Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jun 1914, p. 3

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lies et ahcor off .NetUeY e* mles te i. outiieatl, wi4h tg boe in air ide- amidohip#, ed by a eOlIHi 'itib théeIvrer- grain steamer, Ineeémoré, id, f rom a BlWiek Ses por tot ,w'rp. The. Incemore, S, much U1r crat t han -the Germa*in mer, of 3,000 oddtons, isin chere with her; boi badly shed. 5" we collision1 oeurred -t he lish Ohann'é1, thirteen miles à ôt thbe N ,>b tghtéhip, in a te fog. Jusâ -bew it occurred, oèn wuihd ve sel lies the. respon- lity, eannotj1b. acertained at1 présenttimnt.The-oCe5 KaiSer Wtr lmi X have per- Wd ne o munication te h. hld' ianyone on boa-rd, and they neelves have refused te gilve eut informatio, wh&tever. Such t detaila-asiaebeen obtained Le from, theI1leemoe. Thati VOS- bdvirtuaàly Came to 3& stOpb- cause êf taie danger of cotnuing tm dider w"y in .iieh ua 1ikrfOg,whM-to WdIdeaily ter koinéd up juOt ail ,ahad of ber the hu>ge amo!lii Rser WilbeIw L -b te~> Both captaim irs t.heir bst,' a.void a8;collision, but tii. shrt di- ' tance separaMagthé twO veésélé rendered their, effOrts ý-jneffeou8bI, and tbe Incemore struo-k.ti.linter on thO stabosrd uide omidships' Thie force cithtei.impact crumPled, up her own bosa&idtora bg @P" z-ntheKaierWiihelnWsi'8 di., It at was the mnpreuéionfl !tei b~r the. Inccmore thàt thi ele va- en- 0o tirely above 4,he wter-line..-The. tb twe steamers- etood. by ea-ch oicr unti it ês Mertiled tat neibher 0 tieeded immediste assistance', then ]P Wah stërted eIowlY for SOUthiP- O ton. of Tho. forepeak of the. Incemnore ra.- pidiy fiued with wMer, bu.t ti atout bulkhead Confln0d itu there, em a.nd, althoui;h 00 muéh d'own by tube m boive' tha4utii. propeIllr was haif tn out of thbe water, ie managed ta w pr.Ther U '-ws fud - damae t tub bove x-c teudd %o a lngtu o! wélv fee 01 ~D DDlfhIITS TO FLY ACUOSM 1qORTH[BA of ilF PRO UJV Lieut. Gran WilIITry flic Fligl tI a Blerlot.- a i c.?9 02F Ow3 A despmWth f rom »d<No»Y- va*=: icS nos or'Auunà. Lieutenant Grani lateofteNr Toronta june- 28 -Flour--OntarlO Swels n tnavy, -ml a embe O !,- *héa-t floure, 90 pe 'cent.. 13-85 ta $1.0 ct. nacte epdto a M-sa-hard a-ndl at ' 3.0 Toronto, an-planning tofly fron tatan& ta -tb-mi'lslpt nts ajuté bams. 5.6' t do., seconde, 1-51Istrang a- aaen'. îý Norwa-y, aover ir ias 0 e jutéelba-sa-e. 4. -fo!thbe NorthBSea, in an Ord.inawy m-aîtoba- weat -Bay Ports-N. lîcriotinopla-ne fitted with air Nornheri, if 7âc, a-n lJNO,2, Do tc. Ontario wheat-Olo. 2 at $1.02 ta cachions, which -s-ould kep liii1 $1,08, Outoide. aad $i.0t5. en Ina-c". Te-mm-hine aflost for twenty-four (Jais--Na. 2 Ontârio oa-t, 40à ta 4110. heurs if it 4rops inl:e the-sea. As outeidé. a-ad at 43, ho 44è, on tracIt, Ta- 'i-otnd.-Iw i h renta. Western tC aada oatc quuued a-tthe wlnsctnde oni h 42h'ts for Na. 2. and at 411e for No. 3. evénina- Gran ma-y fiy at nia-ht. Bayitponts.& Uanly-Gad naltin aa-haléi, 50 te 6 8c, accordina to u aailty. CROFS IN SASKÂTCREWAN. live-.No. aatOô ta 64c. oatulule.l- Buckwheat-0 o lu#Se, autlde. Crn-Ne. 8 A4xerîca-n at Tife, oan Hot Weather o! la-st Week Ha-e tra-ck, Torontoa a-t ah751e, c.l.f.. cal- BogtAoa olgGan lingwood, ruhtAog rwigGan liran-Manitoba- jbran, $24toe$25a ton, ln baa-s. Toronto fréia-ht. Shorts, A deépatch f romn Regina, Sa.sk., -420 tu $27 J e ays: According -tote .report o! r the statisties' branoh o! the Depart- Buttér-Chaicé iairy. 17 taei19c; la- ment o! Agriculture, seedina- in tenlon, là to 16c; famrmés' sépara-ton ivnl ulyemltd printo. 10itehO20c; #creamnent prînts.!réeh, Sasakatchoa s u- omltd 23kto.24e; de., olide, 21 to 23c. a-nd a-Icoeaer»igago E 'àa-2!to 24c for etrlctly nev laid I rp r aia -go per damen, ln case late, and t Z 2 O te*ho'ing. Wheat is f rom tes tot Z2e for a-nts. itivelve inches aboyé the around, 1-uaey-Jdxtra-cted, in tins, lob to île Per lb. Combe, 82.26 ho $2.60 par doz- ente six ta ci-aht inches,"barloy four en lxr No. 1, ani $2 fan Na. 2. te six inche«, a-nd flax tivo inches. éteee-New chéése, 14 te 14ic fan lae, a-ad 4 teiL4c for hum». - 22 The'iiot iveather cf thbe puasat week fian-Htt-i" cv-ed. $2.20 h htero h$alog.25 aroin ver buel. _primeii. $2.10 ta $2.16. 1hs.bogtaog'h rwn ]PoutrY-kFowl. 17 te 11fc par tb; chica-- grain t a- marke.d extent. All énlu ltta 20e; duecke. 20e; geéme, 15- ta cropa- appear to be healVlly and of -e;tunkeits, 20 tt 23c. - 1otatoeu-Dtaa-t. 81.15 ta 81.20. a-ced atea-dy growth. - untitra-cI, hère, iand Onta-ion a-t 1.10 -Lier bau. un track, BD O Â1511E BPD POND N BY SORE Bacon-Long- diean. 14 te l4Jlper Iffeund Coôme Racek After -a-a-1b Mb. la case iots. {Ha-me-Meduti 18 te 159e; do.i béa-vi 1t17 lj; nits, 141 ciec 4iVas ta 15ec; breakfaàsacon. 18 ta 19c, ba-eke,- 22 te 2ec.- Lard-Tierces, ý2lc; tuba-, 111e; patio,, A ddcepatch f rom Wiarton aays: - c.Tii. body of! John Hodgins waz mal" Eàr aud eua-w. found on thbea-ore cf the bay near Ba-leu hay-No. 1 a-b $15 te $15.25 a- the town on FnΏla-y. -Ho had corne ton. anira-ck i, _hre; Na. 2 quobidat ba-ck te visit old acquaintances &-! -t nai1.o- ta *iv eîu avpe tonanSbsec. !-2 yA.- ,-A A;u- i-ed stra-it--Olr lobs.$81.25 tae 8,0 or t-acIi.Toronto. -W4 tern o ,4 e45 e~N.-. - ieney-ManttobS f ed 5 te3e. FiurO -Manltaha- qpringvissatVâtents, rtsI s5.10; do. seconde. 85.10; stratt a éé'e. $4A0;, Winter patents. chaice. 15.35 te -_15.50; straiglit ollèrs. $4.70 ta $4,90; do. In bing.$2.20 te $2.36.litoltéti oats BercIe, $4,55;1ha-a-oa!90 Ilio., $2.15. Milifecul-Brnlt. $21; shorts. $25; miti- ilhIna-,, $28; moullie. $28 ta $32. Hay-- No. -2., pr ton, car-ltt. $15 ta $16, Cheese-Finest çwetrne, 13 ta 138e; do.. easeenne7-1 ta 12 1e. lButer- Choicet créa-ment. 24J ta 25e; seconde, 23 0t 24e. LE'go--resl, 23 ta 24e; se- .,écte-d. *16 ta 27e; No: 2 stockC20 tt lic. Paiatoi.-1--er ha-a- car lots. $1 to ;1-.20. 1_ý0nNombliema,ý 928e; No. 2 Narthérn.l 91ce; Na. 3 Norbhemn. 89c-, No. 4., 55e; No. 5, Sue; No., 75e; fècl, 70e- Ot- Na. 2. i,'.., 389c: No.-3 CW., 389c; ex- tra- o.1fèed. 138te:No. 1 feeti. 37fte No. 2 fééti. 37le. 13aalei-No. .1, 54e;_ No. 4. 52ie; reèîjiéd. 41c; féed, 48e. Flax-N. i'N.,..$1 40;, No. 2 CtV.. 812;Na. 3 C.W., 11.21. United State arliéts. Mlnn eapolls, June 23.-Wheat-Jtuit, 5e; .'epeniber. 828e; No. 1 liard, 921 lu 92Dc4 No. 1 Nothérn[' 891tate914e; No. "2 Northenn, 871 tla-892e. Carna- No. 3Iyyellw. 66h te 67e. Oat-No. 3 wtie, 378 ta 38c. Fleur unclian-eti. Bran $201. Dulutht. Jure-,23.-Liaeed. $1.611: July, $1.61. Wit-No. 1 liard, 929c; Na. i Nomblierna 91âe; Na. 2 Norblièra 189ï2 e tame. Juhit, Dole_ Lîve Stock Ma-ikoe. Toronto. Junje 23 -Cattie-Clocle but- chers.$8.25 ta iS.50;Geaul. d,88 ho $8.15; coaiîron cowe, $5.,ta $3,50; ca-ère a-nul cutterii, $2.50 te $4; cha1êe fat cous. $6-50 ta $7.26; ehaice bulls. $7 ta $7,50. Calv os-GCo(id vent. $8,25 ta $10.50; coane.$4.73 ta $7. tockers and féeders-Stéere. Si00 ta 900-Ihs. $7.25 ta 87 -75; aood îualiby. 700 te 800 Ibo., 87 te $7.50; liglit. $6,25 bu $7.25, a-hec; a-ad lanthe-Ligit mese, $6 ta $7: lieav,,. 54.60 ta $S; huieka. $4.75 to $ 5.30;. String a-ibe, cach, 86 te $7.50; yea-rlings, Iambe. 86.50 ta $8.1f), Haa-s-ii.50 ta $7.65, f.o.li.* 87.855 ho $7,90, eed a-rd 'vatereil; 88.10 te $8.15 off cars. Montreat. Jure 23,-PrImée beéve, 74e - tia-a lIt'le ovel 86c; imédium, 5g ta île; caîni, g.4â ta Sjc.mitkmen's srppers. 6. ta 7c,-b tîlclicous, $30 ta $885ea-ch: caltes4. 3 Io 71e,; she11it, i IiTé. uping laattb, e.l8tu-$7 iéach; tuaa. 583c- appea-red, ne one knowing viiene ho had a-e.until bis body vas a-coi- dentally found. 'TIiere are no &marks o! violece cf a-ny kind. ERâ dcath 'va-sprobably a-ccidesttal. FARIERSHOT INSELF. Séveral Bîtîlets Were Fired in thé Dine-etiolt o! the Woman. A despntch f nom King-ston says; Witen -Wellington Babcock, fanmer, a-ai 40, eof Vilton, was ncfused lin hie attempt le a-e-t, liii ife te Corne te live 'vithIt hm afber beina- sépa- ra-ted for o-ver a ycar, h * pulled a revolver and sitot, -busc1! in'the temple. Dca-tii ias almoet ina-tan- taneous. Beforé shootina- hia-el! lie fired seve rai a-hotu, a-nd tivo of t-hem ca-ne witbin an a-c e!ofbittina- hie ivife. Thé traa-e4y occurred a-t tite homne o! Ov-enton Babcock, bis brother, a-t Odessa-, whére bis ivife lied beea living witb ber t-a-o chul- dren. Hic 'vile a-nd otuber inembers of bte fa-mily na-n eut of the bouse 'vien Babcock startcd firina-. When ttey reburncd tbey found Babcock dead. LIQUOR AND TOBAUCCO BILLS. IIiiîîd Ieréilue Recoipts in May FeI Off $304)41011. Ottawa, June 18. - Canadians, witb one eye on tube hia-itcoat o! liv- ing, tiré drinkinan -d smnoking lenss this*yean than la-st. This is indical- cdby bte fa-ct tab inland revenue receipta- in May a-bo a falling off nf romth ie figures feorlthe correspond- ing mep'tl las-t year. -Thé total for -Ma-, 1914, 'vae$1,641,375, a7S com- -jpared iviit $ 1,948,300 for Ma-y, 1913. S'topped fls Ser'mon, Théerg nprca-cbed a rathon 9e3zhaus-tive uèruiýn front thé text, "ii nr 11t wLPit4 AILd î.-.eak. he êtuhaln.e - Marriagèuible Dnîughtem. [.and foand. waning." Aibér' thé >1 uIt-iîk, fét-er. tubai. yout do Ar-1 conigregation had lia-ened for aut thiur a greal in iurl-tice uhen y->u a-a-y-a heur acmé béa-a--a t 'Vw~-ry, di-t 12 l enîîh?îa."Precocîcus a-advent <but; Oblhe; folow*eI l!rahhr-"W~ats paa-iol-s a- *gréatly ha thé ananoxance orI'he4 thit 2' Fat-hetý--"Why, 'penu-ious' minietor.- s&?n ntr-peeo aeae-cloe. ' - Pénuioua Brother, nt-ared, W'viucpan thie prua-eher -ihé:îYoîî4e ig-ht. T¶iat yuna- stoppad ishlm ermon a-nd - aidi -ma-n is a-w!l-$ pcnunriouB -wien. hé "Thatl's -rigbt, gen tleinen ; sefast ornies t e sSie1" a-e yon , are - -w ig bd. pas. ou." T'HIS INVESTeMENT' M4AS PAIO '7% PER AIWNUM hlIf vcarly ince thé Sécuritlls o! thîs CorporiýtIon> er" pilactul or thé man-ket 10 'yéare a-go. Busineuss stablshé i 28 s ane. Iiavestmeab mamy lie wthdrawn in part on wtiot en-t lIme aftn une yéar. Sa-! a-u a montaa-a-. Pull par- ticulars a-ad boaklct aladît furaiehed, on néauet. cassnD zo:w xcsLxyzurn]['v TaOWTQOUT Md is onpal0 erd. ýl mecli iod $2 tîot oan, a rfth Cm Moer! uthor4 ivli t he a- le hi c b aveb utoca- issue #ID j(ojvu issl *y 000 outetaadiqnti. a it1hey -f Mcexico and hé e eican I4orth-Weot" rn ltaàlway v&a-c oleirablé amtat of Cana-dian cs livestcd la théll, hrough théemédium* ' nly aof thé D>" miiniiSecuritiél -COm îW. théit ercout- éern wibC ana-ian psta are:T hé 1onterey Lia-heata-nd pawer Coin- Party, wth many Mftitreiai inveotafs, théea- Ma-rtin Mini g9Campa-ny of Which Mr. Harry .omville, 4ova Ictaiell lcnowiin la0otrei.Wlina-- a er; a-dthé Pa-chuco ILi -tandVee Ompany. a- Curjouciy -énoua-h t 0 télepioflébas bécome no éeentlal bt r dally Ille- that a-ny a-ré témpted.-0"te a wonder whéttet' .heré could paesiblyh ave' been a tinté when thé téléphone did not odet. Thére- wa-c, a-nd that time.iejs011" f resh, ln thé minds aof millions of 1pormans. hétels phone--or a-t leasb thé princîplé o!. thé- teleph né--vas thaught o!jas ca-ny 1837, andpâ,r that théré w re a-y efforts madekoma-ay - men Iapt thé device tIto Itical etchape. Thet'.was mitch lititatialI. but, h sena o e cancedeul that thé crédit wa-s llitly due to, ex- ander Gra-hami Bell. who took out Pa- tents ln 1876. Thé luxurles of oneaa-e a-ré théefné- cessitlteo!o anothér. in thé beginfhia- the téléphoné vae not'reagueei eriaus- I y wnme, but Ibm usé cocabécanlé widespread. Thé langdistance téléphoné na-dé Ite début lat 18 6. and. nov, with- thé telephoné not fifty yeai ru 'o wé her airéady testina- théep sébliltles Of!h winceee phone. I Thé mga-lit isa , ZnstEf. Hustier le a vcry pipler na-me. To sa-y a man le a hustler le te pra-ise him, hla-hly. Stili, It ln a-n honor beya'td question. A hustier ma-y hé ai entier- that le. one uhamé Ideâ o! huebl na- la ta puhpeople a-oidé anla-rab whatevcr titere la In ca-sht! There- la taa mqeh o! that kind of hustig MeHIoeaipool Quality oa!nan wha ie that sort Of hustlia-.A nsua-a-W:o agains anitthlla by It la -quité cure ta lame it by andl bY. The oniy tutina- that a ia-nams la wha-t hé han paid for uy tomé réaI service. Another thîna-. A istierý muet be careful o r hé yul ivéafhînteéf out Prêt- ty soon. Thé anlit_ jhalesolne lire le thé stla-fght a-ndlctea4y lits, an lemest and vincére lité wit noelishnesa or ti a-bout IL. T te i'laht i oflai 1ustllg ng lea-lthy. b î t thée.i'04 1cil etraîns thé nérvéesai dlivears eut thé muscles. If vout munt huchle. put on -thé bra-kés. ma-t Mo»rsI'lb. Mfr. McDougalul chÉ irpan a! the Do- minion Govérnment H -h Coet of Living Commisioni, recommé ile a more exten- sive une of a-eh, as a Partial solution of thé prelileni. This vig w le supported by a récent report mad byt thé Unitedi Sta-tés Bureau ao'fisluériées.Thougli1it lias net mucceedeti la oivlna- a dietrées- Ina- public probleni. t e bureau ha-s col- lected cone valuablé infornatiai on the subject of caaac salmont, Information that ivilil be or Inter et te a-l wlo éat malmon. In thé firot î,ace thé Public l13 asmureul that froni a hea-lth ctaadpolint sa-han le more désir blé than méat. lie- 'dausé vhilé méats a- ha-ndléd-by ma-ny persane a-nd expose« la thé market places. salmon le s!a-ted a-ga-iMst con- [tamlina-tiof, eteiilized ly bollingan -d la thé case o! mont bra de. practically un- toucheti liy thé hand of!mn-. Secondty. sa-Imon Io sa-id ta bé richél' than méats la body-building la, redients a-nd con- Lains about thé sa-me amounit of fate.-An a-nalysis ma-de liy thé bureau shows that 25 cents' worth of sa-ina conta-las -a-bout hulce us much nutriment a-s 25 cents' wortli of ega-s -méat or fawl. Thé Na-3thtub Condsmnéd It le somevhat a rting ttbehar thé ba-thtub condémneul tusa-itary. but wiin youcorne b ilew thé laola of D.Allers, 4vice-pr et o! théei-n son 4X<2.) 7Board o! .Ees.tit. theré avp péers te bhéçni iii rlathéelIdes. He pointe ýoV t t"wtt n yaou ba-thé - in * >tub y=o relioff thée ttli-te ws*ér andl revel in thé contuated ftld.- -Be- aides. it ln séldotnM t ba-thttibs a-te pro- périt cléaneed a-fter usea-nul contaaion tinta May asiiy- hé pa-setialong frai anc persan tea a-obh r. The timie le ln ela-lt. sa-te thie au honitit. uhea thé bathtiib will lie b& rred fram modemn homes anuIlts placéeItakeut by thé lnn- cuoue and more Invigoratiaa- shower- V.B. Pure ieod lLaw. After September $tlie- U.S. Uavera- ment wili bea-in callt'ctlna- penalties for violations of that pîjovelio! of tcepure f ood andi druge a-ct 4vhicli uequires mer- chants ta tell the puPullc thé trubli about thé net wéight con ýatned la packagaes a-nd botties. itégula tnons have Juet been formulated by the( epa-rtiiléiibo!agri' c-ulture, thé delaitb ina- due ta thé fa-ct thaf thé ameaulmeuit when passed. de- ferreul thé collectlti o!o penalties uabii thé date abové nanlét. la future a-ny liqulul or solulii tiipeu lnlainterstate commercé muet blln packages whîch 1tell thé truth aboutj the quantiti, of thélr conteelts. The packages muet lit pl-itmrlted. boltles or 'other con- taÏî-ère 'holding more- than twa ounces. ,avoirdu poise or more thatioanc luld mince. muet stabe ht--it wéla-ht or vol. unie o! thé contente. Thé mca-sure muei lic stateu lnlapouadeltitilounces, a-allons quiarts, pints or a-aId ounces, Unlited Saatee standard hus ets, 'ha-if bhele pék.quarts. plate lor ha-If pInte. Th( ,contente maylieexpr'ess-clnlatermsela inetriti weiglib or mnjautre If bc C *Aci 80 préfère. Thé Quî ntity sta-ted on tht container muet relirecat thé actua' quantitit o! food'exclllivutor wra-ppingi 1a-nd container. - Wh ch méans that th4 coneumer' will a-ctwa-t lie pays for anc pa1fn 4.t i aet a-nulthat lea- a, c-l Caadinditau tuia iPhi Caen.ôé tii. ev men lu th coüntructiono ie nt-.elevath contcta-ionllofple ew chai!etnd etorae-àwléclevéaors nov bein u jna- front EnastDf West, inbeëio or uncler contrao in Calga-rY, fSU ka.toon, Moe Jaw a-nd Fort Wil Tenders will bé called for thi Ptructure wlt-inà couple of month while - plane .will be prepàred -a on.ce. it la- expectcd the cost of th elcva4cr ,wiil he e bt.-al--en$730,00 ianad $1,000,00m.- are amnlg t tihe Parliïkm ed obuly by roni tue etu thiey ,fiid Ower, in oat, > face.-,with arching e7yée, ax fesfturee of I.ture. .Divid- row - gmSw&y i'y oppmnt, ttdeulaily col-, 'lolot Icdrnoad, N.P. league, wituh santé persenal feel-' ina-: a.nd 'political inclinatiens net4 dismilar ta their own.1 His sta-teimanehip bas been preved by~ the restmant and pa.-1 tience 'vitub which 'vile keepina- the geal al'vays in view, ho bas pur- êued cea-stututional tactics. Under1 bis influence thbe Na-tionahist pa-rty1 ha- become thbe inet orderly in tube Housé, a.nd by bis evn denteanon he ha-s won the. respeéht e! bath aides. WILL LIFT THE EMPRESS. lit L§ Expeeted that théeliork Will Ta-ko Thre Iontis. - A despa.tclî f rani Rmouski, Que- be-, sa-ya: The vomit o! lifting thé Eniprese of Ireland- froni thesaa-d botoni off Father Point ivas started on Wedncmday, whén tise ure-ekina- schooner Lord Stra.thcona arriveci with appa-ratas to inaçu-ectu the hall. It is expeeted itwýWItt ta-ko three nientha' work le a-ccoipieh - the plans in view, and a refrigerator ca-r vili bho kept on thsevia-rf a-t Ri-, inoui for the stora-ge of the bodies that a-ne cxpécted tobehé ecovèred. FIFTEEN PEIIISIIEI) INW'RE(K Coaehes Fell Into ]River '-ear In- vérnesa-, Seotla-nd. A despatch tram London sa-ye; Thre women vere dro'vned, and it 15 feaied ta-t a- dozén otuher per- ecus -perished viien a-paevenger train ivent titrough a calvent and into a- torrent a-tu Ca-r bridie, 28 miics sautit cf Inverness, Scella-ad. A titundenstori, îtatnravaged thte Northt of England and Seotland, a-as respoasible for te accident-, Thé train front Pertht wa-s cnesslng liculvert and beca-me derailed, 'and t-be culvert, 'viicit had become undenmincd, calla-picd, and thé passeigcer coachtes- fell intolte 'va- ter. It is fenred titat besides lte tknovn dmo'vnéd a dozen ter pen- sons 'vere cattght in âa. submerged ccoacht. Ma-ny persons on tihe train e- caped -f rom thé ca-ne, but dnifbed q about in the ra-Icar, and 'vére bndl3: 1ijrdbeforo iteina- rescued. tThéeacene o!fte wrcck iii a blea-k ;and désocla-te F-pot, wtereý it 'va-e 1difàcult te obtain assistance. OLI) .ATI'TWEN'ri Rletutriî or Vouth it litProper Foodi. Ma-ny pereFea->- ho eut- plerîy ne - dtual ma-y, as -un a rece-a-t oac,, J a-nd feel old ian -la-t - tluld be tite blooni o! hife, yoîitfh. "At twenty I va-s pnemattîîrély eld. Ttceitoaltit a-ad via-ar and briaittacs ef youbh had been. as lb seeméd, toîeti froma me. I went te work in tite moir-nina- 'i-tit lowv ste-ps a-nd a dulI hcad. "My wonk t.inaght Vie -day wa- iuatis!aetory for aMy breakfast la-Y in ny -bernma-oh ikce a ba-rd lump. I was, pevish a-nd thé gas ini vy atom- a-h va-a 'very anncying. After sup- per 1 asa-lly wenti to hed te tos hglf>tIi. -tua-ht f rom eheén nervoua-- ,ne"a. "This ias -a-Il frofiaindigestion- ca-usei by wvnna c-tg. "Fi-naIy I trié,d- Gýrapé-Nutu and I cannot désenuibe- the fuil be-siefite rewived f rônx.tiie- food. I-t a-ave me bok- mv heélb. , It bas completelit restoreda-od digestion aind uyý- imente ha-ite disappe-ared, i stead-ly ,impnoyed aimd a-m nov Stronga- and in perfect iéalbýh." Nemte given by Cana-dian Poel-um Ce6., Windsor. Ont. Rend "Tte lload te WellvilTée," in pkgs. mier resatuethéabois lettéir? kAsté tes' amia-u <o~'~rn t tit. Thêy a-n genuu. tsteau& -Suut oz Iauraa ab C.ornwall' a veu, ye&r. afor1 bcuiebreaking.1 1 ril». ratepayers caried anJ $85,000 debenture by-law for vater-4 worka purpes eby. 31b to 249.- Ferty-five thousand toims of steel " rail. have juutý been'ordéed by the i O.N .. for the. oompI1etin ci itsilù neris 'ounb& Fel-lowing a quarraI over'schooi- fflàii4é7& w, a-'A.- Vi 'a M ive W've ipa points &long the Timiikaming wbere there re.ý olderasttb and- Nertà2é-mn Outario-Uaiiivy ed long iiandiapped by bad roa "iüy pè."sopthieTruaàont- "Ilund Mothe&n w a niatal. , "whutso'a-best tàkes verlr butyý. W , find-4li.4ini Uni fr<emthi. Quebec ta tbe Mani- to épening up <une or two le tôha boundary, amîd b.e annotma4ke a tow-ntuh$r~é cfteu lhave to 8 a r*Wnd -tnp i !bis camps in less a-nd ak.-onnoW g ô thd- sûrcannot ytt hei dia-mess signial site woîîld hi' able to set- lier cour-se towands iLs source, even ttoaghlite distnesse-c vessél uver nul a-bIcle oindicate lier p"i- GRAINS N l'INI., ONI'ioN. Outoci lhei'Bcd ii V-aîs. Reî>ots (oIiîliissioner. - A despa-Icitf rom inuipeg*Fa-ys: "I1 have just netîînned froni an ex- tensive tour cf t-le Western Prairie Provinces, reactiag .- mb districts fat' rentoved froni travel," sa-id J. Bruce Walker, Comi-elaner -of immiugralltionl, Friday îno)rniîîg. 'Il 'vent titrougli Soutterti Sa-kl4ie-1 %an anad Aberta, and fînd 1that iit thc nmore than copiaus Tains duiix thé latter par~t o!ý lasat u-cek therc is cvcny rea-aer te bel teve hisecrop prospects to-dat'-la-ne better Ilian tiley 'v e nt this -teasea n ast >-or, on even fer nttsty yea-,a-. Wheat le looking UaU511alhy w cIl, rect - are sbnong a-nd hea-ithy, a-nd t-he plant gnovtig up witit nmaziay* rapîdib-y. "The aencrai uimpression cf thée crop mituation in thé We2t La very gratifylua-," ce neludea- Mn. W'alker. 'Neyermiîîd. Thé lIîcneymoan va-s oâer, a-ad t-be h.tsba-, nelunnina- froin-business, v-- grieve'd te fia-J bis libtle wile crying bittenly. 'Oh, George," a--hé sebbcd,' "na-h a.dreadîl tina- lias harunenei; 1l ma-de a h:-aub-iiul pie a-l! bV MnWeland Fido vMent a-ad ate iL. -, "Well. na-ver mmnd,- dean." han---q, cheer'itlliv v.12.02,nat casily buy, another doii." Dot'tor -Negiecteil Emîperor ta A t- tend Soldier. Dr. Kerzl, Empe-ror Francis Jo- sep-iî's pitysiciati, le whom Austria is lookina to réa-bore the ag-od eo-t- reign te goed Iealth . lias faiîlyi earned theo confidenice whieh te mnonarcit has placd la him duina- hitccn y-eart o!,ffaib-hfilservice, But thé dlocr'came nearly faillag of a pp intle lt 'hen lie 'as fi nt auggésbed for hie pout-. W~lca Baron Wilderholfen. the E.ïmpereor's fermer physician, dieâi, in 101. Gen. Paar, aide-e-camp t4, F rancis losepit, nccorn-mended 1)r. Ker'zl, then.afl aria-y strgeon, a-a hs stiecesel', 'Tle empera-r a-greepd to sec t-he doct4ir, and order- '-J Ili te call aI lite palace a-t Sclihonuîiat, -tton 0'culoük one The appoinited hoîtr came a-,nd p,,dbut ne doctor appéa-red. The -oveneign gre'w impatient, and' -hen, early a-a bur la-er, Dr. ICerl 'va-s annouticed, lie wa-s givea a- cîîdly réccption. "I comm aded yu to cme a-b ten oc-Ct"t-he 1emperor rem.ind- ed Win. 'No'v it, i-%nearly eleveru janad ny time is occupied with other affair." "But, yeîîr Majea-by," nespenda-d thc dcts', "I bave ted a-ut impor- tant r, aee t làte-milita-ny ospital this morning. I perfc&med an oper- at-ion mnileit i'vsios-bét postupone. A ma-n"s life dpended on imm-iediate action. " "And 'vho 'vaa- thé patient who mlie-s." n-usarqiSý - ~1 faney plert'ot suit af bla-ck cîlarmétîsels ea..ened with a stantllag designaofe! n- ena-Id grer leeves. relleveul wltl flashe n! î'eliow antii ihmte. Thé troulere are loasé end ia-a-vy. te leckc. ia-lutdé- collette, lias a largebla-eç satiti colla-r a-ad green iùffié. 'At>tlîcr ILaete a Chînese vase uitl it1hz a-ckiguiid o! Plue civéred wlhh a hawtvhora desiga. l-laMlkerdhié!s alio lia-vs ,uuectîmbed 5.th Lité crae for Fetturiaim. Ticte Utet have ia vjde barder'- et lame ,çta-î'iing colon. 'vilS a - ooalrabinor ilower la thé eçatre. whciome tavea ,ettelul -iéclita-e-k. or buo upea-ycolon, In, fa-et that le not usuialir fuunil ln-a-il ii. en .otliers are, emÃœbroidareul;<chicîéns, _or beetleu, or' peacoekc. or StOorce r wé pliante. ara-I ihé like, la nattînit coloa-a Vegeta-rîana a-u eetalit caté -rtel atO the ha-ndkcrdhlef uhich li a-havea dhret. a heaul a'raipa-rangti. a- strawberry, andi athér truitte and vegelt.blea ln osto cor-, fier.- - 3ndg6m Play Golf on =ayaaa. juuigu's aofihe- crîtiînîirtlui'ts ivio have beénenîrtlelzed for pltna o-l! ait Siit jia-ve roundi tho éxcuss tia-t noXlICUS ()dore anid 980 5 of Ite Nev i3allev- as the couîrthbutîdlngit ane ca-il- cd. drive th îla Io et alf-the frelhi ar î,stllu la e t11413 tlIi y t h vt' frerf rom cour. Arétttî>' -gothe 01.1 Tailey Ila-dache nîtuadotilt'dtt niauit î,rliioa- Ir d li-O 1t'le' - e% iraL héaVY penalty acauee- udcan ria-in t - - - i- - Ley,l north o! Sturgeon. Falli, bot - "Ws a W. country to make road3 Iii at Jo, litaillo, the bullet graz- iwa tbough," sa-id Mr. Wilson. "We se ing bis iedý.à A serions accident ha. occurred te the, Dominion <overnment dam, nirl which iiaa been'built a-t the ooo RIMRI'01c~ II La-k. Tmiska-ming. About 120 feot o! thie dam, 'wbich hia-s a total M Ieugth o! about 400 feet, hîa6. gonie NEwS By NU&L FIRlN IRE. si out and the lakeo level ma-y drop teni JÂD8SOIS Plans fao, extensive altera-tiona in 11_11 t-be Honse o Commons chisber are'9g th be worked out by the. Depa-rt- RaPPeningtla the Erneffld lIo 0 ment a! Public Worke dun,*nngtube întercst f0 Irlsi. présent rocese. Bestehes may. be o1 substituted for chairs, ta provido mn*s for tube thirteen extra- riembers un- Mr, George Gilmore, -M.P.8.I., der redistributioni or et nev chaux- bas been appela-ted magistrat. for- ber, ma-y be built, with chairs, fol- tube Oity o! KXilkeiuny.- lowi-ng tue Washington antphithea- Arrangemenits are in progress for -trce style. - ,-th.e etablihment o! a- bad o! thbe c National Voluntuere in. Atuy. d Gra-t Brita-la. T he. death ba s taken place of M rn. -a The Bel!fasti Corporation dee.1ined Thomnas Smibh, farmnar, Ceuira-y;_ ec an invita-tien te attend a civic exi- Gra-nard, at tube edv*ned - a-ge o!.e bition in D bin. . 103 years. P Premier Asqjuith consented t r-The. MethCounty CÃ"u.neili it fa- ceive a- deputa-tion cf militant su!- aaid, are, net fa-vora-bly disposed te ' fa-gettes in Doihng- Street. toicina- over tube dereliotBoyne Ca- Y A train 'vent through a- culverti at na-I. Carr Bridge, Soatland, a-nd a num- Tii. Souti of Inelan Ipéi ber o! people 'ver. dro'vned. Yeuma-nry have arrivandIterCa- T e a-i rrtrii-t ls aghCnpadhve oomrheCur Te Gid siss etung wo wlrs-raghinin ad a, cm- ne rfased admission- ta -Canada. Tii. tnikie-g ahipyam'd pîtinibers in Acting- on a-dvice o!-'-&a Landon the Qaeen's Islad, onke f Mesrs. é hroa-t apeciailt Roosevelt i 'vl Ha-Ia-nd & WOlff, have-now return- ma-be ne more open air speeches cd te work. a-nd viu also limit hie indoor a-peak- A Carickfergus butohen h-as ing. found in thbe stoniaa- o! a cS, Tic enaa-aentent is annunced o! whîcîholi hacl killed, a- gold séal set t Honorable Géra-id Ru! us Isa-acs, wltii a- fine bloodstone. cnly sua e! Lord Re4,ding, tie Lord The committee have a-ranged te t Chie! Justice, and Eea Violet-, eld- hold thea-nnahLimeick Herse i et da-aahten o!faSr Alfred Mond. Show on Tue-day, Jtine 301h, a-nd The International Conférence on WNedneiday, Jaly Pt. the Blind, which opened a-t West- -'Tii. da-tiiha-s occurréd of Lieu- minter 0on Friday,9 will considèr tenantCoonel John -Henny Vil- ma-y pase o!th amliaatiti f iei-a-Stuart, D.L., o! Caktletwn, the condition f the sia-htlese. aa Carr-ck-on-Si. Gênerai.The total number of natives c WhiteWolf tubeChinse brgand ltlnd'who le! t 1Ina- ponts during WhiteýV1fth, cinee risnd Aprîl vas 5,114, as compared with ha-s scaped fin thte troops sent 6,.171 in Apnît cf 191. Feing' lu Mexc it n Vr The UrbanaCouncil of Warren- Feeingin exio Cty nd 'er&point have decided- te bor'ow $2,0001 Cruzle apidy beorxng ery~ -t.o eret a, shelter and- cloak-ron ter a-gaina-t the Anieî'îcana-. at the Municipal gardens. Tic Aiba-nian capital, Durazz, At a- meeting cf the Ennigor'thy ie in grave danger f b-ing ine-ated Bloard o! Otiardianu. Dr. N. -Dc- by thé Mîuenîrmin inurgents - i la-av Bre. nepontcd a- u ttbrcnk of Major Julien Felux, commandina diphthei.a in bis district. th e a éro p la n e d e p et a-t C h a ntres, T e P s r a t - r G - e a i s p o France, va-s killed by a fallof sixty mI il Mr. Dtmautter-Gcel lis pro ina- su-hietsgane. : - I-ih-pest office a-t.Kiimallock, tu t-he Dn acnic e. -lewo clfposition af supervisor. Danil Conzles whowaachif Afurthe outbnéak of foot-a-ad- of police at Tampico, 'vhile the Féd- A ut sae la en ofr ena-le vere in contrai o! Tampico, angota-Lbdiesonbau been ceirmHil aiî1 his assistants. 'veme cxecut.ed ao cttl eona- fae a- Ai l 'at Benega for taving eulj4ctd 1Gla-ivnt-it, oarf eo Brdge Constitutionailist sympa-thizerg- t,< o-b rac 'ne rde atrociies. -C'ounty C-1a-ne, 'vas a-t Dublin sen-' atoetis tc'aced to t-lree years pentul servi- _______tuile for Isle>snurder of hits wife. FORNAIATN IN FOG. At a meeting -of Castiébar Guan- dia-as. Dr..ONeill. Ceîînt-y Dowa, Royal George il Froîiti vonî- wa-s appoiîtéd medical officer for iîîoitth With î Ntýw Etjuipuîent. La-ha-rada-ne dispenuina- distr'ict. Tic death haa o-ceurned...uddenly London, June 17.-An interestiag f f.J esTitoabsrs- expenimeat in navigation in te fog dence, King-tw. -He wa-s a mcm- will bc carnied out by tite Canadian ber o! thé Urban District 'ouncil. Nortiterti steamer Rtoyal George. A spécial meeting o! thé Dublin 1whic-h loft Avonmouth for Qîý,elec, orporation 'vas held in thé City Site is fltted 'vit-b an apprattýs en- Hall te, make a-ad déclaré te potin. abîa- vese1la he hieea wea- <iage nate, fr tire ye-ar' end-itsg 1ther. aithout the aid of cempass or Marci 31,19. sextant, to asc'r-tatibl htr po4ition As the rosaIt- cf an accidetthIaï vhien site is witltin a: radius of fi! Ly occurred ait thé 'sw%ýit.cibacks' on miles of a- fiaéd irelesît statiofl or a the Far Gren. Kilkenny, a bey s 1 wireless-fitted îliip 'vîose position named Ja-mes Kanavan 'va-s a-ri- ic; known. It is aise claimed ifr eusly injured. 1,1 - 41,«+ t.l st.,.h maide you late ?" asked the Emper-' il do not know his nDBWJB, r uajedtyl," éaid Dr. KerzL. H s imply an infaanbry aoldif. Without a *ord the Fmperorl o»e, approaehed the. dctor lokedl himiusquarely in liii. eyec,&Ï4 then, eTaspig bis bande, '&ho&l II iiarrly. 'On tiie nextý day Dr. Kerzl waa giveA a pernmnent, pIiOOa Dn the Emperc>r' hcueuiiod ,teW Ou, EngIieh 'Letter Out of nearly 500 caséesof maignant cancer treated by the Radium Inbltltutý lurlng theyear 1918. tiftye tde"ciiWd!, In thé annual report og the itiBtitutO an. pparently cured and 183 as "improvet in" ans number of cases- thé recutÃŽst are net yet noted. The InstItute declines to treat oper-1 .e cases, radium beins- uied oniy agi la-nt reot. 171ine ionly cati ctow," tihe L8fCet ay, If a-ny a sltp attiofactorY ré-I suit» are permnt, aidlfotuntîl, comë eér hae asedwIlU±fresh mai!-' 'saonsathé ediobeiWa-' could evéti th- mont favorable ca-se; b. descrlbéd. au cured." - West WtU sbon, e i uZ2. An examInatIon cof the position wilh regard te thé existlng and-,proectlVO oca-rclty of meat dlcclacee ii nUmber- Ofi. factors which make the outlqokl for théi future cerlaus,.,If 'présent condition»,- continue méat will wlthin a few YUM.5 corne toi hé regardéd asa luxury. Thé lncrea-sing prosperlty of largedt classéesIn différent countiés has reetii forccd thé ranka of the consumera o0f mca-t. Population bas lncréased, whll thé heads of cattle have lIn'nome coutil tries-notahly' l*aInthe United aStats--. shown a considérable décline. 1 Thée cupply of meat In England 10 gradually cing handed aver ta the cofi-j trol or' Amerifcan organzatials.- Tie, sole source et chiied beèf le naw Ar-I- gentina. and the tra-framn that coui-> - try le,pasling Into the ha-nde of Amer!-1 can Ilumewhasé iworking a-greements- permit tbem te contrai l:ntotnly the - prîcé but the quantity af mcat that W', sent -to England.L Recentiy ailé whose. knowiedge of the conditions lu undoubt-i; cd predictcd that withIn two years th&- whole of the traule from Argrentina wlt' lie controlleul by three, Anerican fre' Worlting In concert thcy wauld be. a-hi to dictate toe(Great l3ritaln the prIce' te be pald. Bide by mide wlth thie fabsorption at the fareign trade bit Amerca thére a-ré conditions at the Londdn markets whlch: malte thc cost aof neat ta the consumner higlier than-it miaht otherwise hé. Thée eystem of toils le etîli contInuel. RentN' w1lclî wcre lixed a-t two cents a foot a, week are naw doubted, Militante Mer Usawuy Spvot. WVargrave, the- hIstarlc church of; whlcli was deetroyed.by militants ré-- cently. long ranlced ase one of the beauty spots aof the Thamés The Inn close ta' teé waterside boasts of a aigrn paintedl by two royal. academiians-Letileë andi Hoda-son-one aide of the sigît-board showirig St. George siavina- thé dragon., and the other alide depictina- England7s. champion drinçinga-a tançard of ale toi, refresh himséif a-fter thé exploit.' Thé clîurchyard wa--the burial placé aif Thomas Day. thé author ai' "The Truel Histury o! Sanulford andl MertonP - Almslzoume eSeksZamates. Thcre are les@ plea-Sant backWaterfl ta lie etrande l inthan the etately build.- ing of Wreni's period that stands In one ni'- thé pleamantest' parts of Blackheath, as a memento of the .iaie returil of cer- tain veeseis. More thrait two centuîries sa-o a prds-' Perous meréliant oi' Turkey. S'ir John; Morden, beina- mtîch pertu rbed respect- ina- three shijîs of his which wcre long overdue, vowed If tliey came back ta dol eoinethina- suhetarîtial for otheç nier- - chants In distres. iAdmission le sÏtrict-I )y limlted ta rnurchante Whoahave ralletl ,0oI irtes. EaurÏ-memter nof the "coliege" draws a, yearly allowant'e oi' $550. There are welU irained men servants and tb every three' inembere one maid servant lm aliottel., M1ercliazts are »rosperoiie juet-now it; would eemn. as the treaisurer t-offthe lolea'teInvitii aîppIicationri' rom would-be Iinntes for this, In nil pro- babilityv. the mose luxuriously equipped, aimshoutie In existence. "Dn.Danuce, Ering a Manro 'T tne, dance. and brina- a inan. Ten«yeais a-o eurh a-t Invitation wCuld have been a mocil lmProprlcty. To-day. It lm commontîlace. In the iast gencra-tion an affianced' pair coulul not tràvel. together by train for lialf art lir',wlthout béina- thought faset. A' woman COuld not ride ïn a ha- qion, a-b".-witliout the sarne reproacli hé- inga ievelled atlier. NOW a Young- girt. cari take ut camta-ratîve stranger otut to dliii, witlî lîeiîat a house heelias neyer- eniteil hiefure andl cari dance most or tMe cvenilna with Jhlm, but lie cannot S ee her home.- That eoclety considéra fui, worse thaui wleked. It ls 9ulute -possiblefor a toung- man. a ilewcoîner ta London, t0 know aimost rio one, a-ndl îet taigo everywhere. Tlio -lr Fe rina-a ia. "-l - omo h.t p i I - - i - -- '1, i

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