efore thsm milsi ho cUhlau- j i 11011la inWbtby,--duirig the pari b bat wblob, lu. thiai: 'udgà 'l decade. 1.1 urpaised the average Fall beissm1to.benthe be8t lu-t P'ar Inlit¶teiîit âdattrwub aud o! ~ ~ ~ i tioe10 ersn 1. was a huudredtiim's 'm"ore-v>lu- ôfstÈe t i -of Whtby. able, uan su£flertieig u t featit h 1e o! 1the >ear, "beu igthe uutimaties oi lb. Prob7 Th7 9qse,ý <>OMIteea p"idLursmof 191.4,, thé Couft- Ti os hwçmuls.a f- r1th thé, l i!crmation befl a r", td 'un -he.ipromot4i"o i the c¶>uoiuded %,tia "mItOrShïow,- ualtbecause 1here f~ i b Ib Whflb>'Mors Sho for them, btbecause ue01W isi made lait ypar would ý 1. 10wtsslv ab.11> ,tbI<for 1114, ^and a' much o iv others a siîar pieusure, biýb sumn 8 wà pîsomd 'intbeie sî-chiefly becauue Il a isa in.lstresi ot thie towii as a wboie, Sozue halidoz- th1e IHerse Sbgw Commitise -au or' so of tise committee give muuy la t'ho Counà li asklng- for- a hours,. auh even -days, o1 their- te equal ta tRial madi4 tathee ln- reclya nd witisout remuneraiçu 'te saw, aîd tie>' back up tiseir th prom'otion of the. show, and il- with goad suad suffidient argu-. does seemi as 9f the town should en- meuoat£ jusify tus -Council lu gia ti'th request., But thRe memn- r-bers aof Councli seem ta think tisai they are Ir, duty baupd ta keep some- what close to tiseir est6mate, andl -have nat given tise committes .nuch -encouragement,. W. belleve thie meu*erm ai ýCaunchl are desirous a1 dolu what la rlght, lud we erust 1hst tlsey wtll erloul>' canal der wheiher Ihe>' would ual be fuliy juuiifed lu meeing tRio wlsbes ai thse H«orshow Can1mittee.- W. -liumsea.- hunte over rnis upwendldly us- tractIve summer event. 't'he ghow,, Il held. thîs year, la ta lut fan thrc days, and promises ta Rie supenlor tote h.rsi show- lu nssuy respects.- If 'tise Cauneai! -déclines te encourage tliseeveuti hi will be absued, so fax su %WsIby ls.ou- cerned,ý and i will probably -be takený ýup b>' anotiser mutctpalty lu tise Coul>', Tise.Councfil aboud net per- mit, ibis -show ta fui!, If ai>' reasan- able grant will -sua" il.- - go "wy lluglag the pralas o r oiyUslrIIl-'Dsu awu t au. 'lie Coeré4,jë rceÉtz1à bT5 î*lô ~eI> li'. Iing-o -ý hereports o!f. h us a. gaihering ai-. easresll »ýseou âr mind@di,,unilsis peopi Whis Isillots, oi buhug acýtualiy muedThi bers ,are lu lraiuiùj for 1arjir .use- isoui>' done;IIný,the eveul o! ,Iu re-1 fuinms. lahei±f1ow ~T~Sfict ceuni. The DR.O. rpis are maeh r i ýW. aje LUKrE & SiON A uto Livery Cars for HNiro Bicycles and Repairing New, and Second liand Wlieels Forsalei. ~1 W/liER AND LIGHT. GONUMISSIGNERS 0 "'DO 'IT ELEOTRWGALLY " 1Why swelter this hot weather when 9ou May -have Lake Ontario breezes brought right to you by, -using an - - ELECTRIC, FAN The cost of operation is bu t a trifle,, for you may for one cent run an 8 inch fan for 8 hours - 12 inch fan for 3à .hours -16 inch fan for iîa hours -The gain in co.mfirt and1 effidienci Sself and to your employees more &1 Cances any expense in connection with C -GEO. W. P cy to both your- han counterbal- it. P. 8VERY, Supt.- !-OT W-ElATHER -SA VERS Thi s is, the time of year you are wanting. some. thing easy to prepare for meal tinie.' TRI THES! Corned Beef Lunch Tongue Lunch Chicken Coc>ked Ham, - - 25.and 30C fin - - - 45C tin - - 40C -in Head Cheese, Bologna. Orangeade, Lemonade, Lime Juice, and Grape Juice for th esummer drinks. . 13ERRIES ARE SHORT eRope. I3UV EARLY. m.Jo. E. WATERJ-OUsE ~VVHITBPrompt Delivery. Pho'ne 11. Clearl5 1-1 Il I nal avent -te -- w-iicis scmnsu>' look A-L 132 58 88 59 FIRE EQUIPEENT. Iowa forward, was iseld on Tuesday even- Mý-Z 97 52 59 je Exclusive territor>', pCan ing aitishe home e! Mr. John Puck- No. 5- Higisest commissionsaii Ceat rn. Tisa weatisen couldi ual have A-L es 63 42 es. Write for full particulars. basa baller. Is was cleai, and Waîin, M-Z 58 54 43 56 T N W L IG O sud was sucistisaitisae refrasisment No. 8 50 122 44 91 ST N &W L IG O booth dnew a ver> 1arg ptronage. No. 7 91 110 8 12FonthillNusrs Tisa cowd was tisa larg ai tisai ibas - - TORONTO, - ONA O aven beau preseni, an indication o! 818 732 ss 732- -1 - tie gowing populavit>' ol tisa v nt. M ajonty' 86 1 ONTARIO - - -- - Tise suppar servati was aor tise- sual RE CAPITULATION.E r iigis quality. Tisa chie! antaniainers 1014 11 rof tise eveniag werM. as. Emery,Cat.COM HG isumoisi, sud Mr, Ken tenor. Mr. - d.Sine. Calti. S Emary's selections were so mucis en- E. Wiitby 311 887 202 342 joyeti anti appreciated tithe a Whitby Tp. 256 220 263 .212 F. E. LUKE, OPI. OD. recalledti btise plattorm again sud -Racs 30 51-32 35 a-gaiu, anti an Indication was givea Scugog -55 63 50 52 At Ailin'sý drug store, Fw ý tisai ha wauld ha engageÈ nexi year. Pickerng, 523 622 466 541 Wliitby, T#sd<ay Juiy 21. in Mr. Kenny's solos were also ver>'y " i ary 7MA0 1L 1luoi is eighu i populan witis bie audienuce. Tise; Whisby 279 205 229 203 outoblF whole eveuîng :Was most enteltalning, Oshawa 818 732 596 782 aud the 34th ýRegîmental Baud sup- - -- yOrye.- .pliedi a 'gooti, musical prog ram. Tise 2772 2720 2I0N5!7 r '1EG proceade wen'e lange. anti tise nsulis Maoip ' 52 230247 ., LUI!IKEiCI4 e! lise enlerprlse ana hlg 1>' encoun- ITisera were 40 rejecteti ballots and ~PII~~rMý agiag le ihse wis.ad Iati tlucharge. 10 cancelheti 169 YneS.-00T * .,i -- - . 2-J.. Brightens-For rdera- ii ~*dy aiyow sgceu or from Dor't ask fèr sweeping o pun SAY DU5T-BA NE. BIEWARJE 0FSUJiSTIfUTES - --- - ____A T LAST WtIITBY -MAS A REAL LIVO PAINTER STUART & GARDiNER;djLN SPAINTERS9 nEoeRAT(OR5', and SIGN WRITER9,. Counry orders r'ceive immecîlate attention. Distance no abject. Box 653., WIITBY UU151UWlMi -mmu l' isakes -ibis- gatllerlg -un1 'lu i 'iseut. onalus.theuçIlsg oxr te oeneon, way, sud oeuhe vsc hisoùld reat- sanie0lacked mi sealed la tise bal [y appreciatedl by Our citizo4si as wo î10 box.ébi. .H.- Purdy, beileve; it is. -Wé are -glad to .learis Ret#rning Oincer for tiseRidiug, 01 111e, cbDAtinued uccees of eç 000l &mut 11e .oUCWs'cct. Dclii Mr. aud we coug;ratulate tise le SÃ5 i Cuder ud . Sinclair - ér:pre 0t tiheir endeavors. tisat 1caci candidate zecelved more .HMOP5. ,vots thn aIhie ait ontei, k *Scal.ÂID, Ous?., Aug. 25111. 1918; Ninth Annuai Missionary ~ 94'11 PuteiU"aets~oi'y1 Concre'Cal der. -Sinclair.- Calder: Sinclair manuà fetured, ta ai>' Wl f thinkîng. - 1 , 73 7Ã8g-If 2889 .235,77 Tley work eompleteiy, 10 gilpilili __ _Tise 1914 vote was tiserefore larger whw mà d conlae I p tà Y foran (Cutuu ro pg ) tisai tisat oe--tise lait elation by Whittyfermeu at a -9. MWee wssamartro P 1, yf aCoiiato.We.e enant, »rîmie th~e New Testa nent con-* 595, ,whlci would seern te indicate a everythug- ou tise caleudar without tainht tue story o! tise uew ' 1UvtEit m ucis desper lutereotith ie Issues of satisfaçtion, and spent large $unis of relations wutnn Uod aur )ý*aviour. thse; electian. lu Whitby towu the I moue>' until w. happened au o "11Pruit- unu ualMOiStudy -C4aM ,Vhich1 voiô pll u1911 ws48,wii e i ICselmy10 uhi are tRie lea"iugf sature et ie Couter- 40 t MonLda>' 484-ballais were cut. We bave usedtbem inut" famil>' for 4 once, are, being, weil alieuand Whitby Township dacreaniset mg, ~5~ bout t,, yeurs and we wW>sd not use - axe axoustai mch "Il arU Th J o ! 5011 lu .UJ1 - for Mr. Cader au ting ciel"maslong as we eau get largest mimber Is louiti lua 1 clas 1080. Sougogkiuaed its Sinclair "1'It--tivum"Blu t.ught b>' Dr., Brown, u TisiS- majarit>' £ram 2 ,ta 8 Whltby towu, Thefr ation la mlld, Mu edsrm clal Aspects 01 Foreign osionh.." whlch lasI e1e0#011 !avorod Calder by atm!!. I b a .copU=ed them te This te4t book isuà juÉt come off ts 26, gave 1dm 7- thie good tià p-oe u n hl prous, and l is e Aduit, Foieigu Mis ie ec uraei lt Caider jW. MÂMMOND. siou Study Texi Book in tise unified majorit>' from 7 to, 9, Part Pefry 1%0 omeu boi ecurý-d b>' "Pruit- program for 191*45, adpted b>' irikewl55 [rom 22 to 80. Eat WRitby a-tires"' are praud " a.hipyte tell meut a! the Misasiou Boards! of Noth dropped from 140 Sinclati le 76, but .ick or allingfidend aboà lthewou-I America. Pceig ae.9, ea aoiy derffltabiets tae frouýifrnit>urces. K"Tise Place aud Promoil of ra- asPioe r e 99. r7bna!911.,oiysh,« 20 ralseZc er " waa tise subject 0 te peay a i -hih hetunover ?shk Malders enutoureptfprc Parliameut couducted by 110v. A. E, place, changed from 136 Sinclair te _______________ 'Armstrong, of Toronto. it was 86 Calder. shown tisai prayer was- f udamental Iu Oshawa -sud Port Perry Mn. GRENADIER GUARDS BANI). lu -individual and cisurcisllre, Usai. Sinclair receivad exact!>' tise same EgadsFvrt uia rai is place waa cenirai, andti uatitî vote lu 1914 as lu 1911, 782 and 1.E40 d' aort usclOrai inigit Ris promoted by thse formation1 resPective>', - ation Coming ta Canadian Nat- af prayer gnoups and b>' the use of Tise following table, wilh shows louai Exiitions. prayer cycles and caleudars. tise vote by polliig -suR-divisions, Tise Grenadier Guards Baud 1. No houx is more enjoyable tissutise will be a! intarest, for purposes of being brougisi frem Englaud for the closîng isour a! tise mornulg session. comparison : Canadian National Exhibition this It us called MssoayH r.Ecs AS WH BY year. 01 ah tise great bauds tisai mnu. issonay H1ur Eah EST HITY.have visiied Torouto, Dr. Williams0e! is mornsg dîfferent missionaries o! 1914 1911 andi his Grenadier Guards have matems w wisom 15 are in attendance, ted in Cald. Sine. Caid. Siuc.'tise mosi fniends. Tisey are popular dollar tise mosi informai way thse story o! No. I 61 90 38 89 alike with tise critics and tise public, as thi wr adreae nidns nNo. 2 86 103 42 69 and are assured of a great receptio ne. e counection with il. On, Satuida>' No. 3 57 97 30 68 n- f-ield,~ morning Rev. W. G. Cannolly, ai Ja- %Qa. 4 51 67 4S 66 frT fto thad a Psu, and Rev. H.E. St.illweil, -of i:n- . 5 56 30 44 ao Four Months wisaThft of tn dia, were 111e speakeri . M.Connoilyj -Te olart told of tise remarkable cage tisat 311 38 202 32 ___the B ni 1 as come over Japan in recent years,. Majority % 76 140 cereBou ou ctimn oe Tise Missionary la now receiving aGog wa WHoTWNnI- emn- sud a3 imnuCismore respectful içariug tisan No. ITB 45T7WN47IP0 aged 21 yaars, was ou Tuesday e el n formerly. Haretofore mission work No. 2 58 - 42 . 61 53 ng- ýo! laet week seu'teuced by Mag lr ha encnxe iinly ta tiselarge No. 3 90 49 94 40 istrate Harper ta four months in tise r ad1 cities. Now tise work is being pus- N o. 4 63 54 61 59 Central Prison for the thef i of $10 befori Ied in the country districts. Thse- - - [rm arlolia.oWhtyT. C aitory otis ea plantato a Opsanage, 256 220, 263 212 Blrown and au older companion had called i lh-iste lntto. a oRrMajority 36 51 two1 1 ud also tise trafisformaýion o! tise1 beeu guvan work for ticdîtys aitisatuhe Christ. Gope EACH- >38 44 4 Holliday farm, at $1 iper day. Ou the day r live aiJapnes bytis Gopelai o. 51 - 8 4 42 evennug at June 18, M~ark Junior paid In ,1 Mr. Stiilwell deait in a masi ýen- N. 50 45 55 52 tise men $3 each-giviug cacis a $2 so Ftertaining and- instructive. way withr No. a 29 27 34 1 and a $1 bill. sow . I _ No.4 27 5 39 GO The- mnen asked to stay ail night, ,u in India" Mr. -Stillweil is Pilinci-ID5 38 4 sa 71 gc pal o! a large iligis ScisQol aund Sm-N.a - 7 as 252 627 30 iere also given breakfast nexi moru- hr inmary lu tisat land, and sa spoke N.7 3 2 2 19 ing. Thev had slept together in aà B 1rmfis buYo. 08 4 2 8 59 room upsiatrs lu wlsich Mark Junior, hiss Inl tise af ternaon tise spaciaus 1lawns h7 2 2 iad his bed. The marning of the lotis1 those Sof tise Collage presented a most ani-] - > Mark Junior isad lefi a tan dollar'iug, Smatlug sight. Tennis, hasebali and 360 351 362 -155 bill andi a one dollar bilIluntise pock-I pock( Scroquet tournainents were tise order Majority 9 7 et of a pair of pants wisich ls.y on M Sof thie day. Missionaries, miniers,1 SCUGOG- tise dresser- iu bis reom. >Whie thie givar . secretaries and delegates entared en- No. i1 55 63 50 52 ___ havir StisusiastiecallY into the Éparts. This Majoniy 2 - to _ -b Cmakes. - in. lerge meêsure, for tise PICKERING- T o P n o o lh Ha b t'rplendid spirit of gond fellowship No. 1 34 - 54 80 3Rhiln o lat te tisat miarks tise Confenance, 1No. 2 62 101 54 113 is every wcnian's righl- mad( The zmosi imPiess-ive fpatufre o! tRieNo. 3 44 62 23 3 bpt many, are troubled tan Wioe ahrigi ts tiiis e- 'No. 4- 15 16 9 19 with sall0W complexions, Ti Svice held on tise lawu, when', under No - 5 35 37 30 29 headaéhes, bekaches, low accu, Sthea leadersisip of Dr. MacKay, tise No. 6 '5o 28 37T 29 spirits-until they learu ha doul tChairman o! tise Cou<erence, prois- No. '.' 84 86 83 58 sure reief May:i be found le gu1ili lemas o! lita service aile cousidarad. No. 8 54 59 61 41 in STisa quiet bush ot tise meeting tellsNo. 9 Q 32 49 27 13r.j~ i et tise experience that inauy af tise Na.1O 66 83 61 81 E WU K coun, dalagaies are isaviug as'itisey saak tat Ne.11 32 64 29 56 Sim relate their lives defnittly ta tise di- and vine plan. 523 622 IL L s 1 b I es Saturday avaning was igivan oven ta Majonit>' 466 51 id,.,s,194M lin.~ dsomnaboairallies. Tise tiae- 52U22 46N4 efud m bll ldaOMM. 25MMWEgi gales divided accordiug ite. denomina.. PORT PERRY...________________ tion, sud under tiseir denaminationaî No. 1 54 47 41 589 leaders discussedth ie furtherauc& !N.2 8 4 4 41IN uNCFn mosoa>'eufioa r l ierNo. 28 -508 458 74 41 N t- Né 'OMESEEKERS XCURSIONS M4ANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN- T ueo"yuntii Octoberus l~ nlipeg und Return 036.-00 rtonton and Rolura-- 4840- tom Tor.rnt o, nd Stations West mla i of Toronto, Propolsams uaasrgdigRAIL or CRAI&xt Uckws Canadi4hein c 'rieket Agents or wdts MZP1VDP.A.,C.P Ry..TestJ OUARANTEEOD- ADVANTAOE$O The advan:iages guaranteed ta, its policyholders, nian for mane throughout its entire business by The Equity Lie Assurance Company are much'-greater for the premiums paid than tliey are ini any -other Company doing business in Canada. This is stated as a fact which canot bc successfully disputed. EXAPL-Atýage of twenty.*three. next birthday The Equity Li e chtrges $43. zo for. $zoo.ioo Insurance on thse Twehty Paymenst Lie Plan with eveiy- thing definitel>' guaranteed. Mos; ôther, Canadian Campanies charge exactly the smre amnount and similar ternis for a Twenty$five Paymnent Life -Policy. At the end of twenty years the Equ-ity polîcY is fally paid for and has a Cash value of $898.oo, -while the usual cash value for~ die otheirpo1icy at the sanie time is $720. The mnswbo utudies bis owrn ItrUSw patrouise Thi.e ulty Lifsb Assitrance COMlipSfY wben he wants File Insurance. L. W. DLJDLHY. tm. suTtIIHRLAND, A gent- Preildent &t General Manager Whltby. Ont. Toronto. NEW LIMITEO TIRAIN SERVICE Montteal - Toronto 'Dtroit - Chicago Vi, CansdlgautPcIlc il idMichigan Central Raflre As via Michçrn Contrai G ga ulic.Steoi Tubes ritt t'W idertid Detît. Lavlg t n treaiSA.n5 Il ,. Toronot; 10imn.. arriving Detroit Ile d5a.;s.u u.0 Chicagdi 7,45 a.c. lail. EqwJItiy gimid terie rtur:dmng,- TORONTO- -WINNIPEO -VANCOU VER Tloronto, - Vancouver EaPrees No. SI.ve Toronto5,55 P.111. distly. vaneinvnr-Toroto Expressa No. 4 arriren Toronto 11-46 A.ni. di Mtarituba Expresti No. 7 meaves Toronto ulailY except 51111îdny 10 50 piD., trrIvIing Wililij'g mend tday. Ontario Express No. 8lSve Winnlpeg9.M5pas. and arrive Toronto 5.15 p.niidlafy eflPt Tnteoday. For further partlcularts appy, to C*nadiafl -)PýAcIiC.P. Y.,T ensorntoe.UMRP , t' 1- - at a Prios to Wc Par- us to' fFer a duetion. This etOc tation for isigh jewelry aud wateh, 'shat wa do net - flnd ituDecessary to But we piucbui ine bargà in andl w puse it on toyeu. stop, Look,.- 1 -H!_Pri ce Watcheu laies and gelitlernez - - htely gt'arantaad tc satisfaction. This' week, ýju!ySI- W. are -also offensng- reduction ýon every stock. -We s*ant ta more about ths waiches.' Dont pui Coma to-day, sud expla in il ho you. Opposite Pott OC Whiiby, TEMPER.XMIE N TH~ At-ts ananual metUng ai ÂrmyTeniîiranice XsoA a tan Hlli,.Westnrnister, ,Wajo.r-Oreral 'Sir- Fr-ancis siding, Lord Roberts rei freintise King - ongratul -and ise -wor-ers on the el sulis aciieed, andi assuri lus -appraciabion Lii the eff!orts o! tise movn-met, ti T-ha eialtRiy ethîciene> ain -wall-beiug- o! -bis - ermv. -of Counauglit also wrote, Ibis appreciation o! doule by tIhe ,ssociati(oi. ."Tise efforts to prrnote !iave, beeu a marked -suces O-xaesults are apparent thro ,ranks.- Lord -Roberts .S M 8, tise Orsi year atter -cialion was formheu, t-ber r 091 Itotal abstainers- snd i 1parance meus in tisaArmy. tisan en-re 20,225 ,total -suad 2,214 temperanca men -BINDER TWINE FO 'Wm. Oke han- necaiveA :Mept af Golti Medal am -Bîder- twiue. - Wil r demaunds. Piscine 57 r 4. -e Hol al'Communion,- will * ereti lu Si.'-John'a (£ta -Sunda>' moraiag afierul Nice.-Tise Rev. J. FaIte Uêse lebrant.- Tny a fresh 'fruit Sund 1% Cram'Scifas ai thse l'da Boom. Lunches -sar tours.-, Sandwichas prepi parties aud piculcs while - pio~z~Ê-tiia rg g . S 1Faul . anA pur h - ri 4hé~eb.but. o ;->'-tlPulnw sua anElIy xielnoowuiq SeounMY. y5 mn tlio ikief. r Do mot tergal n.Pan Culverisousre Optical Co, Dassets .Jul 1y- 251h. Mr. thtie ratinoscojue anti a da, -clusivel>' lun ak1ng an Charges'm4rate. Mn. P. E.- Harrison, A C.P.R. arrireul lu ton- accompauied hy)-hl' wifc, Several das-s w -,i . Hoiliiayr. Mn. rrti- ' - It fram Mr. EÊdncst !)eu -.brick residenve on l3v-rois - eccuplati b>'Mr. Deverefl 10pairs (travele r's 1- lhaFanti medtiunibot TORONTO wereat airieakfast Mark tisoughtt aud ft ii>kbuou an angle of norti a moue>', andi went up te ses Il seventy-tour degrees eust from soutb- - as ail nigisi. Ha faund iwo on e eti igle o! -sad lotibtence ucrili r bUis iustead of a tan sud a- sixteen degrees west tisrseechains, Hae calle i hs f aihen [nom, tise thssesncentsseveuty4our degres sud tise. men wara asked il tse>' %-.at oue - cisain seveuty-five fliba, anyihing usat did ual beleng tole S e sosuth six *teon degffle ut ci Simpsoa waa askad ta ssow ibree chalns ta -the front o!fid -u- 't moue>' ehadatinsd produced cession, -tsence south' meventy-four de- nauey paiti hlm the islgisi efore. gises West -one -cbain ,selveny-9ti am hesitated. about sisowing Ris links to tse place ef beglunlug -to- - ,y, but at lengRi produceti two gler wltb a silp -e! land'ta is atan. Mark J union said tisetan eau tisereof coataiaiug sitogeiber iged to him, wviile Brown de- tisr6e quartons ,ai1au acre maeM or >d tse moue>'- was tisai which legs.,j been given to hlm tsa evaniug I On ibis property tusur lu saidte j be a large and .substantlal brick ef aGoto Witby, was dwelliug bouse about 32 feet sciuare - ,d by phone, anti arresiedthe isawt a brick kitchen attcqsed,14 ;b>' me.Tisy were lodgad lu gaol, 16 test anti woodszhed le b>' 20 ft'- - lie iseariug came on hast Tuas- Tisera-la aIso an-sa<d propetr evening. -wsnoig blaclcsmlth chop 20 b>' 80 fW tand lestable 26 by,36 fset. bisI inpsa kewantsing of This propet' la situate ou* -,th@ vas a part>' to tsa tseft,lie isav- KIngston Roati about one n2ue. .asV orna down stairs lu the morning Of PICkerlng Village anid toUr aidl e Brown n-as dressins. lie n-as oas-half miles 'west from thse iaw efore discharged. ef Whitby. ron isat no defence, otisar tiss Thse alectrie -stnet l!iWay track sugvn hmts rvosae-tatement tsaitRthe bîlîs were <s laid jusi nantis sud almont ad- ;e gven himthepreiou evn-joliaig thhs propet', ani wheu bul ani wicsha hea put lu his will ha a great convenience ta tsi iet n-itioui îooking ai býem. prety unk unir sli isa ilî la ~ Tise propani>' will be' offered for in to him b>' tise isusekeapar, sisa sale subjecltat a reservet i bd wbich ig raceivt ism, trous 'Rhis [suher wlll Rie fixed.b>' saiti Master.'- be given to hlm t psy tise men. Th édrsbl ob'big t bail nueallier moe' about him ai furaisis auy abstracts or title - deeda lime, and Rance couti not have flot in iheir possession.- ae a mistake in giving Brown tse TERMIS :-Teu per cent. -wil! - ho dallans. -palidtiowu ai tseimeofa!sale sud he cse ws soclea aganst tse ebalance wlthlu thir>' days tram ed cs a So eaneagainsi tisetise dà ise ofsaidsale. Iu aIn - otlir se d ash e ave nra om for mrespects the terms aniaoudilong.-o-, ,tant tia agitrae foud hm lewlî Re tise standing conditions :vy and lmpsed a sentence o! four etatie urm Coto!Oalo - iRisai iard abon - 'Furtser panticulars inay' bs lad troua own said ha had heen lu iRis A.E. Chnîstian, Esaq., Whithyq moll. ir>' or bno yeas. Ha sud or Petioliers, thse UnIon Trust ipn bai mat lu Port Artsur, Compr ' ootliecmilie isat warkedti isir way esi asanitaG.Y mhLclMse(-- tise>' ~ ~ ~ O coli - o bis Court ut Wisthv.-1. $ 4 4 I 4 4 - 4 - 4 4 JUDICIAL SALE 5Reïddenial Properi>' for Sale ln the Township of Pickerin&-in the iuprome Court o! (Ontario, In tui matter- af the Estate ai AIer*nd- er Margach. -y irusut ta thse judgmOntand fla Dr for saie la ibis -malter bearIng thse 13th day of June, 1914etbere b. old b>' public- auction wlth approbation ai G.Y. Smith, Esq., al Mamter of 11hisCourt, aijias. Ion'. Matel, In the Village ai larhug, ai 1the houx or two o'lock Me Atternoon, on Wednesday tha ILýday c09 Julyo,1814, by Wm#, v, auct4ancar,- thse illowlng lands prommsla oee parce! behng 0-quarter. of ai acre more -or Of mouth Part o! Lot Number Ive in the Second CancSulinao Townohlp 0f Plckelng là th. 2t> af Ontariov descrlbed au fol- nmenclng where a past haï been ted ai the distance of fi,. chaîne 7À