Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Sep 1914, p. 8

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I i'bOurEBusy. _ DISIHRIGI NEWS Ropprtrs BROO0KLIYI. 'tsuddenly of heart lailure. Hie wasaa Ir m Howden bas« flnislied *a youug iman of eiémplaxy habits, of a iasterpiece o! cernent work. uetrtrngaueadh aot of friends who *III mourfi bis early V~slorscomng o Brok~ln otedemise. He, leavles to môurn bis Ioss the it, ce new hguses goiigüp N"d 1 bis father and one sistern, Ms Mn- thm well-keptlawti theandgres.Dr.ne thmbs ohrndbo John îooe ,bas te ietiflowera, a hong is oe earsao. The garden to be seen for înany milesa- feral avn iscofduced years ev. Mr.Th round. lus large bedq o! asters arel Hneal scnutd yRv r shiiply beautiful to 1iehold,1He lbas] ag also some very fine roses. 14ev. and Mrs. Fowlie are on a Dee reretintoî fo th failyten days holiday at Bobcaygeon. The oef rMrein. Roitointhe f atilyservices will lie conducted on Sun- 01so! . W. onso u dahday morning by Mr. Geo. West, Ash- Mr. bis o Jnesly nisin1bisburu, and in the evening by 14ev. Mr. riai Joes s fiishng bs Mr. HaIg, of the Presbyterlan cburcb. new bo)use, a dandy bult on the Brooklu School Fair wlll be held square, the saine as lie conducts bis on Wednesday, September 23rd, on business. He bas ddne a great busi- tesho rududrtedrc ris ic ec i ere. H-e is a tesho rududrtedrc ncss since he call tion of the local branch of the On- great usher.tarijo Department o! Agriculture and frlr. Frank Scott writes home-that the Advisory Agricultural Committee b e ls greatly ilnproved iu health 1of Ontario County. since going-west, hut -bc likes Brook-i lin. Mr. W. A. Dryden won several prizes for nis cattle ai the Toronto, .IlrS. Fred-MeDornuld, accomipanied 'Exhibition. liv Mrs. Webster, ôo! Toronto, is vis- The Brooklin Women's Institute iting .Mrs. Ton'linson, on. Railroi' mettMr.o steewill eta r.Hayrafi's o stre eetin o -eca nec Thursday, September 24tb, at 8 p.m. ~Fh metin fo spcia (uerc S ubjccts-10O books we sbould al Sion on behal! - o! those sufferingredbyMsUla Joc.Psr- thrughthewarnndforitsspedying- fruit and vegetables, by Mrs. close, wvas rather well attended. F. A. Luke and Mrs. W. F. Batty. Could not these meetings be beld Music. AIl ladies welcome. weekly ln the different churches? : Mrs. Hawkins, -of. Uxbridge, bas Mr. a.nd Mrs. lVoolrldge, o! Sea- been visitIng ber aunt, Miss Bray.* grave, vislted -Mr. anmd Mrs. James The places of business werc closed B rond, this week. biere on Tuesday nfternoon, so that Miss Gladys Morris, of Osbawa, tha merchants and their hel1p might bas been visiting ber nunt, Mrs. A. attend the Oshawa Fair. C. Elliott. Theý Brooklil football team willNO CE *play a game .of -football in MyrtieNOIE station on Saturdny, the Ith, at 3 To the Farmers and Business men o! o'clock._Evidently Manager Beacock *.Brooklil1. bas succeedcd ln glngering Up bis Gentlemen,-I have opened a wheelm team at îast. right and carniage business adjoinlng >Mise. Ida Bray bas been visiting Mr. Pille's blacksmitb shop. Car- * elati'es ln Raglan. pcntering, painting and general re- The death occurred in Brooklin on pairs In all Its branches. All or- MoUay, SepteMber 14, o! Aylmer E. ders, sinaîl or large, are' given Robinsoqn, In bis 82rmd year. Deceased prompt attention. Estimates given. was he nly surlvin so o!Mn.Trusting to lie favored with a share -Wm.,,Robinson, and bad been in 111 o orptoae r health for-nome tirne, but bad flot Yours truly, been conflned - to his bed.. Hé died E. C. COLBOURNE. THE* DOMiNIGI SAUR *You Cen Stat a SavuA ccoUàt wuL $l.OO. il la sot uuoaScy for ysu lovait sailiYeu bave a lurge si of meney. An acceunt oab. opoad iad *00M more oawhioh interutai 15o.mpoundd tiloaye'ar. S W141TSY BRANON: 'A. A. ATKINSON, Mae,. .OSHAWA - A.H.BL4K eejRN 1BNDI3RS fave tood the test-Dont ExperIMent. Ask youP nelghbor-fHe knows.- URIAI-JONES Brooklin -Bll -- Ontario. Bel ad Id.Phones, -Important Announcomogi We are' able to announce that we ha' engaged.,a,, first-class karness and Collar Maker who is prepared to, do ail kinds of re paii xng i.ve us a tri, we Rguarantee firs cla ss workn-anship at reasonable prices, I3inder Twine Inoôrder to dispose of the balance of cord on hand quote the following pi ices while the supply lasts: 650 feet to the pound 6oo 99 i d d 550 , . ~ " C 500 tg id dou The qualityiis'guaranteed. -Per Pound 14c Cash " cf I9Y4'. -Do flot miss this chanc e. OOOD PLOWING can be well plowed by an experienced plown h grade walking plows we sei. 'Put your son on Ontarlo'Footijît Sulky" and he can do equi Othe pplar styles of plows we stock incl garoo Gange and the Famous Crown Gang. 'Vo]. 62-N aores: Sol 4 by1 Take lia îe sem:', he uferon.utnudred Te ay cau it faile ho cuie. $end for di! eO-ti . CHENI5Y &CO. Toledo, Chic. thi l constpati5.c._ The É ,%F'______«_oi_____ patou have pi théir gr KINSALE:- The vlsiMors to the Exhibition were Mn. S. Mackey, C. Richardison, C. Pengally, and Mn. and Mrs. .Il. McBrgen. Misa Joanna Neal vlsitcd frlends in 'the neighborbood. Ournenw teacher,-Miss McKay, ýis taklng bold o! the work wlth energy. Mn. A. 'Bentlcy bas been unable to wonk for a few days-, owing to rbeu- matics. Miss Greta Mackey' is vislting' in Our Sunday School is preparing for EaIly Day. Mr. Jos, Hanliron had anoîber bad spell a !ew days ago, but la some better again.. - Miss Gladys Mowbray. was throwmi out o! a rig on Sunday wben neturn- ing from Church. Uer horse became frlghtened at an au tomobile. i At the tîme o! wrlting she is in a very sericus ' condition. Mrs. Mowbray and f Miss McLaughlin wcre in the rlg also, but escaped injury. Our Church. officals are lntending ta bold a Hart-est -Home in the nean future.. WONDERFUL IAIR. Clean and free from dandruif and possessing all the radiance, o! perfect. hair. This is just wbnt Sagctne means ta those wbo sufer with ltch- Ing scalp, dandruif, coans, dry ar commonlooking bain. Sageine la new Ille to f aded, unattractive bain. Sage-. ine feeda thec bain root wlth the ne- cessary food for promoting a lieaithy growtb. Sageine Is the dainticit tonio you could wisb for. ItlaI not a dye and Is not sticky or greasy. A large shaker-top bottle costo anly 50c., and- Mr. J.E. Willis givec bis personal guaranîe ,ta refund the money if yau are not entirely sati. fied. Be sure ta go ta J.E. WlIllis' drug store, as other stores cannot supply you. PICKERING. The many fniendu in Pickering o! Mis. Edythe Law, daugbter af Geo. and Mns. Law, Toronto, will regret ta bear of ber senlaus Illness. She underwent an operation for apRend- lettis an Tbuzîday lait, and for a few days her condition was senlous. R.v. B. W, , and Mn.. Tink, of. G4eenwood, are at tbe lake for a couple af weeks. Mns. Somens-Cock3. neturned home on Fniday night alter lier event!ul trip witb the Cutbbert party tlirougb Europe. Mns. Frank Greg<. ud family, a! Oshawa, arnived herY on Friday ta Jin Mn. Gregg, and are now settled in thc Dale residence. MYRTLE STATION. Our football boys are patgently waling for a gamo @wlth Bnoaklin, ?Ars. L. Tardif! (s under the doc- tar'o cars.' Mn. D. Black and' faznily, o! Osb-- awn, spent Sunday at Mn. F. Brow n's. .Mn. and Mns. Harold Ennîe, of To- rnto, are spending a fcw days witb Mn. and Mns. Bertrnm Beacack. * Everybody from here took in Oshi- awa Fair. Miss E. Cook, o! Guelphi l visit- I4 ng ber cousin, Mn. Thos. Pnice. Mn. Wm. Wles bas a -fine bouse forn rent in our village. IfGraham & Birkett'a bouses are neaily completed.- These are very fine bouses, and equipped wltb electnie fixtures. The. Misses Lucy and Ida Woodly, ve o! Part Ferry, and Mn.- Bnownie Bnitton, o! -Myrtle Station, wene the gueula of Mn. and Mns. W.G. Cook, C>! Prospect, last Sunday. FckeFace. r-SUN AND' WINI.) -Ï L*UT ,~UGLY SPOTS. 140W TORE-I mOVE EASILY. flene'g a chance, Miss Fneckle-Face ta tny a nemedy fon freokles witb îLeý guarantes o! a neliable dealt< that It will nat çaot yon a penny I neait remavels the tneckles whitè If it dosa give you a clear colimplex-i we Ion thesxpenuelailing. aMs idouble streagtb froza any druggit, and a few applications ubould show you Low eaay it la ta nid yauruel! iLhebamely freekles and gst a battlcomplexion. Rarely la monIo tan ans' ounce needed for the wanIt cae.uiu Be sure ta ask tLe dnugglsft for the double itrengtb. othinè, as this lu the prescription soliS under' guanantes O! money baok If it falls' ta remove fneckles. njan i the ally ude TBBM, ZND INSPMOT SUR SRMPLRS DJSNEY BKSE LINE WEST. Mn. Wm. Kemp .hus rturned from bis 'viit, 10 Sa4kaioImwan. The Misses McVttie, o! Toronito, are apending thein holidays '-wlth Mn. Albert Bunrtoit hmR decîded 10t eail for. England, having bemout ff- ed a goed position thons. He. wlll safi eanly lu Octoben. The Sleightholm Enos. have rented If.E. Story!s a ah for duclc huit- Whiltby Syndicate C,1. cd an ensilage cutter for g týrade. O.SHAWA. Thene'la tallc o! ongaizlng a rifle club in town. Oshawa Boy -tScouts took part in the Toronto Exhibition. Rev. John Garbutt, pastor o! the Metho-dist Cburch In Cobourg, bas ac cepted an invitation to becomne pastor o! the Simcoc St. Methodist Cburch,7 Oshawa, In 1915. Simcae St. nontb, King st. east Duke and Prince ýstreets, are to Se paved this mll. Healthful Hiair-.a Clean, Cool Scalp. USE PARISIAN SAGE. IT MAKES THE HAIR PLUFFVY AND ABUNDANT. It [s needless for you to bave bain that le anything short of perfect. If It la falling out, losing colon, eplit- tlng, or If the scalp burna and itcli- es, immediately get froin A.H. Ailin or any drug oQunter, a 50 cent. bat- tic of Partsian Sage-use it fre- quently--tbc flnst application removos dandruif, invigorates the scalp, and beautifies the bain *until it ii glor- iously 'radiant. PanisienSage supplies bhain needs, is psr!ectly barmîess. Il contaIns the exact elementu required ta make the hain so!t, wavy, glossy imnd ta make It growtthick and beautiful. You will surely like Panisian Sage. Itle osnc of tbe best and most de- lightfütrI ain tonica known. GOT OUT 0F GAOL TO BE KIL.LED. In thc case o! the unfortunate man, Amas Yeagen, wbo was killed In an automobil e accident near CrawnH1111, the jury !aund that the driver -was drunk and goîng at an Immaderate rate -o o!peed. Few auto accidents occur without one of those 4wo causes,, f ual bath. Il is Interestlng ta note that thes victim would Do daubt utili be Ila-the land o! -the 1living 'but for the -uucoess of bis law- yer's efforts ta get bim out a! gaol on a teobnicality. The dsosasd bad given the authorttes at M(dland con- sidorable troublé for several montèbu. In JuIy Le was &,Ivan tbres months it gal withaut the option a! a fine, THIE &&m oe w4dAù iek el theWodt 301d mvyrwhsjre.lae ez.., 29 .a on three sejarate cbnrges-using lad and threateiglanguage, nbhootlng, andusing absie language, and belngz drunk andi disorderly. On, behaîf o! the prisoner, W.A. B3oys moved. to bave the convictiion quaibed on the ground that the sentences werp not made cumulative, and that no-,option o! fine was given. Th« court at To- ronto set aside the conviction, andi the pnisoner wâs released ten days before the accident, and a! ter be bad spent _twenty-five days ln: confine- ment.-Orillia Packet. TUE -MAN W90O KEEPS RIS HIEAD. (I'Britain's Motta : Business a Usual !-H. E. Morgan.) There's a man who fights for Eng- land, and be'll keep ber stlll atôp H4e will guard ber from dishonor in the market and the sbop. H4e will save ber homes from ternor on the fields o! Daily Bread, IHe's the man Wbo sticks to business, he's the man Who kecps bis head. Let the, foc Who stnikes at E ngland hean ber wbeels o! commerce turn, Let the ships that war wltb England sec ber fncbory furnace burn; For the foc most fears tbe cannon, and his heart 'most' qunils with dread,;. When,.bebind the man in khaki is the man who keepe bis bend. Brnnd hlm traitor and assassin Who witb. miser's coward mood Has bis gold locked up in-secret, and bis larders stored with food, Who bas cast adn! t bis workers, wbo. lies sweatlng ln bis bcd, And who snarls to- beur the laugbter o! the man *ho keeps bis head. Let tbe pon. Itian tcacb the nicb man, for the poor nman's constant strife lu tram day ta. day ta seek work, day by day ta war witb life, A nd the poon.'man's bornebangs ever by a frai! and bittie tbread, - And the poor- man's often bungry, but the poor man keeps is h. ead. Whlen tbe ships corne back from slaugbter, and the 'traaps march home !rom war P Wbcn the bavoc strewn bcbind us tbneats the roaci that lies before, Every bero shaîl be welcomed, every orpban shal bcd, Ry the msx who stuck ta business, by the man Who kept fl * s bead. -HAROLD REGRIE, in London Chronicle. PATRICýIA Herewith is shown the latest addiltion to the already world famous Columbia family. This elegant model bas many of the features of the more. expensive Grafo- nolas along with the latest improvemnerts known in the art of sound' reproduction. Cail and hear thi s music-I ai wonder. -11 A good assortment* of Records and Needies - always on hand. TIEASUREI?'S -SALE 0F LAND FOI? TA XES Y v ail o à r A f*i i i b d f t t a n d o ! th e W à f'A e a ali th d Sce a i o ! h e e o ni1 o m l B o th Cunt ofOnarl, dte ib i il da' S Llember, 914, corMilVi*i. B o levy pn telmdastoed lu thelb lotla for amrers of tax este ou anmd conte as leeIn net -r ISrlttihi I he 5by *l"tvi notice thai unlesus sbch arreaioéasd Lente etc uuoaer palci, l shaîl, lu;esipila ith the Aseessnltnt Act, proceeci te seli by Pubie~ &uction, the sad lau4tsut h u thereof as niay lie uecessary for the. taxes, at lb. Court House, luntt b ôb o! Whitby, ou SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2ý6TH, 1914 - nt the hour of hwo o'clock ln the afiernoon Part Part part Pt. Pt. nvt TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA Lot 'Coa. Acres Taxes Costs 18 F 50 10 38 2 51 10 G 100O.$13 43c $2 59 14 G 50 $ 983 $2 50 2 'L 1oo 13 86 26o TOWNSHIP 0F MARA Lot Con. Acres Taxes Coul. Of E 3j 1o r 50 8 87 2 50 Il 12 100 9 59 25$ai TOWNSHIP 0F BROCK. Lot Con. Acres Taxes Casts 19 Xil % 2 83 2 50 9 14 24 31 38 3 28 -TOWNSHIP, 0F PICKERING' Lot Con. Acres Taxes Costs vilage lot 10, -BIk A-, Pickering Village lot 69à' Church st,- Whitevale - belng s Total 12 89 $z6 o2 $12 33 16 46 Pat or Un pat Unpat Pat Unpat Fat Total Pal or Un.pat il 37 Pat 12 Cg Pat Total Pal or Unpal 5 33 -pat 34 66 Pal Total Pal or Unpat . Pat1 Stones at autos la 100 common, and __ boys who do, It sbould be .severely dlsci1pllned by theïn parents, or by - tbe plic.-Oriliia Packet. Fo Scranton oaLe n Ohestnut and Stove per ton $7.5U Egg per ton Pea Coal per ton- At Harbor Coal 7.25 6.25- shlede 50 cents per ton less. "SCRANTON Coal". The name guarantees the highest quality.- E. R. BLOW, Bell Tel. 9. Home Tel. 14. Wf , every town andi d et 'revresented.. - Fruts re nining high pnices, and' .nursery stock is in demand. Mfake. Bir onsy Now-by taking an agency. Beat Time for canvrassing- ia during the Sumaiir manths., Exper. ience flot necessary. IF99E QUIPMEX- Exclusive herrit ory. Higbcst commissions paid., Write -for'full panticulars. STONE &WELLINGTON Fonthill Nurseries TORONTO, EFFIOSENOV Fini', la4' and ail the time lm the cijief f6ature of the courmes of instrucet'on lnthie fainous - Toronto, Ont. Yes, our graduai.. sncceed. They have- that habit. Why lm iL that inany tutudents froin otixer business coliegos corne here te, finish courses andI etIioni? Eeinenib or the firat word. Efc ny'Write for Catalogue. Students adnittêd at any titus. Clor. Venge and W. J. Sliott, Charles lits. .1 Principal Minimum Nlet Gost. For rates aud fulInformation apiiy to FJ. DUFY,- MR. A. E. DONOV AN. spécial Rep. Queu &Victoria Ste., Myrptîs. Toronto, Mdgr. The Mutual Lifo e NoYr Have You any Piroperty If 8a, cul ont and mail this coupon for oi ONTARIO -12 0 0F CANADA saved is policy holders $îoa,ooo in isé finit tea yeans of business by sclliag them witbout.profihs.policies, and baving ail premiums paid direct- ta head office without commissions. Premiums col- lected were $389,000, instead o! $489,. ooo. Fourteen 'other Canadian com-, panies- received $iS,499,695 in their- first tfen years mainly for witb.profits policies, and paid in profi -ts toa, pqlicy liolders $gi,550. Their combined ac. cumulated surplus aven shareholders' contributions was $79, 707 at the end of their first tea years. Wbich looks best to you ?- The Equity Life lu the* total abstala. ers Company. If interested write -fer funther particulars. The man who studits bis own inieneste wIlS patroalse The ~IMM, Lit Assurane OoMPam heo h.wante Lfle Insurnace. L. W. DUDLEY, M. SUTNBRLAND, Agn, Pneiddeni t à rla.ge For Sale, P unlsinr o. ---I -i - e I --e e e e * I j- OroatorCaniada Improvomeot & Land Co. RICHARDSON & RIOIAROSONf MANAGER S Bell phone 193. WHITB3Y# ONTARIO -lad. phoe% 70. Farms For Sale. Upwards of forty farms from 25 acres up, and at frani $35 an acre, guaranteed ta show satisfactory, resuits -from investtuent, Io cated in Whitby and Pickering Townships. Every conceivable requiremeat af soil, buildings, orchard -and other improvements can be met in the varied lis£ oflered. J. E. WINN, Bell phone 109. = wllII P. O. Box 294- itesidence, Dundas St. West. rBYi 81111988 01 cougi[ Deulis Yon canuot do botter than Attend the BRITISHI AMERICAN G- OLLEGE- Tonge And ?McGiii Ste., Toronto, for a Sui. VQVWY ~VONTARIO. nous or Shorthand Coure. Pol Ternle no r.-T.W.~aUneboP, Prinoipal LWHITBY--Mu .L. Maoon.il, m«t. do &.PMilet gay 4' um eS Dos.~-- Or » rJE , 1, 1 1 .D OIok-JBL 14, T.b. OplMar. S, APt. M, etySjus 49 JuIy 4, Sept. 4,9 ARS 0.8,Nov. S, Des. S, J". $salols F* 1 "10, THFE bas advanced the Q heinicais and Pat mianufactured - We are making pnice, exceptï in îaffected by the war, We are looking2 * sidtering the inte patrons. it will pay you for. your Drugs, Medicines Our goods are the Drmuggist alad MEDICAL, BroCk St. -1 Professi - JNO. E. FAREWI Barnister- Counîy Crow Cointy>Soli qFce.south wing Court A. -Es CNRI *barristar. Solicitor. Not OiSce, Brock St., Opp. - Money hoL JAMES RUTLEDGE,ý Money ta Loin on Office immediaîely soui Whitby,C O. YVOINO SUI- Issuer o, MARRIAGE LI Court House, Whitby 0. A. J. SWA Barnister, So61on <Conveyancer,1 * Oshawa, - Office-No. 2 -King St. 1 - ResideiiCep2 Marriàge L rasuer cf Marriage Corner d **JAS. BIS Oshswa,' L!oensed Aup osor ta L. Fairba>k~ - --aiddates appîy ta self~ -Whitby. - WM. Mi LIÇENS13D AUCTI .AN[O VALUAI Ailkindu of sal.es-pr e5. ta. A rrangements be made et tbÏ'Gauette Terme reàsonabis. 3ell and lnaependenf - WtITBY, ON les Rfîf -4 * 4 --Bus to: aIl tra i AUTO MO0B1LE.FOI Rigs of mil i km DAY OR NIG~ ýBell phones--9, 14 Sýtables- and O0 Corner store for su -lne, Toranto; salii' bnic -- with- dwelling; Dis rie up.- Establiihed gracc with amail stock.W gether ôrsepàrate.- ii- JOHN FiSHEJ 409 Lumsden TORONTC v co ur . ur uwo v o a as Ao -. q l1iIBII44.e.soduIIB5aILuwga.euu.dbIL....I..aL i Phne M108 Croan sada I.pren.m.t sud Land te., LImIt.d, Imk UIL Gentlemen,- 1 hare a .............................. for sale. Kladiy smd your listing form. NAME............................ &............ ......... ........ ADDEECSIS................................................. ... Wood, Clark-Jas là, Mnu. S; May 8. PORT PERRY- fi. W. Bursbam, Clark- Jas. Il, Mar. 1, May 19 .July S, sot. S, Nov. M. Jas 1, l91s. 4. UXBRIDGU!- 1R. J. NasesUz. bridge, Clerk- Jan. lé, au. 14d May 1S, July 14lSit >f, MOT. Sb, Jan. le, 1S18. 0. CANNINGTON-Tbos. .7*o, Cazillngion, Cbitk-JamSN,.18 May 14, July.SiSe -.SNo. 15,i Jan. 1e, 1l1u. 0. BEAVERTON-Cau. A. paien- am, Beavertos Cu-J nua 12, lMay no, JuIIS>S149 W Nov. 18, Ja". lit son,.1 I. UyPTERGEtOVE- DmsSS UsasM I A Ce levr..... Tm 1u. 55il z % 31 53 3 29 34 82 31 5i% 19 9 2 2094 TOWNSHIP OP EAST WHITBY Lot Con AcresTaxes Coule Total ,Pat on 4, 1 7J('3770--3 42 41 12 r f i .--fuif f ififfif-f-fiv f fffffffi4 . t - 1 1 - M-W le lu m m - la

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