Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Aug 1914, p. 3

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Confession You,~ sot a eome o~oi tio wu 4 sro4 uuwa8ç. udt tii 59507 t i~ysmrke edw *0 1ono'oioee C !* cn bîW -iea.l . 1. ýo ,*I bou 1 tiippo 11A ** a r Ïic outeen haret t.b.Der t.hk'me t&'on As mo cd mi4.'o laco nigto idHoio,' fof lu, e n tao.nd nad.sd i*woeo h.»ô.Téd 0t = lsd eut WiIdio, W1 lité hvean. a norfe.tIoi cre sdi u u~1fd t~ttrk di wa thouihe tmuan o mo~eeo7 da gaeod iaqaMy aten anti 01tliOrn0180ot lue M'y fine l O I ic iortsin o ol = etlt hereuuon. owme. ý,.ý oir aecottu «-semk.W .ne 1 a c orn e he . 'x dte"iked rG»4 t wthe- rbléb *s tar ku.rimaes. 10 mic use O Nm ,' -iuled wt bail bte noww sPMtirisgyOUflr dY Ao001 a Y *io.5 [tw iL! ute is an d s bon rl nd kn.tmarw01the. AIaw, em e~~~~~~~M Whtoriohrhd' ib toaand i It wie o ho tie lùIhew .y, I dire.iiyI Ca n é0 n Stsletod u"nt n$Mtr tIt.hL man'uff WIl.'-s we d nof L 0 rA eillo fr a lên~~~~ra it fcore'eDuel loud in« wto mM ohd. * "ola ksow h. w ,ber be ue e bdle e ndIlu Orntn dla no or ooli . thon r*me d ddlutoeetdmo d ire ra o ets are e over y ùhlr,£1 ln5. r ll miiihe out L'u eno o! "epérIu n sh was'o fnd ions£h #browuhaîde but wlth Youg t kow nytIn 1tblbtad.Auet- a1 yo pomlt. A imLr oweegyNi t. ààU, Myn- kt *o io big 05 wn bands ,~ot hndl 9111-1 Primvmt ho I . wlhore 11.4jArihua Belî,,ubt .4 i yos altenatve?'fod mech tatgoss sReeshe Isil.thut tt,~'ira ho norgllo .- Y-r darkd dale n-op set. tii. Li ebrw ~4W~ ~Zb~d ~,a4 ia~.... I fu4if, but ,~uiJ1ï ~'iL~ Prlmroee did i f w1fr1?E ~VE COUN~s. An É~cftlég J*èId'E~t b~ an Ele- '~WutH*ut lu Africa. S "We lbakl juat stepped, by a Uset tuat If pt. ulwd ao'wn," - on t O ;Stigandin lu"'R'i th êEeýha;,in -Âria'"andi ir wene feeling thé ler-tes..' thlat dnoppçd te see hte--dy-théy Wère. ;J had, teterminedti teabandon thé liant. &t'tlàt bn5wé'ft, -Ose of thé ufln i-h- adgone forWard a fitte> wshistled, &an-c! nmdiatchy evéryou-e 'geV out ot thé w ay.-The el6ýhants me-né retarning -on théir tra&tk. A yeuidg-bull mas léarding; behln bi=s I could sée thé ears ot aneti. "I .did net want vo shoot the young tunil, to I got behind à tree as hé came trotting ap, but hé pull- ed up ten yaMis from -my trèse and tumned on m2e. The only thin#g te do mas te shoot -hiM, se I reluctant- ly finéti at hie -head. 1 ment up tà hîm, but hé was sot dead, ant tieti te «et ur agaîn. I put another ttht lu bis fereheati, bût il did sot rerach thé brai», and the next moment it cuit 1 -iwho 'imis btin'g chased. lI dodged sharply te nly night, thikhig -t thé -e lhant *.>uld pase, and I: meuh get a Gide thot as w luw' nil - nemetn1rge andtbhé ' C ' -' YY;uuf' oi sipu v e "- awlIOit L aeasonîng, il it i e0 b - 'ïkomme ookdd et, hon elgter wti h Rr.le hited eldéent Ideili. ÃŽwhlcb falén trée and Went sprawliÉg. Imle rmnpltdl i~ gr siidv ir ncreausd ltret8110wu eUd were reencarkahiv grood. eé ,nwfe rfe I'j mlage u mold d r anhtlaited irodd ont te DWIolés outburat.. and toihthey ansd lt@smâllé wae partcuiaAylV droppeti mvriladjs & -e à v nd-Mor. e .hyCtmt "Yes. ft wila b. vez. th eregttpg., he aiVo seize it by the nuzzle as th ul thln *itWout %4eIe IV mày be eut in 11 eaCw . Poeue dàI thluk. however. it 'we Ado ber ï-V gaotootendnit he l o hpgpe ded "ndI 0<1 aziuàte oe mdto dived aout te tneo it.th n ilsors f ape. Thesadhye -11.mean to marry the mrn nwho la corn- watt a lîttffe whitie.An âLffir oet hle Mmd dvdha oeetm iebai iabeptl .bte~pn I o l wsther'eplv *"he u S nt,iL'smllng. e dn4 ewdklu ches ef the fallen tree f. ýbrébd wpu t i a be»tercutteau teg iol.wsoMeeehr &Y 4. en bU y soir tg pt it Or - father salthe ftr ,11r w1mn fCd ofl.o wih o*ï It td frantie effort to crawl hot oven for seven or eigbt lie1o, IbloO014:Houe,f teChaneény eu inltIttdok hlm fneaànlvaa qarterofen asheur frÏ oso-pet gr igion wM stout braneh resut- oine, to deaor hieldsorb&Met.pnas thegvr- colèiuwt oawsutie on t ee i etnto.a é~t ed by progness, aud at the âMne mo- idnW- zft6ntûaako, "d.tb he uid'teshorti cern- throushh thie 1111e wood weund Ila sdudwtmethebl.cag -i trm. tu eeaevssei .Yuwill keep to but et lensth lhecale tbe a 1<7W »tne w*01 n h ul hrgdl ftrm. Baked ?otato.-Aý fiueneaite . B lo s m mi ked th ha èh vols,. oft her "If iis Place lite h és 4*ntd Mes tm h i the etu b ers b nan h , sud thé next ftbler with-gront mncekéa. alid ber aigoerloncer it weuld have talion la pieceesil- ex. ' uay ftIonî;teý9 in many of -the bleet ilillibed 1h. mrnie. "wen ieffl dthé v <25£fl. " 2hre 19hard!ly mom1ent I foind inyseif on 'the ther epnîepsê e~t lir r "Bo." costidnaed te aie whn 1 a âe that liée deêést Olàhi sd obr"adn. îide, -wthile th l xeni 'g e.afxu be r o "bt. wse," o!f heàrd the oirnen -wus a mue,.- and what in li oct one that wi4 faetes propoerly. 1I latwSs&P agttrubro bs ws-o *vatly nie.Important, la badiaor, I Wull c et the wonk df rénovation .started, ing the grousti five yards f rom tinr-petainoe, but the~y l'hâve made=)i mm md te rarrv Lim." 5214 lthen-Hêfhho, fol' mv la*&o 1, , ' here I ttodd, evideiùtly under.th.eue ansuieo h abro ~1't udeed brilUant ide&.". e &t wukd iék bad heýIouse .n e re oee tewtro pt"l*bt bat I do tdot qulte 51d-azed etil t féto twusaa aimpression Ihat 1 wason hetrouud téjoaobsa hnét usé low es ô now ous m y Yu; t iébea as n oustsin 0Àwlob n.mils gtedhhae ude hstet.Me-.lt caauot de thîs if thé okin is 11.ho Win ' 0o kuvon. me-, wve.t e thony roud . ogere utonid bous,. -"I quickly tunued round it.fid dis- burned on. bued bard, If ."e of copjIept reti, fmes.» b, it in tbee êY ' ý0 tuia 01 te 15fr it charged Mv rifle into him, It w&I tAj. w.e ant spst ,wobds rftom rnornine tlAI nlght. IBe w111 est niet othe land. and &anoreaehed 0 h aseatidni h natie.febb cm dasak. »d é tv e coe zonir acme day enda fnd me. sud foot h', a seriez cf terraces u a ldia toneteu. atigei h ngzm.fls eoe ak* - *n I abhah-.1 qolooglze o*eebly for tres- g o.w ilht> *durniaffe dive of nearly The rifle wa.s taken out of my hands,'dba . posine s c!.oourse. ho wl heu me hAU ami-le circheil the terracos. Anrthur and on aos ygnbae, Large potteesed ipa- it wti begl,. The end wliibe tabti.h0ioflookt at Il-ioritei mmets .ho had counted thé shota, statÂ- -ÇiJ0.chdolsi _ e s ricl âhd a wreath of or-ange blcewrne," "A lece fkt1118 scétsainiy, neêde a Émia.igadn.wpj u trédé." ho îaid whimieiliv, 'but n'a I going beside me, and offering tihe id.e -'asgad okp~h kin ,oft, !irecato iowfo. mrii-dill b os.Ima biea vi onlu<d rifle as a Wailber migit serve a but -irven -s.o' u eut 4~wo ,m=ay be iy ti lions iednet ien e on Cheti Oelecto on ne 01. Bo. Derhape. -My de"n diah. By sonue versight the secon'omade lin<the skiu* tt l.tU4é evop- la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ôn Ilerénémtô.te th aeyugladY, thints ite net turis eut are- ilhdne éslôdd ration, or a apoonful cl waten put npnarenly rom the thtck undei'gr=owu ut hie on my anard." given strict ondesthat'nouée! nfh tépoao.Acihr%'yi " Oh. aaI etc irlro: al3i<iifWbt CHAmenRwere ever te loati or unload Vo ick withea ýpon> aît a ee 1 W et in'avrrdDuee."Wa CAPE i.rifles. Being a goed soldier, Ma- tin 4it atop-ne o- e 11te e malter witlh me? Any man Otiglt Tiuo te ber word, Duldis Ctr*atdlne Vola had noV, disobeyed this orlér fore puttieng IV4tobake. The oven <o b. onîn toqô«lad te have the houer et ont, or rambled. daflv-weather ve mng vnudrteeeteecru muet sot hé t0o bt in- sny case, and -raring ine. -in eturbets woodis. hy bésý Ie- ptt 5b~tceedbe uaoty had sn I ae mcl. but hmoreOalten amomilDWfied by ber stances, but -lad gene as near te i most a ee 8is ~meay wde reslty valuü, ohe bad tsii>le excuse. s@i-e. forthnés ieeka. herter. honnn-ladn t shépudeTr. épeld u tihén baked in a *Both'tlie Ca-wsadlne wi'l ot*esȣ5d severéobo.'went unre-warded; the owpeër a1igtasecud Thbe. e el n' y8uth and hoautY. Tii. Oi-m aldeus. eof14 ldoua ,rernslned uuencountereui. 1-1 oPent, andi ho wa.aholding thé eas 9 &igper'aswlhsm u oitr-aimht au yousg robes. their- uifll "W-hv does't ithe wnetdoh ake lt Imb hie clip in ipbsitInwt i hm ut(D 1e vnwl aeý0eta bend& ireré crowned wirtti mamoosot bight beadrte vlmit and explore tbf. Parto e et mi j' b i tuh n ho ove will haé ofine ra- tiinhein. wmidi wavsd and cuiied -cetPron>ertyl>?" tii, demanded lnnllabhv -one over thé iii uzne. Ail I had to dou hnht< ie ténafn nw ch-mnh.Délicats negular foatures, *eultry a1ternoon. "I'in sure iII lied not wet rsttdwa ekhl et and &,arge oves set honesth verv i UrtevaiSfasit I 5,5i>3h ol aeji- a op sstdwa; o hl reebriws made themr more hban -en hlm uireeka agai" of thé rifle, 4nd Xw.as néady te fine. Cold ba.ked pot>ato cuit Up in cubésl ofidnanily »retty. Duleie'. éye« were Do'bscwlabutii" sMPt4inose. Thé'elephant wasîturuuivg rounsdwamdtp npricem s 1>ie es tol'get4nenots; thcse of Primroze j iuihngr. nUc unigit corne ur>in ns un- ad1oo hoeo h eetbedbso h wer. gray. Siender-and fair, the girle aiares, andl-on don't loka btek i nte ri ires urniinlv ahiké teo trangéré. when reu frown.' bt "iTha e Ist him 1» thé brai». oné o! l picthde T[ ae isieso!théo Prinrosc. mie iraa the eider bhv a vear. Dulile amootiuèd ler oratir fôrehead. Th t>yhetknalnlmerlepue. otakdp ses end b>4d 1et ,ased -lier twnty-socond -I iéh ilie would 11nryUr," oh. nevilecd te bell, but ef coursi'sba]l happes- are most wholeome w-hé» en birthday. coriurdered It neceesary, on se- dlscons5olately. "I arn tii-éd of waltlbk éd in a moment. I think, as an ex- witih s iétle sait and tn-i-hk oreream., ceuritetflier .eniandtY. ta offer a rebuke. He'- ',Little giris chou-Id wait til ihey are 8h. vaneed as th. sound of a mans ample o! a combinabion cf pluiok, hIe potato Mité.-ténost nieled.' feé aed, whlistbe caine lainl.ly te thetn bars. and mt discipline, and pneeence cf mnd lu elegzant way cd eterving thé potatoea "I1 ohail." roplied Duie "But 1 don't -unieht. ber cheeks crn esmning wthex. sithpoa bken Intend to watt a moôment longer than le citernènt. au emergency. thé 'be-havior of Pri- up11 thus o l h oet ak',l ;to-blutely nemr ""It l bel" &ho, whispered. -O.Iwfsh vaté Matois would bé difficuit to which ase may béténu-éd peins on ,Airan. 'dl t-ho Misse CarwaM-ine iad Po ww ir not hère! 1 feel mc dreadfuiiybetI firvga14.T r ýsapecl béc cdo odr,lNY occnpul>ed'withtb lir own neus-I know I siail never ho able t ét." othnvegetee f.ritee ea p-ca Rtffs¾-s they mirha ve heard pocullar avolonize pt-bipely. Pr4inode. von al____ eslmusetortihswork, ibut thé mounde4 coiinitu--rtr the direction of thei. oI. and sav hoir orrv ire are for trou-."* basket is niever so hànd-soyihe when paosug. I canît-Fi'm sakisg amil aven EARTH-SHINE ON. THE %IoON. made in It -ewha tc$alende "lt lie like -hl<." DulIcie wiron tzri::avet,;"Duiciel" said Primroseéneproacbînuly. *ire ladies, osé langer than thé ly,,Irilm neof s aries tèr li .Itje ooba ofvo t brncusinh aLihtgro un A Tmnto abte no écae or êther of us. -and 1 amn mure rcraDe likte h. :and-leave me te do the LglFoou t ie eles ther, are ueed. Pare and i dry thé stâblnc cod b e more pltilul than Our dlearcoable work cf rÉclîug ont.'- By biik ofte Mdon. potat-oe, slice them ,thin, andi thé» are-sont et-te"' Thé whist-le came neanren.- "Ilumi-it" Raid Primreme douhttuily. "A "~Oh. do. Piiroee!' cntreated Duicie. Wheu thé sun has dieappéared bé- eut thèse slices into smsall' ntojiés, hvobend utteho ormé tii-m stiier." "Juot Ibis once! I voir I wll never a6k ueath thé horizon, sud mc ne lofIger l-alving théernitdhes ane1long as pos- ",Imu)osable! 'hnyiioir. I mean ta marry von 10 do unythinar for me airain. Lookncîeîery iet bae np il.Ln h agrldt i- Art ir ,Blturlut if lies 55 ly as sin at me--goot! hI atséctuiaily treisbline reiln I ts at yels dirhct Iués 1 eh ap- layber of 141thé, puar e ualilér e"tfl'U rs1wcked l'e-vnknow whom." w rictigt" éetâ t-lh otne' ra aayrfeë,,pu.hteswlr "lio'-'on carl-h 414 vou findt ont hie Prinrose's cean igray oves iooked un- us, hldi-ectly and feebly, refleteti by oejte il, -anudfil lunauv spaces aamgedPrinro7ei-n astonishmrent. svmtnathleally at ber <15er. tewoeo ato h iko 1, P,soked James Itbe gardener. and lie "It is-vour giuilty conscence,' sho said. wthe mhole or part 0f Ihe diek cf thé -itowed me a piece of -an aid nerespaper ho -I -ani as cool as on.etfaid Jamessa cucurn- moos. Invéneèiy, when a pbrtlon ofon -i'ntéptsemtcevaigi budl bée» néa'maturnnewhlch msud'lIat Mn.bers. Do pull youreelf tegrethén a-nd for. thé lunar diù Iho 1t 1Ilîumi1nateildi- .resemuble a ne9t. A rough, tineven Arthur Bllurbot woald ahnrtlv taté u cet «Il ihe nonFense vau have îaike-i. 1ebyh h ul ipusbiIt î el o eavhu u trcie resîdence aI 0!d floue James ban-bopeo Du-Icie e-îgied feebly. etybth uIhaenta tla àr opiant-*gitatatv. i,-' belnpg enigaged hv the neir ownér It- "I cant" eh. sald. "éiehamn fbebly Illutninat ed b>' the éarlh-ahiné- Wh'uraddiltohéhtryn e-sen's8n0 lie conilders hé le nudenpald deadly carnéet. lHon. hé i.." thât le te eay, by the refleclios Itat fat. Thé làdIes sheuld 'have' long itè-re." 1s2trhur Bltunbet'a-tlufigure cahetin bthose portions af the lerresînilisur-hdie.aster agodalf "Vamets te an unzrateltoid man! IRe osctli. Bot irlns sa-t uiotionleffl unîi lie mia (lapa tnracticeLllv net-binir,and le psld lén rais vithin a fev ynrds cf Iliérn:Blaie eface which are at that M ete'! blhanes as the is a goti deal o a- hir i-we-k and hasq a cottage talilve wî iwigcek sdro5éî oedto te e unpn.F.WV dhin. Twh atîîIhie com be 'to i l 1-tid amrnquit' certain no one cat oyes..Primnose. laaanentiv nnruffied, Jndeavonéd te détearmine thé érlÊhti1 .dppdu.T fa-holbeot -01f meule arrdenem r.rbte Jarne.'but dtincwtlv coaies fmofmt, haîing néies o! thé ltght reétved In Ibis way buit t-hé gas rav h irmedia.tely - Wbuî leW a gerdene-'e- ingrratituide cern- that Dulcie rcntd srpeak. but.t é l. p te on adbs esr h in. tîrned ot o'a üna ok 'Oh hoI wth c'r- ,iames réta-td ulvBie- heunr. Shonwas to a m ritatb'thescnad a setuedta u et.ott san, icok npw"i wtb m rnarrb~rete rnîisB ioînogbu e en mli eovesgltatd tedoa--însity of this llgbt ccxupaned with the mng las gene on far enoug for t-be lorot. tiugbu ken er vo ficdllnlyon Interisit>' of those parts of the lunan pt.ato matchies te atiher _. t-alýto ~u 1"Ynu mué-t reuiemnhr.' siuld Prt-'nrcse Ilturbîeboot04,.se Prisi-ose rased ber disk whitch are lllunalnated direcbly bytbein-laéaulporhéase 1 'l.rtchy-btIhaiveknown .'t- 'evesansu ocke auoloiet"caliy ln a eôftdeinrldeadpu h'akt f<i,- i-cIi-F. s dnly thie minute beanci of cîcar v<>:e. -thé sun. thrensut i e hat the eaitli. juto Ille fat, bottom sidé up. te c0oit Vrlbur Belturbef. - "I a-m a-i-aid me are treepas.ihg' »hoe alune ou thé m-ore» l Rbeut 1,600 J -'ou wi -bhnon-u'e about hlm before said1a ileon r.Tkrit 11wh )di -id" uconeîî uneIl- iBeîlurbt'adant evesmtbrgia stimés 'tebicir than the meanbniglit - umtelgr.T-kotfimbi 1<- d t mar-v ni. a rallier long look. and as lie utile 0s f those portion. î'îuxninatec b.t-hé Phfféti pol5toé, piled at J'rirrIe iubed. hi5 ian lfiethought: *"Sa vouaethd.hesnalte fo helreqr er. -l wiérb von mac in thé task yoe-have eeonin niinx!" an - terh.a 111 eeetéfiIqa-sre vet- Voneur'f." ebe r-aA.but dont aek me .'I tbiin hrnenba von are.** he relei er. 'in c1 u, Ibm- lal." 4d1 !Iboue vcn wtt do mu as odieu ha enI) 1m frbb oi "-j 1w-e te be aile ta nianace fiot-tr.-,"Yen are i-env kind." éaid Prinmrogse.-' O'EbPWAilAps ~,"m icd" Oid Ilonie bas bée,, uuoccnpied for o A paint brusilý will get tuaI out tif! "Sî'-,n»cie le hou<d P-icIcr me te on' liong that W@ bavé em moni-thie habit j HoDe le thé tléài'riyou have when cak ic étntla utr - e:eeisu Piniée.'Of couxingIota ethe mOOds i ihouat réalý-z-' -ava 1 -lianlit -ivei b!m-lime te," mss Dul- ii nIhrat ive lad nno rzhtto- Cniuacerfuvakeaè.ifs he ilhý gt 'aawthbt ir-r î'rpv. "And va me are e'sutincb alite-, ' aid i es:tate -te corne bere Cniuicercleel xnfe hnfhi~gt aswt bt i - "- o.4 th:ut if hélitoI<ires a'ou om '!ae, o 'h'rcoddEtubrsigu of wlsdom ter leave oneé-of thé cups empAY anti tf-rc tue aals. D:dnt somebody or jî- "aîî Piéasese méthé word, ia Creditone and--poor nèlâtlôfle always thé» ill i i-wibli mater. Thé gems nIae" crû' <bat i-ny maman cOulc frt ay -vou have donc bétone Do net lot t1be, fait s hem up aI thée.'a îuwd o crb n.iu .h>- iled If #-hio oilY 100k onougi, ci mv emim-ecime anv d;îicrenc,-'-' rog drue. ti hi?-Dzlciehavite zsamewbat rc-oveu-ed. look. l'et a man nîay net be laîy bécaute T-hé cne-àkinùg cf a door cau hé Iiu nov caev, ilwlr-d a zest tula ei î'-<Jati bi v,,;h- innocent blue ever. h le triés ta do thinge thé easteeî Way. aôpt îo~ y ntbn h rcidcd lii a -a nke of roe: #l i Ijne! nured. "Wýe do loye the woodo.ed Pur u lu ita >.Dilc'ie. if vnara iate Ior m-ci sure -au dbut fibind ou coi nafiaing 'thé mind lihe îgne ta b1om hne t fsa ick o àp oril. 1Ier 'li"rc ml h? Ile wtîuail oin, coet' i*in' about t.th èdoablcpée. ol;!" ,j*I ,,haEli e onlv ton hapyif van mw-IIi A rman's faitb In bis Judgméuî gels Thé -boilétisalat dressing nill hé P rr«',rr tealier bel . nd tDuicie did jcoeeas aften es von a)le..",Seiturbéet arbk vr ieh ip palgtri ti etnhr iha iîr' semc rl'boy ébiookt eut Iheir tarnbled mae lookiuîoe ai. bothitlb.girls mih Gorne- anbk vn ieh tp palght- fi ebae adwtha 'brie a 01i omdc liv rIdesauntered down thinu susaicionsiv like a tIrmnke In 'hiestBep that ls'l thene. Cghae nmdiaevo éu (lasrt,itearaleA pathithrugh the oves.'May' 1 introduce mryelf-I arn An- Lots of mes mslk miles te béar akeg'bfrsimtled-stee. o bi vo1.IL- lîind bcou tOlong uuîrodideu ex- t-ls Belturbut.' pelîlîcal speech mho mauldu't malk a thuntis f nomheiaagreé- t,-rnl 1)7- tiheilc that t-ly -ad ta pluei "And mie ar-e Dulcie andi Primrose Car- block tet hean a sermon. To frnée thé ad ri iare hond -«w enr<' coac])iîiz - btîihtsaothey Wardine." èxplained Pnimname.t r aibtif "i-beTheMisfer, (2rwardine et Blue Poste?' Wéuîemm rpesasta aabléeo--)ois such aî t-hat cf onions, s nttipCL ..apairve kenhecswiéhdn- an idjoié aa-in fera ho e,? lu--I'lb tan-rai' u-iefbd ore Il ea nomo nMi xumté. .t At. ,erUnti.&u téIbnde-el -ib rléed c m1i ~ * 'W 40 ieob A eo ariid intk4 tdis mer lié ïýer waààdrainýd ioain r en f~hg~ a~ t n'ht u artlii tied elîestianic &ey. Asboriing ia bie pré'liminary fon alàrge nuimbér of pot.ate réal donc meil. M! put th1rough a,rter hot, mitAisalti'On1v or-wM' itd giile :nîlkik t eniay h iltoellohthé diff enese. Tm-a is tathe aletem w»ay oft-prejparing potato aint 'di e ligifter thé, hee-seaoening le requli-éci épt thé more digeàiible uà lu. AÀahliltr éftéct ni&y'-be sdcsrnd by i'Abiii« thé poVDto througii a fryingk.bâéeet, bût dûii 1 Müé trouble. fIls prèhity -il agrée! th&t=tàsb- ed potate seaecmed wi[th hutte i is the léaiît d-luéstibsle of thé m'odeïs oI preparing beileti pote-tocs, but die - Potat6maay be put thrrough a sle anti -hémadle aunolh snd hanidstYI - 'TbMre'ste -el6sie te 1,000- f ullpi ~r~w tô~e l~ U-~ 4sfIed eme onthe Briih ~ ~iJ 'cd'a<or 1ce'b~*emôfSinus woean ecured the vote l ~e "Ã"~ci lhe 8t mân r ifrdu iwi cia n & 4New, Zealand cliild la-., tihe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u buê * Yi <i ldnl7rh.virtuaily' vanished. ~noit a*I Ye~teh 'Mmie mU~lOka, 'Ovar 35,000 signed the petitibn pzeseuted to the, Swedislh.i:aia- Ai~~tenit~nMy W dieffied tif Ment aeking, enfranchiemen lo UPireM-gfat on-,bte'pareh-. Hot-wt6,- women.f We élÃŽouM 'then 1.* Pou*'dcver IL .MiEsS eShwester H. Arendt; Shi, lWb~<.p '~ertueenir .nfaefiret policewom n luEurope, liai ýM ei = çphrut à w t~rocSom thsidba bees in the eerican t 8ut~t ief thé rtcg. Rin*e wià ha,gardén Germny-,for six yer«. fr>e~ ud ha~ uptdxry.Miaé Peari E. XTay, lvou' Crmutmeis ýor tcsu an be male firmot andà oýnly mounteid police-, easily in i COefu popper. They edili woýman, jrides atride in- a. divided borlp ini e moment sad a & uantity akiil ef kliaki, with hat te iateh. ,àymybe-biadeMatorne time. Cnt thé In Denmark womieÉ are invading .ýBread iiite- equares of thce ýdésitied ail the professionh and'occuPY posts bt r size, place inîto e long hend4ed epip- as solii.toWà, de~,6tr u per andi thruet into a.glowung fur- spectore, police inspectors, etc. 'lke anplucation <>f huttermilk to Ca v Slnedo erbs a- lu- .3 the kitohen linuleum n riiebulealiNeW'wY oftik,' wiiu~ ~ ~ ~" -wrc kgr tec<e t uehe where aellecontracte toee*terminate y tha wee .il, tecirate <>n the vavrioueý'stzamaàhipa that se ýt;hn seet "k'uledlu the samfe dock there. wa?", and Ia far lems expensi've. !f- Ms oain Bal ter wa.lcing with cleà.r vrarm water MisRsmn Baly, daugli- apply the butte'niËkXu "ltet'of. a Proinineni Bouton million- then poliah wfth a dry cklfi. aire, will aecompasiy Dr. Grenfel In on hi. exploring trip t.hroug'h bar- el reii Labra4q,. in llIELPIXÃ" e ýCrlfXrTE. The costiffjesworn .by the women k7 miembers o! ýthe Bagege- tribe of in AChildgo ittiion çvhIs .jq<. Southern Ya'nand, 'Philippine Ie- ha lng a <ldîd Work. lande, are se elaborate that it takes = "A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . LadrfrtéD* niyasto miake a single gsrment. fr O>ut." That la what a ibuiiîng iun Under the proviaioins o! t.he bill fo Clhicago i8 ofben called, a;ithough it jus-t reported te tihe British Houe -is aetually named the Rufus F. of Commons, any woman who is a er Dawes liotel, after thé manti British subject and marries an alien ôi .whom [ts 'érection is due. It wai must adeptVhe nationality of her In, fned t crr oithè,tie fhuband. lr. aes sdéà~.éd don1ô ie Mrs. W. P. Burton, wife of the men who are "down ànd es a.ît kipper of the Lieton challengerw< Re làac offen gpoken 'ôf'the-iiedd of Shiiurock IV., will .be on board theJ an hiàtittikn thât <hôuld give a yracht when s.he faces t.he Starter - helping hkild Vo thé -man ç'iol*àr- against the Ameriean defender for. b nfë'tW"#dted *ork, -but whi &dàld iciet-'AffoM vo na% fer fodd slbdd ehel- ter *hffe fs.eking 1V. Thé building le the Eather's ste- tco buld lbt, ad on the opening bight hhreé hundî-ed d<wwn-and'-onts straggled in f rom a enowstorm that nagétcuimide. Soreéoe!the= a;t doms be!ore thé hi-ant open fine- place in thé SPacious lobby, %rhich â005 assSiéd thé sappêaýràuice -of a clbon.Others, wbiohad - a few ceiPpenr.bought mbrings -e! tickets, which-éntitledd the Irolder-to eoup at h*o Cents, ùbffe. at the anme pnicé, relIa and'doughnuts at acedt snch, nhd pie ton durée centa. - Thé men wreédésiredtu t-use thé batbrooma and thés eaeh imasn e- ceived a niglit ahi-t anti a pair of bth-slippens. est mas uhown' ho hie sleeping quartera. Thé chargé ton béde je five cents. 'Phéy are in dors-itoriés that are equippét with as exhaust fa.n sys- be-r o! ventilation. Each bet bias lwo eheets, a pillon slip anti a bîans ket. Fer these -uvho prefen ' te be aioné, Ibère are siné-t.v-flve ?"tubi- clé" roome os thé third floon. Thèse recuis are rentéti for tes cents a night. T-hé hotel i.s ot inteudedti lepro- vide per'ianéut lotiginga. Me» are accommodtttiwhilé tlîéy ai-c leok- ing for merk, -hit thé pnofét, sional itiler null not be welcome. Thé mn- agers o! thé iotel éndeavon, without chargé, te fisti ampicymentL for-umn mu bard luek .'lé ins"tittîtiols je net estiomet. ant iusnoct expectedti t be self-suppoirting. The founder miii iook uont fur thé defliiî.- THE WORRV HABIT., t in à Wear and Tes,' tathec!Mental Machinsry. , Let us neselve mot ta noir>'. it -makéesnocb a différence te those who sharé -oui- homes If ne IssîsI apos hé- isg I-agie about every littlelytille, and fI léads as te s cinonlocecnditien of discontent. Insomnia. ue oW thej gréabeel afflictions o! aur âgé1 s af- tés bneugbl os b>' thé enr>iljng habit, dwiflk te -wbicb thé? nervoul3'systeai bé- camfles cômle!tély eut of entier. And nhierc Insomnia Iote hre Ile üually lrrltability whaséebchidren aiere ié moi-se sud selt-nepnoacb, a 1 mi-etchédi ceuple. tInt how lus Il poÉsIble ýte pi-e- vent eiinseièe froulitvoni-ylztg? We tancy that'thete are siene.of! escap- ipg thé lsliiction. Thé irst; ilenias, ie te eta>' aur mlnds - itb thé Iheughl thal me cas but'do oui- heuteMIavent disaster and maké thInge ;go an Ismôô'lly. nlld thal thie reýu1tle In blyeter hâns tIsan ouris, auld ;complété- iy béybnd ocutcntral, norrk thoul It as me may. Ose o! the ji tealeetI sources etfmoi-ny le thé Indole.it ha- bit af mincihhab pi-évents us iéxéncis-' lng fonesight. lhinking nil rodi-u plans, sud laklng evers' possible ebep boanide matuing thési. Iu Ie*:eten our on faihure lu Ibýis i-,'spt-ct tînt nakes, is weti-y se dteadfu llyt ýSoe of: ns have mlldesu en et sud ympha-j tic tbat thé>' mn>' hodescribei neah- solutlél>. elatternly. Soel by as siîci very trul>', that whalt fcîtIon I te thé mechauilcal vanid maxr 'y",le te thé mental inachinn>'. Il mûki, men t terrible -amount et mear 'a'd. téan. Wonry dessot make w-omen Liane at- tractive, but mucli lese sen, nýas al the *"grlzzllng" ln thé moi-Io nt~elese n nverîing eniamilty, is seltilph1ro- sophlé, lie s'ensible, adithd é rîll Christian plan, net te ai-nry? Mnny a neman has got h6ir huis- yant junte a bat scràpe -by a uig -hie razor te sharpén s lent penlcil. PACKA# Whytlcchce by askin fU CANADA SUGAI REFINIGCeO,1 ~NKI, &C J 'e -~ J- J~/ s,.,.. - t ho ýcup. ýShe will hold -the stop- r&toh1 for lier huantd w*hen lie is jocke .ing for pétition at-the-,gtsrt.i rr. BUrtn ably- hol4s. he *6rldS record e iaeiling in Vaclit conteste, having taken part in seven bundied races during her 111e. China'. Woncderful Growth. Tokens of cbanDgiiY. China are seen- i. the Immense, Increase of certain ,lasses o.r Importe Into that country I 12 years the annual consumption.0f kerosene bas Increased front 83;579,. t41 9,902,363 gallons, while. the mportatof o!lampe and lamp. ware ias trebled. During the same *period iachinery Importa have Incrteased YOM $100,000 to 13,'000,000, wlih an tdditional Item of nearly $1,000,000 ,or se*Ing machines. Matches andi iatch-ipaking materials show an I. ,reni f over 300. per cent. lergorts ne C ut ng, hats, boots an di sh es have creasèd ten-foid. - --1-- Tom -I wish 1 knew what my girl vould like for a birthday present. ick-Why dlon't you ask her i Tom -Oh, l havenV ioney enough to my anything !.! expensive. Ààe., Buy REDPATH in i. Original Packages and, you'ilbe sure of - fuil weight - higheet'-quaty f Il Concrete encefPosts Lst Forever T HEY neyer rot 0 -ground. -They stand eh hardest knocksanad neven h ave te be neplnced, fer they arc practicaîlly e vcn 1a s tii g., Tey are ensîl>' and cheaply mate anti are thé most sli- t acory o! ai fence posIs. Concrete Drain Tile 'Çncreté drains do net aceay aud axe checaper, because. they do flot r cruuble anti stop up dr-ains, lîcace Ih-ry neeti nedigging up on relnig L etus senti yeu this lice bock, "WhRt lhe 'Fariner cas do *witli Concrèt." -, it iois you-liw ta make coucrete fénce. osls-mnd wmli save yen many ,dollars mIen ding. offer building 'ropnd ÃŽhé fan». Fa rmu't' Iforatton Bureau Canada Cernent Comnpany Lixnited 5 14 iterald Buildidg, Montreal \~ lue spaker od obo. w!i â4i the' hémi e-, but fr0..w or whatver a mient ftri- a 1 eaui stlor a m hoked at ag a-f cd oui- mot n'*hn aiie di n ire'irée tee u t bd h «tt 1 aid eve;7oa 1dou't boleve But oi- moMli [s made ber i an.d oharpiv. iddt Mfina. I ut him tMe ha, "aid Duk31e )«r e lWbh ro net outo!f MONTREAL. 1 à

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