Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Sep 1914, p. 2

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14hmaan but o! a idnItionai" 1riýwian, Mr. O'ÇýOnnbr furt&er deelares that "'thiawar la one for, the deifeùse- of the principle of :na- tionality of inall sàtee" ," nd , -on Brit.ain 'a part, a "gxeat rtusadç to save democratie liberty." Thede also are points on -which the opinionL of an Iri3bman 'of XTIr. ýO'l)nnOr'e re4cord i., of value.' îns life has-keen , voed he advanMeaent of ex- a.btly these principles. In crtain quarters thçre is 'a b6ate#Ç,»tPut a4l1,01e re-st 'o! us in~ fç&F that ths defeat cr e-yen thei d4ecingof Geranyin wiar dhgeLingcf Grwmnasy ism ih > .snater -Europe and even.the *orl4i.e Tiisres eemf.ft 1 danger of any aoueb outcowe's Vo eoo1Vheaded. obýServers, long enough in-the new worldto beé fiee 1-iôm ancient European pre- judices. 'In the liret plae, the Ger-, mnan people willsii iexist, no maat- er wh9bL the fatse! tfuýe> Geirman goveraxuenti er tÈhe German dyneas-- ties. And- one wyay or another -tle' German people have alw'ays manag- cd to hrow off any -alien. yoke. -Moreover, the smaller Slavic stateg are. by neoineans in love with czar- iem. Even in Ru-saa. czar-worship la -jnow rather a convention than a Se IL looks as if the smaàler nea- tioiis f Europe would gain by the conflict. The stars Ïn their couras ascin Vo be figihting against the em- pire lof tlie subjugating 'type, wîth its "ruiing" - and ? its "abecL races. I)ouibtiess the outeoie wili -be U> 1leave somene "ruling" -races mors medeet and to give some now "eubject" races greater freedom te work out their eWin destiny. l a aComion belief 'among wo- mnen, and one frequen'tly expressed, that the present war la dus Vo the persenai ambitions of two or three * European sovereigne, and that if rwomen enjoyed hs right of -ouf- frage there would be no more war. Màn~y ars the plans auggested by * thes amiable ladies for disarma- ment and the prevention of future hostilities. lu these êohemes the in- grained feminine f ait'h la commiis- sions, committees and agreements find its finest fruition. - Let the kingKý afli ign un agreement net to * figlt and war wouid cease auteomati- ca)lly !" cries vne petticoate1d philo- oopher. "Let a committee be form- ed 1" cries another. Tise tru Ci la that car ia miau' cork andi net com-an's. Tise pre- sent coufficet la ense!fraes net et sovereigns. Tise sager rallying et reservists o! ail nations teo their re- spective colora indicates Vhs "la-Iin- iy. Tise king cisc kept alec! frosu a obruggle in mihici t-Se integnity aud independanca of bis country were at atake would have te step dowu froxu his. throea. - Were I tise Qusen--ef France. or, stili bette-r, Pope ef Rime," rima tis e l< couplet, "I jwaaS4n an siw lo'U taastate s»o desperate that UÏse sui- ferr Lis c 1, asin the Case of se-,ua, acident, ýor <fiffiut surgi- >Sliock ma&y aisc- be.VIse re.sq]t of, an ovej~wenilgemotion, ike .greatV terr. Ta-t- iud of sbock.is'often secen in tIse iÙrvivors. of anv _terrible accident. many Who have notV lot long Èie kcom A state Of impaired Isealth ; sometimels theïr nervous sytems are so badly ohatVered that they neyer entirely a«eOver. Ta is -Oee q the imany ire"ons -Why Jodl- netO.VUnny to 4drsss ýup-4i-kp a 6ghost, tojnsp et o4iid cldren dfrom bhhin doamr, to, ,p:y "' kes" witb dead . iesor 'snuaea., Andid k pleasautries aie daneffrous as 'well as &tuýjd..- ,Many , an .uulcrtilite chiId hàs ben màde. Vhs slave of fear alil' hie Il.bY reas>n -ot a shock - iat'somnsepY1ayznte gave hi m iflis Yo6uth. The extreme type o! shock the' la s.eep after ýpaiàful accidents or sïurikl operationýs Jas its mercitul aide, 1fol it'dëadens aVhs seénsibilitiled, iud withdraws the mind f rom the' s5uif er'ngo! ths -body. ISometimes thÏes lacomplets unoonsclousness, aud seon if conscicusneas persigbs, ths patient ia quite indifferent te eyerythbing Th"aitenabies. hose w-ho cau telp to ¶no#ts the sufferer and begin proper treatmeut. Atter a -ine thit veries w1th thes everity o! t-he ehook, the reatment is fol- lowed by. a reation. - The stupor .wears off, ths patient grows ret les, his pulsae gets e«trougerafld slower, ool'ai, coeeaback Vo lus face and lip3 asid bis syee begin ta look more- natural. -ThâaX meana that the vital force, wbich was beat- en &ack hy Vhs slsock, is .assertiiig it6elf again. Thee remedies ihat the pisysician uasaare 'hose whlch wfl restow re sblood to itisnormal llcw and stimulate the vital, functions. For ^.hock associated,%Yithgreat loos, of blood, the best thing is. Vo in- jedt sait îsolution. For shbck with- out îhemocrliage, a stimulant of soins kind 'ig geuerally given. Yout-h'a Companion. llurried Eaing la Bad. Huirisaiand ispiai eating, cc te-day la tee cosmeon amoung al casses o! society, prevea-ts aything -ilt efficient. mastication, sud as a result tise food -haisa very pour eaan iu tise digestive proce-sa before -reaclsnsg tisa 8tomach, says Dr. A. B. c'SIen, in (Cleai Health.. It is AI- cays cise te t.ake le-as focal if ueed he and tissu mastica')te it tIsoroughlY rather than liurry r-apidiy tisrough s big meal, There la ne doîîbt buit that ,bçylting" tise food ilaeefethtie meast prolific causes o! indigestion, dyspepi, ostipation; 'toTpid liver , isedacise, anai mauy otlher symptoma sund disturbauces that might be useutionei., Wh5àle preVieution isa-hs best cure, tisera i-s every reasan ta believe thsat tise majonity o! people wiso sùt- fer frein digestive disorders coulai derive grçat benefit by taMing plenty o! time te "fietciserize" their food, that las, toe ise Vtiscroughly hnîgf-ore tcallocing. Thorougis mas- tiestion is aise essential1 for Vhs pre- servation of tise teetis, for as-gleet te use thees engas encouragea de- cay sud brings about tiseir eanly -MACHIINE TIIAT PLAYS CHESS. W'onderful Produet of Spanish .SceiV4's Laboratory. uer weepiug melis at home." IVar I theiii liealeVM reaie h- lays itsis eaviest burden cl sorcw cniance ingi T ale s qûatena zu-~ and suff eing -on tise shouldena o! - eu le ask-ed w deu eue coasiders ,women. There lasema justice lu tise lot-est invention of tisa-t kng o! their densanai Vo have tiseir ay ina sututiatie inventons, Se-uer Te-rres tise settling !afia bt ny Quevedo, inembar cf he Spaniis nations.- _ _ _ Acadmny of Sciences. Seeor Tor- years ago by iuventiug a mach-be I'6OMED PARAGRtApI'S. -hich coulaisoi-vo;aigebraie equa- - - tions. Tissenlie invented a bailoon Intelligence is tise mother o! bnev- 'lelsics coili drect itsaif anai could ity. * attain a speed as greab a-s tise tact,- Muccass is tisa oua incorne people est Zeppelins. - refuse tu fengive lu their frienais.T-he late-st preduct of -Vis con- A man i&n'L ii«eessýarily attac-heai derful labOraiterY Wnai maohine to a, baby carniage becauge isefol-whioh plays cliesa andi cicS -seema ows It. -actualiy te accmplisis tise cork o! OnlY a comain can itertuin "il-0. bus-isu brain. Se-ber Terres Visus celcome -viSiturs aud make thensu demsrbes hi4 ocu. invention,- f4 celoome. "IV is tru ffisat tise game chie-h tter aman Sas -Vu md clI own tco tise au-tomait plays la net very coms- or three.epportunitieit.- Iîy bagin t-ý plient-ad, but, n-aveunteiess, for its ddpigehm. opponent te c i e mu-'St knec h SSore people isever- have amy rai- te play. ' Tise auteomat uses Vise spect for grey.hairs unt.il tIey isave chite king against Vise castIe aimd aequir'd a, te-w cf îis.-Irown. tise black king. I-t'&gin-is con 1es, CairaehiatVhs dî-um ma»jor be- in advaince, but it must folocai longs Vte ebanai-even ift S s certain course cisicis iadaIV it, u-'to give ouneVthe ixipres£Îan îtise bai 1 the' fiua. belongs.tc, hîs. - When tJie automat's. opponeait _____'hbac in teauVomit beglua by examîniug if tise nove- Don't i'eed 1<eliirelauad. Msentbeè>forsssWitthe -rueactfthe - gaine. If n,,it probests 5y 1ligist. ibe str.&0 5P PIY Oii n .im. 1Ythe move le accord- ffud oes tf relaund ilamanutactur- ùsg- Vo tii. rulesitise autifc>at, ak- sci by'a iaingloes tablishmint n Lu jinlùt aSount tisepositiSofe!tis 00rk, andainswunta teo nly esix tis hre efce, deoldes chat ila-tise ver day. Theo sane two b"eweriee, best m'ive and tisea n akes it. Tis ~ gjle4meq ~p~en ad a butter tlt. 4a«» os'iaisu ti Ie autc>- fiý y1 itlî eraPs 0110, or tco matha baiecùiated; th,- blazk king. othr j~vidû'i~ w h bhýlave "iaud if - ~ ~ ~ r! m sePl uo~~)r~ssl~ rener.da1ý»- -uù y MVby là âà- sgbý o eut anai- younsay -move thé Io* ~àwW- bPiev4Iyocur pioces as mueS as% you wcaut- à#h 41cs &hOt iepimrj'to Ltnb aqfipiuheai. If yeu wsslsto egi anec game yen in- THE AUE EN F SEL i - I vite the automat by t. sp2cýal move- -ment te play --hr gami-3. If it acet t wil Vuru eut alls eligha,, pl= i~picsoteboe&-rd intheir oeigin!mapl uuthen wa&t for you to make the firat rove. *Ch "Teld automats, the noat c9lebruted of w-hici were thoee of aucainson, imi-tated Vthiappear- euce aud - tlae suvemete o!finan. TOý-daythi ideà ha-s been bî - ,d,dtrct msi~ which 100ok" Icke-7nothinsg but-man- chines, bave aken thuir ýiaces8, 1%5inl-'ièc-u týC'ee&' is ïk diTlulty doss noV liein the work o! ite hedrsman, but iu thse deter. mination et t-he rovement to be sxecuted. Thse machins deduo2a this movenent f rom indicatàrs by purely mechanicaI meani-.. TI %'>& iu the calculating amachines, is thc brain work o! tilie ma-n that tde sma- chine aceomplishes. "hV'18 net te be denýed lthat auto- mats caa have sÈensitive orge-sa .(wnometers, thermometere-, co.ns-!l pàsffse, et.) persuit-tiug thens Vo recgize tise drumstanos whioh det-rmietIse-st-movensents, but science refuses te mt thtey cau pocsaezstie sanalogue o! a brai.n. But I believe I have clown t-haitL ths possi-kllity theoreticaily eocs noV effer thé leamt doubt. Autoissats can be made as complieaVed as a-ny "The. geuWrl adoption e!, automia- tLIC- 1proces t he subvtitut-ion, which is inceslug every day, o! machines fixr aaux&a labor, ca-asti- tu-tes -one O.!-tis emstial for-ms o! progreas in raiederu industry. I ha- lieve Visit tiere is n-o i in this demain, and tisat-, tseoreticfxi-ly at- ieast, thse ime will -corne whon al !aetery oparations, éNven- Îthos3 which desa-ndi e intervention etf enginecra, eau be exu-ted a-uto>- TIVILIGIIT. Evening ahadeq docsceuding iowcr Tint tise clouais a darkàr gloom And the ghost-ly shadows flutter Blecly tO My r<omss. Far off iu purpie distance A robin cheeps "Good-ight"; Andi slowiy f rom Vhs western sun- &et Fades VIse greyîtýg lig ht. Along tise road wiuding dimly The Flseep-a drowsy white-- Wander teodyrta their siel ter, Tluskling siveet -"Good-night" Dandel-icus' gisosta, Sway in stately dance together, Frail amai cying hists. And frein tis dark bl ue shiadoca;, A roostepr crocsesnill; Anud soon tise meruing, fretSh andi XVili corne o'en esetenhiii. --M.M.M. lViliIy li liors. "Percival," usurmureai tiehe bin- us,6 do yenu really love yeu-r little wifia V" "Ya.as,' respondec tise duke, "I adore ycru, 3-ou kuoc, anc ail tiluat sort e! F'd'îy rot." C14iLD~RN. NOW ~ The L'ateat Wrlakles. -Every blouse mnust have its collqar. -The bow tie makes a-isuitable lifi-î ish foepracticaâly'ail 'taiored. col-i- Tiie, new corsetas' nust %se higliari Vo6 meet Vhs demnanda of-tise new -i Paris la in tise height e! admira- - tien for the coxubinatien ouf malins -1 aud lace.0 Velvets wiil be a most fashionaibleg materiai for eveuiug as welil as stfet wear. 1 Later in thisesaffn wraps o! vs1- vet will supereede tise wraps o! thin mat-criai. Vc-ry decp blue with n laveuder cast as wéll as uavy blue and a uew -ricla Ehade ef peacock blue ciii be -in -laver. The prettie-st o! thse ue'w blouses are of lace sud chiffon, They are l-oc-st'ly fitted and trimmed witis lace or net.- Tise thoroughly tashionable figure siould ha flouUc-ad f rom ankles Vo hipa and butt-6ned otraigist up f rom ips te neck. The lacy blouse la au mucis th-e rage lu Paris tisat it cannot be pisg- ed witlhout a mention,- It la eveu cern with serge skluets. One of ie featurea of tise seawsn is a touch o! celer in whsite dresses. Sometimes this Vouch la lu Vhs terin of black velvet. The tunic inay be seen on oe gown; tissu it cill ha removed from ail -but the Ieft sideo! a second aud fromn'tise fronit o! a third. Iu directcontrast te the all-white costumes are tiseaMI blaek creations. They are fa,,th-îoned of blaék broad- oüth and tîrimnsed with itatin cover- ed butuw1% Street -,ck,&aTe made o! shee r mnat.-ras; heavy linenq, piques and cotton f abricil no longer -hold sway. Organtgie, tuile and batiste have taken their places. W-omen are. perhaps wea.ning a bons or two more in their co rsets,- but there s ne tighter la-cing and thse trend of the moment is te ap- pear msore or -1-es-s corsetleEo.- The sasis mue be of suppie uma: teril, drawn a-bout tise %aist in soift fold-s sud tieci in a h4w iin the ,back. The sud-s may bliewî ic Vo faI1 loosely over the b-.rof thse skirt. A Prudent Seot. A friand caps tuhe st-ory wlii an- -otJher o!ftChe prudent Scot, or ra- tIer of tLhe prudent Scot's wife. They were at ses togethser-in the jliterail.sense-and had jîLt let tis dinner table., There vras sufficient roll o produce internai unensi- ness, and -the husband mwas sean te, be mnaking progress Vo the side of tise verca-l' w-hen his -wife intenien- cd. "Re-inember, John," âeisasid, ."éyou've jii-t had your denner, and Sympathy la hike a ld-ss good fer uotiig tifil iL la divided b.etec two. BEANEBS ARE IBUSY WORKEIIS îre En. terpr4el;g sud Do -Mauy Cle- :ver Things. Thse work oftVsthentrrsn bzaver l1W alwayn l.-hadataVos fc>r ýnstura]îste, end Emog A. Milis desqcribesEcme of their habite in his volume, "la -Beaver World." ."At imes upward;s of. fortY Of! tbe-sa were Wu wigMs. Although there, was a ge, erl o-'operÉtion, eaP1s one appeared te 'be doing his part swthout ordera or direciion. Again i-nd aaàiýn.,a greup »f workers, coxu- ,pleited a Va-ak, and without wpaae eLiieutly rueve off -nid boegafi an- other. Everythiug appeareýd* o d on mecha-nicalty. l yrcdu-ced a strauge fd*1d-hg Vo aie so sny' wc-rkers <Jioin-g sesniany ,kinda of work effediveiy and autommatialiy. "Agnin -suad again 1 listeuneà for thse :Dupe rintendeu t'svoies;ea- stanty 1 watch-ed to-see ths over- seer arnong -themu; but 1 listeued and watdsed in vain. Yet 1 feel t-ha't -orne et the patriarchal fellows mu-stJ have carried in thoir mindca gen-' sm1a, plan of Vhs irerk, and that duning its progreEs orders sund di- retions--tt1 could - not ompre- lseld were given. S"Tii-cwcirk wa-& ut litshe-g,-ta ittie before midday. Nowadiays it is rare for a beaver te work îu day- 11gh.t. Men and gunit -have Pre- veuted claylight werkers from hav- i-g dep-cendants. These be-avers flot oui-y worked, but playcd hy d-ay. One merniug, for more than an heur, there. waa . general frolic, in which tise entire populatiun appear- ed ite take part.. "They raceci, cliveci, crowded in gen-eral mix-up, wh-ackcd thse wa- ter with tiseïr tails, wreted and d'ived -again. iere wcre. two or three play centres, but tise play went on witihout inte rmîESsîon. "I1 gave snost attention Vo ths harvesters who felled the as&peus and moved thesu, bodiýly or iu see- tione, by land aud water, tothse isarvest piles, One trees-ou Vhe 91we-i e <.,tise pond which they felled iute 1h" water, waes aiglit inciseàin di-imoter a"nd Sif-tee-n feet higih. With-i'îî h-aving even a lisnb ci-t otf .1-. ua-ted dtn nte t'te nezresit harvest pv-e,. Aneyher, abo.-ut t-he; -are size, which Vths beavers feiricd i about fifty feet f rosa the water, tbley, cuit into fe,-tir se-ciions andi remeoved itýs branchas; then a eini'le beaver WoUId take a brandi iu his tet, .drag it tô thse water, a-ad swiin with i- te tse iharve.t mile. "Four bcavers, -.united to trans- port the lretsecticiso! the crs- ter. They pîistlied with foreýpawf, with breasta, and with h-ips. Plai-n- ly it was to heavy fir them. They pa.used. -Iow they will go for help', I Raid to n»'se-lf, 'and 1 s$hall fiud out who is ths Iboss.' Bu-t, 40 sny a stonishinent-, one et theni be- gan to gnaw the j-iece ini two and two more bagan te clear a uarroii %wav Vo thle water; the fourth set hiim!,eif to cu-tt.ing down ano-ber aW peu." 44 -Surprise. * Why are you si) su-iprised k De~~to~s r<u fns few dys"4o ~ldo!a irkàbIe'serie:f esea spç>ting the eountry side .-o:F~i~e Tte ~4êsi~noenI dV~.'~lin ub'~Ge-l'Man. Jwu p e~towere $0 p3ea . ç û , ni gtheaotp'thia àey a5b as signa.s te Gerian arniy ff d i ' cf~l~~iay otes i e pctsd o athe lef t'of 'îr~ndr. ~i~eiu~ a . 'Ifssqi B.eo ctrwaùld' carry the i~fino4 F~ iî biiý;efon _ he-; whlle aaoudréd-7 sigo. wldavrie"Tsgond is ny e % ,i* u¶eoa, -o%~ ti 4o,*ré uiiea<~-ml fk>rmls,-flow~s and leven the e< can~sad Lie'wr m1o~&V onvsy their messages etinrformation. The ýMiÎ.nicr of t-h. e iiolgot wi->id ofitae ytelu aW lot4ss r ëe tele&raPbed throuêh0u-t Fraaoe ta de- etroy Qslae p 1Ber.0, ilon Xub , thi3rfore, iw Domclonger dextie a ranCe. é sough-t"Vo kztwn" -and wJ0fl found tobe "too paUInful" for hi, was noee:fihar tan.'tÉ,3 age.old enigmao, -"thz prospe-rity -of the wieked." fiers ail aboùt hirm were mýen whem hae knew to be wrers of!' iniqiiy-men iwJio w.-ré unijuzb,exi tortioners, - icdtlteriEs - men - Whsoî- 'eoffld suifer Sreatlý for theïr cia iii auy w whl 4iols'vas ruleà hy he low cfeGoualit-y. Au yet, se far- froffi -bing aniitten by Vhs red o!, Qutrýaged justies,- these offendeTs BeeMed to be auiong the inost Pir?- sperous OC men- -"Thiýey are n<>V in t-rouvble wa,(iCie-rmnu,"nap , thes Psalmnist, 'neither are -th' lagued like ,otier insu." On the centrary,- "itieir sysstand eut with fatua; they have more Vluan heart could. wieh.", Here surely is ipdiserepancyý whach, cails fer explanation.- How can such Vhii gs -b' iuna worId Ïwtich la judged by-rigisteonanieasl q if "o,~orsme mysterius purpose o! REs providýence, is'Wl.ling Vhat .ths wicked -liouid be- "6Always at Ease"t and "'inereaelu riches," whyt ehoul mnu arive Vo do hs goed aud e-ei-d Vhs evil Iunte face of! thse very, apparent "prospe-rity o! Vhs wicked," may iiot the Paalmi-sti be pardoued for asking if he thas net1 "an vain c-leansed (hib) heant and rwaghed (his) 'hands lu iunocencv" î Suchf was ths problesu which per- pliexed -hse Pealmist until ha "went inte the sanotUîarv of God!" Then a great light began te cawn upon his darlcened mindi, -and lie Vells us VIset he "uuderstood." For liere, in thse prasence o! these thinge wiâc bore witnems te hlm of thse a-ealty of the, Unseen, 'he f ouud hlm- sielf 1tesinded oetVhs worthieuea o! ail the rewards tlsat earth can OCan 'they even be pe erved wbl Ieath hos oliainied £tMï-Own I9ha* in Short, do Ve5e biipg zia icmen as -Men 7 Tihy ïmay i 6ok-ý I fne lai the outer w*rldýd 1e-W-ba5t and proi-d di 01y but - 4n A sau&tlarýY ,Of G d" *hére&.oxe is brught face to face with thé'4 l finite and Eterical, d-o tliev isct ibe come- as nothiwg, or less thae thing 7 Weaiýb, andi oVl ý wetakness q - jewr, fame andOb- w~urity, e.alse and mi.ery--h3eî5l -bottam ai of as àýlittle onicern,,a& s ma-ny 1lxntos- ol , he-- night' - N one ci %eem touches th.e inus~ life. A~ one of thém is vital tos0 wel a-re.4, To just the ext -ent we couirt t'hem, to thab extentZ4- sitand 4ieeived and mooIked., joyv, peïw~e, lonag sffering, kin !ies« goodne8ss, faithfulness, ineekpée eelf-control' '-these axre the tbib* that colint. And these, we are4<i«I on excelent »auýtthority, -ar~e 'Lu fruit of the spirit," To "ee ~ is the -one great rewar-d, and " is reserve4j not for theè wickeg,'b for the "pçti-re in-heart." Such is the- undtîjàýilg' whid came ' oethe, Psaxist 'aIhen le W3zaý in-to the'. ?-nctu&ry of ,God. " RB.d yard Kipling eummed- up the eteT». ai lesson when h. bade us have fiudé- insight into the truth et thý,xgs tl we may be ýable Vo * . eet with triumphi anddia ter, And treat these two im'post-ers jul -RV. J-ohn H-aynes Holmes 111E~ . GIIUU [ES O~foredominating sudcleanisiýng Vhse ~IINRAV ~humain spîr t.- 37. David .-. . calletis him Lô~rd ;- and wchence is hga us son l.- ~net INTERNATIONAL LESSON, likely that a father ivould render alle-giance te his son as lorff. This- SIEPTE31BER 06 was contrary te- t.ie Jolwish idea of houer sud reespeettise childxea wera Vo pay tu their parents ("Han- Lesson X. The Great Commsand. or Vhy father ansd thy mother">- i6ents. Goden Text, Wheu David. terefore, called the _ Messiah Lord he coulai net be4tiik-' Luke 10.W. -iago! a descendant' (who. woiJ -have teo coins n some future timn, Verse 28. And oue o! Vhs scribes he was tisinkiug of a beiug wcisc came , . . and knowiuig that hc h5d ready in existence (ons --yho eteru- anscered' . . . celi, ased-The ally is). Hence -tisa Messiais could scribes wero keen InveutigatOrs- 1not -be-niaterial'apd temporal, as jThey leveai the truth. tut lu their men ordinarily are; ha must-, b.- searching fur Vhs trîîth they were spiritual sud eternal, as a lunique apt toe siphasize tise unessential. kt man might weII-,bk.Christ 'eouldl i nerestiiig te note tise engernessa be tise Sou o! David- thereforg. on- with which this gcribe came. Ile iv as David was thée spiritual ce-,- 1 cas keyed up cith alertuess. Ha sauce o! tise eternal-. And as it l ceuld n !t keep eut of s mental .a!, sou he would be th i Icarnat!on of~ f ray. A naiSe wcould ask a question tise eterual. Tise Christ, thereters, which would test Jesus teo the sat coulai be Vhs Word becomne -liess,- extreme, a question, perhaps, Qed lisunan fori.- wchs oulai confuse hlm beyoud - Sa irreaistibly did Jesus's ,Porde contol.carry Viis meaaiag tisat, ali qies-, M'bat commaudment 1i9 the finaLt iouiug la sileucedaisd tise inec'ient o! ail 1-There cers six hundred la closed wriths Vhs state.meut, Avd sud thirtesu iaws iu thse Mosaic the common people heard hlmg-lad- rcode. Toaoloose tise fiy-.t nmonig 1y. Tise'common people, Vhs masses,- these cas thie scribe s sufficieiitly those cho had ne ciasa interest, a: totikhe had outdone JeEtt-. thay heard hlm gladiy becausq. h5 2-TskLsud oubtie-a, tleod usptke.wereonict npndreudcsed ra uns -Ju s d mditl puts tiseir isarta. - -himsîf iluan incontrovertible po- L ongrbsW~ ypioi rsition The -hasis of .ha J'ws' lbe- of rank .and 'distinction. -The.i r s cif as ihs oneness ., the univ, -if scribes frequently cors their robes God. So duty te Qed cas -oee andi se long tisat thse taêsels traileai up-4 indivisiýIe. - j ou the greunai. ]Hence-they attract- 30. Lov-atie Lord> thy (Qd--Lo)ve ed notce whi6hi in italf was a sort: Him t'thelast imit44 hunan o !o salutation. Thy -aturally Iliu tthelas lut 'f hina p' would waut tise chie! -se-aVe andi Vhs isibility. that is. cjth all thec heurt fonemoat places,. because, like, aIl and se1i1 and mind sud streugtis. men whe take theiseilves tSo seri- -Matthec sna-s 'heart. sou], mnd osy hy ea The original law said ýDeut. %6. 5) chisly? iher eutlydied, a reeogïiitiou "lheart. soul, streugt-h."cmad. te oudno 31. Love try neigihor as thyseit 40. Devour widowsi' houssa, -a.nd Sf-love. altseugis mucis practis- for ai pretense, malte long prayers ed sa contradiction in itsl. Love -Robbing cideicsuad, Vo hlnd- Vo G&I menus ioo-ing eutirely awaY tisem ote s aet, makiug long aud from "sef. Se ai-se love te une*3 seemiugly fervent prayers. "Catch- neighbor. - - ing widoca' substance with tise bait 33.'3More than ail cisole burut ef- e! prayer." A deception-_ excep- feringsansd sacrifices-This means tioually damnnable, -11m, 3esus -more tissu tise cise Levitical nitîli- stresses this tact indicates tise Lab-. ai. Tisis woîîid have been niere cx- ituiaine-RseofthtIe practice. -- travagance of language had net 41. Aud ha e .-beheld-Wfierever- tise scribe-been serions. He saw, Jeanîsast or a'teod he sac. ., His perhaps as neyer before, that - tise gaze cas p~etrating açd, discimn- sigu ificance efthtie law andi itual -iuating as weli as ail inclusivýe. Xo- cas lu tise spirit ana i nth ie let- tising escapsa tise sigistof hisesyes i tan. Love eau be understood oniy or tise inusight o! lis seul.ý fron tise spiritual, net frein the nia- 42. Tco mîtesj-A muite cas the. teriai, approacis. Inu fact, tisonse Greek' lepton. ýThuis word coines can be nothing material about love. frosu s reet, meaning litisral y -Vo I1t mu-st ha spiritual. Anai se te pesi, te atrip. Tise widocw,as sh 'love Ged sud oeneuigihor Vo Vise tlsrew lu 'ber mites, -pèeeled- off, oi-- lisit 'of human possibulity became eripped herael!- of-, herisubsiaonce. the finst sud grant commaudment. 44. Even ail hsr liviuge-Men- fre- SFor suivi love la iundissolubiy liiked quently say, "I -cesupot givo mucis tu Qed. whe himsîtla spirit. - te ýsueis andi sncb a cause, but- 1- can I34, Net fan freintise kingdom- gY- thwdw' i e,' Vh pli- Tise scribe isÉd parcelved tVie trutis cation beruag bisait hey eau give a-_ 1o! Jesusscorda net euly w*itlu his amail, a littîs ,part o! tissîr inconia ' minai, but clthMhe heart.,-;ris per-1 or hlig.- e wdwsntité, as- ceptien cas. spiritual a.nd hence led îs readily seesu, mpians everY'Èhing him te tise very froatier e! tise chat-sosver tisateue Sas. - Jes'4 - Kinçdom. Wiii poyr Vo put, his appeaýl bore- la t'Vise imaginatio:Ï. spiritual insighinla practuice -cas HR"w'ould atimulate theis uppôrýet alcé ce sary te take hlm across Of Vhs Kingdom citis- tieseignilié-. 4~. llovsav tise scribesi-Tse rÏght attitude, c1hiJuensempha--- scdfbs7i'peaàed te Scripture (Psa "'a te-c >_ u,,,fihceai- l1) 1. Se diai Jesua. ,B1ut hesks, side1I n _1 Meuobndn o, c iese cnibês interpret,. tise ocittle.Joae -cah .glve tVo the l~sàmisbs iXcds1" ust- as they cause of! Tikhteou8ness -and uplift.- had noÏ seèn Vhe- siguificauce e! tise spiritual luntiseMossie lac, so cars Riches have wiuguq - othlerwiu, Vhey nsmissiag the .'spiritual signific- tihere would 'be -but f«ew. higj.fys.À ance-o!fVIse Nlessi--a ai*tise cdming7- amti aLnd -1 e gexiera a A despatcish f Trhe 11ight cruisei -âho re. duning ar fo-g on thse IsJan4 tise Gulf! d Fi thick w-atIv, Il!. i iti)e vi-In ' i ti-vesse. -G EJ1.1I.1N Au i n Enpeî lise A despatch- fr Thse Wirelessýu Tel reeeivýed tf-",Iof i t-ha !fll-ojwing t. * auperor o! Aist -'Victorv aftei t il you. Ie wi dear, fricnd, aise andlthe Prince 1 ais the' ineuspai iemy. XVe 'ie'sVat, ruoves me a-niy in these di ; 0FRA'-, "Field lMarsisaý .wlio 1xax been tr 5e-rer 7with tisa Vfat- parte! Bel@ sion cf Getmany gîusa t)e enter nj - ainistratie -hbais, the -President of Board at -Ai*x-i von Sandt. HRe t4 e hie! Adini - IJhe-King o! B t-le Western tissai 'Tise lormer C, Tangler reports Týh Did B Ti aiy Mail res,,xndent telegra lin newspapers at-îes -ef how -pr officer- taiI on r rinee Frederick c etafidard, 'VSave uoblest faxuiI'eS BitOllS A' AdeatchIs - i GcneaI Josepli Ji in-chielf 4tVhs Frej telegram t-ý Fieldai Fs'enri; comn-de ocsasys: - -'The Bnitibi arn -tata, Lut threw its tugaimmat fonces clie -menicul supcnionrity. çentributed lina manen te seennisr Âir lajit t ome uxieth-CIL.ead' vidîng a siar Lon-don iganEa- "The-re exIsta >tjse ofy, àss is ia v U~54~ ~ ~f I ~

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