Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Jul 1914, p. 4

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-SIa um saC maiImporran0 ain Me oip 5w85, as everyoILe wI a84udft, th abolition o! bar and- A* - Ucf, and lte doing awb. Vilibte $bree-ftltba Claude toal 0151458campaigfls, wbilkIMO OPlaDki la tbe LUberal plalLtln. l'a oclOption came ia forsa grest deal of Praift frei the Conserv$tilve pufty,. and one would b. led te thinks that, local' oIoD, WhIÇ# '9closes $110 bars ia sIngle mulciPalltie, waà al- togétlîer of!-a different brand -te the proposed legila tlen 1. wbh l'almed ai wlptgon al ile b arsla .Proýv- SAnce. From the liquor man's- point of vlew, t. -wu a different andlels' desiralsle brand, but f rom a prohibi- tion standpolnt it was of the "ame place. Local option is bar abolition applied -'te municipaltIe - Rowells f4 -poliey la bar aboliti on applled te the SProvine'. One *ould f sncy tdst, ail reai frlends et- local option, w*hlch in a measure impossible te citain under present conditions -la' many mulot-17 ....îiUaa.Whlêhv lneuded-woild. ho jtbey déeilDOKé1y g55UM Za avloaus ply becaus e ir own PoCi parl Idid Dot effoi tuaI relief. N ge tblng could coe>out -o!f teothbr party, itoabolitionl o!ft baro-, lered by that party wag net accePte Hôew strâzne that Christian petople anci teperanee peple cam bury their convic tions ,undur ' >buéhel' aof le. clous partizan lreasoning tisat what1 wuo offered ',was motwWai would bW.; givený-becauSO the, other party ofo- ed IL. If, tempèrance prinéiples %WeWaly: superler'-te party affliations ln' tbe' mncind, o! the people,'tiser. lea lliij4 dout tliat.:the Bar la -Ontari o would bave. recelved a deaili blow on ?rcu- day. It ls argued that local ontirmn willi make Ontario dry ln ten s ears. 'I kat, la only a guets. But If. r aboulta be truc, why walt ton years ? Why nt make Ontario dry ln one year, and save aine years' waste of lîfe ar4 property ? ,Bolled dewn te ite essence, thie re- suIt,' shows -that electera voted partir, net principle--because prilnipl a. i- WaYs alm$ita i 11 agem asure of, relie! frei -a-eI or a, wreng. "'Where aïe'youir Ch041 an ad tern- falluvpý"j"Iperaiàce mca "nov w o 101M. 'us u $1 friends a f lawunder whatcvcx ho rUmeti-Professed Christia- ic name that - euld do what local op- iîy zngt." This la thc ue Sr6o! Ij lion alms t do, namelY., Close th1e non-Christiani men-showitg Ccaiy fi rc W. . UK &SONI 7GARAGE Auto Livery Cars f'or Hire Bicycles and Repairing. New- and Second liand Wtieels m For Sale, L - 4 - 4 - 4 '4 - 4 WATER AND LIGHT GOMMWISOWONERS 1 "00 IT ELEOTRIOALLY" Homes that are usng lectricity for light may have the added convenience of using the following articles, at a cent fer current as set ont 'opposite each individual item. Let The "Whi!te Coal" Do The Work For You Wanhing Machine & Wringer Electrie Imon - - - Tes Samovar - - Chafing Pinh - - Toaster Itevea- - - Six inch Dise Stoves - Coffee PercolatLor - - Heating Pado Electrie Fans, 12 inch - $6 dé 16 de 1 jcts per heur 3jcts 3jcts jet " i -And bent of ail, the 10 watt tungsten lamp,, vhich je now a commercial succeos. Use it for halls, verandahe, -or Ruey place. you would appreciate long heur burniag, at a cent of 1 cent for 15ý heurs use cf 8 candle power.. - GEO. W. P. E4VEIIY, Supt. i i IIOT WEATHER SAVERS I -j - This is the tinie of year you are r hing easy to prepare for meal time. -TRY TISE C orned Beef Lunch Tongue wanting -some- 25and 30C tinl 45C tin Lunch Chicken - - - 40e tin Cooked Ham, Head Cheese, Bologna. Orangeade, Lemonade, Lime Juice, and Grape juice_ for, the sumnier drinks, BERRIES ARE SHO~RT eReP. L3UY EA\RLY. no. -E. WATERIIOUSE Phone 11- WHITBY - -Prompt Delivery, I 0P THE 01 '2ayTzz .41.0 ILw 'oUM s.rny'oSe n oft freduo-b. contractfig > . gToèm -weTe una~ed4 meny vas péefbrm -dhey tc Alun, pater o!01ic Methoil t tchurëb 1 at Myrtie -al n e bob r! 'Was çtven awvay by ber !i.ierï -an wore a f got twité iài - oiderçd crepo, with trlînmngso! shadiçv lac, so thc gif t o f thec groom-a rl'watch, and 'chain, and eSrfda:bmu ut o!f çarnatibas. The, bride las 1yery higbly I Fespected-i* this àiný"b n lin 0o 0«salle 11, T f*n - t - Batgain Lots LADIES' Fine shots and ptim'Pst re>yuIar Sale Price$12 $hm off, au wumhng tîlEs l' 00410 long litée and prosperi nil and valuable prenents. -V glad tnnu on iineîr retura n eywîî 'eside in Myrtle, se that v 111con- tiue te have the;il .wth us. SIIOOTINGf AFFRAY AT CLARE- -MONT. During a quarrel witli seme fellow- countrymen la a box car, la vhlch Mic met were liv 'ing, while ployed on construction work ai Ci remont, J-oseph Barbone, aged tw tY-t*vO .Caremont, vas shot (n tise àbdonien early Sunday mornlng, and- 8s nov Iying la thc Western Hospi'tà1 lnaa serlous condition. Smart wor c pS tbe -part e! tic train crew, vho were lzý charge o! the train which 'br ught the lnjured man te the clty early Sunday mornlng, led té the amont iy C. P. Hunt o! tbroe foreigners,1 J <is Fini and! Ralpis Fini, 210 Chestnu treet, and Joseph Loretto, Peterb >ro, who arc said té bc responsible f r Bar-. bone's injury, They are biel4 as ma- terial witnesses- The shooting took place e4rly Sun;- t day morning, and! several f reigners, who were involved In the fig t, owing te Jack of police protectcn, were able te escape. As -Barione was being placed on the train fsr Toron- to, a !riend notifled the 4odco that - three foreignera,, w î o were boarding the train, were'en leavorinj? bo escape to Toronto. Hie peinted the three mon eut. Thte onductor Immediately wired the Toýonto po- lice. Constable Hunt met the train arySunday mornlng,! Lrttes thought te be -he man who shot l3arbone. LARGE BOILER EXPL(>DES IN - IIEART 0F OSHA~WA. Oshawa, -lune 25.-A vo y serlous and probably fatal bolIer explosian occurred at the iresidence of Mr. J.- W. MCutcheon, on King SIreet east, Oshawa, where ho lias been )oring for gas for some weeks past. The largo boler exploded about ni ie oOclock Ibis morning when fortunal ly only two peîsons were noarby, william Donald,î the gas drilling expert in charge o! the work, and Ar~thur Mc- Cutcheon, a son of Mr... l ceut- cheon, a Young rman about ninetoo-n years o! age, who was assi sting in the work.t Mr. Donald eacaped raculous1y witb but slight lajuiy, but Arthi-r MoCutcheon received very jerious if net fatal injuries. As soorm as lie could be removed from the wreck he was taken to the hospital, ind at a late heur to-aight, although tili liv- ing, had not regained consDousness. The plant vas completely vrecked, a Portion e! the boler was carried a- bout three hundmed feet onto the lawn cf Mr. T. H. Eversor s resi- dence to the north, and an)tiser pcr- tion'cf ilteo the next street Souths, striking two bouses In iUn Path ftnd daxnaglag both o! themn. Housesnar- by were damaged- té a co siderable ertent. and 4h.evisole scene'l oreseats a mont disastreus appeaace The weli belng bored wai dovit a- bout six hundred feet, and already a good flow o! -tiatural gag xas been struck, wbich lua ow flopriniz froin the pipe. The accident wc the mîdat of one o! Osha', thlckly populated and bei liaI districts, and Ilu lu that noea-people vers ao The explosion shook the hcý by, and causeil a great amengsltishe residents o! Ity. Great sale o! Regal s cheap, la gentis, 1ev shoe M. W. Collins,. RZUTTAN-SMITH. The marriage téek place to on Wodaesday, June 24, C. Ruttan, of Whtby, tel Smith, of Tornale. The teck place at the home of' parcnts, YOrkvillo Ave., fi Camneron, pasrr of Bloor tîst Church, oficlating. j, ceremony the happy couple Wlitby, where they spnt Weck, then mturning t.a wllere tlîey wilI reside. TI, is a well-knon and esttiml man, who bholds an imnper- tion -ldn the -United Ph, stores, Toronto. H I- a81EI lishesi vocalist, boing a plait the choir cf Chaimers P ' Men wbnm Il le a privilege sure- tM know and numberd lisI of frlends. 3y bMs u o $4 LAIS FineVYid -Kid and Fat-eut bôots b uttoii or lace, rëg . ,$3.'atd $4 - .Sale Plceè $2e'45 JINFANTS' -Fineé boots, regu iar price 50C tb Sale Price 25c MEN'S Fine patentandtan oxfords and button boots,ý reg. $4 and $5 -' Sale Price $2@65 Bargains'E to the end., See the.elegant desions in dressy shoes for ladies, also in men' s.- See the classy models in newest styles. See the great bargain. lots windows. Deal in Whitby and save money in your home town.. JOHN me ~-- 11inIt This. Oreat Display Us at FEIJUSON'S - OLD ST.AND- Sign---The Red FIag. TERMIS 6,STR-ICTLV CASH, 't ~OLLNS -- w - ' forts, umder. a iseavy handicap, ho bas cultivated bis voice and fittèd biiasel!fer the isigis place te occupiez te-day. His example haS blicou anob- jecti lsson te ah Young men. Mms. Ruttan la a young woman of! fine Christian chatacter and training, and viii b. a real hlep-mate té hbem husband. That Ibis Young couple may have a long, happy and - use! ul lule, is tise carnest vlsh of their nunlerous friends bore. The bride *as the rei ient cf a large number o! very handsome and! use! ul gitîs. BOY WANTED. Smart boy wanted at the nov ahoe store. M. W. Colline. MEETING -CANCELLED. The public lecture, under ttc -aus- pices e! the National Sanitariuni As- sociation, viiet as callod for Sun- day eveniag, .iuly 5, at 8 o'clock ia the music hall, has been cancelled, owing te_-the tact that tise Summer Scbool, whlct viii be in pregrens at tise College, wlll isoîs an open meet- Ing thali evenîng, aItishe conclusion o! tise church services.- (Imeat vaiety cf children'o shoes sols! at bargaiti prices. M. w. Col. DEÂTH 0F ANGUS MeDONALD. The death occurred ln Toronto on Monday of Mr. Angus McDonald, aged 714 years, ,a former Wh.'tby rsi- dent. Mr. McDonald lived in Whltby for years, beine engaged with 'King Bros. Several years ago lie înoyed té Toronto, where ho han resided since. Ho had been ailing al'ls winter, but was confined to, hia ried for only one week. Thse tuneral took place on Wednesday morning on ar- rival of the C.P.R. train !rom To- ronto at 9.j5i Interment took placq ln the R.C. Cemetery. Mr. McDonald Ie!t a widow and tamiiîy to mourn bis loss. Mrs. Wmn. Westlake, o! Whhitby, la a sister-in-law. SUMMER SCI-OOL AT COLLEGE. The annual Missionary Summer Sehool will . open at the Ontario Ladies' College on Thursday o! this week, when a large number of young People wfIl corne to 'Whitby for the purpose of studying mission work, and receiving Inspirati on along mnis- silonary lines. A lnumber O!fminent mlsslonaries and nlnlsters will lie present te give Instruction. The af- ternoons are spent usually in-recrea- tion, and the mornIngs and evenings la a routine of. stpdy. It fi expected that the usual large number will be 1in attendance. curred in lias'. wa's Mst5 " 'UUUUUIIfg e t resîdea- BIRTHS. e i iraculoîj CRAWFORD--On June io, te Mr. 1 Diebentore ot Injured. and Mms. H.D Crawford, nec Mar- 'Mo )Uses near- garet Burnu, 'rformerly of wansY, vmoIcîvn ue eUTTAN aSduHhtTo enIn Isiei lu m tln 1704 First aeu ua agso.NEGOTIABLE k vey Wdnedsy, Jute 24, 1914, William IsaI sfYaI an als.r C. Ruttan, te miss NelUie Sit. ASSETSI adBl.DEATHIS. $7,480,339- - HAY-Ât Whitby, on Saturday, Juins 27, 1914,, Margaret Ogstea Dun'Uar Inl Toron- Hay- te! Mr. W. MOLES.-At lot 339 con. 9, Wes Wîftiieryou have eune hundred dol- iss Nelle Whitby, on SundaY, .Tune 28, 1914,lm ortntouad olrse l- cermen AaleWisto, ele.~dwie11>f-eo jvent, debentumes la thse Great West ebide's Moles, la hem 441h year. Lean Ce. are a nafe and satisfqctory fev. W. A.- CRAWFORD- On June 15, Helen purehase. Perhaps: yen don't watt St. Bap- Gertrude, infant daugiter ef Mr, te tic your rney up for a long per- fIter the and Mms.. Il.D. Crawford. 1704 Firet ted o! years. Vou can buy deben- came te avenue east. luron la Ibis Ce. for one year or rcrnt McDONALD-In Toronto, on 'MoadaY more, just as you choose. Every six he -ro .june 291 Angus MlcDenald, agod Menthe yen tear off an interest cou- ibe -goomg 1 74 years. pon, take It te assy bank and tget tise tint pesi- 1BELLý-AI Su. M i-lsIL ;r ah, neworry or delaf; ans! vien, otgahe Toronto, on Saturdav, .lune 27th, the debenture matures the moaey Is ,n accomp- 1914, .John Bell, formerly of Whit- payable at once-ne waitiag because 1 singer In by. crops have been poor, olr-the mort- eslbyterian; D6HART-uAt Orilliae, Qn Sunday, gager tas'been slck or out o! work. tise Young I- ' June 21, 1914, Rolit. DeHamIn l1 Write, Phone or cail upon the local and plea- hie 79tt yen?, son o! tise laIe Nicis-1 agent on oes olas. DeHarI, o! WhItby, and! broth- - nlded. e!- e of Mme. Arthur Richardsen. l C. A. Ooodfellow, WVitby PICKERING. The business mon of the west end have taken up a gubscription for the purchase of cil for the street in frout of their premises, the dust nuisance having become unbearable, Miss Mabel. Hallett was taken to the hospital on Tuesday, to undergo an operation for an abscess behind her eye. The doctors entertain strong hopes, for ber recovery. JUDICIAL SALE~ Fine Residential Property for Sale in the Townshi p of Pickering-in the Supreme Court o! Ontarjo, lin the niatter -of the Estate of Alexand- or Margach. ______ Pursuant tg the judgnient .and final order for sale In this matter bearing date the lSth day o! June, 1914,there wlll be sold by public auction with the approbation of G.Y. Smith, Esq., Local Master o! this Court, at Jas. Gordon's Hotel, In the, Village of Pickerin7g, at the hour of two o'clock In the afternoon on Wednesday the 15tli! day o! July, 1914, by Wm.- Maw,. auctioneer, the following lande and promises in one parcel belng three-quarters of an acre more or Ions o! souili part. of Lot Nuniber Twelve In the Second Concession o! the Township o! Pickering in the County o! Ontario described as fol- Iowa Commenoing where a pont bas been planted at the distance of five chaine and Iffty linkts on an angle o! north Soventy-four degrees eut #rom Southt- wost angle Of said lot, thence north sixteen degrees west tbres chains, thence north seventy-four degrees, 'euSt one -chain seventy-fIve ink.,t 1thence South sixteen degrees enst three chains to the front of Said con- cesion, thence south seventy-four de- green west one chafu, sevonty-five links te the place o! beglnning, to- gether with a strlp o! land tethe east thereof contafnlng aîtogether tbrce quarters Of an acre More or legs.1 On tht s property there 1tg sntd te bce a large and substantlal' brick dwelling houge about 82 feet square witb a brick kitchen attaqbed 14 by la el and wooclshed la by 20 feet. There Is' also on said property a blacknnutth shop 20 bY 30 feet and stable 26 by ~30 fot. Thfs liropertv 19 altuate on -the Kinigston Road about oné mMe 'eant o! PIckerfng Village and four andi one.-haîf mlles west froni the town' of Whltby. l - The electrf c street rýafway trackr f t laid tust north and almont ad- joiôing tht s property, anîd when built will he, a great conventence- to thîs property. -ýîý The property will lbe offered foï sale àubjecitet- a rekserved -bld whlch will bo fixed by sald Muster. The vendcirs shallflot be obllgOedte !urnish any abstracts or title deeds not ln their possession. TERMS :-Ten per cent. will be pald down -ai the 'lime of 'ali md the balance within thlrtýr day. from, the date of said sale. In a11 cuber- respects 'the- terms and ceadftàons of sale kifl le thse standiïg conditions o! the Supreme Court of Onlaro., Furiher particulars pay be biad-from A.E. Christian, Estq, Whitby, a-8i tor for Petitioners, te Union-Truui. Company, Toronto, thé, committes, and from G. Y. Smith,, Local Maste o! tht, Court at Whtby-.-1. OOARANIEED ADVANTASES ij The acivantages. guaranteed to Its, policyholders, mani for mani, thioughout itaýentire business by The Equity Lie Assurance Company art much greater for the premiums paid than they are in any other Company doing. business in Canada. This is stated as a fact which cannot be successfully disputed. ' EX»bIPLE-At age cf twenty-three next birthday The Equity Life charges $43.20 for $2,ooo.oo insurance on - the Twenty Payment Life Plan with every- thing definitely guaranteed. Most other Canadian Companies charge exactly the samne amount and simiJlar terms'for.a Twenty,#ve Fayment Life Policy. At the end cf twenty years the Equity policy is fally paid for and has a Cash value cf $89800, while the usual cash value for the other poîicy at the same Urne is $720. 1- The man who atudie > bis own intemsUtwil patrouise The Equlty LifP Asauraue Comipany wlien lie Wants 1 Ife Insurance. L. Wi DUDLEY, - l. SUTIIBRLAND, A& qt Presldeat à general Manager tbti nt. <Toronto. lmML NEW LIMITED TRAIN SERVICE_ Jietwern Mon treai - Toronto - D*trott - Chicago Via Canadien pacifie a id Michigani Central Ra igeidt via MicdiIran central0 iga itiC.5t#el Tub"s betwtin Wiliiesor nnd Dotwrit, Leviiig Mon- trùal 8.46 ar.: Tori)îtto 0 1(j Pi.. arriViiig DeItroit 12 as a.rn and Clicago 7.45 a.i. .ltaiiy. laFqIngtiy gond NervIce returoinig. TORONTO .-WINNIpEo . VANCOUVER Toýraiitio Vncouver Expraes N. Toronto 2.55 pin. rjTlaily. tncn/iL+Tnrllti Express-in.4 arrivesToronto I1 i 411 .n.dailv. 'Manitoba Ex7pruss No. 7 av-4rondiy excepf slnnday 10 50 pr., arrislng Wl niliptg seon d .Ontario 9Exprees o8 hIlEfs Winxipeg .22p.t,:. and arrivusi)ronlto 5-15 1ii trly except TileiaY For four erP&rticulard aplpiv to catinqianf Pacific TIokor.Agenits or w rus td. 21 .i'H Y, D.I*.., 04. yToranto. , GIRLS' Pumpsad u~,fineual pwandhshIr.5oand q fSal0ewd'ce$ Fine tan boots,' regular.$5 .and $3.0 30 Sale P rice $1 0.0 -VU16LIII-111 WILL BE A' BASS E1 Jowoh'y Sti SATU Ri liko' your app'o NOM. :3r, Parkjer-cornes xnonth, on- the last Sai of the month. Joler and Oraduata O O posit atOffice W.- C. -T. L - iPEEL COU-NTY:TO GO 1 1.JLLY S1-ST. 4 Thse Licenise Cominissioner <County o! Peel met onW .kpmîl 9, t6 con§ider applica, ~ lcenses la viéw o! the fact- Canada'Temperance Ad .bad ýopted.u Il tlI ho rernernher lihero was an uiderstancIing ai- some time àgo that. Iicen~ miot be renewed if the 'Cau: pemance, Act Veie adopted, that Act will flot legally 'ferce unutil Mav lst. _Tic sloners carrieosiÎt thia' \ 'nly ,partially. Tbey decîde fuse licenses- for tarerais nv- iAn operatf on, but grani - tlemrntsee monts' exteni that they, will close bn JuI. Itead of April 3tb. 'Division Court Wli be bel day, J uly. 2ý at the -CourtI 10 a.m. -7--- '-t i Mr. Ltvi Shephord bas ts ler painting the ext rior o! byterinchurcis at- Pickemi bIusy aV il this woeek. -Reseive Tuesday, July 7, -at- Resebank with ýtise -Ba -day School-- Picnic.- -Tise officiai co unI e!f-bal, place ou SaturÉday; a!terno -aI 2 o'clock in te Tovan -by, visen Deputy1, Returni E.H. Purdy, viii pen1 'boxes, aad'tise officiai coit Dur imménse st4ck e! n umtns and chi dàns a . lords and pumps, aI gros :ple.Peel 'as sse -store.1 -- A Votors' List Court la - sCalled. for next Wedne -fag, JMy 8, at 10 a. m.,I ,van. originally te. have be Jane 8, but owing -to, cern falte i '-the proceedings be.adjeumnosi for a mout. -Havi ng openesi a tînsmi! tr?,ughing anmi -géneral rel in Part o! Mr. .1. I.1. Ta] Brock St. Northt, *1 arn F, -~-a eaIl -kinda o!'ýor1, - -Q .Jobingpromptlv attpndt ~-r'..-,'Whitbv.- k ~ Luke, OpI. D.~ St-,Toronto.-; ainle ptir.. -6onsulted alot Py'îe 'AIlîn.'s drug. gtorïe. ~l1 11For ilte 'ýýbeciÉ comiag te Whiitby,. ai "t sispectacles from'hLim - -dyJuly ilst. .- ARCHIVES 0F ONTAR DaranI w. y~,., Omm-qq0mor, - --qump- - - e IL ý& 19

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