Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Jul 1914, p. 1

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C., Lucas5 N., Ogmeron B., Jamiesea [mand, JacqlWý éni Mion tas, a'fertilizer. lis plant. E.;LWILLIS: I»ruglst endOptlclan. MEDICAL HALL Irck St. w WhitbY.' JEIGAL JNO. E, FAREWEILL, I.C.' TlStr,,.County Crown Attorney and -County~solicitor. kes south wingCourt l4çouse, Whitby. A. E. CHRISTIAN Servlter, Solileter. Notary Publie. jEtc. Sce, Brook St, Qpp. Standard Bank. Moncy to looan. MES IIUTLEDOE9 Barmister, Etc. Moncy to'Loan on'easy'terms. iS lImmedltely eouth Royal 1Hotet, Issuer of MARRIÀGE LICENSES :eurt House, Whitby, or reidence. 9. A. J. SWANSON Dan1ster, "Pli&itor.,Noary Public, Conveyancer, etc,# etc. Oshawva, . Ontario fic N. Cing St. ZE, Mba"eic.Biock* . 1Ruuldence-3i Drew St. 'hue-Off~c5 321; Residence. 326. D3ENTAL ~AM, Dn~lt, ffeDnae yremSt, hity. PonoNo. 122. JAS". EISKOP Omkaws, ULoeued Auct-IcOM. Suc- oseer to L. Fiairbanks. For termB datesu pply to self or G. RobbI, WR. H IAW LICHNSED ALJCTIONEER 1AND VALIJATOR. Ail kidi of salesprouipti>'attend- @d. t.. Arr.ugelisIts for saleseaM b* ,.adeat the Guetfteê ole. TrmIroasouabis., 1.01 ad -.Iudnd sflet phones. WIIITBYl ONT. KINGSTON ROAO0 FARM Klngstou Road farni, Durham Ccunty, one hundred aud thirly ight acres-cluyi loaamIwîthin two miles cf ratlway depot and village. Niue roomed dwelliWng, ueariy new, buuk barn, driving house, piggorýy, poultry house. There is about fort' -acres standing timber on the property, valucd at threc thousand douials.- Price cf farm, sixty five hundred, j'eux iiSMER&eo 404 LuMsde-n . Building TORONTO B88sand ODM Buins Bus tôe altrainsi. Rigs cf ail kinds DÂY 09 NIGHRT.- -3,14 -nid 74. Office:. Wo iy Newlfaes hle Nxt 1eIsâ b#tur..4ossc and UaN SEATS IN NEXT HOUSE 111 Consrvatves *...........4 Liberuls .....2 LaLr................ Independonte....... Governmont rinaJorlty ove- .1................. 5 EkSIN LABT MOUSE100 Conservatives ........8 LIberais................ 20 Labor...................I1 Government malorlty over a................. 64 Tcronto, Juns 30.-The Govermoent cf Sir James Whtney was etra returned td power' lu the geserai electionsiln Ontarlot ,Hie majerity was SI Ightly reduced frcm wia.t he bail lu the last Leglatirre. As le usual, in contesta cf this klnd a groat miany changes have tmksn place lu the personnel cf the 'Mom- bers. The Lîberals won both seats ln, Ottawva, defestod the Hou. Dr. Rsaums, Miuter of Publie Works and amcng other gains won North and Sout.h Brant, West Peterbore aud Eiait Wellington, Dr. McQuesn, Nlrth We4tworth and- 11. J. McCormilck, Enst*Larnbton who have been promin- out on the Liberal saide, weut down to dsfeat. 'Mr. N. W. Roweii, leader of the Opposition, wus eleted lu North Oxford IIy 115 miýaJorlty. Ex. cept Dr. Reaume ail the, Cabinet Mîniaters were re-eectsd. Among Consrvatlves 'who were defsuted are ]Cx.Mayor Elli and Napoisou Cham- Paine In Ottawva; W.-S. B-swter.and J. W. Westbrook lu the. Brants sud Dr. Anderson in South Essex. 0f the ilie new seats Conserratlves were' eloted lu Parkdale, Riverdals and Niagara Falu. while Liberals secured Cochrane aud Windsor. Among the new faces lu the Houso will be the Rer. J. C. i7olmie of Windsor, the onIy minîster ln the list sectod, F. W. Hall, South Lanark;. J. Grieve, North Middlesex; J. Edgar, Parry Sound, G. A. Gillespie, Poerboro West; N. Parlament , Prince Ildward; Thos Magiadsry, 'T.miskany4ng and Tho. Hock, Mark Irish, W. H. Puice aud Joseph Ruqsel of Toronto, 8. Carter cf Gieph. A. Rykerti. orth Went- worth; C. Calder, 86& - Ontarlo; Z. A. Hall, South Waterloo; Scott Davidson, North ý Brant; Joseph H. 'Hem, and W. D. Cargili, South Bruce. Au 046 featurs wu the returu In Ires- cott of Mr. Eranturel. Faces Mieelng 014 members whc retlve or were not agaln renominated by the party -onvention were: Hoa. Dr. Reaumf- W. K. McNaught, EI1l> (Aurk S.) MoeArthus- (Mlddl«eexN.) Gela (Parry 8oc"d), ro'ck (Psté boro W.) Eran taai (Prescott), whÃŽo reslgued froni the lust House; Norm=. (Prince Ed. ton (Tlmiskanlug), Vrocnan (N tk. 0a W.) T. IL1 . W.da (Toronto .) Msd Geo Paithisco(Watesloo S.yt; 0«6 . v Heume sud Ummus.NoemaQo Mud Ureturel ma," as ldmets but OUFy the lImm ândeWsu0es. _ 1be otaai" Im afflpuet pu t leaeap,1000 as e bseat d 60 1.U Gog «W OsUberals ~gbeau it a u.W *W 4years. 0 Ubedw U0 parties 6s ~ «; 1Ubeesi, 49; bc*P bosha0,sdinsto: -erw vés, te; Leu in !. a », Ll 4b0, L Wheu thse 00 UUt s tcod: Okoeeevir, 86; Uberals, 19; Lebor, 140W ebnet Pared Eesleoed-Blr Zemes Whtaey, 330&. W. -J. Hanua, Z Ou. .1.Zidrie4 Émon.Dr. Pffe, Blon. .1.J. Pc>'. air ,Ad=iziBock, Ho.Je. DO%, gon. L B. lia, Hs-on. R, EL Preston A"d Ha& V -l., Hsiart. Addiugtou, »E&lk Algoma, Grigs Breekvfils, Donovaa Bruce S., CmawIi Bruce, Vau ODUeei Cga-tton, MUO t da, Wbttuev Ug, eBroyer A il'W, olrW Kono'1ra, mtiui Kent , S ual Kiugston, Rose Liambton ,W., Rau IAflark NPreste Laak5,Hall Lm.tn ., Mart: Lesds, Dgrgavel London, Beck Manitoulin, Gama, Middlesex E., McI Muskoka. Armatra .Niaesra Falls, mu Norfolk B., Pratt Northumberlanld E Nipisslng, Morel *Ontario N.., Hoyle Ontario S., Calde~ Parry Sound, Edo Perth S., Bennew~ Peel, Fallea Perth N., Torran< Peterboro, E. Th Port Arthur, Hg Rentrew N., Duni Renfrew S., Mci - Rainy River, Mai St. Catiîarines, Je Sault ,Ste. Marie SImcoe C., Thom *Slmcoe E., Hartt Simce S.,Fer EJ Simncoe W, u1 StormontSheare Spdbury, MoCra Temiskaming, M à Toronto B.W. (A Toronto B.W. (B) Toronto N.W. A Toronto N.W. (B> Toronto NE. (I Toronto N.E. (B1 Toronto S.E. ( Toronto S.E. (B), Parkdaie, Pr-te Riverdale, Russe[ Victoria NI..Mas Victoria S., Carsv Waterloo N., MI Waterloo B., Hal Welland, SharP Wellington W., Wentworth N.,. WentwcrtB., Yorl E.,Heury York N.,'L York W., God ,Neabltt I ,rry oleu lHearst giaderl Gooderhala jCrawford McPhersou Pyne Irish Owens Hockt on Çhsmbmr Brant N., Davidiumoa : Brant SHn Bruce W., Bowias Ooehraue, Laug Eissex N., Ducharme Essox S., WIgle Gengarry. Munm4 . Huron C.. Proudloct Kent E., Verguson Lincoln, Marsha Middlesex N., G ors ,Middlesex W., Illiott NorfoIk, N., Atkison Northurmberland iW., Clarkt Ottawa E., Pinar~ Ottawa W., Hurdman oxford N., Roweli Oxford S., Mayb rry Prince Edward, 'ariaent Peterboro W., GluIespie Russell, Racine Sturgeon Pulls, (ageaU Wellingtou E., 1Richardson Windsor. Toimie Prescott, Evanti Wellington S., ( Laborltes Hamilton E., StU roiete arter Elected, dholme --- - - -- 1 G- -1 (8 Haldimand Lambton E. Ontario S. Weutworth N. Parkdale (new) Riverdale (new) Niagara Fails (A:ew) Liboral Ga'ins Brant N. Brant S. Cochrane (new)j Essex W. Essex S. Middlesex N. Ottawa E. Ottawa W. Prince Edward Peterboro W. Windsor (nw) T111E RESI loma--GHigg (Coi Addinston-Blaok Brockvlle-Donovai 400 najorlty. Bruce Wm-Bow'ul iorlty 601. Bruce Scutb--Cargt 8s6 nsjority. Bruce Nortb-Mg) najorit>'. Norths Brat-DIari iorfty 30. Coeran-Lsug (j~ Carleton Ccoimty- 840 majorlt>'. Durham at-ae malorlty. Durham Woot-D i joeity 150. Dundes-Sir Jae 750 naiority. Duffern-McKecwzL ma.jorlty 580. Essox North--Duci jorit>' 100. Essor South-WIa 144. Weet .EIgun-M eiected; about 700nà . Mast ]Maln--Brpwt inDora Jo homo for *«le hoU M11 du C LIs 1an (Mb.) ma. CI)20 t lroy (con.) gS(CbR.) 516 (0c fm) ma. wMair '(con.) (0011,4 slected; (Lb)ma- sjerity, A'Comiplete Stock to Select PrFom., oý.ctd b7 about 1800 1I.s#west- -9bohtf (o. a y l'Poo.~ - Li)m- Centre HuronFr oot (i. u (Côn.) Huron South-Hsnry EIber (Cou.) 820 majority. Eaet gent-Forgu»on,(LiII.) 800 daajorlty,. ' ; .11 .1 Kenora-H .. Mahi.(Cnacs- clamuation. Kington-Roas. (on.) 1,466 a- jcrity. Lennox-CaracaI1eü (Con.) 100 ma- Lanark 14orthi-iIci. Dr. Preston (Con.) 300 iajorty-r.' Lainbton West-ifon. W. J. Hanna (Con.) 1,00D maJ.rti. Lamùbtc,«East.-Mairtyn (Con.) ma- jc.ity 25. Londo-Sir AdamBsck (Con.) ma- jcrity 1,600; Lincoln-Marihall ..(LIII.) 200 ma- .jority. Leede--Dargavel (Con.) majority 460. .ý ý Manitoulin Iland-Oaey (Con.) 177 ma ority. Middlesex North-G4rlevs %Llb.) m&- -ority 18 Middlesex West-3. "C. Elliott I(LiI.) majorlty 700. Middlesex East-McFParlaus (Con.) majority 400. Muskoka-Ârmstroig (Con.) 100 NorOlumberlandWsMý t-Clarke (Lii.) Majority165. le. Northum~berand -Ëesbitt (Con.) àmieaty 8004 Niagra 7Talla-Dr. Musaroe (Con.)' Norfolk BPI$th-A. . ~,Vat(cca.) NI0suilug-morrel (Con.) uasertty Oxford Nbrth-Roweul '(1db.> ma- Oxford Éouth-lleut.dÇ«l Mayberry, (LiII.) majorlty 30. Ouitarlo South-Ca.lder (Con.) . Jorty 200. Ontario North-Ho a (Con.) tue jSt-ty 200. Ottawa Eut-Pinard (1db.) eloctedo MT majcrity. Ottawa Wet-Hurdman (LII.) ma.- jority 189. Port Ârthur-Hcgtarth (Con.) mas-i jorlty 600. Parry Sound-Edgar (Con.) m&- jority -344. Peel-Failis (Con.) maJorlty 40Ã". Prinae Edward-Parliament (LiII.) 100 majorlty. Pressott-Evanturel (Ind. LiI.) ma- Jority 250. Peterboro' Wsst-OGilleapis (LIII.) majority 42. ,Peterboro EssI-Thompson (Con.) majority 500. Perth North-Torraucs (Con.) ma.- jority 900. Perth South-flennewels, (Con.) 200 majority. Rainy River-Mathieu (Con.) 200 ju;ority. Russel-Racine (1db.) elected. Rsnfrsw South-T. W . MoGarrY (Con.) acclamation. Rsnfrew North-Dunlop (Con.) ma.- Sort ty 38. Simcoe West--Duff (Ccn)-maloritY 1,000. simece Eat-Hartt ýCon.) maJorlty 800. Simcoe Centre-Thompsoli (Con.) majorlty 280. Stormont-Shearer (Con.) majority St. Catharines-I!,. Jeseop( Con.) 1,887. -, Sturgeon Fatls-Mageau (III.) eleet ad. sauit Ste. Maris-Heu. W. ]EL Hoait (Con.), majorît>' 700. Sudbury-McCrea (Con.) majorit> Temtekaming - Magladery (Con.) elected. Toronto Southwt. Seat Â.-Hon. J. X. Fur (Con.) majority 8,640; Seat Booderbafli(cou.)' majority 8,018, Toronto NortiseasSeat A-Hon. Dr. Pyne (Cou,) mfJority 1,608, Seat 3,Irlsh (Con.) majority 1,230. Toronto Southeast, Soit A--Oweuu .Mon.) majority 2,181; Seat B, Hook fon,) majority' 2,182. Tojopto NortbwWst, Seat A,-Crw- MM' (Co0n.) malort>' ,00 SeatB, K*th.rou (ocm.) major"ty2,650. T aa.nt, ferdalo-pu"sal (Con;,) 11,20 UsbetwrlaoNoth--MIII (Oas )0 mwevorth ctb-ybW (o Soutb-uwtar(ad. LiII.) WWor-ReAr; J. Ce Tobais LUb,) Northt Yrk-4Jeaaes (Go.) 800 moi- Torltew--Dr. abe ourey flot cooled, and tiiere was good, work dons lu getting voters to the ipolis. Horm n d carrîage s ave place 4o the ubîqultous automobile,, *whlcb meant qulck-wcrk. Tus vote poled lu Whfby uumbered 4s4,,as compar. ed4 to S2 -in,'1911,. nn lucrease cof 52, 0f this Increase Mr.,Slnclair recsivd two, and Mr. Calder fity. Mr. Cal- dtr's majority at the 1 ,ast eleotion was 29, on, this occasl io t was 7M. SIR JAMES WHITNEY. The victors celebrated thdlr site- cess by a huge bon-Oirs on the corner of Dundâs and Broclc, and by the usual concommitants cf baud music, fiàeworks and tin whistiee. They had rsdeemed the. riding, and vere couse- quently joyful. e Thé 'vote ln, Whitby by polllng mub- dIvisIons- was as follows: callfer, Sinclair. Suli. 1)v. No. 1I- 60 41 su#. Div. No. S- 5 4 *4bf Sub. Div. No. 4- 59 54 sub. Dlv. No. 5- 70 88 279 205 Mlaj ority for C'alder. 74. The votlhg booths were looked ai- ter by the foliowiug No. 1.-D. R. O., F . J. Joues; Polling Clerk, F. Henstock. No. 2.-D.R.O., 4as. Fegan; PnlI- tng Clerk, W. E. Rice. No. 3-... Fred Rogers: Pull- Iug Clerir, Lawrence Mlntyre. NO. 4.-D.R;O., J. W. Baternan;, Polling Clerk, A.R. Rowland. No. 5.-D.R.O., W. A. Henderson; The vote ln the riding wll nit. be accurately asoertnined until,.the of- liciai count on Aaturday, but follow-t Ing are the returns received ýat thIe time of going to press, whi ch givs Caider a majorlty of 22. Calder. Sinclair~ aorItby frSnl Whitb y oS incai Mioiy oruider 3 Port Ferry ; Majority, for Sinclair Scugog-, Mtajority for Calder 30 NO.swuaolt No.2........ No. 3, A.-L .... M.-Z .. ./.. No. 4, A.-L. M.-Z.. N. ............ No. 7 ..... .... . 651 Pee'sSho0Sore.. Srok iSt. south. hiL.0s.Fhu151 lTAHAR BNK TO0RONTO WHITBY BRANCU C. AfCIan w MapI- Syrp Pure, .Énd High est G rade tÉât thatcan be- made#' Galilon Tins. $l 4138 Au Tu LAW9LER' WHITBY, ONT. Phones: Bel], No. 47; Irdeperident, No. 47 Seed EARLY 0HI0 DELAWARES 06 120 Majorlty for Caldèr, 86. No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. ô 'aty à No 7 do ...i No.8 " ..8 No.9 ..07 ~71 *-98 Majorlty for Sinclair- * m Pickering * No. Il majority' ,.80 No. 2 " .y No 8 " ..18 No. 6 " ... 23 No.67 N o . ? .. No.8 9 -.. .6 No.10 " ..1 No.11 " ..82 88 147 Majority for Sinclair - 109 RECAPITULATION. Calder. Sinclair Best Whitbiy, naJor1ty 85 Wst Wldtby < 8 Reach 2 Smuog 8 Pickering 10 PortPrry " 80. WbiIî 'i. Osbawa Potatoesl1 0u ..rs W- fl8IV1 EARLY and IRISH COBBLERS For late GREEN and VULCANS Eà. ào Ued Statu i aememu whm iBues é 't I * J 4~ t / MOUNTAINS Garden-.Seeds Ne* andi cholce> Our Bulk Seeds are theé finest obtainable. W. B. PRINGLE & 00 WHITB'Y ONTA~RIO WRITERS DECUARE TEN RIGHT]1 PAPER, PEN AND INK- BOUGHT AT- Wei., . iRIHA BROC K ST. WHIIr STATIONERY 0OF 1 ý c AIL M ÀM-1&90ýÂM

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