Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Sep 1914, p. 5

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I~ParI<e 0FP THE. CUL VERHOUSE OPTICAL 00. WILL BE HERE SATU RDAY Sepf. "2Sfh Have your eyes examin- ed by an. EXPERT. Mr. Parker uses a, dark room- examination, and the Retinascope. hi SUS toJ Ootobon 8h11. Aise reshored ch rates ho Euglnd, Ireinnd, Scatia Jowoler and Graduato Optiolan jChice all beat oceaniS. S. linos ail Raiway routes. Gel thoso Ij -opeat l'st >~ oes aI "STEPHENSON'S" (t 'OppsitepoitMo@silo Hovîs Bras. and Standard i Wiitby). Aiso buy your . lacj * WhiIyontl Riverdale, Toronto, etc., nIt ST. JOHN'S (BAY) CHURO] __________The services on Suuday mestp w. c. . u. oek oethle nature. o! a Tiaukugi' Wa- . T.Festival. Tic churci? vas dec-ora with fruit,. vegehables and others A FAAL UARRL. estre aticesand preseulcd A FAAL QARRE. j ttrtve appearance. Spe( Another hU besu added tethie long' iuglxîgjby tic choir, and specialj -liaI et horrible !nlnlities Whici are nions by Mr. Glover vere hourd the luevtable resul o! hie barreoin. very ,iarge audiences. The offez Samuel McDowell wentto thi. bar- vas large, 'nd siowed lie tian] zoom 'of Aie Selkirk lotelounMain spirit efthle cengregaîlon. hInl sîtréet norîli, onthie uighît e! July',ail lie exorcises of! lhe day vere 24tb. He had a drinkc, aid, meeting a 'inout empînalie mnxier express viti a number of cemrndes, romain-' e! the graleful feelings oethle pec '04 on o a couple »'e! heurs, drinaking and for lie bounies received durng * treating. A nuniber o! the-,men vere year. -iu a very iuhaxlcated condition, anîd therel vas- scnnpplng aid figitiig lu Don't forgeAthie Park and B -ehe bar-roin. McDowell, s mai o! supprer ta o blield luthie Methoi wtorty-msix years, had au altercation 'Tabernacle au -Frîdny, Septein 'withha Young Manu a! about hweîhy-125tI%. Gaçd prograin. Tes sou Ove, nninsd Boyie, and blova verst ram 5.30 ho 8.00 o'clock. Admise «xchanged. About eleven o'ciaek il Sie. la sald tint the mn 'vers put out aid- McDawell aid -Boyle coimeiced (I.T.R. TRAIN 14 NOW STOPS te figit on lis sidovnlk rigit in HERE. - 'ront, of Aihé tel. A litAI. later Me- A eomanunmnti 1 Dowellwasfoud lingon he ave eek- piade by Mr. C. E. Hern 'mueuh unucansdiaus,andthie proprieho'X w -ethiehotl suuioîd le plic sm DTstrict Pasucugen Agent ai lie tuaie. Hotlqo saen te hpolice- . R.,' otee i fect tint, coinienc stuaInesNed athnce thGeriOU nSepteinber 29ti, trali No.. 141 'sinand voreh. ied oheuùrs1 5top ahtWhitby Junction daiiy.1 lHsoe.-auadlau Statosmeai 1 ous 4 lueliitrain thint iaves Toro< later-Canaiau tat0eall.at 9 o'ciock Aam., reaching Whil - -- ah 9.55. Witby uskcd for ihis omflindatien saine lime age, and ia grahi!ying te kuow that lA inan, L oGa PperÀrÀgSo given. M r. Ho îig, ln is neuneemont, gays, "We had expeci te get il lu for lie aunmner chan àer durlng ha runtsiboavammt. precate Aie sdditioiaî, stop." PUBLIC MEETrING., PRICE LrSTS SOAR sICYWA&R à% public mbeing ln the intereit ef Nevapaper puilshoza .&M priai -the prop«M ~Hydro-Eleotzri a àlllhlave received froin hein viwol.g - railwsy vii lie bold la -the Muic han, atail4oners latimaU-finsgsI'llar toi WiltbY, -'n WeUdnaSy. erening? Sep- fOllovng: -temùbarS80, ai S p.m. Sir Adam Bs Te a odtin nvatl wi» addroaa h.- mOetng. tercé e us o lthdr"a alprices J .4,- a~iedeal quýifi In lalîndi Vi oau q ,' _ »»IntonraiU, steve. Tou thl4 prioe lteai,, tireore, 'plie - idrageaise steV4. Pipas .si 01-note vo caniol guarantee te 1111 lova .,'. ..es . ~~dors ai the pnices shovn, anda -4- endera are oui,' aeeepted subject Koe Otehn ti on~b 'Plnotl si'84h-adrancea as conditions - Cncrtvin soNehi "Sc>ohrait. _. ý-C4stOmers nuWîg quotatU -. ' eto wh e pari. Wshoh for bould proieci Aiems.ivesb,'figurl «turo ier patunae tWÛ1 n aà geral 'adrAnce et110 ho 15 jurthe psrt1u1s;ý.imuiebelng o ai s Wonkliasbasala regrsa auI-aide." ' aipe, eork 1 ho In pogroi siml- ýThe. lncreaaed coe fpae tgneetudy , ase-main trunkusavon lu escases ieai ai Icrease 'se a~ue ' wrn eer on 'Bnookthie pnîce ef.' some linos of prini swean& a section -On -BO"enSt- matter--depeuaiug upon 'thekId li0 meauave been eipiqyed, sud theatockýýused. We shahl, hoverer, .wpork la belug pushed along rapidiy. toi avoid au,' mnons. et rates viii aver possible. POSITION WANTED. C. A. GOODFELLOW & S( 'Position vantod as heusekeeper by comipehtein oai et vde experlonce. IF ITALY GOES TO WAR. 'Appi,' cane GaZette Office,- There-las beon mucihnlk among th1e Itaieans empieyed on sever c Tic patntetic concert under tie utruchlen as te Ah. posslbility auspices ot hie S.O.T.I. and Molli-, semaet theui belug calied hoee collet Epvorti Leéague labÏen kpde t ly shouhd -Aake part, lu th. ,-Pi poncd broui September 801hh o Oco- sent War-Se certain do saine ber SAli. Reserve Ahis date. t he mn el that their coutry ' - ýCYiug ,;u*,ýut, wul- ua z'the. maid nw im »i, usavi ..»Sfy .-.*.ý WONMNXPRIZE0; 'll1*..wla 0118, YOulgudojdInvfted. the skyýb0th-_e ,day ' 9 'P gTQWt-Inef Wlilthy,,on teegienhienwsye ù Uie-mghdent 'VIth r.egd Aliîswî IiI èeir S.S. 1?aliy te fl 1atu ady $àerlavsmaypat o-d scatterleave. < r.Paget, ndde" owbIook Farnms las retu±nýd ri ~ n y a !Cau4 by~pë Cle diver or senu ypspe4dt li~f pielrl.bgizca aI 2pan .&~reu b Mr.Padett an detre ftewers and shruba, Ottawa aa 'ronto Ehhtos auealre sensation-ida efade - Anton n àdei;.W1î pot, heÉàl - I lving tnaki-e f-thct ueto -and mar.it presnt beuty. fwiere lie bad charge of a strlnrg ~wyIi~he pc.AfwSwelo ecuto± eoftthe said estate, on or be-, aieone. - p11 4 p oWra xl n t he8 . P Noary20o diffroîtsoepn cy Leve wrd a nîystudoan -'horses frein Meadowbrook, and re- age 4i>A 3rtal visiter Waz rePOrted fore the 2fth day of Ocober, 1914, Tiie jabel utipoktllte Nealy200difeent smpu 'i' Leaè or atmîstdio ad orts winnlng ýa n be f r t l rom Cazâinlgton, Ibis Ceiîy, Now thoiir namies. and addresses, and a f ull au a protection' te liculo Chusînaà ard hae 4rlvd a îio IwiI cal nd iale aphoo o eah icaset ZESlu s Whlhby's 1turi. ".o,,Tuesday descrptlin o ail daims aid the na-_ guaranlee ef fl vale Glltaicda hve ffire. ath1l l lanrnd -a ot o At Opl4aces.. uMaebokPri en-ohahttoeecoc i u~ f lthe- securiffes, If any, held --The "sain pricoe tasa ln and look thnem oves. Picae.te - heseswoi s tllow :-st ad nghit guards .àt the. Armourles sud by, themni, and b- - las been the, slogan e ei-ed suit any purge. Nansad*cizpe,"nGad~;4,Gi atclin . J. Y. Patteoson - Purther talce notice tli# aller the0 Tiere lias seldoinbe oil anait Solwca y; l, OnýuClde ;sd ,ale- odwr nteîlu4fr ou t 20th day et October, 94 h 0dta eu-e4 tr eag fig prlîled on iide Sobet. wClydetrtadallfortoal;t l ,.I14,But fr Ilas "ess-er rfi"lasaw iana;.;lut , iiooulddlebôo A -Exeoutor wlillproceed te distribuA.le tsplcycjp Durlng h heavy. thunder utorni DEVELOPINO and PRINTINO .Hackney foal ; Brd and 4Ab, 2-year- isearclights and etr tgii4 were the. estate ot the. deceased auionutghsIleir whick as-' Ah~ b eldClydeaales ; rd, >'arllug Iy- ~"eebud.n Thtangi o saproaoiiad tregarie& ly 10 A h imsof hichboaA.irtojci~a ir whcPs ever te owu about for aniateurs et d erlin 0Wy- b te-sou. h, Hheroded r- who takes atheperficlofllook w] heu o'clock ou Tuesday eveulngr,'an fo maer desdale ç 3 rd, letett tru'f tvo tle ram t zoulaid thenr0d to- he shah 'ýthen., have notice, and thé.h ae. uef electrie wjre breke st lie corner of attended to'prornptly.,, a.dsdies.. 'Mr.- Cussiou'is owu horse.ad-teýlk rn r481alsl x osdrn çtË, Centre aud Dundas SAs. One live end won lIrot' lu 'the _ huiter aud saddle rptyeorsaln e-ib fln n-Cad.As fell lite a pool et water, aud pas.- cass Conslderiug gettlnofAie beat kie erb eetetdt lpa fAt Toronto Exhibition the sr walchers, and tien made a swoep hbe~ pro e hs a e staîdard of value w,, i isl tiI repira wer mmd. euideit lu maIE stringu tAe west. Bp aid by Ahey drew near uhall flot tien have received ntc.îgAae firewerks as a result Tii.power wnteeprîzes : d"nGuard"' a aiad fiualhv disappeared I ,ntce MgtAURIE e Wa ure fffrN e mnteBn 2nd, Clydeudaàle brood mare; lt, netir sy. on. t îe ANTON BANDEL, A R C ti e ar i s n ' t d o Clydesdale fou; lt ad Srd, 2 year- t e rs r the ugit tli o eard ao u- E etohbyra y s ecaer e p le u - o thievicîîity were Aherefore wltouh ldClydeudale r Sid, yearling Cly- wtces ou gaht ta ruoter bu ls _.E uor yred-spee flure rl ___________________________but__hild.1. E.PARE WELL, 300 worsleE thie use e1thoîr electric ligîts for a dsae;ltadcapo ake may have been Imannuation. ilsSoicior.seres deudale; lutSaid chaopi.nsHrcksyvicunas"aidScth-we ie.pony, Huit- Th supposition luA bat the visi- Duted th. 2e£nd day of Spemeaid exclusive pil become enxbroiled, liat Aicy - have er ; 2nd, Percheron mare.trwuauuopae bcaeil14.-.tn. Ad ediieasut a Send yeur erders, te W. H. Taylor gone se f ar ns ho naine a date wien Ai these prizma 1were wen ln coin- ueeme<j ho be under perfect centrol. oecas alrdt for oaes pikiu ikonsi daily. r tc.iey weuîd leuve for home. Wletier petîlion with Ahe best horsesInuthe he icligitu rose aid fell lu tic sky, ln one week, for $18 a4 p dons t Jtzce 0frC.P.Raid PoGr-t not would be aiiowed ho Icave or Province, and Mr. Cusuf-on lu deserv- and circled about for so long alm naoLqo ies c den atJuntio orCý.R.andPor no wolddepend upen wiether Aheir Ing et heartieut congratulations. tînt tiers couîd have beei no mis- Perryr rallway.....7. country toek up armu for or agaînst ---. aklng theni fer shoeling- stars., LICENSE DISTRICT 0F SOUTHMarè - 4- the allies. 1f for, hie allies, the Mr. Harold StAnton, wiQ lu lu Doublas sonieone wau teuting au ONTARIO. Te Rev. Girard Graham. B. A., ef route home would be open le lie atheudaice at M eMasher Unversiy, acroplai., or an invention lu oie à h rb ie htt ee -1d o ot oa o Lorgeville, wili occupy the pulpit et1 menioethle pick aud shovel. If for Toronto, bau donated tue Langevin- uearcîîîgîhs, or sonîethiîug et thus NoielirbygvntttuexIdo'uhRyaNtaWtbO St. Aidrew's Churci ah boîli uer- Germnny, th en froin Sunny IAaly Sebert cuip, whichlie uew boldo aI- sort. ecuter ofthle estate of tie late Mrs. vices next Sunday, Sept. 27, 1914.. mlght ,find tienelves prisouers e1t er three successive wînu, fer compe- M.A. Bundel, 'Whitby, bas made ap- A num ber of hie young people e f leave aur hores, or if th y express- w h t y H g h o . M r S a n o ou e W it , lieIow, ild cen raulah he d awis hoaidhieeuey. t htb~Hîg Scioo. M. SaînonSALE REGISTER. the taveru lilenue for the promises Tm lbe k.,ouFrduyniit n ut de- th e ted ws, howateven tny Iavolfollows Aie precedeit of Dr. Lou J. Sahurday, Sept. 26.-Auctien sl iw a i ityHos,.ity rida nfht.A most'de-expcte, hwevr, tat tal faorsSebert, who won lhe Langevin Cup et 80 feeders at-Bandel's Hotel, WhIU tQh, A. Bandel, and that Ahe suid ap- 'ghful lime was upent by. ail pre- lie allies, and If she fighsita ilwll tiree successive years, glvlug 1h back by, hhe propryo!HryWaetaehictonwl e onsderfledw ah sent. -b. againstthie Kaiser. In thie men- for competilion. under lie naine ai ah 2 e'clock sharp. Jas. Biuhop, uuc- meetIng o!f i odo ies -4.- he, the men frein Italy are fighl- thle Langevln-Sebert Cup. The Hîghu tioneer. Commissloners to be ield lu the GOD- SAVE THE KING. ing Whiiby dlay, in wiich tiey are Seheel sports will be held lu lie' Weducsday, October 7.-GrenA auc- Ceuneil Chauiber, -Wiitby, on Thurs- G.T.R. B4ti Ontario Regimeut. experte. h-eur future. tion sale etigi grade horses, c4t- day, ýOctober lut;' 1914, ah heu o'- tB N Recruta waaled ho :611 lhe places -+_- le, liegu, tie preperly of Charles* dock a.m. Ail persons luheresled WIB UCIN of tiese who velunleered fer ever- FOR SALE. Personai Mention. Lnvery, lot 28, cou. 4, Whiby Town- wfll gaveru themueives accordingly. Going W est... .4.~a.e enug...o an sric. ply( la vnlg TwoloIs for sale, 60 foot fronînge, si. Sl Ieeecoksap LEWIS R. LUKE, - ah the Armourles, or to 2 blocks tram pash office. *$75 aid Mr. and Mrs. L,W. Dudley spont Wni. Mnw, nuchioneer. Lîes npce,.. ...-0 P.Mf.i . 65 Geo. W.P. -Every, Lieut. 5ci. Apply ho M.W. Cellns, Sunday lu Newcastle.Tedy tbr1.-Aei aeSeultecuario. ..74 .. O. . B" o.y 841h RegA. Wiitby. Mr. Victer Mafey, ef Tarante, of tari stock, implerueuts and bouse- Dated, ah Oshawa, Sept. 15, 114. S~a rislaetsTrm Ho fr secll, ceap oi way ~ pea Sunny ihiMr. id ra.w. old furuiture, Aie property et Wx. -- 4.52 a.m. aid 1.40 P ro o secad-cls~ hckel te.Onlirnia B. . P.U. SCIALEVENNG. E Tiomueyw n dr. .Heur, lot 22,, rmur con. 8, Whîtby, --rin tpa Wlb n secnd-las tckes 'o, alforia, B.Y.,P. . SCIL EENIG. Miss Shebbiu, ot Strahford,ia mlle vest of Myrtle. -Sale ah .one Mîsceiianeous Adverts aI 8.15 -and 9.85 a.=.,su .Op IColerado, Idahoe, Montana, Oregon,' The Young People efthle Baptist been a visIter wili Rev. G. A. aud o' dock. 'Wm. Maw, auctleneer. Utah W ub ngto , A bert , Brtàs -ch rph r1' --te %nurcn ere fl'rZIned v at anoîr Mrs. MoLean. lemeeting ou Tuesday eveulug by the Messru. Arthur id Adami Keai, et henp clags et Miss Myrtie Deit, *hlci' Toronto, were ah tlieir .lieme bore ,and. prevldsd Aie Pragrain.,IReitatious'over Sunday. aid dialogues and mnusic comprised à' Mr. aid Mrs. Alfred Luke aid chlld tiLk.. meut IuherestIng eveniug, and a' vere with relatives ah Leaskdale 'PPO- hearty votseoft hanka was pnssed te over Sunday. .lark Miss Dent and her cinus.,.Refresh-j Mrs. Everelt Eugeue Brynt, et cals, monta were served utthe conclusion. Pickering, bas returued haome tram our -- attending Linduay Pair.« RAL'LY SUNDAY.' Miss McGuire haý reiurned ho To- El. exA Sunnyrouta aller spcndlng a few dayu vith Next SunaySeplember 27, wiil Miss LillinTiainpsen. hor bcrully' duy in hhe Baplist ciurch. Master Clarence Rice le! h lait week viug At thie morniug service Aie Sunday la resume bis studies ut Trinity Col- ate Sehool will iold Ils annual rully, lhe lege Sciaol, Port Hope. Sug- nf sriebigithbad of1 Mr. and Mns. H. A . Roif, of Ouh- a tie uaiooî. awa, vislled viti Mr. and7 Mrs. F.E. Dea The eveniug service wii le coududh-, Harrison last Thursdav. uer- ed by lie Young Peoples' Union, whe iMr. Chas. Mowai aid Mr. James by will bold - lËeir Cirst raily. Splendid, Nicholson are on n visit ho Vaicar- ýring programs,'are beîug prepured for botll lier, Quebec and Monîreal. k!ul services, and Il ioped tint large, Mr. nnd Mru. A. Bundel and cild- fa ud itfiences viii attend hoteo nd heazroi h ave been visiling vithrelntives e lu vintt leue organizations are deung lu Toronto an Berlin during Aie nidvii d luhieMuure.i a ndwek.Mrs. N. Morrisey and Aie A FIRST-RATE PLAY. -cildren, 0fNewcustle, spent Sun- Tie B oy r- înc nî to k' e. p- d uy w i li relatives a I lie W h tby The DyerVincnt tockCo. p- ouse. Bean psared lu tie Music Hall icre on Mrs. R. A. Hutciison yull be ut'l jdlst Thursday ovenhng laut. The attend- home eaci Wedîesduy lu October, tber ance vas , nl large, but the Play and a! 1er tintthl al Tiursday ef rved vas vortiy o! n ful bouse. "lA the imoiti. ;Sion JealousWl!." vus lie drama 'ciosen Mn.. C. Kempîharne and Miss M. for WbIlby eut o! th. C-'s hall. doz- Kempîhorne have returned b ome on plas, and il gave le Aie nud- arter speudig the past Ici veeks leuce a couple o!, hours o! hearty on-1 in Saskatoon, Sask. joymeuh. The play was net oee 0! Messrs. John Saunders, of Cieago, the vuigur sort, but wns meanh hoi and Harry, et Cincinnati, were lu Ibis teach a very ulutnry lesson te per- tewî mut voek nttending lie Juner- ling, sous ef a jenlous disposition, o loet er« ohr G. viain thero are net n tew-in Aie Mr. and Mrs, Geoo Wilson losta clng world. The acting wns et a very dear litle girl et seven menthe fbil will goed order, audthie elght mombers Sunday, Septeniber 13. The chuld tell No. ! he C. sove tit l.y erea vicîin te n summer disease wvio >110 neot novices au lie stage. The funuy carnies off so maîy litAi. eues. Iby mai eToftic play wau lhe laîky sier- Mrs. J. W. Hopkins, af Moutreal, ne- if!, viaotten suftered,.tram dlzzIuess, nd Mrs. W. J. Souci, of Toronteo I it artlcIuriy ion ome carse e pnt a few days viti tisir brother, n0w viom ho siould arreat met is gaze. M.E .Bobfr r.Hp an- Il la quit. ikely tinttAils Ce. vîIl1 ina returus te lier home. tedj vîsit Whltb? agauin seday, ad Il lige, they de, thoas via heard then îa r.sdM. .V oL1,e aln vook vil! vaut te go a gain Harniltoi, ver. guests ah Aie, Bap- der- thhor friends. tisA parsenage fer oves a week, lear- lit _______________Iug f!r home lust Saturday. The ent. Youig' couple vers ounAisr honey- mee t trp. ap- w ýThe. follovlng ladies atteuded b@i W HA ~ sauai, meeting oft he Couny W. C LD. lITT. UhldaPrince 'Albiert,la bers IME]WATT Ll Thursday-Ms. C.. Ted, ins. E. E. THEalT@ I Stnrr lun. JeV. 'Kean, Mt$s. C. A. the woiliýW11TOGoodfellov, *or. Uebl. Thouipson, WITN WHUTBV - liUesN., Harper,-missVe Vn$oo ju Its Ai uIght ------q-V aso. uns W@rmklng 'Nught COPFEYAI loti, bM., Plckerlngt - ani Day on Thursday, Sptenbe 17, Patick* Or- and ayoseph Coffey, aged 58 yeana and any soliai Pria..and Prompt - mets te ov SAIJNDERS...In Whltby, on Thurs& day, Sept_17, -Susanna Elckiam, eusw 0000 SALMON 10 - vdow oe.t. h. lat. ýJohn P. Sauad#- 'îg IMPOTD11.61àIL U 110 eia rs, la lier 82ad year.. ring #£W PMPEU lhq CARRUJTR ài l î «I. ng Town- pe OUTCHf CLINSER 8 FOR 250 Mp af. SURPRISE 50îP 8 FOR PWfrsauudî,F!8Ip:,1t 41914, COSFORI s0AP 8 FOR Davld.W 1 wii Cannio - e',, sp1d 58 liii CORI FUIES 3$FOR 260e y"Mp', 8 montmisad18,.dare in JPPAITUS 100 i Le. lbc WILSON-On SuitÏday , Ssphembar18, LIPTOM'S TUS M0001iLBe,11,a~h rudmee upr IXTRACT VANILLA à LIMON 8 FOR nei 1 Colley, 'Wi'byMr enrbd et PURE IILLIIS, DELICIOUS, &p- ,-Mr _,tuý try PITISINO AND VIPOLOOMI a FOR fie Wilseon, 'InfanÏ--daugiater eoflIKr.' mnd Mn. aso.Wlson,, aod'71 montis j Spmni «yoar Dollars at homo, ON land yaU WilImet thom agoit.. i;ID NBY .HEADACIW. lcaused frein the brood helngtik eied vIti utie 4èld peions Ë circula- ýg t Y o r business friend, i g i l is h ad A M-r.Pil WL, MEEKER Phone 94, -WITIITBY ture'a Te;frni- oet Mdi Tii., are 'se go4d ànsd s. J. E. -Wlhhls mn aiàteu -t sure- yrnr- et -'Aihi-Uïlo- P .E.Wihis' drue stai. ~" On -Sal e Sept. 24 teOc01t, 8 inclusive. FUI, psyiculars-froni agents or write is.B. V. -O .BBIG Id ,~,'~ .. ion St, o, fer?nt o, Ont. E.OehuoAgout, phOno $6, WhItby Notice ho Creditors.- Iu the malteroa!the eshahe ef Rich- ard FHeur, of lie Town ef Whiltby, lu li Couny e! îlani, île Noice la hereby glveî n ta lu'te BothIn aid Richard Hoar, crryig ou busi- j. H. p nous as a sbee' merciau aI the snîd Tovu e! Wiitby, bas mad1e au assign- ment under R.S.O., 1914, Ciapher Frame 134, f aIl hi- estate-, credis nd fruit Are effochs la J.F. n<mxoî, oethle Tovn sîrocta. o! Whilby, lu. lie Couîty et Ontario, matloi Shonif, for lie general benofil û& ai Hatel credilors. A meeting o! lie credilors wl ho beid ah lie Sheriff's office, l inte, About Town a! Whulby, on Sntunday, lie liens auÉ 8rd day o! Oclober, 1914, aI hie baur Whiby. o! three o'dbockin the atternoon, ho receive a stutemeul e! affairs, ap- point luspectors and foie lie ordcrng Lest b o! lie affairs o! tie estale geîeraîîy. aid Tvij *Creditors are nequircd la file them Tieludi dcaims wlAh lie Assilpee or--bis Se- by leavii liciter viti proofsand Panliculars,, as requlred by the said Act, on or beore he day et said imeeting. . A good Aid notice is furlier given liaI and bel' aller lhe luth day et Ochober, 1914, la W. 1- the Assigne. viii proceed te diîhnib- and Part ute lie assets efthle esînte ainanget the partieseouiled thonda, baviug regard only otahe daims eofl'ihj ien,$5ai' noticq shall bave been given, an id n l liaI îo viilnet îo hiable tor tih. as- Sînde, cý sets or auy. part liercat se dlstrib- uthed teny pensai et pensons vioae Tvo di ams he 'hall net thon have bad ilcve. A' J. F. PAXTON, Assiguec, Whitby,_ Ont. One ne W. M . SINCLAIR, show hil Solicitor for Aaslgîee, jpaiuted. Oshava, Ontario. st Gazel' Dnhcd ah Wblhby,, the2und day of September, 1914. -1 GOOD VENEER -BRICKS. FO'SALE. ss 'o! Oxford Heater viti Alsa- Crevi Brillin hAtnen. igood arder. Appiy te Mns. 'erry, ceune SA. FOR SALE. ýcottage, lai! acre lot, saine cees, cerner 'Byron sud Buns For termend oCher -inter. npply le John A. Hay, Rey- el, Witby. FOR SALE. tfIity purebred White Leghon ad pullels. jas. Sithl, Part LOST. betwee liethe tow af Whitby riu Streamn luri, a nain cent. dcr vi] ho suitably rewand.d Com2e )d vork 'herse, aise mile ter caîf, 6 moitis aid. U. Taylor, Jct. et C. It Perry Raiivay.-13. LOT WANTED. o $75. Sînte f rice aid Ise il auy trees. Write -are Mr. Fred Rave, W' FOR SALE. drayer cash registen, 1 -ppiy-ta J. C. Hyde. FOR SALÉ. searI,' nov pnoumntlc aggy. Nev tires aud . lait pnice for «ash. Mte -ofioce.-ltr. 500U, ~ei bah., trase, elecKe - lghi. Appi ' Jý. H. JAMES, Wht- SOMETHIN NEW re-AE C ndy loera iii be N avpapr ad job pili g plait pleased wtî la t se dt,' et C anbrook, -B.C. fog sale ai 81,000 baby actual valua- IsUuaf s' tien Monllietypmue#ng macinsu gluefi Brui Oshomames T2Oudl aes1,.Ij5ite o Full amtment.vire, -The. Dlgnal offices Wgàlrous, Fuioxlsortin ent. .pl at the ,Maple. Leaf I TEA ROOMJ COLONl,ýST -PARES" (ONE.WAV 6BECOND-CLASS) From ail Stations in Ontario to certain points in ALBERTA hflhTIH COLOMI ARIZONA CALIFORNIA COLORADO IDAHO, )RUÜN - TEXAS CbLEANING, PRE.SSING AND REPAIRING. i have epsud sibup for fikscls.a, lag,~ ~ u prsigadropalztg .,ci kdlec! aad imatii&tn- oBafs "adas pie parés #o ttra prompi s&ud carofi! smtlon.to al iram. i Ondersý' aled ferand dlilvered. Tvo doons saut etWm g.,1*,'.w WH1TBY -TOWNSHIP VOTERS' LIST COURT., Notice -sulioreby giron tint aw court, vill beo ld, pursuant, ho"lis Oniar- le Voh.eis' Liste Act, b,' Hienor Ahe Judgeof etisCeunI,'Court oet he CeunI, t 1Ouladio, ai couicil zoom, Brookhfu, on, Tuesday., Ah. 29tli day ,of Septemiiez, 1914, ah h.ii o'elock a. -ni., ho heur aid determi(ne complainte of errera. ndomision. uli te Vol-' ens' LisI t htie Municlpniity efthe, Townsbip'et Whitb,forl1914. Dated hi5th 4ny et September, D. HOLLIDAY, - clenk et the muni- ,eh cow Apply P.R. YMnby tL very, uartage nearly - em n . tins I have rëeeîty acfded ô te ry weiî- nevi, equipped iivery suable a i-eavy tea M- Appi,' and dray for ail kinda Of cartage aid. teaming work, aud jviii be pleased te-- Ap lUP-TOWN STATION.', Golng North ... 8.30 a.M. Golng 5 . .+15PM..1.153p:M ..4240P.. ... qL.osp.r Goiug West-9 50 a::j1 GongUzat: STAGES. Leare. Whtby fer Oâbawa -ai 10 arn. and 4 p.m. Jo.. Holdm, pro-' pnlalce. -1 Loavasfer Broughamn ai 1.0 ar. Mir. Edwards, prepriehor. Foi Port wvhitbF- 6.3o E.rn 6.3o p.m For Osiiswa-î.3o p.t For Wvet- 6.3o,,a.rn. 12.50Pr. 8.30 p.nlu. 8.30 p. W-IEN Peuple whim vohave -fltted' with eye.glasses 'moud their retives aid fniendi te us, as tey do dait-y, it is cnvincing prool tint our mwork la antis- F.cEr, UE F.E O St.E TOROTOCÂN j PHONE 6j,- GI RRIAOE TO MEET L TRAIN.8 Jo1hii Gimblet DUNDAS ST.j, WEST WHI<rBY- 110119iah.t019 011911 ittd wltussthe sugulscsug sud lnupli4mg opect0i, Mêbllliatlos of CanadinTnéopi whesvs tries of Wolf And Moutes!o ,Mad sing enlfronosnt to Pressa# Day Histae ln the making.0 Steamers Is e ""t dtY atm 2p C. util sptmcsrer ui.Ttri p 'umu. lmkfrt.Thoussnd Iudan utre&1 Qu -bs su Sgunay. -Toim oeat au nalsd ,etur,n 5 Toronto te queîs. sud l'abers> 84 Toronto sqaumy aMd rstupsm 47 Abore rateslfclude usasd bortl.. Toronuto. - Hamllftonututi Lime SteamnerB1eileIF0Iclaven Toronto onmon. days until September lit* Toronto ta Mantreal and rstipff lit AbovrTte-lDcudornad beËb. Steamner paumes tbrough the BIsYof'qt!ý golng and returring. agent oadrs UOcoizD.?oeEuoIç G - FORGET flDundu the Tsrrac. Mie N,132. 8 EFRACTI14 G OPTICIAN. ey, ý-trolibie. ý sure . 4hât 1 il

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