Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Sep 1914, p. 2

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the mnan that bas thle pull , Bis hart is fullIt o!kndness,' with nover a drop of gall, For 014 Johný Bull Io the daddy of tbem ail. -There's znany a lad to' catl ibim dad -- and take the old man's part, To swpIi bis rpigbt, tý>, are bis figt and cbeer hi&s bing heart, To bearis flag from cliii to crag, and thurder on the foe; ?Ten thouse-id sons to man bis guns wh-r; the echoing- bugles btow. Froni every- land, f rom every strand tbry corne at the father's cati, For Old JIohn Bull la the ýdaddy of them att. * Rough John, tougb John, bluff John bull, .Witb a heap o! human nature-under- neatb bis-scanty wool ; 1 Ne's the stoutest aànd the heartiest cari on all this earthly bail. l'or Old Iôohn.]3uillla the dAddy of -thern ail, Tbe waves tbat roll from. polo 'to pole still bear hlm on bis way, Prom the purple gleama o! morning' s beams to the golden close o! day; The heaving seas, .thxe freshening *breeze speed on bis frit*gbtcd ships TIhe roar that fils the starxtled bills * leaps'froni bis cannon's lips; The fiags that fiy- to the bcnding sky are with bis giory f ull - 'l'hey tell the fame, and speli the name of Old -John Bull. Rough John; tough John, bluff John Bull, With'both bis Ieetgett-ing tbere anid both hands ful; lvhere'er the marcçh of Empire thunders bis martial footsteps l'or Old John Bull is the daddy o! iheni ail. A. T. FREAD. 13ETTER PEELIN-%G IN THE TRADE. That the feeling in the trade ls very much more assured than it was tour weeks ago la the opinion o! Mr. R. D. Palrbalrn, president of the R. D,' Faîrbairu Company, Limit>ed, mnanufacturers o! ladies' outer7 gar- ments and fancy dry gooda. Mr. Fair-1 bairn believes the manufacturers o! i Canada as a class -have largely, in ~their own hands the 'matter of whether there will be'good business for Ca.nadian !actorie. "The busi- 11055 la there," said M.%r. Fairbairn, "if the mnanufacturera wil oniy get àfter it. The depression in trade .Mwhcb was In force before the war lias certainly not increased- since the war began;, and, oni the whole, man- ufacturers can be assured ot good business- pr.oiided- they do two things -advertise and push the seiling de- Referrlng to bis own business, Mr. FaITbairn said he did not anticipate cuttlng down one hour o! labor or dlnfssing one eniploe-ee or reduclng wages as a resuit of the war. on. the contrary,ý the present staff of up- 'wards of 200 lo beng slightly In- creased. This continued activity is not due ta any reinoval o! competi- MLon, but to the' continued demand RItroughout the country. S _'e are absoiutelV confident," Baid Mr. Fairbalrn, "that with the business to-be done at borne there is absolutely no excuse for any manu- facturer of garments curtailing his coitput. People have to be clothed r, our farniers are getting big money for- their produce;- and the $450,000,- 000, represented by our export busi- neu for this year must be circuiatý ed. The generai trade o! the êôun- 1 1ýMust 0! necessifyf fot only hold Itu, own, but advance."1 WHITBY MARKETS Wstfali ............ .Wheat, joose.......... -Dal~........... ...eau ................. Rays ........... . POU . ............. Duckwbiest ......... ..... cai ,......... . lied Chever ............. 1.00 te 1.15 1.10 te 1.10 0.70 te 0.75 1.00 te 1.25 0.70 te 0.70 0.90 te 1.00 0.70 to 0.75 0.50 te 0.55 9.00 te 9.50 P LOUR AED FEED. PlIouri per cwt;...... . .25 te 3.40 Chsopped teed, gIwt ;...1.50 te 1.50 Crumeal ............ .00 te 2.50 Brau, per ton ........ 28.00 te 28.00 Shsorts, per ton ....80.00 te 30.00 MEÂT, POULTRY AND) PRODUCE Be.!, ont., dresed..12.25 te 1f3.00 Datlte, live welgst ... 7.50 te .0 Lambes, eacis..ý. ......... 6.00 te, 8.00 S40ge, dreused,........ ... 12.00 te 11~00 rogal, select... ...... . 8...t .25 te 8.50 Ohiokenh, pcr lb ....0.20 ýto 0.25 Ducki. per lb...........0.18 te, 0.20' (loes, dressed, per Ic.... 0.18 te 0.20 rurkeys, dressed, per lb. 0.20 te 0.2 Butter, .per lb. __ .. -'. .28 te 0.80 hggs, new, .peu doz....2.7te .80 L.ard, per lb............0.18 té 0.20 potâto s, perbig ......1,00 te M Apples, -per barrel......1.50 te 8.00. Datons, -per big.. ....... 1.00 te 1.25 Is>, per ton- .. 1400 te 15.00 Wôol, uowauised ......... 0.14 te 0:17 Cal1, skifts, per lb . ...... 0.15 te 0.16 Lasmb ekins,-eahi-, .... 0.70 te 0.75 Hi4os, per çwt. .... t18.00 to 18.00 sheepukins. . . 0.7l5 to1.19 Inaam*le 0.20 tg 0,7M sida a S A By-iaw to authorize a certain agreeýment nmade between ýthe lIydrÃ"- Ebectric power Commission o! Ontario and the Muniçipal Corporation 6f the Town of Whtby," and other ,Municipal Corporations,-, for the con- struction, equipnient, and'operat9n _of an Electric Railway under "The l-ydroýElectr!c Railçvay Act, 1914." Wheteas it is expediýnt thint the CorpÃ"ration of the Town o! Whitby and other- Municipal Corporations sboiýld enter into an agreement undel- "iThe Hydro-Electrie 'Raiiway Act, J914,11 with The Hyiiro-Electric 1Pow- er Commission o! Ontarioy bertinater calied the Commission,. for the construction, equlpment and oper ation o! 'an Electric Ratlway in and througb the Municipality of!'tbe.Town of! Witby and certain ýother Muni. cîpalitios,, upon the. terms' and conditions, and, subiect to 'the provis ions set forth and contalned, ia the agreenment set, out in this By-law, and ac- c qr.ing- to the .routes, set forth la Sceedule "À" to tbe said.agreemeat; And whereas the estilrited cost o! the wo rk under: the- said- agreemeait ie $4,346,938 ç and whereai theo porti onof i the cost o! the construction'and equipmnent'o! the uine to be borne by the, Corporation of the Muicipality> o! the Town of Whtby ls, estimated at $;183,774, ýas set out lu-, ciedule "B"1 to the said agreement, subWet te adjuetiments ând appoitionm'njt bvllwçel the Corporations by the Coninission' from time to time, as pro- vlded by the sald Agreement; And wbereas the total annual amount estimated to be required for tihe maintenance of the railway-, apart,.trom ope,-rating éxpénses, ia $1881-' 878 ; (the operating revenue being estiamated at _$776,400, and operation and maintenance at $440,554) -xnd - whereas the total ffnnual a mount estimated. to be required for the period o! ton years' imm<idiately !oliowingthe date o! the Issue o! the Bonde to be Issued under the said Agreement, for interest on the sald Boônds is $217,3417 ; and therea!ter, for t1ye next ensumng !orty years, thse annual amount estimated to bo requ ired for sinking !und charges for tise retirement o! the said bonds is $43,469, and for interest on'the said bonds $217,347 And whereas the portion to be b orne by the Municipaity of the Town o! Whitby, o! the said anniial amounts, estimated. to be required for .maintenance, sinking fund charges and interest is estimated at,$14,O28 for the first ton years, as a!oresaid, ,and therea!ter at'$l6,406 on the sanie basi0*as the portion o! the cost o! construction and'equipment, as a! ore- said, subject to adjustments and apport.ionment between the Corpora- tionis by the Commission from tume to- tume, as provided by the sald Agreement And whereas tise aniount of tise wisolc rateable property' ofthre Cor- poration according to tise Isat Revised Assesameut RolUis $1,222,303, and tise amount o! tise debenture debt o! tise Corporation is $173,478e, 09, of wisicis neitiser principal net lu terest la ln arrear. Therefore, thse Municipal1 Council o! tise Corporation o! tise Town o! Whitby, enqets as follows-: 1. It sbaîl be lawful for the Corporation o! thse Town o! Whitby, sud tise said Corporation is hereby autisorized, to enter Into thisfohowing Agreement witb tise Iydro-Ebectrie Power Commission o! Ontario sud otiser Corporations, tise said-Agreeniment being hereby incorporated luto aud !orming a part o! this ày-Law, andtise Mayor sud Clerk o! tise Cor- poration are hereby authorized sud dlrccted te eèxecute tise said Agree- mont upon ,boisai! o!tisis Corporatio n and to attacistise seal o! tise Cor- Doration, thereto. A GREEMENT HEREINBEFORE REFERRED TO. This indeuture made tise day o! -our Lord, oee tionsand nine isundred sud fourteen.- Bstweeu lu tise year o! Tise Hydro-Ebectrie Power Comumission o! Ontario (isereinatter calied tise "Commission") o! tise Pirst Part, aud Tise Municipal 'Corporations o! tise Townshsip o! Scarboreugh, tise Townsip e! Marishaur tise Township o!f Viitcisurcis, tise Townsis!p o! Pickering, tise Townsisip o! Uxbrldge, tise Townsip e! Wiitby, thse Townshsip et Roacis, tise Town e! Newmsrket, tise Town o! Unbridge,,, tise Town et Wiitby, tise Village e! Makham, tise Village e! Steuif- ville and tise Village et Port Porry, (hereinufter calM dtise "Corpora- tions") o! tise Second Part. Wisereas puranant te q'he Hydro-Electric Railwai, Act, 1914, tise Coin-- mission was requested te enquire into, examine, Investigate sud report mpon tise cest ot construction sud operation et au elect ri. rsilwsy or railwaye te be coustmucted tisrougis. certain districts- i ch tise cor- poratIonsare situated, tegetiser witiste probable re.--etiat would resuit !rem tue operation et sncb rallway or railways; And wiiereas tise Commission bas furnished tise corporations wlth snch , a report sisowing (1) tue totalestimated cest, operating revenue sud expenses o! tise railwsy or railways, sud (2) tise proportion o! tise capital coat te b. berne b>' eacis e!tise'corporations as set forth lu sciiedule "B" attaciied iserete; And- whereas ou receipt o! tise saidrpothtie corporations requested tise Commission te construcu, equlp sud operate a systes ef electrie rail- ways (isereinatter calied tise railway) over tise routes laid dewn -lu scisodule "A" attached iserete, upon the ternis sud conditions sud lutise sauner iserein set forth; Aud wisereasetue Commission bas agreed with the corporations - on -behal! o! tise corporations te ceustruct, equlp sud operate thse rallway -upon tise ternis sud conditions sud lu tise manuer herein set forth; but upon the. express condition that tise Commission shahllint ln asu> way b. hiable b>' resson o! suy errer or omission lu an>' estimates. Plans or specif -itions fer au>' liandiai or otisor obligation or Ionwhatkoee b>' virtue o! tisfe-agreement or arlslng ont oethtie perfOrMaM Ofettise terms tisereot; And wiseresu tise lectors et-esch o! tise corporations bsave asmsnted te by-lsws authoriziug tue corporations te enter lut. Ibis agreemuent witi tise Commission for the construction, equipment Mud epestien ef tise raiiwsy as laid down ln tue aaid scisedules, sublect te tise hllwl termsansd conditions; And wiserea tise corporations have each issued debuturusfer the. arnountesnet lortu luniZiedule '"B" attscised iserete, sud have depeslted tise said debentures wi tiste Commission; Now therefore tisis ludenture vituessetis- 1. lu considerationu of tue »remises snut!tte agreemnents of tise cor- porations iserein eentaine& d, sdubject te tise provisions o et ts, iiAct, tise Commission suries wiitiste corporations respective!>:- (a) 'To construet1 equlP sud opersue tise railwvay through thse Ilant in-wicitise corporations are situato on beisal! o! the corporaticons;- (b) To coustruet sud op=rte tue railwa>' over tise rcutes laid devu ln sciiedule "A"; -(c) Te issue.bonde, as Provided lu paragrapis 3 of this agreement, te caver tise cost e! ceustructing aud eqnippiug tise rallway. (d) Te furnisis as farneasPossible firet-cases modern sud standard equip- meut fer use on tise railia>', teo perate tisis equipseut 50 as te gie tise best service sud accommnodation Possible, kaving regard te the district served, thse type o! construction sud eqnipment adopted, santl e ther equtable conditions, sud te, exercise alil duc skill aud diligence seasut t socure tisemobt effective eperation sud service o! tise railwa>' consistent vitis good management; (e) To regulate sudtlixtue tares sud ates of tltoteb. coleeted b>' -therailway for ail classesoe service;, (f) To utilize tise routes and property oft tie railw2ay fer all purposez trons wihicile, possible te obtain a profit;, (g) Te comibineii. ,proeei ntsd works «o! tise rat'way sud the, power linoso! tise Commissioný where sucis coibfination lU feasible and me>' rove economicai te both thse railwa>' sud tise usera efthtie power lines; P) (1)Te permit sud obtain Int.rchauge o! traffie with other ratlways wiseever possible and profitable; r (i) To suppi>' elëetnlcal pover or eners>' for operation o! tueraiiway at ratesconsistent wth tisose Oirged te municipal corporations;_ (k) yo apply the revenue aerived rrom operauon any other revenue derived trom .tise undertaking tx operating expeuses '(inciudlng', ectrical .pewer), the~ tratien, snd annual charges -for interest aud elnkiugf lnvested, and snch -otiser deductions as are herein prov me reitway sana thse psyment et ,st e! adminis ýd on the oe id for; *1 (1) To set aside froni- any- revenue tisereatterremaining an annuel sum for tise reuewai of any works belouglng ini whole or In part te the undertaklng;- (m%~ To- psy over annually te tise corporations, If deemed adrisabte bi' the Commission lu the interests o! the. uudertaklng, any surplus tis.t ray remain after' providing for thse Items abeve mentloned. Thse division of encis surplus- betweeu tise corporations te, be fixed by tise- Commission on1 sn equitable basis, isaving regard Iu the case e! ýeacis corporation te tise capital iuveeted, tise service rendered, -tise comparative beneflts derived,I ,and alh other 1ke clidtions;j <nro taise Active stops for the. purpose o! constructing, equlppiug aud opeoatngtkhe rallway aitishe earliest possible date after tise execution et -ths agreement b>' the corporations and tise deposit of tise- debentures aU ealled for under clause 2 (b) hereot and te commence operatien et eaeh section as eoou a possible F-fier its completion.- <o) To m auc h extensions )to the railway dacl n, a shedule *'"as May appear sdvautageens tud profitable treln, tîme te tfime. 2Tu censideratien o! thse promises and of thse agreements isereiànset forth, caci e! tise corporations for Itzeif, and -net eue for tise other, agrees with the. Commission:- (a) To bear ItBs siare o! thse ceet e! conetructing, equipping, operating, maintainiug, repairlng, renewing aud Insuriug ttLe.ral'way and Ite pro- perty -aud wonks as established b> tise Commisgon, subject te adjuet. mente sud apportionniont botwoen the. corporations by thse Commission trom, Urne te time; (b) To Issue debentures fer tise amounts set forth ln scisedule OB"I maturlng lu llfty years !rom tii. date o! Issue thereef, sud payable yeariy at tise Banks, at Toronto, Ontario. Sucis debentures shall b. depesited witi tise Commission previons to tise ssulng o! tise bonds mnentioned abeve, and may be iseid or dlspoeofe from tins. te tise by thi- Commission, as provided for ln. clause 4 isereof, ln sucis amounats, at snch rateso! discount or preminni, sud ou sncb ternis sud conditions s the Commission lu lis sole discretien shall deens to b. lu the Intereets et -the railway, tise_ proceede o! sucis dobentures beiug used 801.1>' fer the. purposes iserein contalned. The amount o! debentures ot each co1'. poratfori sold or dlsposed o!f from tins. te tise shahl be sucis proportion astmn>' be fixed b>' the Commission of the total amount o! debentures, due regard beiug given te thîe capital iuvested, tise service rendered, tise comparative revenue. derived, and ail other equitable conditions; (c) To niake. no agreement or arrangement witis, and to grant na bonus, lîcense or ethuer Inducement te auy* other railway or transporta% thon company witbout tise written consent of tise Commission: (d) Te keep, observe .and- peorthie covenants. prvisos aud condi- tions set tortis ln this agreement intended to bei kept and observod sud performed by the corporations, sud toexeecute oucii urther or otiser documents and, te pasoe sucis by-laws as may be requested by the Cern. mission for tee purpose o! fuli>' effectuatiug tise objecte and Inteut o! Wbs sgreemente1 <e) To furnisis a free rigist o! way for tise railway sud for the. power lunes O! tise Commission* ever an>' preperty efthtie corperatiexis upen beiug se requested by tise Commission, aud te execute su-eh convoyance thereof or agreement witis regard tiserete as ma>' be desired by tise Commission. 3. It shall be lawful sud th. Commission la hereby autherized te create or cause to b. created an Issue 'o! bonds, sud te selà or dispose o! tise ganse ou boisai! o! the corporations. Such bonds te be cisargod upon sud secured by tise railway, sud ailthtie asseta, rigis, privilegea, revenues, Wonks, property sud effects belonging tisereto or iseld. or used lu cou- nection witis the railway coustructed, acqulred, eperated and rnaintiucnd by thse Cemmissionunuder this agreement, sud te be for tise total arnounte rnentioued lu scisedule "B" hereto attacised; provided that tise Commission- mu>', upon obtainlng tue cousent as iserein déflued ot the maJerit> o! tise corporations, increase tise said bond Issue D~y au>' ameunt necessar>' to cover tise-capital coat o! entendiug tise railway, and rnay aise without inch consent incroase tise sald bond Issue te cover tise cest o! additioual works or equipment o! an>' kind for use ou thse rallway te an entent net exceedlug ten per cent. (10%) e! tise bonds issned from time te tise. In orderte meet spd psy sncb bonds sud Interest as tise sarne becomes due sud payable tise Commission sisallu escis year atter the expiration of ten years from ths date of tise issue o! tise boude oui o! the revenue Ot thé railwaY after paymeuts ef operatlng expeusea (incbudiug electrical power) sud thse cosi of administration set aside a suci-etsýus te prevido a slnklng fund fer tise purpose et redeerng tise salne at ma- turit>'. Debeutures issued b>'tise corporations lu compliauco Witu clause (2b) isereof, shahl, te tise entent o! the par value o! auy bonds ontstaudiug trons te te tîme, b. hetd or disposed-o! by tise Commission lu trust for tise iolders o! sncb bonds as coilateral aecurity for paTmnt tisereof, lu beiug understood sud; agreed tisat lu tise eveut e! auy lilerease o! the said bond issue ech corporation shahl, upon the reqnest efthtie Ces- misahon, doposit with tise Commission additions! debeutures as described lu clause 2 (b heroof, te b. held or disposed o! b>'tise Commission as ceilater'al securit>' for sncb Increase o! tise said bond Issue, sud tisat any debentures iseid b>'tise Commission lu encess o! tise par vaine e! tise outstauding bonds fres time te tins. may be iseid or disposed o! b>'tise Commission te secure paymont o! an>' deficit sriig trom, thse operation o! tise railwsy. 4. luntise event e! tise revenue derived tron tise operation o! thse uuder. tsking beiug Insufficleut iu auy yea>' te meet tise eperating expenes (Incînïding electrical power), the ceet of administration sud tise animal charges fer Intereat sud siuking tund on tise bondsasd fer tue renewal of auy works belouging la whole or lu part te tue railwsy, mois deficit shall be psld te tise Commission b>' the corporations upon demsnd et aud lu the proportion adjusted b>'the. Commission. lu the event etfttse figure of auy corporation te psy.Its share of smois a delceit as adiustel b>' tue Commission, It shal b. !awtul tor tise Comission lu tue iiiiuei providediAn clause 2 (b) te dispose of debeutures iseid b>' the Commission sas securit>' for su>' snch delicit. Âny aureaus b>' an>'éorporioaflh besr lutereit at the legs! rate. 5. Should au>' corporation wal to .pertorm an> of -the obligationis to tis Cmmssonnuer iss grem AILte Cmmsson MS ,luaddition L8. If Ât nm tise au>' otiser municipal corporation applies te tise Cou>' Smsion- ,for-an 'extensfitonfe!tise raiWay inte is municipalit> tise Cern. mission sisall netif>' tise applicant sund tise corporations, lu writing, of a trne and place ta beau ail representations thait ma e>'bmnade as te tise terseansd -conditions re!atiug te sucis propoehe extension. If, Lou thse recominendation ef the Commission, is- .extension sisail bo autuorized, witisent discrimination ln faver of tise applicant, as te tise cest iýner or te b. Iucurred tfor or b>' reaon o! su>' sucis extension, the CoÏmmission may entend tue railway, upon sucli ternis sud conditions as msy appear equitabie te tue Commission. Ne sucis application for an extension efthtie railway mfue an>' muni. cipalit> tise corporation et which lo net a, part>' tt tis agreerntut oahi be grsanted If hi'ha estimated b> tise Commission tisat tise cost et servce .of.tise rsliwsy to tise corporations parties iserete will be ihereis>'lha creased or the 4 evenu e and accommnodation lie Injurionsi>' affectedi wltioul tise written cousent oftise maJorit> o! tise corporations parties hereto. 13, In tbe eve nt ot any difference between the corporations the'Con>. mission may, upon appIliation, 11x a tins. and -$pace ta bear ail rePreO sentations tisat may,;be mnade by the parties, and -the Commul5On*,sial adJust- such, differences, and sueii adlustments shahI be final. The -Con.m Mission sball have altbe powers tbat may be ,,oufe*ted upeon & 0001' missioner appolnted under the Act Reape'ctiitg Fnquirics Concernffi Publie Mati era. 14. This agreement sbah Continue and entend for a peoiof fifty years from tie'date hereof, and at the expiration thereof be subJeet to renewal. with the consent'o! thsecorporations from, tie to time for illce perlods, ef fifty yeans, subject te adjustig.flt and re-aplportiounint as herein pro- vided -for thse purposes of thus agreemenit as thouil the ternis. bereof haît .not enpired. 'At* the jexpiration o! this agreement thse Commission sisal! determine 'and adJust 'the rlgbte efthtie corporations, bavIng regard ta. tii. amountspaid or assiured by.them respectivey under tise terme of thlà agrement, and sucb other consideratioli s tn >ay appear equitablîa to, the.'Commission, and are approved by -the Llenteîâant-Goverlior -lI Councît. lé, Tiliwgreeluelt sisal! fot corne-inte effeet until Ih has.been sanotloneàl by the Lientenant-Govel'flr In Counél. .1n witneas whereot the Commission and the. Co'porations hava e spectively amnied theïr corporate seais and the. bande of thse ir'proper SCM. ULE "A.- Teronte-Tlntonville Section. Prom tii. easturn limite o! thse City of Toronto, Victoria P>arkc Avenui-, Ulne will parailel the. Canadian Nortbern RaiiwaY, on.tise South side "i) Pharmacy Avenue, thence take a direct route to tise eouth.east corner rf, Lot 29, Con. C., TIownship o! Scarborougs. Crossing the Kennedy Rot 1, line will run uorthorly about the centre of Lot 28, as far as Con. 1-. ToW".M sisip of Scarboro, frons which Point approximately parallel to tbe Gra:&, Trunk Rallway te Unionville. uniQnville-Broo74!n section. Tise lino wi11 cross the Grand Trunk Rallway on road allowance ý;etVeeft Lots 10 and 11, Con. V., Townsilp of Markiiam, and run on this te Con. VI. St whlcb Point hune wlll cross to-Lot il and parallel the road to thse neigh- bonhood o! Markbam Village, where it Wilt tumu nortserly and cross Con. VIII road soutb o! Grand'Trunk Railway; continulng easterlyliUne wiil run tbreugs Locuet Hill aloug or parailel witb road aliowance betweeu lots 10 and 11. Prom- the. Markham-Pickering Township bine, bine wlll erosa to tl4e centre o! Con VI, Townshsip e! Piclcerlng, and continue approxi- mateiy tismougis the centre o! the. Concession to Brooklin, exceptlng nes? Greenwood, wisere tise Une wMl be diverted. - Unionvill--NeWmarket Section. Tii. Une wIli run northerly froni Unlonville. approximately up the- centre o! Concession V, Townshsip o! Markham, and -of Concession V, Township. o! Whitchurch, to or neàr Lot 5, thence te centie of C"ncesslon. IV, Township o! Wisitcisurch, to or near Lot 27, and tbence north-wester1y to >Tewmarket. Stoulfville Junetion-CIaremo ut $ectimf. At a point on Unlonville-Newn3arket section at Markham-Whitcburch Townsisip-lino designated Stouffville junction, lin. wili run easterly a short distance soutb o! tise townshipp une, tismougis Stouffylle to tise Markisam-Pickering Township line and tisence tisrougs tise middle of, Concession IX, Township of Pickerlng, to Ciaremont. Vandorf-Tlxbridge Section. * rom Vandor! on thse Unionville-Newmarket section, Une will rua nar road-allowance between Lots 15 and 16, Townsip o! Whitchurcb, te the uorth side o! Musselman*s Lake; thence north-easteriy te a point about 34 mile soutis o! Siloani and theuce due est te Uxbrldge, paralleliug tise read allowance Y4mile te the sents. Eblectri tise Te atructi Whi * under constri througl ions se, accordi -19i8$4,,3d * equlpm nie '-IE mentt - providi Ani mainte *(thse peri9d biss m nent -i the f by tl3 * Au ' theai Th o! Wb ffd -tl to M -Corpo, -Corpo 1- TUs O ur L * WMitby Section. Line wll bave Port. Pcmry lu tise ueighberisood of the. Pair Grou.nde sud run direct te Mancisester P.O.., tisence sentis te meet tise Grand Trunis Rallway near Hîgispoini. Lino n-il! continue soutiserl>' s short distance weat etftthe Grand Trunk Raitway, passing about 1/2 mile east et Asisburn and tisence uirough Loi 24 lu tise Townshsip o! Wis(tby te Brookiu. Pros Bmooklin tise line nil ru parallel te tise road allewnce betweeu Lots 28 sud 29, Townshsip o! Wiltby, as far soutis gs tise Cauadian Pacifie Eailway, ln tise Town ot Wisitby.' Tiselino will thon b. divemted te Heur>' Otreet sud tiseuce te tise baie front - SCHEDULIC "B." Name o! Municipal Corporation. Towushlp e! Scanborougi............ Township o! Mankiafil................. Township o! Witchurei........ Townshsip e! Pickering........ Townsip et Unbridge........ Townshsipet Wliýitby-------- Townshsip et Rescuh ............ Village o! Markhias......... Village et StouftYlfle .................. Village et.-Port Penn'.......... Town o! Newmsnket......... Town ef Unbrldge ,. . . Town o! Whtitby.................... Total amount.-o! deben.- tures te b. lssned 4,>'tise respective municipal- tios sud deposited wvith- tise Commission und«, Clause 2 (b). 803,939 488,152 578,115 227,901 554,619 235,722 48,762 75,281 113,308 266,986 204,666 193,7-74 Total amenaI of bonda te b. lssued, mrntIoned .....ase ................. $4,346,938,00 Made, passed anid entered this loi day of .~Reeve (Mayor) u.z:..zL.x'T.............Clerk. NOTICE. t. ~- i- r'~ li-~ * lu ---1-s f ~--1 n '- -b \ d n - -y t. * - .4 v ri' I-t--I t'-- 1.1- 1 <~ fîT do '-j- -~ b s- em~i~nbb secure' je) i lb. rail TAXE 1NOTICE that tise foregoing lu a true, cep>' o! a propose b>'- taW of th~e Corporation,,e!ftise Town ef Whitby tb be submltted-,te tise votes o! tise elecors on tise 9tis day of October,As.D.1914, between the houri o! ulue olock lu tise forenoon andfilve o'c1oclc lu tise atternoon at the folbowiug places Fer Pohtiug Sub-dlvisien Ne. i- at F. J. Joues' shep. -- For Pelling Sub-dlvn o e. -2-at Heard'e livery office, Brock St.- For Pellng Sub-dîvlsien Ne. 3-at Council Cisamber. Por Polllng gub-dlivision 'No. 4-at office let-door n-est o! 'Post Sle Fer Pelling Sub-divisien No. 1-t iss Pearou's House,BrcSI And tisat tise seveuteentis day of Octeber, A.D. 1914, at onc :'cl0cs lu tise aftemnoeu at 'tise Tewn Cerk's office lu tise sai4 Municipalit>' lia been flxed for tise- appolutment o! Pursons te attend - at the peliag places snd at tise final aummning up o! tise votes b> tise Clerk. Aud tisat Il tise asseut e!ftise elqcters, la obtained te tise sàld pro, posed B8y-Law It wll be taken inte, couslderation bW.-ise Mudipal Cous>. cil e! tise-sald Corporation ata meeting tisereof te be held7,atter tiseen- piration et one mentis fron tise date o! *tise tiret publication of thlu notice, sud that such is rt publication n-as made on tise 24th àday of September, A.D. 1914. TAKE NOTICE FURTHER- tisat a tenant Whso desire to vote upon sald proposed By-law must dglîver te tise Clerk 'not -later _than tue tentis day betore: the day appolnted for ta king tise vote ia deflaration under- Thse Canada Evidence Act, tat ise la a "tenant .wose boas.entends for the, ime for n-iici tise debt or iabîlit>' is to be oreated, or lu Whisch tise- money te b. aised by tise proposed- By-baw 'ls payable, or for at leasis twonty-one years, nd tiiat ho bas by tise lase côvcuanted to py all mu. nicipal taxes lu respect o! tise property, et' n-hse-As tenant otiier tissu -locali inprovemnent rates. . --- - 1Tl!I-'rjrmJsEpi-iWH-ITE, TÀ lomWliCfk< -'-î TORONTO

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