Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Sep 1914, p. 1

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.10 1LLS .gàtiug Insecti. *CHURCH'S-- POTATO DUO FINIS18H. Ready for use dry. No mixing requred. Sticks to the vines or le an sdkil!. aIl the însects and potatô bugs witb ont application. The onîy sait way t-. use astrong lN'orth its coit ns a fertilizer. Does not injure-the plant. 10 Ibm. for,25o. JEs WILLIS MEDICAL HALL Er.ek St. Whltby. Proloozia] Carda LEGÂL dNO. E. FAREWELLo LC. Daarster, County Crown Aftorney and 1 ; County Solicitor. Office southi wing Court House, Whitby. A. E. CHRISTIAN sarrtr. SoIciskr. Neiary Public, etc. <icej, Brock St., Opp. Standard Bank. Money to Loan., dAUEé RUTLEDGE, SarrPaist, Etc. LMoney to Loan on easy terms. 0" Ielmmedlately south Royal Hotel, Whitbyq Ont. luer of MARRIAGE LICENSES Court House, Whitby, or residence. De A. J. SWANSON Bavrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyaicer,.etc., etc. Oshawa,, - Ontario Qiffice-No. % King St. E, Mackie Block * 1.sdence-53 Drew St. -1 Phomes-Office, 321; Residence.,326-. A. B..ALLIU Corner druguu. Whlîby JAS. EISKOP Oshawa,1 L11osed Austioneer. Sue- tsorbL Fairbaks. For terM and datu LppIl tself or G. Robb, WHg. AW UICBNBD AUCTIONEUR AND VALUATOR. AUl 11.4 og salespromptly rattend- mdl.o. Arrmiemgs for sMlnsoua be Méée et lis GIaute @0. Tenu runsonable. Deiai medemt pUous. WHITBY, ONT. Wïe S'cl Farme' and ail classes.ëountry meal estate 409 Lumsden- Buildin.g .TORONTO WffITBY, Briishand Pmrch -À Victor joui. WIth Ileavy Lossesa YONT. ýCOL of Negleý Tih. agent of the -Children's-Aid Societyhy asmad* thesdiscovery liat lie general pibflc' is -not- very. famil-, lar ih lie work 'of tic Cihldren's A4d,' and Ibis la not -obeho rndencti aI la sections wbere no work bas beea done. Furtiermorsî Ibis work las oae la wich we cannol souad a Public andi Citron ln t.rumpet before us as some, others do. The Ilatest news from -the seat of war is to the effect It.. work muet b. nemrly ail quietly îh~tthe llid ariesare eatug bck he Grma dons. We often do very Important thi th alied rmis ae batin bak te Gemanhorespleces of work ia a hown and cnly a with heavy josses. It is reported that thirty thousarid few People know anythlng about il. Gcrmans have, heen taken prisoners. We blle litaI wben the good Christian and moral people are A, report states that'there are z5o,ooo Russians siow unthbonoughly famillar with the needi Belgim àn Frace ad aims and resulta of our work It s rmord tat lage orc ofEas Iniantropsthey wlll place Il among lte moal - Itis umord tat alare foce f E st ndia trOP5deserving and most effective refornm are on their way to the scene of hostilities, if, indetd, tbey &95n5c in isth County, and liaI havenot lre y arive. itieY '%tll Place il In lie lisI of bon- evoiences liat wlll recsive hbeir reg- haveflo aira > arnved t ular ysanly support. For lie purposo! giving lb. 'puit- ,ATRIP TO THE CANADIAN WES T lic needed Information to enabîs lie peope t seetheneedi and resuihs ____________of Our wonk, 1 am hereilth beginning By MIS AD R. LEEPa serles of monîbly articles w'ici By M SS A A R,,-S EEPwill conlain lte condensed report of thle agenl nonth by monti. (Concluded froin issue o! August 27.) 'Will 011 please rend them as they To Ontario eyes, uscd tb lwenty il was pitiful Vo ses Uhc countny.oead hn o w a S 1 Y' 'up a-I hl rithout a betler financial or more ten acre fieilda fenced, and Not a green thing 1.11 and evea the, support than iliba so fan received. sncb field witb a different variely of! gopiiens dylng frein starvalion. Oth- Hene luolthe record 'for lhe monti grain or et hay tie wlde 'expense cf * er patrts of the West are remping mnu tnom Juiy 22nd te Auguat 251h. lb. never end'uring wicat field cf tabundapt hanvest, whiebh hcy hope Appications for cildren, .. ........ 2 tie west is somnetbing new indeed. wlll be l11111. hurt wlththe frest of Children brought b shelten ..... As we drove along wc mad a new ex- Auguet O9h. Chldren returnsd bpaen.. porienoe alo la lhevarlsly cf rOUI-I On Augusl 131h w. were prlvileged ena mud. Il bhatirainod ismvily for tî zo foranthirtv mi1 lern hv auto- tour or five days bçfore our arrivai, mobile. Our trip took . us south snd bisenoades re lsuInscb a is bavy ber. thie arresl season bati hee condition liaI . tsam n li tlhuy arller. Il inauan xtremsly level coulti do ho gel aioag wlthilie ligit strelci of country tbrougb bers, (for conroyance and lUggage and the, lwo hiere are smre bills even la Ibis pameagers. country); tie houses aran long dis- The sol! is, jet black ia color and lances spart, andtheli horizon makeS rien wot sticks liii. pntty. The a very large eircle. As fan as the wbeels in lurning galber -a cOahing oye could renci on every banti stod on Uic tires, wbich la tura galberas tooe of golden grain. By tbe way, another, until lie space bslwssnt e his isl an ideal - country for auto wboels and carniage box 10 filléd. drfvlng. The rondu are se bard, no SOmelimes a lump wIll talI satirsiy mones, tew cromingi, and the people fnorn lie wbeei leavingtie rnemInf nuake gooti use cf thbir pivilegesla position. Thifs condition gives rime Cbie particulan, ton many o! lie tarai. to a decideti buznp as locomotion ema bave their own meono cars. prcSeds. Neetilesa le may pas ralk- ~ lng-ton pleasure wil ehoose a dry- day. Oae could -nol hslp feeling son- W ib o o ai ry'for ltheeo, artlculai bouswilfe Ilhlb o n oli e! liaI country. Au we prooeeded, we learnedtilaI Tii. finit MoaLday la Sephember Il was tbe custom Ifa bisWEsI te, belng Labor Day, lbe negulan ment- fo!!êw a three-year rotation. Ths îng off the Couacil for liaI date was land summon tnlfowed lis year lu sowa le wisnl nexl ysar ; liaI stub- helti on Fniday, Seplember 4. Ail bis lu buruit off andi uowa te otiltse memhers wene presuit. mcxl ysar il lu again ummer tallow The Troasurer was authorinedte eti, anti so on. Hence lb lu usua<l to bornow $1,500 from the Stndard have-a farrn one-third under summen: Banik ton local Improvemenîs. fallow. As soon as lie snow lu gone 1 Laidlaw-Halllebt movet-Thal lie la ths spring the westenner getu firm o! Brent, Nozon & Ce. be ap- thinga neady ho begin ucedlng.. The, polnted exclusive agents for lb. sale graduai coming out o! lhe frost suP- cof lie aewenagc debenlures ofthle plies mousture. fer the growing grain Town o! Wiitby ho h. iuiued In 1914, Ai 50oo asthie sowing la dene tne jlan accondance wlthh e termu o! themr tarner begins ho pieugb on is sum- Isîler o! Sept. 4. Carnieti. mer fallow. Thifs keeps biai employ- Laidlaw-Haliett- Tial lite Mayer ed until lis hanvest i ready ton anti Treasunen be aulborlzed le hy- tis reapen. A' great. 4em c!f1the pothecabe lie iewermge debentures plougbing te done by engins-powr, ammuntlng te $80,000 witi lie Dom- gasoline being pre!enred le coal.* Infon Bank ns moon as they can ho The grain latueu it mielgitlfool pnspancd, execulcd and approveti by bladers, geaerally lire. or mnore Op-, the Ontari o Municipal andi Railwmy erating la a field. A aumber of Board. tmrrled. stocker, are smpioyed to follow the Laliw-Waren-Tbat the Applica- binders, andi soon evsryting la la lions Commillee be aubt'yonized ho ap- shape fon liethbressfng outfit. point an miiesior ftete on. Moil farmena bave. hem own Colwill-Baheman introduceti mud hbreshiqg machines, muid lb.heresi- put binougi n by-law te license yen- ing osason li coniidencd lie 1rmcnt dora of mflk ton hiuman cenuumphf on etrenueus senuon ot al; ftohene la Ibte Town o! Whilby, andi fixing ne let-up for the tdieti iuiewie. bis standard o!fibutter fat muid totjal Bunday as weli as week-day site iia self du e! milk soid In lte lown. te provide fer the mmny .moulus, as Aithr by-law wa put tinougi lieue employeti are usualiy tan frein le reguf ate mi 1k pnoduced for samie themr own homesanmud are wî hi ber or sold within the municipahitv.1 for geeti unlil liei'n services are no Al ths accouaI. preseuled amud longer nequincti. passeti for payment appean in lie The metioti o! threuhlng genenaily followlng: *mployed in ton lhe machine le more TOWN PROPERTY. labo thie fieldtofet ateks. A numben ÎW.N. Norton, fixing chairs 812.40 o! two-bonse beamu, sach fI charge of W.M. Pningle, supplies ....1.86 cas man, are sent'oul, oaci man te W. & L. Cern., Town H!all.... 2.21 pitei On lifs ommloati ýmnd bring it Caretaker'. bous ...,1.68 te lis machine. Tie tafra lefabon Streets... .......... ..... 18.83 labo a pile,. lie-grain lu sievatd T. G. Coin 1!, exponses .5..00 fate, a bugo wagon box anti Imieti- J. MasCari, work .........4250 fatsiY taken le lis sievaten. A- j9.Sdo ......4 0 obe oitueiwe e ero- 'Jas. 7MoLeooj...... ........ 80. 00 es can ho secureti le te have port- Win. Calveriey, salaIryt 0,3 aile pranaris. 'holding a thusanti weeks20.00 busheli or more. Tisse are imuleti VicIer! an Order Nurses ....... 6.0 about wienever nequfreti. ChâM. Bridges, canelmlrlng The Implementinlaus. are nuostiy -e. Notider......2.00 of ar langer size than wlthus P, couse-. 'li6nonlo nGenera!i losplbai 17.00 quently, sicept for hbchlng te a poetr ok ..., 10 wagon, one scancely even ess a bye- i rr@« k_.... g0 bonus leam ; four or six abreaI the ususi numben. 184 PIIOTOGRÂPHS, Anti-uiew a word aboutltliecli- TiPrers doceo!Spe- mante. We ans ltme ofle4bld liai la er Snd Intnoduces n nove! fomimne weo, thiiy be40negrliese wîen It puiblfiais.photographe o! 184 elorpeothey das et "tee! the of itlif eeciadrentlsene. 'Amouigsl coifnti. e viaht a heyo ars the number are the fellewlng frein vi~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~« ofn evuititte ba Ontario Couny-R. M. Holb, Wrs Juiy andi August, 1914, rau !ti cadoECT fsdi P e- arne klnd as ws gel fI Ontario. The don, W. A. irvdeui,' Win. Emili, 'A. nîgits, however, -wene dllghlfuliy .7. Howden.. The samne issue con-_ cool.. talas an article froeite pen o! Mnr. . W. wre assurneti by a groat many W. A. Dryden o HwPin Vi biat tlis summier vas net n hypical ong Bef aIle ae m dze in one. Tbey ofton gel a fer bot day. foiloveti by a spel of cool wentier, 10ut net, as fa mle, lis conhtinui ha+ UORTTCULTUIiAL NOTES. MJLK BY-LAW TO BYLWNO ..... For regulallng mllk produced for sale, offsedf for sale or aoiti wihn tbe Munlclpallly cf lh. Town of Wbitby. The Municipal CounUi of-the Town cf Wilhy e6us.andi ordains, mudid ilaI. ereby snacted and ordain- ed by tbe ajutboriîy of bhesme. No mik shall is produceti for salt, offeneti ton maie, or mol it ilatli saiti Muildpalily otflte Town o! WWItby, 'unie ýs uiwh milk bas been produosti, -iaaded anti - delivereti la complince andti cconomiby wli thie tolowlng regulatfosls; (1) Milii cors Must b. kepb dlean Mad mueI net ho abusmt la any wny. (2) No mllk shallhe seul forwart or moiti 1 from nny milci cow liaI bas any aliment thal woulti affect lhe quallty or wioiouomeaesm o! lis milk anti any cow subjeol be suci aliment shall be rsmoved anti kept separale tnom lte znlklng iterd. 0)> Only cdean, wioleaome tooti Riail be given te milci cewm. No sbrouig flavoreti foodi wich wihl at- feet the odon on laite cf ltse miik &le ho ed le mlci cows a any (4,) Ail water supplieti or avail- able le milci dowa for drfnking anti ail wa.ter useti fui leauiug utenuf la muet be dlean, pure anti prolscteti trom any danger o! pollution. (5) The stable ln wiih milci cows are-kepl, or ln whlch tiey are mllk-' eti muet be kepl dlean anti lna a an.. itary condition. (6) The building ln whlch milk fa iloreti must be kept cool, clean anti uauihlmry. (7) No mi 1k uhall be fonwarded le Whltlby ton sale obtaineti from any 00w wltin si weeka before anti withifn five timys atter caling. (8) Milkiers mueI b. fui gooti heathi, be.free trom con tngfon ot any kinti, muet bé clemnly dresseti, anti muet. ho persouially cdean aI the lime of miling muid-o! hauidliug lhe milk. (9) Ail mllk uteuisi lu muet ho kepl tbenoughiy cleauL, andth ie procesu o! miling anti o! inndlng lie mi 1k ln stable, li transfi and turing lime o! delfvery muet be sncb as wfil enaure n supply of dean, tresi mhlk. (-10) Mllk liaI shows any signe of any dint or impurily must net b. re- cefreti at any dalry or offereti tor sale. (11) Al Persona engaged ln or a- boul tbe dmlry or' lilie 'hmidlng or delivry o! milk muet be dean muid fre. frein -any contaglous tissas. (12) AU ilmlk moIdntihie Town'cf Whiby muet bo dellreret i ulable reoeptaces no a te proeic he li li from dust, tint on coutandnuitOn Ot auy, kinti. Au>' porion or pensons guily o! vioiatifg an>' o! thoprovisions of bif s iy-iav shal,,upon conition thereof belons lie Mayor orn1Poloe Magitrale o! th. sait TownI o! Wi b- by, or an>' Justice or Justies b ti@ Pence of lhe Ceuuiby of Ontarf o, for- toit anti pay a fine aMd penalty o! net legs han one Dollar. non mnore %hian PifI>' Dollars for oaci offene tegelier vili lie costs o! prosedu tien, ant I n tefanit cf pmynmt of he alt fine nitPenalty anticoeu forlbiti lie sanie mav be leviet lir> tiletreus anti sale etf ls gonds muid ciattelu efthe ollender, ant Inuicage of non-payrnent o! tis sait fine anti »naltv at eisd n foes Re ud tiens befuio r noifstreics foi nt uto! vilhc I aucifins anti enaity ant couts p'an If.1r levet %iq malt eouirtrtl Mfayýor, Police Madmstnate, or '.Justice or luices cf tis Pence ns atome- sait, - niay commîttble 'uffenter or et- JNTY Chlldren' tnvoîvedl during monhh... 40 CblIdren made wards of A8:.1 Childrea rmade Warde of Industtial Coniplaint&s -zeMfvd ; . ô Investigations, made... .. ..... 12, Pieces cf: mail rscelved.... ... 28 Pises ff o'mail sont oI...44 Mil" ge ravèecd.,........ ..8 P«r0on1 interviewa... ......... 91 IntervIews by pbone ....-....... 14 Places visiledl outide cf 'Oshaw. il Police Courts attended. ........ .8 Wards ln tosler heards board froin 12 Wnrds placed in .homes .. 2 Wnrds vlîited.... .........6ô Warnings given te negligent par- ents ........-.-.. ..... ... Expenses, Inoluding raflroad t-are, holel bis, livery bine, teleptrône bille- $25.00. l3csldes aIl. these, arrange- ments are made for two benefit con- cents, one bail gmc and several Sunday School Superinitendents have been Intenviewed, to gel them tb take an oflering In Sunday School for Ibis wonk. When parents negleot hein chuldren the C.A.S. must take lhem up. One good, brother thought hhere would b. enough work te keep an agent busy ailhe lime. Let me smy the Agent has neyer hemn more busy haï Ibis last menti. Not one of lisse Items could have been negiscl- ed wlhhout chIltren belng allowed te nemain ln danrer. The Eist of cases now waltlng the agent's limebtein. vestigate willast several nionther il neot a n@w eaue sould appear.4 Please read! his car~fWÜly and lhon ioin the "Relper."1 S. C.W L, Agent A. .~~l oOshawa 'WN 0F WH1TBY fenders te lb. Common Gaol of the CounîY of Ontario wlth or without bard labor for any period of notez1- ceSdlng bwenty-one day. unless Ihe maid' fins and penalty and coul. fn- cluding the cosîs of lhe diatreue and of lie commihlal and conveymncs of the offender te the smid Common Gaol be sooner pafid.- BY-LA-W NO.... For leenMlng vendors of mllk for human consumplion ln lhe Town o! Wl*tbby a.nd fing th. standard - f butter rat and total> iollo! mlk sold in lhe said town.> (1) No poreon Ùhi!l, by hîmielf or 'herse!! or by bis or lier servants or agents, sel! mlii for humau-eonsump- tion ln thc Munfipmlfty of lhe Town o! -Whftby unIes. or until he or s shall procure a ilcense se tb do and every permon se lioensed 13hall ho îub- ject be lhe nrnvfrf on eftIhis Bv-lmw. (2) No rnilk shall be sold for hu- man conîî,mptinn wlhlr, 11e munici- pa!iby of the Tcwn et Whlhbv whlch conîmIns tesu han twelve and ose- haIt pet cent. #,f solids o! which tire. and one-haît per cent. siall be butter fat. The. penal clauses of By%-law No. ....are the marne as tiose o! Ibis By-Law. Oshawa Faire Nexb weck wfIl as Oshiawa Fair. Monday, Tueîday andi Wetiaesiay, ad Il wili be ail oven ton 1914. 1vvery- lhing lu9neady andtihie enînles ans belig made. The bills annuuce lie ipectal tentures. Tic races are al tor $200 punies ati wil bing tas% hes. 1 Agnîcuitunal mand canniage iorses e! ail clasues w.111 be on exhit ini large numbers. Tie free attrac- tiens are lte same as Lfndsay, Ban-, nie anti Coliingwood. ' 'Tiey penform on lie grounds in tie atternoon anti ah Matin's theatre ah nhght on Tuestiay and Wednesday. The pa- nade et pnize antmals on Wednesday aI 4 p.m. lu a big- fealure. There will ho a big compshftlon ton Mn. T. Maaderson'i pnize ton lhe best leoking lady on lhe groundu during tie Patn, jutigeti according te lie standards ot bsauly o! H. M. Resu- andi G. B. Mohhersill. If any lady sesi elier ettiss gentlemen look- lig aI ber, aie'neeti not bell ber hua- bandi. Site may gel Vhe prias. The usual tentures wili be presenit. Meals on. lie grounds, ahde shows, midway, evenytiug ftontho Iwo day. cf gooti sport. The Dîredloru bave, secured t t l t moment lhe Boy- Scouts 'fer a spec4a!tenture, andti tfs wil! bs parlleulnniy appropniate bi fait. Den't fail b se. lheic Bey Scouts. Tbf>' are rnskfng bi g pre- parallonu and viii hbe rsfrein many ýpeint9-1. Two Bandis beelte sbugle 'bandi o! lie Boy Scouts, rfi! be fa attend- ance.i Tic -1naliwayu aIl glive single tare ati oas-thurt onamli hefr Uns, se ho sure te gel reduceti rates. The train le Llidsay anti north points Moarts frein Osawa Tueoday anti Weduesday aI 8 p.m. Remembon tb. dates, muid, rnaew olti aequiatances aI lis Pain. LABOR DAY. Laber Day waa ehserred lui Whitby te lhe extent liaI 1h. stores wre closeti andthelIs ndustries ah a stn- tfil. Work Proceeeton moen rcon- sIrMd!on anti fui ani-eus',pnivate ce- Muptions. X lange numben toek a& vantage of lhe hoilday te vfslt tho Canadian National %ihibiti on. Site for indoSt. Pant.ohné Streets -and elUne stream northerly. The Town. Counili bas purcbased a site for the. sewerage disposai plant, and Mr. ,Ydry, the. oontractorr .is busy ý Rural Schooi Fali Fair.' gptlng ready-t begin the, work AI,» though only six acres e4re reqUired The local branch-of the. Ontario Do. for the site of the plant, the Coua- partment of Agriculture -bas iiow fi- oil purchased 15 acres, being the en- oued the prias liaI afor the. first of tire block north- of- the. base Hne the sunies to b. held 'ln Ontario owned by tbe Murphy estate. The. County-tiat at Brougbam--on Mon- negotlations for, the. purobase were day,, Septeniber 21. The. prizs 11mb conducled by, Mn, T., Colwill, t0 contins 12, classes, as folors : Oate, wbomu credlit is due for gettIng an Barîey, corn,- MangeWmand Carrots, agreement to purcbasetIii 15 acres. potatees, Pouitry, .Florers, Apples, for $1,600. The extra lasid MaY corne Collection of grains and- passes, la very handy some day for a. man- Miscellansous, Girlp'l Classes, and ufacturlng plant. *Specdal, The prizea offened total $55.- The right of way for the. construc- 10, and the varlety and scope of the. tion of Ithe trunk sewers through te classes should enable evry pupil .tg farm of ,Mr. Robent Sleep was secur- C-ompele. Competition la 'Brougaàm ed for lb. sum of $900. This 'gives Fair , IoOpen te 1 Pupils j'atleuding, th. town the use of a &lnlp 40 feet Sohools Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8,-0, 10, il, 12,1 wlde for al l ime., 13 and 16, Pickering, who have aI- Work on 'ii. large trunk sewer fIs ended up_ b mldsunmmr, 1914. bslng pushed rapidly, agid the pipes The success' of -thsse rural ichool are now dciwn as far north as Trent tain iln the. paîttlwo yeâns bas been streel. Tnstead of dlvsnttng westerý- sucit as bo cause much gratification Iy aI li Point, as mentioned ln on 1h. part of lie Advisory Educ*-*: theue columna rmcnlly-, lhe original tional Comimittee of the. WMitby plan fIbe4ng foilowed. The railway1 Board of Education mand of the Di-' track' la bslng crossed between Trent trict Office of Agriculture...- - THE NAME TO REMEMBER WHEN PURCHASING PiOOTS AND SHOES Fleet F ot SLIPPERS Mens Work Outing PUMPS, ETC, Boots a Shoes. Specialty, A Cail Solicited.. Phone izz, Whitby, Ont *THE ' STÂNDaR ]BANKý TOiRONTO 1 C. .meCiela Manager. me»tf ëb à&sm..p~e CHOIGE TO 0m 'ATO0.E-S FRESH D&ILY 25c PER 'BASKET.- Au Tu LAWLER WHITBY, ONT. Phones: Bel], No. 47; Independent, No. 47 PRICES of tome articles have, advanced since commencement of the terrible was' in Europe, but tmre articles of food remain comnparutive] y cheap., SAJIMON TROIT AND WRITE PFISH are now as cheap as' they were years ago. We have weekly shiprnents of-theso delicious fish. Parties needing them will bc supplicd by Ieavi g their orders. of choice dry qumlity are offered by us at close prices. PLUMS and CHERRIES have been failures ber., but we have been supplying thern froM the westp -bélow 1ist yearls prices PRESH MBATS of the cholceit quallty-beef, larnb, vealj, pork and tenderlola are furn . Ised at a very srnall margin of profit. We are now supplylng huckleberrlej sud thinb.leberrlesa ) Gonoral Lîvory ous Rd Dray Business Bus te ailtrains. 4 ÂtITOMOBILB FOR HIRE; ahoHacks, Oarriageusand Bige of a!! kinds - DÂY OR NIGBT. Bel! phones-9, 14 and 74. Stablsand Office: Droi l. IL1W111119,ent. Unoumannum l P'EEL'S SHOE Sý--T-ORE

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