st Mr. .n.Ai0d~ k D.Broad, ofistrovsW i fahtlait week. Mls.Laise Mcdonald visited i M.Laurenýce, who has 'ben go Misý,5abel Walker. of the Oshawa Hospital, h iSpendinlg ler - bolldays at hom11e. Mir. Fred Skinner. of Toronto, Spent tse Week-end with bis paients. Miss Vera Vipend has returlled te ber work at tbe Oshawa Hospital. birs. R. Ward, of Stouffville, visit". __ed Mn.'John. Maynard ls ek I6 are ylaiting tI~r brethers, thse Dru. Moore. Mns. Deeka, torrnerly Mliss Ellott,. of this plac, vislted lei Ormhison reeently. Mrs. HeWsAn and Miss Norrne, of Toronxto, are vlsltiiig at Mr. But-- son e. Mr. and Mrs. James Barnett,. of Taronto, spent thse week-end witb Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arksey. Mr, and Mrs. Bert Grills, wbo bave been living here fer soînfi ime, baVe gene te Toronto. Mrm. Kinch leq visiting n orônte. Mns. S. E. Grlgg, of Toronto, ls vfitlng . ber parenits hers.. Mmes. J. C.* Sycumere, &f Calgary, birs. John Dryden'and. miss Dryden, of Tarante, areý gueste ai Maplo Shade. Mr.E. Patterson bas a new Fard Auto, which wae a -gift t ram fis sister. Mme. Chantier and cblldnen, oi Lindsay, and Mrs. Bread and son, o! Seagrave, vsited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Broad liii. week. Mr. H. J. Doble ,and Master Loule Nott, of Tarante, have been visiting .with Mr. and Mns. A. C. Elliott. ML- and Mns. Art. Coà kwell, and Mr. and Mme. Fred MoBrien, spent Sunday 8hiore. witis tiendsaut Whtby TLake lnok o! ap]penlclCl the isare z- gsreret-u , p5*5 , thi, ny Mtlbb aan Miss Hazel ,Allen, iss Uema Col-cab e eallowed te rua ah J'u'We' 1 on y pOe-op, edayd a ner, -Mr. Anthur Cornéi',qRd Mr$. F. leaviug tisewalks, ii a npal ipiei qs&:ýùbê,gil1s ue*eüd1à Ëa Diekié and daughter, !Wpb.îUli, anbrkigtefudm w ekatt ber 'tathe à -'homêInj speni Sunay with M , Mre-kIts.J - Rt 1; hoped that our Counci15' ,ilj Wilkesporb$i..y-- Woodwardsoan- be able te talce stops le pre- e7tomesn iîûtst gave ME Mn ilA&suo! Toronto, yent thi, panctentertaintnênt jîý,ir ao, w 8o basbee vigutsgin re. Jerry , meesru. iMc3leu Wl1sn, ur-on MýieMta' evr'eg iwho han been vove lng -'he 2ist, cleaýt- Pailey, at bbthNe . i&flUG laipropmassiVe youn,-8j ha ve ,lw t helr lLUS DhMwsu;70"a' aa;o rce~t seurned hoine, accomýpaiiied> by Miss now plaDe a! husiÊees about Co=- bt uiesl î1-:e1arig up and bauA violet Parker. * pleted and movëd, in, t ono Tues- gtl mtr groundu here kIrs. Ed. Gregory- and chfldre, O! dey. The bakeslip.,st ts ra, T eût Ofetthre.candidates bfo Toronte, Who have. -been. visi ingMr, and' the large. front room. lubeing Ifhe Entranoe. to tis, Hlgb ýoJioél, and Mre. Mark -Arksey -th1e pai ,fied -, up,1f-oz"an be --,croam parler-.-P.à smd, and lise- lacislî nksi lia., twe weekS, have. gone, to'Graitton and which ý'will b. open* te thepublic otber fale lat lIY becauge of bar BlgisteI betore rOiMlin hoe, mre lime noit week. TiMee young iovn tmeanaa e ln Mr. Arnold, o! T«Qnbo, '»aducted mon have Worked up a very large stanidinig wan vey goed. the services of bise Preshber«lan business, and we bruit bliatilb wul Chuncis on Suxsday, duning the ab- 'continiue te herease $Ines tting Ila- ATA H sence et Rev. Mr. Haig, who 1lu019 to thoîrnew quarter.. bis hbolidays. Tbere will be no -- - Pitngero ngad Scotland, vice on Sunday. W nefl ii.United Stiabesand.,Vanada. Mr. and kIns. Wm. FowleY, cf BôW- W nefllat manville, and Mr. snd Mno.J. 'D. CTbday cfatio al nf4jblngeaiTIse Stevens, cf Maple Grave, *, visited Clemand ifreà tro a ruff and 1anaIl'.oa ExiiIn wltli Rev. H. W. andi Mns.. oley at posmssing a ise.-"u. ç e o ptsw 1tOva lile .erepoing s ta h mav r e lthe .M#hdist parspnagc. IîWr. Thi liJu8tJ whiaî - Ist iUgtlg .baiseve b A nfibting aoflise Bowling Club useans ho bisose wiso suMferwlih 110k rom bhe,:Untbed StateadaÙ comlng wus held on Friday" nigisi lasb. A lng scalp, dandruif, course, dry -or an-hbi tthe famous atinte wbo cômmttee wae appainted te laok common laoking -hain., Sageise 1 paint platanes -,aoflise- Great West. atter a suilable place andi make' ne-' new lite ho !aded, èunattractive Y r. cotilatd i u sendlng-î 1hos .e sOplndid -cesiary arrangements. Sageine teede the hum root wlth 6ptueof-chadbn1 theh al bave The first Quarlcrly meeting of tuie neMesary footi for prornebing a beal- cari' ed tre etofher bcenery a- yean will be beld on Sunduy ;lforiing thy growth. Sageine la the dalt- round lise ,iônild. England'a-foremosi ln tise Melisodîsi 'Chiurcs. 'On Mon-1 est tenia you couti wlsh for. 1tIob1 paintens-,wlll be well repnesented, day i5vening ut 7.30,tho QuartenlyOr-' net a dye andte lu ot stlaky or whilceout own Canadian Artiste will ficial Board meeting of lbe Kedrnn1grasy. A large shaker-top bobble uplioldth ie repulatien of oun native and Brookln chunobes will be heiti costa. only 50c. and -Mr. J. E- Willi5 landi. la tise 'cbunch.'- gives'bis personal guarantee to e -G.IsteIbis lIit are woven tise names Tbe Library Beard met on Thurs-1 fund tise ioney If yen are net entîre-o-ft ho gneateht living- artiste. Tise day evening lasi, wben some Import- ly liutisfled. Be sure be go te J. E. art cububit aI lthe Canadian National unt business was transacted. Mr.-.Wllist dndg store, as auhen Stores -han a grand reputution te sustuin. Davidi Burns was appointeti as a del-t1 cannot supply you. This year il will udd te that reputa- egate .to attend tise Llbrary Conven- tien. tion beld ut Beà venton thus wcek. I, Banraciaugb & Gootiall, butchers, BASE LINE WEST. ot Oshawa, isave pub a wagon on tise jMn. Peter. Goodwin purchaseti a MYRTLE STATION. villagWnoute. Il le reportedti ley lu- carloud et cattlec in Tenonte last Den't torget the football toumna- tend te tart a sisop bore. This le week. ment at Mytie Station, on Menday, aomething thse village people bave Miss Ida Story apent thse week-end AuguÈt Srà , epen lta Province ot On- been wtbout for some lime, and ti bwith city . iniends. tarie, FIne pnizes. Ail teams enter ewlll ho veny welcome. Capt. John Ridgley steurned awaY f ree and bý be an hand ut 8 p.m. En- Oh, torn Wiite's garden panty ut on Monday. te get ready for tise - lo.rin ,ethreshinoe !ouiutda eeyBac fth akweedeoise 10 TH parsE rctedsIN-e10Mt urot atsxd and is ads ae rc and coeInteastry or ur tmney.d liOissai{A A " H.Bandcnetn e o K, '5oryurro WHITBY BRANOH: A. A. ATKINSON, Manae. NOXIS THE TIMI S To work that stubble field wth a McCorrnïck stiff too th cultivator. SNo hard plowing if land is praperly cultivated, righî after removing the Scrop. By using a stit! tooth cultivator, you Save dollars in tiîme, over Sthe oId method cf-shallow p!owng. t OLIVER PLOWS are the lateat and bëst in thse piaw lino, traight tram tise wôrld's greatest inventors. aur American neighbors. Cail anti investigate these machines at the Brooklil Hardware. . URIAH IJONES I rooklin -- I Bell and-Ind. Phones. BINDER Ontario. TWýINE - DEERINMC BRAND - Pure Manilla, 65o feet ai - Manilla 6oo feet at - -' Extra Manilla, 550 feet ai Standard, 500 feet at - 14 X iCASH. - - 11~3/4 - - - - 94c 4'9 Wehave no sub -agents for Binder Twlne this yeare TH1E PROBLEM SOLVED-Get a Corn Cultivator now ut a reduiced price, on uoxt yeam terns., Only twe left.'- -PROSTz & WOOD GRAIN AND CORN BINDERS gat 'ail tise croëp. They are liglit draft, convenient, and de not waste any grain. orne il and look tlîeîn aver. Ifyeu purchase a Mewing Machine or a Herse Rako, get a- Frôst &Wood, If they weren't the, beit we woulnet scîl them. t,ý,,reum Se paator payq well, and mwe have somne good eues te choe'from. We are agents fer Brantford Gasoline Engines, Renfrew Weigh Seules,, etc. 'W F. DJ1SNEY * - -ONTARIO. Independent Phones. Mn. anti Mrs. Petick matie a brie! visit with'Mn. Seymour Whitney. Mn. Percy Furmer, o! Pickering was a visiter aiMnr. E. Story's an Suntiay. Mr. Hawley left lasi week fer Hamilton ta manage tise Geverameut tanmthbere fer lwo monîba. Harvcsling la in full swing, Tiie graizi along Base Lins ls pretty goot!. Tise Misses Bandel spenl several daye vieiting with Miss Sarsis Goot!. Win.% kIns. M. -MeTaggani ie unden the. dector'. cane, but we are pleaseti to leurn aie lu improving. COLUMBUS. Harvesi la ln f ull swing tisaweek. A large number from beoe'toois ln tise picuic ai Osbawa-on-ibe-Lake last Saiurduy, and! repent auexcellent time. Mr. Moses Dolitl intends mak- ing anohen trip te the *est ln tise neai future. Reporte arebisaI Mr_. Wm. Guy isas. solti fIve acres ot bis p'roperby, knowu, us the Adams place, to Mr. McCul- lochs, a! Torante, Mr. W. -B. Guy upent ASunday witis friend. ln Buffalo.- How's This ? We offer ane Hundred Dollars Reward for 'ln case of Cataris tiat canisot be curd by Halls Catarris Cure. F J. C HENX *'& CO, Toledo, 0 We thse tudersigued have knovu F. J. Chenev for thse tant x5 years, and believe hitm pWrectly honorable lnaail business transactions and fin. anciaiiy able ta carry ont any abligations madie by bis e rm. WALDINO, KINNÂIe & MAmvîN W isoles le Drugglis, Toledo. 0. Hall'uCatarrh Cure lastakren liteiiiallyi sctin~ dlrectly upan the blood sud mucous surfaces ai thse syutemn. Testîmontla sent f ree. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold b y ail drngglots. Take HalV's Vamlly YI lasfor ronatipatlan. WHITEVALE. On Friday morning Mér. J. TwOedie of this place, posed peaefully a- way. Ho was lu bis 8th year, bav- ing, suffered tram indigestion arnd oth- er;ý dibeases of thse stomach for nmre years, but unerpectedly came to his end. Ho was a good nelghbor, an Industrious, tidy (armer, a staunèh Reformer .and a loyal Presbyterian. Hirluneral was held on Sumday al- DIOUBLE TRtAM ALL TUFK WAY TORONTO* -OH IOAGO0 TORHONTO - MO0NTREAL IMPORTANT IMIPROVED DAILY SERVCE4 NOW IN. FECT WESTSOUND - EASTBOUND blMontreal 11.00 pin Lv. Chicago b.45 Pmn Ly. Toronto 8.00 ani Lv. Detroit 11.05 Pmn Ar. Lo)niton 11.06 aul Lv. London 5.45 pin Ar. Detroit 1.45 pin Lv. Toronto 9.00 amn Ar, Chlicago 8.40 pin -Ar. Montreiti 5.45 Pmn Highest ciams nf equipinent. TFîll particularm and remervations froin Grand Trîî,k Agents, or write C. E. ÃŽIORNINO, D.P.A., Toronto, ont. P. ktefflienmon, Agent, phone 36, Whitby A- NEW TERM opensSept. s!t in the popular Toronto, Ont. T hi s @choc! enjoys a great reputation for gitIng llrttciaas Instruction in Busji. MnS and Shortband subjectoi. St la no Wonder or grduates readlly get good NOilIonsii fmis lMt scollege for you te attend. ýod&y, net tc.tnorrow. yr le for Our catalogue. clor. YcsgeauFd Cie b. W. J. Siî 1I SourStmh Vol,.2-o Sýur à "a_ýjd Bring Ut U1gly Spots. iMoijv u&R.- move EaiiJy.' te, try a erncdy for fýecles with tb guanale o! a reliablé dealer tisat i~ wiil nol coetý you a penny unIes i remaves bise freckles ; ,while, if it doO! give yau a clean-comnplexion -11W or. 0 ~ e I'tifing. "t-imply gel an aunes' af othine- deoùble strengthr.-fnom Ray drugglet and'a few applicatons sbould sisoý you how easy it le to rit! younseIlf tise bomely freckles and get a beautît f ui complexion. *Ranely Io more tia onse ounce needed !on tise wonsl case. Be sure te ask the -druggist for th~ double stnenguis othuîne, as this le th~ prescription sold . tincer guaranten feckles. A FOREIGNER IN TROUBLE. Tise. breuking o!ftise glasifr liane .toi ho fountioe pales carryiZs electnie wires le a s nous aflain, 9s Waesail Heniacia, a young foreign r tram Osawa, tound Dut on .Suturday, monning luet. lHc uppeureti befor. Hie Henen Judge MéGillivray ou tie abave charge. Sente ce was -euspenà - cd, but tise escapat cost Hertacla about $50. He badte amake restitu- tien ta lise cempuny ftantietiamage tiane,und aise pay $2).50, court caste. Young men und boys wbo are inu tl habit et using these glass insulutons as targets will do weil ta lake îvan- Ing f nom the experience of. Iferiacia, and Heartbur* .LITTLE DIGESTERS CUlm on Youa MON2Y DACE r' *,gWAt i&U Druggllts or dbdim %~P~COLEMAN MEDICINI CO,9 Toronto 25c. a Box. tries te 'be lun'hy.Monday 'en Everybody. wsîcome. Large number of teains' atready entered, one frein Toronto, as h leToronta's tivic Holiday. MYRTLE. W. are pleased ta sec opemato.r Heels beisindth ie wlckct Iu,tbe sta- tion atten his seiaus accident. Mn.. Robi. Hour anti tumily, ef Tenante, vielteti triends e eerecent- Decorators Beamisis and Pike are painting Mr. Beckiey's bouse, 'wici atits mucb te ils appoarance. Mies Etia Reit, o! Tenanto, wae bthe gnusto! Mme. Chas. Hunile luet week. Mme. Leaek, ot Tarante, le visiting, ber istera isere. ib Miss Lane speul the week-end wt Oshawa friends. Misea Doreen E. Brighti, et Ottawa, Io apentilng ber vacatran wltb beri many triends. Miss Doris Ostertog, o! Toronte, Ie holldaying ut tie Birni Houae. A BIG ,BUSINESS MAN ON BET- TER FARMING. Presîdent Untiorwaod of tise Erie Railway, wich by tise wuy wtth lise car, ferry teOlcoti in openation woulti b. brougisi ln direct teucis wibh Witbyt bas given two splendid ideas on botter farmlng ta lise Coun- try Gentleman bisrougis a talk witb one eofIts brigiteet wnitems, Ray- menti G. Carroll, in lise lat numben cf liai oldeet and oeefet ho veny beat agicultural Jouruals lu the wanld. Ho would have tise (amuser take a lest eut o! tise trusts anti combines'. book. Lot tisemin 'ite bisein fonces. This la tise wa1y ho puis il :-"Hemca are fv. farmons, eacis owng200 acres. Tbey decudo te tie their tagets tegetiser in one strong buntibe. Tisey will tison bave ".OUO acres %te tarin as a singie unit Ld- lise exponionce o!f ive 'braias ÃŽutead of oueste get the iîaximum 'Prcduo- tien. Diensifleti tarmtug an 2Ã",0 aci es wouîd mean a lutile af evenyiising andti ulmucis ot aîytising. but di- veruifled !unming on 1,0.100 tcres would mean apecial-ized fanming on a diven- sifled butes. Tisefive tarmners wruld be able la utilize enougis land fan cacis produet ta make tise .udertak- ing profibable,-so mny acres ef grain, se many acres et gardon truck, sud no many. acres o! pueturo,' Tisut lookasgoti, eepeclally anounti Whit- by,where we une already huving Il- luatruteti someofettise bouete o!big farmmebut tlb.' marketing idea o! Preaitient Underwooti,imsell a far in- or on if lange. scule, promises even betten . "Wby net lîcense aur public victualens? Tison tisese m1titlemen woulti have thse siubllity tisai le' now Iuckiug frein thein business. j do not lake mucis stock lunlise .leose talk about bavlng tarmene sendtihein pratinels -direct. te tho iiousewlves, for- modem' condtiîons needth ierniti- 'diemen 3tst as mucb as we ueed lhe belephone" girl ln bthe central ex- change. -But,!1 do tIsiniwe ougisb le pub aIl the 'mtddlernen undor legal çontrol, anci* regulaIs thuer numben andtihein. methodu oedealitig -wltb f'rmeu aswel! au wftb effhumeru. RAGLAN. Miss Bertle Luke,, of Toronto, ls at horne for ber holidays. Misses Lottie and May Kellington, are viuiting at Goodwood. % Mise Pleda Dring fa visiting ît home. Mrs. Dring, who bas been 111 for soe tine, lo lmprovlng. Mrs. N4orman Hugisson and son, visited at Mr. Wm. Brent's. are enjoying a few weelcs' vacation Miss Spencer spent Sunday with friends bore. FCanadia :n National Exhibition PEACE YER America's Greatest Livestock Show Acres of Manufactures Ezhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Governnient Exhibits by West Indies 1Grenadier Guards Bond Dragoons' Musical Ride Auto-Polo Matchesi Circus and Hippodrome Doani Shows ln Single Heur Boy Scouts' Review Cenada'& Biggest Dpg Show BABY ON Greatest Orient 1 Spectacle ever presented oCotnt Painting@ from Eng and, Scotland. United States a~nd Canada Educationai Ezhiblii Goode la Proceos ef Making Athletic Sports Aero-HydroPlafle ÈFights Grand'W tr ara a C--reatore's Faýious Band Score of other B8n148 Dozen Band Conceîjte Daily Chesapeakei and S iannon Biggest Midway evýr Pênce Year Fireworýks jInternational Peace Tattea 10 Bandes 400 MueicianLs Aud. 29 1914 Sept. 14- TORONTO District Doings. The followiiig nuýnber of candi- dates paised the Entranice Examina- tion ait the various centres :- Port Ferry 83, J31ackstocà 'Centrei 18,f Ux- bridge 88, CannIng1ýon 27, Clarement 20. Wben numerous cnemplated addi- tions have beenma. ,the.Port Ferry Bell TelephonLe exohwnge will constst of 600 subucrubers. S4' iS mi , & t5Vw14W11 CiWnc %Qe ve'I, ._____- _________. only 24 votes..-Inth ie - iN1L protou elction n. owdn was elected by acclamation. Il -13 -e- ponted bisat thee' vli b1e; a recount. W- ADAMS, DeCilt, Oe, â Mnr. 'Wood 'ls 'to'-be congratulated"on SfrOt, RoSiMdeRm OS o -ts'SE ligooti cavas. ' * Dro St., WhitbY# 1;lbN9 - Maximum à -Béefi WCwbhto acquaint the poIt I Lt IVJ j thse: tact tsat- we have apeneti up -a-,£ IUIVi5prIIli-UVISeli) clas laundry on-Stock St., Whitby - Hews ros.',old tone. Minimum Net Cosi WC arie prépare, te do a1tbâii iaundry wcrk. ,Yamiiy eors -j - --------speciai attentian. , Ail wovk guasual For rates and. futll information Prescle e u eiee.I apply to-. - Cie a tibc V. J. DUFF,* MR. A. E.,DONOV.ANq, Spoc'iai Rep. ý Queen & Victoria St .Mvrtie. Toronto, Mgr, ROYAL TI4EATIV Insorance Co@. IGON U8UMOVINS PITUBe 1-Th Mutal Lfe'Open every evening. Tho Muual f New Yorki and easy anthe oye. -Saturday nigbt,, soc toa aL I~ ~ ~~ r dL ep 7TI i IBAIN PERkRIN, Maa IBrooklin, Ont. EMBALMER8 AND FUNERAL DIREOTORS Djayor night eau.e prom ptiy attend. ed to. No extra charge for distance. Acomplo-te and up ta date stockf of asets ad supplies always on hand to clioase froin. NOTICE TO STUDENTS Thse ment of Shaw&s Buui- ness IelsTarante bogi to atvise ail Senior Pnb)L3 oScbooandall High Seiseai ututients4 that it inpreipareti ta mail a copy of its curriulum, ta %ny n wiso domines te qualify lu a shr peiiod'of. ô or 8inoniîs fer a god'*salanieti 'sition. At4rou Shaw's Schools, Toronto Ontario. Headi Office, Yonge»& Gernand teis Have Vou any Property- For Sale P if so, cnt ont sud mail thie coupon for our listing forrn. Phone lu eOnats, Canada Improvemmnt end Land C&., Umlu, i e rk et Gentlemen,-. 1 bave a ............................for sale. Kindly4n1 your listing farin. NAME ......... ............................... ADDRESS ............................. . . GOeater Canada lmpr Povemnto Land, Go.- RIOHAROSON & RICHARDSON. AE' Bell phoneî 193. WHITBY, ONTARIO -md. phona 70. Faims Fo rSale Upwards of forty farme from 25 acres- up, and ut frein $35 au acre, guaranteed te 'show sutisfactory resuite, frein iuveetuient, locuted in Whitby~ and Pickering Townships..- Evemy couceivable- requimement of seil, b uildings3, o rchard' and ether improvements ean ho met in the varied list offered. JE. WINN, Bell phone, 109. -WITBY. P. O. Box 394 Residence, Dtindas St. West.' 1111018 et 8689(j confie COUNTY OP ONTARIO. 1. WHITBY-Miuu E.L. Mactinnol, Clons, Whitby- Jain. là ,- Feb. S Mu. 4, April 8, May 4, 'Juse8, July 80 Sept. 8, Oct'. 2, Nov. Clr-Jau. Ã4, 'eb. e, Mat. 8, Apn. 4, May 8, Jus. 4, July 41 Sept. 40 Oct. 8, Nov. 0, Dec. 8. jeu. 8, 19158 2. BROUGHAM-M. Gleeson, Greoe& weed, ClenS-w-Jan., 15, Mar. S, May 8, July 7, Sept, S, Nov. 11, Jais. 8. -PORT PERRY- 'J. W. BurnnaiM', Clrk- Jau. 17, Mur. 7. May 7, .Iuly 89Seýpt. 0, Nov. 12. Jan. lt 4. UXBRIDGE- R. J. Moone, Ux- bridge, Clek- Jas. 10, Mat. 14, May 18, July 14,'tp. 8,-Nov. go: .Jun. le, 1915. 6. CANNINGTON-Tbe.. IL Pouben Cunningion, Clerk-Jan. S, Mur. 18, May 14, July 5 SeWpt. 9,'Nov. If, Jan. 15, 1910. 0. BEAVERTON-Chas. A. Pater- ses, Beaventon, Cler-Jau. '0, Mar. 12, May If, July 18, Sept. là , Nov. 19, Jan. 140* 1910. 7. UPTERGROVf- Daulel Leonand Abhsrley, Clsrk- Jeu 1, Mar. 11, My 10, July 11, Sept. u' Nýv. il1, JaIs. 18, 1ois. Dy Oýdr, >J. M. TAEWNLL - - kofise Peake lateli lb, Nov. le, 1o1s. IL ~ ~.Follick, -lâté principeà o! the Port Perry Higis Sehool, bu. accepted bthe Prlnclpalshlp of the Aubens HIgb Sobool. Misses Janet and Amy Hlslop are, visiting lna-Toronto. Ial Leaf1 POTAIT) Bug'1 Ready for. use dry, requîred. Sticks Uta louves anîd Iills ail the potato buigs with' ,one; Tise anly se w' a.t," poison.- Worth its coat as Dées flot inj'une tise pl 10 Ibse for * J. E.-WII Dragglst and1 'MEDICAL H Suocis St. ' Professional ].EGAi. .INO._E. FAREWIE Barristejr, Caunty Crown County SoIicI Office soutis wing Court'] A. 'E. CHIRIS Office, JBrock St., Opp. S M one aLe. JAIWES RUTLEDGE, Ba 'Money ta Loan on eo Office immediatcly south %Vhîtby, Ori 'Go VOIJNG SITI - Issuer of MARRIAGE LIC, Cour t House, Whitby,i o A. Je- SWAN Bartister, Solicitor, N o Conveyâncer, eci Oshsawa, - -0C Office-Ne. 2 King St. E, Residence-52 Dr *Phases-Office, 321;'Re Hrrilage Li ismuier of Marriaa'eX No Wltunerequired, AUOINE * JAS. B3ISI Oshawa. - Lloeased Auc Ssasor .ho .L., Faînbani ci&i dates' apply te sel WH. mi LECENSED AUI AND VALUI AU kinti of!-sales' pr ad to. Arrangements bu aW t hbie Gajt Tenusneasonhabie )eIl Md Indepeutienl WtIITBY, TORONTO-LIVERY FO R ý One of tise inst profit; la thse city, in- good SÙ à nd adjacent ta reidentâ ,profits laut year $5,op -herses, carrnages..single b - 4 '4 i 4 - 4 -MONIJME1 of aIlDosigns andgiate&lai k Il willpayyrou tee works &Ml bt seila Doc't beo adlléI h aUn Det empboytisebm, ceuuequi id-'do aloW the agemtIs-u l per ceai., wb.iois you w iy, save 1by punobasieg trou A LCali SiNiit General Liv -Ousi-nd Dray Bus to ail tra ATO3OBILE F0 ~'aise llacls, Qarr. Rigg of ail ki DAY 'OR INM B.ell phouee-39, Stables and ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO mcwm&ý