Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Jul 1914, p. 7

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Singaongosixpncepocket &H -ofRy;~ Four d twonty BaçUrds baka inaPie-, di"Oh, CRt4-:1say! Tâke tht. way- «Liet's have"sorne Corn-Puddklg" q .Treat- your farnly-to tIs dshand. yourself to sum- mer kitchen..ease. Fôrluxicheon, tor isuer'fr qServe it in a dozen differentwa r~nPding xý-oretoothsome and easier to inake than ice creami. - Blanc.Mfange---flavored to suit or served with fruit is a rdel~tful dish-cowol and inviting on the hotteet day. À whélé hostotprize-wiunin recipes provide the sm mer-burdeuell housewifewi4th i casysolution to the eternal question: «What can we have toniglit? BENSON'S PRPARED'CORN is the ultimate of purify.- Notea particle of adulterant in a tliousand dozen packages. q1 We'll send y ou a beautifuly gotten up littie book of recipes, if yoi d.,1Ilwrite for ik .. CANADA STARCH.COMPANY Makers of théc Famons Edwardaburg Brande IEONTRE.AL -: CARDINAL a BRANTFORD PREPARED' - '--""'-.'.'.",...'.... -'..'----".',-"'.~-- - ______ '.'---.' I Gooseberry t<ossijî. f(r,11,teler*ry. ('liece.-Alloîv ane poun'dcof bal sugair ta each pouah cf fruit q.nt juilce. Tep andti Lthse gooseberrieae wush tham, andi place in a large pan, with about a tea- cupfti a! water-juist sufficient La pravent theni sticking ta the bat- tom. -Stir O'ccasional'ly, coak tuuitil quite Foft, then reîb hrough a wire - aloie. Measure oiît pulp and juica, anti pitt baek lu îiaîî, with stîgur in -- the.given proportionu. Stin ail w-el -together, anti ceok for 'lai an hauî', or longer, until the cheése will set quîite firrnly wheji a littIa la cooled i".- 'na ltPace" lu small dry jars, anti coi-or wheu cofd. (Goost'bî'riry mbér-Have raady ane pouti a! picked anti wàshed gaou.eberries, a quarter cf'a Pound cf castor sug-ar, two ounces af but- tom, throe eggs. eue ounce bf breati" crumbs, or cake, essence -of vanilla. Melt flhe butteèr lu a cean -enamel sauepan, anti add the frnuit anti subr. Cook gently tîntil a sof t, thlckmass, stin iu the breaticî'umbs, wvhich have been weIli gruted, sund 1 then beat the yolks o!flhc eggfs into the gooseberry puip. Slightly but- ter a pie-tial, anti pour in -the mix- ture. Bake for haif au heur ia mo- derate even, or until the mixture b ets. Now beatup the whies of bheý eggs to a i!! reVu, addtling gently' thnee sme.ll Lblespooh-fuisaof castor -" sigar, anti a few drops o! vanillai essence. Haap ithis rocughly on top ef L'he baketi mixture, aud sprinkle' with castor .gigar. Put lu thse cool- ë.,It part «ifluhe oven tilI erisp ou the . cutside and pale browu. Place a frifli nr44iiud ihe pitdish, anti serve (o.a-elbrry Fouul-Tojp.anti tail a pouati a! green goosehe-rmies, bail with three-quarters o! a pounti of ett-arada qupful of watrer. Wheu qtte. icib press. t-hem tbrO'ugh a c 'ogrse', ieve, andi, mix with heni, very gradtally. a pint o! milk ,-Milk anti crenm make a richer tuis, eî'rum ..t!Oue ,makea h t dlicious. 'Serve 'colt inu custarti glasses co' Gosiebrry Trile.Cî 1 up a qi.arter cf a>poti d of, sponge >oake in LJin anti place ut the bot-< tcni of,fa dt-1L5difth Soitk the cake with a liittle sherny; this la e B . 13-il haif a pint of wàtr with a paxtid f loau sugar for ýton pou-haps a littie leinon Juice. Wor-1 1minutes. Put lu a pint and a haif cestersîie sauce i s also used. In- of green goasebeî'ries, nieketi, wush- steati cf mixing thé sieveti fish..with ed, andi draineti. - Boil.tili they are butter it may--be nashed imité hard- tender, but ubroken.- Wheu cool, cooked egg volk aid seas-ouet with place on the spaugo cake. Make a sait, pepper, ànd a little lemon unt andt a hall cf gooti plain boil" juica. cd cîstaî'd, flavamed with'lemon or vunillu. Pour it ai-ar t-be' goose- bernies, and ornameut with it lit- llinis for;t eule. tic wiipped creani, or with the Sati hewsmksi, tc. beaten w'hite of an egg. aian h tsmXe tsik (aocscbtrry Bisevits,-Take some Kuives une cîe.a cd more easily fil-gro.wvn, but. net ripe, gooseber- antthruglwit$soda added to ries, put them' iut-o a jar, and-set the scauring b'ýiek. thein ta bail in a saucopan cf water Minceti beets, p tabacs andi ca- Lui ~~ cîmbeî's senv'et w 'ti mayonnaise tilsf;than rab hrough a sieva.mk Ta. every pound of pulp aîîow a mkegooi salad poud cf sugar. Stifý the mass over A hot -water plant r is a bon the fiî'c tntil tlhe sugar la tissai-- the iîeîsewife who e ' 'men folks" cd, then pour it iute s&hal.Iow dishes are fnequontly late for dinuer. to dry in the sun -or lu a cool aveu. The newest omele pan às in twor W'hen là begins t4) candv. it may ha parts, so that the )melet may be cuit into any desinad shupes. Tumu floppeti oven aud over. them eci-ay day until ûhýy becomo One q'uart of water glass ta 10 or dry andi bard, -anti store lu tin 12 quarts of water nrd tumneti over boxas in a-dry place. eggs will keep them lu perfect con- If choptla-to le te 'be senveti with eandwielles it ahould'be madie au 'Sandvichas'. hour beforehanti and allowed 'ta 'Green Sandwiches.- Lettue stand lunflic double bolier. e If a roomin laf111 ti with smoké leaves, nesturtirn eaves andi bics- open -win&,ws andi itave a, towe-I wet sans, and water cressa, with, mayon- lu vinegaî' anti hot watan around lu naise gr «toketi salad dn eesiug, it. make acceptable fillibigs for littie ' Use amrno-nîa w -tan aiways ln" tea sanIe.hescç ut, n trips', ùttie st'eati o! sotip if y îu are cleauing sqluares, or çvpp ini cresceut sh&pe. whit paint- It 'hu the adi-antage LaîonSaduvehA ~ioesrn o. no 0 iing the urface. homo ,sandwich for hot,,'woather -4,.; -Urease; stains on cather may be t.hat madie by peerlir>gikllmOi, eut- rimoveýl -'by benmlu or pure 'tur-' ting iL lu 4ihinallcw, pi<ing t-heae -e Wash tihe -spot a.fterward 'an oee'of-the,,buttered, elices of wht fan-gor' ,4Zeui, sprinkliug. wit lirt i4 mýeviv ieor.n eg o tasto. ati', cver!ïngwitbthe other ~ hnsepn ealtede 'by ittW buUerci~nou' ististi-off -the fiimnitune ami ,u'ti-toutaide' sY ome peoûpie. ' a Rre îidie rheîoom; thon sw. ep down 'lý a Ionien sandiwich by 1aaÈkh ýg'awxay wa'ls witc}e a broon covered with slices o! b'ead lu" a tight ,box wîthI thin cioth. ieoin poolffor , a few heurs, tho'n Toopa-ntal aererVh buttriugibisbreui, -th .butter ieave, shiold fbe eug, ieaa'iI mixed with lamon juice, luic hepr). ' ek o' portion of anecap oe 'butter 10 the ever yw aber palme too ~jtice ofaon'arfi mo. Colten; lot tlhe, eart ibepo0me dry; Sai -dfie; S4d'ýk1s,-he ar- T-he great secret f frying le Vo dine je variously drestwd'for sand- ha-ve plenty cf fat nd to Ïhave it wiches anti may ho 'made into a sar- boiling hot when )Oa drop thinga dine butter, freashert than that pur- into it, so6 that th( inside coake chu.sed lu 'tubes, anti casting les.i without absonbiag liegrease. Remove sardines -from eau,, pour To leâm' a vinegar cruet put a boiling watèr ci-or themi anti off îm- ±çaspooufui -o! lye luin "andi then rnetiatelv. Andi thon akin if neces- fuît :wit>hwat;eýrr. Le it remarin iu iL sar. Pli sia î'i cmaoffwih-for -a, few days., the'rxne'h crueL eut thse boiling water, but çomes off Out tlhroughlY. , 'IÎÏ "'perfectiy [nitecl more readiuly if it la usod. A 'lean. thin pointietinkife 'la a itie botter A 'd iup wall aohi Id 'be papereti than. the fingera for the work;, nd iiu1 hiek brown pa eF, upon whiph wlth -this remove - ny littie blaek a coating 0f blac ad ha been inrier skia. If nont ,~pnsdspreati. Pluice 'blac -catside nex reniaie the back bône, ,then, put the ta "'walh thon pape witih ,.ordin*ary flshl hreugh a »Ieve anti blond wi.th wali paper, andi thi dauip w ill n4t an- equmi Qumtity. ot butter 'antid retiruh tIt tbu m"pe, d - .short lntorv UpaAâlaIptaD mee. I<jnda . teï niè r el wérn' eD rcv4 f1 Itbouabt y cen r-il " xpk a ëdI-U te1, to-nîorow?',- ý.'l6 'Tbe'Wbyl~te'wal4'd4 yu cii?"ersand,, folowing iw Ïtj oi m'sd toin atf'. an *o'tot n4 he bee.t, là ~eber '!Oh: ta -plague Wrenshaw biere, and tàiÏoik,'the ' DiÙïirôûGéovern- _t4tly annFs'of, bIlrn"mentIà ~enJit'quit. fiu~Mbe shaw ïwas fot to be oce~No yu iýfIndiamin thef4.fire -raineà 80 1 0 b6to a: th e door-step ln the worstâut hé GU Ig U i~ r e h Ù ofraklyWray. 1 ar n ot ln taîkn o ewrk faet'bm diirb "Nor am .1_ ,ti'ilnsmoking bu- a o h 12,Oo ~ur e &s m If i111etéenie have 'a nh O~C~~rp o y'o tô DZ1, .leilVeyy I 1habveih't smndk rown i>m. i'k ed -ince yesterday,, md Irn explrlng for mn ïr ~~ ieîàà waver~ m~ leuP.then." t. sald, suppressInîxL4eê ,fVinbrbirnýo4 sg;"but don't stop long. theres a ifl B st4ý ie"n' huded1j good fellow. 1 wouldn't be drawn ln*0of one! ' ; O1t.-(.. ,-y~ tmlklng to-nlght If a fortune'depended 0 v oe wps rio.ùô%tVe ,, »th uýp2il ltii, e ,i A "Ai rlgt lltake ithe tobacco anâd f ié'tsozi~r (To be cont ued.) ader, s-r s oaso. 1à order tolnsau ý * ' ~I~t n, gèesu;fdro ýuwittii. the eiciency o they eomiewhaît' Take Active Interesl n Foreet Pro-.nceu.eptol led eea1 tection. toweris have bee» eet&blihed, en- Thé Indian. has frequently-and abling rangers b sean at ce lance not always ji sybenaccused severai hundveê4 square miles cf Of 'Criminal carelesêness witdi lire, country Wire1Q;ss ýtelegrapby -1iam and t thVe &anoearal ]habit of setting lob~nb9gt~V s n o out fires in order to iniprove graz The Pas and Fort Churchill, Lt is' ig for, buffalo -baa even beenas now 'possible for the raingersý in. cribed thie cause cf the prairies, on these remote :regio-ns t -c9mmÏuni- Which treesaeoc' oebigCate almost instantly -witb.the -For- grown. 'But owing to) the precept estry flranch at Ottawaý in niattere and example of'Dominion fire-war- Of epecia1 urgency. This, is proba- dens thie ngrainëd carelelssness has blW thé fii.st,ýractica1 -appivation of -iu nortiieru Manitoba, at least- wireless telegrap'hy b forevt. firi been- suppanted by an enthuasm protection in Anierica or el1sewhere. for forest conservation. i3everai hundred Indian's laFt sunimer prom- Trhe Wi.fe-"Tell- me how1 you ised tb observe evcry precaution t<> think my latest -ha', suit'ze. h prevent forest '-fires, and, as the lTsad" o t thiumeof To- Chief Fire Ranger writes. "Thefac w --i'--. -. .'-t hink, do cf no fumes tus sum'znei, is proof ing so nen weve.,ilvedi 50 petice- fu1'ly ail these years."1 -o you say decisivly: r.eb Package of REDPTHSugay", -get a definite quantity r -of wel.known quality,"ýCanala's beiû" --dean and uncantaininated -nthe.,Original Package?7 Oh~n sooù'soved a il 4aubts' ent erlng'pk qii o'tmk itksl 11< reaIn -aet-yopth' an&, bémuty',, in ~ m~u$e b onq xrs Pa#lsls.n-lookting onpblouseof, ro~se ous'usnta'1' been tomuch coli'd lWf mid V1Itèlacé lnsetii sded lor that! :',But et lieart' j arn- ove r e's~r ~m~4re il~a 'rcqjthwîti isyI.se a ce ~.round,,h'1 . wIad' a& n'l' tarlc. "att àshos a7ý#ld t W lvey alr l hr'ch~~ bright-' lauglng te tr'0off M"at te seatlsthck-, neas ln ber dancInt aeu,," y ". - - -Ingu and bouud alougxwith bare fèet It lo strange haw dreus alters a wo- et the edge of the wmves. And 1 hate man. Wltbh ler. yellow hgîr elegautly women Just as'nlwish- as ever. Men I dressed high ou ber bead and 10w, down 11ke, and 1 lovai the smnùIl 0f tobacco, and on the nape of her neck, ber little fteet dqquoX a. putt qi;e, c1garée t iew' apdl encased lu si lestockln«s'ýand -French. t mit womien il-e go bru. ,I bat. li>gh-heeled plîppers, and one gaid ban-l the girl*rhors.,,who -al.laftectedlýy mlrnlq gl,o on hber left wrlst, Liliitb loolced no Mm1 Maat, and i mi hem sq badly.' ,:agr, the lovely artlst's model 1 hmd 1:alt r nWay'trylng t o b. thouiht line- Y,),, seen. but a beautifuil andi reflueti ladies- and-' uomethlng much. grander .Yung lady. Hîti sheentereti ln rage, tlian tbey realY are. my ove andi ber beauty would have, "Andi Inover'hear an origan lu the stood the test triumphantly; but, as it- street'without waptinwgi ta catch up my was I told mysoîf wîtb"'prlde that aile sktrts An~d dsnce ta It. as 1 usodtiet whon wauld have been a flttlng Wlfe for a I Was a, lîttie chîlti. And-o-ne thlni, prince, andi that' WI' ince miglit well more,*'I must tell you-whân I've beaui cougratulate bimseîf a.verwlnnIng such 1Xgny. weoks lIvIng lu a cli1ltled sort of a prîZ,. .b wy,' ail of à sutdeén a great longlg "Lil!th." Mrs. Marlanki"began hantiiy, .cames ta me ta be up land out cf lt ail and lu -evident nervousness "Mr. Hervey like lu the olti day's Wheti father and Ï bas corne dawn bore ta say something gart un before timylîglitand crept out te yau-samothîng wblch 1 thiuk wil of nome barn whero iye'd stolen ln ta ,surprise You very mucb"1 rest. befare wo woro worried aut of It Adswlf t glance. the purport of whîch by tbejmrmer's lads. ý dan't 1like hauses d ii not uudorstanti. was exchangeti by ayarmnuc' -tbey stiflel me, somehow. the two wameu. and Liltb grow sutdoen- Anti I hatq setapplng lu the saine place 1v very pale. long. 1 Wau ot ta b. out under _the ýblue I was shakiug baude wlth ber by this sky and ln saunti af the sea. Oh, I'r nent finme, aud heiti ber baud a long finie lit ta be a gentlemau's wlfe. Mr. Hervey, wlthln my aown. and If y'ou ti soon a bit, more of me dur- **Yeu are not angry wlth me, are yau"" Ing the past fourteau, months. yau'd she saId artiossiy, laoking up juta ;ýykuaw it." face. There was a touch of sadness. almost "'Sa far f rùm belng angry with you ,. of bittertnoas, If bîtterneas were possible I said, taking ber two. bmndo.-and halà- lu Lllltb, ringlng tjîrough bier toues. lng them close.' "lthat I have came ta- But. lavîug lier as 1 t614. every word she dayteoask Y'ou ta ho my wife.'" utterati brought her nearor ta me., 8h. Rtarded at me with dilated eyen "You wIli be an artlst's wlfe."1 I sa!d. anti then loaketi away, anti began ta "anti you -have the artIst temiperament. laugh lu a nervaus, balf-hystericalmon- I am- no fonder of houses or affected, absurd! stuck-up people than you are. I chafe "Hw bsrd'lshe exciaimei. '"But. Just as yau do àtth sy resttons of course. yoxl are jokiug. I arn sure Of society. and 19n àfr fuller, a more Lady Margaret wauld be cross if she réeal, an , moire 1, 0 en existeince, Antd I heard you talk such nonsense." cannaI live'longaway frorn the cali of Idy Mrgre bu>-otingta4 B o that., we have'ali these Lad sardgslre WliutInng tr audesit. hlcb yau-b nJare agiuat, yau, w th II1 o tl rfnnkbrha n tirely, lnu.,corn'~" - and trylng ta niake ber 3verted 0y05 ":But'* »r.' ervey~.r meet mine. "'We are ind' longer engaged. 'Won't Yeu calI i bdrlan'? Anti won't W. 'nover lav'ed each allier,, anti we have Yeu lry ta- feela i1 .ond of mer founti out aur mistaka' now. 1 have ai- *I li 1cali You Apan', If vo»like, ways laved Yeu, Lilltb. and I want you antiIdh very , ver ~nd- 0f yu u ttry and love me." * y "o.,Bu "O. an't Itsliposible,"u Ican pçyer. nuer., e o r, w "'0 cant! t'sImpssile. Anti wItb that ah. had'lurst- eut cry- candi be lu earnest. Yeau must forget ing,.anti ied"f ram the Toam. ( ail thîs et once. It'e aulte out of the To ber, bat succeeded 2glr?.M orlaud, question!" panteti LlifiCulu excitemeni. the swveet-Vaiced, -comfôrtable, and com. which lt was painfui ta wiiness. fartIig. 5h. strongiy] ativised me ta Thon. suddenly wrouchîng ber handes go baci tet towu, andti returu lu a few fram mine, she burst Irito a passion Of timys to see wbethof' l!tho finterval Lil- tears. Iîh bat gzrowu used*te theidea of mar- Mms. Morland put ber arms affection- rylng me., It was Tbiiraday; why - net ately round the sobbing girl and trieti corne agaîin oun -Monday, ta receive lier ta soothe ber. glanclng signiflcautiy ati final answer? me over Lilithas shoulder the whlle. -When 1 besîtatet, Mrs.-; Mafriant bas- "L!lih Ilaneal trang." she sald. "andi tened ta assure nie that a hëhé lrslf the shock and surprise bave been too"wouiti do ber .utniogt-ou my behaif. much for l'or.", "Frenkly, I tink'Iltt)e L1ilih ln too "If y-ou will leave us alone for a few ui0ietl a a~l'13ohemiaui, 'lu spite mninutes," 1I suorgested. -l1 iili try anti of a11 iiiî'teaohmna, -tai malie a suitabie 'reaion with ber unili she gelt usot to wi1fe for a distIngulshed andi popular the idea." painler lu youl' brililarit* Oosfon,'"- she saiti. Perliapms ske'bas not Iteen quite .$lie wiil nover get usedti t the id ca. îotsrnpu gli withrnie i'ei ta- tonde down MNrs. Morlanti return(ed empliatically. ber 'rlIs~nstincts, NÇow. If You 'Wauld .Llih'ias a gzreat dislike for the ver:I onl 'lot 'mec ourisoj' Yeu ta go away for idea of inarriage. 1 was batt ihe saie &aivîole year-aî the end of 'thaluie at ber. ugo. Conslder iaw î'ery young Liiith woîuid stili be oniv eigiîiteen. but &lhe ls-"' ,site wouid be aid .nough, no doubi., la "WIIi youaliow me Io iweali ta lher appreelaiitir--lit bor V' yu wlsh ta contfer alone?" 1 repeated iliy. and %Irs. Mor- uvon lier. andl would vei-y likcely be aniy land, i. lh a -stiakit deprdciatory ottrug ton glad to acceept your ofer"- of ber s4ouldéî's fnti liftinîg oflier cye- It iýï he, flot 1, iiho woîdber con- brows, releasot Lililth fiant' lier etubiace ferring ant horir." 1 said. 'and 1I shouiti andi rustieti out of the raamn. not dreain or waling ae year. Il' I hati The door hati hardly closed upon lier 'îy wat>, illitli uand 1 would be marleti a very oevideut wish ta escape a teto-- to-ttOrrow." tote Interview with me. 1 intercepied Mrs. Mý%orlanti sbook lier filugr at me when Lilith madt- a sornna toward lt. lu wltii Indulgett layfulriess. bei', and. tuking lier baud lunrmine. I led "lau ,.oung mon are sa 'tempestutas ber Ia a seat. 1 do not deuy that 1 felt and impatient!" skihe exclaimed. "Any- startied aud paluoti by the maner lu how. walt until 'onday andtibo assutjed whilh my proposai hud beau recelved. 1 wllld o my i'ery best ta advance yo'ur Hati 1 beeu hait, or mat mcd. or bliuul. lu- cause." steati of a bealthy andi pagsable-luoldJng I diti net lu the lat bolieve bier. It maof eighi-and-twenty, ,my aller seemet ta nie ihai hier'inuner betrîtyod c'ouid nat upparontiy have iîspirc'd 'a. mont patent urtîflclaliiy, arft that her grcater, repugriauco andi alanm. toues rang flse. I had net seen bei for "Tell me. Lilith dean." I aaid veryl so long a lImeanti I bat thereforo faîl- gp,.tiy. seatiug m3'seif ou the sofa b:, ed ta note that the purrlug quallîy 0f ber aide, 'why shauldtheibo dea of inal- hir voice was accompanied by a very rylne me Boom go dreadful ta you? i faline look lu ber sclntillatlng, aimant ihought Yeu were fond of me and happy pupiliess. i'eeu-gnray oves. 1 began' ta with me. It i, nat seem no very long rduflîke the wôm'uii wbam 1 aireatiy dis- âigo ihat you waniet ta -be alw'ays with' trusiod, anti I rose'soTpewhai abruptly. me. Ha4'e you alreatiy Ifrgotten?" -'I willlcame agalu ou Montiay. as Yeu '1 was a chut'- thon," she faliereti uggost.". I spid.. "liai .may 1 askthat blusbing crinison. Lllfth bebhefe ta sea me. and ne iliter *'Yeu are net much more thon a chlld Iwlth 'assIstatit teachers et Illtraedmbé. uow. Lîsien. dear. I am'netal icb. and or,. wlth scboolellaws e t Went.on-super- 'yOu qny You Arae extraàvaXaht. lBui 1Mare'>"- have no doubi 1 shah hbeablhe ta make The féhat taIt baffle." Mro. Moriaut'9 ?ultedaa uiuch as Yeu wiil waut ta spenti. ean skia grew crîmson, anti ber pupis have an ailowance of a ihousmut a: seete0 coutractitàas he giAnded aI me year, antiaI préent 1 arn nlaklng us sldeways ' mach by my art-",Thýý, Jereal1iyunkIi4 i f y . ae '"Two' thousan& 'a yean!o"'she exclaim- I intîmnidrèti.' lu géritle'rèiîns on-ce." "" ed. apeuing wlde ayes "Andi you sa>' woult 'lever 'hava'iet ber'leàâvo my roo'f >'ou E re- ual rich?" -l'or, hall'amiihourhati I guesoeti that, yoa ..Weil, anyhow. Yeu m-111 be able to i dsaptorôved'bf 112' bave alenti' of pretty f rocksi-as pretty I couIC ual aveun bd Lllilth farewoll. as the one you hav~e ou-"dShie was locketIpi ber owu rooçpi. no "Oh. th51 tant mine. Mrs. MarIandl was tt e, nidt not 'eel equai 'teséi- lent fit ite t' i iiahc me look" nice l'or iug me' agath.' a.v sJ.tlsàappoînt- your vîsit...1 -hava neyer lied such aune0. ,a, p~Ofouriff bri% e yup mos expansIve çlr eoaas Iiis. .lBaiperbaps 1t'4b10e es P ,Ii 1 t' Môlaii hsaîl auh a ahave 'toit 'youJ" she aqded,' drova . bacc ta tbe' station, whefe' 1V bat "0'-"ni cbckîug' .bel' li o f con- lofitmy ag. bav4 een_,top eegqçrta fldeuces. "Don'tiei ber kuaw.'" see fit'ta 1rie'lri3a'1, hôe. "Veiv wli. 'wagoitg"fO '. Th mor-17thourgbf; about liai'coufl tel yifu hal ýird e odioahd Sil~gapd- dugit, the iil3o rml - eloyt7ib nephgw taait . Adnira"331a'krstofi. 'wba oaiiie rasstwa;ri wù'b ne'erdîoWd '0 bonght my "lest -"'laigdlpaflitf ' luuebe't' eiae 9,:sll t'u Neapalimil' fshlrne-fleet foYV- dnIrtIcaprice. Daubileos r 1 woil, pountids, nita- ha alwaYs taika of' prefer ta keeP for Miul"'a' di leVnpe-$ameýttg." Bue1t1ster an whose hebaif two udeiaya ta "truAsýtto iWhirllà"I'hllý' matée if 'wus paît bv regultil' -quarterlv justal anti. witby-au te wark for, you ta Inspire. ýWi"éto, t Mot~S. lo~'r.':'à me im cortaiz'o vtianI r aTpOf-, no 1i termilnei.taka Liliiih tway from I only tell you thees tbilis,'ilarIhl3f h e i *OfCG f iuýd olse W thu,- Extra GrannIated SUGAR -e' -"B-' '~ Cç4ncrete walka ITHYarc flot -ony bes*t at ýfirst blutý« are chepr-nci nrthnay ,-other, kind of w#alk.ý They' arecldean, benùios nor reb isyno 'p~~tby - p o r-ahç ge rïlap-' peaaie'f a"ë ad are a souf'êe of great ysatisfaction to 6q -y houscwife be- cause thcy -keep childreén .out of the mud. prcvenecolds <rom *et <cet and-pnevenc dini r irom beingYracUxked. in'!ý on lors anid carpet. 0 Equaily imiiirtanis the f kîthaÈ t6ey never' wer out,-" neverncynpd, repaira. -This,froc book "ïWhat the ,F'arr cando with _oeteO'. toits ailaboit coënerete walà' àMow ta build thern,-aud a score ý'of other thinga eed-ed on cvcy <am. Writç,foý'it o-dY. Farrer'sIfmaonBwa Caaadir CernentCôpnyLmi 1' .1 ,'"i - ' 'j, 1'

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