Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Sep 1914, p. 3

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-Or, Duicie's- onfession Nations may war and soldier may fight, S-And Emperors totter 'neath thefr divine right; 'pBut. the King ln his palace and the yokel in his shed - Must always and everywhere be thrice daily fecL The -ý dessert for now M --and always So economical-so tasty--so easy to make and good to eat that you should serve it often. Your'folks don't grow fred of dishes mýade with BENS50NS PREPARED CORN because there are haif a hundred -different ways to vary the taste and the appearance. Each new dlsh a new dellght. Keepý a package of BENSON'S PREPARED CORN handy i the pantry. It la a prime necessity ln the making of sauces and gravies. ! Send a post card to-day for the daintiest littie recîpe book you ever. saw.. It tells exactly how Vo use BENSON'S PREPARED CORN, and gives some ýrecipes you wil be glad to add to your collection. Address Montreal Office :: -CANADA - STARCH -COMPANY MONTREÂL CARDINAL a BRANTFOII DI B PIEPARED HI Ilts for Uic lHome} Wayé to serve peaeches. Pitré peaeh Icm CreaM.-Pare 12 re peaches ami remove Stones. Place I pint ci cream ndmi i.2cups el granuiated sugar, in a double bdiler; stir uitil tho sugar dis- mlveas and the cream scalds, but do not boit' Chili, andi wlien per- 'fectly cetld pour the augar and c;eam into the eau, paek andi freeze. Press the. peaohbés tlirough a fine cotander and add to the f ro- zen mixture, leaving tihe daubler in tho <an. Adjust the handie. and- turn very ilow'ly uriil the mixture io 'thorough1Iq frdzen. Reniova the dasher and pour according to the general directions. PebchPudding.-Cover the bot- tom of & baking-dish with stale cake crumb, e ut, not. rolled, Spread over thepe.che8 whioh have been ohoppeci fne and sweeterned with griantateti sugar. Then ivdd an- other layer cf t-he stale cake eruzba andi repeat the &akernate layerà until !the dih is ful, witk thre Laat layer of ca&ke. Bake until brown, about 20 or 30 mnutei Praw t-tý the edge oftht» oven ad ;proat ovel- the tio> a meringe iiiadc f rom the well-beaten whites of The water, flour, sugar and butýt two eggs, two t ble&poGnfulb, of su- with the pe&:!h juice, will ha gar and the juice of hait a ienbon. formed MIl the sauce necusary. Color a ga:den brown and serve Péaek rfp j«a-W a. eup hot, wit'h cream or liqulid - ft<uC. the fine granulated tapioc>a incc 11aked Peach Pudding. -- Mix a' waer, rinsing, severai tim4 biscuit dough f rom one quart -of Place i n a. bowl with three cups four, two teaspo-onf uls of bakingicold water and allow t.his to stw powder, two-thirds of a cup of xilk, for 30 minutes. Then couki a c a, daah of Salt andi two tabiespoon- ble hoiler until the tapioca is cie fuis o! butter. Rarldle sas ligihtly ae and transparent. Pare ripe pea< possibie andi rol'l out pintil it is .les" es, cut them ln halves wid remo than haldan inch in thicknens. Lay the stones. When the tapioca this on a shallow baking pan andi cleur posr it over the ý.peaehe, stick it fullt cf peiach halves from ranged in a baking dilh. <,vert which the stones have been re- dish tightly and bake irn a 'oderi mooveci. 'In the bolea tb4ls lef t stick oven untit the pea<-hes are tendi bita of butter, a dash of flour andi Then rernove the cover and broc plenty of isug6r. Bake quickly and the surface zlighlty. Serve vi serve 'hot, with creani. cool with whipped cream, sligi Pcach Roull.-Pare and ceut up fine sweetened. 1liai! a dozen peachesa ndi sweeten Rice Creaw mith Pechem.-Th. thein tiberaliy. Mix together one a nouriNhing as well as a tempi pnt of flour, two teaspoonfttIs of dessert. Té make, soak a cupfui bakinig poyrwder, one hait teaspoonful1 rice over night ini water and ci: of sait and ocne sexial abeepnonful in the morning. C0ook it in1 of butter. Mix with .sweet milk un- I norning in a quart of xilk& tii it cari be handieci just comfort- Foned with haif a teasp-ooniu1 ably, Roill eut, spreacl R with the satt in a douîble boiter' until it sliced peahes andi roll it wp, pinch- tender. Difpoive a table4pionfui ing the and& Vo give it a long. uer- gelat'ine in cootd water and boeat î*ow shape. L4y this in a deeýp, ak- over hot water until it is cle ing dieh, sut fleur over it ligtt. Strairi into the b-ot r-ko. Add a duet wit4î pulverized fsugar and atiti ciýpflil eo! augar. ;,\11ow theruixi a few bits of butter andi a ciîp 4O! to ü4oi! and a'dc a teaeup of crez boiling water.- Cover with a lid! whipped mtif!. Pour the whole i und bake for- 30 minutes. Reniove. a mold. \ýVhioîî ready to '42rve, ti *tho, lid am- br'own -for fixie. minuitet;. out of the moiti and e,îcircle Serve boct rom the pudding tuih. creanmed inet wittî peaches sjI elandi tigaredi, or >ou caui stew pvecibes with just enougli wat-er makie a ricli syrup and serveth ic-e olt aroui the creamed rtci I'ue:Mlba'.- -Feor tttis popu r dixh *lect large. firsu pea<ýh& t are very rpcaisd f-uil of fla l'are the,,ut fVhem iu lialt,1 t'ake OUi:twt: 4uls. simnler tl @IIt2A~ gentiy in enoîîgh water tu c< ~ jthein, actding a cuptui o! sugar * eve-rY quart cf water, . dd tw< BUY REI)ATF in three crazked peaeh stces te Otihial Package water as thev arse oooktrig t-t and b. - added flavor, WýVhen trhty are É& ..jLw . _ - .',h~~p lu ree O~Â~ZEv4çpunod. - N 4obtt ~bur tir.w >49 qve 1 i~,1*~ ~-~gr ' --~-.-~ro%' i- 'there vas i-biÏt ihad île iUi agresul a obsPmP, aa4 '-wbut,-vaa the us>& oa no roplied ne< flt, quitO 'dratzL Atu,'aaIU asmr z # T.~-.bad, Lbe fett, wOrM ie .1WAY 1,0 oIïl r# ii,.e antlé gistrto Ii ber îneh for ber-but 411m? j m bo falwla& "fon are àxoedn y rudel" m!gbe tie tie rvarsa o! polit. if b. werf 1 an, Ir rclia .-Eut truth-. -v iii" ,d *onfre assma e ~d oiit~' sia aid noetnk b.hjc isr. - Ro-veI januls4iyagint Ie, "Perha"sb L_?h vi wtb a v11 an o Lë t I>ulOci oli sud ýdd~ib«- î rý"hadosanI t btnk an et ers¶a gr$ flfl4OTEr -.,à,ub-b-r anmareove 7 ~A ged aayet ~sxu" b sUod uwUIb eu it ber alit,-wi, "0f our, ibea aa se a be de e -anet aioelIfr 1 esa= lnghe r, ,nd he permt ibtsoto tinbu-n lb rmnea1P 7 t-brde b permita eieso t ftiro! on théns-berimm ac ba"le hr "h.bseml"cc ia tr dsicto4ohom ad "Netlnjretrls. 1 wtildtia mern vortsil ng rifacimy,- « "Dpuo nelt7' rl sauei ero ok-b nor otpw ru bti qa- te lbe1,wbat e rnet ?Xi mvuePiueatbbnte eblinav er, se lnebadgoit hbiianlf hi"budta-gidn Me acdincommndf tsheight ipl a-fa unasf. aoin.apl etat ber inster 1was meeting W575 if. i a hegl ynwr eUmn treiaeTaren erf0,faa-berswlth h ieem. are al rometi 8W th 13-ihgu crieu fluewtt-b fis te, elle Ilus copsl i e tre aa h bd le ta t-rifle vibam e ortimedlbtH cnc ie nv n 17,ac octrneulfrl" . 1,piud emlog.i-ot ad romd. hte-wendba r a pno t ien mncb m ortebrVayend t?" i -ny- a: 54 yalr t Ge on July 3h -ý lier-bIt beowad.te bave t b.deciei nothbern ftim. er a .nddhmwtbfinl y ta e bau-va bave !nd eie n wbait But onetitu<'ail oaeur-adniht 'DoCa-ut 7011 ud seswer feretiitwoingormZulu wr o t89dtle-bew wonie w I lk, iha ov aye w -becho h-b la;.f-uceer 1;hneea d net-ken an ha t?"ab eiel cI adafi."o a.rn tescn, o t .h hp a perwend Iarn elribe?"irenî ed surspiin tberu iseyeas er ingkte liai-l oieda le otbe ation e s hn a c 909ntielte 1 Yen are beneatb a c entlema" lderiots Ibeury ftesIoolu ber stherla.wbei lre eoudat iebyad, -are whi re wa.s lag aptain te tn; aeanad hm. " don cae whtirr y n " bat e tir aett er'? affbis reks.fraite - wae riwo e afa, d ha sr fn vrsan.t ~ ~ ija fte Cia S "0And 51 tY!" fati rer o iWl " -routhnwt-ltye iavn- e- hllg lihe dLId ne re. ew!r41avc.0a-d iger- acgro--b usdbee bottralb to-ay," e-t e ulmote bner asttas aen- rcr54. Ai a ofmcde aonti rear-a1. rit- zneweio higdn phakn" le hnd P I-Ii-rs. bnt ltr m ulbae ted.AturBlubt ii vr fad propoail -miabis.i teir LubIs es, o comancd t- Sud ulci plged cntenedly.lieneit-wa-'tireEiaz Indie ii 190-e, ntOrest. Thsei od husevacodhgo a-uita sud gridbe. d dnot et- aen. h- aIy b ucntbunriu. A -i sNw fauilntea veud qard Ii a-n res- ai Buset Emno se aorry f r hlm i trig t-bi- mmnt b. kls. ed ber gi.e pe tainthV> ears ii tir o d8C9ruise a-btins m a ler e ia grenie or t a an hedtb b er hialseaek -ad s . e d orer-t? ite face ed clos ell a nr Sucrnii11-2 r a ,nmt "Yuaeblebcnepl uc e ile e. hi hean ie th lu U-'i ern- th coud roist. rrba-.Jhhews lgcatÂUtD asue Im 1dobet an do he tb ing lan t t-4 a h e s iere lley.niase.,Iond "Y nt enriy meateav ipe tbc! danbi reet cann' n ppcs eimi oeer n e- -,o-ehs e otrai ody" r no-teatuil uie. cember 16,éb, rma. 1912s , bdiis fland fiying t "t-hr o itly, su d rgu erneou," sa-Idbeond fi o ilsetbi ne',.daîiranfo1 mnIe bitho nsfsted.h n rrd irlh a o m nde-nc e pii r en D a i -oataob-dasse ~ n'5;ldPni tbs e,Ïb omoe slowy t e lai e eca-m e içtly lared. althe irsn&i n org 07. -,an fe dida no tdta-. -ny dlesacctberema4 hn fa "Âad ube- ddntaswr e oll - bnie nAthr ttie-Cusr cma uleted ar r e ira nosa * -casatd ti ra a aonrafr i ysgem day o'entmuaiet." dbraisaimore derled- Vic - e-adr i te.- e. raind d i abs dla neftePrmeath art ofabsliad as ie, ddntint dat-ove av us hîbody g Yeui emu-e ore t-ha-tI a-mga-tre ird Batt90i2 e 1fiquadro -ntiai hermellso Uebgn hteY. M on.ta h'ou n iut. neI upsea 1BeIt-ni bet t u t h e owled ged ait. te wre la, uile, ubot. 4Iyau rsSira."mueinetl Rend. butycu hed o f ouprnconipa pre De. ga-ccfori- fer ber pinstedheeketesud nheri1r, 1912,a-i., inagedl" org-' t o, h t ly, en ld etyenjho e ," he -Oreet! îy Dpe D lce.11 ne l , h mu we; h i ng Grge n EV . d v i. h sem ninhen c h re n-prose toeny obougot Il r hty."ad a atampt t-e eepbtnîrit btlahrp, i n rude te ber. au4 sa-Id eneiAndtlige "saI uc," sad ruw e a rrn.ns. beut a ail ber 1h1. avaulmeu fi-elc d-ii t a rrlot ntihcd e au emx % edingls hasca-ols h 'bilaeuow.mHresa-Id t-ha-tce- "Lo berEa, il i-lin yen acmie îiedfacer.tu alugt e Ista ys aiti- bta-t-eocholnty eornop mea- sgs y t ni .sreansfrIaml arsi slk i ere W red whie -Ilbe efors efiBetubatun latha- for thacns e a ta asnhe IY Yeatc aa eafor hlt1m e e hor ho laenS yadro movead htm, and fiftys thatolerd gaîes t ao t roudn'toMbavelmtrube rs aes dy tiai.di "Aiib t a cbda-a ufeblg a u . 'XiulIr' kepyoefom at-g' u Mi aybau en nLend ot, "buryuci areunf tir princeial872 irea-a aliSe for-br wlir ar e ciaks an Ish a-m t.y idedt ciedDucient-iuu e . " l teg. nes yfrm is en utlem r- ber ioduh'a itey-lt a"inBe y Ta tirlbe ae nos e irte tba-.im- h-- wdai lm d s(t-a ibng'Ma ie md. 0 ebnia, I mt t, i am f bot n g-tinre een e &c>! Vs, U ne -ig trose thvouerdif e ha. bd qurreue"I wi. "c- a d ko-abat answISa -Ptr bs r a, goda-mtc1a _. u, fth -hloe omath i ng - d nwr VIt teth fon e o Bu Pst, a g tir Peo I d PIi -hIon !'. H sa d u tat c ern "Loao- b o ha eut-iniye hae o I e rva fice s t eitu-'s g oit m edai&-ý bodedîs irasandibis uwesrytbreb, lO. aorl tlau rberan le bcists ed be a n dwi me ub u -nva ew rivspicciscod l Ithrbe dacey andaterilrritiht l tbar obig acst-h-tDuifograw ea-îsi figteedttie cnietiio, fr ireMOI fnofgbtened voice & i-liafothsIre 'would se., a-nillo e eisi l."e j ~ae!lh! Dlce a-e d-v trecf-Ine " o r en leuow, eDle s 'bo iefaler0--ogh e ndoner.o hO whi .1 ler a- ota qfromBe iiurbetun fi a--and ly oi-y ric a. e r tmoer h o 'n av e ebll vr "IaTtuppesean o kuid bat nein say a heabs s b arge dot-uea-nail 1îrieanbe do-th '- trut 3tos o! Tbute ar VrundterauS i- tirBtiequ En. H atuelshe m'rt-bar caunotnlybavet vn.'ani-ait.ail hilsenoarnvl r ice. ve 7 years o!age i 18o8embIn 1890 Io1l ent kuos' oi t n il be1 amor souds;'l nuptinnetl tirai-îoha ebunulil4 i-i-est- ns o seevers43,ri relwii-bot-tAnd cilIleavebui- I k'w l rnfa -i dod ilii-Dl Aw h giatrb itc at tien tisrenet nwni'ralenl h u.ysne1 turbe ha-st-o g t-e ileir tole'i-ro't tiiamboribie wlckof Ifhre-vesiremridin fo rl les' is se rurgten t bust ime . Ha ire ouhd. le i 'airera ia hifk . sud-a sehows ira-bt, co;.iiat'lYv o n t rd n9 a ha basau ti- muls ! -e vodso ari-y sorntasel ' sad' nu spe t e a-ingof tuse, a thé ta m of oug Itas osrBi9i-1wo aih buse," ha deedifâohqared th - Rel. canedo exprusieikchangil, ais I adng= mira-l t. Il -ae1 dndnyof- az sau sme a a i nro t Dule a la ba ri- ha-d vsr irîgir. ' aw thouat airel o, Heij1'idbr.o ber. wi- "tndead' sha s-id. "ard ,"nai. rumia;"iecu a-isy ces 11y in g reaalu fitene fie-et Cia eases c , oltl tcue Tiri -hie. ca-hérntI se ie Pnofslu " o rsneeaarsangeathe" h (Teri be c otine&)a~ r on iy ~ sm l onrg atrpr "RIr laIv e tifd-in au a -fa nePrk' "oas'au-sut-cam asfServie Inetimsr-stng, but of 'hva beins oe. thehenservntsaidlIenioa.oa -i ngButsaid rimi oe. o f age.-, hu ir tr 'n- a ssc out. 'Oubedye b ll a--v oea-y. ye'I uv es'ab id abeswenUsI umetmanrregRdITSHeAIirAs;vic. fr ire Padison' -SivDougels Cton sr eiit.Dulhie h-ta-ne dhur the i iii-me er iai s'sbrT'Yt a-0es -iarUiaNiajoit av h4 vr 0 eaa-"o tia in e e a-. owhi h irboin e tabPr e If e irai- rich-foo mar. her eed B tN s f hnoV I risi ou hi n om d o h II u ppaiosetii-aupaieo a-rdaid; abo ie a lanrg ie reandirnceer'le r in edfa-ffce,.Vie-d ra S pe'; 'mait lergymadrn." H a aitr--a cosaad fuelat i ha-t l ai-lot buteeponti ld cheos e bu a. , 'le a-t flua Po t ra rryunaioractlvc. libeil' Wt ier outreafl eu-nDuslagGon ieela5757tithe arofa bani wsn ve pair wreled Ire frea freSiin i fa- Ied te Bo n hai-i-y a-ny eue.eBrts 1l e ci-a dh sben n h av e17. frbetha@te gbsta Lndonillu br row Ite hllaeehahorar m-ubblyat wicryBett, 3.Tieav-rgel l aou cmeupaneaskd hecauda-te1 fo A-a raidays on rerntbsirn.tO - sould lihe hetorew is efoRialle adi 52 yers. showstire pice wa0,-Mey ivre rau ch nia m]oti, w ofe ty e twod,iSlc as Ir ire ieored ibias weied.sOiI n e- t-J h JeLt.c. t -vile asf ceng t - < s n "hatlls 'T h Dent-h b c e bold bl reuse i re 'w hited aiîda s. sa-l-e-a e-iaar beau otirai-d mot-ha le s pl iadttflf edbi cnsiece it m-n asuane oîrr a-de .-n bei ntir a-vy a i t 7.h a l-e isdeatir ipétl crd n the "et uoe'?"shbde eacetebu fran. ' w cre tieh a ivil, ire 'a a-be -va-y "Xi ,"ha onl tape d i lies, rotIra th u r ud h e o d mi"farlie rs guflyg einlist, ning t ma-r.1 -Ale M iesu r o va -rP ' si, tu dY', in t pro wurhrcu a e. Â W ttl"t-,hat -vas n p in d yS ý im ly oi' £a80m Ai-tira ely iTred--sla ov'Itr le, Thiwa Iller ikiutofliaa ine -, ribfouthnei-ahuof cl l'Il es-t rnneha-t!"tha tlii - îî t-ai bie l'eof as S liuhtte nin 11 l b8 aTw ce oit. Ha iv rlisd lov, tn ira t e r etlvt eîy caina u- i me-l idh r rsea -vnsrie rtnth He1 île i f ueieib a t n o! bris d esi fnheD a d ua -Wi n r e e utqy, se t ira-V ou bis s's o a vr hurahi roeaia- e rat bri more y 'o int- pa mewtranm- gye an riwn ave f 1882, yanc, se -Dndaki:vu sep iv abi ot i t lip s , von ld bave qfaritcrn t- na id-a sbp( er !wune uSu d a ' em onu ia-aih alho -no-utik. Pira-lr1a- oft ouse ht tire rnredt lier0111inb thexedi n- t ei t eeinthe- 5t".N.;1taki thr po t-ook t-wieticub le, nad a i-o te l .in moi-naiarie oanelke £ h-tir- o! f a-a it B aueaPst a-w hlm sii- ttngiîr ai. s'r tirs r o uldte - pla e twhi-halDge g la athno!uthteh p57,and ire Alcawann.soe a pa ovn the tna-bcf aofat ian fs-Os. @ho rie' h s udi-out ld co nai-fuo - Min eriti rouorf -e- bs cull a iir ell artoe h. late i - e Chia! st, &-ff Of ir H Sira iden Slta d iîe n -l u sale tai-n -t p nes mrogli t-oere- m a-y sion amea fBa-aneigewhttyrd . Se aordati ec sond cae Sesn ,ke te.ýa .natei, fOe accUt X i ne ared fiuhe a ite itloe qie e!asîng irls-vas aairset- < Lord,-wiicir lattr peet ir iras ju tCd u era- hg er boe ter. a-rd a lt-rougIr th -nard ui JontJeireas 'ai-liter: "Ail an te.e Detýl of Piliphp- soul a-sboiaydflie ..--She as ilO atis or iga-i-a. D-IIn e -fl. A lat, o he lias b Nelsn re-aî'-ad- i. a ou e &pn audia t-i e iihut- t-ha sl gh i n od and the long cr &thi earut h fla mia-Ide madn -a leat prucioiyrWi'hJi i-vs -thfe eui mer res Ire l,i 4o er Co ul or iorna adTIr5i -nosneadas metotinuta tbauncteck euet thaec o! a-p n iceai-ninal mommend in tierthec- .11143-'. "" -- - dt1'ena-': ch seemedil o lhtu gw itebed oa biea ag, fud a pe ch. -nl aici b ios o dt ihs&ncf tie om fee.a le, -: " - m 'an' -u Balhieubcon raura,'vih amam assurance tia-ver e -ter m t-iria:"va.hfd -verOs a a 4i D cm ýr ov fh e)uIes afenu -tanbs tier . t-be Iosdlb e.t..eabcot-s ions."hea. nAdmii- i C.0 E .. Mad iden, ,$g " 'I in cfl tie p-lae néem a-nirucng u' 1'Iri-ee" oe r muneda "l er s' oita he o iestf e aJh Jii yp- ~ 2 nna-seu.ifii pp- nc nltrt. und rsi a nd ithIc-e t o r usi l îhm si-o-a - ae Ai- u wlco'msfaibturnloe-adiard y" ura rotei-n-aw o tatofi tirerbe WbsslJIoP Is lovSai. 'I r, iba parce tA aret irTati- £8s'0i c r eutrnin th e ny u 1co,- 'lle- irn t ras'-ki-sai-aSalta he t-s'aatoe u, laa-r d e ire If a- e thfk , ir e e r. knoaiagte ia- t-ai-e Pe oa ny S d U a d seifleh d lg sa leu e a ti ý 3 w c iroÃ"d5 c~~~~ra-lie l u riede ou i se. t- Raid b3e-'t- -il'ut~ >Wn t nu gro a-d rusaf i oçlm"ieid .b a-iestvnds'forhm.a-ili-u oaei arsrie irti h- Jt-nrm ad Duiche, ma-nageil le data ir-la l dIe a it ir iem n -ou done otia-V ta Pi- U pin lb. f18,an ,s ol- si-y a- esn .a r ngb noufrtar ulciîrwc p-enjrtheim n ckiuga or ,ring-hi r bly un-bopasIL Mi e incld av. fisiron onid ntye lm anarp n d o uM liai-loet oblene rat. o rera i- . ad thermi-dsein tbathoh ail va-lie. m e x ldtin t ei t e P kn le BOf un leh t de "asi a-ain tira ithlak~ld onn i.Oeiakda14J a Idi o nltette fi leue. d ' c ann ta yen elu, t he e s- d Bt ain fw ih e pcto e* Dayhgit as fain bfon h loi-dl ichea on eu tfor siti s rne. ilYiot l - Saf Miméiotw n eet ho bis fnie d se Belri-et saidH-lat h soul buple-5 les t igi the p tnt ir ogli o a-be ea thort a c ri ivateud lerqx a te nînte. a tr Ouý a-a se ee de f r a ranites ult wta-i-, i dt m egLya-nr aiohmn s u ta liikrg t T id S s L r an Seo d e ; of t-o angd be bhe nmeans, fh or rra a u haf d l ne « ' t bell irlnisoîlaut-rtp" o!d ' r- i igr; tii iae , n n Onit o ri s '- "lg ri oaf . t i aPj s ,- fandetae itoDnb he," afi oteruad oe a le dorteiOor avnry o D0ce ef' 4 or for ia benrer fel -n eie alia 1o bafa-)langir. he aruî'iy w nd u tîî" iet Ine s , <iYetret-soon raaeledt wbe s'oes, a- r d r"Do't- "e sto bal eylu surprisoe m rlc m a dn h& lfet n Thegea-i-m-i a- Thn, -~ $& i si it t-a enacl o p er is the rnal cmt satisfteac- Beltuob iht- a r riilro- w siuaghaire , fici e nodded a-r d wer îrrihdviionofthhHoneii-et :îîu- edliy 'ane, a i e ei< iir egrssi1 dpeth e ori are axertere- iel t-o rlcl-u 3 te; i-- oya dec n m c i as1-thrh ondrtiyalurafeuat.he id a-muse ea ve teai. - -. ,, ira C. .: M ddeI a-i" pa. l cidannotto ranta-be i-bain. ples T beelr i e s m ured.a-' " ý""'0 '. awîruc r Ji= wae oit. hiippk e B ar b le narra-rhoirthe fetaffd eflSnr-vdehof tira ai-n foot op , for t-boy 'ra-nish ed- I lt-e a ,ad e i nthat- - u b r nDuk'u e alI It wae - î i.a lu c u rje nl g r - - eh at-b a-nd mlnrtohmefha cent be rhr ,00tlb7.A-reUr apra-et nîcsd- prou!.t n'ragiug I a ioo 1orc -rc ' M iaamfctured undr hie it-et (3aliing t lue Pesta he sa-s'Pirim es, ouélis . " eu es ro 4 99s t--C.-ï the Whobe oci m rr llb - ersbawam Ii h ird-'ara br id a-dad isua-ay test clcanly und. inaitary t Boitut-ibei sert -a polit. moussas t0 aT - 19au bi n Quito in.t-l'ouaIt flllrb ouedi ins b! indelivrod t a-y, anid rqulI-ed aftien Ms'.Cans'a-id- a o"RireakIl h OdHum rese ra.e 1 osud s J Y- f&dh ewoo. adrii i aceýtionswirie rot trce of a ira- fiar-Âdniral Madcen, ah-lef cf Bi r1 ae )e i a ly-oned njn, St. Lawrencc 'Extra roe nasdis, hIr ngras orys flhing sacil ma-n. » trld ta ÂAdmirai Jellcoe Of the rnltdSa îsm' el~i t-i -caus e Bli-rbal's voice w-iise60 flie hum rSl a ,au lssroS- ritih Navv GuueedSgi ad ha-abten, s"Mdca," r't-oii!ass-d."fl eutfibm schectcd, -ful ua-e k d, and cI a ns'arutim, w rof bert-i tiroiC traî t-d5ii. ol a-ny"Ifh one ra-A-cue u y Vor. M a- loe', altterrata fIls of dapreason Icane for MO e.uilir ndeoIles' hlm. Ye e atu ave St. a--rn ana oilish glas. -i-o quît-a. And duitl! ayoebeIerAnialbadnas "re o o hv t wec ltand seing but Ion dtr a eitIii ci ultimAi-hrfIai turbet?, Wha-td-tMtdi losei-Etre Greulied Sur'arcibr-r h6 12dteuo @tirodu-a lIssaIert-h abI 1 do ibis att4rnioon? I son «in tho Lgyption war andi speciatizeti injufine, coaua or miinîmgrain ovrneo vrdslis le «ned i-en, le »:came donr if Jtm basc acon urnote?" i unr.-ýPooe ofagrn wt X'litO .fbéýlit*a - D&tels oe ,Sir, e'ntte ,t-he. iter-box.bot-ieon lire ~gnir rmtdt i- ak tbaireiurn ll,.21t. r i< h 'àece- -b eci pr Lsthra mt n p i191, wile sei-virng, a tsi-m 251ha iriba mc.ndM1Ibo. Selsi ,r ib -wl aà'sil ,m a- knec The piece ofîa stere u fi AriloM hy nrrat gool rcos 0 orand alkd AT [tb a ffi boet 1evnildwcdamnec ftoyars ae Foui-tirSes Lord,, Si.Larne Suaar Refia-nciea, hI iesaft. p&Oreastd0a-ii l ras n iltw . --rs olm tii. lubrase u4ebm t-e ta-mahan'-er -aiuts- tene «t an irow. e ht-a inms ltowri iris fia-g inithé rutd etel 0jv ait-s a=@ i an u(Othier. fuce mlil ti '--ldiisec bei Iirgt Batlle Squarnon anti Third CAS - s'ia-ta- ~ s-v 1"b iaid~e-Affbtnr dld net. Sie woùld Ment i=l tetil- biisaf it sai t, ObWn tol" -bs ning--but for thbe lait igne. îî antiSconridiCruiner, Squadrous. 4 GMN Hat d.b-liuar s awed 1 I- Tt ac ii t l'btbrnrt The Battît Squadrons, 3 -ii ' a- a- a- -a- r-h ingabli hM. à rb. a-rmo sa bn hngo DU, 4I4~~ M - e5 W '--Vc-tria ir Lewis. Baylyr - . r NPIIVI s' ï- 111 en - -cOniind thir tetBattle Squad- - là Ljter tirOve"hi*)tu~le Dturbet c motet t-bebone,. Scn~f f sutoUrloj 1),'eu 11 a7lugs eu6it u te orhootlmuat ir - g,/tnelil e t'on, flyunç lu fkag lI tire new battle- liT-t- et -bl d, WIO1 i m-luftu Wa li norng1 - pr ft ofthé monansd hip Marlborough,. lRe is 56 yen.re 5- P s's na-S s'-i i~5 -iont i. ah a-< ot-itIroen do-an art-i dilîtni- 'of age, and, iras been in t-ha navyi ad bihlt .t Ul roccoif9j lne Gap. Coolliln a co - now eP-Qe«-.linlt-sinco 1870. A torpedo speciali4-, ie lies eh s-i liti a tab. 'co ' ist na, attina tfonrtbernsd asa abecame ta- eniott -wIlie Baitu-ibat bail 'aiSil at-i de i ib ttra ns aule. feelingeobtiei'ie£0piefrtii Omo, anti lion se bail irnneuanl 1the ti i i-irapize fr ~1rrPoafri nu-te isa-h h whieblie bl it-id rtoakept -ithin bo a renwihCoigeu ï, to o tjr;jôrea-oh omo i-s-uoesd to bc iiei- ny nlonhger'. iebranch tGenihCl n 0 BGetýr til n a i l t-eber irn, atroda te-va-ia , ai-. beri bia1884. Oun two occasionsire bits seen Vive~ badeebe ~ieJu~.t a-lId, -udt~iarnis, a-nil Icîsseiber foui-an lire tintes. on004 - bd orvls- u-bl[nhtn Ta-ItYou r'nias, it was seaome o. wa.r se'vice, lu Ashariti in 187341, i-d n P'i-rW050.conavldiy p tre dl mole eto e ta«- 'aliil'd vht -asanci during t-hoEgyptian %var of bar bid l Ir~. lg u kefrm a er#.ali us rai ars!1882; iro w&a a0 oemployeti against ut resU Ibeil beau a- deighfrI Ie!o haeby-ou"s. eýre u.oê tV btoUMéblw 1w houri la-V ean e "Hidi- yn!aiarnal -out.Congo pirates lu 1875. As commo- av 'Ifaw ateyont" dn't no -fnQteso a 'i al :: ae o. u-eltli-siryIdas"dors of Home Fleet destroyers ie t ornuzWM adiln ltb. nooids1a-rd If yeni- ouch me I s'l noyer speak i-o clidci hci te promote tire efficiaee SUGNV- ~al se tai lre-îk' -l-l-ne,'batYuIl l-ii somat-bil UF er-muclilike Ibm-Io! tire flotillàs, anti was afterwaîds Wo'ul irappeu? Il t-ni' k j' - t m m l'a- m

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