Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Oct 1914, p. 7

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et operi - tao, ' t Moit si 1 .u5lu, *qad- aiss*is ai. thé 055.- "Who ve re the viinesses?' inqulreti Norton, "Miselb anti Jaines taie taa'deer,.' vas the, rlcply., - Thi. lavyer.vas sîlcut for a fev Min- "_ I suPpqee Oat-ard-lne vaesosun4 lu -'Mindvbheli ho sîgnedth ae WJI?' b.o suketi. - Perfecty,' vwas the roply. Mu. Norton1 lotituavy iLu silence to the Study,- but »oetor- Creve vas no luckier iunbhl$earch,ai.tien tai e2ers lied beon. "Wlth UIy - wuulbande, I pia6et it ln tue draver in a Ilonrug onvlope," ho saatd "Bomleonoelias taken f1'ou-led Matie. gI long- nerimmconl ike hLm. Bait the "But vho coulti bave taken Lt?"aseketi lIde, -"Only Doctor revo eutd Metis knev vboer, it vasplacet,. and lu ceorn bcrclYf ýPoiWtbiq- for eny, one t-o take Lis key 01f hlb raveër fronx mv father'a b.d. roon i vtiout bi - knovledgeu 3DulcIe's remaria s Smed yery mucli tu the pinrt, an4 Martba regerded hem -- vlîtoualyi 'Wlien lu Je found, yen yll ot b. au h otity, uMr* ady," eaie sarleti. Z112on-foreti ontsif, Mrtba,"esaId Dulcie wî ri-iuty. "You are an olti servant an privileued; but yau are gelt- Uirgtoo prpsumpîuouo., Ye lied better go ouitutf tue room.' "Ialiail -ao uotblugr of the ot-l" re- to te s oman rdsly. Duile turnedt teMr. Norton. "*Pleasoe etid ef thiti oman fer ne,"~ Ohe aid. "Peyjber viiet la oving, aut e month's vage»ad tauce. -Mv sinter and 1Ihae - endyureti1 ber Insolince for Manr voaré becanse oce anauOld servant.,but we vii lotdoso env longer, Our mmmdc are Quito un ae iup on tuis point, and if -abc ha. netalfiaf tii -oas y volvo ,O'clocj ouou-vIealask van W send 10 Nst-ead fi foraeoliceman lu emo - DuIcle va. Perf-'ctly cool, andi ber volce va. determînet.' "Do van i wie odismines thes-vomas?" Mu. Norton asked Pu-lunoîn. "TYes, ploase," vae the fin meply; "Shb basnbeen no friend te uny ister or My- self. I shall be tery muci oblîetdI Lb ou viii atrange for hor to leeve the boume ai the earlieet possible Jmomeùt,'!-1' *!Yeu viii ho éaorry ber this before-rnany day e are oeor,7 sait Maxtha, eusgliiug uutpleaantly, 'I vili havethe 1ev ou .ou bor doing awey viti thai Will. I Icuow your goinge an for the lest ubree r.ônthq, neetng mien ou thé. clv, and I wetug theun in the voots. eu- $ho titi not finish lier seutence, for-tii. L. wer etepped ber. ir unee ale-w vorde of varnin g 1 the angny *voanu, ie fiutng oui ef tue soom vîta li la partlng elit: "Wat t il tie Wll tut-ne upl" But the Wiil dit nul "tut-n up," ai- tiongi a systoetlosearcli vas mate tirouxhoni the bouéle, bath by 1135. Nor- toen-sud bis dot-hi, vliulhoruogliy en- savedthLe teak, a il braugli thiminto froquent contact vith Dulçie, vho tookoti oretiler Lien ,ever lit hir elegent mourn- AithLe ent of a fertuight theeerch vas abandoned asnliopelesé for Il vas evîdeut liai the documnent Doctor Ct-ove i ati drevîs up vas not vthîn the valis etf Bne Poos. MartUa rettocia renatieti su Lie village vbule Lie seat-ch centînueti, tindt tent bah ervIce viithDacter Ctove, wlie lappenot lu b. lun nee of a cook. To hLm elie aeserted uer fil-m bellot that otior Prîmrose or Dulcie Carvardîne bat learnet of laie Wiî and destroyeti it. 'I arnse- I do flot knov viat lias ho- corne of lu," saidth-ae toctor. "Yoseu bod lave taken botter cnt-e o! it--eu lied plonty-of opportunities for removint Lt Ia a m9atr priace tii e s tudy," 'B1oy vas ,1 te ýkuov t vauld b. siolen t-"asiet Methe engniiv. "If yen lied iven me a lilul I would bave kepl the Wilt in mv ovupoosession, anti vs eboue both have been ricier by loera-i "I do not knov 'viai. you mean," vas tIse doctor's eply. -If von bave forgatton vbeî y aur eliare vas te be for dalug viet ld Ceal-adine vanted andi keepîug t'quIet, I have net." mtteroleu-Matii. "TYour momory la Playing veu a trick," seaIdtvthe dactor. 11t Mev suit von W e' se uuv," ,re. tartet Marilie, "but lI fency von vonld have boee sin ging another tune if the Will icd uaLtsleappeareti." "I1 do not 'vent ta iear anythîng mare &bchat ilie Will.- I amn vecry o! the vliole &flair, and if yen cannai hlat vut- tangue about It van vont stay lu mv iousel" .MartLa Crddock, sullon and disep- poînlet, exufered reluctantiy en bor duties. lihe hope«. elie badl ôerlieover. gliat. tsred viti lier cuannn plans, but on. orurnb of coufoni remained ta hor vien she eat- t het the Misses Cax-wrdiuo vero eavîng Blue Posteanad going te lite lu London. .'Thnk oodeseI abal neveu- aeotheir fueoaganl',eh@sait. "Ide, !oot'for. nothlng crealurost No goot ill conte La etier a! tbern " ùltLcou-et lier pans viclonsly, w vtllg gie conîd serve Dulie -'anti Primrose as' elhe trcated the, kitehen ulensis ' - CHAPTER Viii. Wlien It va. evidentthiit nu Wlil e. cept theonee Mr- Norton poaésset vwas fîatLcomlug, etepé vere taken te put t Into effet. The sisters found tiey lied unonev in plenteaoveral thausanti pounda prlmÉome as i Mu. Norton to ,lake cierge oet theînir&feins, sud vieà Dubcie sqait sie dît not«1ianti Waromain et Blue pois, bev tieeidt te siithe f uruiture aud teke a ft-n.ied ilat lu Landau for the vîntet-. Tlie fun-iehed- fidat- vas DlcIe's sugges- tion. Sbe vraie ta Philtiýapei-ltta, teli- lng 1107 9 e! ti.cienge linlielu-fortunes, cndutiilngfor assistance lunlb.helectioni .of a fiat. Pbilippa told thonovai ta lier -brolier oet breakfast.,' 1 "Wbst ou etta do tliey vaint ho came - . to London far?" hi sked, w'ïli au iutLf- feret iait. Dulcie thînhe 1 tit -lutePosta lé e de. -£ pressing -1liéuse, id cetaiuly I de Aot aiee u h> Iu.itAdury, îheauselvsa tic-e o iw-espeianr-as :thev OAKeau- t6i lie'left e t emeiy veli off.i 1shah eoffet- La Su a ik for tueni." "I dup ce Beturbel viii ho coug te tevu .toorrh sit , Dulcàob des o iu.etitian lilun," w'î Lie ge ett obuset ishIëloidere, and cbengod tbe au Jet. A fev"veçhs lter Dulcie an4 Prîiro4e isereLnstallOd li efiel nol verylafero-m tho e- riotta, and Ion -the fret tisie. i ber h - ie Dulcie experienoodthe b ils of #pend-! lut Money freeiy. She veut fruin ibçp t0a,o. iuying. vihateser to ber faucv. aud before man;iyscvi voever sho bad aoeufrd an extensive mid elaburete vanatrobe. Sie revelled lu t-le tiongiit tisaItitene vasneo one ta4ev ler nay, for althongli Pprrose cidet ber igently for heur or- tnaaant, yel elle agreedt tat, aft-eu-aIl, ticre vas no roeau vbv Lliheye sonît nota nov put-beae thle tuinga tiai lied boen - - - . -' donelet hem ft o gat ny years. "I am goiug ta niche up for icet ime" ensslounceotflie. *'Cane along, Pu-int, let us go shoppingr. Wo. yl tLie a taxi. - - - eutccii fou- Plippa.Shie hasî-een ev- fuliv &-eceuit-to us, sud L cm geing ,te aek lieu- te &ept Liebt- <kota@ho et- m1Iret me muci L (at ie eweea Na Ky's." atLmvoeetu Dusci. va. certainly net selflâi vitli--her - -- iol-aquret vealtl, ant the ueveîty - ~ ~ ~ o - - - flavlngmariery Wspouti eonteuted ber for avhule. -ecupytng the viiole 'o! ber -Ï- ime: but et fiSutah t began te pal, sud aie inlge0dfç's saune otler .torse 0! el- -- - rîtemeut, . ïBlrbetvwrtsT er 1dûtitul W«,ýt the, end of 4hat psrlod. bôeeièr, 4usntea 'of -sndiug tlie usuai politely affeilUiiiate reffiy, seerote that as f eared ube dld not cars suffiently for him ,W fliarl-7 hlmx ilat ch. bhad-,besu mlétaken' lu ber b* l& 1*0e-ber. _______________ 'and seetii p1agu in à silrtéi. bO vould ave feit anytbing but Rat- tered à"ed abs reallsod the' lmmenait:y of: Artbur Belturbet's elef ou reading ber lette1. A fatb Iesrdbo miglithave ___ ___ mmuuderstood Lt, but vwhen bh o Lant e - ____- ha____ was actuaily free once more, ho got upchtitPbipandauedtbl from tbe breakfaît-tsbie, and paced quick- ebe at oibu 'aadlure obd IY about the room, bis heart fufl fl o o rvas urosl ngytom ta and thlaukfuin. Jim's fbroe fruit i de ao n, fora It seemed incredibis that atel'making i ___'a*- r oefutIndesa ,fr auc afol f imlnef h. va sgoinif w ,intu ite of all Duicle oould do sua lot f00 f i b r itâi IPIeto the <otrary, engaged a middle-aged v*as Wo fly.to Londou, seet -Primrose, 'and' lad tuv ht hr adfor ce eer lp ae aek ber to bee-bis vite; but on rellection re i" Éitse nd-]ucewr lie gv tu te o tus imediael n n tbeniselvee mn a position vliich prs ho s* tat o d tho imedate onGrundy miglit ausert vas not suited ra: ling roeeted liv ber éléter wouJflot tiî gade.vedtrie ad place, bum ina&.vsXy favorable Iigbt.> 1eiaï.ndG asetrnd Beéldes, vbat resuon'bod h. for, 1mai- iiothlin tbey migbt aftervards regret. laia ha Przaôs, wul- istn o i o -Mr& Templemore, a good-tempered, Hov couid be expeot ber tW belicLêe -tt uat-fced W of ntabont ftfty, on- b. was bouestly Inilové vitb b er vhen a tered t.beirliomahod, andi as lie vas few mnonth,éjagobe ludropo.ed tW marry vise and knew ou vhioh -aide ber bread ber 0ister? He ttbiLt ciel' for a long ae buttered-reailiug tliat the. poat et tim., and the JI ho b a4boit on reoeiV- cliaperone to tiwo rouug éaid vealtby girl@ lng bis diemissal from. lVfloie soberoti vas not to be found every day--eh. made C inodubt. berseif soaraiiabie to ber charges thatr I"What a doit 1 *as from, tli er, itl , before-long Duicie allowed "ltbat abo b. told blnuaelf. "If I bad not ôverbeard wainl- a bail old tliug." J- lier eav tbat day Iunitie vooda that élis Wintor passed avay, andi vben tbe Intended Wo marr me I sboulid bave loy- leaves vere once more on tlie trees, Ar- ed ber from, to beginning, inoteati of thur Boltunbet uetur4ed W 014 HSoude, andi retending Wo myseif that 1 414 not. But a bey dayé later cal?ed at Phîlippa'a flat, Y vopder vt made ber eey tit vbei aho' PblpPa vas lookiuge tfremely baud. d14 not mean ItP 1 knov nov that ébe là some lu a velvet gownu violi sboved thet thue very lait girlL ntie .vorld -W mn ruve, of ber beautlfui figure tW the. bout aflter a man-y-et ae ie 4 o sy ltfor i advautn eand ber cheetnut bair vas ar- -beard ber. Anybovw, I do utotcakeve t tistael y îrangeti, yet ah. iigbt au vel she éaid. One dt ay, eapao iiev are bave,,been attiret iLn sackoioth for ail Tue marriod. 1 vi-i sl-ber thes raon and 1 Impression ber- appearance matie on Bel. expect wvs all both îeui eCt taievery turbet. sipl eplna ab se wvU gîvei , Tbey taiketiof hie travelo abroad. and simpleexplaationBeiturbet LnQulred abter Herioti. vlio, lie vwrote a uic. letter Wo Dulcie, ac- Plilppa explained, had gone tatatheuli quimlecin uthe vlsdom cf ber deciolsi, oitW eabuoeotlsinnins addlns get lie hlfeai-etithey',were ndt t**evaut ougt e-o l@tinvpa tions.cEe Lu sy wab ith oach otaier andti tht brate my return," salid Beltunbet after a E thoe we aonîtog bs ied dind d ftliatpause. "As nobody vîll celobrate it for tba ey e.oil t' e w f rien e nds futu e, n, imuet do it myseif. WilI you andi ti e gev v o b 'u-grm farisuidoJim dine vith me lu the West-End to-day mthe tha bt wle vas goin arod fr eek, and ilion go tW a ubeatre? I am Egl n wintheupvui . rtrlgto asking a bew other people. includiug the Egad uulcerei e lg. atbeafa Misses Cavdine." Dime rndoeived ab. lettr e t br'efe W.all be tieligibtedi" repîlidPhîl. time au yaved e eb red It ~ ppa. "*Have yau aeoked Prinurose and "Tbcuk goodiesé, tuata ail over-" an. Dule ye0', **aiti , là%ilover?" akdPrlimrase, "ot yet5 .but Trliopo to do 60 lu person vbo bad recognized thie vnitiOlï--ontbe "¶leY au-e bavizng a very goodi time.1 eMvenggemet rhr etre ITheir cliaperone, mmr. Templemore, kuove "Mengaee ntol e ArIIIhvurepitsomestel-y niepeople to whôm élis bas vasthecoo ~rply "Ibav brkenItintroducéd'tieun, and they go about ai o 1. realy did pot care a Ilscraq for food deal."' e hlm so vhat else culti I do?" "Inded" murmured ]Belturlwt, viehine Primroee regrded ber aster vitli ho lid not, stayeti avay sa long. "Wel,4 amazement. ih. bad not bad the. feint- <ou and Jim vou't feU Me neit Weduea- est iuklinË o! Dulcie'é desire tW endi her d1.w 1yu ' engagement, r a lLttie more formuai conversation "But-but--" she mai& h euitating II e-tok bis leate. t.bought you wanted albve eveu-ytLing bt (ob otne. el6e o mary him"- Tbeotnd. "Wheu 1 badn't a penny. But thingé are different now-besides, a vomen can al'wayé change lier mind if slilhkes. You TIE 'OS can moiti viit the inuaculate Atur TH 'îOT EST WAR. sayé. You vii1see thon that 1 bave nat broken bhielieart." P.. do not, vaut te reati the letter," asaid Can Hardly Bc-('ontinued for Very PrimroSe. Ln ie "Thon 1 sah re adi t t-o you," retorted Ln ie Du rcan Aihr etub.s No war chronicled by hit9ry vil-1 carcfuily selectet plirseee vîth apparent have devoured such huge -oum o! snlovmeut o! tuheir correctues. mny ce te preseut battie of! tho "IYou can plstn]y se, my dear Prim1 thet no tender eentimentg are broken,' n&tioflt. The minimum c'olije eti- aie sate viien mli. bad flulseotin l tact, mnated in Paris byr econoniiteté vo bave bath corne out ofthei aff air sound $,0,0,O.Tefgrsgvnb iu mînti andi liartl"$200w,0.Tefgrsgenb Primnose nodded. milit>ary write-ra coincide and agree "A-11 the saune, Dulcie," élue eaid quiet-' ly. 'hbo muet bave loeot you boin he-ýaok- that about 8,500,000o men are undet' seinye ta aryiua nd b"ac aoho arm s for land warfare. To the"e seeuns Yýta cet your dismissai philo. sot litcal,,itZdase net follov i.hat lie dfce must ho added 340,000 seaenn -Duicie looked slyly et lier sstr If the Balkan War can b. taken "If Primrose kuew s much as i did as an example, the Cost of eaeh about viai happeued vben be usked mema mbizeinantto$ 0a to marry blun," oh. tiouglit, "she vouitmniblzdanutst 25 not b. oea sure about it. Âuvhov, I got day.. This gives about $22,100,000 'wà t&Ipaetnny the time. ow andar aneoOne daily, or $663,000,0M0 monthly. This @es. apnyth o 1 nva a a 1 eau figure is, however, oonai<Jerably "If b. lé upset he vili 1soon lgtot tl-e r o hema IV'the h.sali.aloud, "andti stoviiiidoheLm ark, because it dfçes jgood W Sud ont bhoeu'î tmarry the, tiretntte.it contemit- girl ic lé eugagod f0.- tt-eit con h niîe Prixuroe sev uliat vluatever Boiturbet' naie of the armies and fleets. The vounde migi .tb., Dulcie bad corne out or Germnn Reichstag aaithorized ex- the, engagement uuecatbed. 5h. dl 4 not traordinary expenditure te the ex- aliow hereif to dvell an viat might bave bappened if It lied nat accurroti to Dulcîs teflt, of $1,250,000,000, to, b. obtain- tbat'taie master of -Olt Hane vould bho d by on n ute u'o a good- match for lier. Hoe bed fallen a ya nndaurerumo vtctlm Wt DuIclo, and Primrose lied tho. $70,00W,000, to ho drawn on the gold fore endeavoredtitban"lsial tiiouglit of and silIver reeerve. of the empire. blun, except as Dulcieoslever. 8h, lied devoteti alliher energies1 to ber father It je now weii known tîtat thbe Vax durIng blé Ilineesudnt during thase ter- of 5pecntonhes-k*ints rible dare o! vatcig and valitig bcdail - et n h tck< oe tiruet ali tliought of self awey froun lier. issued by the Reiehsbank over and The question oi the mtsîng Will lied above Vrsev iimeahitbn for a ime fot-ced evorytliug ae into the trervinmalhsbn backgroundi, and Pnimrose lid ltble suppressed. The German 0-overn- leisurs for introspection, Dulcie bcd nat etviI-hrfoe cueteba beeu iu taie leasi vorried, declaring that mn -1 hrfr euetela it vas fortunate for Viiem the. Wl liead required by an issue of bank notes 4isaupeereti. Pnlmrose feit suro tiiet thers unco yere-d by a reserve cf gold and *as e myetery. but Uno Oeseomed able te soivo Lt, se tlie matter'drappeti. éil'et-. This issue nerninds one o! As tue vLuter passed avay, île rOses the assignats of ithe irt French lu Pnimrose's paie cliecha began onc more te bloomn, thihatiowe bidedtram Revolutilon, o! which . few sarnples oery day to i'aw more lik th eemeay are kept ae vurious heirloonis in Ufght-bearteti Primrose eoaf ver Igl.Freno niuis Dultes, on tic otier baud, bamereag. nh amli les en unertin u br muds f ai -, _ 1-, arsta ieAu-- Hec set luimseif impassiible tace taI achievo 011 Fuel for SuIma,'ines, lu bis workehoi», and grew irritable and quick-tempered.1Ai eta u arn.ae ô Rie feelings verg , >&tu to ibi p a iGrn sumrncaep- rb, egardoti Dulcee-bar mure fà-vcnalyl pelled by heavy oil engines, the new tat Young lady did uaL wîe-h ta -an- quan-tity o! fuel oe.rri-ed being -suffi- nez Beiturbet, and se.thouglit it e puty 'tfrao tbat ber broiber -.wau growing booriàb. dntfri usilg radius oftf rom Dulcues mcinney. vonit hoe etremely née- 700 miles i'i te caeof WL -to near- fui ta tjm, beenuse il vras her belief tie-t1n F;dM cefth hoe woold neieu' malte a perny out of bis ,ý thrt't tiîneef;t-lis itne'nth inventions... case of te large r vaeels. Four but tolfe wore h» itexW D ea.Yers &a0gOUIOmeOf -te early: Ger. Ottena nucyed ber exceodiDgly. OnO &I' MMnanLuarinea iendurano tr4ele ternean, 'when theesisters vere haviuga tee vitit Philip. JLm came in. EIoaCWooished arun Of, 540 Miles a brawn eves ýlooltet tired, and bie former 1 12% kuots. cheorful ex-Pressipu vas meplaced. viti anse tbet ebeved lieho.evegryot te vork au.,wuhich ho 1adbeeu ougliget for mcny .i Ulve Away, houri.. 11i8 g enCé V&so riticgl teIti rested 'on. Dulcfi'a bughlvbeem=iU£ g "o orhubn anti drees. 8h. looked 11k a danty Piece "c u haadkepthouse of porcelein a ltagether aderable, but adcoc i Jim's romark tuieho tliought site adcuti ledhi.own menu while you liu eloter vere too young ta lite a-lone, were away. Did h. enjoy IL " and'thet tliey oublt tu gcet a chaperone, H ashe i ut1ntc or duetna, eauot a decldedly êcngerous Heasledi;btIntc liuit t-o pppar lu i er oves. thai the pet-rot hesm learued Vo 'Prlm don'i inteudtot bave a sear during iny bec, cliaporerne." é lii malt. _"We men tu do yabe e. execty vhat -vo 11ke, go viere vo plcaso ___ anti etaY tiiere aslongasRtâcits148us." "A.$ v e o oralulie," ho replieti. "But , 0e eparo ,abu 15 If soidier's unifornis weme plain PI>rmroee Iteten tW reason. . He0 turnedti 10Pnimrose, vhile Dulcie black, wc'd have few volunteers. ints for thle È ýSeasonàble - ,Dighes. Strained Apple > ance. - 'Wasit, queu-ter-atnd core tart green app-es, reanvving any blemisit they maly have, huit do noV pet-e them. Piace iu covemed kettle amnd pour on just enough wete-r iv cvcl:k tender with- out lburning. As soon as saLIt-run lirougix a fruit prees or collender. Seeson to teste wjth sugar and a lititie cinnamon or nultmeg.- This is ecoziomicel as weil as lab-or sev- ing. Oven Stened Apples. - Wesh ,aud voe ev.nly sized tart appies sud fui the cavidies witit soi-t brovu sugar. Bpt in a pudding disit, add enough water te just Cover boitom of pan, cover ti hIty a-nd siteenu un- Lil tender. Accou-ding te lidnd a! ap- ples thie may take f rom 'half an hout- upwand. This conserves dtoe 'bulk of! the apples botter titan ia-k- iug. Exocellent if pteced iu fireless for one or'two hours. Bread aud Apple Pu-ddlng.-Weh and cors apples, tihen t-un thmougb food chopper. Spread thin elices of stiae breet with butter and sprin-kie auget- sud chntumon over. Place a, thick layer o!fdte app'les in- a ihelley p.an, spninikle susar over, t-heu place dte prepemred 'btead on top. - Bak. lun modenete iteat until applea are tender sud buead uively, t-oaeted. -Serve 'vitt a little, emon bard 'sauce. Lemon rd Sauce.-.Creai, *o tabl.spoofuus et hutter uatil ,oft,- -add 'one- tab~les euul ! ýo to niake a hight, ffNy mffs. L'et herden altIébln srig Homemade Sugar Cookles.-But- ter, one cup; auget-, vne anid 6ne- bal! cups; vatet-, oue-ball cîîp, lesd the juice o! one lenuon; eggs, tva; balciug powdet-, two teaspoonfuls; riud of lemon (greted flout-. Squeeze -thie'lemon juive m-to a eup and put ini sufficieut vatet o make the cup -haIl full. Ct-eaw dte but.- ter and auget-, add the -beaten eggs, mix wslî, add t-ho water and othei' lugredients. Mlx with flour as avIt as cen lie rolîed, sprinkle wiLb auget-, cut and beke in quivk oven. A raisin, nu-t or cherry mey ho put iu the centre of eaeb cooky. Steemed Bloc, - Rice, one-lI cup; boiliug water, o-ne cup; niilk, vue cup; raisins, one cup; saIt, onie- belf Leaspoon. Utensits--Double boiler, measiîting ciip,,Oteaspoen. Waah thé rice in severai waters; have -the vaLet- boiliug iu the double boller directly over tdie fire; add the t-je slovly and -bail repid- ly for five mijnutes; caver sud place i-n t-li double baller kettle over bot vater and steaim sîowly, edding -tite hot milk as the vater is aiusor[bed; remave the cover the lest ton minutes, allowing steanu Le es- cape and mnixing thieraisins cane- fully vith the nlce. 50 as flot do break Lb. grains. Peacli Betty.-,Suin, stone and euee ripe 'peeches, pick etaIl -broc-c into tiny shreda, thein peck layers od fruit and bread in -a pudding dish, sprinkling auget- over the fruit and d-otting ie btead sparing- ly viLli butter. The bottoin layer shouldble fruit, t-hetep bt-oaci. Over 1 iles fer the Buyer. To cnt clown expeeuf. witt-out euttiug dovn the oomfo-rtil'o "home, t-enconipase thie ueed,' ýo se" vitinout iaelng, ta vét-'t.4hy -a Intense study, CetIoÀn pliIOitidr lie all ucossiaful atîernptet-do- moat-lcaoonoqr1-î 1. Hàv»' - n allevanec-nid hoop within 1t~- - Q. Eleia"te . nueeesamy. 8. 8ueti~th ~e inexpenelve. 4, lJtifize ivheaýby-p>roduoI, 5, Buy 5LleL A tii cbomet noV oniy 4ý good sever, but a goe<. buyer. Here efain octtaÀn,simpi4 t-nies blaze the W&Y ! f -. 1. By ereiul inveedtgstien déter- mine dli. beat plaeee- for general t-an'dug. - 2. Do yaur ovwirketi'ng. 3. Watoblte acales. t4. COnsider quaiity-the cheapest in prie. is net always the cheapest in value. - 5. Buy -steptes, ce four, potetees, etc.,, btythe' barre]. G. 'De ot, buy lu qaatîty -when a forced usIing must folklw Vhe"put-- ch-as.. -7. Buy t-le smellest- possible amount of perishaible go-ode. 8. Tae advantage o! food sales when quality le guaracnteed. 9. Bay country -produce directly fromithe fariner. .Company buying has, its disadv-antages. 10. Pay cash.. Titis je -the key- atone of te arch'. Without titis theà structure lias no .tambility, the- lu- dividua] no economic independence.e Useful Hintei. Always cut bot bread with a liot kinife.0 Haw, leen beef will relieve a b.. sting..C To remove machine oil, use coldi voter andt seap.1 Sour crea.m is delicious xixed vwit-h masbed putatoes, or if eddedt to purees o! vegetnblee. t Aulvas Ibottle up the syrup f romu pickled peaclies or pears to a-dd to your mince meat. To extemminate moths a clotit wrung out in stroug turponLine and C put among -woolçn goode vill kili lt'h insecte.1 To cleai marble'topped waeli-1 stands add a littie ' turpentine ta sonte lukewerni water, and apply it w*th a cloth. Polish it with a sof-t dueter. -Tripe jeonsidered anc -o!f2 tin (best things for in invalid, owing to ite nutritiona end oasily-digestcd qun.lities. Of course it muet Ise1 thorou-gh'ly and alowly boiled -for eeveral hours, urless-bought ee'dy dresset or -blanchet.1 If a. elobh isj wetted in vinegar and wmung out sae dry as possible and wrapved eround chocs. and thon te whole put in a lergeops.per Ibak>'tht'- cheese vili retain te mousture and f l'CiUtâs o! a uew cut cheese, and-will flot rnould. If bright saucepans &nd kettbes. have to -ho used iyra'smoky fire smear a little gt-caet over -Lb. bright -Part and it wilI prevent the ornoke lrom blac'kening the meti. If waWiued after use in hot water theo 1 pan wilh. as lbight as ever. - Witen measiuring for a new stair carpet allo-w for the uprigh't end fiat part o! an ext-na star; and in leying fo]d the extra piece under etg the botton. The cet-pet cen, et in- Lt-vals, be mov'ed up Lite steirs ai few luche-s et a tinte, and -ty tii means the vear ivili -be equally spread over tite cet-pet. and its life considerabiy lengthened. GERMAýNY TO BE BEATEN. Japanese General M'ikee ea Strà-nge - Prophecy. Iu a Tut-n paper an Italian miii- îary correspondent recorda a very curlous prophecy madle in hie hear- ing by Generai Nogi at, te time of t.i-cLiAt Mi~ '.n Arthi - RÏ General :-' I bel îeve t-bat- t-le vend wïlI vituos Vo great vwars, oqualuly terrible. Tho fit-st,, -which will have aIl Europe fou-lt-s batt-leguound, vilI setVIe t-be Franco-Germa-n question and t-be Anglo-Genman uivalry. France sud Genmauny wiIl meet iu tisleat decisive coufiict-ilu the Bel- gin-n plaina, probahiy nosu- Wat-er- lo, t-be ouly i*pot whivb vill permit o! thbe evolutious of --the. immene armïes which wilt face euhitoter. At- thnepreseut- tins. t-be Frencht sud German frontle-ts are t-oc st-ron-gly fortjfied for eitIter people te fou-ce its way tbf'ough. I have iittbe doubt as to t-be resuit o! t-bis van. France vil1 bec-tGermauy on lanud, sud Bt-item i ià vmus Gemma-ny on se-a. This var vil1 b. the lest 111n Europe for many a day, porbapis for ever. The -GermainStades vill- .cuerge f rom t-hie va-r go exboumeWd dso tet-ifiedthet,-tiey - hI ave ne at-br ojeot"thn'dfoa moe .61-t 30! -c ndaont-iat may lu'inte, futtir' ovIath -le Sreurene o! a-ny- soýb eott'pie. I1have predicted tivo -*ar." Thati"tb ie ftmst. ,-'Thie »S.nd viii set Japan awai t-ho Unitedi State» iu tble IPeifi OOeMi, cad lib wvdl s & M 6ibW* via,"y -trQI~ '~be .41OgDG, * 1--r.adOnr men k lilko bir4u'têW WMl otow--a~. go it othekr, T-be UPIvot-e WM-lbe nu der aie. The vomen WHvipi l'Zn ie bu'- veat; They w9 .g1u .e but-h -d. noï ii oon - ipt i," iftter pr£lpboW 1# oomfoýeu~g, jW., thi- vint«ge il! urbBIase1 oq~~ before t-e end 04 Odbbber, Iefi filmaent thue invi'ves t-h. of cihkos- tittis l ieustuanthree mon-tha, MSIOT 'ÈSA SPY" ilNPARIS'l TRE mANAGER OF À MOST! EXCLUSIVE HOTEL. A Wircess Station on Roof Waz Uscd f0 Give- Information to Germane.- ?00 IStEm 'TNf ATTfITION ,ro WN'i icH ' iTle JUSTLY. EN- ~IEST~ INic COST 0F- LIINBYLESSENIJMG THE AMOUNT 0F EXpE#NSIVE ISHMEN4T TO 7)41 BODy. EW. GILLETT CO. LTD.' TOONOONT "'.been sitot; over a hundu-ed 'boy stood teme stammering a-polO- aýpieshave been shot st Vincennes gies. He had recreizèd Vte oMet and La Muette." o! the 'itotel staff. The -mnanager This Frencitmau vas spèaking o! seized te-boy angrily by thbe eiqul- an hotel nanager I used to k-nov dem. Wliat business lie ha . up a lit-tueHie bôt-el je off thbe hamps-. there!q WhaV -aid he mean lii dis- ElysÉees, a place O! soit eau-pets &nd tut-bing immp. tant , expermnenta inlaid vooci, mat-ie and pSIma.- H. "Go clown ait once, yon litti-. rasesl, vas-, vue of tse -suave? seif-pos- and, if -yen say- a word about. this - sessed German of Anenrian hytei vit-bout my parutssZon tfsere' -Il be managera Who na-k. on you an un- trouble abead'o! you." cauuy impression Of, omniscience, vmites G. Ward Priée, Parie corres- Warncd the Piolice. pondent o! The Landau Daily Mail. Thvroughly scaned, iMa "pet1 They apeak eve-y But-opean groom" ocurmied avay. IV vas sons-e tengue without a trac.eo!f alItering; daya beoete lie told anyo-te O! his they know tube name o!fte best ho- etrange dàscovery o! -t-h- manager tel aùd are pcrsonally aequainded iun-tin cupola with t-he nysteous vitit ita manager in every vit-y in coils of vire and telephitono eciver. Europe.. They ýcan- give you detail- But -gtadual-Iy, firettdo enother page ed directions for t-le most compli- boy, t-len VrOugh ali te servants cated- journey vithlont opouing a ain- o! tho hotei', db.esteny spu-ead. And gle ime-table, and t-boit- informa,- et 1letntve Frenchman Whoiteard id. tien is right VoVte lest partice; mare alent than the t-est, t-efiected. t-bey know et wha-d st-ation t-be dc- t-bat t-ber. as -talk o! war bet-veei ing-car le put on, and t-bey impress France and Ge-rma-ny, and toük the upon you t-o remember t-bat db.et-ain trouble to go round t-o t-heppolice leeves ICieinstadt-e-m-Fluss 20 min- station. ut-es earliert-thie mont-h t-han the, Nothing apparen-tIy lappened.ý time mentioned in toe lime-table. But Vte iiitat-y governor o! Paris Titat li hw I emember hi; au- bad been tci&dof the incident, and vaya lu a f rock-ce-at vitat-ever t-be f rom window-s lu bouses round Lb. season, vhaVever thbe bout-o!fte hotel - diBcreet field-glass.es> - were- day or night; alvaya vesriug te vadching t-be unobtrusive littie t-ut- dia-mond pin thlait a. travelling mou- met. Then tuer. came te Genînan arch -gave him; alysys alert thouglt deelaration o! val-, atd te nexb unobtmutive, - kuovu o! all bis morni ng several deteotives in plein. guests, famiiiar vit-h noue, *'dot-les dr.ove up in A taxienli t-ot-be He bas been ehot, Omhy aay. Pos- hotel. - uibly id ia only anothen o! the exag- '- Tbey crosied the broud hall with' gek4ted atoie. that are passeci itis bofty gleamiug mat-bic valls,* te luromu mont-b do moutln in titis mmegi -thbe inager*s office. AV hic rieb, native cit-y of eafes aud çonperges -madnogauy desk se.t.t'- manager, and goesip. Certuhaiy hA dieap- f pmuce, sel!-pozses6ed, capable U2 peared immediately wa-r bogaun, eviur.- vAile botb gueste and sia-'ere "Yoi; have been, ucing a ffecret- dnmned eut- st an heurs notice, sud vireless appanatus - on the r-îfo-o t-be bot-ellt-self is nov euupt-y and your bolel1 for t-be purgee o f con-ý ,gu-arded by the- police. voyiug messages te t-be nemy*. - Yen. Page Boy*s Dlscovery. W. sail hnov what became o! db. mianager peritapsa ater db. val-. It wa-s 0 e o! t-be page boys !ci t.e ho- tel, t9ey sa-y, who, in a- boy's way, get eut o! bis at-tic wiudow au te tie t-ev!. He scnambled about in great glee for a vhile, climbiug onto the ridgea o! the gables aud loohiug, ovver,e housetops right away tua the greciUis. At fast he came te the turrett-haV stands a-t tbe corner o! the roof--<>ne o! t-boa. lititle orna- mental cupolas t-hait architecte put- onde hot-els te, gratify t-ho hodel pro- pnieior's sense o! gra-celul design- a bhing like a pepper castor, sur- mouuted by a Valfia-gst-ff, viticit la sdayec agein-at.wiud by a cileo! atout vire nopes runuiug clown t-o thé roof. Tbei-e is a door lu dbe side of dli. oupole vit-h a la-cher leading up te il, sud the slght- o! a closed doon in a tut-tet le enougli te fit-e the curi- osity o! amy boy. Up the Iaddet- scraanbled t-be lit-tle page, pûrhed o-peu t-be doot-, and thon st-arted ha-ch in ast-oui-sli-men-t. Instead of being-,empty t-be turu-et contuiued a large tvbl, sud tite table vas eev- emeci vit-hinstrumenté and voile o! - ute sud viteels. The, ian sitt-ing et- t-h. table h-ad a telephone re- ceiver olamped over bhis boha-c, a-nd as the door opened bo avuîng round with a startted word.- -Peuitently te .frigbtened lit-tle are arresteci as a spýy.- Some oi-t-be detecuves vere driv- ing away with theit prilsèner a m-.' ment lader. The rest it-ayed toi inake, arrangemnta fonrVté-imme- dia-te, closiug o! t-be ittel. And since t-en t-be manager hai not been- ceeu. by anycu.. Oniy froni evcry aide y1ouboar thé,effaue stety. A 'court martial asitt-ing in oue c-f the big bannaeh forts 'noundt Paris, and thé unext- day a firing sqù-ad in the moad, and faciug i-t t-be botel ma-nager, a cvnvictèd epy Ia titis db. ýrue etony o! bis disap% pearance i I can oniy say titat, it ia wbat everyone ini Paris viii t-ell yen.. Wa- is a grim. busiuef. The Sinali Boy Agaîn. 1A amail boy -wa--eue day askcd by a clergymen if lie kniew vit- vas meant ity onergy sud uLnt- pris. "Na, -sir I1 don't Vhink i da." The-c'lergyman caïd: "%Velî, I wii teillyou, ny boy. Que o! the, rioheet men in the world c-amelibo vit-bout a shirt on i hl bacit, 'aLnd nov b.hecasmillions." '"Millions !" replied the boy. "Roy -many dees be pist on aI a Lime?"' A Sivect Tooth, Teaclier-Johnnv, if- applfevere 20 cents w d-ozen aud I gave j 1 cents, how m-aPY wold fvoîîgeît.f 1Jo-hnuy-Nohe. I'd get a chuet,- lat. sundae. - - - Do you Say decisively: "A 54Ib. Packaef REDPA"TH Sugar, "A 20-1b. %ag fREDPATH", and -ot fwel.known qnljty,"Canada'e beit" -clban and uin'ýntaminated -4te Oiiinal Package? Or domjeu y, togtes' "A qaaT4 'Worth of Sugar", o' ý-ýidéutof an open barel -kl aper bag ? . 'w v CANIADA UIAE ERZVNI iFsLU88aF

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