Mbing Co, ina who 1w hd1many j3hà res. For several yepins le ia" owlng te the sOflous lnées of the lng whlch tlzne lie bas bïeên [n fail.- formier'& fgtlior, the EarI of laren- Iuig health. For several weeku jlro- don: We understand that fà Ih Lord vious ito bis death le reslded with !Iyde's Intention to join his regi- bi snt -W.E., 'and appeared te bel men d-rin th tie-te wr ltsImprovlng Wnhealth. 18 lived only John Ryan,a ,native ef this town- four' or flve heurs alter beig strick- shlp, and who far 'nMed near 'Cheiry- en. wood for a number of years, died in About nine o'clock on Thursday Toronto on Sunday, the Oth IIIst. evenîng îast the loud report of an ex- Hlm f uneral, took place on T uesday, pics1 on was.'heard by the reuideirts the llth Inat., when interment was of this locality and as far 'west as. mnade In theR.C.., cemetery, ploker. Toron-to. The nervous onews began lng. Thé deceased, who was 59 years,' te tiink of the wicked Germnans wh6 was the eldest o! a famlly o! six are supposed to b. in eveiy corner sons and three daugliters of Pt Ryan, o! tht s fair, Dominion of, ours,.,, ready o! Whltby. Alter leavlng the farm te blow up anythlng of any value. M1r. Jlyan went- to the City, where lie Soon reports were circulated to -the was. shipper In a wholesalý 'r.cr r1 effect- that a«, railway bLidge wVas fora a umber of years,an later w abîoWn up. About hail a dozen rnotormain on the street railway. For bridges were nîentioned in these re- the past few years he hais lived re-,ports,- some being the C.P.R. and tired, owlng9 to failing health. - others the C.N.., Closer investiga- 'S. . . RltclÂ., formerly 1o! New tien proved that ail these 'reports Liskeard; and one.qI thepioneers ok were- false,, and - that the real expia-, Northern Ontario, dicd suddeiily at nation ot the loud report was,' that the- home of bis son, Wm. E. Ritchie, a promîinent citizen o! Scarboro,.Tp. of the Base Line, on Tuesday, Aug. resldi'ng near Malv'ere, lad ex plod ed 4th, atthe age of 69. years. His fu- a quantity 0of dynamite. We have neral took place on the. th I mt. to not yet heard what hls oblect Was la Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. He making e1e great noise, lt Io laid wag born ii Dunrner Township ln that he lntçnds golng b the war, Peterboro County,- and tock an aet- 'and he was desirous of gettlng, used -ie part Ia cieanlng Up several.farms, to the roar of the cannon betore Ieav<- go kept store la Lindsay for about dng. Others, say ie wau oniy want-j v. ,bwer ar E-ffective Auguat rst, 1914, ta August- lot, 1915, and guaranbeed against an>' reduction during tliat time. Ail cars fully eqnlpped f.o.b. -Fard, Ont.- Runabout - - $540 Touru»ng Car - - 590 Town Car -- - 840 (In the Dominion of Causa l 1) Buyers to -Share ln Prft Ail retail buyerg o! new Ford cars from August iut, 1914, to Auguit rît, 1915, *ill share in the profits jof the compaýy tb the extent of $40 to $6o per car, on each car thIey buy, PROVIDED; we seIl and deliver 30,000 new Ford cýrs during that period. Ask for particulars. FordTtotor Company 0 F CANADA, LIMITECD W. J. Luke & Son, Whitby, Ont.fj Agents. T WATEIt AND, LIGH1 COMIISSIONERS 1 610 IT ELECTRICALLVOO Why swelte r this hot weather wùhen you may hav.c Lake On, tario breezes brought right to you by H OT WEATHER SA VERSI This is the time of year you are thing easy to prepare for meal limne. TRYIHIESE Corned-- Beef Lunch longue Lunch Chicken Cooked Ham, wanting some- - - 25 anid 30c lin - 45c tin Head Cheese,' 40C tin Orangeade,- Lemonade, Lime Juice, and Grape Juice - for'the summer drinks. BUY EARLY, Jno E.WATE,!mZhOl WHIITBY. Prompt De il top@ ýE! Li Prices an F ord crtiunly çîssipaed, and wu -are fac w uea RrIlrCeg, to lace wlith thie*Stern reality.- Ne becmp.' 1 - fqçrýIo sae th- nelu capable, o! saying anything of the-c黫*, jg. e ,8 -n 0ra it -came tW a point hnIodnt grat cnstruct e claer --.-huis iltasi#550coatsaUy Ie ê4im. ndt cenUci ules lieis amilar toop down at aIl, and my D)itstian,- ~witli conditions-in Eu,.oPe.,,,David - g 4eaayd aneacavad Jayne 11411, LL.D., Amrbassador Ex'-, rt Pri*.a.u and ut oc traordinary and Plenipeitentlary hoI eU'i1' iprovemaent. After I Germaay,. 1908-11, 'ln bis article lan-had -takë5u m 0f fivebox«, , I reilsed if at 1W«me vy ura that n on "The'-Oospej'o! Good W ill- , uta me z tl y a ul ag ne pain Influ ence fo r the W or ld 's;, eac o," * b c4ihev g b e bntl , - A l th e w h shd osieal olgt n things a s ifer. lwltb Chnaa, s ni aionNa the>' exist in Eurp o-day and i shndfoéowmezapej&P 4 uite A. Via alÉo suggests-wkaah May lbe donc te "Pruit-a.ives or liey are the A N aJm an amelirate present Conditions,&. Mediira that cures"., Mankind .,in split up jute two MAGLIOR13 PAQUINq Aj Mlghty forcel-peace arqd war. Wan "Imnt4tves" aré-od bya91dilaei. U ni g t 1; noiw havxng Itsinolngs, and eune- at SSca bo=, 6 for $2.,50, trial size, W li g iy there neyer, weregreater,, neasons b25 -. snt, .psià or tafva. for internati onal *peace than to-day. 25. r ent Po5 ý t~0 eetaa&io.aoross uth e secas, j Evidenitly the fadito h ad tîhi l - Pe1na - -InNv mndwlien they gave the ftrst pages Proa Mention... ~ ~ ~ I. 01 tItis nunibente an account e! the t i,>j ,L. t[JU at h o m éWM.a.iv itfe and service o! "The- Uncrowned' W. A. Henderson i la I Goodwoadol- 1Queen o! the Peace Movement- Bar-, for a few days. 1 n a ~ r7 o s o cnes, Von Suttner,"' by Lyna D. Mn. John O'Connor, o! Sudbury, lao w y f Tnueblood, Washington, D.C. aes -f -Publlmhed- monthl>' by Fn a-vlslting bis- uncle, Mn. .J. J. O'Con- alsCOjpPany, 3,54-80 Forth Ave on- Wlty nue, New York. $8 a yeam. MisseEva M. B3almer lu home after or of' bu.siniess dée a hrewieks' visit with fttends in the West. STOKERS AND ENGINEERS. Mrs. L. S. Ilerron, o! Toronto$ By Edgar Wailace. , waa. the guest o! her siter, Mrs. C. Thi atiîme in C A. Goodfellow, oven Sunday. T i The>' do not see the while4ýlecked Miss Mabel Pogson, o! Toronto, is 5 . skIes or mark the !righleaed gUI] spendlng lier vacation at lier uncemT a ada bsns Wliel frînthe stench of battle .Mr. Fred Pogsen, Brook St. aerth. gme ttgoom te cen . en. Haim, .Publicity Agei.I fight-fip-ht to cantuj etyd otsstebusig o the C.P.R., was in- town over 1 th e p do etse thu tig ,flanieSunday vlsiting bis sister, ?Miss Ham ndl h l Or mark- th,% swîrlîng wters 0o!th, Mr. Frank Murphy lias rand ta hao ld d tradt siakins out marmne. Chicago after sperding hlm vacationo e' ' ThOy Play th9ifr part in dangers wltl isi mother and brother, Maur-, es auvertising is beart, -Ice. p w ru Uncaning and enene. Mm. and Mrs. J.H. Hall, and Mm. a o efl fen iea T h e y - t e d 1 . * i n g o ! w i r n I i i g P . E t t e s , o ! T o r o n t o , s p e n t t h é f e s v steel lIat drive te1h.ii along, 1w- n lhM.adMm ht-force, and- to expose Tliey watcli the sleek and neUstil'Col. J1. E. Farewell is la Mount rods lIat mlnk Iud Ilrut and ýClemens, Mich., for ten days, on- ness without a guard swing. joying tue attractions, o! luis ealbm Ej.m fer thie nooa-!auld telegnapla,iesont.15 in Canada,. isl,; Unw illing M.-aga inst the bad i time pressiohn. re. w. ae re sewtrad e. To topra tod withdraw nefsiv inf' k! - RE-CHE P1 Good lensea honor by tirst-cla, perts-lu their linc refract the !ight p the desired. resul cheap in the end. Good Lenues. We "guta hommes to bc - .EWELER -ME OpýPO5ITH NEW POST OFFICE Cis you read this1 TH1ESI-AD NIGHII mnake one bthink o! 'Yith'the tiioughts af' - the thougîts cfCol first aigu of fahlinlig V . , evehing reading tire 'IThere are sev en mus oye, Some of them voi tame, and straining a] you havýe mot the pro The objece o! our Opt Ment iu to suppi>' Glasses' .And, pnices withiai reach. rParKor, Optioli T- Satua'day, Norman B Jewe1er and Op BROCK ST., W. Ce-T - ALIQUOR I 'On, Sunday niorning -oclock thnee, men Were jured b>' a iiqpor crazed -Sevn. O n Satunday "Iight % -o! Tborold, Jos. Tynr bridge, John Huni-t, Brà Dan MeLeod, aliof! who i&ng - with the c'anaI cons ah, Port Seven, iwent laujicli te Waubaushene. terned witii &mnsïder, early -Sundav n.o rninig, they landed aittlae dcc] -ccurrecl nionrag 'theanei a good deal o! s%%eariig bell,ý who was -ppaireyiti sEelf with initoxication, 1-v~olver. and fired several mosf neclcless' ralannèr panions. McL-eod -waSs s bod'v but tlhe hall ma à cr atcla. Ilunt nceLiçed the llesiiy-part of the ai ireil one in th7 thigh. C went into the bushý an&l balance of the night out The waitchman'sbiouse : - R.. sud G.T.R. dianao ,painted Ibis week. Satumday, August 201h WilI be ai Basset-t's -- agait. Have -you r eyes an expert. Thae charg inodenate. LOST. > 'Gold rtmmeýd eyeglas 'leatliemcovered' case. *-Ward. Maurice Murphy, Ac ar o ts an ou i, t hjun rs m CltohyadM And liSerttnllAdm'ai nd To.Blmr wer n oto at MIf the courage of manufacturers, 14 Kin sevg hhAdaaial tendlng the funeral of their brother- Klng *heg. oo e h l n-law, Mr. Thon. H. Ga4l. Th ogi th ngn oo eMh i nlm Helen Long-,a lg r o! M r. w o e a e s r t i e s -th e g e n e ra ls Theyglor in he ting. James Long, co! this town, ç1as re- Tle lr ntitin. oently awarded a prize ln Physîcal n ca tiso trd a didu ty . - Bre o ti. ais, tey tok t Culture at-the Peterboro Normailn a t i s o ra e a d m s r . o! e .ot heec o u r â o - they litn a ti o n fires or trim the tumbing col, Scool. Tepriz. la. o! the valuefas, 0 Baokward. and !oiward they go, Miss Thelma Erskîne lias returnedwileb wiping the sweat from their eyes. from a three menths visit to -Eng- 1! iebb They are driving the staggering, land, for the beneit of er health.- waliowing ship te its spiendid,sueraidhoenTzeayate Invincible goal, Bidto the way, unknowing the a fougli passage on the Atlantic. lier enBli hy on d fly hralth seems to be mucli improved. endyetthe arewonerfloa ~M. James Nicholson, who liadLn For the end is the saine for the pat- been roiaigna-odaer (O à p -ot/r K e riot brave turned homne last week ln time to as- 0u Whether he lives or dies. ss i h uea !telieMs I Courage Arl f helae rs JAS GORDON DEAD. holiday- on the Georgian-Bay. Mr. Alex. Murray, son o! Mr. T.i James Gordon, proprietor o! the. Aird Murray, is amongst thie gallaint Gordon flouse, Pickering, dîed sud- iadt who have ef t for ValcaI dcnly -on Saturday laist from heart camp, en route for the seat of, war. failure. Mr. Gordon was wel-knn Mr. Murray is a mcmber of the y fin lVhitby, an'd was in town on Aug- Queen's Own, o! Toronto, which sent_____ ust 3rd, on which occasion lie ac- 1,500 men to the front. - -cpned the Wlitbyites on the ex- cursion to Olcott, The. funeral WD.s FOUND BABE IN SUIT CASE. field on Monday, and was attended by a nuriùer of tii. members o! the. Scainboro Junction, August 25. ROBSON.-On Tuesday, August 18, DENTAL OTATR locau Masonie Order, Mr. jordlon Lying alongside the G. T. R. tracks 11,a 3 ue t at o himnself having been à Maison. lie neair here, the body cf ai baby girl rcnto, of pneumonla, Walter, dear- W. ADAMS, Dentlst, Office, Duadat -Je HOWELL Jà AMES was -in bis 62nd year. was !ound In a suit case by the crew ly beioved humband o! Alice Robi- Street, Residence No. 4, -the Terra.. o! a passing freiglit train, about 2 son, and youngest son cf the laite Byron St., Whlbby. Phone No. 122. Carpeitter,- Builder and Contractor. o'ccc ysteda. ii.inan ~ Geo. Robson, o! Whitby, lau hm bis___ Plans drawn and estimates furnimhed. lU WIN-M.ACLAREN - brought te Agincourt, where Dr. 42nd year. _________________ Repairo, Alterations and Jobbing. Couttu, on, examination, !ound a BÂNDEL.-In Whltby, 'on Tuesday, AUTUMVN SESSION Agftfor Brantford Rooflnq On Wednesday last, Âugust l9th, pocket handkerchief crammed into tiie August l8tli, 1914, Mary Stelzie, le now openonlaCentral Business Cou. Box 467. .WHiITt$Y Phono 149 "Inverlyn," Whitby, the summer chiîîd's mouth, and death was appar- rellct o! the late JOB. A. Bandel, lege, ornto, and in each of lb. Six.... home e! Mr. and Mns. David Maciar- entîy due to suffocation. The babe la lier 81mb year.j Branches. Pros catà loguo explias =JO N T HO SB Cfl, 0 ! a s a m a o u t tli . e w ê k ~ oîd a n d H O N ~ - T a r n t e o n o u r te . W rite fo r à c o p y . W . H . "StrautthearaekW ld ana- OttawaronoonTuesday, Shaw, 1'rosldort Head Offices, 393 B5WLOER and CONTR*GTOR en fete for the marrtage o! their peared weul nourislied. August 19, 1914, Jane Horne, re!- Yonge t., Torono. PasMd n sintsGvn M. Ihrl, basterna'to. a FTroato.,Aparefl s c ofontabhl Brown ict of!he late K. Hore, îged 5- Ail Kinda of Brick and Concrete Work. aulIe, Karterneto M rordoH, A areul marcli y ostab.cld'Brap-Repairs to Chimney- tackm aW-dB-otgr-"o 0111Y son o! Mn. H.E. IrwIa,- K. C. faîîlèj to dîsclose amy marks that yas The ceremony was conducted- by the miglit lead to the. identity o! the- - A. CURRY WILSON, B.A.So. Whaby, (Box 1) O tarl Rev. A. B. WInchester, o! Knox parents. An lnquest will be held by ARC00.C ahtyq (o mei Onari Church, Toronto, assisted by Rev. Coroner Coutte neit Moaday. DO IIN X R SS02Bel83W18 Dr. Abraham, Whitby. The mual hooJt.57 rOOni Was artistlally decorate 1 , and N B OEC28 Evelyn Ave. downas ,usl o! hlt satn rlbon D~AHS.Parceis called for and delivered in iWeNdITI InAOilENrs oTORONTO.and gFOLL-ST dolia, the bridai party entened to GORDON.-4t! Pickering on Satur- aay 'Part Of the town.' Express OONTRAOTOR AND BUILDER thie straîns o! the weddling march. day, Augusit22nd, James Gordon, connections with ill parts ofI N SU RANCEOFURNIL SD. IO The beautîful bride, Whio wam given pnoprietor of the Gordon Houe, ada' md United States. N UR CEF NIHD away by lier uncle, Mr. Alexander ALLIN.- Ia Wlitby, on Suaday, Charges Reaenabie, and Dellvery Fare, Life,. Live Stock, Plate Glu, Residence, .- Tliprnton's Corners Maclaren, wore a g0own -of white Bat- August 23, 1914, Mn. John Ailun, Prompte Accident and Automobiles. Poe4 1, Oshawa. la C h ar meu e an d ro se p o in t lace la b is Ba th yea m.wl l ve l a r n e a J I t c p Y A .- t S u o s a d n M n . L ' O NA g en t for th e b ot Can ad ian , E n g llsi_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with vi o raelo Ioms. Sewa t ay, AugAtugo lndyB.Wonan-,h ýAet and Amenican Conipanies. wit oang boosms Sh w atWhitbyget 4,AgfedBnt.MnJAMES MCCLELLAN ____ tended by ber cousin, Miss Ethel aged 80 ,eta. Office In E. R. Blowm Block. Box-393 W hitby, Ont.. Phone" r2. I Maclaren, o! Buckingliam, and tlie groom's sister, Mise Lorraine Irwin. IHGAEWT RPRN, ý The groom was aslsted by Mn.,-J.A. L AEEK ope[, ofPerth, and Mr. red Hel- C A N A D IA N N O R T H ER N HG RD AC EAR~ AAINNTOA CatheJenes. The C brnde's mofStheer on Q ulTe OEI0FDIET ASNGER SERVICE BETWEEN WATGHMAKER and JEWELER TORONTO! bludef chner ored gw latie, T RO TOOTAWA QIEBEC Two Doorâ South of Royal notel Fare and One-Third August 31 Ille, and the groom's mother was Union Station Central (Grand T >.Station C.N.R. Station. e Y Ws xeieTBYinT, o Spteaje liis,191 - Tend-YIsahite peinence in Gen-eralW Gore. gowed a witemainwit avn-and VALCARTIEU litary Camp.'EbiaesGvn One Year's Onarante. SPECIAL LOW FARES dres o! black chffon and velvot. adteefký-al xetSna.TEDTSPEBE o n t Tii. guemîs ,were:; Mr. Alexander Effective Auguet 24thi Tnd thereaftcrP-Daily Exceptandnday, ROY L ' H AT' E groin Port Brwellî St. Trionias, Hlyde Park,St Maclaren and daugliters, o! Bucking- 3 pWst-. p.m.7 'OYA ' eT EATn R E leilatitreda.saioae B- lian, que.; Mr. and )Mrs. fH.p.I-bud tto bona bounal stataons,.lm iaoomuuu îmuE. oanrysGoderlebsoe lWnyseu 2 l,,, sttiosMr., Oodelc, TListwell, Elkor, wengi Win, Mr. and Mns. James Maclamen, a.m. TRNO a.9.5 71 1. TA A a.i.oo mm.oîaMuai m..Pr oNleiol, iTesr Waertaton, ooBer Ottawa,' Mm. and Mns. Robert 1Le3 JOLETTE4iv. Opae lnse an e Grande Jo'hnstero! tien Rldge, p.m.1 , a.ETE4 Wma. ntle nwSm1~~WtroPesoIeple u ai NeW Jersey P, Judge and Mri. McGil- 1.00 lv. BE{.LEVILLE i . 1 i D ..mcie hca bolutely flickerless WËDNESÉDÀY ET adadD livri7, r. nd Ms M Gtllvra, 4~ '~~ KINb TON ar. - 3.30 5.45 SHAWINIGAN JCT , 840 and es>' on the eye. - Merset D yi ET, n à oDa tin -iry r ad à t . M( iiry : 5a. Q E E v .0Strà ýng t o oa East of Tweed anti Shannonv.Iîîe, Kingsion 11ev. Donld v .5850.1 ad and Mrs. McGillivray, .0l .4 .o a. QE v 30 SturdBAIN ittc aaIanlWalthana subdivgion and al StatIons Mns, John MoGllllvrayo Lt.-Col. and 4.40o SMITn.S FALLS 1-45 9.35 lV- i...0 ANPRIN, Manager an5dIvsoo atr iiinE.~ Mme. Potheninghan and daugliters, 6.20oar. OTTAWA Iv. 12.15 10.23 an. VALCARTIER Iv. 4.41Rusl,8rtbà ajan Mia.enRoss, Mr. and Mrs. Fred- p.m. 1on4. ..~ euuLnî~rîîs îita * bh, 1914. no ater tan Tilestay, Sept. erirk 'Mercer, Lt.-Col. M. S. Mercer, rvc betweeaî Ottawa and Qilebec City daily. -Electric liglited coaches and NIC:HOLSON eaced&loti ont on ie MLAak -Canadian Pacifie Ticket Agent, for Miss Spfeer, London Englaind;,-Misa afe parlorcears ýbetween 'Toronto. and Ottawa. Standard sileepinig cars and firet &SE ON1 ooitgvnxhît0prrn. ICathlèen 11Ifllary, Miss Florence.,lns a bei.ween Ottawa and tŽuebec City. Double daily service, except [JD RT IRR1 L. SITURDERS . <. UpH Gamble, Toronto- Mr. H. S., Hâmil -!Sunday, adcOûivnieut week-end service between Tronto, Port Hp, Cobourg,WHTY E utite. D.P. Toronto.to. oten.For rail and seamshlip tickets, à nit ail inforination, apply ta neaneat G.N.R. fagent. E. B. B..L,'ro Aent, Wib Lb- UF UNIAH for t- using an ELETRI IAN The cost of Pperation is but a trifle, for y'ou may'for Sone cent run an. -8 inch fan for 8 hours 12 inch fan for 34 hours 1 6-inch fan fer i~ hours The gain in comfort and efficiency to both yôur- Sself a nd to your employees more than counterbal- ances any expense in connection with il. GEO. W. P. EVERY, Supt. -I - - On Mondas-' Mr. I,011 -,- whie flshing at Wblitl- -tLe gobd.fortuine te na '~îe-was eatught with ai Ca men busi. should le. Profits