Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Sep 1914, p. 8

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Have stood the test-Don't Expeî'lment- Ask your nelghbor-He kn owso BrolnURI4II JONES Bell and Imd. PhoOnners. Important Announcomoint We are able to announce that we have engaged a first-class Harnes: andd Collar Makor who is prepared to do al kinds of repair- ing. Give uw a trial, we guarantee first- class workmaniship at reasonable prices. Binder Twine In order ta dispose of the balance of cord on hana, we quote the foI1oking pi ices while the supply lasts: -65o feet to the pound 600 550 di C The quality is guaranteed. Do flot miss this chanc e. -GOOD PLOWUNG- A field can be well plowed by an experienced plowir with the high grade walki*ng plows we seli. Put Vrour son on1 i-Cckhut ntarlo Foollif t Sulky" and he can do equa good work.- Other popular styles of plows we stock incl u the. Kid ICangaroo. Gang., n-d the Fanious Crown Gang. aquK'fIesSE %HC UB TRîlR, AND lNSIPOT SUIR SZIMPLi - ~W F.DI5SN EY Dandruff.- USE PARISIAN SAGE.,- jIt's eatirely ueediess ta bave un- sigitly, mahted, thia or faded haie. A 11111e care is -al l ta is ueeded toi make it thi (à ioft, prehty, perlectly beaithy sud .ree froîi daudruif. Use Parisian Sage-il supplies inir ueeds aud lu absolutely iarmless. Il quickiy stops îlcbiug head and falliug itair, sud is anc of lte test bontics la Invigorale lte scalp -and make the baie grow long, sud beauhiful. Gel a boltlè o! Parisisu Sage Io- day froin A. H. Alinl or aI any deug counler. Il cosîs tut 50 cents. Ruit Il mb fite scalp-al dandruf! disnp- pears-youe itead feels flue-bte baie Is prett>' and peetect>' iealli>'. MYRTLE. -Miss Lelah- Joh-ustou was holiday- Ing wtth !ieuds in Greeuwood last week. HaIrse dealers bave becu tirougi is vicinit>' tuying up borses for nilllary purpose. Mr, oscar Dowuo>' went ta Ottawa lasI week lu charge o! acarload o! torses. Sehool re-oponed os Tuîsday wthi a goot! atheudauce. 'rie chldren are evldesbly aurlous la make Ùp %or lbai lime. At tie Sunda>' Seiool meetln$, whlct was held recenl>, Me. Lanse was unaulmouily appoiuted Superlu- tendent, snd Me. Levi 'rordlff, - as- Sehool sud -Bible Ciais meci -every Sunda>' ai 2.80 p.st. Me. Audrew -Lawrenee, o! Cleve- land, le vlsitlug bis brother, Me. J. C. Lawrence. RAGLAN. Miss LtbIle Keiinglos loftItoc Pet- erboro 10 sttend! Normal Scbool. We wleb tee ever>' suticoas. Muster Lame Siauton visitet! lu Prince Albert recenil>'. Misses Norma and Madeline Sbior bave reiurncc ho 'roronto afler SPiud- 11ug mre woeke bore. -Mr. Fred Bray, of Enfleid, albesdod Longue on Sunda>' evenlug. ,Miss EIiei MéDemrot, et Port Porc>', visiled bere recentl>., Mr. sud Mmi. Jobs Broui spMt Sunday' ai Shirlo>'. War Scare Near' Home. bt this lack would te offset b> lte1 lwork ai thase who couid easily add1 fifl>' or a iundred acres. "The ouîy possible difficulty les in lte malter of, finance. Some fanm- crs ma>' ual be able to pay for the labor required to cutivate and seed down an extra ten acres. The work, of a national commission and of the varlous provin-ial conimittees shouid le directed l owards belping these particular tarmers. The finan- cing o!ftiten would nol be a serious probieni nor an onerous undertaking. The amounl o! capital involved wauid te ver>' smaii. "tThis is thie probiem which is te- fore lte Canadian people. Il is the pressing probieni. il shouhd be con- sidereil seriousiy and prompîl'. in Eastern Canada the land mus-I te prepared sud seeded withini six weeks. Iu Western Canada the land musItite peepared for seediug witîtn lte sanie peeiod. Thore lu no lime for delay."1 UXBRIDGE EDITOR HORSID- WHIPPED. On Tuesda>' o! last week Malor Sam Siarpe, of Uxbrldge, gave a horsewhlppIug b 'lias. Gowaus, cdi- toc of the Journal. 'The Journal says tiat lte Major was auge>' aI te publistlug o! lie Item taIsome o! lie Captains and Majors are lAd- Iug bebindt!heir wlves since lte outbreak of war Tice'rimes says uhat the Ciastlseineni was deservet!, sud ciaracterizes te Jouruai's aI- tacks o! laie as "fui>'y, untrue aud coutemptibie."1 OSHAWA PAIR. Soptember l4ih, 1iShtand l6titare geîhing-ueszer sud preparahions Imdi- cals hal lite, direclors are rosa>'. A new barse stable l almoet cern- pleted, so athora will ]be lots o! oast tee iorses sud stock et ail classes. Thora ia ample accommodation 50w ter live stock. 'Te tree atlraCtiaus Ibis Year COU- siel ef Apdsles Zoo o! trained ani- maIs, a preal treat ter the ehldren. ,Aiea lie Jesicca Troupe aud lame Japanueo artiste. There Io aise a groalu wiid wsteshow expected. Thora wlll be the usual rnldway ou a lseger sosie, mercy-go-rousd, baby. show, prise for ,best lookdng lady, te for lte PublieoLibrarv lu Brooklil lu aitogetiter Iuadequale, and Il was titerefare decided ltaIlite Tow nship James &Walker Pump Manufacturers S 4uccf--f.rs IfEIV. Ew S'ïor Dundae Ste «et, Whttby. Three 'doors wesî o! W hitbv Ilouse. We are tpretu.red to itistall wood1or il il lýtittib on mîhort not ice, ais> attend to all kmnf[. <(if repsiring.1 Agentsc for ilie Onîtario 'q i-.d îull, alto ga.soline egn- Scranton .Ceai Chestnut and Stove peè ton $7.50 Egg per ton - Peu Coal per ton 7.2U9 6.25 At Harbor Coal sheds 50 ceuts per Ion less. "90RANTON Coal". Ttc name guarantees tte higiest quality. E. R. BLOW,- Bell Tel.. 9. Home Tel., 14. REDIJCED FAR ES TO TORONTO CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION FARE AND ONE-THIRD Aug. Sisi to Sept. llth, Inclusive From all stations ini Canada, Cornwall, Ottawa and West. SPECIATL ROUND TRIP FARES wiii be In effect on certain dates Ail tickets valid for return until Tue s.. day, September î5th, 1914, Full par- ticulars from Grand Trunk ticket agents- B. Stenheneon, Agent, phone 36, Wbitby Lly AUSTRIANS DRILLING. Ide Oswa, Augusi 8.-Elgit,, -AU#- - triame, wbo hat! becs dcillIig (OÙ thÃ" BS buse lUno btween Oshawa andt!si WbItb>, oaci>' avec>' morulug, a00Iu for wmr, aud wsre lupeted ! esar- fIg dostu Iagi !ccm peple'8 bouSs llnbthesnti taroftthe temm, stoe arresteil bore, lasi ughh b>' Chie!Oe PolIce - litdi, o! Oshawta, as PrisCifr e rs o!fstar. Resring oet therr sellons, ho utrai the lb'Polios' Commlsslener e! Canada, ai Ota an sd recslved a reply ap- pelullug bým patrel effloor bore, -ln- HOMESEEKERS' P YèrYD qRrny.T. MANITOBA, ALBERTA Ia wa Tu u mlOvjêw M kbaw WirmIpet isud RtuMM OO Edmonton asud R.tum - 40 Yrooe Teoto. Mmd smmd..WuMm N.nfb of Torm. pUsluaW e frou lensioma l *t dToemt& iia L nu M - W- il.- 'yner-is. oa t4o wa a s w. A1Jheo Titilir brgad bae movedt! te Nebrasha, as GeneràlsI oiy Jsdders and pale to Dr. MoNoely'5 Mr. A. G. Lawreneo, Coeau! - uidg et to liebarber, 5h0)o hl, iita hmbrter pd m)ters ed a bxokod ola 'oe' Thew wiliinot beow foruse ex- h irit i rtis eeic. lie ce- t >la0 'E*4 )28Q«,b. t many perlons iuedtem liidior#iii- bpreitdion, jongtdea un ately, a ifaire bat! occurred- at Owlng te tbe EuropeAn war-. 'oulon any ti tte e s p ss bu tythat Mr d l r. W .M ., LnW iOuCs pe t M Ir . W ilbur lnlkmin l e 15 iend ig a bachelors of years' standing. ylla t wu 1,1511be-ak ..dy Wthbr ohrbe .- ATMT NABIG The raceswil liehogood. --Tuesday t,~ ~ ~ ~f M. Witftld es ~lUoeu~uUe ouBO.VîLFt edn edythe2ierla liane 2.5cl"&," ,Very lit e of teequipinent would 1îw di le mî~he ¶~~O RDG A hr u i .8cae n!25 18 Thte ne* arrangement ls decidediy a Mes. Geo. Franklsb bu. been v lery ~sckBt Bowm0flvllle, Auguui 830.-A -guard aud free fo al. Tesee mile ~~lss.~~gr mo o 1 ui g u s p t ~ u s O î M .Arthur M ckey su a d M iss abelfo l. T ar Wise move 111 durigMaokey spe*t but-la!aywlth 1,t ieir onu-lthe.N,. .bridgeuer Stephen- ibeats, bout .thiréeolu ivo, and lte R. K. I.awrenceiuow bas a stock of ýmîttôving-tot rbre 81'à Mil, four mihles teom, tlstoýiil purses -are $200 ln eacit1 case. it willl Coluimbia dauce instruction. recordti, Customn feed, gelndlng andl bst ftrlated -au attmp > to low p h >b. ard to llnd botter races . aity- Including the .liesitation, Tango, Oue. eruelbing every- day. All work doue 'MÇYtrTLE STA[ . structure lastt :ulgbt ai ten o'ciock. where, and bot days are good. stop and Mail:. Au instruction promptIy and! carefulIy.- W. H. El- M.sdMs .H ecc\spenî The guattd and tii. tiree wOuld-be! The- raliways all offer single tare bookiet g4veu free-e ilth acit record. vies, Brooklil. the week-end in Pentypool výfflng dynamitersexcbanged thots, one bul- aud one-third'sud the service figood Call and! Izar uboin. Ar. ,Wui.'Bligiti reluruet! borne ou Me. snd Ers. l<oY SPencer.-. let ta-iugoff a piece ç4thtie guard's on ail the Unes. P.ev. G. A. McLean occupled his Saturday after a two weeks' ýviittu e u Ml ac. RHi red ten shô6ts afier the pulpit in the Baptisi citurchbebre c o rn load Hamilton,. Ut ofWbtby, isited t! i r . ' -wio eaeddwnadeep ra-1 Sunday, a! tee belug absent: on a Miss L. Bartlett, ef Port Pry rha» u vine. Né dme not know if sny of tbe Whitby Townshlp Council. mog0ti'î -vacation. and Miss, Francis B e&t fOshawa, MisM1aCib m'ts ,dbuloets took eoUest, as It was very, school r-opeued on Tuesday. wftb were the guetse ofBlgh M1 0911 Isida dark. 0U.- ýP!rrt4 wu- dolug nlgitt Thte Counil met on Monday, 'Aug- oMisAnUM l twihbec p arets,, Mi. Md A -I- Miss Thaien lu charge, luît'week.ldhoi.- duty, and aboutý tes o'ciock iteard a. uit Siat, aithougi thle reguise date Alarge amout ! ipplsg of liva monzxmu& Wilou wlah te notify Titheoklcorrespondent was Mon'ofniefront', ader -the.bridge. He of meeting wouid have been Septem- stock was done on Wedeosday, 4the publie1>iat thudr w.wou'dmgiou..littho *wsted hast wei.,Ile <aid 'th bi Iàd ed 3ri. rTe reply ber 7ti. M-~ 'b" e_ e lukor~ was a bullett stlwiticb clippe i Allte members were 'preexo- MAr. Redditt, of titi* Standard Bank Mrystore *111 7 te open.lualte ite- ti"n 'ère U pke ar.H. tud i lc , ud tis optM.i rol staff,' loftiou YWdnesday for a two -noon mand eveuiug ecdiday. Satur- Weil#,ibis le wity we Élur.kedO. Oue he iead heeS r Bon wee"vction. Hspae ,blg days, al'day. 'Ice cream suaCnd y Vd»iiaY Oet ast ive te ÏO adeep ravine, hlcb s-teetches naway psy S. Manning $252.45, on accoun W. spp ib hit! Tii>' ~ si tecaiet UPlironm the bridge. Investigatiow e- o! 148J harcels of ernent, ai $S1,70 -Whtby office. .tiank tie many Ieople for thelir pat-. wauted te know *heu %re could play lealed liat a baie iadt becsdgbyprbarl - M ss sI >'. J ehl vIie, viste! r na e l si Saturda>, the openiagg h as. S e ho wu , tbld an>'eveung 1the seco ud a ui en f lb d g by Aer b y-rlaw w a to u e u u wlit tec friend, Miss Gore' vrdyl i s trbu esla vun,3 1elO5preparalory ho dYnaniiling,. Bowman- tirotigi its severai readings appoint- Sunday. Éoth yousg ladies lîft os Were 8il9go119 ho a gardon pacty at ville Chie! O! Police vlsited the.scene lng a lai collectar for 1914 and to Monda>' for Toronto. - LONS tic a. But Brookils said tht-y couid to-day, snd lte county pouice have fix hie remunerýation. -Mr. Alez. Ket- grRos, -whohasjus arivcuol>' corne on Wednesday cvening, and! bees requested to' look forttc mn. chou, of Brookîfo, wss appolutet!. front Mexico, dso' taylng for a turne -Mesî Mabel Rowe bas, returnet! to eue Captais bold him tiat ho wc'uié rTe Reeve sud Councilior Hall were et tie toms o! Me. Koiten Ms.Tto mer p lgbr aainsthe Mylds tahme sud as Uic a. Tee là More Catarnb lu tht. section of the appolnled a commlttee ho examine Rose sud daughter bave benliera al ai&home.se f'h"'Mostonis îm. mca. Dgcountry'thqun attotherdiseaseaput t*gether. sud lte bonds o! lie tax coliector, wici summerButsssL.tColemonipee! Semdbat!darr ng-euntl tbe 'ont fcw years wus sîîPtied to b. Iu- are ta hoe accepled ilf ouud satlstac-. summr. ils . Chenan eent Sund> d b take ur swaeciuarls'to tie :urabl:. lFor.9 <Test n yadoctors pro.to. Mis Voa. elog, ! Trane, wii hr tien, Mss . Rws. gardon part>' tic>'re!used ho play reinedie., aud by costauîly 'ailing ta cure wkth o!hdIndiana, berBrnt, MisiD.-local trestinent, pronounced it Incurable. sci. Accounîs aggregating $421.75 were holdayug iti be sut, issDe- Me, Boyd Morcombe,of, nina roki Titis lu wby thty flurkcd, ence hiastproven catarrii to le à costtitionslrcom defrpa euanpa- long.0fTrn, bas been visitlug ie cousin, Mr' as Brookils clied itNow il Brook- disease sud therefore requireu convwlitnîal eomne o a;n n ao MisaAnne Boceof TorotoLlod -Mrcobe.lin illtak thi chlleg#i.Wethetre&tuient. Hllle Catarn cure, msnufaciured cd. Miss Ams BoceLlod Mocome. in wll aketiti chlleg". e, iteby F. . heuey & Ca.. Toledo, Oh ,, lu th. only Épet Snda etth hoe o Mr 'Ms.A. dwads ascaiied homes Myrtie Football teani, wii put up ctî&ltonal cure on themaîrket. i taken lu. Coi. Blok wrote lte Council invit- apu Sna> Iliebon ! i. e. .Ewad wsîrnsîîy. îîc&cdreciy un& he bîoosàuatm écouç n hmt epeete h f Boyce, ratier suddesly, owlug tb ber tati. twist>' dollars b Iboeir len dollars, sufac e ysteni. ihev uffer one bundred igIe at rsu Itt ! Ur. and rs. Huaer, of amilton' erfs dath. tht we ea bdollarsa foreasnyyrcaseolilif forî y cagee. faitstforuleiciaid orpening o o!nlieof Rihe eifRanges.s.OO tspuwkaIiehme o! Mes., R. Wlson Ilo on hie sck lî.t, or au> alter place wlth ano ii ojiel iAddrti Y t. J EEY&COfor dotOpho. moinfMes. uhe*adRw jffr ýW.B. Robson. Mes. Robsen, Scitoal re-openet! on Tusda>' wîîî retere tram atroad. liiBroolil Addreba F. . CHENY & Ct) oedo Otio. lit niaio-wsacel wih Mauter Robson HunIer, tu vio- eue uew heacher, Miss Clark, ' lake tuis or flunk ? ______Gttlo-Rowe.- Thaltiche members ltls lu Çooutew. chrge Whr u ilby oileatd le Gazete CANADA'S IMMEDIATE DUTY. Townsip o! Wiitby belng Intormet! tnh Crne i ofcesd00>kaecltai lie Standard Bank purpase lil- be20samples o! Christmas cards (The Canadian Caurier). bn ppraetofcsl ievi liaI are lu stock thero. Il pays ta Suppose ever>' fariner in Canada lage o!flirooklu lu the oid , trams gsi au order lu eariy, deliver>' tOe wre b esiarge bis wheat production buildngrcty prcaee l ho adelir molisitece. We b>' puttng five acres more under crop ierot>' resolvod liaI lu lie opinion itaé saine o! ths Most bea'îlifui tias ho buf titis year, ltse total pro- of titis Council lte prospective busi- H ,E O M IN ON NU11linos ever offored ho lie publirc. duclIon o! wieta utiis caule>' nçss wiîl warrant te ereclion of a M ~Prices ta suit an>' purse. Names sund would ho lncreased by, fltty million more modern and substaubial ituiid- greeing pe1l~e. -busiteis. Il each taemee were b 50oW ing, aud we sugges litaI lite preeent M e. BrStatBilon, o!d M ryCtaeeceeC oacres m ore w tea , le increase building m g t be otherw ise utilized A Savinga Departinent SainsuM.CarceCkowould be donbled. Surel>' il siouid and a more safe and permanent struc- là couducted et every Brancit af tts Bank vitîre deposits of $100 Prospect, vfsited wltht riends lu be a simple maltee 10 gel every ture te erected on lte present site. tnd upwards are received sud luteroat at current rates e.i!d Port Pere>' lasi Suuday. tunmer lu Canada to cularge his Carried. It là a sale aud convenieut depositor>r for your monoY----. acreago b>'titis smal umount. There TcCuclns rrae i vn wAiLIItav.P iPAtLIFL-A A A«rtllU-QPJ -C..j. 13v4.. i,'. x.A. ý mav lie n few whno ould nt do . iý. +1LL-- cor. YoagfeidI %Çharlei et». W. J. llisU, Imprognable Strongtho Maximum BonoitIncomparable Dividon da, Mlnlmu metGost. For rates sud ful Information sppiy to F. J. DUFF, MU. A. E. DONOV AN. speclal Rp. Quaeeu & vItoria'Bts., Myrtîs. Toronto, DMgr. save! 'its policy beldors $10ef,o fidt titi ykars of bisinosaby1 tbenïwiihtprfitspoe s$£d 1 ai trmu:pii aît!direct to e at wto ifiniuious. Pernbt leCtet! stoe $389,ooOinstead ofe! eee0, leueteen otbu Canadiaz paniez rccivod $u8,499,695 ho fire te t yeart, a nly foe wlth picie%, and paît! in profits te beldes $zgo W '-dr combla C14Mult surplus ever sharei cotiutossas $9,707 st thO titeir fieut tes yies. Wbich 100 'rThe Equity Lifo l titi total i eis Company. Ifl ntemcted sti (urtiter particulars. - sruze The. EquitY LIIP Aam.uS -C wen h.ants lIte issurauece. L. W. DUJDLEY. *H. STMJ A geut, Presldent * clanoj Wtfby. Ont. Torm Now L We Wishtoleacqutint the pu Wtitby and sureunding ceuntxe ttc fact tatwse bavçoepenedu pi chies hauudry on Brock - St., Wbli Hewis Bras.'1 aid store. We are peeparet le doal hi launde>' sork. Famil>' erders, special -attention. Ail tock gita Parcels caot! feoi sud deliveoe The Mutual Lifo fwo' k I G harles-War *Whitby, Oi 1,&.,d.44.4.wiuuof mNewimi mmimai- i±iiihi Have Vii If 8o, cut p -i1 z ou any Property For Sale P out and mail titis coupon for our listing foru. Oroater Canada Improvement & Land- Cou SALES R ICHARDSON ý& RieHRSN MANAGERS I3el'phione 193. WHITBY,* ONTARIO hId.. phonp 70. Farms Foir.Sale Upwards af lorty farms from 25 acres up, andi at £rom $35 au acre, gu~arauteed ta show satisfactory resuits from iestment, located in Whitby sud Pickering Townships. - Every concevable requirement of soil, buildings, o'rchard sud other, improvements eau be met in the varied list ofiered., 4 Bell It&&&&&&àÀI WINN9 1phone 1,09. M W - P.O0.1E iHITBY. 3ox 894 Ilesidence, Dundas St. West. Sillli o ilum Dnne Yon cannot do betterthan attend the. BRITISH AMERIGAN -SOLLEGE. YFonge and Moii t. ooao for a - uai. COf3NTY OP ONTARIO. nus or Shorthand cor. iii Term fi now opn. W. sask Yon té write for particulars. L. W IBY-Muu .L. UModool Clark, - Whiby- Jai. 1à, lob. #à0 Sg Mar. 4,'* Apeil8, mal 4, LUmes , Des.~ ~ 0 outa. S 1 . ', Nov. 1 OSHAWA-MisuB. L. IlacolonU Clek-Ja. 14, Pet. 4, Mar.i, Apr. 4, -May' ,et4- Jul>do 4,Sdop&.4do O&i. 81 NOV. I, Dos. o, Jas. 8,1 'e à. BROUGHAM-M. Gbeoo, Grssm. Wtood, Clerk-Jaa.n18,mir. 6, May' 8, ulii>7, Seo. 8, Nov. il, ima. o. PORT PERRtY- g. W. Bumham, Clrk- Jaa.sX. 11 Ml,1,Ma>' 1#, .july 8, sept, 6. Ne-v. là.- J"s. U, 4. UXBRIIDGE.- la.- J. biots, 13:- bridge, Clerk- juaq,. 1#,9Mnu. 14, Ma>' 18, Jul>'.14, Sepo. 8, Nov. u, Jan. le, 1ois. 0. CANNINGTO N-Tbes. fILFoule, Canulugton, Clork-Jma.S, Ut May' 14, Jul>'I ep.5 Nov,,1e, -jan. 1e,11. 8. BEAVERTON-Clmau. A. pacr- mot. là, Ma> t' 5,ar lot0 S -le#5 Nor. 18, Jan. 1lit1j31. Aibbo>, clrk- Jea 1, Mar. -1i, Ms>' lot Jul>' lit -ept. Iib, w«? il, Jan. u18,18,. CkIof .0me roies. .Dai a 11k',Nv, u S. 1-~ B r' MONUMENTS ofalDoslgïsaud "lotolekptln stockA Lt wiI~av ot mu-asum uawITI A p~r r co vr i OÃŽSHAWA à& A. H. BLACK, do. - - - - - - - Phono 103 Creator Canada Improvemont and Land do., LImitd, B rook IL, Gentlemen- w. 1 have.a .............................for sale. Kindi>' send' yonr-liitinig form. -NAMiE....................................................... AL'DRESS .........................................l....... .... The oui>'ssade way poison. Worth its cost Dace not i ,njure tite 10OIbs. fa J. E.U D)rugglst and MEDlCAL Broclk St. LEGA JNO. E.- FAR"~ IBarrster, County' Cee -:.Counity Sol: Office souti wing Couri Moue>' te JAMES RUTLEDoEF,i Moue>' te Loan o Office immùedlatel 's(x ýWhitby, S. YOUJNG SU f Isaue MARRIAGE I Court Heuse, WltitI ne A. J. Sm Bareister, Solichtor, Ceoyancer, Oshaa Office-No. s KlngSt. R.esidcec-52 Phomes-Office, 321; WmiIl. Au Corner, IeWltseaaearequited. -- JAS. BIE oer h o L. Palet,, mmd. -atusapply tho s S LCHNSBD'>A UC -.- ANDVALU. Ml usd5 of Maue p eS'i l.- AriesugemenlW Terinu reamonbls. -WÙITBY, -joie l inerai LI Bus Od Dray Bu-s e lt AUTOMOBILE P aime Hacku, i Biget. 811 k DAY OR Nli Bell phones-39,1 Stablea -andC limai-81. 1 Wl WeS classes cc real est 9 Lu Per Pound 14c it -t1'9 11 Y tt ti9, Y tt ~ t. 4 Cash uan the 1WHIT3Y,ý ONTAR]1 Beland Indepondent Phone&, Nf y 'ÇtAAAAAWOWWd I&I&ý& A ý ý I& I& I&IMýý&,& A. AL F,,ww lwiv,,www w w w IWIW W WIV WIV'W'W ýrw-"?s â t ansd al the thu. la the. chiet f«.ture11,of tiecurses of instruiction in the Toronto, Ont. Yeo, our graduates succeed. Tbey have that habit. Why lait that many stndIeht» frmotiîet businessooe om oet ffnish connses and gc oii~ on hremeto et the first word. *Efficlenc-y." Write for Catalogue. -Students adnitted at any turne. 1 ý Mr

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