîblie, aud tisa-t1t IL le <oery ea-sy te mae a nev pan.pr- iel eLNl o o- asol u! an olti one by car.efully rip- psude inve thi nienis -ine vort1i- ping uf tise olti ciath anti aing 15 thans nithei r bo to lseyvere 1a- as a patIcîn to eut-a new o)ne, whihi isâis or Lond-onei'3 or Vienuese I imaY ho made eitiser <)f cretonne or woulsi neyer dre arn.o! being witiscut EI ngligh chintz, - a liotîseof isit' ývn, and tWhîoI It lu veli wvhen bleaéhiug a pîcce voulti re-gardi it aiusost.as a atatterl (4. lace -or linon Va place i-t in soSlJy -foue' apology if t-bey inviteti t-heir visSer and set it ouît a! deors, viserg fnieude to dine vitîs them'anyvisere it eMa get a etroug sunlight. It except be-ueatlî tisein ovu rooft-ree.1 .hauld be covencti vit-h a piece of TeEs WyOt glAss ta keep thse duist oetoa!theoTeEsyWyO ITlhe Riisz, VisePlaza, Visa W'ald4.. When ltisl; desired to carr>' s can- Sherry's, Delmmenco sÇ,, and tise due inte a d-rafity cellar or attic twemîtv otisen first-clas uisteîsand svl-ere t-bore is danger of it isiowi.g restauirants are Nev ok'tia- ouîtt on set ting tise cldthes on fiî'e, -a pliant anavel' to the conditions tliais s-hunt cen-ie slseuld -te place -a! linit hee- ares sund'se make hoïmes tumblei'. being faatened there bv ibs ïcarce and dean, and tisat al&socoin- ovn vax. Itviii tien buru uteadilv plicato -ttiedmestic service problem 1 and safelv. a- nd se ijçe tiscan incomforta.ble. Tise follovimg il; a listod dou'ts To live lu Fise-ise gay and. gorgeontsi sdbeu cooking bacon: Don't b-y te insetitsuItionsBa nt to ontertain lu cook it to;oô faut. Don't put it on thse thon s »tise easy vay eut. Tise lieS fine sud lbave àt alone; tara is at tI t iis t also tise expensîve vsy eut1 ieagt 5h roc lrneus turing tise pro- nover'ueemu te bothen aîîybody lu ces. l)ou't ise-r>e is on a cold dues. Nev Yomrk. I have net tiese liglstesti Haw wicker &houîld -ha sc-ntbbed doabistisait Now Yorkers spend pic-t w itis a e-iff bru-si anti sebite sea poriouately st les-et twice, pxobe-1 suîds. Bimse and di'y qaickly; tb-en bly iliree tinles, ase suchin laiseiels bhinissail oven with a. sveetci anti sud restaurants.as au>' e-tiser coin-i turpea-tino, equal parle mixeti. mumniVy lu tise vend. Wlien dm'v, wipe off vit-h tisic-k, s<ft Anetîser thiîîg tisait stnikes au elotis. Englishman about tise hotels i-n Nov Te make doUdcous iced ceffee.- use York ilst-bat t-bey are public pro- eue quert af rtraug eoffeo; bill & pers>. Cas'ual pa.aers-by drep un, quert of! iik anti a4d Uila ote s it about, emoke, liste-n te -Vise mu- coffee, ant i tl ouamr un a plut of sic, write lettons, just as tisougis cream. Place in -thie refrigerautor tise>' vone memibers of!a' universeal1 sud serve vibis whippet cresus club., Tiser. is oeefamoas boitain-lu An egg te ho pbnfecti>' boiled Fi! si Avenue visere tise okers-on 9houlti noV ho baileti Mtal. Fill a alvays seem te be tiners. Extra- medium sizeti pitiser vils -1.iiling ordinary people swari alosg Vise waton anti sHow tise egg te lie iu corridors anti louage lunVise public bise aterfer ive e eiht ~ room a nd peer inbo tise dining sa.- lt vil? be soit but eveuiy cooe.' le-ues itply fe>r thir ev amsuse- A -g- -1 clisick1- l-k-own1 b 1 o.t lint anti a a vyo!fpaeLgtisfe SAID BY FREICH AlUILORS. Loveisoldonsdilesa asutitefs destis. Tise'bosso! illusioné, le the 'doatis o! 4h. aoL-Cbamf<ort - sin jo noi soainlful as bypocrisy. -Mnàe. .de Muainteonn. ,- -TheIt wotfantin-the yack! le Stele toe--tirov at- u& 4lÜadvou.ty. -4ý:w Mm&Boohi ---v- itigthe trutis, buP t e avys al t-le trutis. -- - A vomian fuIl o!faitMi th ie One aeo loves-i-s but e. novelList'efanc.- 'Bealzac.- -1,Ieaaure le the ho*er- thàlt pai- - té-ý rzebibrance, tise lastuig per- - -God erè*te:- lueur sn.à8ry thse kiesea of ehiltiten GMr tise tears o! usothers.-E. Legouve.- 1Evil'iese ooémmon lunVise wonlti tisa it-iV laea9y 't» beieve it ratural to6.man.-F., Souilie. S"I -wiii lovýe you alvaýys 1" Tis i s- t-be eternal le tisaMtloyors tell vi-ti tisé greai"tatiueerity. unche6n party. 1If Naw/ Y-6rk'"re ,Piovided>,-aà London½s, withý-a-n gundant suipply of cdeand 4oint- fo-table taxicabs -ait -rcaàonleI pricée, so that tVhere wàâs r, ieéd to dIo iy walking or to criueb PriceleSi garments in a erowded and diitY street car, New York.wosu.n would fnd it poesible to make "dreeBing" the rule inhtead o! .the *ex43ptilçP. ,But people.willý not "dres"' when by not dreesing -bley can gf't »~ ther thettre or restaurant almoft as quic kly and at-a. t3ilrtieth cof the There ihowever, one Égi Custom thaitNew York has.atg 1ýst beègun to, appropriate-I mean W ernoon; f«,. Gà into' the Ritz, ' "r ,the Plaza, or any other ýoshioniable hotel any afterno<o a.t five o'clock and you will find ii a* scene ý vf Vhe6 genteele.st dissipation ,reToliving around noiintatins o! delicacica and 8hotàked the Waiter. *And every care, I'ar glad to be able to add, is taken to protect man' s repuitatÀ,ons and prévent thbem f rom compromising thernalve3- un-- neoessarily. When 1 tricd a feiw nionths ago to strolli n upon -one of thefe alrnost Adamnless Paradises, a ghocked head waiter a'sked me Whbe. ther I was "escortel". by a lady. 1 rffilied thiat j was alone, u tn. f riended- and d-qfenceless. He at on-ce and flrm]y fbowed Ile aw4y le another - id much emptier a.nd glxonieteî ro.orn, whe.re I eo.u]d take a CUP of tea without' scandai or., any cletriment to -my miorals4. I cati ne- ver be toc grateful Wo him. Otherwuis-e 1 do not knovw th at there is inuch difference betweéen a first-rate hotel in New Yo'rk and -one of the sa:me rank in Lonloni. The clerks in th-e office and the head, waiters in the restaurant seem Wo have not-e intimate friends amocng the patron.,;of an hotel in Ný,ew York tlîan they permit theraselves in Lon- don, and thiere is a condeacensionà and affa.biliLy ila their. bearing which I arn afraidEnlher'i.- times fail toC admire. Buit ite le- diamnonded, inail-cieanin9, sprii ou.s youith of the-co epip'mri' a;. kOn' since vxtsidf 'r'>m iManhe-t- tan Island, and Iithogh oi-e may st1li cime dIcross a waliter or chiam- bermiaid or page 4A the rnost un- iuitigated ranretes tl thirik Nevw Yok JTIt]s avc in- menlsely illppuved iii w 1lat f1ft'ý-er yeax- sagu wa.s tqeinbytu weakest pojint--mean tise iersi -al side of iheir serice.er The cooking, on the uther ha.nd, bas fal e -way. I can remernbee it,. when 1V was Vthe 'daintiet a-bd mosàt individual lu the Nvorld, when ue could Étili order a diinner in whhir,! everye dinýh was an appetLiinovel- ty, served with a gCnffine na-tive art, when Cie Fréelih chef was an aully and noV a ijaster, and wheL-ý. the United Sta tes polired foerth her treasires of edibility to be refi4cd throlugi the mie'Ve of Qullie virtius- ity. Those raptuirouis days are, over.« The Frencelinan linus iiow 'Hc his hold on the Aiiierie-an ki-tchen and runs- lt to please hiimsecf and as lie would neyer dare to rui i.L in Paris or London. Nothing is vainer than for a, New York hotél or res- taurant prçprietor to import some > famou.atFreneh chef and.then expect him t e dos well on Maithattan Is- land as he bas be-en doing on the- banlb o! the Seine, In- Paris Ire-la an artist, exhîibit.lng biis-skill for the delectation of a compa'iy of eXpc,-rt' and aeoitoplished cri-ti;cs. In NXew York he is often a inere mechaieril - - r 'i vi t" s 4 s- i does make 'the., LT is wheniyou spread ~ it out on bread or pancak.es, fruit or poridge, that you notice most 1the sweetnes and -perl -puity of REDPATH Extra Granulated Sugar. Buy it Mn 2 and 5.1b. SealeclCÇartons, or in the 10, 20,50 or 100 ClothBaàgs, and yoù'ilgýtthýgenuine " Ks absoli dean, ju&as it Iet t ' . rfur» t ntu'ADA SUGAR RFININUG COe UIiT=1, -tPfIs

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