Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Sep 1914, p. 7

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ge gays: ruined'by a wai7whicl-they hate. 'Pio rules inAUtr.The. "While ihe llarvest remisu- S"tunwieidy and bankrupt Emr gathered Vienaa is mene.ced by a 4e, 4raggéd reluotaniily at the famine 'ntpics aresedilyj iý. 'Is <-01 GermanY, àefil 9, state of ing. In. resentment the popular &emperate iuuddler and fear. Hec anger- ha» turned againet île 'for-ý P 4 rzies, half-he%rted ab larèt, and eigner,. and Serbs -have been tomn to P>W êeiysu 'nuare beaten piecée in the- streeta. Two Russian back -4t every pOintý by the. Rus- new-spaper correspondent. were shot by the. police, and five- jou rnal- K The policy .i, iuxi.ng in ,achi uts-ar, in prison. OOipany mon of'-thi. difféernt races "In utter fear thbe Governmeait compose the , imnpire ,lasiiad has.begun to fortiy Vienna aSd thè resultutha't therei n s pr i i ranoen-have been nadm ors ini the amY Many of the flood large tracts 4(L low4ying land Men wero drivèn into trains at the around thie city. Riota hav e occur- point of the. bayonet, and scores red in niany towns, aud te the ter- V1èe. &hot by their officiers tô ter- rors of -the. Cossack and the, Serb rôrizo their fellowi into obedieno. will be added those of revolution 4'While th't. Russisn avalanche and famine" "GREKI SECRET" TO BE USED Censored, De¶patch Intlmates That Terriflc Surprise Await5 tOc Qermans A deapateli from ILondon says: A asking ourselves how far their -ex- Daily.Newo correspondent in Parle traordinarily v c - s f u-nt --ends thé i. foiiwlng eensoired eues- idil prevent *liç Pronoli fro ai-e sage:<'ing u»e of their mrat secet. Thie "Parias2 is ýng to b. defended te ij,. aw&r to kilt and te b. deeidedp -the. last walI. General Galleni's by the. numIber kilIed. And then,: -8-word proclàaiatien has creesbed a Lord Kitchoner z. aD' unknown4 fac- Pfofound impressioni. If t cernes tor. We knocw a great, de&! aboutt, even ,to street ftghting, thi. few sur- ib'now.h vivors in the vity 'ler, are prepared -"G;eneral Gallieni is an army inn -te see thbe walIs burning about hinsolf, an adm&nlstrator' of estab- tbem. lishec r$Putatio and a flghter byo "I wish I couid let yeu know the- temperame&nt--one of the ciasier-T toal position cf things in thie pre- oui ntelleotua1 type. i smethlm -c sent situation, or -oituations, of our -on hie rouDd of the. fortifiçationsy, cwn force. Penhaps I may mention Hoe is neyer away f rom the vitali thef opei secret tha, if-*the- Ger- points, but at the, eau* time-lise ii- ir inans are rejoieing' Li the progregs, eroai adm-inistrat n of thbe town ti of their greabsiego gunsq, towed here as g0t into w«ulidng order with 1i by .30,450 horses,. w. havea &surpris. miraculueus rapidity. lRe passed, s 'quite as cheerinig for them here, with a, sainte, in a, cloudlof du"t, once they get to.clos gripi. thbe car in front guarded b> àari "And,' beside8 this, weO are &il black orderi." ni ai ~TcCool Jdnlacity of John Bull tL A- dcspa-tel froni London sa-ys:4 bhLondon Timîes' military concis-i pondent, discu2sing tuhe attrition' of] tiie Gerinnforces, says . "We gshali raise'a. million men the fist yeax- two million the second year, anudi thrpe million tii, third year. W. euall have a very respectable army< fivi, yea-rshènce, anti it ise really-t moyit tactleee of Vthe Germa-ns te ta-Ik ot peace whien it will take usC macih a long turne te, get into ccir1 stride. Poýor -old Pautl*Kriiger ma-do jut hesa-me mistake as the Kaiseri bsmade. He was tid by ail the. staffs cof Europe that eux-army was, --Further Confirmation Thait They Uave Landed la France. A deapatch f rom New Yomk says: Two stea-mbipe arriveti frein South- ampton on Tustiay, the'. fret cnes to ie'ave, there since tube war began abroati, andti tre'. left New York )foc Eucopean ports. The, Redi Star liner Lapland brought 150 Ameni- *cans5, including sevemal who corro- borai ted tii. persistent reports that RueSi6a»n troope have been pa-esing thi-ough E ng-land on their' way te' aid the allieti terces on tiie Conti- nent. Tii. Royal Mail . steainship Oiuba-, 4comng by way of the. West Indues, brcugiit ine Ame ricane ( tom the -wem zone -wlxo hati been un-, able te reaeii lere otiierwise than b> this ,circuitnuje'route. IIORSES ACCEPTED. Saaicatchewan Notiled by the. lm- periliAuthorities. -'A despatoh frein Regina says: It hms been announoed b> the. Provin- cial ""GoÃŽenment that Saiskatehe-' wan'e offer <d fifteen hundred horses lia.besn aeeepted1by the.Govern- a.enou Great Britain This prou- 'posai wu ma-clmm. me r age by be askatchewan Government, but. te aoceptnoe b> the. Imporial au- 4lirles wae reoived' only on t 'esdaay inorning b> Premier Scott, enly 70,000 strong, anti wien we produceti 400,006 lie wa-e positively paineti, anti was. quite tijeappointeti at boing se aniseetInTuthe Bame way we began th!i& wax- wlth a Little a-mm> 170,000. etroxig, but w, anti America ha-ve a talent gox- vurning out immense forces wben we are put te it, and ýour present job le te work day anti nigiit for se years in ex-- dec to prevenutil the, States with a penchant for liegemouny from chai- lenging us in the future. Mean- wile we are getting o-n. very well. Trac]. ta reviving after the frst "ANGLO -AMERICANS" EAGER. lvill: Be Offered as ýa unit te the British Govera-ment. A despateh frein London Baye; Ahucet the total number of 1,200 need-edt i l the ranks cf the. "An- glo-Ancerican Contingent" orga-ni- zation, titartcd less than a fort- nigiit a-go. are enrolled with tthe probabiitieÇs of twlce this nuniber. Tii. mren eventua-lly will ibe offéred a-s a unit tetuhe Britisli Government. Altieughi by fa-r thbe largest nuna- ber eit tIre recruits are cit.izens of tii. United States, tiiere are reple- senta-tives frein several Souti Anianican countnies and eevemia, scores cf non-Bîtish subjeets frein Ca-n&da. Thei.schieme was taîted by Lord Lyveden, who matie an original appeal te Anglo-Aimerjeans or Britishere. Loft Ris Crown in Noveuiber. A despatch frein Bordeaux says: The follvwiig.prcdivtion b> an In- dien inagi, which wa-s publiseetimi tube Godhpom Almanac la-st Jafiuary,, complotes the, cycle forecasting the downfall' of Germnn: "1in the. montb of July, 1914, al Europe will lie covecwhelmed by a war'between the great pewers, anti terrible ditastere will result, But in Novembex -agreat Emperor will logeý hi& crown andi hostilities will Rcsunic MarchTlow4rd -Ber> in A despateli frein Londuon says - is learned, lias been perwonalv in The evisuation oft Craeow, on the command of the ,,,ftd uti,n western border cf Galicia, lias com- forees. ced, aocoreling te a diepàtcii te An intoresting riamor, credited ýn uter's, Telegraum Comnpany, from St. Petersburg,4eistbat the Cernian *etersburg, and consternation Crown Prince Fredetick /NiIlam ville in bat towp bâees ha. been appointed comn:ander-in- QU b yw 1 f e chief cil the Kaiseç>e forces -againat ÎÏÃ"nuflaià zthie PàbtPrusiu* Aekt. b bated a *cioýt twn Prâice *a" supposed to t.oic ê ~in, narx-~vebei n commind ci tIi. Ger- ind t.nm$iately threatènnninnâtre in the- campafgn, in *slapth~m~1pÃ"tânt ,eity 'iiiFrînce. a tèsstern' 94Wrma/nyad 180 A t.Peter,&burg despatei ~tes làIi rom tAi ë 4 iet4ak Pgarisn troops are refusing '~Vienna d nihe io de- te ti Rueiians, deaç4ing in etaatiee nly ditted in whole battalions and fleeing, into S.Aumt4a c#»4 thait125,060 Russian territory. Similair reports n, one-f u ÃŽf he entire çmny are afoat concerifing the. civiliau ràtiginti i alidia. campaigu, rifle cltvbs'at Craeow, some cf wiiioh vbeeam %di, unded or taken are said. to have refused te taire up' loousRu.saans. armaw. ihen ordered te 'the. defence fArchduki>F0bIcxa raçk, t cf thbe city. tends te ilitstthbe defente 'of Ire- land to thée Iriali Volunte jThe deathl ha& occurrAci'Cai. Wilfiamin ibeonD.L . .', -at hi s resiefrne, Glen D1ruiii, ha nkil, Count> D1ublin, in hie 79tii >ear i The war bias nct so far caustri much ' unencploymnent in' D-ahlin. to immM dockers have bSeen reduced' tetnpxary work.,,but this is about' ail.' miss' Tunnions, for 21 years a' mýeinbercf tii. Mu]Jigar Post Office, staff, bas been pmeme-ted te the pasi-! tien of postiitres a.t eCoelcilI. 1 A soldier, bolooeging to tube 3rd'- battalion ouf tii, Royal I-riish ]iflaet whi]e doing dut> on Killing HilI, accidentadi> sjipped and broke hies Tube resignaution ouf bis position as Chiei Coumruanieoner cf Dublin Me- tropotitèn Police 'b> Sic John Roses, of BIadensburlg,, bas been final!>' NOTEL EV of On.etofthe. inot beautitul build John Wàtterz, aged 29, of Relfast, 'Wa thought te have been destroyed was fatal]> injux-ed when lie feil off ' 40qstclisi the germain' preaV & Ua't te h grotûnd 20 f..t be- lcw, while working ion tuho <ueen's a rCRS18C"<F !siand. IH OP sCTOF At a meeting oci the Athy Bouarder of Guardians st". ionwa as Forg fhonsand Troops àMay Fali ed tuhat the. positions- rendered va- Into Our Rande. cant b> the war b.. kept openiuntýil A -despatch from London says: A peaie 15s restored.. Pariseospatcii to the L)aily Chronii- An' excise officier named G. A. cie says - "In the haste 6f the Ge>- YOung, ouf Salop, wio lied been sta- mans' latest retregrado mouvement tloned in Armagh -for seatua., many regiment. et Geraxans have ha@ 'lest hiie Il!. as the resulItof 'a bee.n eut off and remain, in the wood- noter accident. h ctI< d counhtry wituhin -thi triangle cf Nea&r. twmity mean e Blti o'Snlis, Genese,. and Dambnartin. It »fllaon as volunteers for theiffront. is bellev.d tiiet they amount in all ['le> are aIl: ex--mai> men. Borne te about onefarm corps. They have of thlln are.Penalon-ers 'under 45 been eut off frein the main body by tearo o et the.allies' Unes between Compegne Two three-storey bouse-s in Duri- and Muad'hi taini ing Stree-t, Ennilcil'len', were des- preiuxad'hi.staini treyed b> fire and à toek botli theca'Tremrus.sitn f h brigade and the wmilitia te check the Th re i akbeese othne o tii, spreoci <d'the lffefort r fM-aubeugoctethe minvad- Mm. Skeffington o è f ~ flingGrsl n ofteme n »ugfrd, as o.'. s '6Y 4teresting teatures ci tube eampaign. LOndM, ws caled pon y'h Because cf ta stubborn sta&nd it ilitar>- authox-ities te loin 'tii.staff lias undcubtedly seriouly embar- t4 LÀiner-iek ais telegcaphist, wlàeunce ramsed the Germane in bringsng up euan 'alprocd thue rOLýrinthefield guns against Parie and main- Dul-wR03 ing a t ur teem In t- etaining their communications. 1e, Ros itit orh~do Lt. Neair Nancy the. User'* forces ,â4e property cf Miss Bxidget have succeeded in mrnking a alight u -,Bal'byanne, o-ne cew- and advance, but elsewhere aiong the. >ux- he.ep were kiluled. by lighitning. centre the. allies thave made con- Killueat 2,hoW owing to tthe Eux-o- pensating gains. Field Msmnhal Sir 3h eznýýciitte tIras been L&doe John French, commander cf the irai Sow 'hale cthedoleAgricul- Britisli forces, reported tubat the. utcl ahofu-uae de, tiwingadjoîîrf Germa-ns lied been driven back ail 't to f itre ate owngto tii. adong the lin ;-that tubé? ish had var. 'crossed the River Marne; th"athi The deatb has oceurred at hie Germans liad suffered severely, and ~eidnc, Mon.aghan, of Celox--Ser- tiiet their men were supposed te hue xa-nt Joh-n Banbour, who, la bc- i eyehu dcniin leved te have been the dla-st cf vthe in a very hGrasae condon lrate-. as nthtpato gron nd the BritLiL and French have A ster bsbe sse >Srbeen eagec te pursue thein, and h Aptrle Ca en M edalHeirihave followed up relentleasly every /hares cf uinod, waîng .1tadvantage. Tii. British cavairy bas )Meegrling eing cocicl te pub- been espec>illy active in driving usIc gres efu-.ting ares and back the. retrea-ting enemy. au-Flesbefre'heyarethox-oughly >lled I>AIS IN1870 SIEGE. Ati'ng-Sergeant Bian Tayloer, a PRSI iell-knowun iember cl the R.I1.O0.li elfaet, wa-s knocked down and Pd'ople Fed on Monkeys and Eic- îlied wihie dcing patrol duty on batas[tReor. e Great Northern Raiiway line ait Business niay suifer and prices Vindsor. go up wbile aihe war is ln progress, Signalhing f rom the coast, near but we in Canada, wiil probaulyj )ublin, te -hie chidren, who were never know such experieïncos as atiiing, Dr. -McDu>nno11 of Dublin tb<se suffered du ring tue siege o! ,as inuediately ax-rested by the Parie -by the Germans in 1870-71. ilitar guard. e. was rele.sed With the Prussians fa-st adva-nc-i n giving 'an explana-tion. ing 4in the capital anidbefore Bis- The. Board, cf thbe Royal City ot marck hail flnalyb0 ttled .p thea ýublin Hoapital 'bas arranged te cit-v andi refused, to-permit food to ik. in a limiteti nunibt- cf ladies be taken witbin Élie gates, tubere temporary probationers fox- a was a scurrz to ga-ther,,provisions ex- period in eider te qUalifY frein the surrounding éountry. Se Examnaton.But tiiere wae the. utmost confu- Examntion.sien ant cruel waiete. On j8eptem- A despateii frein Bordeaux saye: ber 19 tiie railwayes teppe-ci run- President Poincar. hbs igneti a de- nîng, the hifty -eue gates o! Pariq cree calling aIl Frenchinen previ- were closeti, the railway stations ously exempted for niitary service were willed- up anti prclamatMonç on the grounti of defective health to were poisted on the walle calling on undergio a further madical exami- ali goed citizens te meet the.-coin- nation. 'hics. feunti fit wili a-t ing trial with their "uLsual forti- once b. dmaited i mtthe ariny. tude." - - f -Upt'tOctober 31. wben Bismarck MUST! NOT SHOOT AI' TIEM. flna,11' seaied thie gates cf Paris, i -. there w»-sno e petibie lack cf liril isit Airs*hlps WiII ri'1 Oser brea andi no increase o! prices te Londo. becomplaiaed of. Wine was piemq Lonea. but meat began tW get scarce, andti A tiespat-eh f ecun bondvn rasys: herses werel reqîîititioned 'fvr food.( Thie Admira-ity a nnomnceci oct Then Che fa-mine set in. Butterj Tueeday nighhv that on. cf the Bn f rose ibv leaps and 'bounTi until iàt tish navel airsîzips wold rniko-wiâ85 a Pound.i. -Ebggs vsere aold 1 short cruise* ouer boindoin in, the a-t x!5 cents apiece, andi milk soon l nextu few da.ys anad 'a-t night. The beecami itnobtaiinable at a-ny price. r public are warned neot to 91hoot a1 'Fh. ba'bhies diet i 1ke flueâ. It -wais fi tii. airehip). reekosîccei ain the end of the qiege le C , U C O wl ki thi Di hi w' or4 ta] als Eho th, iLLE, L.OU VAIN. dinp in Europe and centuries cIl&U l *destruction of L'ouvea but 1atee t.iàt fno le-sa than 3,000 of the littie cries had passed- away .for la.ck 01 nutrimeni4-aJýbout, the ame numrber ais the soldiers krilled ini the various skirmiohea b ,'Prugsian buliets. Thie a.ttention of theIe hutehdre wai soon drawn to ihe J.ardine de Planites and Its cage* e fstra.nge animaiýs. PieÈentlv exotie mea4s -begaà -to appear ini the -market,, Those'wlio could aliord it ate ante- Icpe'»teak at e8,60 a pound and founci it flot ýse god as stefwed raib- bit. Mule meat, was found delicious, mu.ch botter tham the be-st bieef- éteac. Elephant'a trunlc vas a de- Iicacy at $8 a pound. Those who could afford it regaled, tüemnselves withW- yak, lestrich, kangaroo and Ibear- neat, at iprices iv,, proportion teo their scaroity. More otten than -Iéi al t ee ddnpricp. the stranwtAIN.1 méat a thenie. a.eRMEBERLOVA a at holiday. Notiiing was plenti- II1ow Recruiting Us Belng Dette In f ul in the markets but champagne Great Britain. andi Englisii mustarti, a mýixture ,wbichiithe. Parisian taste did noýt A despateli trcrn bondon -.ays: An approve. efcfective recruiting bihle i being 11h. saddest thin'g 'wasa that every- &hown la (blaçk andi red, with the oe'es appetite increaseti as the. vis- fohlowing lines under crosse& Uniüon iii!. suppiy Oft cd da-creaseti. fage;: Thinking constantly of eatiiig matie '"we've 'got tue beat Germany, foîlks bungry. anti when 'Christinas "Because hex- arrogant brutality- ha-cl gene and New Year'e Day hove is a- menace Vo cilization, into view thler. were serious appre- -Recause tube breaks treaties', hensgions ouf lamine. Thoný, too late, "Because se murderg non-coin- the xeckiesa wa-ste of two monthij batants, huefore was 'benmoaned with bâiter "Because se.d-estroys beautiful tears. cities, Te a-dd te the miieery the wintoer "Beca-use she sows mines in the of 1871 wa-s one et ibiter enlil. open.1sea, "Becaus. eh. fires on the. sacr.d Red Cross, "Because ber avcowed.object is teO NINE SONS - 'ý>UXDED. crush Great Britain. "Mencf Englainti, emeniber Lou- Trerrible -Work of the 75-Millimetre vain. t3e vle zciusý- nwsppeswnwn jcasea nanird steel ',baskets, rhavé 1loyally sulpportrid.tl&oen hc are *uapended liu;mdr.dsof 'ment hereteflore, monplain bitterlyl fet below -thé caris of the. Zeppelins. that they were-n<ot.Con SuLted with Thts entai!. great risk for'-tho <engi- theothr prtesan while they "neersr, one of, whcnn i as Slready arà nott actually refusing to eup- been shot, although the ship waa por tu naalprogrmme- for Ships ncit damaged. ~ PslcdBakOver3 Miles A despatch f romn Paris Zy 1Onalinsroad On the other hand, we the Ief't wîlg the Bribish adFec have gained ground Wii the foren of troope' hate crossed the Marne, be- G'hanpnc Th. eshS b tween La,- Fer-te-SQus-Jouarre, ccmeiderabie on. -bothi side-sî- btth CalY sd h 16M~I'ier, Pur- *morale aniieath- et Our trpa - suing the enexy., who. is in *retre!at. Main ekue1Ient. 'There is no con- sDuring the COUrS0 -0f thie sd-Vsnee frmatidn d,,the, news &jpub"led in fthe B ritish ferces took & n'urnber'of* Geiînn, newspapers lof- tte fauIl o prisonera snd CapËtured mitrai- Mgaubeugo.e "During thbe four days' battle the ReBIIhSamnt ailied arm'ries in.tha't se;otion of, the 'A despatoh f rom, London saye: theatie do-pottions ýa;iÉed';more The oficibi press bureau bas' givon thi sixty kilometres (abountý 37 'outi the foliowing statement r- - ,- tles)., Bebween O0htêu Thi.rry <'1he battle 'oontinued yesterday. Vn Viry le-Franois t'Prussin The. enemy has beeà drivn back &U. guard has linon thrown, ba6k:, The ablonig the line. 'Sir John FreTèli re- action continues with great severity ports that'our first corps, bas bufied in the régidn bet*veen, Camp de 200 Gerniandead and taken. 12 Ma.ily x~dViry-l-Frn~cis 'In Mtaxim guns. Some prisorners alto the centre and *on theo riglt win-g were taken. Our secomd arrny corps there Le no 'Changeé in the s-ituation. has captured 352 prisoners and a On the: OrinLain and in the. Argonne battery . The -Germant suffered district the twýo oppeing, forces are hea'vily. Their men are stated tu be maintaaning tlieir positionz. -In the. very 'exhausted. -British, troopsu region cf' Nancy thi. ne4ny las hiave, crossed thbe Marne in a north- Smade e llght progaeê on tlie Chateau c.rly direction.," A fepte rom Paris saya: aOne "Do yuwisii to ehare the fate cf or o h.be pone e- ha,& reeeived newe9 that ail of lier "'If-not, enlist now." nine sens have been wounded'. 8h. ' eI ONNW~M" is a widow. A French ecus-offier PAYMENTSITO laeEaNE3IFuaYfrth.Cn just back frein the front, afterI.lc itBnkondfrli('. praising the. terrible wocký_ of tii. Bill Introdneed ProvldiDg a Fine or adian Expedltioxfary For-ce. 'brave littie cigare," neaning thbe ImprLsonment. ;A despatch froni Ottawa says. 75-naillimetre French gun, said: A epthfo Lodnsy TeEr f.Dbylaofédhi "The Germa-ne fight withôut 'enthu- AdupstI rmLno a*TeEr fDryha fee i siuasni, but tii.> figb't well. ,One Âttorney-Geueral Sic J. A. Simon private groitnds for -inobilization of wouid say tii.> were &utomat-ons. introduced a bill in the Houe.of the. Canadian expedirionary force iu They neyer stop te rescue a Com-OmeOns 'On TuesdaY *which wouuld England. It is underst>od they wille rade, nor do tii.> pay an> attention conairabky enlarge* the scope of he a.ttached tco one of -the new te tubeir dead ar weunded, but -exietinkprovisions foc the suppres- armues now', be.ig raised b> Lord m 'a c h n o or ie ~ ps ouf sia n c m - sio n o f 'tra d e ' w it h tt h e e n e miy . ît K itc h e n er rades, victim of ont qick-6.rers. wouid even prohibit thie znking of They are l1ke. ân-ts, inn4unerab1e sn> payient to an alien anemy I.IlA N KS G 1VI N(6-D AY. ants." hise-man praise thecottiough thie obliation aroed eout of a ing work of the Gernisn sere.planes contract madle prier. tetbe out, Monday, October L, luii -Ue pro- uayink tiiet tie racinent a reg!ens' break -oftheii. ar. Thbe bib-provides (aiel changeaits position t t certain to for.thii.iipodtion 0ou & finle of Ot$2,Spt).50o0a.,Oc receive a visit f rom a German aere-o O rIrsoumlent for twolve months OtwS-i plan -e and short!> alter this the On &a sum ma&rY0convictin, and seven ber 12, w11 Ie po ai d s German -fire chéngess direction yeura' penai Srvitude oncoanviotion Tbanksgiving Bay i nthe next issue and selei begin te fa! tihikon the ater inîictmnent. f The Canadian Gazette. new position. EAGER TO ENLIST. Abàoinn f Cm ag 300,000 Britons !lave Jolned th A desaiatoh from- London saya:' A flot be overooked tha.t tlhe a&lie. 1Wr British Arm>-. private essage from, Berlin pieaed still in possession of armîes, fuillT A desatch: fein Wshinton y tie Ciimm enso . sya.- fit for batle..< th ca.nnot bedenied, A depatli rein Wasingon b tue Grmancenor ayatuit tho Germans, In their sager,- says: The British Embassy received "lceý Gemmian, papers evidenty iz.bogtiivy ose rom the rbondon.'Foreiga Oflice tehaebeen k piites o i.tniehvêe ogt heato bave ol'lwin depatli;"T '9_~15 ' situation in weotern ba4t1.fie"d beena.,vcided," creasigetuL.nrreuinÉ Wlier. overWýhehnxing vietrie. i,. Ts nseg lakntema in Great"'.Britain, 'hreliundred h.etu.ýs. -Th is u, wol je la ben prspa. .hüusand men 'have Joined tube rogu >-- Jime.Teetiis dtatte ol-sbigpça sincetuli warbega. , tii'newspa rosm nt ofin4atîgtii.for the annOUnOemet c01the retreat eaernes to nlU hà;y - German beadquarters. Undoubt.d- cf the Geemnan f rom France. Evi. mage dn oenîda"thaerouwn have th . German uarmy hli t. hardeeti dentli> fj, Germns ' dýo- iot, tee! icrke<ly SItICO i ettaii tdiOJ. v. or tdo. Thiegreatiadvance of quit. -saf. on account cf, the.rapid ctÂiy ee egaad'wth$h Germans into Francoelias not and probabi> 'tco extended.adra~ nen3" ' elded the.w r", rthe tact, muet to tube wegst, L e_ crmw*ans- Dcfeatcd 111 Africa. I s f f c Il t' B r' e A despatcl i rom Liondon Bs: lce officiel presbureau announc ,es that làtibi'rop'hve ene and dfkedaÇ~ormn trce c'0 494 glu-* enûuerii4 M Lnd 9iiie - BR M15ibA -' I f 1' gAronga, (on the ncrt'h-wshiore o<d t/alc9Nyasô4,ast tube terminus ,QI tube Stevenson Read),-wbriciiwus ,defeded,,b> eiéoffir, fft> African ]Rifles, ti.police ai igbft civilians. Alter ,'three 'heurs' resistance, a cclmn % ri*i fem the- British, fe and dre-ve the enemy off. ria- tei, thée nain British force caine ,up, anti alter a <laysa inigd Whbjoh tJi. Gèrmauns fought with, greaýt determinat4en, anti lati to lie' di#l&lged b> fepeated boo - pliarges, drove tlT6 eïmytoiivïr4l tbe Songwe Rivee. Thé Britb lw7vr. ~o>exhausteti to coiztinue 4ý- p MILITARY GOVERNOR 0FJIARIS, G*ner&ý- Gallierine of the Frenolb

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