Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Sep 1914, p. 1

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4t advaided the pries of ma ny *IloalRS and Patent Medilie, nuanufactured ln Europe, ýeare naking ho. change, in Lce, cxcept -iu ulnes directiy .eted by the war, We are looking after and con.ý ýering -the interest o! our1 otfr will pay yç'u <o corne here rour egs, Kediaines and Spiies. goods are the finest qualty. J, E. 'WILLIS Drugglet.and 0pticlani MED;ICAL HALL E3rock st. fWhltby. Pfessional Cardla LEGAL dIJos E. FAREWELL9 K. V. BaltKer, County Crown Atto rney and County Solicitor. Office south wang Court House, Whitby. A. E. CHRISTIAN Sarrister. 5eiicItori Noïtary Public. letc. Ofce, Brock St., Opp. Standard Bank. Money to Loan. AMES RUTLEDGE, Itim roi, Etc., .Money to Loan on easy terns. Office Immediately south Royal Hotel, Whitby, Ont. G. YOUNG SMITHo LL.B. Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES Court Hoîè Whitby, -or resideace. D. A. Je SWANSON Damter, Solicitor> Notary Public, Conveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa, - Ontario -Ofice-No. 2 King St. E, Mackie Block Residence-52 Drew St. hoses-Office, 321; Residence. 326. Corner drugstore. Whltby Mo Wituessuarequred. > JAS. BIBHOP OshaýWa, Llomaued Auctioneer. Suc- "sor. 1é L. Fairbanks. For t1cms ena it es apply to self or G. Robb, WM. HAW j L1CENS5ED AUCTIONBER iAND VALUATOR. Ail itduot sales promptly attend- 94 to*, Arrangements for saies oan bs, m40 il1the -Gazette offlos. Ternos reasonabis. Bell ÏSÉd Independent plhones.. WlIITBY, ONT. t 4 Fàài 81. HOR &S 8 and Dray Bai 'y ilnoss Bus to ail trains. TOMOBILB FOR HIRE; so -Racks, Carnages and Bigse ofmli kinde DÂY OR NIORT. Bell phones-SU, 14 and 74. stables and Office:. Irool et. i., wbiligt lit 8 U Si N ESOPPORTU N ITYm Corner, store for sale on car line,.Toronto; oud brick building wýithdwelling. District well built ,up, Established grocery, business wlth smail stock. WilI seil to- gether or osparate. ffl Builing F"4Id, The above- illustration was nade from a photograpli of a drawing made by resident1 engineer W. A. Young of the se*erage system completed in the block included in the diagram. This diagrani shows where the sewers have been put, in, how deep they are, exactly uhere the connecting y!s or joints ire a nd at what distance- from the manholes. The ownership of the lots abutting on the streets is Ehown, and the location of buildings. For ever> similar section of the town a Simil r plan is being made by Mr. Young. The plans are in a book, which will be the propert. ot the corporation when the syýtem is complet,,d. Just how uiseful and imp(rtant tliese maps wil be can be seen at a glance. Husbiaod Assavits Wife. Cornes. Before Co. Judge. Francis Heury' Stewart Wedder- hurn aud s wl!e, Mary, o!f<)sliwa, marnied seventeen yeara, bave not been living hammouîousiy. A few weeks av~, at au eanly mornuig hour, their diflerences led bo a now o! large dimensions, lu which the huiaaut as- saultet bis wtt o, Inflilctg bÙcuîy harm-so the change agalusit hlm ou the books of the police court icad. ludeeti the first reports were that tue vile hati been murdemeti. 10w- ever, she was not much injured, but the change agalustbe6r husband brought hlm Imb police court, and thence to the Count>' gaol, wheebh bas laugislied *ver siucs. Mr. Wedtierbumu. lu a well set-up ma~,anti bas beeu a souier, lu the British aamy, havlug been lu the la- MOUS oavalny regiment, the 1716 Lancers, for seven yeans, lu vhiýh ho roseto e iposition o! Sergeaut.,- Mro. Weildembumu ia a large, fine- appearing veman, apparenti>' qulte woîl able physically te take came o!f The couple have two chilltren, a boy of pehaps neven, sud a gilof tbros or tour, who vers lu. court. Wheu theceecamne belons. Hlms Hïouer Juilge MoGillhlvray au Monda>' Mmi. WedderbÜru vwas ýfirst pute, lu 1he vîtueus box. She tbld the Court that the rov started, vhen hem hua. banti vas emovng his bools, bis tmunk anti hi. cbobhlng mom 1the hous, ithout telllng lier wheme ho wus going. She uald ho chokeil hon anti etruck hem lu 1he face, breakug ber glasmes. Hem sils vas lujured lu the struggle. Afterwvpdh 16e speut fmom Saturila>'1111 the neÉt Thurida>' lu the houpitai. 5h. sut- lereil- mucli pain anti Inoonvenleuce frein braises.à 1The pisener, who v as undofeuded by -Couusel, vaï, given Ithe prîvibego of eress-.zsminlug the vitneis. To hlm the admittëei îMlng fin, .'.h tlimov an.empb>' Un païl!aI lier hiua band because h. lauglieti a ber when ibis aske« hlm wbee lsas 'golng. ",Did, -you Ilireate o 10eut my Ilireat smn glit -unleus 1, voulti les,. tue 691 did nôt, Ilieugli1J ott@a sld- 1 vould lbave yeu unlesi yen vers bet- su bo murden me ?"1 "I may have said I'd kili you if you dldn'I stop your sweaning at me.', The witness admitled stniking pris- oner with a glass vase lu the diuing room, ýand threaîeued btb trow a hot Iron aI hlm. She denied picking a'knife off the table and threatening to cul hiln open., Many other thfngs were charged aud, deuleti ou bolb ' sides, sud His Honor stoppeti the examination and consulteti witb the ('rown Attorney. Then he suggested that If, the prison. on would plead gullty to assauit, he would allow hlm tb go on suspended sentence. To this Wedderburu agreed. Ho told HIs Honor that ho hati two lobs, eÉther o! which ho coulti go bo. Ho was bound ibver bo keep the peace for a year ou a bond of $200, sud was then a free man. Hle Honor suggested that as the couple were yeî youu.g lu years they no deubt bail affection for ene anobli- oer, aud should keep th. family tic- gether. Wodderburn lu te coutribute te thein support, whlch hoe said ho would bo only too glad tb do. AVisit to Valcartite Mdr. Edltor.--rhinking youn readers miglit bu luièrsted lu a short a.- ceunt o! the mucli taîketi o!"City' of Tots," Valcartier, I enclose an e«tract O! a letter rocelveti trom nu> ulster, Miss Inch, who wus one of the guesteofo Col. Sain. Hughes .at the official nevlew. oft1he troops thomo on Sunday, SeptexuberO', 1914. Mn.. G. H. Wluter. "We loft Ottawa Ssturdsy nlglit at-nins o'clock. Tlisy bld us.itwas One' O!fb theot Important trains that evor loft Ottawa. lt was mails up eof ive privais cars and two slesp- ors. The private cars bsbongsd te Hon. Mr. Pelleter, Hou. Fmank Cocli- nane, Hon. R.L. Borden, Hon. RobI. Roigers, and Col. Hughes. Basiles these m n ves Hon. J.D. Haze, Deput>' Minister of Milia,_.Col. pls- set, -andi a number of oabers, wlîli gueste 10 lb. number ci Ihirtee.n. Immedlatel>' behlil Our train came 'tbe train of the Geornor .Queers!, Duke et CnSuit. W. arrivatlalà-arlle aboutl eigh* ia the .meraing. Thuse1Wvoe &UtOt St the station.10 reset mi; ad they took us bo headquarters, where we had breakfast aI tbe' ofilcers' mess. A!terwards we waîcbed a elunch parade sud service between two andi three Ihouiautei uen. Il was great wben they ail sang "God Save the King." We then goôt lu motors andi matie a complete tour o! the city o! tents. We <rove in and out the 'bine, also passedth Ie rifle range, whicb la threc and one-hai! miles long, wlth fil te.en hundreti targets. IVe trove about 27 miles altogether. Il la lovel-y t look aI aIl 16e7 lents. You can sec them for miles, I woulti say. WC luu4hed aI 12 o'clock. Il poureti nin luthe afternoon, but they had the review just -the saine. We went lu-autos, anti so dit] not gel wet, but the men were soak- ed. There, were 88,000 mou lu uniform on parade, aud 4,000 horses. Just as far as you could ses vere troops lineti up. Col. Jlugbos andtih1e Duke rode aiong the bine of7-mon, whIch Idi Us I i ie elwere liued 'up lun ordiuary fours they would reach 12 miles. They marchod Iwo companles a- breast. The »uke and Col., Hughies stood qui Le: i.ear wherc, we were, go wo bad 4,a fliueview. MWe recoguizeil Col. H.F. MéLeod, on 'lir iebat-àr iead- Iug hiscouupsuy,, with Capeain. Guti'. ..erih 0 hnd hm marching mwtb his men (t*wo o! the, New Brunswick officers). Tboy loolcei fine ln uni- form, and- ýwe were eertainly proud of them. Sir Wilfrid Laurier was at the revlew. The Band, played whiie the Cana- dian soidiers marched, andthelb pipes when the Hlighlanders came aiong. Il takes 30,0,00 1%s. of hread at encb meal for, the goidiers -at Val. cartier. Our train left Vaicartier on Sun- day evening, at eighî, getting Into Ottawa about 7 Monday morning. Oshawa Fair Siccessfvl. IThe fail fair o! -the South Ontario [Agriculturali Society, otherwise caîl- ed- the Oshawa Fair, enjoyeti King's weather' on! Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Mdonday was prepar4tion day, and Tuesday the first -day of prograin. The at- tendance on Tuesday afternoon was extremely gratifying 4nd numbered weli Into the thousands. Everythiug about the Fair was in fullI, swing,, and il la quite wlthin bounds to say that the fair is tn- proviug f rom -ear to yean. The nuniber of exhibits Is steadiby lu- cneasing, and the qualitv la of a high standard. Those lu a position to speak say t4at the sbowlng of stock this year uvas better than previous- k'. At ahl eveuts there wene many fine animais; sbown, although lu such a stock Counity as Ontario, It might well be that the nuurber coulti bc trcbled. Iu the agricultural .and horticul- tural hall the exhibita wene mauy aud of a very fine quallty. The ex- hibits were artistieally arrauged, s0 that the building preseuteil a very at- ýtractive appeanance. Credit Io due numenous Oshawa marchants for the creditable dlspbay of wares. made, whieh added to the lutenest of the show. The ladies snjoyed examluing the building whsrein was dispîsycil the ladies' wonk. Thene was a large andi lntoestlug assortment. Trhe- poultry building was filled wlth exhibits, the range coverlug ni- most every- knowu variety. Thiis building was -well paîrouizeti. The Midway was much langer thîs yean than usuai, and many attrac- tions, sinullar te tiboso of the To- rnto Midway, were present.. The attractions on the platformIn l front of the grand stand were o!f*the usual order and kept the crowd amusod between the bo-rise-4aces- pîherwlse termed speedlng lu lie ring. Those events seepmed to' be the great drawing card, for a local show without ils horse race would bec con- siderable o! a corpse. There docsîîtin seem to be anythdng as yet devised for an attraction at f aIl faire to equal lu crowd-drawing power the horse race. Altbougb borse-rncing la contrary to lnw at t 'hese functions, nevertheless It continues- lu full force and effect, because 99 out of 100 peo- pie lfke it and want il. O! course the reail purpose o! the 4àir la sorewhat hindered and hurt, because people do not give to the exlulbîts Iluat careful examînation and comparison Ïhat they should If the competltion Is to have lts most beneficial effect. But bumanity must be taken <'a it la found, andth 1e dîrectors cannot lu a day change the lastes o! their pat- rons. -Revenai accidents occurreti durlng the speedlng, one o! wbich sent a driver to the hospital, ani aIl o! whlch causeti a cjuiver of excitement tn the cnowd. The ladies of Oshawa operalet a, hospital lent, ln which they senvod Opera flouse, Whltby To-NiglutThursdayo Sept 17 THE BOVER-VINCENT STOCK COMPANY Presents "6A JEALOIJS WIFE."' The mout popular comedy drama of the day. Elegant special sceuery for each and every act. Wonderful electrical effecti. REFINED VAUDFVILLE BETWEEN ACTS., Sec Walt Arthur that skinny fellow, Melville and Whitney, and 3 other big acts. NO WAITS 1 ALL FUN 1I 1 5-PEOPLE-i15. A perfect production in every detail. Walt Arthur,îhat skinny fellow. with the Boyc-Vincen t Stock Co., at the Opera House to-niglit i "A JealousWife.py ,PRUCES-259 Resered Zests nov AND JThe Inner ring, with Its large chosen stock awats your needes a j green-grass ares, Was .the stand of a moderato 'prices. large number. of automobiles2 suddcar- niages, the charge of admission to C.an)eron-Trull., thes. being 50e. -ea.ch. - j It was oonftdetly expeted that Thehome of Mr. ad Mrs. Casoy the attendance on Wednesday would. i.-rull "The Grange," ,Darllugton, was. exce 'ed that of Tuesday, and Ifgo' the sicone o! a very pretity, wedding, the direotors may well 'wear a ernile. wheii, the marriage was solexnnized - -ýo-betweeu their daughter, Lydia, and- 1-ening., ý É r. Donald Cameron, 01 Port whit-* avalîncry penng b ». The 'ceremony.-was pentormncd by the 11ev. S. F. Dickson, of Eben-- The..Misses Scott held a v(ery. sue- ezer Church. -The bride came ln oh ces! ul xillInery opening on Fridiay, the arm o! her father -,to the colo9nial September 11, and as usual was at-1 porch, which, wai prettily, decorat- tended by a large crowd of ladies, ed with evergreens. The guegrs ïas- who were znuch pleased with tie dlc- sembled on the lajvn. Her sister, tates o! fashion, 'the ihats being quite Mrs Knight,, o!. Napauee, playnd th* simple and wearable. . weddlng rnarch. The sailor shape- ln ail sizes wa:b A very dai nty luncheon lwas serveri, favored, wlth many odd and origilnal toasts given and responded. Ln, al designs lu mnilitary oftects, wbich are drinking toteeahanhppes so oplarIbs sasn.Velvet la of the happy couple, who left fnr. a greatly lu the lead, with piush as a short tîip b Western points, au#l close second, and with these mnater-1 wili 'reside. lnu future aI Fort Whitby. ils the hats are partlcularly rich lu appearance. l3lacv, and black and The annual Hlarvest Thanksglvlug white are the Most popular colors, services o! St. Johjs' (B3ai) Churcli but a few other shades are not bo be will be beld on Sunday nexî, "Sept. overlooked, such as green lu aIlý tints, 201h. THE NAME TO REMEMBER PEELIS WHEN PURCHASING 130OTS AND'SHOES Fleet F ot Outing Shoes. A Cali Solicited. SU PPERS PUMPS, ETC. Men's Work. Boots a Phone 151, Whit-by, Ont. 'STANDARD DANK tenoppit'e â asâtaim in ageu&.* TORfONTO ______ WHITBY BRANCH C. A. MCCI*lLw, Manager. * W00 c6Sma ea DlinaA.ill. Dioklln <c. A. MC& Ormo Oham J.P.dwn, Managor), Pick., g" -PmtC"«d lOtIRS! and order while we have a'good assortrnent. Corne now. ilyaciaths, double or single, Tulips; double or single, Parrot Tvlips Paper White Narcissus Double Vot Sion Narcissus Per- Doz. 50C . 20c 25C 25C AýTu -LAWLER WVHITBYt ONT. Phonies,. Bell, No. 47; Vndependerit, No. 47 PR[CI2S of seme articles have advanced since co mmencement of the terrible war ln Europe, but soins articles of food romain comparatively cheap.. * SALMON TIRC[T AND WHITB PISH are now as, cheap as they wyere years ago We have î1eekly shipments of theft deliclous &hol. Patenedg themn will 6e supplied by leaving their orders. of choice dry quality efercedhy us ai close pricus. P LUMS an d CHERRMES ' have beea failures here bi<t we have beau supplyiag theintrotWthe west, below bla year'u pricles' PIRBSH M13ATS 6f the' cholcest qualily-ýbeef, lamb, veal, porls and tenderloin are f umabsed at* a _Very sMW! margin of profit.' We aue now supplyiag huclcleberuies and thimbleberries.- ' wu JIaE u 0m,-1hu of ce" «rIewoewf BuLl: 1 . -Our first shipment has just arrived. ý- a m SHOE STO',RIE

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