a, Falry, de on tunydsw tc aeam Io" &Dr 0er aomeaaike&mu ,r' e m07-41 elte ->'ciwoud 111 luj tbewil l wII ould i SIl- I m fl ,mi f e ___ -O - - -e.' - 0- paee ai-u.wle atio "Wba doeos dia uay-î wanýt teo ", d@h u tue Embîlkmeml udtie bomanse îIiin lean olti frà enld cfYeu,*- vsnll nri aotdtpaaiig té about thl s Idee, et yn ry ln er' b. doue, -nuaide 019' etWxenub&7w -v-e "Re s iiit eth b@t.thé cul>' tuilas Wtt4 dOc b>1iladid C.éqiw't tba te bo, doue, if 1I42üm aWo. o ia Tn,* 1 ild'd lns isia2>s erv'icet $ho.wu sueOnSt t- eoee mints. "Iltahu~ i lendu . ilowev On the va>' te <Le dard e 1usdb"teý -yok., -l" IV .Sneo d ëwruuit. n d maIe à dsIsOn ît-a nea.draper's nov You'*'. svai m ile ýin,à a<ki te tobur ' fer LUIII ab1.ol Joena-bédoe to alil the other dulige ybn've doue tfor "me, vear instesd ot r.Mfat sain -fo t 14vis7 1that pulleti me othe > a Mentaand a grvWbat nted -f hé waliI, wi' ?'elderir>' balla et -bonnit,,aise bé10uWg- -I aupfflepr7caeu't replrOeebume and e d i iob. tlsapc'ate. înde ýl tauiiWorn t$ nolhing but mewrrylng me wll =&a.7cu te vordset fthe serice. TIse log vie ,<> 11i.0, I 1 uppfie you muet Marary me. tiLscI vs cild>Awaeey O'. 'eaehthWi' But m-ery me at once andi -ae iea av a jan,d bohal 'e' oloeywn, an .&b- 14)e new places. Don't gte me'time to eet-ssuded mia with gra.>, wispi "*1r <luIn about U or I suait, rua off airain., sud vhlaeruz, wvo couchaed sud blnliti Tise impulsie Came 1U 1-u bel'<ls bIâ ic hi s«tol and th..e fficle11 Moilug, aud .1 ootidn'4 Iresut. . :="Oade îed.voe..ti erk, MsenetIOniens e g a plah <ast I voulti coes te Lbaten, and'the wviole affair oves- ss .peedly as peB, eut o#;-my, bqir and, & etbey'a clothes, ant i sble -take 'a bey'.ituaS ou somevhero:sud Teewan n eCv h rd nevr Iâ fund byyouor ny ne.Butava>, butte clark iasSil'vluteeredt4 < 1 hadu't tihe luck toe 04W1?>' Sý 1perform lIat office. Indeet, se aullOlWS b.d a luttle -moue>' lett eut OfvîsI >Yeu 414 Iheseaux te set us ail safel>' eut of. s-ave me laoS dîme yen sBav me. And 1 thie fos-laden building, eud hiualf home sliIppei off front Moriand -House as n c t î.he arîy dinner, litha m anCOnVluced andti Cetr * n>' bair iu the train. au â e uitihave <raw thi. lin. et ntils- bous-bt nse a o'. ciotires la u eaod @&eseMariluE 41. ,brà dç limet. em9itheq' iIlop «s ceu astii. ehoea CeeWheu va rot lit.tonr.vheloca -opeueti. anti blaugeiyth ' <usInlua fou: te driva te Victoria Statlon, Il hbidke wiie,10d cal)'lu 5h.' Ee69.But onceId gOt down altogether sud bureS tutà sp&sson them 1 ft evpeiry oeu aslookiug- a t oftears. me, andi 1 got frîgliteneti; anti - mileu 1 -' eesanha adreatiful. tirear>' b- veut te a restaurauta tesCet somtbîng giniugl" aihe cobbed. *ândoý, ii, 0vvii te eat. I hardi>' dareti te le te hplaiS5 t flenA?" - sud Ilui anti valtetiabout, %anti aS dark 1i leîtetbler iuni'am niotri 1 lest ns>' a-y eud got-rcbbed--sut, 901l.~tcew tt, llngeriug liaSe. 5h. 1Ia nce tîred1 Yen. vont sel me an>' moiw asmine nov, sud -no coocoulti take her Qaluee - to-ushi i e? ft m e. Wih Lilil s.MY wvite Icoulti "No, 'doe, v"eil afferd tO la-nsh at fortune. "Andi whitô ar. Yentallas- mît" 4'Taere la neo e lun411. 'senti 50 haPP>' 'Tus -'as - s quetien, lutieed. 1, coa d l îat trie moentn," 'I saud.*"Au tahe -noS' ritîl Wseeisw eelngUs illi lin<la fdreame et je>' 1 ever lad, umeant Oni>' txaveet>', a511t1 utI as inteucci>' auziebu Shu-.to hld close tei=y>'hart tise oe te place lier lu -Mis. Morlaut'a cas e s.vema n lutaie -orîti Ilove 'ruit aUln'D ipeedily ne pov»ible. I vas Ont et the isea-t aud goni, sud te 'kuev <aS îhl QUstion te leste lier at au>' 101.1lun er saiuens>' ite. Ah. dou't 07, M>' Zeet ho>". eletiieff aud fax tee'lsteeo e neou iWliy honidt eîtlioight of belenh- pueb u istes. Tle notion et lau. lus- wheUy te meemaks yen tir>', -wbeu eakou't Batterwees was net te b.en- voult iei te cave Yeu thel Seau pain? NO teetinâtfor ament-couffluont>', ee cse s ne utus hindi>' Eeg. Clasp the t"i< an zus, ýMsnd wre i cu arnsence round MY nidk, sud tel I bdltylbteL".th Mea yen vh»' te>' telovi Me JWS & tW>' At M mi>' < to cor l ls heUtit." cab, tiresdtully afrali lest evifi now aie Obe ebe>'ed vitI lier usual dOcillt>', mis-t Cive ie thse slip as-alu, atter-mal- loehlns- up at-mne at rs iit ihbin e >e Lng'ii-be promise et' ber lianer te remain blurreti rita' teau. Bt gradualS>' les- olt Ie tihe cab unatl m>' retin. dimlnoucile broea throns-h. sud lote' "I am 400 tirât anti sieep>' te runa aa>IV>'bluuli stole, ever lier cheehi. £tiI" *IrDéffl- Lilitii. -"OBehIdas. I "Mis a0l,"1 mile ad,lS, vii sernhlug kuov it'o ne gootinov. ga 1 promise." betweeilis a nsh antiaa ish. "1yen sauted la' Utheuiet Mlo Itonna lire. lorisutime more thau nyru74 uti v e rd ndsu lolas ae,'tireS, sud flabby. E cnt uow 1>'on have me. 0e tisaSoeeOetnosat rbri tthe. Pleintive recortiof be.r expert- leaOtit a aPPi." SUCU by telltng ber tisat Luth vas 'sait- J3IIPTER iliY. ing bielu nthie cab. - "Tssngoodess" ee exelslsued. "And Six apiionîlato, Mr. andi Mn. Adriau nov tisaI >'enhave teunti ber, Mr. ReHon v reiunued to London, aftar é Pro ve>'. yoif muet put lier luns>' care. To- ions-id cruuielu Italisus waters, anti *ouk nlght vo vli eluep at a hotul, sud to- np blair abode lu a DçettY, detacheti reti mnorr vvo iii sgo back <a -.st,." brick lieuse 'anti etudin luthese uasr icin- "To-more," I sali, 'T hall gCel à a î ty of Rllandi Park..- , ipleiiÃl icéos.,sud marrî LiIith.' I lad ne visiste cMme home, but Lulth "Marry lier V' almeet chrieheti lre. Mer. coufitietite me oes ta>'tilst f.1W30viatrâ land,. "Ou the. top et al ibis mati cou- oethde cea. ant i lred oet traveling, sud duct? Mr. Herve>'. yen caunol.be lu your vantât -te lave salieuse etflier evu. Andi ris-ht Aeniul" It muet bo ail reati> for lier te c-me te. 'y mnld 10 rnade uap. ail thisame." 1aeosald, as ahe id nonM utndetanti fnr- gaiS, "anti Lvili not trouble you 'sit tihe uîehlus-. sud couiti net be botiserati itis cotr.et fLilitis atter to-nîght." ens-as-ms-servants. - Kre. Mesland i coietibertaeln- se ai lier urgent requet. thons-b seai> ,eloak anti ami portuxauteau. aaasmt ns>Yvii, I lafi lier Ilisa iseteluI 'o"se sa-Id. lun- -meut titermineti parie. vbile I crosseti anti recrossâdthtae toeu 'Il yen resu>' man temarry Cha-nnel, anti epeut my t ime Iu Lendon Lilithigaxon. Mr. Herve>'. I vash ns>'buyins- sud turalehinor a bouse which I -ha-nd -et liber entinel>'. sud fromt thid van-ted te make lu ever>' va>' vertli'oe moment I deline te cee ber. I cQoulter ils levol>' mistralS.ý h h« *. l a -ted. bot.liYeu n sd me abonx- I t vas carange how mudl in lu il h ily>. 1 ar nont consplaintus- over taie t ransaction-s 1 mieueti Matise'. ativice spil isancred a-usa scvety-five pounde I chal' assistance. Until isis polnt in nsy carosi Io" b>' ler fils-ht. ai-lieus-h I arn nucli aIe lad alvays bien nsy ris-lt lianti lu a la neeti et it -change et studios, andi even lu the pur- "&18opl" I "aId. "I wmli it devis nov clisse or a.teration et tise furniture cf ns> anti-write yen a dcheck fer a isuntimotianti roonsa. Iuns>'y-ork,' tee. 1 Isseti liar, sivent>'-lýti sounus. te tale a-gw.a i usforer csc ad invarlabi>' ta-heutise heenast Yeu, on eue coudtion-tliat le, tisaiyen lutencet lu ever>' pieture I underteel. It 'sift ta amount. oeil me tise contents vas net te be expectedti ta a girl bn cf younIlîttie traveling valice, anti. aise >'oanud lnexpaniencad as ns>' Lilitis - Viai lon u tacloak yen carry over lotir coulti poceasintishtlvel> tisat kuovletige mm,", anti jutgmeut lu art matlers vhlcis Bier' bris-ht. catiike. srec-ial-gray eyec Mbadge, -vis ee-iaegît >'tanslber, senior, - tllated anti glileed. ibai gaihoet irongis tnoqueutlug and "Wlià at eus yeeu poseibl>' vaut - tisesu tudyli a-il tise picture-alieriec et Eu- fcr haie ashati. rope. oelfias as mst zmen are. 1 'sauteti For Llt-h. Ioa h a bargaîn?' lu Matis- a cesneoelen. a friesut, sud si- f4se cul>' hesltated a- second or tve. ter, inhile lu- SuiVis ail I wiisti for vas j:tyou wili let me ale eut su>'trilua' wesuau te adore. keti>and one or S-vo utile Viinge, 1 as-ec.' Anti I duti adore lier, tisa more nuatiui' ého g3ald, tisn. perisaps,. htia I ceeu becaue convincati Ania. few minutes latac I accempaulet id et wi islly unuterstauti ler. file lier te vise doon.. anti sa-vher dsasppear vite alwai's affetlouate. alwa>'s eweet- li-n thes-, 'waîkins- rapitil>'.anti net aven temered, eaesl> 'amuceti, anti essil>' nov. once -gingluInlutise direction of tise eti te a lîist-iscartuti Boisemian galet>'. cabh lu vaithlîs-betora thie deor. bots tiliglittul anti infections. fhe seens- Thon' I cous-lt Liis. net silliont soma alà happy lusuy eoclety. aise teek - ns dreuatioet Ondins- ber flIvun. But ahi miae caresses$-w-oel', -anti Ie accepteS ns> fast aslceplu a corneroethtie liancosu, tevetior vtis a tiaint>" -racefuneesu d aud, I hai te awahen lier te tlIlier -te- charnu. Antiyet, sorelor.tise notion slipIMca. Moland'o aWlenvelopins- travel- -rouiticomte inte an>' ea t bat I 'vas lut' cloak round iser before se estereti marrieti te a tair>'. andt hiscreature et tata isouse, . Up te tise studio 1 led. ler idc*ai lovalineese. 'hoee fors-et-me-net bine and sisowed ho ie M-es. Morland ha-J O>'ls efecoteti wbie tise>' 'itinet retîlîn na-Ml> piaceti a change etftirese, eud <le' th paselo1n-ate love etfsu>'gaze 'sas -net a élise-r contentsetflier traveling bas- ou a real 11ve 'roman at al, but Siat orne chair anti epriati a copy et an eveunns- moruins- I eboulti 'ale te mise ba erlti. paper over hem, aenliead anti te icuow tisai &ahlati'flou 'Jurxe laeocene fenîne attire, tier," I bac<k te talr'-land. said. "s*andlare are pleut>'et cueliions POeie es'of Brownings tisa-t 1carne eand' tise moni cemfort,4ble et cotas for a acrose lu Velîlce on eue traveis ieamati geei alcp.Ant lve e.isebel_'nuc-ssemate-ud-- tAut-.#for L-Iltistiaitiei ýLatest Reyal Victime of thse Assasin'. Bullet. The Arcliduke 'Fra.ncis Ferdinaidof Austris.and ha morganatic wifée, forMerly the 'Cotintesi Sophie Chotek, mlio were amseaeinitd on Sun- day, June 28, at Sara.vejO, by a; Serviaxi fanatie. feo&tSSilcoatine more rôclai brigUt tn>' pi.etstji>' <Ins-stn<li capa that' a savate 'fs-eeh te cltuliat4bu; oetiig #bcea sa's aie vautotebu>'. 8h. suat me agonies o et aions>' b>' at 1I con- itenât lier, qulte unnicefflar>' tr-endl-lues 'sith strangu.,te 'hom île 'seulti baI trei> on 'fs lirhtest provocation. In Paris, 'rhene b>' ler speciai requesi 'se stayet. 'suie I ouperînténdet taie ar-' rangements ot on>' civ London berne. tbe attention ah. attracteti b>' ler> biaut>', lien pretty and:xtravagant troIso, sud iha't 1 coulti net endure tcq leste ber eten forstav'enuin dihe tal vitisit Mid, anti I eu-as-d. perfect 0ogns-afetan 6l- deri>' French zma1dr namoti Bocalle. <o; l aftS-ho. 1 coubdt eovu la>' tIc flattes-lus-ne- Sieon te ns>'seul tisa-t ns>' -ite meouiMIS# z»e luju>' absence Soeattis Âmericauf, a motion anti ber sou antidans-iter. vieil- or@ e athSe bouul.ver. go anormonsi>' tel an 'sit Lilltis's bisau>'ant ingltumie lIat- tie>' efferod te tialeeniia charge et lier dûanus-ni> teizpous-> absence., an offe I vasen- oui> te lad -teaccept. <To b.c outinueti.) THIE CHINA 0F TO-DAY. Iti Future Whatever îts People Like te 3Iake ItL Ghina's greatest probleux is s do- meatie one. Important matteca ut a suitable coin currency-; provision et rail'says; a, standing'arny et re- pute, -afficered aud well-dieciplined; tise development of its masS supplies et ilidden minerai wéalth - a navy et adequato dimensions, are pro- blemis et- pressing importance, writes Mtanies Ges-ken. As a -suc- ce-setul nation, the standing et China depouds upon the -.oiviug of tisese.niatters. But, atter ail is doue, we corne back to the. tact that, aà ave r, " tise poor ye have al- ways with vou," anudC-hina's peor is its overwiselmiug coolie cîsass. Tise bol poiloi ot China are ig- norant, iiliterate-aud innumer- able. The elass, or mouey division, la an insuparable bannier. A "gén- bieman" may be kuowunet mcrely by the size oftVhe house lun'shicis he resides, 'but by bbe number cf his coolie servants. Men aud vomen, anti even chlldren, et this class, -work iucessantiy, aud for a moere pittauce. The picture ut bordes cf workers, iike s busy aut-isill, la a familiar une te thosa inho live lu the EF-sI. What is to become uf tbem -7 "Daspisat -and rajectad 4-f mien," dirty, perhaps, in habits, as wa uudcrstaud' inaliers, tbey ap-ý pear oîîtwardiy contentad aud are knowu te ba thrifby. Workers gen- eraiiy have le be! Numner *ous gîîiids aud seéret- sociables pruyteet the "iuteresbs" of tbc worker, though tisey do net appear te have cegialal- cd a reasunahia working day. Souna day tisera -viii be a revolution of arnotiser kind, au industrial uphaav- aI, visen (Sina's vonkers vili cight- ]y ciamor at thie Joor for recogni- lion utf ils dues. A consideration of éhiua wouid be ineemplete without a caference te its own peculiar diffleuitias. There is thse aimost insupeaable barrnec cf tisa lauguage, or bu spaak *more cocrcblv, cf the- mîmtitudin- - uis dialects imb whieb lt h spilt, ,making it impossible for a man frenioeedistbrict be understand hus neighbWor f romn another. The ps-e- Rent intas-uccine trou-bic is not to be îînder:tood by an impartial finloo-k- er, unies',it i.mthati h iýianorthen case out lîîîmau wealcuess-jealougy. a mutual mxistrî:>i of th isas an sd arn-bitons gwic;h direct the minds uto the rival factins-north aud soîior tlic sînusuai sý)ectacIe ut a "stcoug" man, sud that a China- man, speuding himseif iu -the hec- cîsiesu tas;k-cf formiug cosmos 4)f Lesnsere>'ev, ceu, a't'a.Ln.' " -"'sv'u", n"-" """ t w. M-le voulup'-sscti l' 'm"-" t înîa's awai<ening must ou ne- co o ou oneul lerve>'. -tepa anti ballet twirls wvallsd eeu ai t I fcunt iLt'-th lu tise bis- arsuchair, lok. tîsesimes. for she lieo on fr&-cjuentt us--ecisitY be a slowa - procedure. A lus- vor>' ails-t aud paie' andi fragile, In anannd st c-er>'place ut amusement visera' giaut sieep% kiaviiv sud arouunsas týackut t-lUt gevu et Mes. llo'lza-uta, Ki% tsereewac à nY>dancing toleiee es. ishehisusesl owViy. Chin a is but lutise. gizcz tee large for lier. in wiît--is liutble 1wo-ulti'cîrum on this lano. or praa-erid te -é-lcad ef creppaty-tec.l's'4lrnlf'-l> nwcrs aut boa-es, acrecms'a isaîeariy stages Of ils uiprising. fILniay t--hisldeis tuc&eflsaanact at;oher ltct. inivolved u'lt-titis- sloeas, nîblions. laceq,.' bhan au wakeniug te Constantmines-- 1Iknu-ît bere le-n anti put su>'a-m.x a aisi sisjas a-I1 ovin atha ean et u ualMy mb f b er wbc alet. S-haetiF3 me lu itise teora:y oclisio, 'siere lu ail prebabi- 1 a i oglio.s, or to-. the deeper x',ciclut sait suet fr-oaldlv f.uruiloiî'.ýtold il>' tisa" wrould semajis until 1 tnot t se snse ut tht 'realitV-cf a nation with un( riSse bail lop epi talupo îth- ou .o rap.or the -hambermnad etole ili.pwe.a, n-un ontecranti acled lue If t thelu. for t tsî-u,îstcaîy un- t'p uesu nfu e. The bn dnin the fus- vas tise - idy. nas -1! â extravagant, in t. t atîftture is 'shatever the Chiriesc like tiailu o u I tol llas >l nî.-temna-ko it. ltcoguizing as timne 'W.echallcoon lbeonou it1, MY i>'ia1 illibaiterîuately lauglîed anti monder- tus- , I sIsperet. claspîng besr eosies.lu d at mv metsotilcal, or. as sis& callat gu.et un 'skati lu means obu b.asciti- My>'a-.*"Auda scon as Wb are Insnried 1-be ti ol 'i-bst--heor' ha-bito. To ffetiai zen et ne mean country, auJ, hat vo 'silil ke hatrain te Plkmroua-h.visera smc. msisa ouit îîovanti then make a de mis-yacut le-" a -- . spursito uiuempti ai bains -orderi> ou a .'the a uviso dues mot-t for his race mi11 TI d ir--ti --~ya-iîî---the livîns--roorna et -hidi siso best serve hi-s owun ntion. China l4~W$ntcallti isaisuet I avehast speedil>' redut-et te chao-or l ine le a ulf'lt oa noisou -h n=aue -paînteti eut 8-is nto el t iici t aas olir utioi a l'--yput-ovar lh." teuiale-tsnll heas oretthe varlous an- "'.T -Mas-haSlr>'. W;Ia-ia préVitIiolt'5 suc' lîiteed th ie fluor, lieue! usame." ut-hacae>IaM4d. ."ybuu mra tiilulbot)i, tvo or Ibrec rald glovre, scierai et- Rsi lus-'oetLytiingea, mereî't lîa uh Mm. te,; aniproXranmasý, a lia-tanti clos1, R ia s sevecai 'sumen priests. Uci. ,,whb>' ildnt yiai rr>' nie tiscn"" sc>me riblienuot4%-Iîasît-t, f.scY worlt, Cleveland lia3 a rnouubcd pas-k '1 coultin t-mm>r ' sT-i liioft sitt-f. alirets Of muqie, ansd Oue volume et a sun- plc-wm Aîiutlif yonen c!-nie lit. îhersa' uaialuI -vel;lu anoliser, more Istercgeneout et-- oie an ilitaI kiesi your.i muuti gut iitia iî.Ismâ uirlint'eiou iîi3,1011et f iiis ie e The boaitfîîi financier 'vas dis for' tle res-et rht' dayA-t ovintebc fount visan vasitau. ds 'I uoiedr >ou talce incý'ýtt 4lieud bct 51e ver ni-menubevetli viethe isar hi V iicuaiug kii.-cancer, 111 c-va My 10sula-l>'tisai I t,!d't wanl tyou. < r bad net helan paii, ,anti usiasil>'tcled get ces sud vealth,"ý he said *'To tell yen l'iretrot-h. coite Il But 1 hem Icctkî 'sitis Visaract..She coutinu-grasc nutnÉerutain u.t-r, tisai I cý»n mmikgeyoti liv emplitid s u umie li er own pot-' grandlv, "le ti5t Oee thing- - '-ppc. and can make .oe love sue, tisait--b .forgettiase' Ilat there scahl uplucki' "Iudeed I 'AuJd'houn did t arn noS iaIt yen -.ill ruiaa a in u-sm , etisat vo ret-uu"l 1>'f'ount ouz:elveks, nurei~ ed ls - tîinonce yen a&re su>' vitt." tac f res u cr iotel or«Et-cm ts act 'Op0 -' "~iai, as.'aI. iti~ lien e- withost a franc le talc us batik on te bu>' tenon, ber FR01 DONM E SITIN NOTE 0 OP INTEREST PROM RE9 Wbt Se ôna e.on <te figisiauSa sudLowlands et Âuld seetla. The tramway revenue iu Greeni- ock for the past year is about Aberdeen Lunacy Board have de- cided to extend Kingseat Asyluin Buildings at a cuit et ever 869000W. The. epenative mai-idessand hcw- ors of Dunfermline ane con-Vnuiug their agitation fer au advancei of wagos. As companod with Aps-il lkW year,' Glasgow, et the four largo Scettisis towns, shows the greatest decreasel lu crime,. Abeut 30 dycrsamad 20 femmle fiisens, lu the eusploy et A. Bell & Sons, dyers, Faibley, have struck work. Hélytown Go-s LigilV Company luave de-cide-d ta reno and iucrease their plant iu viof ethtie abuormal demnd. Theo new post off.es'hich has been erected iu Bathgate at a cest et about $20,000 hm. nov been fer- mally opened. abu In Dundee tise-e aré,abu 40 pie- lune theats-es visose prices cf admis- sion range froni 24 cents ta an amp- ly jain jar. A man naimcd James Smnith, who 'sas ernpioyed as niglit vateisman, vas ru down auJ instantly killed by au angine oubside Gorebridgc Station. A tramnp 'skie ad evideutly lain douan te rest at Oxwellmains lime kilns, near LDunbar, svas found sut- foc-ated by the fumes vmtki a portion cf kils back chaî'red. Anuuosual accident occurred ai a cricket: match being piayed -ai Alloa, svben two playars rînning for a cal-ch collided malts aach other, sud bulh feu jnconscious. The Cau'negie tUited Kingdum Fond Trustees at D)unfer-mliue sbabed, that thc'y are embarrass-cd witki the numbg cf applications for gans,including $1,350 for orgaus. A Parcophagus containiug human rema-us' bas beau fouud iu a field -ou the tas-m 4)fMill cf (.oiisten, the tenant of 'skie-b la My. George Bis- A genuine wild ca-V has hecu caught iu Ardnaaiunckan deer for- cst, Argylishir.. Il bad a tigerisis appearance aud was 45 juches in ieugth. The diractors cf the Faikimk auJ District Tramway Company have decidad te instibute a motor omni- bus service bet'scen Faikirk aud G rangemouth. Mca. Hugh Garduer, 'site of Hugki Gardner, Dotuglas, mass iustaubly kilicd 'shen sha wss theowu fs-cm ht'r cycle utiha suad bet'seeu Dou- glas aud Crawford. Several whales have been* accu sose. miles nocth -of, the May Islaud, aud tise appearance efthCscei-ring shoal.je eîîpposed te have attraeted tisasutu tise mouih cf-tise Firùhisof Forth. - -Mr.'Woir ut Kildonan iu bis viii bas directed lis trusstees-to Jivide a suîînoet 85,000, free ut Juby, amoug aucis charitable aud benevo- lent iustitytione lu Glasgow as they think proeas. SeoIJVB Shipbiiilding and Engi- Iprevokas me ce te 'have t'o be put iOff -80 efteý Wben I vauttVo Set svay. j. Il  oÙ] I s3 oo41ed be, buêt t sff.mtuq eesuy, Zoo,- ,'I ~êrteeI ie W, oviwMn&" Imbe Md Cfro me l. TM.4? A -1 a bien Quhti ee 7IB Yf~ " mçoeJn4P nd 1fr. Wr.>'?" 1 know you umed not~to -iko blm, 1I« Pas an ot bd uaabio lo#t have a cool oven. To clean brass and copper dip hait a lemon in sait. Caramel custard is an agrecable change froux the ordinary sort, Sponge black siIk -with iclear cot- tee te. freshen. it, auJ iron on the wroug side wheni is-l partly'dry. To make wall paper stick ever calsimined or whitewaahed, walls ge, a large brush'and some ochre and paint the**walis Irst. Jeliy bags, pudding cioths, auJ strainer cioths should be thrown int clear warm watcr immediately -atter usiug. Ail rubbiug and wvringing >'y twisting is harmful when washîng voolieus; be sure to rinse out a&l the soatpsiîds. A chicken for broiling .sheuld b. wrapped i a buttered paper bag. This wil keep the meat moist and .retaid the flamor. Try thef pla n o! albowiug s day to iid'ý il'esd can ho oTcanedby puttfugsrMnmqn!a inCold water and dippWg4hTUriSh' nex cae ItQG.alQ'y.the w6o(1 t>go iu tii. w er tè rinse el ar cold jwa- 'Wer "Nôtiln fabebter thian a large pair cf b o'~fr býpwlug dust out et the' piano. The 'Iront must ef courge b. taken -off- W geV o the stringS. To drive a nail into plaster flirt ho>reajiolIe about twice the diaine- -er of the nail or screw and fil iV up with soft plaster of *Paris. Iu- sert Vile nail, and when the plaster hardens t iV wLhold 1ke Iron. To iron a. natural colored pou- gee se as to .preeerve 'its beauty, iron t only whenU Lt laperfeetly -dry and. with an iron only moderately hot, as nothing scorehes quit. 50 easily as silk. Do not -aprinkle pongee, as -the water spots never iroriout. To clean eane-bottomed chairs sponge both sides of the cane ther-- ougbly with hob soapsude lu which a iiandtul et sait ha. been disuev- ed. Thoen stand the chairs lu- Vise open air to dry. This cleans them beautifully, the cane is kept a goopd celer, and if the, seats have relaxed wlth wear they become quite firm &gain, A gocod soup for invalids is made by adding a haif-pint et beef tea to a half:ounce ot tapioca; sîrý over the fire, until it cores te a bell, then sinuner until tapict is tiser- ,ougly cooked. Flavor with'sait aud pepper. When cool stir in tise yoke etf an egg well beaten; sim- mer slowly until tise egg is cookcd. Tcî, clean a dirty inatting: First shako it well te reniove ail dust, tilen wash it with Salt aud water. It muet,-flot be ma-de very wet, aud Shouid be well dried atter belug rubbed- with a coarse clotis, then "rver &f q any FAINXES PREVEM!ABIJE. " Amerlean Engliseers Secis te Âvoi Iteeurrecucê cf Flooddé. Iu China -there are regions *'wblç hail'e euilered freux fleodsansd'ft14m lues for more ti-S2,560 *yeýrO. Duiing these tiseusandi of. *eat whie millions upon million, linr visIbua audnceatecfieIa. beeà coutributed direct.ly andi dlreetly by -the Chine.. Ge-veru me t and, People, and inrce ye a sby foreigu nations;, neyer hi asingle atteinpt been iùad. e o l4o the! constautly recu-rring estaso. pliés by tise aid- of engineering cu ïtruction.. it remained for an .AmeLc.x n gineer, Charles P.,J.1xu0s), 't pelit eut the. prelimilnary, < ml. surès, and now tise final.,stops a'r« about to be deciaed upon and' th< a.tual construction wek euby acommission efthtiree' Americai engineers. Buciset Cause of 'War. Àbueket, was oucé the innocent cause of a terrible war. irecel tuýieS ago some *o1diers of Modeua. tleabueket as a joke froui a'pub., lic well atBolonga. Wh'eu they rel f-used to restoe.it, acrimrnaging cenimen ced -between the-,soldiers oc thé rival etates, and a 'war issneêd, which sprea-â untili t involved th~ greater part et Europe. lun more, receit times -a de bt, cf a few-&i_ links et whieb1-tile Bey, etAlgierso deznanded paymeut through tise; Frèunch consul led te a war -whieil lasted 20 years, cost over hait il uilion-lives,.aud uzade Algeria a., Freuch province. ed 'u&e ofceat& i.s th"-most, SckW havea.limitçed vay of pro.-' gwling them. OUrr4lDt- jeUY, f course, that inknowu luin every -1 hdumebld.I fa ee cf th6e main-. Sta7S 'l lfe. :You remcegber the. faetidouaschoel' 1ýtpaceir ,who, de- clared that a resilady woul1d knCow $li et tha the -.pIfper ao jm Msili rn eit lof w crrn~ ba, .ehdthe oae.w1eWi aà ý oc>uiderd atest. ci ladyh<ocF 1V nieb. widely acepted. And somne cooks know- the dèli- eaey of curra.nts, chilled throu-gh, removed from theirsteme and ser>'- ed with an ice-cold syrup of -sugar and water poured over them,, in the Frenchi fashion. Occasionaliy other, met.hods of eerving curra.nts are rife. But -on. lbhe whole,.they are usually servecl in _.monotonous naturaI state when they are in oea-, soir and ln an incessant jelly ata4tèi -aiter their zeaoon ha. gone by.-j Currant Jely.-Currant jelly ise not to be decried, in'spite of, the tact that it is ever present. Here i5 a& reliable recipe 'for inaking it:, Mash nicely wasiled currants, and put them in cheesecloth bags. Hangj the. baga 60 that the juice will4 strain through and beave them hanging for eight or ten hours.1 Then measure tiie juces, sud for every ouptul. show 8a. cuptul.of1 granulated sugar. Hlea~t the suga.r in a fiat pan in th, Qven, but do noV brown it or ineit it., Boil tise cbear juice for five minutes, then add tise sugar snd stir until dissolved. Just before iV, reaches the boiling point after the' sugar i added, remove &rm ' fire, and pour inte giasses that FL7,i been soalded. When thé jelly Ãs cool cover it well with par- affine. Currant Catsup.-Currant catsup suggests anether way of preserving curraiit6. Waeh aud stem the cur- rants, and to four poundi of the f ruit, after it le prepared, sdd two poundsA o brawn augar and a pint of good cider or wxne vinegar. Sim- mner genitly in a porcelain pan until thick. Then o<ld a teaspoont ut of cloves, a teaspo>onful of ground cinnamon aud thé gmre amount of ground peppor. fl five minutes, strain and bottie.1 Cmrrant Wine.-Thiis delicacy cf the day of ours graudmothers la not difficuit to prepare,. and it is, in- deed, a delicaey. To> make it wash four pounds of currants, stems and ail, and put them in a large kettie. Add a 'gallon cf water and put it in ag.ood ceilar for three days. Stir frorn time to time. Then press the cur, ants through a eeee )h aud stra.in the liquid. Add three'pounds cf grantilated sugar, and stûr. Pour into a cask and stand away until it ceaFÀes to ferment,. Then bottle. t',rra,,t Desserts. - There are inany delicious cu rrant desserts, aud one of theju is shorteake. This can be uiade...either with cake or biscui.t crust. The currants, care- fuly washed, stemmed and dried, s1houid be crushed and sweetcned anJ spread between the layers,- meringue or whipped'cream can be added lu the currauts piled on top. t' orra ut Pie.-Wash a nd stem c'nougli currants to nicasuire three cuipfulii and put Vhem in a deep pudding dish. L'Over them with enough sugar to swceten theni. If they are very sour t.hey wiii necd a go)od cupful. Thon pour over thern hait a cuipful of boiliug water aud put the dish in a slow oven te sim- mer gently for hait an hour. Re- MOVe f rom the oven, cool aud cover with pie crust, Bake until browu, and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Currant Ice Creain. - To make ExraGranulated, Sugoar is put up at the Refinery in 10 Pound, 20 Pound, 50 Pound and 100 Pound Cloth Bags, and in 2 Pound and 5 Pound Sealed Cartons P When you buy Extra Gr anulated Sugar in any -of these oýriginal packages you are sure of getting the .genib¶e cgeWCanada's finest sugar, pure and clean as when it left the Refinery. It's worth whildato insist on the Original Packaâges. CANADA SUGAR REFJNING CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL s