Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 25 Jun 1914, p. 7

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axi4 sWlken, htstrekm. eyfea re-il this çondition because tue7'"V4 A Ot enough good- red blood in diel veins to lçeep th&,ni weii a"d in-th, ChUMn cf heilth. They'uffer f roi deprcýs!u.g waiesand per'iodica heal2.hea. -Dark Unes form inde, theïr eyes, thc-ir heart Palpitàt,6 1 duty~fe i lghtest 1exer. ajd nd *l 4y are often o4tackeç with fa!ntinil eelis. These are oui' a few if the miserjes of bI00dlý&& nes. 'Nothing cen rescue girls an< wOm,? I f rom the. xneitable decflni that f 6ilows annernia. exeept 0' gen: erouii suplPPY of new, ricli re -biood, and inothing lias ever provec 00 eu4celeeful in. crealtAng red, ýgoo blohiDr.' Wi]liafma' Pink PiliE 'f r Pale Peuple. Thousands and tihosândý3 of girls and. wome n oe t heir ýgood health and -eharnn- * ec~pleic~to t.he use of! thiâ mýedci. cine. - Here is one exainple of its pou>er to cure. Mrs. Rose Ralli, 'Toi-ento, Ont., says: "For a lon;g imie 1 tufferecl with aneema, ner- * voe.0F p~ Ii(general "debility, ini faot. I wzS bcginning Vt el a posi- tiv3-,wrek. I tried .MeveraI médi- Line.ý a.,demiiocs For a timel would. feel becvr fuir taking them anid^'hen, the effect would wear off, Ieaving me wor,ýr tlîan -before. The aootinued drain ýoit my heal.tlh al- tered. my app-a rance-. my f riexids tellingin e -I lhad a ha.gar.d' a&nd Woàrni appearanèe. This naturally 'clid not h'elp Vo improve Me, as you know no womi.an likes to be told ishe look-.î 'worii out." Finally Dr. Williams' Pink Pis were suggest- ed and my husb and, got me 'a su.p- ply. 1 ui!ed them -and found the resuit good-not on-ly good, but the benefft isiiand I amnow eujoying perfcect heaith, have a good color and have rega.ined rny natuiral buoyan2y. I trust my J1et- ter o! gratitudlenay be the means of helping o'lhers who are 'sufferirig eî I was."ei . New hieulth. new strength, naw vitalieLv 1011oW the fair -use o! D r. Wiiiiis' Pink Pilla. You can get them from your medicine dealer -or i>y mal aet 50 cents a box or six boxes fur $2.50 from The Dr. Wii- liam MedcineCo., Brockvilie, Ont. SItIT-EEI(,UN» Eh SEA. hiosk-Ilydro Introduced 1!t Eng- "Cv(me down and se-e the fiah," may be a- greeting tis, summer at 8<gne senside r-e-orts. Several Eng- litli wit_ring-plaees are negotiat- ing fer the insitallation o! th. kiok-iydoa ,new invention, -which cniab-les siglisaers to -descend s cte thîe sza. Tii kiusk-Iî'v v ,w hieli is Vhe in- vt'îviti' 'x -A an Itaàlian engineer, cou- sist' a- ::,re ilag- ýtPeel bservetion - iamnber. inith ial-o! w-hioh- are double NiattetL'!eh windojws. Above -' tises inId.0%sare electrjc lumps- of 10,000 candie î ow-er fitted with reflertoîs and itapable, t- is cdams- ed, of prùjeetsîxg ligfjht a diatis-ace o!' 1.500f f-t h. 1"wster is clear. ST*idame has a aie-pin-g roc!, WIlieb narrLws into a steel tube, Lirough wbicis two etaircases, ee for ae: n îd the' other for as- -cent, Iea-d tu thîe wutpi' level. Th,? Mpper part -of t-ie kitsýk-li.dro zmay eituer .take tilo form of a floating kiosk, rising a-id, falling witli tise tide , à"l connieited witli a pier by a garsgway, or ià inay ive part o! tht pi-i s-If, wi th ie observu-tuors chamber uspended just abuve t-ht bed of thu ela. Glas isalfý,ais ncii thick is us-ed for tii-a wind,,ws, and Vhe ateel ahel is f the sanme hkem Ho)wever, the wôman who mar- rws~ a preacher doÃŽsnt have to nag 'himl iri urdcer to get 'him to go t o ch tiroh. Orandipother Didn't Know A gogd 'cook? Certainly,. but she couldn't have cooked the Indian Corn, rolled and toasted it to a crisp brown, wafer-thin fakes, as we do in preparing post Toastle4s They' are delictous "with 'cream or milk, or sprinkled over fresh fruit or berries, *Fromà the firist cooking of the , orn until the ,8ealed,, eatély to6afted- flakes--are de- livered, to yoýu, -Post Toast- Jes- are niever touched by human hand. Grandmother would have liked- Post Toasties -sold by Grocers. Cantad1an Pôostuin' Coroa Co., Ltd., IL hm, sa een 4îiideidAàur i Sture ewjid a]!be aà tlowetDo- Sun rdyt Uckhaven and >fethil. A sar habeen &with th I~preerai anhene 'of the' ok SChurch of Duititie, near D&I!beat4ié. ' Milngayie -Tbw.n Councilias sent '~to the pa.ýric. ommittec 'a.propozal - econstruct an epen-âir swimmn d pond, y 'Dr. J. . Cra.ig, J-irkeaidy, bas lbeen affl' inted'ccrtifying surgeon d under thei Factory and Worksho-p SActs for Kirkcnidy. Mitr. Jamee Christie, hief con-ý d stable, Greenoc]c, bas recommend- d d an ail-round dncrea,e for tue Jo- Scal police force. SA ecrious case of aieepworryfing d5 sreported, frorn the Arrochar dis- etrict, where le6 imbe were killed by a d09 tiit is eili at large. iThe statut. labor cemmittee of 3Ola.sgow corporatiion-has approved o! am. ipportant, seheme for thie widc-ning of Stoecwell Street. Aýa meeting of the Glasgow High Sdhoc Club àt was deeided to pro- cecd with a scheme for the acquiel- tion of 'an atlletic ground at An- iilers' laborerse t 'work i-n Biackfriar's Street, Carlisie, un- eartihed two akuils, whieh --re sup- p'osed to- be those of two "Black IFrias. " The annual report o! the Zoologi- cal Society o! Seotia&nd gtates that t.here ha been a surplus of $7,000 'on the year'a worlcrng of Mhe Zoo- logical Park at E$>rstophine. Altogether 1,140 passengers le! t the Clyde on a. recent Saturday for Canada âam t-he United States, a tcPtal far below that of itihe corres- ponding week of latyear. A broker's establishment and villa, owned by G. T. McArthur of Chryston, near Glasgow, were de- stroyed 'by fire, and eight inmnates had a narrow eotaçe At Dumbarton, fenry Brand, a farmer, was. fin-ed $15 for frightcn- ing a 'pony by fixing a pail to iLs tail and causing it to run w distance of four miles along the rond. The death lias occurred a.t Arrow Rtiver -o! Mr. James Mitchell, a na- tive o! Hawick, at the &.geo-o 84 yea.rs. Hie was the inventor -of the well-known Mitchell..life boat. By order of the achoole' medical inspector, Be-nwhat School, under the Da-nielington So1xhool Board, lias been clo"ed for bhree weeks, owing to the prevalence of s-caria- Lina. BABY'S HEALTH DURING HOT 'WEATHER During tue hot épeil the health of baby nMust be carefully guiard-ed. Diarehoea, cholera. infantssm anud [dysentry carry off thoiusanda o! pre- cioua littIe livel& every tummer. Babys 0w-n Tablets' are especia-lly -adapýted tO keep the litti'e ones weli during tht suminer. They regulate the bowelIs, ns'ecten the etornach, and an cc.3siexial dose wil prevent, the dreaded eaumiroomplsinte or p rompt use of the Tablete ie lu sct baby right agein. lUe- Tabiets are soid by medicine dea.lers or by mail a-t- 25 cent-s a box f rom Tht Dr. WiiiiaMrus Medicine Co., Brockville, ont. THIIS BARBER 18 VERSATILE. In Egypi Ho Vaccînates as WelI as Some interestine, facts are con- tainsd lu Lord Kitclrexer's report on the condition o! Egypt a-nd the. Sudan during the laet year. This is from the section on barbera: "Tht ordinary village barber o! Eg3-pt beara a certain resemblauce in se far as bis professéon goe»s te the barber-aurgeofn o! aucieut imes lu England. lie is aubhorized by la-w, after having passed an cxami- nation, tb Inrform the operation été vacýin'atioîs, application of erîecuppiug and -simple dress- ings, and is forbi.ddeil by the saine iaw to order or prescri-be-mcdi'cine. ' Every barbet' inust attend a [Cour1se o! lectures.o! tlsree w-ceks' de ration at tht Mudiria Goveru- men-t lospi tai and pas-s au exami- nation for a certificate. In- each village o-ne o! tiiese barÊers is ap- poçite-d by te public healtili de-part-4 ment as ita represetttive. "Barbers su apfoint,e-d are called1 'sanitax-y ha-ners. and among their speci-al dutLies ar-e the following: Vaccina.tio4n, examinÏâtion or deuthis, 'issue -o! pe-rints o! burial, reuder1 reports o! deat-hs involving sus-pi- ê-ùii of infections disease. "If tht sanita-ry barber is, un- able te read or write, the work of îegisraiou is done -by the' viilagoè tax collecter." Mer Lest Pet. A lady who kept a curiy poodie dog lestAer pet -sud called upen- tic epolice Vo find iL. The'uex't d'Ly eue o! Vhs fonce brough-.t ier the d' %ehic-h was v-ery wtt and dis' ty. Thae lady was uve-joyed-. "Wisenedid vou ehud Vhe dear littIe darling ?" - aise cried. 'Wiihv. mpa'amn,"said Ãœhs officer, "A !eilow- -had i hm tied teý a- pois sud was wavhing windows w i thbim." Consolation. Millie-So you Ioved and lest, did yeu 7 Wtlll.e-O-h, ne, indeed. -She me- turued aIl my preeetts fas, 'car liydiratea, tnjiiijaJ st, land w4tr i htthese a&reO, minerai rgta and w&ter e ybo lutely -yte mnintain iaï while the fi", and thxe. arbohy- drate, (or -sugars, li oue orotr ot-thcir forms) eau, in caçe o zee, both lé anufatured 4withiu h body wIer proteids are supffledo tm insuffie ctquaiiy These id, of I which egg-&I.bu-' men is pr ly the ms familiaé' examnple, tre thechief -source of. eneïgy wî)h.im the body, and &'Te employed t once in Itht rrepamdax rçplac e4t Of the ce&a f wi the bOdly! itsue fi conrit, and of th' -protopi whîch Vhey conten an4 w'hieih fç 1 f a& *piany .think, t0 sea o! h-. 'Theyà.rze brokenup, ntnly in thé muecular tissu~fr the; produ -tion o! physical work; and it la d th"a eme. Part 'A them la ex -réted from. the blood 'a&s urea with( ut, forming any part o!. the cellula -tissue. Where The prot ius propox inilk and i eggs, as wel beane, and Theyare pin o! te nitz, body, neitt -if Wce a ma-n o! 154 pounds- in weight -s the normai type,-we fsnd t-huit lhen doiug littie or no werk hie d,.ily output by aIl excre- tory prcîce4es is usa-ny eue-hall a-n ounce o! n4-rogc-n aud' seven ounots O! carbon; and it la therefore con- S;dered th4t at lea-at this ensount le rt'quired te be taléen inte, tht body dvîiug a da'y. As, however, this. mnakes no , -Ilowance for waste or for expeuditu-re il tht ha-pe of heat o r work, n r for the etoring up o! reserve in iehoshpe oif- muscle or fat, it is1 necessary Vo provide a somiewhat - greater supply. An nmount co!More than hl!an ouncé of nitrogen j o nine ounces o! car- bon in the da-ily food la shewn by experiienceko be what la neceeary, and this fork a man o! average lsealth and condition would amouint to about o le-hund-red-th part o! hie body weight lu aolid food. Tha Solid Food, 'ro1telils Are Present. ,iare preent in vary- in in a1-1 flieah-fode, in bs derivatives, and in Il as iu cereais, peas and tome iother vegetabies. -îvtically the sole pource pgen re3qn-ired- by maa' s -efats uer carbohy- however, ca te red in di which conta s-n about Vh( te -fiftee'n suffice; but which wduklc throw se m Vive orgaus in practice. iu order toi nium, to ceu sucli as bacc gi ve -a high Bread, agaisi- Portion co! l xiearly "as open te fewé for a =axu a pound of meat, a qua a Pound o!f milk, a sue, and au -esght every day. IV is pro neither this cf diet ba'sed would keep e heai Vi. Tht nief, and -if sou-Vs tht fact n evi4entiy be ad-mini4s-' ferent forma. Oatmneal, mis nitrogen and, carbon -rigWhtproportion, cf oe )ught, theoretically, te ïthe Large qun.ntity o! iV have- te be tk-ec would cciwork on the diges-! as te make it impossible lieue t is xieoeesary, geV at a proper min-i- abine with it -Somo ef&dý, , 1 gs or cheese, whlch ýc'upply of nitrogen ra.in on the digestion. Sw-hich containa a pro-' ptrogen ho oe.rboxi as erobjection. o4iserwise.- 'te Dr..- Walhee, i lMIi réoloi', " an ideal d4et good hes.lth would b. read, bal! a pouxid of ter of a pouud- o! fat, tatoesahlI a pint o! er o! a pound o! eggs,- ýh o! a pouud o! cheese bable, however, t-bat uer a-ny other system ou scientific principlea usa-n for long lu good ergauism dema-ud; va- st does not Set if-, ne- by te Do Its Work. It is a we-lj -lnown !acVt txat with Most people any form no!f ood in'- Idulged in d&3 Fa! er day cestes f-o be Idigesteci, as *ritmes the wagere stili laid in Ames-iç-as Vo the number o! f-le course o! we-ek. For thxe sa-me neeson, -Vie prospect of a !f,uvtuee in wbich tabli.i, or vemy snmafi qu-an- tatieF, of soin- jelly, wiil form nal our fv.ed is a illusion, and noV ail tAxe-IaIent o! wFriters lîle M-r. Wella c-an malte us Ibelieve i-n its, reAbliza- ion. Man's, exceesive]y complicat- cd digesti;ve ofgau- ei-oived from hip beast-Iike for,-efathers would ver- ta-inly rebei w'ith fatal effeets égd.intt'any sie-cfbethreal fare. >Thet upahot if tht whle înatt-em je thut teaaù demanvici a vuricd-ava well as a useiig diet, asd that no oneg form o f f4Ad ùoulbeadhered Vo for long. 'leues even tihie'occa- sional exce 1ms, os cfaejonsliàk-e the pressai-V girobàb lhavýe 'their uses, Aund'if suflkîýnJ- 'in*rfueatm-May eve<n ,be 'beheifeie al er f-'han 0thmw ' e he he'althi' b4dy. SI ell dot be bast 'ight of, -wMn vsgwltlïr*iy-oWeis-ior 1 ua-to use 'J4Ita r' physc, al - the ,- lime: ýMy ;itCMAJ*,ptý-soournd alwgys after oag",oejwaos.ainaxi4 fuinesa, -sud alf, te ayiiVtois. 92 ùtéstlnal %pdil- géguon, -2Kp#l ped me WitIl I ,'d'r.HIXnpPl. Instèud o! lirtnIk -<he Ille, -tu ey aétéd ey'mlldIý, ýaàd send tehesi' .,the "boWcla. - I did. iot requiro larýgé -dôses te geL rcsultsw'-th Dr. Hanlilton's -pillg, sild,-!e1soô.glag that l have-tound a mild>'t certaiu remnedy. -tod,rI Ain we:;l-4o, pain, n-o *oiir s~ a good 'appétlte, able lejikest aiyt1sine. iThis"t.'960e od -for' ne -Sffetue- to--dbt, sd, I-- eau ýsay Dr Halnultou'e Pllas are the best plleo, and =y letter, I arn s'ure;' proves It. Refuse a,- substitute fer Dr. Hamil- tou'a'Plla of, Maxidtake and Butternut, soldAn yýehlow boxes, 25e. ÂAU dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont.' PEACE CENTENARY. Four Main Features Propoged by the Am~eiat1oxi Tht movement " for ceélebrating the H'updred Years o-f Peace be- tween -the, Britiali Empire an--d ti-a United States la-, judg.ing by a cii- culeir jua-t issaied 'by the Canadan Cenjtenary Asoiation tsking xiapid hold in Canada, Great Brit-ain and the Unsited St*4es. The à-aneral proposais contain four main f ea- tur àl 1 oniwints and cither mmral,(2) Thanksgiving 'Ser- icsi hchurcheos, (3) Education- al Propagande, (4) Feetivities. The cimultr enuîneatc. various sug- gestions reg&trding the erection cf molnu-men.ts,, and Mtates that the ma-tter hls been, réferred;te au Iu- Leriatioal omxnittee. Fevbruary 14, 1915, basl been seiected for Thanksgiviug Services iu ail th-, churches o! tht, -British Empire and tht, United' States. Ths date is the nearest Sunda.y te February 17, 1915, the centena-ry o! the ratification of the Treaty o! Ghent. Theý educaïtion propagand-ai iu- clud-eas everal important féaturea among wih ay be mentioned the prépa-ration e! a "cries o! pai- phlets d-aling witii the various trecties which iiave miade tse long peace possible, which i-t is intended' to send te ail t-ht achools in Can-' ada. Tableauxi and masques are in course o! prtparatiou Which will aiso be sentt.4 .schoçs for pro- duction upo-n .dàtè to be -hereafter arrauged. A s6ntewhat unique pro- posai is that, schxoois in Canada a-nd tii-s United, Sta.teýg un-places bearing tht anme naine 'hould be invited te exehlange Shields. 1V is inteuded to arrange for tht writing o! coin- petitive Essaye en Anglo-American tiaionad provision is heing made for Provinciai1 and Dominion priaes. chosen for epecial oelbraksoas in oaaaa ade M svng loal coa, mittees -ave beonraesged-$orinx majorkwc i.e The cir'OUlar altcoreport. thé prçgees ma-de in 'Great Bsi an d t-ht United States and conVainsi replies received lest Christmas f rom World Ruiers f-o a message sent lu eonnectiox -with tht celebration by thse Amerian Committee. The Dominion Gover-nment hua arranged for an appropriation to expeuseae. - t- The het o! -membe rs ila a most representaLive one and c-entaina tht na-mep, e! a-I-i f-e LV. Governor all the Ministe-ra o! Education a-nd ucuriy aIl the Premiers of Canada. Auocn-g tihose prexiuneut iu tuis Province -sîho have identified them- oelves with this move-meut may be mentioned ---:.The Presidexit o! -thte Canadian Peace C'ntenairy Anso- ciaicns is Sir Edmund Walker o! Torct-n-o, and the Houorary Seere- Va-ny Major Hlanuif-on. hoedes'iring c4,ee o!f-ho e ir- cula-r -hould addTeétS Mr.-E. H. Scauxixeli, Orgauizing Secreta-ry, Hope Cliambers, Ottawa. Thiniks Sweatinig Ail Rfght Provlding Vhe provocation equals Vhs offence ef Jenes stepping un Smths corna. Far better te use Puinans Corn 'Extractor-It does cure-corna andi warts ln one day wlthout pain. Try ".Putnamn's.*' free frein acitis. andi pain- lems, price 25e. ut ait dealers. Marria-ge is a success when the woma;u provides adequat'eiy fer ths muner'min, sud the man provides adequ-atcely for tise ouVer woman. minauds iietLmcrna' rea -Au elde;rly gentleman, y-ho knew ~ciVigo! law, Uved in en Iris!h - :j ' * é oictr a ver pe~erstd,~'d. ~>ntuehabit 01, sr-augini th - ' '-of' ihîs eigli-ý bors anud naking- $.wil. ts sroued ffins his eluibera ' by 'a kuckng'a 'if~gt,» .ýdiputting hiseacdo«ut o! tht, wiidow, fie ask- -Who ,wa~s tiheime. "It'a -me, yen hoFn- or, JPadd? Fi-cshierty. I cou'd net geV wink c! alccp thlfuking o! the will I1'have mde." "Wisst's f-be matter wi-th tise wll?" sa-id the amateur lawya-r., "Maf-ter, ludecd !" replied Pst. "Bure, I've net icI-t -mysel! -a hree-legged stool 't-oait upen." IS~UE g oip Nmnards Unzusul la the house.j OPr9ea and Weverthia ,~.s.. !aM ëeactw'on her bead, Sand, ab nIghb she scratc6he ougllwtéooeu$ e.Iwlýa .$h&we montba iho ddnMt gd io 1 a nlsd 1 cared tfor ft duiaith" tie, *hIboUgti inuit. :-, , , "IWaitâLà to Wauli t sudt:tob7nik.' s ome fi [o! -. O fti m lng sho se oru.. ne venng honreading Uio paver 1 'W tho advértI t nhof-Cuti- cura SoPan d OItm-çM and 1iwrote at onm . Aftor rOecfe1ý gtho Sample I lmn- MedIady; wubM.hme hhsd with the Outi. C t à hiéI -put the Cutfcuraoint-_ Menton. ý[ dldAhat tube a day, ovonlg uuli9gtho ÇuCnLoews Ba nd Olinont that »ÎI~ho~d SOI acrthe ny more. It ltehlng4rom t e tovenlng. -After buylng omoOutieura oan sd a. otber box Pt Cutuctra, Otntmob n t« ondays sewo ueC9lplOtey Cued.',(Slgifi) Mii Arhur Poirier, July '5, 19.-13. . utcrà Sop .Oà,Utimm MOltrnent a aold lii d Fugglàte £nd deloerywhffo. A ilîe ot lu'ceon 'affolent. -For a libéral fiee 'ample o! each, wltli 3e.p. book, aend post-caril o Pottor Drus ~Chou. Oorp. 'Dop. D,Moon, U. B.,A& SUPPRES'8IG SLIAVERY. Praetically Aboif§hed ln Every Clviiized 'Nation on Earth. There are soxue relies, of slavery yet, lu certain colonies, - sayis Vhe 'Chrisian Heraid, which ' lie home governinents are striv'ing earnestly te swýepiaway: Tt is reported the, the F'rench Colonial Office has at .set Wuceeded lu abelishing the sl-ave narkets of Morocco. A Paria paper charges that 3,000 slaves are impr= into Morocco every year. - e ,y Premier Asquithi, of England, re.ceived a memerial sign- ed by sîîch names a-a Lord Cromer, Lord Curzon and Mr. Bryce, azkiug for sone goverument action to sup- press tua traffic, which ia conduct cd over bksu-daries'controiled by England. Nowhere has our mcd eru civilization or our modemn Chriatiaxiity more power!ully mai- fested itseif t-han in -the destruction of physieal, slavery and the guar**n- tee o! juteliectual, politicai, moral a-nd religious liberty. Ged abo-lish- cd the slavery of Eg-ypt m-any cen- turies ageo, when h. toek hua people f rom t-be bondage o! Pharaoh. Ood, B je, 614Ba4adie Nerviline W911 Fix You! $tlffnese la Rubb.d Rlght Out; Every Gee whlz-think of It! No more atomach dosing necessary ta cure your lame baclt. Every trace et lameneas, every but of atîffss, every aigu ef wealtuess lr the buck's musoien eau be rubbed uway for ai l Vie te corne by geod old 'Ner- No. other 'linirnent eau do the wori so, qnlekly, eau Peuctrate se deoply, ",caýn' b9ingircase sud!coufort to thse ack-weas iforterme»Nervileinl- variabiy f>ioe. -Benche -ien't thse only malady Nerriline la qulck te 1 cure. For lum- bago or sciattea you would go far' te flud relief so speedly as Nervillue gîves. For chronle nheumatlsm there are. pain-destroylng properties lu Ner- vilîne that gLveè IL firat rgnk., The way It limbera lupaa tif Joint sud takes seess out et stralned or rhcumatic muscles Ias smnply a wonder. If you' have au ache or a pain any- where, If you have a sors back, a stiff neck, a atiff Joint, a atrained muscle-- If you have lumbago, congssted cheat or Bore throat, just try Nerviline. Rub IL on plentf-lully-it wen't býls. ýter, If- eau't do anything but cure ýou qulekly. The large 50c famliy 1 ze bo-Vie la the inoat economlcal, of course, but you eau, trout any dea er, aIse geV -the 25e. amali sîze et Ne îfv- lins, thelking At1ail pain-relleving re- medles. Mhe Heard BIhi. Mr.Black wok-e ber -husband -one nigiht sud whispered, "There's a burglir downistairs. I headhm bump against Vhe piano sud stri s several keys." "Je the re?7" sid the 'hu-sbund, "I-1l go dow [ut, once." "Oh,', whispered tbc ex- citcd xvifé, "eoun't do arsytli g raah!" "fl ash?" replied the h-s- baud. "Why. VI'm-going Vo b1 p- hum ! You ' d n't -suppose- 'he ejin move -t-at piano from tie bouse without hei-p. de yos ?"- 'Miss 1V!se-A4nd I1niay realty keep tAxis phùitogruiplio! yeu, Mr. Simpkins 1 Simpkius (flsttcred>,- D)clig-hte,.:I'm surel! Ms Wyze (laVer tçýherm maid)-v-Ma itaFe thie photograph and wheuexer oiginal o! it c-ila,'tf-cl. hum I'm nt Aek for' muarsdeu ae no otbn. She-"Don't yoihiuk hs dres is vemy béceming toe me1" Hl "ut.hiýhnixg Ã"! thé bill w-hioi wi1 pOuiiiD~ tome. thenled which go often as.evmr family for a nuedicine to open up andreislate the bowels. N'ot on>ly are. they effective inAai cases o! Constipation, but" tssy help t1eatin l breakiisg upa C ôVd or La Gripp by cleanine out the syetess sud puÈifyin the blood. Inthe sama wathe 'reiicve or cure Bilieusuei,. làdigcatinnu,Sick Headachea, Rheuus- stLle naîd etiier commuon ailmente, Iii the ifulleit sensé oÛthe *ordo Dr. Mors' Indian Root Pilla are 141 15 'peosons i n-Canada, azcotýding tie 'i -Sixteen -new iiailways are" ben tujlt in 'Switzerland,,some o! wfiich ______________ will -be comiyeted tAis Ycàar. 'k-kerosen't>rah hés been ivènt -______________ cd or tAaw.,ing froxen ground inW WA7 8; O- 8AZac hihPoa-t hoes re to bed ig.* .W fWOZuIOIb D t Ille in-de -r o àatr ,W tineo ~ .ç'thcc ,rpreparation- than ëjé"xingk,iS 'F> Y'OU- WÀ T O BUY, OR LJL A uÈ-d -for blàn-ete i i", euajor N. it , W aso, o, o- e 'nqdcopein À É,',ri, ce, Co bor 'oYPrëtità haiýe éâteu nid brea.'da.tsflor twèjivy- ycaràa4azg Ëýedit their robut hééith , ~~iTet Vh *at facet. « Itaily fa drafting and w'ill i9force W 1TDFRBiTABlT a sories o!. regulatiexis covexng the V 011 proposition yet orgalilCd. width o!f'wheel rimetobealowdApply for partlcularâ to W. B. LettCb to e alowd Bnk, of Ottamus BuIdfng, Moi tieal, on -highways. PQ 16everail F-renéh ertists ohave agreed 'te aigual liei works in the 70>AU- future with Vhumb prints-Vo -pre- l DWZÉEKLY IN LIVE OWN -M ven frtdiupnprehwrs %-, YrkCounty. Stationery gand 'Book ventfrada pon-purhasrs. Busines lu connection. -'Price,- Oui In a tank car -buiit in'.$Rxeony te, 14,000.TeirmeJiberal, WUeonPbi Ing ompay.'73 Wst delaldo iltroat transport living fiis long distances Toronto. an electrie moter is uscd te keep t'he water aera;ted. UZ&uou A railroadbridge in Switzerlaiid CANCER, TUMORO. LUMPS, -.T, is being given the largest masonry .'Internai and.,exterinal. cured with. arch in the werld, 205 feet iiigh, o0tjln by our homne treatinsnt Writu wit*a ispan of 330 feet. c;. Limitd. 'Colinkwood,.Ont Argentine telegraph conpani's a 're briugipsg into general-use-a sys- tein whereby messages are'receiv- T E T ced auto-xnaticaily sith prinbed type. mential excitement, 1V ha been 1IGUow, PIIGU@N à'3AT1 l-eared, nmaY stoP digestion entire na'nt a. st. Xt ]y and cause serious kidàney 'dis- Write fc aommton. cases. Iu a London church tower the-re ia dock Which strikes the 'heur and quartera, but ha no dialis nr HOME other visibyle evidences o! thxe time. -UD For stringing bediids quickly .anri ArsC re m y ingenious German han patented aTet Cucren-a cruuk-opeÏàted machine w-ich feeds - dre, but studenîs, thein upon the point o! a thréadd ' Mclutottenduone needle. En-gliali Society woxnen have ee- tabliÉhed an institution in whi(ch Q E N nuçses are «iven three o k-UNIVERSITY raiînîng in th-e care of dogs 'and KI ST ,ONA O otJxer animal pets. ART APP0LTÀiEDSINE A sanitaiey mil-k <an is fitted.iith EDLJOATION lincludî valves -permitting its contents te be, MEDICINE ENGINEERN > poured out, but preventing -hs en- SUMMER 'SCHOO0L trance of anv liquid after it has JULY and AUGUf&T been seaied. G .CIWRgerr igloOt To pro"e tlat a paraohute o! lis G .CIW. eisaKnsoOt invention was an improvem ent over A R -former types a Frenchman dro'ppelA T I EAT I'S 1,000 feet fromn an-aer-op1lane' wit-h o >one and landed safely.-o th Two novelties te aid gardeners are a hoe wi-th a seed' box neai' the ,&- 1aewith w.hieh plunt;ng muy be dont and a ehovel with a FRÉEoxd' grip part wav dewn the handle.- In France there hasbeen invented eefe fiY n-ef an ele-ctric furnaecD in Whi' a-tte yo i abo t h ters 0 p e r a tio n s o f m a k in g a n e i i g dse a ~ n i o t glass' are carried on" c'ontinuiously 1cure theist oîlfr ievus.Y with the -same so-urce of heat.KE AL S What are.lelieve1 to ha the old- A V est' printing blcks ini the world, SPAVIN CURE dating baek Lit least 800 years, re- subbsf sr.s~ICsb plt c8nVly werce discovcrcd in an old ut'eoeysriiDn#.cIsdMy building back o!f a Buddhst m-oues- o tery'in <Çorta. woo, lfMotOrCYC-le cars are being tried mrlat for deliver'inçmails ini rural dis- -eesaxoar~lrws.. tricte in England and it is -predict- - ,.DJD I OPN I sc that the horst soon wil disnp- -' 5U01> vu a, Verom Et Dear froin tAxe postal service o! thte UJnited Kingdo-m Panaceas. - The Australian -state.ý conerined Mr.. Kelly-Ais' 'how are ye thiis an'd thie commonwealbhihave aý,reed on MsrsFl, sye on a loceking -and !*torage avstam for mri' itesFy t'e the. Murray river that wiîop>en risetînatiz a-ny bettes'?7 navigable waterwa- 1oomie o1 M a rs. Tlyn-Well, vis. I thiink it thxe heart o!f ro.ducing Aiist r4jia. s18 I thank ye. koincl ie new. wori' av gc-d, 1'b.-lave. He ad- yocatîes me te take Quecu Aune eternally, and te rub. anamchy on me j'iuts. 4o I'm doits' it, an'. I think iLs lsslpin' me wonde'fuliy. summum TOUBIBT EATZS TO TEE ]ont ACII COAST -- spca l 1at *und-trlu tîclietm froin ail oint InCanifdw te Los Atîgelea, $an Francvco. Perti-anil, Seatt Us,.Van- vo*~uver, Vietorlit, FLiJmoiitoii. cajoary. 1 3unfY. Yellowstone Park. ec.. durlnx JupieJuiy, %uguât aixci -Sp-ivlmber. 5-- relent train servi-e. Wor rates, Ilius- trated foiders, time tiableiil d fui par' tîclirv, adi remvot.B.A-L i vvt.(;ner-al Agenlt, 4 eseSre.'Vioîonto. Ot- titi-Io,- 'The hitians banclfs'oin Lise wrîit Vo the end 'o! txe xmiddle finger- is one-t'th o!. the total hlleighit M.a masn o! perfrct proportions. YOVUR OWN' DIIISGGIST WILL T1£LLyOI ITry- biarine Ejie i<sîsedy fur Red, %V.eauk. Wajsry- B yea anti Grabsîlîsttd itRyellifi;Nutain- I st Eye coisifur,. Write l'or Booklorut iie ryi DY mua lire. '3uri ufEye ltcusety Co., C1Ieagq. What do we live for il riot f-o -ot-e ff Jes difficu-it for euch Minards Zilnet uned b i bl sia M-is. Satl -Ae ,ou awsrc, -Mme. S9bibone, -tisat yo4r dok-- ha juebt ,bittfen usy litie Willie?" 'Mr3. .Shinbone-' W-hatyû iU-W- -ie, wlso has jnttgoL ovès' ti scar- jp;ý fever'? -f-s, S'. .Sa-auiv,- ii'any- Vhingeixoutld -iuuýppen '-te Fide I'd ynevr fouxe ." --- Net lWorth the fiother. A achocolbey wae given a sum teO de. W-heu it was doue fie took iL te the teache r, whole1oked st it sud' said: "This an-swer is wrong. by two cents. Go buck to ypîir seit and de it correctly," -If T'au 'please, sir,"' saidf the youugate.r, fislling in -isa cket. "I'd rmtheî' psy tbe diffe rence" "What is the best-P&sq..I~'mprov- e-r ?" "Àpret.ty girl.' '"Why ia ses stîthon more f ree thun a màouarch ?" "Becau-ze ie cen chose-isbis O-wn stibjeetq, " "Why is the «Ulbhom the qteerest animal lu word ?" Be' - cause bis taie coepacuXt of hià 1 was cur,-d o ro-hî',ai vim by -MINARIYS LlN'lMIJNT, AIRt Ml.A. il'IO'. I wus curedi) f a mevere ettaclç ef lîheuma&tîvrn by MiNARD' IS IlET Mahone iBay. JOHN MADER. I was cured no' a severely apralfe g by MINARDS LtNlI,%ENT, eile JOSHL'A A 'NC "B].sni"'sai Tonmy'e àým uci-e. "Do you tean te eýay th4et I .v-um f-cachers lneyer thra;'h yen Vm "Neyer," epMtcl Tommy:. «.eý -lave moral suabion ini oun oho 'W'hat's bhatf' i"Oh, we get-ÃŽp' in and ftoôd'up- ii c4 o ie-ii et J locked et t an4 , word ctiii. and ninde te write on~ wr-atiioxsand- *time,ad cwl, ed at anid juwve-d at, sud Vhat'-s ail'" Gi-rc' bas foumdc' ber irlisal' "' f Yes, 'a nd te -ao - ownmsa-n auto- I s- c 1 t ti 'Ici

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