Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Aug 1914, p. 6

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atch fi A woma n and 't&ree chitd- ~i re ini aroiboat. A young wo. tioi swimig nearity atteMfpts to e fr-to the. rowboat witlh tl&nAe all drowi. -And yettJhecer~ the -man who attendsebise (unerAI will' _41 î ant 4 'probably speak of thse "dipe94ý.- be osid aebout these tyles ci .te-day. tîone ci Providence"' M ÏSI~ bM~Y Wd olia.tening band of bise Almýigh1ty." 0w st.yles are returniisg is welcomie. Tise M 'rrWidow sat i. really boee fla ýA g cart*heel hà* M Itinunra inW a tmelfsor- volvet, wâti "aok ne trsmmlng m It sracungra-osous tinseefSm row sometimee to peàk t! realitâM. dbat~ oaissml u ecs utthere are courses of coaduct s 0ng5Pe OMiai -C n Trh1uffflI.-COhîffo utterly. fooIali thtlia.b anei'&paýer fJowers are asucis ueed on h&tmand £mls ini its d'uty net teý bring.bsthe atelstie drapery où #e*fis. *.example bquarely te tise attention Sinali chiffon fruits,. toe, are used. et t eders whe mnight pereliance Many of. tlem are maede ci! several b., equaliy carelesi or un inforztsed. layera" of chiffon cf varions sades, - -red over.pu rpîs for instane .andl Të is cinceinsaety assuite are ver zntereait.ng. well as ia everytliing elae ln tise 'ns ni -~~~~~ wol.Pol a er s' epansiesi >ed.purpl. assd yel- worhand eple and gn pOw'der lowe, fourtins. tise naturàl ze tisaitanrds ineurgaroensare àse safely, isow te cimb ýéciff6Tcings' on bsats. Tisey are aise useÃŽl in the. and cross railroad treke, and do rn !t.i>iejutabvhe otiser tihingu safely½ his rle oieltksi. - i -meni t o!the "Safety Firsot" niove- waïsts of white ongandie, te wislch ment. It ie a te"ehine campaign. are attaelied men's wai.tcoats ef lb ehoulci aooompl4e:<'skfletiing. white, pique, i -spekt at tise Parets nd aaceiuought e r- waistl ie aU!lt iier i5ùttbns, Parets nd eacers ugh tore-are a novelty tisat deserve- atten- enfonce its lessns. TËé laws of tien. gnavityV are a rcality ini tIis WOrld Vctt Silisîsier Wear. -- Velvet «f ours, wiiicisalVise ciiildren h2s taken a deciaed çlace in id- - uisould learn at tisein carliet op- ewf!unofhs Oi"~ss !L portuni1y. is tise sisoil.black veivet coat, witll- out eleeves or else witil long ones wiorn witJh '.rte i&e êdwns bisat Ouaoittis phsicansaddesstsghavé ru!! led skiets.. Tise combina-, Use delgats o tis - nsttut o!tien o! lace and ve4lVýet, 'âlways g,od, theeleateaof he -nsttu.t - je Aespecially -sir-iing in tisés. c"-ta llemeopathy at Atlantic City, N.J., àh~d g*o'wn'e.Mtî cl vel#êt, plin seid that if tfhose wlo lied neacqsed and atiped, je smade up into hàte, auaturity woUld eat lese they would capes, sepanate cowa.d3iaI evea live longer. Thie le net a.new or be~ei iesaeo wa~s * tant3i ng axiom, but it le a'.good *hchare worh 'ovèr dhkÈ *ite lcorwhite taffeta.:' A-ttractiive thing te have it repeaféà Sy ofle caees o! f lrdk 'eltii 1 wt -whoe-eduty. and expenience gave *white -..-tLsi, ehort and ful, are his tise igist te epeak by a'utbority. fhsïiig Sdleeiy over 'kdwnié e!f fine Tise physicien wbe made tulLe de- wlxtelin claaiionaIo uge te et»blih-t éiv *T e (leeUr.-A ne'w ciaa.ton is urad isesnibisl- unieclsecireular4 made of fine dark nment oia-Bureau «f Dietetios for blue srg, ýwra ove r a narrow- tise puu'pose o! studin- --ia rata- f< ifMationo bicksâtin. Tisa tun- tien o! food to-healtis and disease.ic as 'eut ia trué cëincu arsyll one piece with .a seais attlh. back, and it fits smoot'hly over the hips. It t weuld 'Se-well if people genen- Le liouad at tise bctteqn witil an inch ally wenete pay'msone attention to wide band of llack satin. Tise ne- this impoyrtant subject. W. isear ticeeble thing about -tise çunlo le a, greet deal about ths. evils caueed tisabit b i ,reased frein waistline te by drink but not hl!éhoeut-s con- lpwet_-edge lansix or e*~it creases. '~iiieàe breaâk thse ýreaâîh wlsict tise eeresng Us ehct of overeating. plain, circular ceut o! thse -skint I ws pointe'd eut at one of'tise weiuld obiserwtie have. meetings éliat medical science lias irculhr Sklt.-Circulorn skirts \,,ncerned Lb4e1t! ireatly W'iis the nlay" 4e theis et t Visig on the cailen- ,kdblems cOf. lànfâr{1y ind childli9od. dan-e! dress. At any rate, tiey are a coming poéeibility. A mire lar and lias net given eufficient utten-' skirit tisat lias already made its ap * tion to'tise problerns o! maturity. peanance ie s made «f white taffýta. Xearly evenrybdy. realizes that Jass It ise fitted at tise ips an-lfaîl1 in food ineedé.l aftenr r isingni&-wide ripoles et tihe anke.' Thia Fabrlcs.--All -Vimfea ice turity-than during tise youngar and ara new made- ite, fine pleatings Vo more active years, but Most Per- be uiied as tisa edgln-g te skirts, tua- ,ons continue fe eat aé heaartily as ics, ruff les, ,leeves and sashes. when young. Thase fine peated ruehes give e de- iable finish, te any thia frocik. 1Parasol Shape.-Parase are Tise doctors dasarve credit for mâde lain trianguIar shave,,4y m nsn ealling 4.ttention te tis fact, ai- o! tlitee -gtiôups o! t-wo nibe. T-hie th<ùgis by slàdcàig tisay May . de hepe hazs heen *sean at anyo!ts -piving themselves of part of tielir fathionible seide- p1gfes. Pratty Hani[kerehle s. - Pratty practice. 'lsn ïk c1îefs Vo daà,y wit l Ia - *coloned muulin. frock are tisose et! * BOY GOES ON ALL FOURS. fine white liin finiised witis a tisly rol et the adgee, iwipped witis ci-1 - For ToIn Yàr hà eu én Hie ored cotton te matoitise fnoek. 1 Mthod of Travel. A Ceaet a possible reversion te ty»cs Is that of Tisomas Armstrong, a twelve-yo4r-old boy or tanîgor, AIe- bâama. Uiien tisa deatis et bIs fatisar ha wae usrown çn the cemý,nity and ,,gsoltMî cisanties tg in gam, tisen tinned aven tote s luveuile court, wiicila. tura trans. ternad islm to a eadlnj khyàlc1an. Tise mesdicai Irotesslùn iere le usiiik tise boY, as an antisropoIoglcýa1 study. OYoung Arýntretigbàias cver Ie'ýrned j~alk erect, but geeS On ail tMurs. lesPliyeielsy straag and ca rua as test aisthse average boy. HIe body anad - imbe are nermeî1ly toenmad and developad. Hlie anrme are sligistsy long- anrbilannormal, Pnesumsably ne a ne- OUlL et use lnasli'four welking. .t bas lW'Y' seensed naturel for hlm te wak tisat Wey. - whén ea ha ws elittia child lts monetiandiad. Hlie fter mrrniad a&aisi, but did Det ilve long, andthie boy- lad te shift for hîmneai. From habit and usage ue eu place hie hauds on thse groUnd witis hie body ln a horizontal position. Hae eys ies ba-ck sud sisouidene neyer get tineil frar4ilojsg weîks. Tisa boy's,, mental developm'ent lins be 50lw, but bise physicign wisoô ha. th ncharge halaeves tiset ln -six 1menthe ha wlll ba 'able- t a wekIlike otisèr boys. Ha e beln treind la -th isaeiection sad bas mac e some pro- -gress. R1e i gndülly devaleping klsnalely, as wel. -Physiciens ale studylng bilée wlth exCeptienal Inteneet lnishbisbllet t Éat valuâblea ntisnepologlcel and Moigl eInformnation îuey be obtained - r têJI yeens tise bey ha. traveied o n ail fours. and caweik tan miles tisat wey and keep up witis tisae tser boys. -9SoIw Dleause Found. pret. Erlêis Harnnck, tise femeus usa -(Gentisny) Pisaymiaclet, amna- ese tise discovery of a new disease. lu a sort of cluronIc ceier poison- g whIèh may prove fatal. Ib le aused by bridge work on bise teetis. nfthi w rpl w.M sl w e 1j!àb4 «two4thlrds oe t Qther m tale, pecially coper. 'Th'sl israsè ted t aowv poiseiiing, -nervýous coll4psa, id gefienal decay. Prof. H ~ack, ,arise pepiae lnsLtiis1 loir loy, maylng It. fi;*veu More atagar- ue tisan pure cojsper or zinc- bacause t contct wltls other isetalo. MA ÃŽMED FOR GAIN. StartlIng Charges are Made Againat Orphan Asylums ln Europe. Soe alermiag statemente respect- lag -the tnaffic la cilidran bave beau publicly maàd e by Siser, Arýnct et Stuttgart, Germany. Aecordln'i to. buis wemen, wise was tormerly a o licewomen et Stuttgart, thére ejists la organizad traffic etfe anticulantY- shiametul -kind ef clildren, who l'e sald tu e hilnd eut te beggans and let eUt te work fon profit and ton lin-' moral isurpeses. Tisa abuses of baby taaine- are aise mentloned, says tisa Leadon, Times. This arrangement le directad lu par- tular QeaIntGermanyad .otisar continental outnies, but as tise bref. fic in eclilîdren was stabad by. Sisea Arendt to e ha mt as greet ln Etsghaad, intoi:mation lias beau ebteaed, tram tise beet sources ln London ln ordan te check,-tisa charges. Except lu re- gard te tise evls of baby farffinç ne confirmation etfbisa sweaplnig iud)pet- mait casa cen be teuad. Mre. Bnliam- waIl Bootis, Whs weS fon maay years et tisa iead etftisa wonseân's reecua worcofethtie Salvation Army, dees net ballevb biset tisae e steany consider-1 able axtant orgàniîed trafic ettise hind - described. Tisa sarne informa. tlÃ"n was torthcoming fnem tisa Na- tional Seciety fer tisa Preventien et Sister Arendt tehd etftisa Russian 1i' bikiutioa for crippled chlldren whene tisa ýollca teuad ne tewen biân 78 littIe ones Whlo lid beeui mafmelûd lu order blet thay miglit be let eut as bagkere. Cases oet tis ilnd,_isowaver, inci Li Paralel tln Engad. 1 alad casesemetlmes appeer in tise Police courts, s6ucis as tht of a chiîd wisosae-yes ware polsoned by Its methar lu erder te awaken public SYaipatly fon beigng pUnposes, but buisfslean extnmay nanaeoffanse.. Consulted t he Wrng Ma. t was at a neceptiosi, andtihie lady, 'w1o hati -bean neading up on hE 1hç îtulce mitoo o Lwvan Winsma orhib rother, -thé ctoo "Ie iL ibette-r," sha asket confi- deatielily, "te lie oun-the igilt sida on tisa, lett1" "Madamsi" raied tia larsyer, "if ona i. oni tise igt side it o! ten in't neéessayto lia at al" The. stone-Tiset is, Christ. Tise builes- The Jewish. nation. Tise head cf tise cernen-The Muost importent pIe,ý in tise fonndation o! a building. 'his quctatien f nom tisa Peelme rýýIly intno4ucýes a new perebia, in whici th~e' men ing ie a s pla'in as la tise paýýb1e -c!tise vine- yard. When tise pse-Irn weas written tise stouse rc rne tethe Jewisl naion, *Ihich dur'i>àg thse captivity was despised and najectéd, but later' nestoncd Io its lyroper place cf lien- or amoag thisa atose. G'r*dally, liowever, this passage, like miaPy ethen 01<1 Tegtaffie/t prophecièe lied coýmaeb be inieripretafed Mes- sianically, on the gene'tl principle tiset wiset wae saîd o!f lere by tise prophets and psalmni-ste ne!enred eÏ- pecially te tise Messieli, wiso *as thonght cf as in a peculier sènse tise representative o! lis nation. 43. Tise kiagdem. o! Ged, with its honore ,and pnivileges, shaîllSe ta- ýena awey f reu you-Even a cisosen people can netain ne nriglits iunles tise' use them ' "From hiies tiset isat net shall be taken away, 0efle th.%t whi--h lie seemeiti te h*ve." iSeà7ile given te a nation bring- inig forth tise fruits tliereQf-1hbre je hope tisat anoâtisr nation 'will prove more wonrtly. .1 S44. Hae thet felletis on tise stne -Hei -who stunbies or le offendèëd, perlaps et tise humiliation cf Christ shall be broken te pieceo,- that. h, Verse 33. Another paraurbi- addition te the parable -of t% o sono, necorded 'ia tise ver id ir precedîag tis slesson passaïé,ti' abrupt foria cf introducs4 parable . betrays emotien. JèM1 kaew tisat lie ied greatiy mad tisane members of!-the Santi&fnil and shows ia thus parable ti 'EW ýLuàot unawar of >tise consecqtî8éf A houseliolder-In this plabulé, like tise, parable cie! ts ewéï, tf Cdptbils o! the steny can Se 49411Ï [iaterpretated. -Haro, tise lb' L- »I~der on cwnen of the vinedr * ï Qed. A vinayard-The Jewisl i poplé ýlanted by Qed le tise land o! proih- ise. Tise detailse oftliis desc;ipti'éi o! ,tise vineyard are taken f rôxis ffihë soZin Isa.,5. 2. Uea; edge about it-Tise làie e! lerael waas.sparated f rom à *lt, countries by thse mountaies, teé de ert, and tise sea, or the he é flà tissparable may rafer te tke law e'lsêh prevented Jews fresa mtng- lin« !reeiy wlth-otiser peopla. Digged a winepress-Thi's wa 1 nieually made cf rock and coniined tWo ceupantmeate, tise uppen eueý fer tise grape and tise Lower te iré- ceive tise wiee wisen it lied betîï pressed fros tise grapes. Tise Winé- pr'ess la tisis pareble prôbsdbly meens thse altar o! sacrifice. A tewer--A place wisare tise fsuit euld Se stened and képt ea!ely. In thie parable it je supposed te ra'fer te tise temple.1 Lett it eut te liusbandunan-Whe paid tise cwner an annuel rental. Véry of tee bILisrentaI Was pàid in kind, thet is, tise ewner reééived a Pàârt o! tise crop.1 Weist into anether counÏry ..he vineis would net Sean fruit for two or tIre. yeare, and during that time tiesaubandmee niud b. le!t te cuitivate. and prune tise vines, Aftan Israel was established in P1al- estine Qed ne longer spoke te thesa ln tise piller o! fire and eof loud, se in a sease he left tises, and tis'e leadcers and t.eadisers-tisat is, the scribes and Pisaniseei-wene the lsusbandmee te wisem tise ceie o! Isnaiel was intruated.' ,34. Tise !nuits--Faithfulness and obedience te tise law. Qed h thtie nigist te expeot tisat Israel *etild. develop into a hely natien. - Hies ervants-Tse prophets, 4ihc were preacisens o! nighteousnegs dnd, wiso d 'emandcd o! tisa people virtu- eus lîves. 35. Tok lis servante, and Seat oxiel\âjd klled anthèr-The paoplq- te wisem Jesus spoke this, parablé- wene familier with tise treatsefit tise proplets lied recaived. Aha-b'é tneataieit o! EI-jéis may be noted. - Jewisis tradition aise records tisat Isaiais Wh "Saivn asunder." And '-stoned anotisar-Penhape ne- ferring teOise piopliet Jehàieda (2 Chron. 24. M022). Also read Ifeb. 11.37. 37. Hies<5dn-Thle Meesiais, tise promised Redeemer. Revereace-Have respect nte. Notice, the patience o! the ewner. Meny messangars have been sent, but thise iÉnskt b. a q'uestion about their autiserity. Perisape tisa hue- bundman had mAt delibenately ne- !used hisa hie rights. At least h. wiil useke oe more effort. Surely tisey will receive hie son aad hein. 39. They caét him forth out cf tise vifleý'erd and kiMhlciin-A ne- feranca te tise fate c! Jestîs, Whso waý tken dutede tise clty (HeS. 13. 12) and crucifieci. They icer- plely pudiated hlm. lu this Sir t(fa'ia-Gey, dcrk. At tisaeniof!'1911,tise Bri- tisis fleet was eut in tih. No rtis Sès for tisnae cd'ar& and tire niglits wibhout i >h, e witl tise torpede nets droppeti dati tise 4e'cks cleer-bd fon àctiaýn. H<5w %ýar «ith LGer- pi any wae aveittèa is âe gréat a myàtary lis iow -Wlr with Germwny wâs tîreateieti. But it wis tise second incldent bf its sÉort àiace this Govérmnnt cerne labo office, Imud iTen tdo ne P&ss 'days of thift kinti anti eSt aga. Sir Edwarà Clrcy les kapt tise pee.t o! tise dayse peet lad ste-iveis te keep peaca fotr deys te 'coma, anti Britis- reaeions *vitl Geruscny seem haeppier te- da-y then ever. But wiso'ca forea- tell witra oa War ieSeran in silence anti darnes. A Gréât Persouîial Sonrov. Yet ot ail men ie ih4s knd;wn tise tragedy -of a greok pçrsenal sot- now-a sèorn<5w thet'lias snarked hisb wits tise furtows of pAýip siipre ,'s8- ed and given te isi eyee a déeiti andt expression tisat offly mëen whip Have wàtcised tise tneakune o! tis iseant teke wings ca know. For tii-a yaar tînt gave liim hie place ia public life, a me r. lad tif 23, gave iim hie place in pnàifa lIL!, whén le mannieti.tise dalihtér e! a aeigisboring squire, Mise Dbr6- tly Widdrniton. Sise sheretihie politicel h! e aud iiudiinslife. At idés of gen- era-l el'eetioii àh e wSuId stant at one antioftise constitunlcy atld ha- at tsaotiser, se that 411en.elohulti b. twfo meetings in eech place, anti il le nettee00 suel te ay biset sha was as popular with thse audiehces, as ha. And ela&ye was sise witis him in that otPsar great part of! ls life when lc whiped Liese ilnt streamý fer tre-kess trout. Tisen came tise gr.ça day wisen t~igE\aïd i~âa hilm ecrearyi e! Stata for Foireige Affaire. A few weeks later, wbiiiet in bon- ,don on affeire, ha received a tele- grain thàt Lady Oney lad nMet Sitl ail accident, 'andt terebure et once. A speciel traianrusled tisrougi tise niglit, 'but h. founti han witlh ler ikluli broken; tîere lad been a car- niage -accident in hie owx pÏArk t Falioden. - Tîeeermained for liim his work -and 1er memery. Rie gave it te be understoodt iat lia neyer wssls- cd it refarred to ;tn4 is9rt-ly n"e- tnnsied -te iàeworfrin Liondon. lié §lici eut o! ail pu'bliç fitctioiis antid bègan and Ihai éoutinueçl to speand hie week-ends alona in Ea littie ot' tage on tise side o! tise Theap- -wth si man servant te -ook affer h'm. H. e s never sâinS ivanseti in hie drse ust a black nsollig CeSatý anti a black tie. - .60ins eQ ia- thastithey told J.aibW '6ük -*ù 'Mithlin, b U (fe, *hifi thliy were ýtrying te sadie Iikt Besr, Vlsey isad-fri-g-tened Wita- ves ,À b îbadly tlia.'b tIwy juûlsed' eve.ry t.ixne 'tie fieïialy owl àý5ôXë' la the 1ofest. .Of course ILittie Bear btnrai-ght¶1'ý aaked Father Bear nsany que*tlens about Qrand!aitlsen Grizzly and ies toUts. At last hae aid, "If I even isuêét a g'irzly, Iip I do, tlp I go, te tise top cd Vise sitglea't tree 1'> "Ne, indeed1 Yen sisil net- be, à cowaTrd 1" usaawened Fatiler Bar. "If you ever sea a grizzly comiug, even . thoug i Lt Se Grandta«itise Gnily Islinsaif, --du *àà kon àk fi &ait tenès6. "YFs 8bn Béstn, yen set 1dIim. MIsttflm, w!~é te fAce, -ass'd ey, A'ffêr tit, LÏt4eBèïr did net f~ei Àtu l aî ùsinailxi inse big wooï. lRe dre'Aded thie t'honust, bis-ait hé r&gtist e a a-'i-zzly colnîng end -be obligtd!to e e htîid Msay, "GôMtl isdrning,sigd- nr- ingi" e - Ohé dnyssa nnfVr "er Litl Be'tr'fell asleep -on aiai e! ofrock; ha à; ,au am and coinfortable in tisé siin.-s'h..Visn ha awoke, lie -saiwbéilow hiinaàisuge iSean -patient- ly trying te rernevea liunècidt!bilr frein tise back o! his neck; tbiss were stickinë fiht in hies lur.- !MkléýBe*Ur iüfIht 'dK',gy have slýpped off thea ba-k cf the rock and 'hava rua sotl y away; lneiiid, ha offered te lielp tdi. sti'aùger. "I tisink I eau get îthoie hune eout cf vosîn coat," seid ha. Straightway tisa big ibearntuired m +,.à-bî4d1.A tan ,,iràrA 'hon do %y.imo .8iLi ieê -,nyrmgdot if ariglit to c -ortnhùty ad8aý-pW'1 %!: rit;ll1>1b fils a need ofhaàin liéov~ fOV t .Y teeb etricken and péhajýs deSti'oyWU b Beut why should any-body waht'tol - do any of tse 1?1ings vwieklai .e ~feie dbÀ' tiy PunT. frM é lt deflned" with sueh pre,,cision ,ùdýèôn-y uneJ~e! Ttt'seit fkéa moral codes?1-why,- indeedc, iUw4 >go~en'4he~l tlfbuba Irld'f b a ulmany ibodies are selught rict~I~t 4l~o ~ t1? ~nUtYfgreedy and,>sroud! Because 'fteY ~h'rannt:Th4le &1iÈiidl j,*e- res. t of humanity ià eonsumed 'y'iuhe bftWsi-eýb Il¶tlIS> Iittlé ezt-et*i ,Soes;&xekyl ii o 're- through 'dftues ~ iAi~ by spect for any interesbs but flicir Jews~hprisaand 'doctors,. until o acLecare -or they Ibecame go complicated a? code , è nbLt that tiheaverage man wiïs in despair of, avoklin.g even a fraction fcihàe If they loved even one huinan ibèing offencees there delined. Mi one w&ie -ife, child, or frienid-hat- béing te live a, 'blameless life h& nù.st. wolid be proteeted from the' rav- spend a gohaf«fJi*ime in ages of their lust. If Vjheyhiad, re- studyin-g tpiswe ldiw, Soôiat 'l ie h gara for any portion of mank-iWd- kwow itwsdet'aiteU' eq1héfs isd ra;èe, nation- or socialcl-th thd éther hli hf hS i wateis embers of t'hii «roup woIld b.- inghis evry nêyemet, thtle .afe fr-om their depredatiens.1 If sig-iphe vTy infr ing oth ee-they feit even one throh of p it y or quirenàbnts'Iby hetWak andlie'ùidlets théAge hey. À Single HeeftIi tiAt 1 Hoed, while preying uppon the iidi But noW Wasaàl. viis tangle èwýt and powerlul. For no one o& th'e a.way by the déclaraioin oi thse Na- oté'ncéa, is possible ,wAshere pèf solnài zarene, indors&1 ýby Paul and John âffection or sy'ùipâthy' îen><lvd aftd 43tt5r tWdees, t)hât dl1itl in h- "Love," àg St. Paul puts it' with nuineraible rules and,- reg'ulations of sueli positiveness, ",workïfftné'oi Judaisin ouldbe susnmed up iii vie te his neiglibor.". 9l-inclusive comznandment of love. Rigilt here, now, in this 'sisgle "Tihou sbalf, love thyv neigihor é:s phrase do we find ftif *hole etàte- t'hysef"-.this was ail that anybody ment of our thesis. "Loo*'Lw<>rketh neeci ever know or ipra£ctice if lie no 411 te hiA ineiýUbor." 'ITtOeeîJ wauld live the good life. -is "lo-vethe fiilfsiinent o! tie Iw" 1, Tise justification of hs simplifica- The man who, loves *ii1 Èéïer cço- tien oyf meora]ity is evident. Eveiy vet, orr kili, or 4tèal or muÏdêi. HÏe one, of thle specific comnsandments will neyer want to do süOc' thine; ecd Isael whether we taire thse orig- 'hé will neyer eveën thiik, cf S'ùch mnal ten or thse housand and one thing9. For love banWihes these de-. amplifications <df theseten i a for- sirp-s as likht dispeels thée darkn'es. mulation against certain encroach- or destro.ys thetn s Ma ildim eas. up ments ci oea ifn upon the riglits cancer. Thëéère is it our - ipe iftid Meg of .ân6tliêr. Adul- bu;siiess to love one a"ndffer. This tery, thef t, tmurder, Ub~erood-all do and We shâll Liee.-Rev. 3Jllh areacte ivhieb,,bring itury upon Haynes Holmes. t iaï é eet l Eu.êloi -IBrita*g Vife eeOmttalt7. hrà'M ufi àx~dlii.- effi b?' 'WiAta!hthi ýpffl o! Eu rdjlSe. -charauter , it i h'edîtaft {ob'l«r in misft tet hin.Ieýis g«'fiWi-« living tuthôrity cou fliy'Éfihyfg. The &rht exl5lairfs *liy"ý2sis -ein, polfiés. The et>doM reyêâls tise tbimp4ra.- lisent of Vise ýn aNe H.was às -onoe tise amateùr teltnis *éIr&ijicn o!Englasid; -There i5 ne r sobler blood, in Britdin thsmi hïik' Hé M herited bis .tile from bis, graýnd- fathr Sy ~4eexe Gey.As'fir iaê1k a's Esgish bletdr'y c'an zibu traced thse Gsrcys cf- NorthumUefr- lfiaf *have h.jee4 Iît, êhfstry. lie i52 'yégtàs fl, hîàs btenfi er- eiga *Seerbtàrýt f'r éil ydéétànd là 'the 'Ã"xiiy càmlnor Zr fèerd with tise'noble ôra'er cfthè Gdter, a speêial honbr foÉ which King Gcor-gè singledl him eut in l9If2. L'éf4lad CàI'éef. ne is Eiglish cl the ]rgih cdTd, reeérvèéd, correct in pose LLII Consistent in poise. Hie chkrýeter le éà sfr*ong and hià'rekord se cikaii that uie breàatiso! edifflciâ 'n liislg tro hiff. Nolie wurd beIýée it e(ubodà' belêvêsî'lie *wculd lie, eithiscidiproxsstically Or freoifâi. ffo iog neverr- «at for'"any but fise ene-conBtitùency, xsd he lias rejýre- sénted it since lie was 23 yearg ïold. Hle will probably, continpe as its representative until he offers him- selffos.reeleeti,.n ne more. air Ed- ývard GrY'lias guÏded ftritain tlËroûkh, soniè ànxiodè days and Mss. Flabisi- Antiyou tii 'your littie boy sfealIs yo-ar piéas.- Mis. flésôb-isht - ,Soiiàebody 'dôas, 'anti I essspeét roiéie. " "lWell, theÉe's a way you ca "How 7" "By thse thumis prints." "Oh, Èo, I cani't. Wheu Tom mie gèts.tisrôugli with -a Pie tisane'as-e- n't any -tisumib pninte." Weui Trying. "Wlab can-1 use teo leen car-' pets a sked a correspondant *bcx siguiet hersai!, ralier 'baehfülùly9 "Youngfln>ite" "éHave yen tr!ad youir young hue- banti 7" replied tIe IMitier. - 'Halle, cM nman! Have axiy Itick §hootsa,'ng 1" "I ufhôUhd ea;y I titi! I -Ssot 3v enteen duekst in ona day." "Ware tisey -ild V' ".Well-no---'eet exap-tly; -but tisa ,fariner mes." A Cbudftlbned teéréaoit-. "George, I wu-i 1 promise taeboey on pua condition.' "What le that ussy oeanr-' "That bafora Vtse cenemony take-s place yen wili promise me neyan.tej Not Légal Teader. Grateful Patiet-Doctýor, I owa MY -il! te you. DýectoiF--Tlia';s ai&Hgitsir; but Icannot take 1V in -payment. of - sny the b1loW his pure. Cvnfequent1y, i me ea active, Being in a. live, is qliicloiy ne-aired. waste produets- are con&idera-bly d-imiuished; tisose genenatetiara nacdily vandi eff eotive- lYdi-sposi eo, an.tihie .-bady- is -maintaineti at - igis levelf o!'per- bfotion net possible by aseane - e! àny odier eq'ualLzin.g agent. Puîre air, thrè-e, we, muiW. 1iave Ida.y an, i,k, fon< hrt, lt'hnougis y' 1', ien joi'ireyinj- thro>uglu t e s- dl e à,as and 2isin-g old -àage;'net ùnow aad'aýgen, when'; we feadiltic atiiÃ"splre lias Esèecom?- close ane sut-., -but aS a taily f5-; cessiby as9 -tha brcadËwa_ e-t, ansd 'tie gIiid -. dnrijuk. Fottunît~ 'e tisosce whloSe, am. ily jars are aIl kept iii thie avs4Ust.. FEAR Confidence( io e ali dviséid. "Jü adôîw on W i my; back,.ààà u-se your .lis .u.g euS,- and -ba iikw&vti. UiIéE FW iE i tones were r ouis,-bùblittiùe ~ ~erdid not ~4ij the ôld fèllow Io aefa r rwn a~r 1 i-sê bure werea o.t, Littîe ,P b~ ias a *ofiùàü âte at ~ ihpd othe e i1isht0ike letAwpe If ueto l"T dsan you, iBri"ishd ts eoo omen. employ ovan 200,-; *iige y. han~ irs at Bnitai ha70 oma paer This le often indiuted b7 tise diieo ùaiùàee is Litlè ;Bëlân, M tise Ovér 6,00 w6mén naeived hastrue-ry !tsaeu tyngLrscn enciéfit fàfiuily Mb! 'thé '11Be Bèrs Ri ttin in Germit ù1s14'êTffês hast year. sideraibie ti-ma upea tise unnoveted il ' ÃŽ' IpeîÂ," *iq thé tô rm'pt audJ The ere4avgas ered by *0- or SébdIy pnoetdd hed. It Iûay àii4ér.mais threuglseut Qnreat Bnitain Ie $1.76 aliseo ccur during a prolonged iseat félese sif màse ir. o, , -Dar week. wava, wihen tisepatient las xnet been "I il ~~a~dteh-v' fle yu, Weman werkene llnlirminghamp x ,e tisahedirect aueltight, 4ut f mrstked th isa -egn. d "lTehil Eyen g'an" carduetsew 384 ibooks andJ ex-ed te hîe 'éai wl-Llishi- hifid ý,if. "elee 6 àdte earn a cent. - iven a hit, ckdà, îtàiýur- atinos- your !a;tiser and your nbtlle-r tuisàt New Yônk stte'â~s 41,Ã"83 wo i era witis little or no venîÉ;iIatipa. teachers lu ltiveeneaentdity and secon-Tise atta;ek i-s due bote e at caus- oid Gran-dfatiser Grizzly. iays you dary scisoole. ing congeo1ïon of tise (braie, or,ýits area brave yeuug cul>. JIf I can Neanly 200,000 woen and childraa snembranes. it-ay ba suden, aven -Sd co any use te youn. an-dent ara ernployed la thse cotton mille lunproucding imesediete inseusillâty, family, 1I-thai1 -e glad te halp yqn. isa Uaited States. ro Good day. tir 1" Arid off lise went Ia Jéxix, contlecflonary'and tiu box 1 or may île preceded 11y clizziiiees, tirxibkhtise woods, "Oefé-tsî, slip- factonies et Great Bitafn, neny woldituribed visàen and distrésing ýJ. ' h iehÙ efât ifeet. mceenn ly $1.Woa week. he'edecis. Tise pa-iet's-bràising * aklaNwYrkct ekn lw-AteBenrnleledéLsta Girls van earn as muchs as $11 a i-s l-eborede-and loud, owting te the _Ãœtté bar a", hémïe s IWstis wek n Nw Yrk cty akig tow-preseace oe. 1 mucus in tise upen air clie sd. ars ef satin atid valvet riblien. psae;covlin sdtidi 1What did I bell yen 1",iniulired Tisernae van 300,'000 woeaalaing o! tgisa .-cnvuislesion rs à' d t , F-skIer Bear, svsah a isead heard Great BrltaIn eannung legse tan $3 for ai-b faë»eles èrydy be ly iîietiô LittJeie l-ê's story. e .Xihl waek's wonk. fdteàý ivrydëpyWib. '1-il1 iever Se afýâid o! tisa griz- The Attfemala aeroneut -wasifee - uin eis itèVsely lict, 4id 'tise ilie àkibankswere-d I.,.ttie Bear, Mme. Tibe, *hio 1115e an ascednsion jsublte 'aiiid ând lhâip. TVetie-t z-lias againla à bailobni et Leons, Franice, iu 187 4. méat lnritb. éy 1xx ,andi kâ~y'istppithg aboli. Indue lias 9,412,642 girls under thé oii-fsiiepiAyin-g ide, Or Poiing- But Auxitie Cinnauehon's twias azaetofsixtean wiso are wlvas and lycl w-,aents ied hs st'sll treuille f-thths ioutlihi (o! meet- -102,425 under tis aeaof six who arekyÃŽ Iid siTth e wteher*i hl is. Wrg G-randia'i.her CGni7zzy.-Yo;u.th's hmarniaéd. 'i:e'W'ft On the. grouid that tisey would bea 8àtgdikbnâturùe -of thse -l4ud'if tisa Co~miahon.uneble te handle disondenly pensons, Péitight's hdàl i-s fa-i-ue'd dt-iing tise - -I womea are retused licenses to oper- àtIjYictietîn. Tii. pitft sis'duld Se G ERMAýNY'$ WAR MACHINE. âtetâ1ilibslu Loidbis. moved- labo Visa coohasFb reoin iii tie Mrs. Cbnnelflà ' Glttdliigà ef Saint hc-use, antiha laid on a coudh wit>i Kaiser Wouid Hkave Hàcd Par LarLouis baà beau angaed as dIrectore tise lhaad s'aised. Medicaîl attelitn ' rmny Next Vear. et lunches la tise Pittaburgh publicMutb ecrdatocash-t selsools et an annuel selary ef $2,50ô. utl aue a ne siet Tisat Kaiser William would hava Miss Kaisehnea Kurth et Philae-al ap>plb-xýy ,sd sunetroke ara ex- 5,400,000, tralnied so1dIers te tsrn loosa, phie has dffere'd te salI cal or part et eeediagly fatal. Tise test preveuta- upoa mank1na by bise enid of i j5 hhd 1 lier beisttitul hein teô étàrt go fund for tives o!fIseet apoplexy is te ta-e tise ptèsent ênIIss ùbt beén pieacip1-, e home for ltnS3ly gltls. c-aea thet dise head, eapacia1liy tis' tatad le enaetoftise stantling tacets 1The Ducluese ef Marlborough, ferla-na-pcc-iea ,l dqaéypc wwc# niiitary authorities stata And lenly Consuelo Vanderiltt, clith iat peofenc, saqutypT , eltiseugis Germ*naays uler aven ssowi the enly way - te a ffect economie ne- tefted f reimtise ýineëb r'eys èf ti.th hes '4,0,oo0 lsealuarme, tise reit- f'ormi.s s q té,stblis hoitiehôtels tfèlà1. Wdhiéii itffèr tlttiis of thse world mnay take some comfci*t j Wofrkixlg kirIs. ne o is-bt otving to .théijr mrft&sà c tisat - -hie new army erganizatieul Npw SottiWftles le conldenlhftie hair and h-,whie aunong ehlld- - sesm cnot been la operation aladvisability of removing thse sex dis- rentsp ae r eyfeua u littîalohker., -ahillty for representetive institutions, eipt thedr <rareeàonèe in the Tleseiik'ble fluillthl'y ctlvlty iaclludlag panliament and munide at o ead cvrn.<Te o! Ganiiilisy wbidhb lsebeen Wor'yîag copnelîs. municijief mtno iea eesg h tise neet -ofEurope ton tise peet tèw à bill isérore the Ilunk7arlah diet vm,àtrnin's .-abbage leaf, or wet years cul-mnaed lu thesa lw etf1918 -whtféi, If It beailes àe lcw, twll coi- luaiikercei ,in-ide dise enowa o! ot wlslch tise main-pri4clpla was to pal tiie womeii ef that country te ihie lii, ises uucis te nacommend it. langely inenease tisa aumber o& ne- readar niliitary service ln lime et lt is ea cf tie fiue-st pralVentaitives crulte joiliiig 'éân1y by fdwalilig thaewarelshra isa Womn tisabtedel ..o'hetit apoplexy 1,nown.--A Phs--sî- ùîe oVatidard. By thl'ist îU halesrai- SvrlE~hi oa ttte. aisce hdd tÃ" 15e piatièd on tisa resbnva, slrDDkeepers. Lady Daciés (ii5tlsar. "lan. elemeats. More Important evan than fni-lew of George Gould's daugistan) le tise provisions witis tiein immense , mrkti,, a patept medicîne fon iii- l"E'l ir. pumerlcal 1r çe se, however, wes tise fluenza aend Lady Sackville epeciaïize8 9eves' do we hecar of a ceiflenarian tac tiaitrnolatlou weu"old b.e n6l- la a'rttis*l'c 'sh a'd's. ?lt ïa *.mp whe -shut out of hie or harn lie tîhe isiihbly 'ex7é&P lifd aWréb6y e-ad a litika '-- ai' 'andi tise 'ie-in!using sunsiina. arWy f trlbedmens tisrwn Into tiser 11e7dât'à mômet's nottie. Forgot tise Details. IuvariaS]y eatenarians naval in tisa Sînîstar and sîgnîficant oni top eof - Whlat',s tisa sa-tqes' noîv ?". air an-d sun, and have done so frin th~. t eu Su tlos wie biady r~ "My wife told me te Sa sure ,nd >Éilàdr3d. u m. î(è -, ! hi tusd -tesp 1wâ 1ti,Vèg,,, eyle% to bring -home soea owcler. 'hW ô ëSéei'sirts e àûetsi :%ffiý tie'prast iwoydrs. TheGrutil.Wi. y-oishaveu'b forgo-t.tes." iei lh!i léigéeâe long chste-caeis lmffedlàtelY avallale for "Neo -but was it tootîli, ta-lousa miV5iind iss theïï%tai Tacul- mobllzaten-wes dosfbled la gold, ilsJ'akin-g. inseet or face" ties reanin clean alfd i ciâ' àr5 creaseçi, fresa -$3q,QQ,000' to $60wo0,. longç a peiod, 000, wile ne lese then $30,000,000 l .*ins hig ei npledw1~nr suce hus bea hoa1edp. - >..thbe odt, magnetisexi wi'tii slthshiine, ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIC 0- - - . - . - - ý .- - - - »ý - -- -ý . ý ý - J xe'captas', 16iee * -. -en were sa1ed. The German mine-laye, -Luise lsad pli'ced s0Meý fore sbe was sunir by t torpedo-boat Lance. It Lance, not: thbe Ampli gent the -Germnan'-1 steamer Koeenig-en Luisi The Koeningen Luise layu:sg umines, 60 Miles wich, off the eoast cf H( Lance fired four shb'ts- *two were, fired over h Luise, but the third si - ridge. The. fourtis Ca LIE4àE FORTS lI But- Main Beilali-A r trenehed ut N& Adespa.toh ror P&rý Germnan sheif fire has 'Of the CLiege forts, but continue to Tesit wl energy'. The Germxan, 'to use their iiglit siesq - the forts ot Liege, whit years old.r Two of silençed and tise Gern broketisrougis. Thse ot] holding-eut. ,Thse I inaking a dçtermined r, * fore ise City. -e Thse rear cf artillerY1 iseard uninterrupteIIY the city.. German9V1 --i entering the circie retedýs,- fire on D) wrecked rnany bouses;. During thse niglit, a "ýViva la Belgique* * gusard despatched patr rections witb bugles tisat the city - would m and tihe- armY wouuld brave resistance. ýAir niùans captured in th, Liege. was Lieut. Bar( ner, the youný 0o haughty treatefit c inhabitants cf 1Za)b brouglit on tise distui lapt year 'which were Reichâstag andf result * Fçrstner beîng sente weelcs' imprisonmnt "OSULATE Si~ 'Vancouver .Mob Toi Main Eagl A despatch from. 1 C., says : A miob . *etormed the- Geir4 here, tore the big from above the door it in the street. Ti tise doors and windoy slt a:broken a ttitre demolished that Herr Von Eltix mnan Consul,, who je Brit-isis subject.hs thirown hafrue ed- countr y. A despatcli fromi The Utme, Sccretary Aih in the, kiîsý 'o) M7ednesdhy t4)restri niento4A indesîrable objýeet f facilitating o!spi s. 'Thiswa given a' second readî * Kensia announc ed th[; b een -asrested« in tht during. the la st tWeri chxiefly in iînportaliL -- - A. daspaeoh freu -SYmpto5i5o! a panif tien of-féod andti j subsideti gresittly Tisera- is. generel *e maasuip' 5isuti Gsvennmeflt u ili, thit tise xn>ne.%- a smashli, and îlî14t týt will he kept opani windows wîith th1 werning agaitist isoarding foodti t tise poo'en classes. -- gest- stores hes),-iit te saven pountis il people Cysn buly e - . .aSle u>tù ke awa., imit tise,amount. soldt te ouxnd- -A distinct Surpr Ian mind-is tise co * pneparene<ess te >chiuery -of ordiai footing on shorti

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