Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Sep 1914, p. 3

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i - MumlclpÀLITY-ofjTIl!TOWNSHIIP or WIIYý A ~By-Law N.,. ABy-law to authorize a certai 'n agreement made between 'the Hytiro- Electrie Power Commission- of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Whftbly, and ot br Municipal Corporations, for thé con- struction, equlpment and operation of an ---lectrie Ratlway under "The Hýydro-Electrie Hailway Act, 1914." .Whereas It is e*pedieut that the. Corporation o! the Township of Whit,. by çd. other Muicipal Corpgrations, should enter, into au agreement' undêr "The Hydro-Electi Raaiway Act, 1914,"1 with The- Hydro-Electrie -oerCommission of Ontario, hereinatter called the Commission,,for the. construction, equipment and operatio n of an Eiectric Railway 'la and through tihe Municipality of the Towvnshuip o! Whitby and. certain other Muinieîpalities, upon the terms and conditions and tubject to the provis- ions set fottbrand contained in the agreemnent set out in thile By-law, and Atoording to the routes set forth inScheduie "A" to the said ,4greement. And whereas the ýesti'mated cost of the wonk under the said,iagreement i118$4,346,988 ; and whereas the portion of the i-st of construction and OquIPMent of the line fo ho borne by the Corporation of the Muhlcipality of the Township of Whitby is estima ted at $554,619, as set out lu Sched- ule "B"' to the said ýagreement, Subject to adjustments and appartion- nment betweeu the Corpor.-t,c,ný; by ýthe Commission from time to time, ai. provideti by the- said agreezren;t. And whereas-he total annuài amount estimated to be required for lhe maintenance of the railway, apart frotn operating expenses, is $138,878 ; (the operating revenue being estimateti at $776,400, and operation and maintenance at $440,5541;; And whereas the total annual amount estimnated to be requirel, for the perioti o! ten years Inimediately folowing lie date 0f issue of tic Bonds io bei ssueti under the mal d Agreement, for Interest on lh. snld Bonda le $217,847 ; andti ,eroafter, for tie ne>.t ensuing forty 'years, tie annual mutestimated tobeharoquireti for ulnklng fund charges for 4h. relire- nient o! 4ha saiti bonds lo $43,469, and. for -Interest on tie Saiti bonds $217,847 p. Anti wbenese lic portion Ici ha borne b>' the MuniciIity o!flt.e'Town- uship o! Withy, cif tic 'aid anua) amounts, catimnatedti 10b. requireti for -maintenance, siakiag funti charges anti intereet le esîlmatod ti t$44,145 for 'the firet ten years ns aforesald,'and tlereafler aI $49,691 on the same buaf as lie portion o! tie cost cf construction anti equipmcnt, as atore- .afd, subjec-to adjusîmanle anti apportieumeul belweea tie Corporalic'ns b>' the Commision from lime te lime, as provided b>' the ai Agvree- ment ; Anti whereas lic amount o! tie whole aleabie propcrty o! lie Corpor- ation according tb dli. last Revised Assessment Rolilea 1,644,509, anti tic amount of! 1he debenlure debt of lie Corporation le Nil, o! whici n elier principal non interest lu lu arrear. Tierefore, thc Municipal Council of lie Corporation o!flii. Township o! Wbittby ennoIe as !olowe: 1. Il siail be lawful for tic Corporation o! lie Township of Whitby, asdtihti saiti Corporation Iolereeby authorlzÇd, to enter Into'lie follow- Ing Agreement wihlie Hytiro-Electric Powe omisin o!Olal anti other Corporations, lhe s"id agreement being hereby Incorporated inl- to a.nd formlng n. part o! thie By-law, andtihle Reeve anti Clerk o! lia Corporation are iereby nuthonizeti anti direcledti bexecute tie laid Agreemuent upea behaîf o! ti Corporation aud te attaci lie Seal ol tie Corporationthore. Â&GRIBUMNTHRBINMETO" D -'-'I Thils ludenture madtiei dar or la the nr 0d oucr Lord, ounetoasand tu nias h deandti oartumn. Betweeu The Hyiro-Electrle Powe Omm$islezi MOntab o(beninafler Cou"s tic "Cîommluou"> ýof lie luit Part, -' andi - : Thc Municipal Corporations o! th Townsip of Scarborough, lie 'ËT hnilpoc!Manibani, the Township o! Wiiteçbnrei, tic Township cf1Mierng, lie Township o! Uxbri4is, bie Township of! Wiitby, lie Township oe! Reacb, thc Town of Newmarket lie Town a! Uxbrigei the Town o! Whilby, the Village o! Minkhamn, lhe Village o! Stouif- vlle andthti Village of Port Penny, (hereinafler 'alledt li "Corpora- liens") o! the Second Part. - Wliereas pursuanute The Hydro-Eledtr4. Rafiway act, 1914, lie Comn- nuls-dion was requestci ho enquire Int, examine, investîgale anti report uvomi tie cash of construction anti openalion of an cîccîrie railway' or rnt-ilways ta be coustructedtihbrogi certain dItrIncîs lu which the con- l-rations arc sîtuateti, logelier wilb lie probable revenue tint wouid resuIt fmain tic operation e! sucb railwny or nàillways; And vfi lereas tic Commission hau farnimie thie corporations wlli mach a re'>jôrt shîowing (1) tie total esîlmatci comt, opcrating revenue anti exlwis. s ar tie railway or always, andi (2) tie proportion o! lie capital coacI te b. borne b>' caçh o! tha corporations as set forth ln si'!m'A'îl" "B" attachuetihereto; mdwlueneas on receipt o! tie laid report tic corporations requesteti' !ime ('-nnission ho censtruel, equip anti opemate a sysîcua o! ehechnic rail- .%ways ihereinafter. calledth le railwa>') over lic routes laid tiawa la - echedule "A" attacmed hlerclo, upon tic terme anti conditlons antiIlatho itiiiniuier hercha $et forth; And wle"as the. Commission hae agrecti wihlie corporations on lmhaffth ! ie corporations te coacruel, eqmîlp anti operate thie rallwry upon lietens anti conditions antilnnthie mnner hondan set forth; but ri- pomu thme epress con'ition tint lime Conimission siall not la any way ho ifaible by' renson o! uny erroi, or omission lu an>' estimateq. plane or _speciflcat1ý"n" for-an>' lirarcial or other obligation or lose whatsnever by, virtup of t1111e ur'rement or arisiîig cul of the performance oet Ihe ternis tîereof; And wvhereas tlie electers o! each of lic corpeoratiens have assene te by"Iaws autlimfllnig lime corporatIons le eluter ntothuis agreement wilih ie Comumission for lime Construcion, eccp .cient anti operatlon of lime raîlway as laid do 'wn ln, lthe said -cudhs subject t le i.fohîowln., ternis andi conditions; Anmd ¶'mrëas tie corporations have eachi ssueti debentures for - atiTomnts set forth lu sciedmule "B" altacmed hore, and have depesîhed i i, saiti debentures *wihhhe Commission; Now' Ilerefore tls Indculure wltmessetl:- - 1. ln coimm.deratlion cf thme premisçes andi of tie agreemeats of tieCcor- fil'~m~h r-n rornaincd. nnd subject te tii. provisions o! lie sali Actî, lime Corunssioim agrees witihue corporations respectivel>" (a) 'l'o . '-'nstruct, equlp amudi .perat thue rallway tirougi lbhed'ustricts fi ýlu ltl,., " -pcr,,tlons are situate on behaif e! the corporations,, (b) To ,m;mr'ru,'t andi openahe tih' railway ave thue routes laid dowa la (c) To Issue bonds, as pravideti ln paragrapi 3 of! hie agreement, te cover tic 'cst o! eonstructing anti equlpingthie mnlwa>'. (d)> To !urniflm as far as possible iret-c ass modern anti standard equip- ietfor us>' ciathe ailwiiy,-te- operate thhs ecjuipmeat 50 as 10 give lie brst serv'iece trîlac'rr-novatioii possible, iaviug regard te-thiitistrict ervcd', lie type of construction anti equlpint adopteti, anti ail otier equilablo conditions, andti 1 exoreise ail due skill ant i dligence so as le gecure tieindimt. effective operation anti service o! the railway consistent wi'th gooti management; _ - -' ()To regmîilRtAand flnthie fareandi rates o o bute ho cohlecheti by the rallwa>' fan ail classes o! service; (1) To utIlIze lie routes anti property cf th- Illway for ail purpuis - j£om wicl !t le possible 10obtMaimia profit' -(a)l To combne lime uropert>' anti works, teft e ailway andthle power bnle arumm n a le uiser, o! lie power linos; - .1 iiiIMapportion annuaily the captai -coos daf ~operatlng oetises OZ Aui works, apparatus ai plýant a0 by the rafaUwy la common with the Commnissions transmission fines lu a -fair manne;' havig regard tô the. service furnhsheti b> the expendltureunder cÃ"nldoratîon; - (M To lapply the reèvenue deriveti from qpooeraton of thre ra.ilway and @»Y otber -revenue derived from the undertaking te the paymïent of operatlg expenses (including electrical, power), the cost of alininis-, tration, an& annual charges-for lutercst an&i sinklng fund -on tie money' lnvested, anti snch other deductions as are herein1 provided, for; (1) Toeset aside fr:om any revenue thereafter remaining an *annual sim for the renewalko an>' wang beonging lu whole or lu part, 40 the tni.rtaking; (in) To pSy Over anuali>' ta the corporations,:if deemeti atvisable b>' the. Commission lu the interests o!' the undertaking, any surplus tint may remain afler providing for the Items above mentionci. Tie division of sncb surplus between the corporations to ho fixed, by lhe Commission on au. equitable basis, iaving regard lu the case of each corporation ta lie capital. Invested, the service rendereti, lhe comparative benefits deriveti, andi ail otier liii. conditions; (M To take active stepe for tie purpose of constructing, equipping anti opernting the railway at the earliestpossible date after the crecution of lhii agreement by tic corporations andi the deposit of the debentures nis calleti for under clause 2 Mb) ereof aud 10 comMence operation of cach section as soon as Possible a! 1er Its completion. (o) To maie huci extensions te the railway desci'ibed lu sciedule 0a"s ma>' appear ativuntageous aud profitable from lime to time. 2. Tun consideration o! the premiseu andi of the agreements herein set forth, enci of the corporations for ilseif, aud not one for the 'ther, agreis with the Commission;- (a) To bear ils share of lhe cent of consîructing, equippIng, operating, maintaining, repairing, renewing andtIinsu-ring the rni-way anti Ils pro. perty and works as establielieti b> lhe Commission, subject to adjust. monts andi apportionment between tie corporations by the Commission from lime ta time; Mb)Ta Issue debentures for the amounts set forth lu echedule U~ mnturing lu flity> years from lhe date of Issue thereof, and payable yearly st lie Bank, aI Toronto, Ontario. Suci debentures shahl be depositeti with the Commission prevlous to the issuing o! thc bonds mentioneti above, anti ma>' be helti or tiisposed of from time to time b>' ti, Commission, as provitiet for lu clause 4 hereot, lu such amouats, aI ach rates o! discount or premium, "andi on such termi anti conditions ne the Commission lu its sole discretion shaîl deem te be lu the Interests Of lie rnilway, the proceede of snci debentures being used solely' for the purposes herein contaneti. Tie amount qf debentures o! enci cor. potioy, sold or disposeti o! from lime ta time shal ho mch Proportion es in>' be fix'ed b>' the Commission o! the total amount of debentures, due regard being given t'O thé capital Investeti, lie service rendereti, the comparative revenue deriveti, andtil other equitable conditions; (c) To maie no agreement or arrangement witb, andta t grant ne bonus, Ilcense or other Inducement ta an>' other railway or transporta. ticu compan>' witiout lie written consent o! the Commission; -(d1) To ieep, observe anti perfoym tie covenants. proviscs, anti coudi- tions set forth lu tuis agreement Inteudedti 10 ho ipl anti observeti anti performeti b>' tic corporations, andti t execule suci, furtlier or otier documents andti b paso - snohb b>'.lws as mn>' ho requesteti by tic Com-' mission for the purpose cf fuli>'feletnating the '.objecta ant inltent *o! tileagreement;. (e) To furnisi a free rigit o! Way for the rallwny anti for lie power Uines O! lie Commission over an>' properl>' o! tiecocrporations apon belng so requestetib>' the Commission, andti 10 Oecute sncb conveyance tiereof or agreement wlîî regard therelo as, may be tiesireti b>'tic Conimiselon. 3. Il shall be iawful andtihle Commission le iereby authonizedti t crente or cause ho be createti au Issue o! bonds, andti 1 seL or dispose o! lic same on behaif cf tic corporations. Suci bonis to bo ciargeti upon anti socuret b>' lie railway, anti al lie assels, rigits, privileges, revenues, woris, properî>' anti effects belonging therelo or helti or useti lu con- uection wili lie rnllway constructeti, acquIreti, operatoti anti mainhainei b>' tic Commission under tuls agreement, andt te h for tie total amounts meutioneti lu scictinle "B" horeoallacieti; provitiedti ialthe Commission mn>', upea obtainlngthie consent as i'erein tiefineti a! lie majorit>' ofthie corporations, increase lie sai bond Issue b>' an>' amount necessar>' 10 cover tie capital ceel o! extendlng lic mallwny, antimu>' also wiliont mach consent increase lie sai bondIissue to caver tic cost of addltional worie or equlpuacat o! an>' uni for use on he- rallway 10 an extent nOt exceetiing Ica per cent. (10%) o! lie bonds issueti m lime ho lIme. Iu entier tl e mccanti pa>'suci bonds anti Interest anhe same bedaines duo anti pay'able lie Commission siail ln aèai >ear after lic expiration o! ten years from thietinte o! tie Issue o! tic bondseout o! tic revenue- o! thie ailway a! hcr payments o! operatlng expease (iclutiing electnical power) anti thecost ofe!administration set asîde n enificicn u san l provide a sinking fuati for lhc purpose o! redccming lie same aI mn- tunit>'. Debentures Issueti b>'tle corporations la complance wlth clause (.2b) icreof, shahl, ta tii. exteat o! lie pan value o! an>' bonds outslanding from time te lIme, be iciti or disposeti a! b>'tic Commission la trust for lie holders o! suci boude as callaleral seccunit> for paymeaîtitere!f, il being undeotooti anti agreedti tit la tie event o! an) Increase o! lie sali bond Issue caci corporation shahl, upon lie requesl o! tic Cern. mlson, deposil wtihie Commission atitienal tiobenînres as tiescnibeti ln clause 2 (b) hereof, te b. ehtil or tiieposeti c! b> lie Commission as ceihateral secuiit>' for suchu lacrenseiofthle sai bond Issue, andti t an>' tebeulure heldth ie CommIssiot ln exceso! thc par vainc o! lie outstandimg bande 'frein lime tetlime Mn>' eho ichtior disposeti a! b>'thc Commission ta secure paymcaî o! an>' deficit arLisimg freinthie operation o! thi.railway. 4. Inathie veal o! lie revenue denîveti froin lic operalion o! tie untier- taiing belng Insufficient lu an>' ycar ta mccltich opcrating expenses (includlng clectnical power), lime coul o! administration andti ticanniual charges for Interesl anti siakIng funti on tie bonds, anti for tie rcnewal' of an>' wonks belongiug lu wiolc or-la part 10 lie ailway, suci icilcit shahl be paidto tahti Commission b>' tie corporations upon demanti of anti la lie proportion adjusted bb>'tle Commission. Ia the event o! lie falînre of nny corporation to psy Ils sioe.o! Bnci a deficit ns atijusteti b>' tic Commission, Il shah bo law!ul, for tic Commission lu tie mannor provitietila clause 2 (b) te dispose o! debenlures ici theli Commission as secunît>' for. an>' suci deficit. An>' arrears b>' an>' corporation shahl hear terest ah tic hegal rate. 5. Shoulti an>' corporation. fail to perfori ny>'o! lie obligations 10 the Commission under tuis agreement, lie Commission mn>', lu addition te al othier renetiies anti wlîîout notice, discontinue tice ervice o! lie railway 10 Bnci corporation lIntiefanlunlil lie sai obligation hme bcen fulfilleti, anti -no suci dîsconlinuance o! service shalh relieve tic cor. poration luntiefanît frein tic performance a! tic covenante. provisos anti conditions lhoenacoahaluoti. 6. Ia case the Commission shall at au>' lime -or limes he preveulci froua' opcmatlng tie railway or an>' part Iherco! b>' sînike, hock-out, neot, fire, Invasion, explosion, net'-o! Goti, or lie King'i enemies, or au>' olier cause rcasonahly hcyouî ils control,- lien tie Commissi?a s4a all ob hounniho operate thie milway or sncb part tiere! turing snclb tîme; but tie corporations siail net be relieveti from an>' iabliil> dr pa>'ienl under tMs agreement, anti as soon as the cause of suc Iinterruption le removeti lie Commission -shahl, wiîionî an>' deha>', 'continue fll operalomi Of tic raiIw9y, sud oaci o! lihe corporationus shah hoe prompt anti diligent lu doinig eveMyling la Ihe power 10 remove anti overooeanm& mach cause Or causes o! Interruption. 7. It shah hoe law!uî for, sud, tie corporations iereby anliorize lie COmumisîqo le-unlle the business o! lie raihway wilh trht of an>' cher raihway su'uhcm operaîcu lu wbolc orn l part b>' lic Commission, andti 1 «cehange cquipment anti eperatersfrom oncesyslcuatoetic olicr, proper provision hoéing matie 0 tli acb rytem oshl ahPy Ils Pnoportlona. mirfe O! lie cost o! an>' equipuacat usidlu common. 8If aI an>' lime au>' othor municîial corporation applies tetl Coca. viieulen for an extension o! the railway lntc its m#inicipalty Ih Com- .Mission shall natIf>'lie aplcant an4tihei corporations, la writt=ng Of a lime anti place ho icar an representations liaI mai' ho matie as 10 lie teruas anti conditions rclating te mach proposeti extension. <,If, ou lie recommendation o! tic Commission, mcli extension sbhl ie amtonIsedý vithoat discrimination lu favor of!thlieplialt, as tý ltée couicmrfet - or-A hc h Incunieti for -or -b> -reaion o! an>' suela extension,' lie Commii5on nMay entend tic railwny upon machbernisanti conditilons a. m>ay P pear equitahhe ta t4e Commaheson. IL. xleh of the. corpsi (oe) To carr out the ivOmma and agrees with the. other;- Ite and provisions herela containe:- ti ln ts power at all urnes with thé Com- ble-clonditioris for the carryiDg ont of the. the sali Act, and to Increase the revenue 13. In tbe-event of BUT difference bebween tie corporatlons the Cern. mission ma>', upon application, ft s lime .andi place ta hear ail repre. seutitlons that mn>' be made b>' lie 'parties, andtihle Commission shahl adjut mch, difeérences,ai m cuh adJustmenls shail be nlua. Thé Com. 2nýi"slo hail have ai the powers tint May' be ,qonferred upon a com. mimuioner appoluteti under thé Acf Respecting -Enqufrteg (Ioncerni-ng 14. This agreement shall continué anti entend for a perli o!o flfty yoars from the date bercof, and at the expiration thereof bo subject to renewal, idlthei consent o! the corporations !rôm lime to lime for liko periode ce MIt' year, subJect te adJuAtment anti re-apportion ment as horein pro. ylded for tue purposes o! this agreement ds though the terme horeof had not expIrei. -At the. ezpitatioa cfIbis agreement tie Commission 'shaht determine anti adjust the righta 'of tue corporatIons, havIng regard to the amnounuts pait or aïusazaeiby, tiem respectively under tic terme of' tile agreement, anti mach* btlr considèralions as nia> appear equitable to the Commission anti 'aie approveti b> the Lieutenant-Go-vernor lu 15. This agreement shall Bot core ne m effeet until ilina been sanclioneti b>' the. Leutenant-Governor la Council. In i wtness where fthe Comàgtsson andtihle Covpcretions have ne.* vectively affieti thielr corporate- seals andtihei hands 'o! thoir proper o2fcers. SCM DULE a"A." ROU0iTES. 2'oronto--VM-onville Section. Froni lihensl-ru limits of the City' o! Toronlto, Victoria ParkAvenu, Uin. w1il parallel the Caiadian Northern Railway on tic souti aide te PIarmue>' Avenue, tience taie a direct route te lie souti-enst corner of Lot 29, Con. C., Township o! 'Scarborougi Crossing the. Kennedy Roati, lino will ru nortiiorjy about tie centrî o! Lot 28, as far as Con. 1, Town. ship of!1 Scarboro. frou whilci point approximaîcly paralie> te théc Grand 'Xrunk Railway tg Unionville. 1rdoamvle-Brooln Section. The. lino wlll cross the Grand Trunk Railwayon rond nlowance betweeft Lots 10 anti 11, Con. V., Towtsbip of Mrkinm, anti run ou Ibis ta Con. VL 04 whieh-point 1mb 'will crosï to Lot Il at parallel lie rond to lhie negi- borbo ofo Markiam Village, wicre It will turu nortier>' anti cross! Con. III roati bath of Grand Trank Railwny; continning énsterly lUne wiWV rua throagh ocuat MUiIi sn or parallel witi rot i allownnce belween lots10 sud! 1. Prom the.Màr>ham.PIckicuqg 'owfisiip lin., uine will cross te thecocntre cf Con VI, Townsbip cf Pickering, anti continue approxi- mItel>' through tie centre o! the Concession 10 Brookl, excepting near Oeeeawood,-whre the lins wM lbes diverteti. U1nUOnW-Yeioarket Section. 'Mbe lino wfl rTa nortiieri>' from, Unionvîlle npproxImatly up lie centre o! Concession V, Townshlp o! Mariinm, anti o! Concession V, Townshipp!fWihitcburci, te or near Lot 5, tience te centré o! Concession IV, Township O! WhItehurch, to or near Lot 27, andti leue norli.westerly te Newmariel. Stouffville Junctton-Oioremonït Section. At la Point on2 Unionvlle-yewmarket section aI MarkiiamWhitciurcht Township lueotiesignateti Btonffville 3unetlon, lin. will rmn ensterl>' a short distance souti of the Township Uine, lihrougi Slouffvihle le lie Markham-Plekeriug Tôwniip lin. andi -lience tirougi tic mititile of Concesion IX Townsip o! Pickerlng, te Claromont. 'Vndof-Uoexbrldge Section. Prom Vandorf ch lhe Unionvlle-Newmarket section, line will rua near roati allowance between Lt 15 sud 16, Township o! Whichurch, to the nortir aide o! Mu$Wemas Lake; tience norîi.easlerly 10 a point about .YÂ mlle soutb cf Siloam snd tlience due east le 'Uxbridge, paralleling 1he- Md aflowance 3Â Mile te eSonth. 'WMtbg section. Line wilI leave Port Perry lu lie neighborhood o! the Fair Grounds Mud run direct te Manchester P.O.., lienco seuli -1 mcclt the Grand Tmuni Eallwny near Igipoint. ,LUe wll continue soutien>' a short distance veut o! lie Grand Trnnk RailwaY, passing about 1/ mile east o! Asibun andt leue trougi Lot 24 ln lie Township of Whitby le Broihin. Prom Brooklin the. lino will ri.n parallel 10 tie roati allowance between Lots 28 anti 29, Township o! Wiitby, ns !ar seuti as lie Canadian Pacifie Railway, la tic Town o! Wiitby. Tic Une wlll tien be divertedti 1 Heury' Otreet anti thence 1e lb. laie front. SCHE13LE "B. tQIe trs des Naine o! Municipal tics - Corporation. Cia- Townsiip ef Scarborougu .. ........... Township o! Mankhain..............0 Townshuip of Whilhcurchî............. .0 Township o! Pickcering ..... ... **u Township of Uxbridge ............. * TFownshilp o! Whitby ,... Township of Reaci................ Village o! Markham .,,, Village o! Stouffville------------- Village o! Port Ferry ........ Town o! Ncwmarket ...... Town o! Uxiriigo .................. 'Town of Whîitby . -....... a........ @u tai amount o! deben. es ta b. issueti b>'tle ;echlve '.muncpai- s ti tiepeuitet i Wtb )Commission anderN tuse 2 (b). $565,714 Do 803,939 oe 488,152 00 578,115 00 227,901 00 554,619 0D; 235,722 00 480762 00 75,281 00 118,808,00 266,98600 204,665 Oc Total anloual o! bonds te o esati, m'entIoneti lu Cinuse 2 ................... ..4,46,938 0O Made, passed and entered this 191 day of .~Reeve (Mayor), TAKE! NOTICE thal lie !orcgoing le a Irue copy of tic prcpc>sed Bv-Law o!flime Corporation o! the'ownsitp o! Whitby te ho subuntteti t the votes o! lie ehectons on th& l9ti day cf Octobor A.D. 1914, ho- lwecn tic heure o! aine o'clock ilutho toreoeon ant irfie o'chock lu bie a!- ternecu utthie followlng places: For Poilng Sub-dlyvisiou- Noý- - tPolllng Booth, lot 2,8, Co ns. 8. For Pc',ihlng Sub-divlsélon No, Z-at Councl rooua, Brookiu For Ppllint Sub-divlion No,- -nbMasonlo Hall, ,.Brookhin. For Polllng Sub-duvlslon No. 4-aI Ker'Io Halh, Asiun. Andti laI the l7ti day o! October A.D. 1914, ut oe'eo'cloek Ilu the a!-, lenmoon ai lie Couacîl room, Brookllu, lu lie sali Idunicîpahil>', bas been fted for the. appointment ýo! pensons to attend at - tie polling pince,- anti. at liefinal summning up o! -he vohos-b>'lie,- Cleni. -Andti tiIftic aiment o! tie electors le obtaineadto thle sali-propos- ciByla 1h wyill ho beaken fmb coneuideraion by theMunicipal Coancil O!fi ac Corporation at à meetng tierce! hto be hèlti aller the expira- tion o! ou6 *month froua lie date o! iIuc fir51 publication ofc! bis notice,, sud tlint muciffirst publication was znaie 'on the 24ti ta>' o! Saptember;, À .D.,1914. - - TAKEJNOTICE PURTHER Ihat n tenant who-tiesire 'ho vote upon sali propeseti byA-aw musbticîivar tb he Clerk, not laten than bie-tentb -day- beforeir he day appointeti for taklng lis vote 'a tiuohnatlcn nder M O.W-h 1 Cianaa lhidsee Ac~t.-tha4i.ta s Iana nwt 1,whose leau a tendo fs tan Ii tliough much of the overtime emnPloynent, of double shiftsi -to rush orders frota the Govern cýonditious lu the Cotton - ndusti such- as to just Wy the bell g practically ail employees of Cao cOtt-On mills aré agsureci o! coni employment at f ulli lie. Thofiînports o! manuifacturecj taou 0 -per ceïtnthle proi tifon lu Cana'da, or 37 per cent. of C3o nsunlption-f ine iscountry. W the largest Importations ave « from. the United ,iingdem tiare h Voeu: substantial Imports froua -C many, France andi Switzerland a] The. shutting -off o!' Importe fi Germany and the curtaliment A! ports -from France and. Switzerfi means that muci ci! the cotton t has been Imported Into Canada f theso- countries willInow have to mateienlutis country. -The Canad upon ito supply a portion of the. trÂte tbt ormerly went te hth Unlfýed - Kingdom. This le due to lhe Incres- cd cost o! cotton finporteti !rom the United i Kngdom owlng 'i0 h l- creaseti, frelgil rates, -exchange, 'andi'- insuraàce, andt b uncertainty- on tihe part o! many dealoemrscgarding dolay_ nr es iln shipmcnt. Th&ic condition of stocks -lu the re-- bail trade A Canada aI lie com- mencement o! ostiities was. anoth- an facter lu-bringlug about 4he la- - creaeed. demanti upon lie 'Canadian- cotton znille. For somo l time pro- viouib i te breaking ont- cf tia wnz thle consumption of! colton lu Canada had been very nunci under fnormal. Unsatisfactory business conditions had reulted lu-' deniers allowIng their stocks to un- dowa. Man>' deniers who titi place orders for tu- turc-neede matie hemr ordens subject to Inter Instructionl as to fe1iver'-. , ise a sgulficant anti mosl encour- aglng facItinht since lie èommence- meut,-o! iostlities most ofo! uémh',or-. ders have been. releaseti' for 'immedi- iate siipment. TIhe relense'o! -those orders, togetier with lie receipt. o! new orders for regular customere Who h ad delayeti ordering becausc o! un- certainty as ote eïop qnd - .husi- ness conditons generally', and entiers from ether deniers- wbo-o d formerly- ordered abroad, are glving IC cot- ton lndustry-lu Canada a 1.e lm-- petus at tis ti-mue, 'Fle putting of cotton te new uses bo replace otier imponted raw mn- teiaIs Ihiat cannnit be secured àe stîli another reason for lie increased. no-ý tivities in lie cotton Industry lu thus coutitry. Il bas been customar>' b use jute ln tihexnaklng of, sugar baga and of fleur iags for expert purpose.- «Jute, ln ils raw* state, cernes from - India, and, as a nule, le nuanufactur-, e d in lie Unitedi Kingdomn.' Tic old- ing UP Of sevé ral siipmcnts of-jùto bas rcsuited gta adearti o! jute .Ia Canada andtihle substitutiden *,f beavy cotton for jute la the manufacture of four and sugar baga. If- tic impor-- tatien of jute continues tbib- Impos. aihie or la materially.-curtalhed, ,il may __e neoeseary le use, heavy coti '-ti nsteati ef jute lu lia maktug o! Iol clit. Otier possible,, uses for - cott-on are belng Inveetigateti by- Ca-' nadian manufacturera, anti as eue o!- them puits lt, '"ncw uses are being disevereti every>' day."1 Thus the oullook for the .Cotton lndustry ln Canada 18, brîghter to-â'ar than it bas. been for somee «me. "It le true smre manufcturea ar little uneas>' regartiiag lie supply-o! dye-tuffe and chemîcals, whuich have ceine iu the pasl froua Germaiuv, but tie genenal opinion le thal withi ome re-adîustmeats anti -penhape some changes. lu sindes, euflicfent dtie lituifs andi chemicals b ,mccl lie Ca-' natilan demanti wiil be secureti. EverYthng pointe. b a- bue>' wlnter for ahi the Canadlahn' celton"infUs antid le -continuedi omployment - for Ilmeir 14,000 bande. Panry 'Sounti North Star--In the mule o! lie survivae c! the fit lu neverseiandtihIe euvvl 'c! unfit l - ibbchelaw. :This le caued tice fao-i thal for war, especially bbc lret tIdrafl,' ouInlimte blg, lim bealti>' men, the mcmtl "it"' are . en, Ieavfng tic old, the lame, the andthe lie lIiad %ý-, wehl as tiec' t anti undesinbles aI home.'Tis ait wmnnc. Thore ara iuudreds tbousas o f-,mcmiwbe are, at 1) gooti foodi for gnn-powien, nmy -bonu are of Little use except jfIgit anti who tire cof not Mnal te C ountry. - 'Whv vot l pu>t lu the--forafront of be2a T I~' loes wilî 'not be' mach - tiT l Iere are a lot of us, older a positI on ù 'e ab-i j 1 À" . -ý ltin ý lm

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