VeL 52-No. 1 IEèà stu-5 1 W4kow a je MOBh I8L JIID the s ls 141BEWO " 1cwbn 1 ouia lss hà s ago tVer miot b s~ti kati-*5 rlnk proiiêtty.haepyd owm er an Ohw%, bolur q il<çf oobal ,wf-th 4h0 bis at tri n. tjat capadi w on, i 4eable to bho pun fiti af. *eicaftle t"am <uing à theigput bl IrgMtu lobe Mr, 11180k, m8 14&g Mt~ J~ui ,01o je brenovatlfuli b <i<!s ur.. during the leagthy tem ho.aba n boUg6 at the crne f slO à tind 1vt<e B~ >~~p ~ .on ho sag, provod lilmuoli ý - bo j -one f m11t h 8tu £11au1honorable, trus " jWoiu beè proveine 1 t i thé appearaflC O f1 th a WoodsIon Jume 20. T As bela BXSWS Sa boia prabib plae. Tu o!pis ~" .bic ,~1> goti row Su aver piasaitln Oshaiwa, -we wiah .Mim, everyý The 019t PIO r«@ b&'<"< for I 901pÇrt 4Mda TXY1. Sfta uetlOI n u Crleh-v;M and M, pph ~u- 1r. Smith motored from Osaa cut dow landt eraClhays With friands -in-ColumÃŽbus. o wd u lIeInod rnood. ThOIs chanigesB- &rÇ WMr. Ken. BeaMlghh ba liud - Di ,v.cotract building a steel barn ast au Mliss Kathleen ReeSon1, 0of rauti'>i, Newcastle, adu istabou a COntract duckesa bas been vjoiting liergraniather, to buildÉ a fie new barn for Harry r Kr. B3. F. Campbiell. - mcniO, et Klnsue-v n T.hC many fieuds cif M. White A football matchwaa played bore NOW IS THE Tir TO Run and Mrs.Jas. Croxail, will ~ou Pniday ulght betweeu teAMi 0f, QOF THESE UGLY SPOTS. ne regret of their illness at fihe of -0the village. It lu to lie boped the boys Ther'u no longer the *ligiitWýlî,ed P1 Mfr. Wm. White. Mis. White, 1who will gt together aud gel smre sport cf feeiga si(i !yurf~klu bas been. la very pooï *healthb hal a of Borne klnd going. o SigâhMd fYU lO-C l'al diîà ocatiflg ber lip, and Mrs. fis laycraf t lefi tht. wee!g for a as the prescriptioni othine.- double ci Croxali, Whie visltng ber, ,Cotfact- vit wth f rient!. ln Rechater. u. n9h-18spots.e f0rono e eil-pneuWofll. The latent rePVort2 15 . ay"ard.vited lasf we.Sm dseta oneofo that both an'e doing as Weillas cau n l mytie. dob -sf r e gl auou uic cf o th- bo expected. Mr. Wilil Maynard was ln fowu for adubl sa tregt- 1f at igg -sdt mrs. W. M. Lawrence and )Ins. 'Nul- a few.days this week. PY ttohof ulghtoonsud ti lier uttendoil the Commencemlent Ex- Dr. John Broad, of Wellingtona, eventhe i shoueclesocui,"ueo PI orcises at.the College lu Whitby 'ast speut the week-end wîtb bisfather ta ve h wrhfreis hr - WCO1~ here.gui to adisappear, whule the.lghii sudMî. or~n o Troit, he AdlyGadn ar 1wllliones have vanished etirly. 1, It litb r.W deoToot, Te udeGadnPat llb seldom that more than au ounco ela are her-e helPing. Mr. Skinner and bel& on July 7. Watt for If. needd o illtiycerth'ad famiIy to novye ilito tiieir -houle OR Mr. and Mrs. A. Ketchen motored and0gacnmabetiy d ean 1h. skia 'nc miai Street. f0 Ottawa on Tuesday, where they Ian. 4A battl la omlz MrCrozaîl bas tetufld from the wil remain for a visit with their ion OsaaHia elins. Wlbttr on Be sure to ask for the double Oehaa Hspitl felig muh btterson sfength othine, as tbis Io sold under 14 A. aurnc, wo bs eenlu HEIIO CURS HEIMÂTS~guarautee of mouey back if il falle to À Mrs*A.LuecYhba enl H MO CUE EMTS. remove f reebles. b al heà lth for some weeks, bas bec= No matter how long standing your W. f oroed fto tube tb ber beil. Uer many case rnay tic, don't deepair, gel KNSaE trieuds hope for a speedy recovery. bottie of Rheumo to-day.J. E. Wil- KNAE Ma, ster Alln bcDoad, ofTron- li selle It wîtii a guarautoe to ben- The Dominion Alliance heid a uaeot- f o, le inso i radnhr î. efit you. Rheumo is wonderful lun its Ing lu the hall bore on Ssà urday T.omlnson.quick action, tbe pain cesses, the' uigbf in the interesta of Bar Aboli- Mrs. Walsh, of Toronto, visited ber muscles suad boutes are rit! 0f Bore- tion. Altbougb the meeting was culi- motiler, Mrs. Mander. ness andl stiffuess, and very . soon a ed ou ly lu the afte nuoou by the dis- blr Jas. Skinner bas movc'l f0 tho Rheumno patient in able to have the -tribution of dodgors, yet there was hote just vacated by Dr. -bcNleely. same gtreugtb aud vitality of youth. a goodly attendapice, The chair was Mr. and Mlrs. Adiams,- of Oshawa, Rhbeumo builtiu blooti se ricli sud tabou by Mr. R. H, Cronk. Mr. W. have taken possession of their prop- thick that uric acid cannot possibly A. Holliday, of Witby, sud Mr. P. ertï, recently purchasod from Mr,. eziet. Rbeumo coste ouly $1 for a M. Cbapmau, o! Toronto, were . the. Skinnier. # large bottie from .E. 'Nillie or di- chiot speakers. 11ev. Mr. Tiuk and . mrs. *R. Griffun, o! Danliugford, rect, ail charges prepaid, from B.V. C.A.- Goodfellow, of Wbtby, also Moan., JO on a vinit te ber, sistor, Mrs : Marion Ce., Bridgeburg, Ont. spoke brlefly. John Ormiston.- Remtember tho Audley-Ganten Party ?dr. Dave Burns anid Mr. George MYRTLE. - at John Pucbin's ou July. 7. ~Brown arrived home fnom the West The rafn that feli Saturdav sud iast weeb. Mr. eo. Hartle, wbo bas been ou Suuday bas doue an immense îýmount Remnember the anniversury services an extendedtifrip fbrougb the West, ~of good li ths district ta> ho hoid ln the Metiiodisf Churcb a the gueit of his brother, Mn. Ifd an- odyôJi 1 u Charles Harfie, during the weeb. BROUGH-AM. Rer.. Mn. FowltXe Io expected f0 ar- n o avsl pngbsv- The meeting heid bore ou Priday rive here tuls week. andi will tube the cation with bis parents. oveuing under the auspices of the services lu t ho Metbodist churcb 'o ns.Mr. E. Dake, of Toronto, vîsitet! South Ontario Brauch cf the Domin- Suudv. Te Brokîl peole etendfientis bere reoently., o AlanewswilatdeIsu bonary Te oi pe. ole sued Mn. Carr bas moved to 1Mr.John I beelln lerswas aufetotiand a hertywelcmeto M. FwlieandBigt's bouse soutb cff le village. I keniuertwa mnYr i Wite. Ho the discussion cf the questiQu cf Miss Margaret Hayllcarry onbis blacb- AolbteBr h pae$wr Theicromains of Ms'Mairt a mithing business lu Myirtbo Station. jRAoist. hempron sud eCa.kerodfe- were Iuterred in Gnovesîde Cemetery, Remember the Audley Garden Party Iîow, WThtby, and .. apan, T- in Monday. .Miss HaT sent her >,at -.John Pllcbin's on JuIy 7., ronto. Rev. Mand . ibacpioti lb. ybiuugen days lu Brooklin, b ut for The, M. E. Sunday Sebool 11111)5 carot. Te.spr.eakers mpaied the many years bas matie ber borne lu holding their annual pieute at Mt- tact that the isue before electors was Wbit 'by. - Catmel ou Douinfon Day. purely a tenmperance Issue-one of s Miss 'Mabel Bell and'Master Gordon Droyer Quinn sports a dlue iicwprtameue tPoitonoe- Bell are vlsltigg relatives iu Pick- driver. eati b oal Optieo, Proiitiont% cer- ____________________________________________________tain munuicpalities, ors larget mes- sure o! prohibition applicable to the entiro province. The speeches: wore devoid o! bitteruess, sud wçre al couched in fain, reasonable, 'logical andi courteous language. The great 51 OUN .OLSR, .P., PSEEsott. .W. O M HSwm appeai made thaf -al who taoreti C. A BOGRI' CesralManaer.temperance shouid unite lu th!$ great Ia-Trust Funde Should Be Deposited Issue andi vote out the bar once for InSavints Accont ln The Dominion Banik. Snch funds are sfiy protee.d.a. ant earn inuerest ai higheat current rate. Wh.n paymenfs are made,. parliculars of .ach transaction may b. nneon The Conservativo meeting helti bore theeb.Qus lssu8d. which ln turti bom@* à a recipt or vouhu whon canc.l.ed lu thé iutenests of Mnr. Chas. Cader by th blL drew out a goodiy crowd. Soverai WHITY BANCH A. . AT(NS'N, anaer.strong atidresses were given, sud OWVA NC -A. A. BAKp MN.Mnge.uuch -enthusiasm mumnifested for OSHWA A.H. LAC, - "Chantie."1 _____________________________________ The hny crop in this sectionu wiil be a light one this yoar, owing to i the dry season. Thé recent nains - Iron Age Sprayers- are' a necessity and a- benefit. They save increase the yield. and improve' the quality. variety to choose from for rnany purposes. your crop,1 We have al Binder Twine bas advanced. your order. fBe sure and get our prices before placing Cockshutt Riding-Cultivators No, 5 ail steel two row corn . cultivator, has ail the latest -Improverilents and cultivates two rows at one time. The, Cockshutt Spring Tooth One -Row Corn Qultivator also built with Stiff teeth, is-'aleader. - -*Lawn llowers our aseo tment is c'omplete, and the prices right. A complete Ue of new and used Carrages on -haid. Morses Afew good 'Young Clydesdale Farm Horses for -sale. W.F. DISNIW«ý . NrTRO.- '»elland Independent Phones. -' - ;R~~epaarS~-chiaaeIt*k aï'iT *- ~ ~ ~ S. u.ý-nestînîe DOWH.- L 14, * ~----~~' f Sr. III.-David OGaston, EI3a Ap>- wum, (Bi> WuUWU issu oIi 11110- inuresX01 OUNT ZO. ' lton, Cors Diëkis, Rois Brownul neD 3 L ; Y iil1iit a~f aoiWlc30 aand Gardeu Party,under tl g. esTu~l kt Who la night operatýÃ"r Atthe t i, oJ.I,--ge ~~, ~~ ___ ~pice 0f Mt. Zion -Cliurci,î will-bu r1G ~ ~ ~ J.I. ui ~1IYIIO law ~ ,Stanley, Rets HellefI, Morfie FouDL *up '01. Vxiidean wa rtunig omeYito PomJr. IV. t ý .1V-o'. 1 OMPUY WM h 1a syou l ady, 14:118,JuIy 8. -Tes wJIll' 10serv4 ytdiio D m, AJigcIe M j.40 r-A .L U~-I ew -Ford cas. »e s " b.d Mtrouble tg S 8olêek, sf1er wbich 8,T$èholé Mr-Ra .-o c . - r Orag4a!o?.W15b,. [fil -is front llghts,à ! 5li Wd rgtmML e ivn y Rz _ADA A. SLEF, lT1SbIC - nous to neaeh home le -labo up biu lPligott, fUumoritrt,,Tononio7 sud -%and Uift s t1 fhesstation, ho bgail he othors., Atdresu by Rev. E.'WI. Tlnk,, [e wlîbcul ayIlgial gidde hlm Greenwood, MUsiv w111 ho !uri&he4.SIWG nine sehool 1.11 faires wsi- log.tise rcad.W hou uar UManches- -by tho Uxbn(d«s Orchestra. O@ un. bOit! laat falI, nsp;esstLà jx, U4w Laue r, tb. car skflooula stnlp of "Yday, Jly fl, .specllservices will 'Sehools la 31, countiet wlth mmSa* ds mw1y-gravlkdt!read, swingIng com- b. boit! la the oburch st 2 st 1sfc10,an sualnda&P ~We wlsh to acqufuft ti@ fP efoly around and turneti over ou lIts dlock, couduoted by Rov. T. Lang. Whitby and sunnoundiig, coumuyi ýtb Ide. The young lady, was thrown ford, cf Whifovale. Music iwill ho Womonsi Insfituftes tofal oVer!800,the- lt that-we bave opemed up a fist-, lear, but Heele was.pinnet! under- funiset! by MI Zion choir ln Imwthe 2,0 emeu clasie'adryycon Brock S titbYp ID eatb the covez, oftbbcacr. lu.tbe affernoon sud Myxtie Choir' lu the C( Bros.' oit soitr, Àum ouhle grssxtsu d uglil aid aI Phai cfChair talion by A. M. Me. WC arç preparedti tedo ailliudu Of Jmrn te grl etîane i hlm, aid a hil fUxbridge. rAdmIssion, adl-. g~ ow's This P.iauudry work. Famxily orders givOS noabytamhus. u. ueingu ~uls, oc;-0hlden 15. ir. .A ' e ofe qe . iat" gçar -s pcial atmetion- Ai weork ;aatcsd. me, Dr- Jamies bore- o! Brooklu, 4 .Jone, Presideul; Mrs. Victor Jamie. Hi' aat uu Parceis calleti for au eivra. tasse in lu a car, sud stopped te rend-.1ton, Secréta.ry.- 3.ENY4COTtdOc .- e 7eud»fi bave known Y. 1. Cheuv-II'L f.i ttî. -Otiior p'ausrsby -lent ausist- , R'ncmber, the Audley Gardien Party bor the tau x5 yetns, sud beileve hlm pfectî Carmo var v liY, vOn. hooal i ailtbusiness tiranutsaudf- ie, sud Hesie was curriedti l th@ ut John Puckniu's lou July 7. acaî beto carry ot.u biain ud________________ tme o! Mr. Ernest Holtby. Dr. - - - by i rm oors anti Dr. Archer, ef Port Penny, 1. o , IK !4.. -WA&LDIG,1NA5* IN R Y L THE T nadeau eamintionand oun tha S. . NO 1, ICKnING Dlhloc'ela leDruggs<s, Toledo, .oRO A TH T E tao anue erminston bud fond thnAsf Hut fh rmo al1l.'a tarrb Cure la taken internaily -_ it ""'01 MII PTUS ~~~~~~~~~~ boo eeboebtcnuao sarsl ftop Oio elam. ,dlrectiy upon the blooti sud musons surfai J n n U mOvII, I. R fthe brain hati remultetinl addition helti aI S.S. No. 1, Pickening, for the the system. ,Teadmonlalse moifree. Price7SO3n vr ccig no otber les. serlous injuries. Hele tenm, ending June 251h, the classes C -.rhs . Vmlly ville for ronslitnios, We bave installed a new Sirnplex~. 'gaineti conselousuess on Prlday1 will stand as tollowe -. achine, which la absolutelyIliceli morning. Ho W11 h o ouinedti ta is No. 1 Primer-.Bruce Ritoble, Floyd and! easy on t 'he eyèe. ced fon some If me. The young lady Stanley, Norman Inish, Jos. Gaston, Satdrday niglit, xsec teail. ras uninjureti. M . Clarence Tindaîl, Chantie Appleton, D S E B O .I-BAI-NPERRIN, -Manager. For Quiclk Sale 1I]Have i Second band Massey Harris Corn Cultivator 1 Crown Gang Plow . - - 1 9 Foot Mc ..ormicb Landl Rouler, New - - 2 Steel Ranges Nc. 9, 6 Hole, High Cioset sud Reservoir each 1 alan arn offeing ail of my Oliver Plows, Disc Harrows,g greatly reduced prices for Clean Out Sale. IEM BALEERS ANO 37.00 34,00 etc., at .-My Wane iHouse bas to be movcd, sud I will slaughter prices to clean eut ail heavy goods on hanti. WAA.AA.&AA&AAA Sage. IT QUICKLY REMOVES iDAND- L RUFF'. Just because your hair la Wul of dandruif, thîn, streaky, duli, sýnd nov- or wIll do up to lok pretty, 1 do not cDe despair. Beautiful-liair,. thlà k, fiufy, lustrous sund absolutely r, re from dandruf 1s<nly a p<tt of ~are. . Parisiâan -frequen 1app1id willl work wonderu. Just one application stops Itcliing head, rernoves ýdandruff and ail excessive ohl. If goes rlght to the. bair roots and furnlsbies the. nourishment needed-the hair becomes soit, fluffy, abundaut and radiant wlth lite.t a Parisien Sage not qnly sae the bllâr, but stirnulâtes it ta grow on tV 1 and heavy. Get a 80 oent w tlefong «Y -O A. H. Allin'at once. Therà le no MOI. other j'ust as good. m MYRTLE STATION MAN IJUR-oh ED IN AUTO ACCIDEIT. Because hie motor car 11gb would flot-buru, And ho ran ata h1i aL peed without using them, "Happy". îieee, the Of Myrtie Station, suffe±ed a con- t Cussion of the brain, a bà dIÉ eut 1 If you expect igh Grade Emp eymmnt on£< tion. Ouieschool thatisewell-çnown -,use tiirougbout Canada for s- rlctly raae.Toronto, ont. Bu, crdae f this schodi roadlltcoti OMPIymm.t because tbere areîhtnoands ao lnti 1ýevery er aecleup nt flmore ban- eon Enter any tHue. college open ail ves Write for catalogue. Cor. Y"ege au W. J. 51Ifout, Aead«r t.. P THEp Ont# B -FUNER-AL DIRECTORS Dayorenghttcalse proinptly attend- ed to. eextra charge fer distance. A complet. and up-to-date stock of asakets aud supplies aiwaya on band toeboose frenu. NOTICE .TO.STUDENTS T-b=mnaement cf Shaw@s Bui- ness .1oos Toronto begs tos.dvise ail Senior Publiec8ehoolandall High, School st.udeuts, thatIin l proparýed te mail a gopy cf il. carnicuhurn te sny one who desires to quailify. la a short pefiod of ô or 8 umonths for a good silaniet! position. Atidrmu S haw'sa Schocls, Toronto Ontario. Head Office., Yougo & Gerrard Bt9E ail Leuf Enting 1 GHURCHI Ready for -use dry. N lrequired. Sticks to-t i j&_sa~ kilis ail thei potato -bugs witb oue al Tbq eonly safeway twu poison; Worth its cost as a Does not'injure the plai 10Ibs. forl J.-!.VIL] IDraag-list and 12 MEDICAL HA Strock 5te- IJEGAL r NO. E. FARFWELL. Barnister, County Crown At County Solicitor. Office.south wing Court Ho AE. CHRISTIA Barlster. Solicitor. Notars Pu Office, Brqck St., Opp.- Stand Money to Loan. iArIE4 RLUTLEDGE, Barrli Mouey to Là an on easy t Ofîce iffimediat ely south Ru: wnitoy, Ont. Farms For Sale, Upwards of forty f arme from 25 acres up, and at front $25 an acre, guaranteed to show satisfaetory résulte from investinent, located -in Whitby- and, Pickering, Townships. Every conceivable requirement of soil, buildings, orchiard and other improvements cau, be met in the varied list off ered. J.E. WINN, - WIIITBY Bell phono 109. - P. O. Box39 1<eidence, 1Dundas St. West. ----------