Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Sep 1914, p. 8

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m~g uuu MrA.(.Elliotti and )Ir. Uriah joues, new - housesare nearig coin- pletien, and wbeaJ inlished wilIIbe beautifulreuldeloes with AU tbe lat- jest conveuiiOnCs., Misa Urquhat, of St. Mar'$, bas bee vislting at the homne etfMr. Vm.- Kert Mrs; Wm.- Kerr bas been -Slightly lnldlàposed for, several days. W. A. Dgydén and Frank Batty biave sent soine splendid-animais te Toronto. No btter have cirer -lei> Mfr. S. Mannilng bas donc a rushlg -business ln cernent, bis average for the lait elghteen monthi has been 1,000O baga per* montb, or, 18,000 1 - -- - fhm itt l.illno. G.ltiai FOR SALE~.- Gener>ai purpose mare. Good tO work. No mmreuse is- $ Appi>'1 te Ja. Sktnnel, Biooklin. j Mdrs. Walkr vfultod -tn Oshàwa ibis bsok IP nstartod dIcol wth a good atltendauce. Miss ateman, ofcfWltby, vslted Mmr. coIwill recoti'. rivw ln(lwll1 was latToronto on. Titouday. Mfiss Lillie Grills, who has bee nit visiting ln Lindsay for the past twe Il monthi,. bas returased home. Miss Nate Lynde vidted ionda hore reeeatly.d Quite a number frein here attended biaga. N'oe tbe bulUIAUng 'ieToronto Fair 1h15 weeic. golng on. .-11 3frs. Jes. Clark, of Toronto, sbaitMs. Grant vlslted ia Port Whtbi been vsitlng Miss Fannle Stevenson on Tnesday. and ather frieudi. Mr. and Mns. Fred Bowlcs, et St.c Bxjokl n lias a splendid market Jobn's, Micbh., are vhiting Mrs. Wm.a now. Ceelu on a Wednesday orBols Saiurday night and s00 the number Mr. and Mns. Boyce are enjoylig as ef convoyancos along the stroot. visIt frein their daugbiers, tren>1 Mfr, Wm. Bight vlsied In Toron- Buffalo and Toronto. te ast week. M 3r. and Mns. Brt Grilla, oet, To-1 Mr. David "Burns- appeared betore tonte, spent the. week-end ai 3h.1 ~tl~Counlt ad èaà comuica- John Grills. ties n Canege Llbiary fer Brook- MisJue en cf reank lin. hitlu hoped 3fr. Burnsi ulCOOds'i . visitIng wiib Mn. aid its. J. la gettlng afree ll1brany for Brel.' Dîaiy. lin.Miss McGrègor, et Oshawa, bas The meeting ot the Bgble Socety been vsting Mns. Glrey. beld ian» the Baptiit Cburch on Fr1- The yeung people et tue village day evenl ng lasi wau iargely attend- beî'd a cern toast on Tuesday ee- id. B ev. T. H. Stewart, et Toron- to, was the speaker of tbe eveuîng. Ing at Mr. Ormstons, moieraI miles Risaddeaî,ýa vey iterstig adeut from the village. There wene a- Instrcie The tollowlng officeti bout twenty-flve present and a thor- 'vore lece:PosdnA.Kthi ougbly good - tne eujoyed by aIl. Secreiary, 'Johi Wbteterd P, Treasur- Mrs. S. Phippen, et Sarnia, bas eor, D.- Macdonald. been isitng ai -Mr., J.E. Dlsuoy's". Miss Olver la vllting for a time In Mr. W. Mayuardi who ban beau lu tTxbrldge. Ternlskarnlng fl the pasi two There vas a union chutcb meeting nionthi, bai returned home. la the Baptist cburch on Wednesday Mr. Arthur Jobuaten bas been on evenlng. the sick Haut. Mn. Jack Hortop, of Toronio, Mr. Sorubergen vas la Lînada>' for speut'the week-end wftb bie parents. UMe woek end. Mrs. Arthur Jobnstou, wbo lins The choir ot the Mthodist Churcb been vsting Iu Detrot, bas reiîurn- rendered speclal music on Sunday od home. - *,mig.- -a THE DOMINION BANKR à'.3a. OGRT, Cernen Manage. Trus Funds àhould Be D.pooitod la caSVingeA lan aThe Doamijien Bunk. Soc fe eond u ufi~ roiuef. th.eh * n suca sokl u pio r e wwhla u mmasr .ule WHITBV BRANCH: A. A. ATKINSON, Manager. OSHAWA " A H. BLAOKo Impo*rtant Announcomont We are able to announce that we have -engaged a first->class Hirnosi and Gollar Makor who is p'repared to do ail kinds of repair- ing. Give.us a trial, we guarantee first- class workmanship at reasonable prices., Blinder Twlne In or der ta disposé of the balance of cord on quote ti following P4 ices while the supply lasts: 650 feet to the pound -600 o 6 4 5 0 d i go 60 l 500CE£ 4 < The quality is -guaranteed., Per Pound 14c <1 Y4 9 Y 449 Y4 hand Cash g Do flot miss this chan c e. - - 6000 PLOWING - A fieldcafl be well plowed by an experlenced plowman withe .i Sgade walking plows we seli. Put your son on the i.Cockshutt Ontario- FootlIft Sulky" and he ican do equal3y good work. Other popular styles of plows we sitock i ude the- Kid Kangarop Gangand the Faimous Crown Gang. MON TROSB:W]10 USR TREf, AND IN5PBOT CUIR sIUIpLR W~F.DISNE3Y ONTiARiv.ý HITBY 13e11 and Ildepenldeflt Phone&, better.: tus tâait8Sreport, té ail 1' sthe -1a- NOW. IS THE TIME TO GET RID 0F THESE UGLY SPOTS. There'. no longer the slightelt îeed of feelingahamed of your freckles, as the prescription othlue- double strength-ia , gusranîeed te re- nove thon bhomely -spots. Simply gît an ounce ef otbine- double streugth-from. any drugglst and apply a uitile et it nlght aud ý,mrniug and you should soon s00 that even the worst freckles have begun te disappear, while the ligbier ones have vanlshed entirely. It ls .eudem tbat more tban an ounce'- le noeded te completely clear the skln and gain a beatuiful dlear complex- ton. Be sure te ask for the double streugtb ethine, as tis is sold under guarantee et monoy back IlIf h alla te reove treckles. MYRTLE. Mr. Wm. Kent fi convalesclng at- ton a severe attack ot lumbago. 3fr.. L. Tordift and Miss Brookes visitedl Audley trlends lasi week. M.MnPke bas been quite crltlcally 111, but at trne oet wning hs lm- proviug. We regret te report tbat Mns. Levi Tondifft l crltically Ill. We trust ithat she may seon 'be restorod te ber former actlvlty. Auctioneer Maw wibh a toumlug party motoned thnougb here on Sat-. urday. Mns. Disney, et Oshawa, called on friends bore last week. TFere le more datarrb ia ibis section ef the counityth, n c&U ethen dluaaies put t,ýgether. and untili tue lst few year. was suppoued te ha lu. mrsblle. For 9 great many years doctorspro. onead it a local dîneaie and prescribed local rnmedieu, sud by canstautly faillng te cure wlth touat treatinestpronounead It incurable, Bel- ence has provan cstannh te lie à cenauiulnal disease and ilienefoesraquiras eonritutlanst traatmeat. Halls@ Catarrb Cura, mannfaclnrad by Y. Cheney & Ce.. Toledo, Ohuo, ia the ouly ceéiuti nalcureon the market. lastaken la- ternaily. It &ctadinctly onu bableduandm'uicouç sunfacuaeofti,.yotem. niier oSer eue undned dollars fon aay case lu talle te cure. Send fer eirculae» and tsumonlîu Addireu: Y. J. CHFNEY .5 CO). Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Diunsis. Take lieill.amily Ilsu for constlpcul.,u. EAST WHITBY COUNCIL. Council met ibis'day. Ail the memibers pregent. Reeve (lifford in the chair. MinuteS were read and adopied, Communlcatlona on.rasMd from, L. J. Leoby, J.W. Conuer, C. E.,-àmd Col. Bick. Moyod by Mn. Gloer, secoendedbyl Mr. MeKeuzle, tuat Pbip Coalit beh pald 25c. pet roê fer 120 zoïl eto wire feoe eehaid John Law- mmuc 60 roda ai Xc,. Caznled. Meved by Mn. MeKente, seonded b> 3fr. Glever, that Goo. Hepburn be pald $8, being e-th-lrds value of one aheep klledý5y dogs. Caxred. Movod by Mrn. MoKoazie, seconded by Mr. Dearboru, that 3fr. - John Rosi ho pald $100 'on salary ac- tceuni. Carnsed. Movod. b>' 3r. Dearbora, aecouded ib>' 3fr. Glover, that Palmuer Knight tbe pald 825.00, being ren oui fer ive meanths et hous. occupiad by Mnr. Cubbaga. Cannied. Mr. Pasco., saoended b>' Mn. Dean- boni ltnoduced a by-law te ap- point a collecter of Taxes for 1914. The by-law was rend thre. urnes sud passed. Mn. Samuel Stocks was appeiuted C&-ector ot Taxes. Mr. Giover, gsoodod by Mr. Pas- cee, iut.roduced a by-law te 1evy'and colieci mone>' for Ceuni>', Townsbip, Policé Village, Debenture sud Educa- tional Purposes ahd for the support et Poor. The by-lav vas read three turnes sud passed. Moved b>' Mn. MoKeuzle, seconded by 3fr. Pascee, ibaît the tellewiug acceunts ho pald:; Regll.--Ohawa Hospital $1.7o, J. S. ]Kyle $42.52, Disney' Brou $15.00, Oshawa Vindicaton, for pnlntlng, $44-25. - Roads and Brldgs.-Ja..mcNally, 943.90,' Wm. Ward $7, J. Hamilton $19-50, Geo. Cochrane $4, Russell Davidson 15, John Lawrence $7, Tbe Pbdlar Peoplje $32,' Aloi. MeKensie $1.80, Jas. Reemen $2, W. H. Thoma- as $12.50, the. Oshawa Rallway CO. $11-76, Tnugsed Concrete Ce., steel, $248.59, John Lindsay 85.25, H. Gil- bort 83.50, James Bell 825.00, John Clark $1, Wm. Joues $4, Jas. Bell $10, Jas. Beckett $5, Walter MeLeaiu $4, Win. Jones $8.80. The South Ontario Agricufltural Soclet>' $50. Carnled. Moved by Mn. McKenzîo, aecouded by Mn. Dearbora, that tbis Ceuncil meet the Oshawa Counci te annot- ation et Cedar Dale, ou fflday, Sep- tomber 4th, ai 2 o'clock lu Oshfawa. Caxried. Moved by Mr. MeKeuzie, soconded by Mr.- Pascce, thai ibis- Council do nov adjor nte meet on -Octebet 5, ai 2 o'cieck p-an. Cannlod. Columbus, Auguat 818t, 1914. WM. PURVES, Township Cletk. COIMTTED TO WHITBY GAOL. .On Sàturday C. Haanaburg hired a berme ai Anderons luvrn, and be and Ibrb. York dreve te Port Pen- ny. Atter s 1ev rounds vitb John Barîeycora the>' proceeded -ln the evesulng benmvard. Accordlng te Hanuabungi 'York vanied hlm te hold the. hoïe vble be; York, svlpe Wome chlokens. Haan»urg chais% tbat ho nef usod te do ibis, vIere- upon ho was mssulied b>' York. and lfti on tbe roadaideý'York prooeot-I ed home bimuelf.and -vhea untibe dWath of 1-lit PARISIAN SAGE MAKES LIFELESSHAIR SOFTJ - ABUNDANT. AND are inUfamous becaus. the>'bav Bea utiful hair, thick, sot t, -fiuffy, pr«oy to e oso relable ÊA oen"tvo lustrons, -aid free from dandrufi, is or n.ventives à the. suffeinga,-&Ul one of wornans greatest charma, Yet Sgngg dusD »to giton seý many have streaked, thin and lite- or blmnes If !y=u wM try them les haïr and tbink 'there is. no e rm- te ean. your sohtent, purlfy your edy., Pretty hair is largely a mât- blood, toue yeur stemach, stfimulate ter of'care. yo > ive aMd regriate yoUT p'requent applications oÎ Pr ia bowels, yeu wHIi know wby -51 Sage well rubbed Into the scalp 15 mn ey o.Beha' USt ail that lu needed-it acts like mag- -ms'm> f eean5Plaf Ic. Try It te,-nlght-you wlll really bo surprleod with the resuit. Net B ent [y, radiant wîtii lite and really doub- ly, beautitul, but ail dandruif disap-- andHR appieness pears, talllng hia4r and ltching scalp cease-your bead teels fine. 1Lssgust5ià AyMeilela th~ e ldi AUl drnggsts seili-a large bottle eft Sldoraywh.ve. la beae., Zs femte Parlslan Sage ferfifty cents. Get iteifrdm -,A. H. Allun; ho will retund 3fMr. Fierbeller and Miss Johns.- re- the money If you are net satIsfied. turned on Monday last te rosuine their duties in the publie .sehool here. REACH BOY SHOT. Miss Meston, ef Guelpb, 18 the new On Moday, rankWbitfieid, a boy teacher inu charge ot the lntermed- on oenar fank- l shtaie department of the public achool. tog teuteen yea drs t age, sanesot Miss Gladys Allaway loitilast nelgbbor, Wm. Carnegie. Wbltfieid, tend NoroaltoSehe e il t wbo lives acrosthe-road from Car- tedpbNorman, tC berywoha negie, on the 9th concession et Jsp own fCeryod a Beah, as oeîg i th fildaudrented bis t arm te Nelson Gaies for Reac,_ws hoingin te feldanda tcrm et ycars. went over te Carnegie's to get a Miss Kate Kerr bas secured a po- drink when the latter fired at 14m.sto onheeahgsafofh- Carngiebasbee conideed an-Toronto Public Scbool. gereus, and prevlonsly attempted the lite et bis mother. The authorities arresbed Carnegie and -1lave sent him The coer eut ef Rod and Gun te an Insane asylum. ýi Magazine tor September illustratos POST OFFICE BUSY. Tuesday sud Wcdnesday were busy days lua-tbe post office at Uzbrldge. T. Eston Co. maied bore oven ie 1thousaud catalogues teoffiaces aib- la the iwenty mile radius. As these icatalogues weigb oven eue and eue- hait pounds eacb, h ruakes about four tous. Dees lt pay te adirertise? -Journal. the tact tbat the open seasen -for wild ducks Septembon. whlch lu sportsmen ln Canada staris wltb The lisi et contents, sure te appeal te al rendors coutains amongi CENTRAL CANADA EXHIBITION OTTAWA RIHEUMO CURES RHEUMATISM. 1 $6.70 September18719 No matter boy long standing youn case may> bho, de't despaÉn, get si, boutle et Rhenino te-day. J. E. WiI- ls sella h i wh a guaantoe te boune- fit you. Rbeumo lu wendorfui in itu qulck action, tbe panu ceaseu, -the muscles - sud houes axe nid et ore- ness ind utiffuças, sud ver>' soon a Rbeuro patient Io able te bave the- saie strength and vitali>' et yeutb. Rheimie buills bleod se nlch sud t1hlck that mecld cannot possibly 'tst., Rbeumo icouts -ouîy $1 ton a large bottlê frein J. E. Willlsi, or di- rect, aIl charges prepald, trom B.V. Marion Co., Brldgeburg, Ont. ALMONDS. Look eut for Almondu Hanvest Home lu the near future. Quito a numaber tnem bore iook lun TornoiExhibition ibis week. Mr. Witfield Lee lu somewbat im- proved. Mr. George Jar-neit, wbe bas been viultiug relatives bore, bas returued home. Miss Mamie Stark, of New York, lu holldaylng ai homo. Mn. Wesley Carrutbena lisil at pro- eut. W. hope for a speedy recoven>'. Mr. John Lee visited his brother bore ^over Sunday. Miss Mabel Mackey and Mn. A. Mackey wone home ovon Sunday. Quito a numben frein ibis uelgbbon- beod alîteuded the tuneral 0et Mn. Dlngman on Monda>' last ai Pieken- Ing. 08.95 sept. 11 to 19 inclusive. Returu Fanes'from Whitby. Ail tickets valid retnnning nutil Sept. 2lst, 1914. WESTERN FAIR, LONDON Far, aud one-third September 11L-12.13- 14-18. Spécial excursion days Soptombor 15-16-17 f rom Kiugston, ReufreW aud stations we@tý thereof in Canada, &Bs Detroit aud Port Huron, Micb. Ret«.u limit September 21et, 1914. M. steohenson, Agent, phop S&, Whitby iames.& Walkor Punip Manufacturers dueceusors W E. W. XErs Simop Dundas Street., Whitby. Tbreo dooms west of Whltby Hou».. W.a are prspared to ins tail weod or iron pumps on short notice, aIse attend te ail kiuds of repairing. Agents for the Ontario wind miii, aise Phool n os-e".Bell 50, Imd. 26. Scranton Ceai Chestnut and Stove per ton 87.50 Egg per ton- Pea Coal per ton 7.28 6.25 At Harbor Coal ohods 50 cents PICKERING.I per ton le The wéddiug took place on Weduem- day lami t fNettie- Maud, ibird 1Coal". The daught.net ofMn. Charles Bradford,1 highest quai te Mr. Joseph Andnew Hill, et To- route. Bey. W.Â. Pippen, etf St.ID R Geergu, Cburch, pertormed tbe cere- EsRe BU mony. Mr. sud-Mnu. Hill von. the BllTl.9 nelplieto many beautiful preseuts. Bl e.9 688. &,,9RANTON1 ename guarantees the lity. 0oWo Whitby Home Tel. 14.. TUE PATRI"CIA R3K LW EE Herewith is shown the latest addition to the already world 'famous Columbia family. This elegant model has many of the features of the more expensive Grafo- nolas along with the latest improvemeflti known in- the art of sound reproduction. .Cail and hear this music- ai wonder. A good assortment of Records and Needies always on hand. I Siarbot Lak O411Talo~w i DY awx Tolling Septemer, Ducks ; A cry in the Widernes rtnd the lirot of -a gerf s of articles, m Things, to know shbout a Shotgun. the regular de- paîtments are as :sual weli mnain-- talned. W. J. Tal,1or, Llited, Woodstocgi, Ont HOMESEEKERS. EXCURSIONSe MANITOIIBA, ALBERTA SASKATCirclWAN Winnipeg and Return - 035-00 Fdmontoun d Ratuma *4&.0 From To=c. sMd a.. W S d Norti i 1terOtO. Pr@p0:m lh from ta sioa let 1ToeBU Parucular. regardins RAIL « OCEAN *tàaM li:on: Cau.'d' adnflfc TicIeIASsaVd EFFIOIENOY put, lait and alilths tirne la the chief feature cf the courses of instruction lu the fanion * T oronto, Ont. Yes ouf tgraduates succeed. TheY bave that bhbt Why it that rnauy studeuts froni other business collegea corne here te finishi courses and get poriions ? Rernerb- er the tont word. E99ciency. Write for Catalogue. Students adniitted at anY cor. T'làeand Principal Improgiibîo Strongthe Maiîmum Benoî, ampiarblo Dîvidên du. For rate. sud fuI nformation aPPlY te F. J. DUFF, MB. A. B, DONOVAN, special Repi Quaen a5 Victoria Ste., M lei. Toronto, Mgr. Tho Mutul I ffNewFYok an agebiy. »DWD&I:, zoca111W.. i. during the Summer month5.. Expier-, lence net necessary'. v' FREE EQUIPIENT., Exclusive terriiery. Highest commissions pald. .... Write for full particulars. STONE & WELLINGTONf -Fonthili Nurseries i'IRffNTO, OT 0F CANADA saved its policy hoiders *$zoo,ooo- in its- first teff yearsi.cf business by'.sclling tbemn without-proflts policiez, and having- ail premiums paid direct to head office- without commissions. Preraluma col- iected were $389,o, instead 6f $4899. ooo. Feurt-cen other Canadiari cen- panies received $18,499,695 ,ii their first ten years mninly for with.profits, policies, and paid in profits te pollcy' holders $9I,55o. Their combined ac- cumulated surplus éver sharehoideWs contributions was $79,707 st the end Of' their firot ten years. Wbich i ooks beat__ to you ? -The Equity Life is the total abstain- ers Company. If interested write fer fiarher particulars. The ma wbo studies bis own Intereta wilk pernise The Equlty tLire Amusce* Company bcn i wants Life Insurance. L. W. DUDLEY, K. SIJTIIRLAND, Af nut, President .& General Kauar Whftl;.'nt.Toronto. New Laundry. We wiah to acquiint the peopleOof Whitby and surrounding country wilh the fact that we have opened up aB irit- class Iaunidry on Brock St., Whitbyin Hewis Bros.' oid store. 'We are propared te do ail kinds ef laundry work. Family orders give» special attention. Ail work garnteed. 0Parcels called for and delivercd. Charles War Whitby, Ont.- Have You any Property For Salé P Il se, cnt ont aud mail this coupon for our listing fi s e -s s I i i .5 'j s Groator Canada Improvement & Land Cou RICHARDSON ai RICHARDSONSMALES MAdhNAES< Bell phone 193. WHITBV, ONTARIO Farms..For 'S -Upwards of forty farms from 25 acres $35 an* acre, guaranteed to show satisfacfi investment, located in Whitby and Pickt Every conceivable requirement of soi, )i and other improvements ean b. met in thei J. E. WINN, Bell phone 109. Éesidence, Dundas St. Wes P. 0 5aIe 4 6 up, and at from ory resuits from oring Townships. inildinge, orchard varied list offored. ).,Box 3944 at. --I --t- - i. -I Subi O!GuRu GOIJIS Yen cannot do botter than attend tbe - BRIT18N AMERICAN COLLESE Tong* sud Mcgilf Ste., Toronto, fer a Boul. couNTY ,07 ONTARIO. usu or Shorthand Course. 79aU Tern ia now' 2n. W@ ak yen te write for puilars.- toit. . W. Wsuebope, Principal. 2. WHITBY-Nuuu E.L. Macdoumal, el, kýWhltby- Jaa. là, lob. 5. Mar. tg, APUil 8m ai' il Jua 8l 'Jl>' 8ilSep. SI, 0.1, il Nov. DU. 4, JS&O tg 1919. OSHAWA-MsUB. L. Naciomul Cle*-Jiw. 14, Faeb , Mar. 8, Apu. 4, lisyl, ima 4, Jil>' 4, Sept. à, ffl. or Nov. 9, ]roc. 9, Ja.. 8leu1 8. BROUGRIIM.GleseonCeusa- Wod, Clark-Ja. ltMnu.StNal 4, lil>' 1, Seo. 5, Nov.1ni 9s. 11, 1918. 8. PORT PERET- J. W. B.rukoa, Clrk- Ja". il, unarilMay 1, .July S, sopt. 0, NOv. 12. Jas. 1a, 1918. 4. UXBRIDGE- R. J. Mooea, Uz- bridge, Clark- Jan. 1é, Mau. I4, Ma>' 1à, Jul>'14t set. S, NOV. B", S. CANNINGTON-Tboo. It VoMe, Casanngion, Clrk-Jas. 9, mat. no Ma>' 14, Jul'm &m.Sept. ,Nov. le$ Jan. le, 1919. 6. BEAVERTON--Chas. A. flat«- WB, Beaoo, Cwk-Jam . via. 12, May' le, 'Jl>'.18,Se. , Nov. '18, Jana. lit118. i. PTRGROVN- VanWai [o.ax Atiarla>', Cerk- Jasi,9arVu., Var JId 8, 1515i,- Br m,wJ. a. TABEWELL, Date aiUNI>',Nèv.'US,1918# MONUMENTS- O! ail Dagna Dd la-tok leIpt InStut worz - insofor f«youm DoM't bonifiaib>' amte Ve go -, nipo'Im ouquumy BAi i. sHow me agmt'm-m.u0% ,,l pS aMM., vla yn'w-"taa S@a* A ml 8llît- 0,-ta Vol. 52- Éj1 ~THWi lias advancd t1e price-O j hemicats5 and Patent ýM -,manufaçturýd in Eur We are rna ioncl price, except ir i lunes affected by the war. We are looking aýer siderin g, the- intrut. patrons, It Wjill j a van toi Dr-ugs, Our. go d Medicines and- ids are the i"unes 'H ILL Druqqistan p ID',tHALL Prof essional >INO. E. FAREWELL, Balî.,-teri Cou.nty c-rown AÀ County 5lIîcitor. Office south wiîng-Court Hou As E.- CHRISTIA Bannuter. Solicitor. Notary Pu. Office, Brock St., 'Opp. Stan Money- te' Loan. JAMES RUTLEDGEi Barr Money te Loan on easy -Office immedîatety souith R Whitby, Ont. Ce VOUNO SMIIH,ý Issuer of MARRIAGE LICE Court House, Whitby, -or neD.A.J. SWAN Banister, Solicitor, Neta Conveyancer, etc., .Oshawa1. -On Office--No. 2 Kiing St. E, M Reuidence-52 Drew Phopes-Office4 321; Rcsid Hfarriage Lic il Issuer of IMafriageLk Corner drugit eWtneisesrequired. ÂUCTIONE JAS. BISHfO 0 Oshawa, LMoensed AuctÀion~ cosser te L. Fairbazili.I and dates appiy-to 'self or Whltby. WM MAW S L.IÇENSED AUCTWbN AND VALUATOR. Ail kindi of sales prom-ptl e4 te. Arrangemenits, for - bi made at -the Gazette offfit Torma reasonable. Bell and Independent pbo WIIITBY, ONT. Bus and Dray Bush Bus to altrains. AUTOMOBILE FOR H *alo aacks, Qarnagos * Rigs of ail kinds DAY OR NIGHT. jOHN- ElSI 409 Lumsde *TOROI TORONTO m..s.eeseeszeesse~.eszooe*asS*S*Or eORN BJNIDIRS-l Have stood the test-!Don't Expe riment- i Ask yourm neighbor-He knows.e UFRIAIi JONES Brooklin - - Onar. Bell-and Ind. Phones. Onaro Pheu s1U3 OrmaIeCuida i.pmsv esut ud LaidCe., Limlsid, *BrOkSt Gentlemn,-. 1 have a ........................fer sale. Kiadi>' teud your lirting torm. NAM£ ....................................................... AIDulREs.................................................. .. IL béa e4ma i à t f t 1. phone 70 irliris-J Ind.

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