Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Sep 1914, p. 7

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ti. a Olto tIKtb '. bufBetuiba b4k11 un e& v'lU -tak iaouble. Anb~v eketila hst ! ttisglolau iintt a"etau= inçuvh et ul t Beltübe aikda, ud£1 le kot e lt ut t;,ca if bemuand sud *e "ýby prtty ibue-tred .Iàfughil P, w ; ho uld teea vas tac lna ëét n hilIdlsli Ï bave' formetd anY -&iàniai plans. 8900, he gana vent- on. Harbott. tirm la 15 s' eova'te -have' nathii te do, With Biulte ü t4ll <h. 'apùQogWied, a"d fluIC1e Azxd i er. dWmîuatlon tàlui- el- turbt ito aDroosai, vlilcli ould. for * 'hiInbo*7~-w< in - lotI that ase oOuiiddo extrarnaiy irl vithout hl=, and for auotlierenabie baurte leave ber ta- 'ÛWsrof. Watever Prîmi-osa tit ah. 'Philippa vatched botl itetra curions- 1Y, but abs *coîid noV make up b-l iai d vwaether Dulèle va. only an arrant flirt, or lied "dtsias"- ounkitur ,Besitrbet. Mecaubentad 'bas-elf vtit breakl n g UP ahir tae-a-Lob vbanni'er >isible." k- Thisp eputinuad for a vea * and nothin ,hiýpDened ta-déubteln, éihi -attarnobons lu t. woade. ,Mn. Carve.xntu diii not inqu-ira bowie lmdaiughten< spant Iliir butIje;*- h. saldontspoka ta them et Éa»nov. Hle d, as he thought. takesu sepe 'that -would make tentregret tas j -deflâauce>ot hs i itase. Oua âflernîoon a blg, olc-faslouad cer" ria >sud- ir drova. Up te Blue Pons, adan abdery lady, aecorpnaied.by a gaernan l cal dresa. allgbta. anud lusird f Mn. _ýCartvardlue an tite'UImise ourtIs' Iuformd by Mata tbat no oue ira. at' home. The carda lef t ver. torn up by thbe hard-fatiused aid voman. vho .poliokç owodg ttecallare aud lte drawing-room;, tliadean vas Ilirevu open "Whoa bas, dared te, toue]' my books?' ,be - rled,.lu a toeaing rage. ".Four aire Mnlsiiaq fror tae top mitait, ot--ef greul eglas-ad furloudy ai eacli girl. 11bave noVtanochad your books, fa t Iber,,, eald Prîntrosa, paie and fnlgbbened. '.-Nor I1" dectaad Dflie. For bau mlnnles"bbe angry man storm- ed ai Ilieu. and once Prîntrose thitt ho e sgela; le stnika lies- At tengt lie lit 'Vent duwntalr,\iu*îty beard hlm go Into tie .etudi a bang itaedoor. ",Weuldn't iL he fnl Lt1lie euud eout the truili." aald Due. -"I aupect, hi lotid turu me ont cf tkora. ow'ever,J do't tbink 1 sitould mind' if ha dîd»" - Site vas natter atermecL but bhin - means sul>dued. lekw'ha Prirnrcec va. alen- Se kew rbai ber sistern etinking.atd : e har sank. lide intended to merr-iArthur Blturbet. Iu spita of ber fa-nle, thte girl couulld hae o oeet and winserne titat i- vonld-requis-e a tes-i untmprs-aienahiue man te vithtand itr-aud BeiturbaV did ,not eppeet' anue ' osl eéx plcamed lhat site sbould bhab ses-adi î.s vaik wiit and talk te liim. and if PrIM roseavendes-ad vhy- hae ceeionalli Iooký ed et ber vîitau expressiloninluhis aye bitisite couid net undei'mt&id. site dit not alleir hersaIfto tesaculateonou-th( reaeon. The aistea talked in wviipers untilili was tint e frtem le go te bPd. 111h reat dimly.Iigitted bouase wes sulent ax eapt.onite ticktng et the aId grand fitasmaolkInl ltae hall. Primnse shiv as-ed as iteý folded up ber uneedlewolrl -J" ici t, k PI t i 15, 'y i r I I t.I I 1111. 4 -I 45 Si. Lawreuce Extra Granulated Sugar la seld lu 2 l. and 5 IL. -sealcason, ad enbga et 10 Ii*m., 20 lb3, -5 Ibo., 50 bm, and SOrsier ae h of ai.Laws-ence Extra Graaulated Sug iii.. Tm'fg- ebmdi pum BSieGraa-This ire msh ,as sueel ood gives-s ýýjt the ip ais.~"You liae beu ujtting tae zéaultr PimrSeOlooked st 1tbi voman is 'Ma hi," bqWd -wth quiet dlgmittT 4h"doetor yoursdf," wu the rIme er. 'TU néota 4h. mer."r ren~ih i *é I avatfo tPi 'feln twsti oanSquad n*umn aie dtte--l OUo t]St >I. ècame cpt oufferlug frorn a seere ipplelfo loe. lnyuIvewhtua01Ho from whlch il waa proltalatht ia awd 1 4 vI]Int sae. ît.isiac L i'edov., Re regainedconeôIoianou the rirnrbsewlned; word. "rooa 10lier next day, but waà partiT ]paàgyzed. ibutdia kapt, them back. ýThIs, aftt. ,Chiinëd liere, 1k. a logt" hoemutterad ýwïs Dot tt lm frile'discussion. thièkly to the dootor. 'who' aotied 1dm'faher sa.âty nh.nih ut4 and suggatd a l ah. couid ta make hlm i uet do ee But John, Carwadiie would Dlot len ribie fo.r lm. bo tii.. ôJohn Oarwardine -was a liard man, 'MXarthti eau look atter me," ho .aid hatea&hi. tea daughtar, et PI reoateiyandMrth5' blir cuinq u f075 did lier duty tendaxiy and devotedli slinln atth~power e woutid nov Poos- plteo! tbuý bbmh words lbe threw ai 0aa. poeedperfect willtnguess to do 8]'. sat by tbe dyîng mau.. se.whilet Dûuie vent out te meét, ber, The houaehoid vae, theretore, reargantr ins-luthe, Woods, whera -the aututrn-t ed. Kartha spent, c>st of ber Urne st- bavs'ware nqw, beinning to (ail. tandinq to thea tnvalid. Active aateals Thee Erota lied tiken the new yet age vas begînning to tall on bar, anâ Bolturbet'&,,enggeent, vry aui after ging lier iaster bis rid-day meai, thair ogatl..1n were o oho Tested iu lier bedoomr unîi tea-tImae. ,vitlingily beeirti, but tbby ufficai Prtmiroee than tooli bar place. Dalde lied tte-happy man bad bseu' bie, te. visIted bar f athéir once; but lhe bailor- jlm, Heoiott'e thonihts however. h'l dered her out orte, room. have béeau rîther surprised. "HRa4 IL not beau for you," lie mnuttered, Herlott bad mea t to give Dulce III sbbuldiiot lbe lying helpiese here.'l vardlne a leseon an&êto. punl el i Dulcie, forocelu 'bar lf l er ha:-eeould punis]'a uaugbty cbIu1 tangue, and vent out cf taer<4orn uelnt- her* behavior to 'him , aftar leg Iv. Âfterwarde ah. protaeted hotly to party. He aBVas oymuoh lu love PrImrose cf the injustice cf bar fatlier'ehs u i 1 lti el oh h verde. of pretty, impetinent flu1Ide. or "*It vai not vbat I d414." bshded, "utobeo Wie hadbçeu, hie own ungoverua)ble temper tat made tbough t, adlmlnltrîn a teonîhe bim niI! hadturuehr attentin on aohr "Don't corne lu his Toomn, dear-"- Prim. vho had v«er s»vI and almost1 rose oniy replied skdi *' Go juta the. diately. fallen. metaphrarlaly, ai wens-the enumer viltsoon ba gone." fret. Heritto feelings, tharefore. "But It vau not my fault father lied a anything but pleasant. aud ha vs fit. vwu ilP" paralasted flie. tzeredyauinoyed .10 .ând haovau fur] "0Of course uot," auswerad PrimrSe. but jealous of Blturbet, hi lm lrnot'lil added quietly, 'I.waa a ityr, though, frian.. that yOU ever touched thosa bocks!" Ona aflernoon hi a ee valitg in fluIie took -her - aleterle advice and with Philippa round the gaiden or southt-the Woods. Siete ld te newe ta Houa., their boat baing absent, pi Blturbel and hie ' frIands, 'Who sympath.- ably viith Dlide lunte oode, 'whei rIzed vitit and coneoied liar, but Whe did gull touchedl hirn on thei arn. Inoell- verythînig quite accurately, for "Hem It truck TOU. Jim," se aski ebe led bar bearero te bllèe a@ho spent rurtly. "titat Arthtur Blttirbat. f her moen.tngm u inte Invalid's room.vhilie newly-engaged iman, doas net eaum ePrinaroge vent out. Afler a few days the lenly, happy ?"! t hock epent Itiseif. and shle ragained baer Ju.n ehrngged hie sliouuIdego. spirite, and applied herzeif witt] renewed "Arthur le eactueer chap Il ha r vior te lthe fufitaoring et ber plan. careiessly. "leé takes bis pleasures Herlott . Iguored ber. I su pse1 "'Very veli, ba liLrn lier.ehie moneyd," a, Pitp."u soif daflantly. and turnad t.he battxy cf os.r ale litai hea avil 1. ber -wlesa and traces full on Bellurbet. ansrIedonte e nd t o nt." av tbae lrl cnhlded la 1dm, often decrlbcd - "s o itatoitaL you t."k l t alhe dreary litaesite led aI Blue Poste, and "I arn aur@ at it. h nk Ioart oone-afterneen vhen ah. had got hirn tol'teamt ara ofnILsThenders a rt herit, baving eucaped from Philip athecarne airopose te ber I don't b twatchfui eyrea.-eh. graw obaomitgl a hacaen ovarooseIoier.at1ail. No1 eand plaintive. and inlb a roken itileho a men tloeuite lieravelle a m I obce decla.rad titat aite dld-noV linoif whrn o u loe rvelkeam vhat 'would happen te hier wben Prtmrose -WoCen loavhao'* » rpldJ and ste vre tai alne. eeme a pecuiar affair. anybew." "But Mr. Carwardine la net going te In tact. the More heoiliouigttof ,die yct," ea.id Arltur Beturbet. smre- more paciliar il appeared. (lIa 'w'Itat etonfahed. krth»r flelurbat did net ln any pý "Doctor Crewe.doeq not titink hae wifl l as- fulIfit 'the poputar idea of w Ilire long." said Dulcie, ber bItt eayen fill- newly-etn<aged man siliouid hae. Hi L ing vwit]' eurs. 'whiteemitc fumbied fer a dom spokaetfhie brîde-cleet. or thi ehandkemclief. ture planiq. und wlien Phuippa had il II hini when ha vas gemglo be marri " Dont cry!" urged Belturbet bamtiiy. liad repliid that 1fr. Carwardinem1 'I1-I-c-can't hlep il." said Dulcie, tak- ais toe precrxous fur anything1 lu;in cara net te disf¶gu.re ber p.elty face. dect.ded. K. 1arn se dreadtully unhappy-tifa 15 se "They a ie ha nnot liva very Icoid and hard."' longer." Pitilippa had remarked, wý d She had read thie lest phrase isoe- -unidleaseint é,miie. -e'o ne dot >e whcre, and thonght it soundad pathetàc. Hanse wil.t have a misétreeds by titis "Not fer yon. I ut sure." rap lied Beitur- naxt year." Lt bot. aiarmed and-er2baramsed-"You are Battus-bat lid frewned, but bil le m-ado for happinees and amilea. Dont no atîswes-. r. cry. theres a good gir1l!" The ilerîotts eontinued Io etay1 C- But Dulite only appeared to cry the Heume. Beturliet ur;ed thlom te r, v- more, and as eh£-va sitting close te Bei- fer ha dieliked being taft eton, k. turbet on a rouigh sea, the b>woods. ha neither of hlm guipss as aniions = gantlY Put his arm about lier shon-Iders. t uru te London -Phîli Papi iecaumej and ber pratty 'golden bead drooped na-'1 ani Septembes-r eeduIl and unei turally on ta hie sheuuder. 1 menthe te hier,. and-Jirn fer"'set "I &M 10 v-very migerable.' she- whioe al" vesoons.le bil donly sean . aVred. once-'mnce the annonncemnent. et hi -But yen Muet net li,' lie aid, whîli gagement. Hoe lid congratulate4 gtee »roof inhit, voire. thinkingit 1wlt?î every asîumptioil of goodwil ;rwam net et a-il an.upleasant teek te flideliait smiied swatly at hlnt. çmota pe gy I. I-li oment- of lier triumpih forgIc can e fi thay had quarreled. Thli'a-altess gi;l -actuaiiî eobbad. A tertuight et tes- Dulele lied aob "But why are youlle a sked. "i a uccassfulti on Beitunbets ahenidid qCuita probabl ha t-laiyeitr tler wll ra-, turbet adrilted to biMiself itterly caver. Dctra oftan make imtst.akes! h" haid been a foot but am -haa "It 10 flot only b-becansa of-of rny fa- erable mani lia vas prepaSed te pz ther.'taeeuuaverad.liter heart beaîing i ia foui. At the saute tinta fine! -rapidiî. - sîîntîî confeamad -that bier lover - "What in It titan?' f ber, uninterastii< and duil. Sti Beiturbet looked kindly into the flusit- sie mlght te charm ithm. mele ad lutile face. lide spoke no word-. site 'hie putest5 did net quickan et igbt raimed bar beaud.eand bier bin e sa itt She tnlly reîized that she liad a glaneinte hielie hocouid fnot mistake--hLm itoeaposition trem viticl ib that @ahe bld lier face oi lia ebouider. A flot -honorably retreat, but alh ha tbrili pasaed tlireugh lte sympathetie 1futled le vin t ram hlm uitile more man. Titie pretty. innocent girlt lovad ordinas-y polit ena-s. Ha liked lier, biin1 moderate teehion. and lie kissedi "Duicia»* lie said, aot tly. "dear littIe j eral imes wbenever tai vaere alo, flie! 11 dear Bttle luIide"' isite loft him eat'h tirne. feeling il cîtarnant. $ie hail von after ail. 1 fiat and duil. "'Oli, Arthur" site breaLlied. -do you I On ars-ivitig at titeir trsyting.pli realiy cane for me?" 1tae woodia oeahot Septamîber aftt "Shouid I kise you if 1l didà-tlie h ask' i îrying to eteai cbeertil. but vith ed vith a laugli. and being a manihlis e& sub-current ofe irritation, Dulci klsaed ber again. 1 isurprteed te Sund Battus-bat vas no "'Dontltl u laitany onle yab' mid' lu; fer lir. SIte tound instead 'ulWe 1thr e eitwaase itlI'rongh red hair. and a etrong aielyu. - ---q:u-- i ;- ! tha.t eppere'd te smlae beneàlt w'Ji-net eey4-eý ity tv--t '-le ipi'l uei'v nîutàiii in l'ire wit i-e, tlitegis-l 'ald. ta'titiw îicued in e..ti'of Kou'> eBtti" u' lies- **'a' But I W iti matei,-hm iii- euots- -bl ttit tf Jjin- aîîd It-tiwe ihall i' i. - 4 you 1tecolleet i i-hc i-mAe-I tas khe erileei t-irht ii and ','îCe when we ha-d a qurarre] san uj.tire rure, 'wa- t-tht- lit! ,î v.ere jut as nîcan gs voi Isewiug-room.i tale and'ltis-.'d Mr* R rm"eu ,rîd.*'oîs-aîî!tehamv ejear. t-'aster !eo.-i e t lber witb et.rtIed , ayr', t t a vr tA ifev-Yo., Tom-, how limaiý -W-aît de .nu me.t: ý1 eiaped, 'knw vtith ehi »»I m::in ~l t t) Alhnr Belturbatl*" -eas thie txs-uttlt i D. I -- 'ngaged te Arlbir Ballusbat?' re-i pctdpriMrco <lit> Kiud wos-ds are ofteu 'Ysdeàr. Ihtre! 1 ioid you 1Tchii>lid w'here a swif t kick would hav mas-r> hlm!' 'Il hope yotî wilil be vos-y lapp,' said Mos-e effective. n Psmro6e. but ts-y v; s i igh t a rojjj(j infuse o n thumia"'tn mI her hvn e voiCe.dontis hvn ef'eetly pl-Yltiîdontefm ein ry pleamed.' <ciii. tne' o u1' h '-lI",-ett Iat ddihI-d' aï Pim ggd t ne o! twins. The roee. ,'et with a quee.enai,ifig at liast. alo e.an h a e 'bt edel îî nhapjpy about laIier -cuinhe.aidheante notit rcen,3to ~ einhies s.alIy. Doc- aprt' sNite e ft, tt " iiteler iîuf.n:atiled, aand bei ga * ri tn aie- 'acked fluice. grow-- Jauck asked me Vo mars- is-pae i.f -ialast week, and I refused. 'T'hut ,lcviir.'t lira, mort' than a tew a Iwek. -w-as tho almoet whi-.per'ed reply. a'Itelephoned hua that .. 'eyou mnvt fos-give ue if I lo nol seem clanged mv mimd." "Wha ile tealias-e tous-h-.îiucc'the i it'eîtl ' "'HIe said that teint teutlioft patretage. "But yen 'viii changed hiu." ,5týf -w&, .ida~~vith an oub ig to h ý D i bv ' ,, S té r i f to O é "à1 iif p bch iB ni d s i f5 Và , ïïop W ù tt -- >. m 's - - e , B.tihe'a-cidity ci!tha fruit, " n ts-ou"odng lo>oi 4 â sve tih rtlau. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~1ie s:.urmyear te.,yoar, "d i u.d !oiels n vhn'. r - theakut4 -uthd, 44 IDpje",aund quine'washed"'a-dd te Uicetew a-nd boil r iIeease Ita Thielkness Vé UatII fic al Enropean Na-vies. Bnsfr h o e jamÈs reqiuire"Lrom t1hre-feurtIisý-to'ýtop±h*er. Krupp cemenutd cntinued to be ,se-çîgIhs 'Muiéh sugar ase.Y n- a.ewlneecrh!yu sudf:-it,ý'àîd alit ietae.An- equal Put, a- 'an water Into- the ovein.- nsoethe stanudard armer of the wosld, - weiglitt of süaga-r je olften useci with 'Put a pan of - boiling' Wa-tes-, inte [y, in at a-ny rate for bea-vpi-ate. The ' quince; jlm aa eghad vnif 'you Wa-nt; a amooth, tender doge Rihranamr :ihi nalygrape thle soaute. A cerumon miets- oruet on yeur bread. ofe o! olybdenum, lias given excellet rrcses-ving Time. u- edfo ayfuisl een -Coffee-4taine,,-aven. vhelic reamf resuits on the testing ground, - but ueue i6'mn ris25Sl -enin-h,- fee a ,-Tén< 'O f lias net a-t présent- beau adoptad, At thie sea-sen of thc ycar, wlhcn pounda cf sugar'te ten - of 'fruit. has be n ti-cffc ayb s laetly; nay-r athrprmwe Some -,pol èI a ltelet, it mvdfrom tlie:lnen-by bbig oe owing to the réluctance 'of thé great ayfruits ae tiler rme eope ok ttte mvd .Ibe d Ifutn-acri-fi-e cinu th g ve munoli'attention te preserving ced a few,'heur. on ice to eee if, the. the- spots -withi "~Pure' .glycrili-.' would nelvda dontheut. Usuually wc tlhinkthie mus- i nght proportion ci sugar ha-e been Rneatra' nlléarnv- renid expeuditure inovdi laying dwnbi done by eookiag t)hemp, yet per- used. Tee mmudh sugar disguises tes-. thG tle naceseary plant. For liglitas- grpeý 1,'te'Pl Te knife ,ueed, In peellng àpa àý Dar.. aspae> en-ctnemondh- pea-ches, pea-re -aan peaay ti t-the.lcruit, makes -Vtne trasplte,- vanatdium Brtei di wtl p-ompoun es o jn ie-yorgny -d ha-sa1 ape uld net be. used in licing d.* for bien aot - the BiisCa-reihprpits rttat, hc rooeno mlyi at least tiiréemonthe, a-ad 'awles are*likely -te> form iniit, whi( hwia~til elcnaneanal iat sih laefrt, w îgcrpropoéstoempoy tmmcli longer. The nccessity I ih- htsugaàr ha-e been wasted. - il cause a- sos-e, . evoien-'moutli. eanefo he - lgh-ad edcrse~sa er-Sait is a-n antidote for thie a-eld. 'ahaè drdue thé programne of - tiiey lie kept cdean, cool anW -y. Jam muet bera tirred cve.ry min, I a-îgjly,-bi V nyfv iulie 1912-13. Our gra-udmoViiers kept such utewhile- it le oekng, . even up te oate idding the ,'sugas.i ~ Ter isa istnc tnecy nofruits la certain iedeyt asytre orulesI Then -pour inte glases and 1lai ie lier~~~ ~~ tiebetvr nlce-ebt n<l~s !eel eitmeatr.oves- wate.r. Que test to décide stnd in ;the . sun _24'hieurs. i J'sra. thceiproiaain ud lu theth ikThe se! ter fruits, lile. pea-dhes5 viien it le cooked eneugh lete-'dip helps te give the rîght firmnessi and> iouli nasa ef the a-smer beit. The Il vere neyes- laid dirseotly on a- ha-rd a celd spoon into lt snd,.hift iVt. Lcleàas colos-. feln; ncie c te ulDradnuglti hae 1lief, -ethe weight cf fie eoit pulp If thé, ja-n r-uns fs-cm tic spoon Dry yens- snts la the oienllplt ood'ly becheme -3flhesDeinoa-tes- ave. flattens tie zkin se Via-t flhcpulp qtxickl-y, -it ha -not iboiled emie houhte et hperad a becum- 13 Bnitihbaesia t-ha mals.i bruised, aad even thlee kn hna t- ktluseâd a-ppeas, Vie as s-umbs..for st:uffing poultsy, etc. r e a-s-mer bitsh- athicv-s themin nbroken. ýoven lia-Mlbs-aaklag ofl a-nd théep eait-thik i betih Dranong ht" ane s pe utnesthasa- adpstlft ot--tn, ea-bout Itoneauccf-ttresir Ppc ig uha reue atlf cnrcig ti itlcone .cujlful cf crumnbe 'when es- a tiknthe rnougclassesnwas re- china a-se steirilized and donc. A épooniful ma-y tien-.-be ra t ue f o lite "Bellér-opho" lses w-r-red eué duced te 9Y/ nhsi te"4 i-used for packring fruit by those vhe cooled, a-nd if it lias thé consistency W-len yous- feet a-s- sos-c or tired, cent" cIa-es, rose te 12 inches iu tihée leep expansive fruits for months, ýo! butter, and'whian flrovu jute sa hu 0r2 lltsï ae -etlled (,Sometimes. tee autel fruits are vater disolveaelwliV ls donc. soak thi for 20 mujntae in va-u sadlî. "Neptune" sud "Osion" classes, akdi odrdsgreàh-Psre Qnc.Prcop lum for a-ad ha-a been fnrthcs- iucrcased to aecdlupodr ed sugas-,a-rte-erdfourquas ofPa n pto iruil-ofa-sobiena-deda tea- t bae 13% luche-s lu thc "Kiug George piece beiug completely separac -dqatrfu u rte o! quthe sapoonful of epson salVe a ta .1 dv. Y d subsequcut clamses. Fer fo t egbra aides sud top a-ad bell it water teo overulte Wthen sewing ieckis on a vasin- ba-tl ouece V n-sasn t&iya-nd ibottoi. If a-uv oue place de- fs-ui-6 latender, then kim thean out des.r eigtéee nteu abouttlm cruchersin â ie taiycy the juice wihczsotaddrain, 'but do noV heave longdes-sysvngUcysonVeu- air 'ha 'rm7icesi h Invincible" maca-ya the wrheh zsyrpw eut a-ad ttei.- efewtrper' flap-. and the heoks 'on the un- balleve te 9 ices in the "ioen." T-be la-t- mk8a-c areatd osdo '-k- ed ~-des-,instead of the unaa-I ay. Tic w domaes clse r ehv pca a- thc angas,-, whiei will net ferment inWhliehhtheequince ous are coqkedten ib ion m whoand afectothers. Titis met-lid-ca-n aithes- for making the syrup or in ohy 'Lmoe-d gra-tings oves- Vie fuanele a-s be îîsed by those who like te sa-ve wiicli to cook .gna-rled fs-uit, par- $mnihy a- protection against attack by a-es-e- fine fruit for thc Christmasa seasen. iuge, anad cos-es for jelly. Put oee' iL tae plane, a-ad aise au armoe-d uppes- Fn uceso rps epca-qart of this vates- or o! cear CLÂ wiu coldvates- together iluaps-eserviugMnsASRD liat e Iu Germa-n bat-lîeshipa, te main lythobes hchave 'bien s-pened et wh oqurs fsga, [e~I ell bsprgee fs-onu93-4 un papes- bags aund se as-estenietie vthtw urt !sga, MuiiaiyDoeSlnughteriîtg for eked incisa hu Viesaseau ias t 2a-se -pseses-vad by liaaging - hein la stis- until tuhe sugas- is dissole -i atîkid ince lutic"Kaseru" cîass, tiaa cod12p-o bd lc, a-irand t-heu bsiugslovly te boiling Butehet!s In Autî'alian -ity. edhoice lie lae the "K ie" l the S>' cl ust oee lcfe a-ien-poent.ykm if esayad bo1 complet-ad, ýthe etend o testa-lk hoin t.Sif ces-- -dh The City of Adelaide, Attrh- memb latstnow bultd iti aithe iiadipiped lu Viella-c or pa-ra-fin te. tiv amiuts.iIf tharelà a-ny vith a- detes--inatori th fus-nisi thie lt-h an w 15-me-ibeit is te-ltd. lIatialecep tic watcr o! ticstemi f sesdimeut li ts-ra-labhrough a- résident& o! via-t place with pus-e t Old- eva-noratîug. lf tic stem dees not ~kttcmethseldtiprieuaon 0 lime crtuisers vary fs-cm 7 incItes in ticpu "' cuh srpad af fetis-e original Unes. Tic buteli- 66Von de-s-Ta-un" Vo 9% ~inclies îinsis-ivel tic grapes viii net. Ticy pt lia-Ifof ticndyrua-d flit i o! 1mede are aise kapti in q4st-en, wiich 'ad- V-ecoc addaiac ri ueare go a-nd bny theis- stock, cattie lhe "Saydlitz.'t mita the air but fi-rers the dtîst sBoe a-h. Si-mmes- gently for i-a-if an nsud iiep qt- markes-t in tic ordi- atOd Tic French navy'has apparently t-ha-t it eaunoti hring te tîem agents ilized then scal lu thco-egbly star- rir a, rndt e ndte se, end -abanduuad its fait-h Ii heavy pla-o! dacay.badte vrotl muipliy at' re ing, fer the ncv "Dreadnought" Iirqtrspeiauscset ep-W-hicisla-ughters týtr, pays the Nettfut hattlcships of tic "Courbet" aad fui itloitco1ng1, adI sfu ut.butches- for tia hide andhliesa and imaent- '6ofruit nc" c re'ta-ins tic ofand. iou-t- cf viioli I flie Lr lassas enly have vas-y ta-kes cqtially ps-ceiouleca-se te cccli A littile amnionia added Vo 'tic meathe ofit - Tiout chsas- as- au- short a-adenuarsow balte of 10 3-4 iichi t se th.ti it wi11 kaep; Fcw fruits vat-n 1vi make white ,paint look mkbits-refrasfi , ine btcettae- an a-s-es-, Vith s-est otlteb es.n a-n abiec kssup saîal i ne-v. thaml when under the former systeul and lu o es, with 7-ach plates.Te tus-- a haavy e, if they a-se te kep W'hami vollan blankes are Pm' ithay hd -thair . private sitruglita rats hoave-, ra poteted~eyt2 hape, coler, a-nd as-ora-, becase their 'beet, cuver with sil1koiine antd ihdue6-unch arr la i the formes- clasa, a-dbitheilig hsivls thaut. Tic s-c; as ack like a- quiît. 'hss "s- rBel- by ne laest-han 17-inchi n te lattes-. ou for titis is t-ha-t uangs has a greaL a c Meat iý couvcyed to tlie cityin an lbon- 'The Italians, truce t hais- tradi- a-ffiuîty lo- wa-tas-aadd <ra-a out Yen miy gat a- glass e! jely -f tbe meter cars and le hîînig a-ad prtcGt< irf' ' tien, area asmering theis- ncv ahipa tua-t in the fruit. _Quincess pîfle- 0pas-uey-mtiepe. ec fs-oui flics. Itt l deîivesed a-t thie vas,- teof t-le "Dante, Alighieri" a-ad aupîa, and pumipkin miust t ha fis-st parings from hea-pies butohers' shops, wifihout being wiea Lita-t aor I us'o apes batnc tonched, by ha-nd. iv. tas CneC-os"cassvsylgt-ce nw-e ihtt ua-~ a set cf bedsprings tiey vili I t'-k -The new-acV obliges the butcherW han be. lv. A short but vide haIt of 9Y-, te ha pres-rved iu a syrnp, Un- as if donc by a prefeasienal.t-lsmnst acnt-ceie drawn incies lu (hiekucais tiei-iii de- pealad peass coeked iu a hea-vy -Putabpiehmyno! buttes- inte ca' o S- vile. (caca, and Vie tusraets are equirapeci ays-tîP s-rie. vs VtaaheCk c-eubest healti conditions, wit& e t hw in th same anner.liringr Pear-The fllowin un- on - okep ak aeni-ma-sble elabs i-ustea-d e! ood, ps-e liuil i amamne- ,n rPaTafeiugun- maciataly dees n*t requis-e a-s tci -ana lce-.Tsu hr aser- The Atustrian "Viribus Unitis" douhtedîyis the original racipe fer mueli. it prauion s ai ar e, tc., The t, a ne. but clasa ha-s a-short a-ad narsrow baîto! ginger pear, -o!fwhicli tilas-chave AI'wa-ys -put a litaree flous- in &dge s-, vas- iIl luches, aud lie tus-rets have tic beau ma-ny variations, soea Lsitg1 abccraisups te :iud tic vagc- i gta-rd clca-nliness- -Tic mn em- bu insa-me Tprotectionandied ginger aad ma-ny cf table mattar and tic liquid ~ lyc - h I-gts iue -- ace aetiat-o -- ....A. p Pliirr ro < t - sû-anhcette niedical inspection, anc e waa t wait- a main m'outh a red- t you," are haci farme- -1 ae- Ad duty. lay thte u mîght he-re 1 bief." ercohief. er eyen aif She of me" ýo oipeak r dôe )ulcie. ,as thie on th e what. 1 0 mýlrrY1 Ducie( g when that u Co)uld e did I wasterd 'e beén rlovely is en- ey both HI them v him Yeséter- 1 had t ,w&s he hadc tiuce etremines nd s theensar n- pthectee o n te m reun Navai piio, iilitedst uNavaop-itynionrtich trdsintc I natoriter e!arma-ethea-ad inpedl t eo au ueuslandivided.a-a tho tic t vale co! aser protection anud thc hast vay-yo! a-pplyiag IL. 'Il ALF IVO'IlD ,1ATI'VAR. 137,I.<I(NI l>Peoîsle su British Esu- - pire A lone. Thec total a-rein cf tic - vas-ring cuutries, inciîîding ticir colonies and depe-udencies, le more than 271/ million square mils-s, or a fuil haIf of- the ]and sus-f-a-caof!- tic globe. incltiding five million square miles -o!ftniuia-bitable 'vastes in Ilhe proportion o! the popuilation of earth i nvolved more or less di- rectly in the tremendous struggle ra.ging in EEurope is equally great. More thun haif o! ,the people of the entire globe ]ive under thie flags o! the belligerent powers. The British Empire alone con:* tains 433) million human beings. of whomn 320 million live in India. The popul ation o! the Ru&sia&n Empire is a-t lea-st 175 milio n. France, with lier deris4cL%, populated possesaiofl in Indo-China-,has moeéthan 92 m'il- lions subject. Germainy, with its A frican possessions, contributes about 82.million to the wiLt's tota.l. Holland anad the Duteh posseea,,ions, chiefly in the East IodleW ' contain over 41 million inhabitants. 1Bel- gium, wit.h the Congq Stat.e, couints, for 28 million more.- The populatio)n o! Austro-Hungàry exceeds 50- mil- lion. Little Servia ha~s about four million %.abitants. The'DIfferenec. (3yV but isni't ûishîng just con- ta-gious thîs timeë'of;thýe year?" "ye8, it's con±tagious, but iin' -t catehîng" inexpeusive. Elgit peuncs o! apina-oh, -hast tops, etc., wile bell- pears, cigit pounds o! sugas-, t-vo ing; iL lasseus 1ýia odes- o! eooking ounces c! green ginger-tic frc«h Ia-ad adds dclicacy te t-ha greens. s-ooi, t-ha juicana-d ind cf six lem- BIlack ribbons will lese t-ha-t -ud- eus, a-ad eue tunahler e! va-tes-.d Peel t-ha ginger. soct, eut lu suta-ll y appca-rancc if leti stan-ddlu a- places, a-ad soak iu thc tuimbla1r o! cîîp o! va-tas- te ih a- tea-speen- wate ehie prparng te persfui o! indelible ink las ibeau added. wolater Wilc eriuticans-Pi.tTheuc is ne bettes- renidy for Bnoijlal tgetier anuldcsa-r. Pîtt vwasp stinga tha-a leon juice. Con- b e n t o k ejc l l g l s e s a - a a l . t m p e ua d t i n î l a t o a p p l y a t i n t e r a s o ! t e n h ar c o o ed _ n Ierî ' -ta - 1e v t e m p -- i - o s- fif tee n m in tu te s u n til th e p a in tur sc. Thtoma-l-amo ieite i- ceases. garis nough e fa-vr tc p-e- To ramove old va-snishirfioui fur- r' cvery mornîng. Tic cuterprisa hba-s les-napprevecl by âal thinnhitante of tic olt-y, wio couaider that the 81.750,000 tiey invested iteunudertking lia-t giveti va-ita-hie 'retnsn i-n. sa-fs- guîa-tding 'healti. i - -'s' Cutit-ier-llave you anything- to keep4your hair f runm falling?, Floor Walker-Tonic, mnadam., orý hair pins? Box- e. Popuar Dlak, Tan ad White ilOc ONT. ywilîra. 't-t i 1' Iii ' - a, ~ - r '1? M. 1,11 Ru 1 Details Wanted.

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