BROGELIN. ['NEWS eportes'Bi ,offi I tthe Brooklu circuit wen@ n '12 ..,.ua iA gto aMnt the neosîgnaiog. v lis D,)Starn viaited lier daugli- ili pastone.bu te l oi~t '~ - of 11ev. J.7c. .Bell, from te à ter.aWm.uo Watere 'Toouo l te eftiis brandli <e1 thsLord'bwk t, .Mr -Wm wtiýzi ofzocat, ë,ln' iiihe , ethediat> ýMlnlstny.-"ùt ,isltlag hi-iancegi, gr. -Arnold. account 0o! the catale iha liasUlilan Brown SPent SuuIday heaîth ef -bis boloved wiife, lMr.'Bell- i lu Oshawa., a eied t u-anutfadt Mr&s, (FRer.>ILM.B. Wilson le visit- wad drepidte supenannute sud t uiau aDaiagion's.wh re _ is lng tornov retotsVCiden Qutea ube o ers stwnwuwliea ,death suddenly came, sud-si the deconsiion aitbhe Union cerntcry in lois tlian thity minutes, claimied el on Sundiy- bis X4gim la the person eoflir. BOullw U. Grant Eddy sud daugliter, Ot Aler ail wss oven, Ih was Pp 9Ã"-- t] Deaven, , Col, are ou a visît wiili ler cd that Mr. Bell .contlaue bis hleons'a] parents,lMr. sud rMn. Chas. Gras., ou thisle ild, lbut h. smpbatlcfthly de- c Mis. Bell was la Brantiord tki. clînedt&eu sugg%éjtt nd iaitithe i wiek zvleltiag lier daughten, who close e! bis hast service bade ech, i, I«T«,Dexst week ier Winipeg, Mian. sud ail an affctlenate f arewel, as 'w EsRo. J. C. Bell lOftiou Tuesday ths large congregaion, witli saddeu-9 ,lIorfmig for bis, future home la Lyn- edlsns1sdete bi.c burcl iI As the Brooklu circuit compriss Ir. A. E.01v-en, ef Otawa, wab two appolubmeata, Breoklnansd Ked- t vlaltlng ai ithe home of Mn.-A. Ket- non, they inite la preuenting Mr. fi S oe ir last woek. Bell, at the close: of the monning mer- ,il INT -eiulcunden the.auspices ot vice, wlth a well-fihled Pur»e, wbh I lb. -Werne'o Instituts heid ai ihe had blissararnged for, pniorte its hoeeoe! ls. Frank Luk. nu Thurs- saci bereavernent. ,Accompsuying tlicq% -ýef d la1m was quibe auccessful sud lW'-purse was the . !oliowing addnesa c0 bS l.tint. Dean lin. l.- Peerîsa gazoline bas noeoquai fer We, as. repreventaivet e! the neoer cars, gasoliue englues, oz Brookla circuit. dostre e tene ub.ves. Sold by W. H-. Elviss,Bnook- yon,- our beloved paster ns - b'q 1 presaion o! our meut Pnofound aym-a Vbe mili race lunIts prcaent cogidi- pathî, lu yourn adi bereaveent d 04e a b, icoasueye ore tote i.iuli-thrduigli ihs uutimeydeat -of!-_dearj -%W fe orne urne, sudbtche eiso!fBTs. BelL - 1 Ie village were lntoese somethtug Altbeugh ws wcre sliocked by the1 might lie doue. The hope ia te lcienlteligence o!flier sudden demiseî, wO aized, for Mn. Pringis sud Mr. toit assunsd iliat ail was wehi. Etu4oi, t.wo public l spirlbed -rnen,havs The. lieutitul spirit' mafflested dur- takea tbe mator lu baud sud anesos- lag the paluful ageulos of a cruel dis- Pling' the aid of the larmere, wlio case was a benediction te ail with wvlii help Mn. Elvins, our enterprlalng wlo ilorna camlat contact. Tbrough mdller,- te buil-d a new dam, thie old hon ibey wltncaaed the powen e! the e eling broken durng tbe sprlug sustaiuiug Grace o! -God. Whls hen sud.Iý ýlite was ense o sufferlng, yet sbe The Women's- Missionary Society o! faith!uliy endesvored t e pfrtrm ber the Metiiodiat Chunelh will meet On varîed duties lu, the inte7rýst o! the Tucaday, June 16, :at the home Of churcli to wblch sic was ieviugly at- lIns. WIII Ressens. Alil membens pre- tacked. omt. Everybody wblcome. 'Ws also deslne. te express oun lagli Ou Tuesday evening of last week appreciation et your indetatigabloetf- thec Bible Claie - sud a number o! tbe forts te revive spinltuaiity withln 0Segregatlon eto the Presbyteian your jurisdictiou no fan as penmitbed eirch, lnvlted the members of' the te do so. 'L<ult Bible Clase et ths Methodist During yeur brie! pastonate, we <lkunch te a pieula held at the borne have taken -o! use icli Mauna ot the - g Mr. Jas. Smith, Columbus. There Kiugdom et God, and have net <uly were about 88 pressand -a meuit been blessçd but edified sud deilgiited. aioYà al$e utternoon was spentinl And now a4ý you witbdraw frein our Playlng bail, gaines, etc. Tes was ridsi ws take great pleasure, in be- uerved on the lawn, after wblcb Mn. hait et the contribubors, lu pieienting O mitii, wiie ln anaulder of the yen with tuis purses san evidence o!, ekuncli aud -Supenîntendent of the S. our love sud ssteem. Sehool, Ws pregonted wlth s goldi- Slgnsd ou oleaf -o! - thie congrega- laeaded umbrella, by the Bible Clase tien. *Mfcers snd leathoe BOf the S. S. The old milîrace that lia foi-yeans Rs remnembrance ef bis 'hlnthday flewed tbrough the heani e! the Vil- leb evonlng was spent lu muse, etc., lage; lu ias sappeaned, terniponarily, ai Z aatogether a very enjoyable day leasi, ewing te a break lu île dam. *u8 spent. Oas of ourfriends, te whorn w. are Il was wlth deep regret that the mucl ilndebisd, bas supplied us witb Seasonable Nocossarios Ironl Age 5prayers are a necessity and a benefit. They save your crop, increase the yield and improve the quality. We have a variety to choose from for niany purposes. "Binder Twine has advanced. Be sure and get our prices before placing' your order. Cockshutt Riding Cultivators No. ail steel two row corn cultivator, han al the latest mprovements and' cultivates two rows at one tiùie The Cockshutt 5pring. Tootli One Row -Corn Cultivator also buit with stiff teeth, is a, leader. Lawn- Mowers our, aà sotment is cornplete,, and the prices right. Acompletec Une of new and used- Cardiages on hamd. Morses Afew good young Clydesdale Farm Hoises for sale. ýW. F 1'DNEY WHITRY9 ONTARIO. Bell and Independent Phone&. d Il 't hi et ,ntô bo~ adktbhik, sud ti nin no w taâiéI* *hsbuilt -:ihat os beesi f10owlu alou - the. iace ýhrvug> ~ ~ mpii ove ;i. 1Idfuj e Icad 6rý4 .ualong ;lih i bc.. y ew, b y bewor tf bugies thai -have 'ite Men. 'wgoshed w1th waten Inéasthé,nrm, and, -Bine lie adveà t of %be uv1q Iireer b âmouni torw.aie d~t i 0 t ii ten the leyà 9grl etiiidt skaie ou ,4he pond., Added at1us was the le. harveent sud -ithe cemrnots vrhich bave cerne tnom the use - of It ln the hot summen days. Whie al Ibis bas been enjoyed, liere lias been a meaure et aafety- from lre by havtng sucb a suppiy ef rater runaing througli it.he art of Tiieneb-as bea a good, deal of liard rork gSd quit* a mum of! money spent on thes systeas -of >vater Power te keeP It golng all these yeans. IThere wus albad ,brî"a& ta the dam a few v-elai ago. 'Mn. Elvin. baau iufin a angine te supply power, sud It-wouhd mmr freju present reports uhat the dam wll net be repatned. OCaa the people of Breollansd surroundlng country ashow te let tbi. ild fnlend, the water pewcer, paso awsy witiiout rnaklng some effort te, oelp to repaîn lb ? Wbat wiii ithe answer be?1 Nots.-Slnce this was written, we aderstand efforts have been made te reusw the milîrce. Mention ef tht. sa made elsewhere. osng aRve You eti ý >1 - 1 Ç~i tuaie Biliou - te4~ c.rAttack ? 4ýY "D 'rb Chebarn1Tabletà keep W9s.,,tèiGsniid thet@aWhy tb.y are seDoeffective ~~~~~~~ on Paea(n edn u iaillmenta whIih are tth. fora- The r*dl mai.i -AM 8R be runnersfe!billeusnesa. Try. gutttg lu bis.*r~eyWt5atr them. soc. a botl. Drugglsts iias::w, bave net lis!any *,om- Md Dealausor by Mail plaints. lira. Geo. Neail Ã1- tiW cinfined te ohW Mdoa e ,ber bed,.- andt, it! hope. are etr âaned forilien recvery. ý Fred Disney carne, outt Irorn Whitby C AM ERAI' lu hi. auto ou Sunday and calsd 7 A L T on smre of lits many friende bere. lir. Demny shipped a carioad of stock- from Greenburn. Some of. ourCLUBS stock mena ootrlbutsd. OUITg Mir. Robt. Pllkey iost a valuabîs Quite a number went te the docor- horoe on Sunday. lait. Inflammation ation at the. Union cemetery laut belng the cause. . Suniday. Tii. appie trec caterpillar tua ter- Mn. Wm. Sutherland, o! Toronto, rible 'scourge this year. Tii. orch- visited heýie rccently. arda- ans being evernun by them. Thene, was a stnike among the C. .:Ste#sn>on ,wa. pPolnted te bridge gang last, week, but, iuckily attend --contce au ' ldeegat,* thiagewcee'ettled qulekly. frein the Greenwood circuit. 1 A tfull number of delegates weut' 11ev. Mr. Tink le! t for Napanee to from hsns e to-he Liberal Conserva- attend the aunual ceatsrece. Irns tive Convention. ai Whttby laat Bab- work waa aupplied on Sunday.« uriiny. Mn. Howard Macksy, who bas been Mn.. Edward Fice liad a very nair- detained frn sebool thnough 11ine9s, row esacape lat Satunday when lier ceturned last. Monday te Wbby. herse becajue itiglitensd ai an auto 11ev Mn Tlk prachd m i _ and thnew lier ohitf etti buggy. 5h. à i . ,e--~ s.caneA urith oa svrs.euit on the bathn. A MrL. Harrison 4woompanied hilm. Hs le working ln the Interesta of the. Britlah and Forelga iln e cisty, and 19 maklng a boue t houe canvass, diatributing litera- ture. Mr. John Bickle asud Brookilu Bel le, won let prize, ai Brooklu Fair, May 25, 1914. Heavy draft Canadian Bred. MYRTLE. lins. Imals Grant ispeal last wcek wlth fniendi llLoadon, Ont. Mns. Canr, wbe bas licou under the doctor's cane, lo improvlng. A number frorn hors attonded ths Ilonservativo Conventien ln Whutby on Saturday. Mr. Arch. Johustea bas go$ utant- ed ou bis new joli, carrylng tbs mail. The "Tent Caterpillans" are prov- ang te lis a great pesi' ln til vicia- fty, wliole orchards being riddled by them. Considenable spraylng lias been doue, but unlesthe alirube ibat barbor ther n lafonce sonns ans 'ut down, It wilil be Impossible te ziterminate thern. Spring .WH ITEVALE. The foliowing budget wss delayed lasi week owlng tte tho post office belng closed cii' tbe King's birthdsy. .Roger Hawkins, et Bnownsviiie, Oxford County, iuetored l ins reSat- unday a! teroon, sud speni Sun- day wllh -Mr. Turnersuad the rnany relations et bis. Ho lo a preaperous tarmer, - sud once rau on the tom- pance ticket for Southi Oxford. If ins wen l now possibly ha mighi ho clected. The orchards are swarrng wih worms, sud lu soins cases the [arm- ers ane pulllng their usais down by liüand ud ing te -dlean thspest ln uhat wsy. s North, South, East, West men andwomen are subjet tothe nuerusalmnts caused bydefective or irregular action of the orga f digestion and elimination. Headaches, lazy feeling:,rdepression of spirits are first consequences, and then worse sickness followsif the trouble. is flot removed. But thousands have discovered that 73w eehAm~9(' (TkeLawtS&eso 81f Amy Moceiein t"h.WorMl) are tii. most reliable cori-ective, and the beet preventive of these cern- mon ailments. Better digestion, more reatful sleep, greater strenirth, brlghtérspirits, clearer complexions are given tothose who usa occasion- ally thiatîme-itcsted home rezuedy. Beecharn's. Pilla will ne doubt help you-it la te your interet th try thern-for ail over the world they Are, Pronouneced .Best l'prd only by Thoa lihas e. Hlons, Lmo Easir. cad ýRAGLAN. KINSALE. lira. W. Finey lu vlsitiiig withbler Mn. and lMre Chas. Mackey vited parents. at Solina on Sunday last. liMre. Albert Gnose ia under the Mr. and Mns. Levi Mackey havs ns- doctor'a care. turned te Toronto. lira. Buekier vlîted lunlManchester Messrs. H. W. lieBrien ind Fred recentiy. W. Gibson are both buildfing barns A number from bere attended the titis sason. Old Boys' Re-union ln Port Perry -Mi Walter Rogers has been under on Juns &rd, ani aIl report a good the doctor's cars, but la now bet- trne. A geod deal o!fonettemelnt,- was caused hast wesk wlion Mne. lie!- !at's liarn was liurned dewn. The hurn contalued aotilng but. some f urahture, whlch unfortunately could net hie savcd. 31=y people gathed but thie lire could net be exiagUli- ed,,liscause ih was tee tan sdvanccd listons il was discovered. The roof o! uhesacheollieuse, wblch le neanliy, caugitenu lIns, but Ih was eztingulsli- ed wltli water. Tii. cause o! the lIre la umkuown. ASHBURN. Thle snntvsry sèrViecuof Burus' Church, - Asbburn,- wili be bhd on S9uuday sud Monday, Jane 14 and 15. On Sunday upeclal services ailibe pneaehed ai il a.m. sud 7 P.m. by P-ev. A. M. Cumbi, B.D., Ph.»., pastor oe!thélieFrSi Preobytenlan Chanci, New York. Sprcga- effet- Inge, aud spedai munie by Barna Chunci Choir. ou Menday tes ilI b. aenved iu the basement o1 the chumtum tir 5 i Oo"coc. Late ISIRi.* chancI a prognam wMflb. ton. Mns. Neal la noported net gatniug lu heslth, wo regret te state. li. Fred Harbron'e huIsl girl, who bas been lu the hospilatia Toronto undergolùig an eperaion, hasnoturu- ced borne, havlng rscovened nioely. Rov. E. W. Tiik bas rsturned !îom Conference. He wlll stay witli us for sueuber yoan, whiclIolamontsast- lsfactery te the circuit. A young proliattouer trorn Whhtby teok charge otftthe service on Sun- day ovealng hast, sud gave 'au exeel-' lent discourue. Ws regret te hean o! Mr. Edwards geiting- his leg broken -wbule ou bis dulles. Au automobile caused thes trouble. On Tuesday, afiernqon of lait week tbe.W.M.S. mctitithe berne o!flins. C. J. S*T~en. About 80 repre- sentaive womea gathered tegOther ln i g.fu*tersso ofmissions, and à meut isitexoeting trne la repoecd TIeru1n oM simdsy 1lu1 wu Most welSme te the. Urming cemmuuniy Raip fl briY ami Novd Mick- 07, two of oun beys wbo anc attend- bead and noms bruiss. Check thonso ~lds la the Head with FOURAL ALM As&'you know, 11catching a colda sm>ymeansallowng tegrao to catch Yeu. Uuaiâlytheeterma, which mbound wherever people congregategnthi £rSt lfoothéld In tbeninuôu a mmbrane linlng the. nasal passages. 'Here they multf-ply il uncbeclced, and quickly senup anlnflammation.' Then follows that smartlngburning, atuffed Up, "bheadacby" ling ýjthat coid in the head that la se depressing and n lâcely to develop laIe aomething more surious. Pessai Baim goca rlght to the spot, lis th 'gera nd checksthe cold. oaiale a aatiueptic, healing olatment, put lup ln a collapsible tube vith a long, noazie-ahapea oenng. Tid. littie nobale, lnserted ln the mostuil, carrnef the Poasal Bali well up Iuto the pasage, where it quickiy ofied over t.heinflamed membrane, dtro th germa that are causing the. trouble, soutbea the irritation, elem te p , suad gives grateful OM a 5oc t*eof Posal ]3alinfrein yoUtDruggln or ,rrte for it direct to Is. National Drum & Chemical Ce. of CaaLmlted. Montreal. 4 The regular monthly meeting of t ho Water and Light Commission. was to have been held on Tuesday evsuing, but some of the members wero unable to bs present, and the meeti ng was postpoued. Rheumno Cures Rheumatism. No matter h9w long standing your case may be,' don't despair, get a b'ottiee fRieumo to-day. J.E. WiX- Ho5 selis it with a guarantee to bene- lit you.. Rheumo le wondcrful ni it8 quick action, the pain ceaseâ, the muscles'and bones arc rld of soreneas and stiffness, and very soon a llheu- mo patient je able te have the same strcngth and vitallty of youth. Rhcu- mo1 builds biood tse rich and thick that uric- acid cannot possibly exist. Rheumo costs only $1 for a large bottle from J~ Willis or dlrect,all charges prepald, from B.V. Marlon Co., Bridgeburg, Ont. ac mplet and atlctoÃŽy benkinj a.rvis. Sa"e Notes collected o vo s q trma, ,d reaois aesu. Thé Seinga Dopffmtent îIs al0ansdi« money. Intora t curie trates iil psd on mc WHITBY B3RANOH., A. A. AT --OSH4AWA " Y.H. BL NOTICE TO STUDENTS ness Schoos oto begs to advîse ail senior Publie Sehool and al HIigh Bobool utudenite, that it -in prepared to mail a eopy of its curriculum 10 -any one who desires to quahify in a short periQd of 6 or 8 inontha for a ood salaried position. Address Sa ha SchoA>s, Toronto- Ontario. nHbead O0ffice, Yonge & Gerrard Ste.. DISNEY BROS.* Brooklil,- Ont, EMBALMERS, AND E IFUNERAL DIRECTORS I ayrngtcaîls promptly attend- ed te. ;o etra charge f or distance.M A compets and up-to-date stock oft o aiesand' 1upplies always on band to ehoose frein1. mue l KEEP AN EVE TO YOUR EYES Don't lose sight of the great importance of good ,sight. At the first -inti- mation of eyo trouble conSUIt me. JBFRAOTIIIG 0 PTICIAN. - 169 YQuge St. TO-BONTO OCONTRÂOTORB J. HÇWELL JAMES Carpenter, Builder and Contractor. plans drawh and estimates furnlsbed. Repaire, Alterations and jobinji Aigent loir Brantford oin Box 467,. WIIITI$Y Pkuie 149- = jOHN T. ýHORtNS3v=-ý Plans Made and Estimates Gilèen. AUl Kinds of Brick and Concrete Work.. RepaIra te Chimney Stacka and Boilers. a1 peiaty Whltby,.'(Box 9') OnarI Bell Phone'i38. Imarriago iens A. H.ALIm fue e arriage JAM'UR . Cornerdugtrwlb No Wituesses re4ulred. New- LaundryO We *iïh to acqulint thef people off Whitby and aurrounding couýntry wlth the fat 't that we have opened upi a first- clasi laundry on Brock St., Wl itby, ln Hewis Bros' ol d atone. We are prepared te, do ail, iinds off laundry work. Family erders givera apecial attention. Ail work guaranted. Parcels called for and delive'red. Charles War Whitby, Ont ROYAL THEATRE 1HNCUSS IOVINS PICTURE80 Open c revening. -' -We have installed a à new Simuplez machine, which -is absolutely flickerles. and easy on the eyca.- Saturday niglit, rc te ail. BAIN PERRIN, Manager., ~Farms For Sale, Upwards of* forty farms fro M 25 acres up, and at from $25 an acre, guaranteed te show satisfactory résulte from - îvestment, located in Whitby and Pickering Townships. Every - conceivab.le requirement of soil, buildings, oechard and other improvernenýs eau be met in the varied list offered. J. E. WINN, Bell' phone 109. = WJiITBY P. 0. Box 394 Residence, Dundas St, West. Toron xpe to, Ont.e mpoya smoymut beaoe there re ouh- ýtan. Onfe upolO fil à ore hanw a tho ,bot an for catalogue Cor. Voage sud Alexander Ste.1 Prînciva Impregnable .S trengtli Maximum Bon e/t s Incompa rab/e Dividends Minimum Net Cost For rates and app F. J. DUFI?,m Speolal Rep. bM7rtle. [R Tho Nutual WH-ITBY MARKETS' What, fan . ... ..1.00 le 1.00 Wliesi, 900"e............ 0.05 te 0."1 Bariey....... ............. 0.50 Ibe 0.55 Beans ...........1.00 te 1.15 Ry ......... ... ......... 0.70 to 0.70 Poa.............. 0.90 te 1.00 Bu ekwheat.......... 0.70 te 0.75 Oata ... .....-..-....... 0.40 te 0.47 Red« Ciorer. ... .. 9.00 te 9.50 - FLOUR AND. PEED. Flour, Per cwt. ........32.50 to 2.75 Chopped feed, ewi. .....1.50 te 1.50 Çôrameal .. .............2.00 te 2.50 Bran, per ion .........25.00 to 25.00 Shorts, por ton .....27.-00 to 28.00 MEAT, POULTRY, AND PRODUCE- Bec!, ewt., dnessd ...12.25 te, 18.00 cattîs, livei welght ... - .'7.50 te 8.00 Lamba, eh..............- 6.00 te 8.00 Hogo, dressed .......:..%ý19.00 te 11.50 Hoga, select............. 8.25 tle-5.50 Clickons, per lb ...... ..0.16 te 0.18 Dueka, per lb ............0.18 te 0.20 Gesse, dnessed, Per lb .... 0.18 te 0.20 Turkeys', dro*ssd, peu lb. 0.20 te 0.25 Butter, per lb .... ......0Ã".28 te 0.28 Eggo, -now, pet dz . -.....0.20 te 0.22 Lard, per lb.............. 0.18 te 0.20 Potatoca, per big . 1.20 te 1.25 Applos, par bannel 1.50 te 8.00 Ontoas, per bmg .......1.00 t01.251 Hay, per ton ..........40 i. 15,00- f uil information ply to Cal!skiaspe l....0.15 te 0.18 LA. E. DONOVANL lhSsc . .0te 0.71 Queen & Victoria Stlpe 1301 S; Torouto, Mgr. Dm .......... .. ....... 0.35 b 0.10 Life ImumoG,~~ele.....0.60 t ..00 ralw opOr lb ..... .SO06to 0.00 d New Yopi lover. Pmubu..$ e .tees.'O MONUMENTS of al Dozlgis and Naterlal kept bn Ste It Winlpay you to calMat works aud -lnspect for yoursei. Doa't b. nitaed-by agents. Ve net ompioy, tiim, 0onsequently we a and de show the agent'. commL* 10 per-cent., whlch'4you wii centsl ly save by - purcbaslug froin m. A Coli Sollcited. office sud Worku Opposite Standard'Baak, Wltby, C Homeseers Excurs1ýo 1To ponts on the ,.ý TEMISKAMINS A NORTHERN ONTARI RAIL WAV . Haileybury and North in Nord ern Ontario* From al pointe, in Ontario , Quebec, on the -Grand TÉr unk an 0. P. Rlys., except West .of Ch'a ]River and no rth of Parry Sle -on the d. P. P. Ki1 Leaf IE MEDIC Protessi< .JNOO E4 FAR Baris5ten, Count 'C * - Couuity Sel OfficsSouth wing Cour sarrlstes. solitor. No ç, B&ock St., Opp. Moncy te AMSRIITLEDÉE, -Meney te Loapi o j=- imredliately s5 -. ~Waitby, 6. YOUJNG SU Issiier MARRIAGE L $ Court House, Wbitb Conveyancer, 0( Oshawa, ir %ffce- No. 2n Kiýng St. ~JResidence-52 Phones-OffiCe, 321; W. ADAMS, .Dentis, * W» -êeTÃŽ esideuce No a m St., Whitbv i JAS. BIE Oshawa,, Licensed.A: cesser -te L Fairbar a"d dates apply Ie si LICeNS.EDAC > AND -VALU Al kinds of snlesp cd- te. Arrangementi be imade at tti Gazet Týerms, reasenable. Bell sud Indepeudel WITUIY,I lou, KMs Ibo nd Tickets at specially. redueed rites goôd going. June 101h, mmd valld foroturo utll Seo pour neareetRÉ Iway Agent, fer fuIl pa*tibulau rs rApphy te Q.P. 1 T. &à I. Ely11, Nortli Bay ont. FARMS AND Ff WANTEI We SeIl all lase(ifu country ri c tLt we havéelleuiries £c of prepertyt-iu (Mît mayhave .the Ipur-cîa5 what yoit se JOHN ]PIS"] ,409 hugmsdenï - TORON .J U . aî8l Canerai L~ Bus -and Dray -Ru., to ail tx "ÀUTOM7O 0BILE E , s f ai i)AY OR N Bell phonés'--39% Stables and lieux 8, loi- ARCI TORONTO F.F.a LUKE9 uiiver Corn- Cultivators Are the very latesi 'and best idea, straight from the great corn fields of Indiana. Don't fail to corne to our warerooms and investigate before purchasing :s Most necessary of farrn implements. A car l6adof first grade Frost Fence and Gaies just to hand. ____ -URIAHMJONES Brookiin --- Ontario. Bell and hnd. Phiones. top, à ba q -4 Have You any Prpoperty For SaleP sIf se,c eut tand mnai I this-coupon for our listing forin. Phono 193 Creater Canada Improvomont and Land Co., Limltod,4 Brook St.- * Getlemen,- 1 have a ..........................for sale. Kindiy send your listing formi. . ) . NAME............................................... 1......... *Greator -Canada Improement& Land Ces BelRICHAROSON & RICHARDSON, MAAES Belphone 193.- WHITB-Yt ONTARIO Imd. phono 70. ý -La