Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Jul 1914, p. 4

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prgWa--- A h.- ' 1-,11 - things are Very ',m i auve. -ago,-a 1iosptai for the Inslae a big staff la chie gardl. Soin gsu~g at work ou thé biiliIngI, and a of 1dvi1y strlaWbieg i8 Vre t gang of balf "a budred ItSlis 1 Our d4osk. ,Tho box~, 'a f cngagCd ou, sewera9w constructioni for -hers -were only tweiity-seven 'ba the. varioug buildingg., At thi b-ar- in it '#Oo so! tbem measuuiIlg bo utbr sng15buSy imches in diameter. Though s801 wharves- . Uii-'town ahundred Men they were awet sud deliclOUS. aenggdon WbltbY'U new systern 'WIlIcox ifas a patch ýof StiraWbez of sewes thle Toronito Easternl bas ËO;x 5oleet,..gd a id t m h hoga1 jutB*4sarmflg wlçth labOrers, cd 540, boxes '.o! 'fiue boulies.- Thi grading tbrtOugb the . towu ,t4e surely a record.' As late as. Standard Uaük building le beiug rej ,reok ho picked'a box of strawberi paircd at large eàpense; new boýuses 16nl y 'this,.week the writèr w"ab re_-golng Up in varlous parts o! the- cd abox dc Ã"rita pc town; repaire. arc being made- to thimýble bçrry;-- They were li othetr 'sidecfies; barns aiid stables îiii sire- and. very luscions, thef are being bttit-everywhere there le we had ciever seen. Mr.- Willc act Ivlty and cvidencel o!. ptrores. raspberries are also doing %rell 'Ilere arc sifins in4anada as well season, and have yielded udmirE as în alinoSt cvery country of thc Hie flower garden. la a picture world, that the coming wlnter will charrn t.heoye and ýravlsh the sol bc an especlally liard one. Work Trhere is no prcttier Spot In being ýplontiful bere this summer, prstty to'wf than Mr. Wilcoxsý * Whtby should feel theAinch, if it den, His taste In tlowers -and foi comnes, less than many other places, bas boon cultivatod ýmd trî Rut It behooves-everyoUe, In view 'o! through a perlod of mauy yoars, the tbrsaliened bard times, to praé-1 he revois lu the bsauty by whiç tics a measure o! e'onornys that surroundi' himuei. Moat 01 US thora shall be no uuffering lu our neitber the toiteor àIII or audst durlng times Jof depressiofi. to devote to the bsautifylflg of ~~W.i. LUKE& soN GARAGE, i Auto Livery Cars for Hire SeI Bicycles4 and Repairing New and Second Iiand hep For Sale. iies. 411Y. WATER AND LIGHT COISSIONERJ "0DO IT ELEGTRICALLY"# Wyswelter this'bot weather when you may h'eLake ,Ontariio breezes brought right to you by using an ELECTrRIC FAN" The cost of opération is but a- trifle, for you may for ione cent run an - 8 inch fan for 8 hours 12-ifch fan for 3jt hours 16 inch-fan fer îil hours The gain in comfort and efficiency to bath yéur- self and to your employees- more than counterbai- ances any experqse in connection with it. GEO. W, P. EVERY, Sulit. il s- BOT WEÂTHER SAVEI This is thé time of year yau are wanting s( -thing-easy ta prépare for meal time. TRY TIIESE Corned Beef - Lunch Tangue Lunch Chiicken Cooked H-am, - - 25 and 303C tii - - 45C til - - - 40c ti4 Head Cheese, Bolognaý 1ts me- Orange.a4e, Lemonade, -Lime Juice, a-nd Grape juice for the summer drinks.r B3ERRIES_ ARE SHO~RT e]RePO BUY EARLY. jo.E.WATERLIOUSE WVHITI3Y- prompt' Deli.veî3f. well, OUne fmus .It t De 10 a17'4iiv ev et nconnection with enter-' ?jj10 'wh lmo fr hd, liveulmu'Win ly£ îruItt-n.tîyosft#oalêd 1nit prses of a publiec haractel' or got- longer period pÉobal, thau aay olil-I ton ue Inl- thée public mterest. The er living zesidemit', ofthe 'owu 'pasa- Kiu s dCrdWn ç Iea n s burdn o lIe wok t lct b f w, d away on Friday lslst, ia the pet- iife-son o! 'Margg4et Plringy, reliçIt o! tbe HAGutuSYIx.L2, ONT , Aa. 26111. 19ti3. âdteaaYsaduiolI ila ~y . -thueugeofo!77 r"About twoyeara' ugo, -1 fonnd mv euty,-.or evea findt fauit witthebbc ay, year' -s aybdbeni for bealth lu a ver ybail stato.M id I neya-nd o y hé were not dlg their work aadI r thiags are doue.soe tman it was oi be a nl rua dowa i. condition. I felt- eapetbe brightness and energetic 'spirit which tiee need of souegoredy d indlTl'OsC mafctsdtintd to1ber long.ate bte.avraehavinguxen "Frniit-a-tivea' 'advertised, person world h eneaup. TheO I decided .to try thim.- Their effê atÏt êtv a e Whitby Horse ','how ' by, the business ead came peïeefully without pain,- on I found more tina satisfactory.* ja bt c ! hby Apait fromn a ll- Friday -gftc-rnoon. Mrs. Rlay, had Their action was mild, and the result< s dozen or seofo the- oilicers -and dit- been sleeping froni Wodaesdasd alta l eepcé.-yOur 4 ectts vni ltte nttet s akn assd a.y without recoverng cou-1: My Kiducys resuumed their niommai * etÃŽ, eyltl neetj a cloene. action after I had takeix .upwards cof a - lu . ec!ig hwS eats a dozen boxes, snd I regalued muîy old- Do'as frsw The laIe Margaret Primigle was bora tune vitaiity. Toda>., IaSm eujoyîag D nt siorse 0as lendiug a helpiag baud is concetiln l Cobourg, o! Sckotch parents. Of a, the boit health I have cirer liadt' Q F d. Jnst wby Ibis is we taanot fintd famuly o! ton chii.dren:, she was lthe B. A. KE141Y* 6 out. O Vn the liat o!' directors there 'onlir one bora la. Canada. Whea she, "Fruit-ativede là the greatest.r -are somes. tweuty or tbirtyý naines, WIs, quits young, the famiy axovcd 10 Kidney Rcmnedy in the world. Tt acteaA t à -e yet bbe work o! taîra.ugiag for tue Wbitby, sund for seventy years she on the boweis sud- skia as well as ou f ha rcded bere. fier f athor, the the kiducys, sud thereby soothesansd BEWAKE 0F S il show is boit 10 bail! a dozen. And ate -Alexander Priagle, waa ,a 1buwld-1 cures anY Kldney soreness. thIere [s a houp o!, w ork luanec O-r 'aud contractorr sund dled; t-the "Iut.tie'i olbyaldler Le tion -'wtbhthe mattor. The detaili age-of 99 years, In the bouse wbere o satox, 6for$215opt c ria ie.25c. Otbing01 th 'Mr-s Ray assed wayI ruwi-&ties mt e tofwa. re are legioli, te uayaotniii o! Ibelits. R)' passd awayttawa. ce big lobs, xequiriiig boutssud days of! Mrs. Ray was 'the last survivor o!f ________________ _1 bot family, Mrs. (Dr.) Gunnanad lMt. r ca reful, patient work. The big efd .Jas. Prîngle, her sister snd brother, Mr. aad Mrs, E. Stepheason and. ___---AT____L of this Work lalîs OU the cilIic'ut who lived bore also, haviug passcd daughter, lirs. McLeod,,and Misstc " 4;ecretary,. who is the litead spirit away two or three ycars ugo. Scott, motorcd 10 A urora, Union- ~ !th boo enirpi0*i i o She was mratied to the late Wm. i ville aud Strange on Sunday, where W IB A$AR B lat Iat no ua aoul hae ~ Ray, sud o! a family of two, son sud' they visited with relatives and daughtet, the latter, Miss Mary Ray, 'frieuds.ST A > & nuuc b d, ai whle diiig~ il the ouly survivor. Miss Ray bas should te discouraged by, the apathy always Degn *ber mnothet's close coin- THEY WANT A SIDEWALIC. PAINTIERS, D sud indiffetemice ef those wbo. shouid pauma, sund during the bast Iupgthy Geacral sympathl se lt !or the - adSG bo equally as- iatcrosted. . illaesrs hoca amotn ese t o hecitizens living soutb and west o! Th . iebor f dretosshould- atber daidedeotng erstei ton:hePalace St. tb the numbet o! forty Country orders receive immediati irally around the offceets sud malte fort. ' Boxed h R ýC.chrh nd3,n the hin go ithemsogy ud raese alacdte .,sud t4 t iil keep th e show a ths. M s. Ray bas been a hgly es- jwisb b , ra seool cSu thersd aB o (53 iasi. , It. is impossible that a lew teemed and deeply 'blovcd membero! petition,1 -sigacd by over a hundred mes ' *l ee héso alive yea the Baptist church here for ovr 30 ratepayers, wili bc -prcscated ho the ___ afLf yarassmin nerlyalltheyers. Her unselifshess was, a wl-Council ' t is next meeting, asking Nansen'& Daring and Pardlous Swiuu for ~ aLeryea, asuiagnealy Il heknowa trait ini ber character, and aà- thein tor complebe. the sidewalk be- his Drifting Doats. the burdenansd respoasibilit)' o! the cheery greetiag,,wus always te be - weea Dundas.SI. sud Mary Street &mon& ilb. ierlious aacieturos o ent.eritzse. if the Whitby Ilorse looked for froru ber, despite ber own Ion Palace street, one block. This the. Nansen arctte expuditil i is the Iowila to liye, thete must ho a siiffeFing ut tiinc5. Il is doubîful if would obviate lime difficulY o! uitIle carrow satrape of Nansen aud Job&n. iralying atouud the oterprise sby 1he ln Wbibby thero was a more widely cblldrcu sud others having tu walk men on their returu trip tu the Iriai 4 known or more lovod and csleeined j wo blocks out o! theit wsy, whieu sfter thoir uneuccesul damb fer tbe busîs eosmn o! the bown, andi ' womanu than Mnr. Ray. lier passlng the roada are bad, sund in winbcr, poie. After inany moutha o! bardahip vision o! the labors -and responsibik~ awuy bas csused doep mouruing la wblch js considcrod by the pctitiau- a narrow chansi opened tu tthe le Ites.' Sutely titis splendid Show je the heurts o! maay. ors, a very great handsbip. sud 1h.7 launched tue twulilgbt kalaks wl ot norgnan uti- The funoral service, which was beid that they badl carrled on their aledgeo tus Iti s ot oolat ye t, Wkeon Suaday afternoon ut oneo oclock, frmr huaya.Àfwdy f iug Ili.notIo lae yt 0 Wkewas coriducted by 11ev. Geo. A. ldc- GJotipus Ji-ait.. erward disaster neurly put-an end t4 up sud givo 'the offlkers sucb s gel- Lean, o! tbe Ba:ptiat Cburch; sud was the expedition. The Iacident lu related erous boost that Ibeir courage and attended by a largo numben o!f fieuds. Girls and womca o! ahl ages want la **The Siege and Conque4t' of thei euthusiasin wili bo revivedd ani- Tterment took place lu Groveside te be. beautifuî and attractive, 'but Nertht Pois," by Mr. George B17cê. uae.Cemcbry, bbc palbearers beng Iree1sigty hnla iees ard- I the evenng ther'legs fet sWi. aephows, Mossrs. w. m. Pringle sud 1slnoys bal! the beauty o! a prelly 1h7 landsd ln te edge 0f lime teeand --------Alex. Pninglo, o! Whîtbv, sud 'Geo. fae. lmtbey migimon tetcg o htie I atl Letteir firom an OId' Whitby- Pninglo, o! ý.Toronto su-ad Mesr.ta hy lh tec tenalt John Bell, J. E. Farewelt A. M. If your bain is losing ls nalutai MItenlte kainka, wich were iauheï Bo.Rose. colon, te failiug out, duli, stneaky, logether, had been woored by mesui f ull o! dandrul!, ton dry, on if Ibo! of one of lbe braces limey -ascended-à Brdfr, cw' To Mdiss Ray bbc deepeet sympathy scalp itcbcs sud hurne, do not be- hummock close by sud bail beeti standt BradordNewHampsiret. o! the commuuîty le exteaded, lu Ibis alanmcd, use puaisa Sage. Rub t nterolyam etwe Jhi EdtoGzteadCrnce eevmü. well imb lime scalp. Il will go igbt sen' ralsed thscry Ibat lbe kalaks wen Doar Sir,-d wue agreeably surpris-- - -- to lime haitrop s nourisb them n sd adrhi.t cd 10 recoure a letton sud four copies - vstmulate the l'mir ho grow long sud Thoy tan toelthe edge of lime tce, bu So! your paper *from an oid echoolmateO y W @ i1I beaubiful. -Tb removes duadruff wiîh die bouts wcre aiready a l1111e way of (Peler Wilson), and& I can assure younne ppicaion sopsitcinsclp and wers driftlug qulckly. The poui it afÃŽorded me great pleasure to'heur oe plctososicigsap inwaatril nfralte falling bain sud makes the head feol lo a erbeoe o i h Ibat the old lowu badl at last s- fl*i Use fiac. pogsessed was o ord. Nansen a wakeaed !rom its long sleep, for b1ai once lbrew off saine of bis-eiotll bave a warm sot la my heut for tO uSeParisiau Sage supplies tIebe sddbs ac obnera havea wrm potin y hartfor and ought t oc aseionally, wlth what le ncedcd tb make lbt, spraug Into the tcy water, He kuei lthe oid town sud my old associates a -proper remedy for the fluily, lhick sud gloriously radiant. imatIif lime bouts werc lostItI meai tie, en auyîbiug good ltaI cornes headache, baekache, l3.guor, It le sold lu fifby cent hobbies by A. death ta hlm sud hie campaulon. A~ hto il, Éther comnzercially or social- nervouaneas and depress- H. Allinansd aI, alI drug- couaters. firaI it asmed more Iban doubtft ly, will ho, o!flthe grealest interest tb ion to which she may be Look for the Irade mark-" Thme Girl, wielher be could manage Io regai me.. subjeet. These troubles and with bbc Auburn flair." Acccpb' no I Iein. Wlmen be got tlred ho turne1 Il seemus t me the sewerago sys- othersare syrptmni of debil- other. over sud swam on bis bnck. At leugi tcm project s lime firsI stop iu 'the îty aind poor circulation caused - -. -te gnlned a 11111e -aud redoubied kh right direction. 1 wus glad lime cml.- nigsinor cwpto exertlons. izeus had the courage o! their convic- LOOI<INCi FOR A IAOAN. By this-'lime Nansen fel bis limi hin ept acieve ts. g nd o pr A Mn. Saunders, representing lime atlffening and iosing aen feeling. EH Ibis will only bc a forerunuer 10 -Randolpit Shoc Co., o! Toronto, was s trokes becatue more. and mors teehl grealer Ibiveet Nw tat iu lowa on Saturday last looking~ but the dlstnîe from tlhe kaluiks b tbcy bave got timebail rolliàig thcy j oven the bown, with a view ho Io- came shorter. and n a taho wns ah ghouid kccp it on the moi-c. We are cating hii fin boere. The company'lm te rne. fa e owbetlcdto pull bi living ila aprogressive uge, se il We 1_ -tetes.Henooos on pllhi ine1 o epwIl ie, a ut once sufeý. certain and' noir, manufactures cimmdrens -.eso +1 ýéQzn self up;' but bis body was se stif! wil properly muy , realize imndsomely on Ibeir purcitase. Tbcre's an old say- ing, Ihat the doser 'ire are to a TABERNACLE S. S. EXCURSION. tblng, the mots spî we are to over-j Despîte the heuvy. taanwbleh fel look il, aud sume outsid er COiBO a- Most o! ThUuday hastibe excursiolb long sud- plcks Il froi n ndet onrt tt Toronto and Riverdabe Park,' un- fet. I hope tbis ilîl nal bappon tIoder the auspIces o! the Mo4hodlst my friouds aI home. Sncb sz. tbng Taborbacle Suuday Scbool, ptoved a bas happened te me. Esrery mai, groat succeas. Fortunatoly, tbe taIn WOIua aund obld sbould consîllute dld net commence unuil a! 1er lte themacîvea a self-lmpoaed booster for train b ad bift WhItby., Il starbcd Whitbbyand nover belt5j1. - from Bowmanville sud -bobou a I mas -iving lu Wt*r-rbea the 1 g9odIy number hoth Iherssund ut* boom slnuck tb. cI*S'. Il sSed tbOshawa. Thrce bnudred mots hourd- meS cvcryonc got the fever. The busi- ed train ut the C.P.R. station bore, neas n'eon formod s publicily hureau, jmaklug bolmecu four sud 1ve hua- sud througb their efforts tbcy suc-Idrod tb take Iu the.trip.'- By the Sded il raislng $1o,ooo, the ctly j lime Toronto iras reached the tain glvlug $5,000, sud the citizeas giving wss poutlug domn. Notwiîhsbaadiug $5,000. This moaoy iras used te ad-'j Ibis, tho croird did not ashow Ihein- i-enlise Windsor as a deirable place soure obehodiscoutagcd. A aumbeti for manu!acturiug Purposes. The re- hadt taken the trip for business pur- suIt te well kuowu througbouî aajoesadohrst iI I h iy du. In 8 Yeurs Wlndsor's population pose,, sud ohons eeilutfoa tho cy lftr8aed rom15,000 bo neanly 30,- congrogabed l inte barge pila i 00 ,wtich gî s tb show liatI tIl thbo park sud imade Ibiags ively., A- PaYs tb adi-enlise. boultlro o'clock the nain ceased, sud I f col confident If lime citizens o!flime picuicers more thon able te scat- WIbýy mIl oulY use sone persuasive ter over bbc grounds, ses bbeal- plan,lbe resunf il mieh mosl grat- mals, and gecraily eajoy lbemsclve.. lfying. Those who are forlunate eu- 'Tie party netumrncd by the nogular ough toiold property, ifl find il train, wbicb arrives in WiIby ' aI adirancing Iu price fan beyoud Ihein '7.38 p.m. onost sanguine expeclalions. So, I[ At 2 p.m. lio rapivato street cars frank-Iy say to ail my oid sciool-[came- dowa to 'the park uund for iwo mates, gel on board ; if you dou!t'bours bbcth chlf<lren and panats moto, tImrs mil be nolhiug doing. Iglena- deligbtful ride -trougIh 1he Froua noi on I mil tkai sltvely! Most popubar parts o!fbtcelty, in- Interet 'In 'the o bomu'progress.' . n3" cluding- w'-trip' lromigh '1U68edale, out, Ré gond'luck tbIat xnay couac 'b lts cit- 'tO Suinysido . oun King steet ,sad' the Myor and some o! the dilulîcus. tharhtt inal'brub te The general opinion was that a loan th-actc le impossible ut the present ,tm , A Chil>. roau but anythlng else in reason m lght b b T e p rm is 517W lk m In bui c O U dons to holp tho firin locate hors. cout f the meteorle duat that fllu More may bo beard froru Mr.' Saund- i t I u ,reelltîy beon egtimatea t crs later. loo tousful dily over te surt5ai the globe, and that millions Of -Yc CANADA'"S RESOIURCES. heuce'- this wlli have increased SeS Show Ia the Governinent Build- thiceas of the earth consideril ing ut Canadian National Exhibi- This would have a tendency to.br tion. us cioser to the sun. But centrift The lspay o Caada' nauralre-force Io augwented at there 6tliîI sourceslaye ovramed'sntBuildIn-greater proportion aud counteracts 1 soutces CaIn NaionalExBuitintendency; consequenlY the earth WC -Toro nto u te matoml exbt cirer oweptaway troni tbe sun, with Torotola te mst omplte verresuit that ies distance from thit b got together. The Dominion Govcrn- wouid ho considerubly au-gnen' ment la sendlng a complete extilbit This ta spoken of as haing pessi o! the flsh that swim lu the Atlantic ape e osmeo h agr0 the aciie nd he sreas tat lowplanets, notabiy Jupiter, tui the reu ibetwecn. Oatarîo Vs shlowlng hier ~put.- rper"S. grains, bier fruits nnd her minerais-; British Columbia la sending bier tlm- -Mijk and MinistOfs. bier, bier fruit and ber graine, the MilIt becume a 'etyiY mportant 1 Prairie Provinces are khowing theit 0ffLthe food of familles lu the colo grains and the Maritime Provinces duys of 'e elgbteefltb, century. thoîr minerais. 1!I you arc a Cauad- 1728 a discussion took place Ini .fan the dIsplay W11 make you pr.oud. Boston newspnpers as ta the effl If you are a visîtor It will 1Interest' or keeplng, a famlly of -"middlng adamaze yu ure. :Thebe writers ai namedg and bread snd mlllc for lreikfast and j 1per. a cows Increased' l1 nnm The AMariharu Sun takes a holiday; mlik, of!course, becrame moreï frequ thie wcsk, ad consqusutly fssues no 1. used- 1ev. Mfr. lggthsou tri papcr. " '~~ wrote t-bat milk <uist l ae'b 'Bowmauv lllc's water îsupply' la s- rÇèany a quart, wbls suother ml ~t6 youirc SUBSTIT UTES EAL LiVE PAR] -r s ers or fen ipound ANE. -~ I INTER WRITERSO teatenion Dstnc Uimuh, no object. DISTR~ICT DOINGS.- 1 11ev. Jos.ý Archer, or Little Brit- 0alu, dlcd lu Toronto reoently at thé ugo o! 63 years. A forelguer nameL Shapzuk lu Osis- wu touched a match te a cartrldge. pHo Iost four fingors Iu the oxploifOn that resulted.~ Mr. James Camnpbell, o! Madoe,'baa been appolatedPrincipal o! the Os8- awa Publie Sohools, tp succeed the Slate 'Igr. Tice. Le Orillia la making soveral additioiis to its sewer systea.. fr There la a proposai ou foot,.'10 hold ja "rnado-in-Oxillia" s'how ,nezt fall 10 lu Orillia. e. Thc Ontario Plowmeu's Associ ation - bd is advettising for fields suitabîs for id , holding a plowing match. ne INSURANCE Fire, Lite, Live Stock, Plate, Glass, ni Accident and Automobiles. ' j )a Agent for the best Canadian, Engiish si. and American couipanies. ey JAMES McCLELLAN t Box 33 %N hitby, Ont. Phono 12 ig, I nd Mt WE WANT NOW Li A GOOD SALESMAN ed For every- town- and district wbere wo ,ti are not represented. pies n Fruits are bringing high pîes n nursery stock is in demund. - 1 Make'Big Money Now by taking an agency. %est Time for canvassing Ois during the Suimmer months. Exper- bel- ience flot necessary. 10 FREE EQUIPMENT.- ~.Exclusive territory' I Highest commissions paid. r Write for full particuars. '"' STONE & WELLINGTON the Fonthili. Nurseries' TORONTO, - .ONTARIO rV, 0F CANADA les LU4 saved its policy bolders $oo,ooo in its, nt first ten years of business by seling r4them without-profits policie.s, and having Ing aIl preminins paid direct to head office h@ without commissions. Preniiunus col- et f -lected were $389,oolo, instead Of $489,- ooo. Fourteen other Canadian con-. punies received, $z8,499,695i'la their-. firat ten years mainly for with.proflts ao' polic, and paid in profits to polîcY omholders $91,sso. Their couubined ac- htcumuluted'- surplus over shareholdes cfcontributions was $79,707 ut the end-co; eard thir first ten years. Which looks boît "e te to you? LMy. The Equity .Life is the total abstain- rini ers Company. Iff.intecsted.wri.te. for gali further particulars. le I The. inisu w o tudies hie own interesto iwil =,parnie The Eiqulty Lifi- AssuranCe COnupnY wh1w b wants ife Insurance. ouid L. W. DUJDLEY, f. .5UTIIBRLAND. tbe A$gent, presitent .5general manag-er Whitby.'Ont. 'Toronto-. Ibidy NEW LIMITED TRA;N SERVICE VinMoIsCnadion Pacifi. &Id Michigan_ '~~ Centrl Ra froids I via michtigan Ccnirai G geitlcStÏeel Tubes t e b tw e i w i d ,o r a .n e l tr î it . i O v u g M on n tetril S.45 aIn.; 'lo(ronto 0 10 p,11. trrViing I )OJ 3 t r o i t 1 2 3 5 1. nl a d C l i r i c g u 7 4 5 a -1 . u I i i I l V . fig- 'I' service rtduirnl. THERE isCo you can b 'surety of sa-t aànd- goôcl vali WALT] WAT( clear, çdean-cnit good for 411 timi 'that guarantée Is watch factum-y in * lhere is no nee the superiorityc .Waches.* That -establishedfor nt Ifourths of a centi 'it', Tiffw Vois 0"e, W . u ake a s ýWatanW * -plete assortmcî grades and styl with us about thanL Jeireler ýnd Whitbyo JIELP TMe"KIDDIE GOOD TI! -Ail limose Whbo are Deaconèss' Home, 1Hi anuy louve conînibuii =oney, megetables. Fr, - ý ed',!ruib t t Mr. To Tod7 has very. kindly vey any donations U~ us ail' give vhàt ire Iong Ibis -good uvol cbldren piesauti: d;alys spent at PHeyde The annîmal ntc:tin,2 oficc'rs of-lime WC'.' aI lime hqîmme orfr Wednesday.,- A11lqtI1 l,ksharp. The Si departlîîents ane as! their veaîly reparI- muiportant ommr eîehdt', nake a to presemt-- Sce.Whttby -as il. -the lubie hy goîung Klug toý Olçoîl Civ. The Town Counci 'Tuesay -evéuiug ne -Cic Holîday. The tosideaca o! Sahro, son of Port Wbilhy, àwas ~ground on Thursde A boamo! Wbltl Pickerng ou Sati athali o! baseball, -atto6wu. *The, . beatea by a score Dr. E. W. Sisson' bo closedfrom u An 22ud, -wbjle Dr. . Si cation., B o o s u d - - o 1 sîrwed- and pil Cali sud- gel s9up' lm* '.'- TORONTO 4 -4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i Rc m )INER TORS -

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