Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Oct 1914, p. 6

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.11 -*peincei o " ~oý th&iche.b JDin tI.rmny, lthe bead of he famuu etPrne'-Trust" tisat eoL19oed - DM. long ago, but 'a man~ of uirdouhtsd ability. Re stimeed inlu Lii. dec t1cas cf hi. Royal master Prince Puilip air Eulenb»rg, who WWà,âis- oredited- and;>ruineèd by ithe expo- sureg of Harden, the "y.lk>w" jour- mallut of Gernany. The chief of the- ."Pince&' Trust" is. not aupposedto be a sta*te=nnof note, thou-Oh it is coznmon gossip .tbat he h». refueed bigboffice, and 10 'tous as the oly cloeper8onsi fri4d of -the YKaiser. Thé Naval .4dvisers. Asnong those chIseat te the Kàaiser 'who&e adice hé Le suppeaed to have taken iu the pa.st ew imonths Ad- mnirai Von Tirpitz "Muet be placed in 'Cie ifront -rank. jIt is von Tirpitz wiho ie te Bè e redited with the crea- tion of the. Gerniàn Navjy. ,Cou$ed with- blis, muEt be mentioned thie Damne of vn Koester, who served for fifty yveare with the German navy. and- eaw ài griow from an aworii to -an iak. Mfter having re- tired fu-Il cf years and honore, von Noebter &gain appeared as an adve- TII. Present Imperial Olaincehlor m*emdrein lu bcàrý for ÃŽhi. ra abot ,~'orain 1wcrp f epper," lise distiguished>lilmoelf in the.Kai- uer. erviceé, huit ouglit ob"e- rnênib«rod for hie work lu tAi eualm of Iol governmeut and&imetie administratîoen. ei.' st best tihe pupil cif Prince Buelow, whamn h. lo>ya.IIY eePPOrted when thusstiates- Inia W" Ue P sup ctôb. in diisgrace. vaut of -the Ka.isr. in",ed,-ho could not hiold office insee hue wab vell-Ilked by his la.str. -For, , as the Zabern incident showed tiie vFo-rld, thie Qerman Ciancellor lolda office by the.gruee of the Kajerat without reference tc rthe.,wishes of the Reichstag. On. cf -the ChanceL 1cr'.' Most dietinguishing charaoter istics s ls blunt honesty. Certain- 1> lie js no hypocrite, ms bisamaze- muent &bout the.f"aerap -Of-paper" shows,'The. righ.t 0f might i. the. carner-ston, off hiepojiticajl faith. Germany's Best Diplomat. ~LiO and Ëed. Nearly alEthbo'd ieSase ta 1Bffie huuianity aro cause-di>y bad lo4 ýwfak, watry-bloct oesoelyi- purities. Bad biod ,.the -oeuse ôé headushm -tand isekadues, lýunuhgO sud rheumzati.m; ckbiuty. sud jn&~i gestion, ieiurali16.suad othenerve1 troubdos, and ,dMIÉ~uTLng eunds ces -làke ee»anud "a trihtaum show hQw lmpuze the b'lood actuaIIy ie. No ue 4iryiinga différent remedy for ea«h disee, becs.use they ai&à opriu 6frM the s oe.use--bad bloa> To cure an> of the.. t4roubles' yen muet get right down to the r"~ cf thie trouble 'ith, blcod, n that à. jut whist Dr;,,Wi4ims' Pinkc Pila doe They mi.ke 1auew, rich b nd cithus cure <ii...diseume John Jackson, "Wcodeto&k, Ont. suffereti frosu bcvth nervous troubles ndi s run-down condition and ex- cate of a gret navy, much es,,Lard Prcbably -the ableet man in Ger- #i&use o . illiamur'Pin Pil RoI~berts sppeared ini Englanti ae the nany ,with regar4 to pelitical affairaShBce s": "I was a suffecer fora -apoctie et universal Wiitacy sec- je, Prince Bernhardi - ,on Bueiew, number oi ycr-ef rom neuiralgis vice.- It is lar-gely due to the enthu- long a favorite cf thie'Iaii R'e anmd -a general tiebilîty- of tue uerve sia-stie caunpaigu ho carried on i. a wonderfu, diplomiat aud aei'ved an4 -systean. I -had itrieti several throliglî-ut Gerinany that the Goci-in hla s oze-n.capitals befor. be- doctors aud main> uedicineisbut ltO erunet ae-ule e uid piie ing made Imperial Chancelier. He ne avail, until I began Dr. Wil- navv tuo its present foruidable pro- -helti thia office when the. Kaiser cre- iaine' Pink Pis. At the lime I b.- "rtionuc-, am iti is said that in the ated t1eti, fainous Algeoicas incident, gan the -Pis I baie grown se bat ru mw emue a to e"ansd it was h. wiio inflieteti U.POI thit I could hardly be on Mýy-fee-, te raise 1,'h landi of the Kaiser as France tii. humilia;tiSo f ti-isus- anti wasforeet ta ear edsistic baud moue> fû .tthe stirongthenin-g of the ing Delcaose. Theugh tAi ex-lIn- âgea about tiie ankie. Thepain I nAVy,. In idntally, it miglit b. re- perl OhanceLlor resagneti, lt la suffered abtiure. from the ucturaffL -marketi that this navy lias not yet probable thattAxe Kaer istened as gi ,aasterible. I haia nigven b egiin tu psy eny dividentis. attentivel y tewiiat hoe lid to gay up hope wlen, I bega.n tii. use ol about Europe as to any cther living D.Wi Plau' P-k~ls x 'lu MIiur Athriy. man, sud tii. facti that héis a pri- cus faLe'we fItaudn Fied Mrtua,~ vn dr Ceit ~. vte citizen will net ccl leve von provemnent, anti I gleily <Sntinue.d anýeherof he aller' adises, Bueow 'o! semne of the. req*poibilityTthe use cf thc Pilla until I was once baut he iso<m who couic! net have- cf b-li - -pdhie maste on hie moTe quite well1 anti abler te attend -ia 1ud eci»ive influe»ce wh-en Gerr mati course. Van Juagow, tii. pce- te ail my houzehod duties." munny dedlareti war. When it isail sent Foreign Secrc'tary, reaciiet isua f you are slling, begixi te cure over lie will b. able to point eut to presen office with vcry litt1. ex- ypurself to-day with Dr. ,Wil!i-e' thei w'ui t ho prcdicted long ago- eiecbut àtis aiduielargcly -to, pik Pille. Sold b> al' -medicine - that in the so-called -"inevitable him thait tvhen Austicia seizeti Bos- dealers or by mail et 50 cents a box ',r Germany could not ,depenti nia, anti Herzegovinaý, li44 ywaSB l-d or six boxe, for $2.50 f rom Tii. lr. upc>n Aus.tria. When -lic ade tih faut te ber agreemuent iu the.-Triple Wi1hiaans'ý Medicine Co., Bcockville, -asgertioniit was indignantly denieti Alliance. Hie reputation is that O! Ont.- by t-be Auýtritn wic lords, who had a concilliator, anti it i. 'ver> unlike-- unbounded'confidence iu their n-iiIi'- ly that in thgorisis o! six çeýks ego ý srenth;butvoi de Gotz iaveice wa4 beard. Newe that h. tary yte t;bt wou8rGo-z l. 'PerFisted in bis assertlons,-und de- a resignejiwud aatonisiino- KEEP YOUR HEART STRONG. clared that* the defences' aga-inst body.- Ruisra must be carried on witboîît WA I E What Yeu Can Do te Iieep It lu rpference to thîe preca-utions already WHTMS E Good Condition. taken agaîne-i this power by A-u"'-An AerleanNwpprsOili D e e nr.Aysrn tria. liecent eventis have show-n eoat' O"n D o etsgy n rn that this strategist ewas right, but it ot the Situation. emation atda te the labac of the ià3 not 'et plain that bjis adivice was It je incouceivable that Greati heurt, anti a heact overworkcti actcd -un l in te. Von <der G(1tz Le Britain sud France should allow. means ahortenet ifhe. Ba resens a ttrategist cf, interniational reputa. Germany to win. To do titis woulti Dr. J. !Stricklanti Goodail in a ce- tion. -and is credited with havins- be national suicide. It i.' absdlute- cent paper on the provention af work-ed wonder# in the reorganîza- ]y a life-and-death fight for &oth heart s8train. ni itc tion o! the Turkisharmy, -bis ides o! tliem. From 'before birthutil ate being te bring ti oc oba s GetBianbs4,0,0 - alter death tii. human beart beatsi a Grinal thfee ear aof reantheBitishIas.I00,000 frein70 te 150 times a minutie, sud', (leruln alyl ti. eento! -a,. pe n te Bitiit sla de. if he ach'~et nas work equivalent te sends into the fieldi one-eigiith of raisin t m ber population, aie shoulti put atist g a two-paund weigiit threugh1 the frontover 5,000,00 soîdiers. In eue foot. To forn an ides of this addition te tluis thece arc isl,&wi ork eue has ouily te talce sucha New ealnd nd he the coon- tht, istance as many tintes in a LU es. Altogether Great Britain- minute - as the iieart ibeats. COutil [101 SLEoi bute nto te fieldti ntig ha lice h the copeinil ubr f rate. adtiion increae itsla SIi'uhInflarned, itched and 60000slir.8i is thetir. Accuirate touts ehave shown 'Smrtd. ColdNo W ar nny te clothe andti rn iis nuin- that a.rman .ridiug a bicycle up a ShosCuicraSoa ad in-beedand the command of the sea te ïo per cent, grade for 2904 foot in metEtrlheld rnen four minutes etda an antount of la, - ~ ~ - met -trlyHae F a s h.39,000,000 people, Sand ber, tahie heart that woulti lift "a -- - -if îfshe soudput 12%/ per cent, -o!fo sdaneatheetot eVictorta Si., T1i.tf<>d Mine. *S, Qe.'her population. jute camp, she iol n entiphscah xtone o!any deayboierwna *t=rpealgavîe otop wouîd have neari> 5,000,000 soi- klnti -quiekens the *hoart 1'beats.. feaojet bu t*ealdu p iiloue 'n diers. -Furtiiermore owiug ta the. Strong emeotion-has tic saine effeoèt.- oe ane on my foot and i ne'e: e myinrgY h seu-net wear nuy @hW& .The alservice sud retirement to the ce- heartes'siano ri 5 onsse '.gaVasWVR7 mueiî iiîwd serves, a great portion of tiiese mIinute to > "b poun-ds. Undor,,suh andit gavenme =i% Pain Uîse- -muet have mare or lese&uiitary ed- sseju' eharuo nanmlia 1 cculdI4 u-slec0p ai ulht. I mcatien andi discipline, --andib.beenkonltrai'e bek wm treatOd for ten day. with ready te impac t it te thers. caiu metaandali mne butenoute ri Wod it- Nexit cones the -question aflihow Acu t. eaciiri s~rcis I. o~e~ ~ ~ ~- ~Cutl -long 'rermany can stand thie aw- imossblebà trii vracgiicallhy- a'edvctay a.ent ru-te« Ctier fnl strain. To put a vat army inuta osud blehi U-sedd ,btu t Tihe ?çuUcu*asoop and9llptnent gavo nms the fieldi- German> lias ha t tepara- likeîly ibu .1 there., Once it .ccu'rs' Auii relief aiku sPte»pe tu Ihiug 5andillyze bec induastry, hlaitagriculture thie ieact is' inciapwb>l, cf 1extea»- mmarttug se qulcicy hat 1 box and ~ ii~dbring te a stanitili inucli- if werk sud fails -wieu 'caiic mpnte cfCuuiura Cài NotasatItnulamenotmoatoteleordiary operstioxus do it. Tiiheetrag sdlee Çiitl dÏý n' h waiy q o lI ---'Thi mnu earuxy muet foe,,thst oee canxot-be toc ýcar.-') <, wmsam ~ be fed, suppliedý*will,.s :=itio fut to eaeucmize litiw~k1~ JOLa,41.and its comimun ptain- uPon thie organ- otr amls ré b al If the. Prenc nu utI h show te Ibed ai :i aoneiîuph io#o! tAi nel. b.iat 816%000 foot pcunda -a sn~*t e JlTpc~~te"à=llet ropertVO gin, the,<Qerznas 4kztpossibi> year. ILyinsg dowu ilfhu res. m and1 ecpeaq ytca4 .1 lemsens iLs làbors in thé same :ggmt=-d Oteiiàd_____i________ 'pericti b> 219,000 foot pounds.' If JE n se~e~~p aadlPossible ,Beason. '"r Suiid&yÏ weru sjpent iu bid the < - * thePûcetOf -"Wiiy do., tiat féli ookî yeacly r coUsU tecuir ea.ts would 1 pap iR"duu, dd ;glum sud gpouchy ail the. tîm.îIl' 0mount. te noor i ,o00,ow0 - fot, -4 and ôf ZiZ =.7.î.u, f » tT,fancy t je because-le kunes poundis.y 'was tise destruietion -cf 'Great min'. nsLvy. l ewyears ag'there wauj trcng. sentiment iingnd he Gernnnav>rs-oud4be9 Ios. le ery, prohable,Oitiit ha Germaniy 1wasiaking foy an sd a e, Aîw culld are tli . ha v 'cf German>'. war vreparai The Qerunan people wouid becu as empha.tic in ti de a. people outsîde. Mcw cacefully ete Gernuan Party -went &bout its prepara ncew corne aliost dally to front. That .Germany lias Jaeen paring for three years fer thie sent môvement'against thev world je :beeyomiug daily more dent. W. know of eue Aunerican wiio lias ibeen con'templa'ting a te, Europe Ifor tiicee . years. happening to have a 'friend thie seat of power iun the warj she wcote three years ago sxag jng this visit. $h.,*was then thst the prospects were for a ropean war aud that se hhd-bý defer bier viait. Gerunany starteti the European rcw by j ing -the rwareihip Panther to Ag4 but the financial, aud 'busines., terests cf the Fatherlautimaeu Eniperor baek down. But thc office well knew 'thie basis for -PrePàxring forThlre Yeaps.' Each year thie Jady has written te German liestquartets, and ce- ceiveci the saine eonfitiential adi- vu-ce. Even this year iii. wrote andi asket ili she migh4t safely make hec visit, anti ias teldto tkeep eut; that the irar was, comiug. For thcee yeare the wbiole world has betri tryiug to avoiti war, sud foc titre. >ears Germany has icept on prepariug for g,. Anterican business men wiio- wcre in Paris whien the ultimatum s'eut ta Servia, girtiet up their loins lu haste to get -eut of Europe.* ['ho> declareti' -that there could be unly one baud behinti* euch an ulti- n-atunt anti that ias the hanti <y Germany eeeking war. i i s h a, Fouad on Steamers, Ail Over the ba4ter- World.- aïys Te- "dour Scotch e ngineer" cf X~ar"CAdrew' Hymn,"by Kipling th ngine roOM of a steamer 'that plie, toýAiatic porte, aa the .team gauge. enl 80 orthe S necting .cd. is imost Ger- ýas iiivtble on the liuera ana tr1ow- freiglter. of the ÂtItntico ~V1C1thé lake antI river steamboiac eni~ Europe* Co0. Thçtina Prenega, 19re-a retired o.fficer cf the. British srmy, Z.l-fS "s& an amàuwsng "enecdote to illus- 00418. . w ugthe IUtbl. lace of BFthwL Lug.no;, Wth~ le n Ipo~ »rit- citi.ull steamer«. tt ply iu hsewatërs, IVien 'b. paad rdii. fa ih &ked &wii. chýuge in, &su- - ~ver, aince the'Italiu copper coins 8 i. "I neyer hWd men, this temer dth befor.," the colonel 'imy*, "but I that kn.w làoia b sutchman is, neye? offen- withou zver coin, aud £-Aitê,me reris- neyer wifthout a& &go'teh -engI.neér. Sa o I 1uteppéd 'to tile hathwa.y thât Itos 1cpenecl into Vthe .ngine-room, and calIed: havendi e, re Ye thereT1 'nnd "Ay, syl Wha-t d'ye, wantl' wrcame1 baek in a strong Seottish ae- id iHae ueany ilIA,.q the "'Ay!' AndIsouhia, h4ndfuI i re- » f uilver coin." e ne- inhôle 3 cvi- lady But near office' told EU- ýetter then ýadir, iu- the war LIGIIT BOOZE- Do Tou Driak IL? A minister's -wife liat quit. a tus- sIe with coffe iant hec experience je interestin.g. Sicae: "Duringrti.etiro years e! ni> training as ea nuesc, muile on night tiity, I becaute sdticted, 'ta coff.o drin-king. Betieen ntitnight anti ,fbur in -the morning, mien thie pa- tients were asbeep, theï. s'as littie te de except nusk. Mh.rounds, amti it waa. quit. satuma iithsI 1ahoulti want a iot oup of coffée about tbhat tiune. I couici keep s-iak. betêr. "A-fter lalre. or four yeare.of ce! s We driniking I became a nerveux. wreck anti thouglit thait I uimply ceulci net hive evithout my coffee. AI titis tdgme I wa.s ubiect îto Ire- queut bilieus attacks, somefimes se severe as to keep me in bcd foc several, days. (Tea s e mt -es injuri- cite a& coflee becauee both con-tain the tirug cafeise.) -- "Alter, being niairrie, B uebant tcgc e t 'lave off cof.., for lue fçared I thatit 'hati &lrea&dyxu# :u lot 1ýoynd, eparà a - re solve4 t-0, iiC*e an, effeX te, relas myseîf fci tu-iut tb-i. "I'began taking POetum, iand for aý. few*.days.e-£t the -kanSuIaç tired !e!gi-"9 rià the ] Iofoke! ccoffoo tum, snd,-ttila m$lertd -for tAe4 L~r~àkfot- Ateerago ail - iilt ÂAfteé' i~-usJof, P um I udirý -.lliuke-"nwwdanhv o ýh&d,'mty;, gin-oclIglÀttk --r--- JIts Virus* boyeer Destroyed EVERY CASE le CURABLE. Goad.byc te RÉeumatim Ycur sehlng joints, yaur stl*, sOre muscles, those oleeplese nights and sufferiug days-g6od-bye foroyer- yeur day lo gene. tSufferer, cheer up, ad read the good uews below. ; "A man met me a month ago, aud ,sii!, 'dont stay cclpplcd, quit cern plainiug, lîmber up.' My aýiswer was, TIm rhcumstic, I cau't do It.' He ieoked me avec lu a pltylug sort af way sud teld me te go te thc neacesi dcug store for NervIline sud Fecro- zone. The cemblnation bad cured hlm. I was convlnced cf hie stnceclty andfoilowed bis Instructions. I cul> bed an Nervlune thrcc Urnes evcry dsy-rubbed It right luto my aching joints. The pain quiekly lcsseued,-and I becanue marc limber and active. To draw the virus efthte disesse . tram nuy blooci I took twe Ferrozone, Tai,. lets wlth cvery meal. I arn wcli te. day, net an ache, net a pain sud ne sIgu of stIffues at al." What Nerviu ecau do lu a. case like this It cMn de for you toq. For ncarl)y ferty years NeMvline has been recommended foc Rhcunuiatism,' Lum- bago sud Sciati ca and Lame Back. It la the eue remedy that neyer dis- HOW TO TELL A LIAR. I* is Breathing, Declareu a For- W'hen you are tehI-ing s lie yov breathe differently fcom when yoi are telling the trutb. The dtiffer: suce iras diseoveceti by mieaus a1 sente tests ruade upon lii. studeuts by Pro!. Benussi of Graz, Re prepareti carda bearing le-t- ters, figures, anti diairams anti di-etributeti ieue emong-hie pupils. Thefte were requiretot describe the carda correcti>, except int certain cases whcu tii.cartis were markcd wl-tii aced star anti t'he stutiente ce- ceiving theni were required to des- - rbe itvhem falsely. Eacii atudent wss watched careful>y by.'hie 1.1- lois,. wbo, ignorant o! the nature of the.carti, triec te jutge froinhie manner whetierh. irals -tclling 'Lb. truth 'or not. The iratebers -irece unabl. te jutige with aýny'certainty. But before eeh minu boan huis test the timfe occupied inu-inspiration sud expiration iras ineasureti, anti the me-asuren.uttirse" taken again immue.diately- after the finie-led. -It n-es feunti tuhat the ütterance o! s faite stsatceint lie y nces ,anti the utte-rauce côf s true ouste- meut alwaya diminisheti, the quo- tent obtained by dividing the, tins o! inspiretion. by tii. 'Lme o! expira- tien. Dr. An-ton Rose, commeu'Liug lu Die Unuahati- on thubse resulte, 'r- marké tihât tie disevery furnd-shes acertain criterion, icteen'trutii 'anti faIgeheet.-Fc veaelex ýlisr la 'likel> tO fal i4, -au attenlpt ta~aedetection by bztàting le- regîli, 'Pr ,. Betxmsihô 4 ds covereti-'thâ.t men ae -uisble~o&n tanýli> tO ilxage,,their resjpiratioýn d'hu iti >ou. beat 'tua juan 0e bi': t 'eandýàcd--figure'cf the,- - "'X'aeked -hlm why a ircrg, lia4iý ay. 8Oc ati5pc tine ý 'Ml . Y."'M 145 up ! ot? itideLt"H'ut," ssld thxe jutige. "Dis- iasOqp" for - oftued. :anad- rus .so gija t'hat!j have fou 1nà -a mili yôt certain remedy.1 TÃ"gdy I ans weUl-nlo. pain, nolicsour .stemaeh( -a goad apptje able toA ISget nythiug. Th 1 I ia :v *hélélot af gaod-fer. ane ne ete dci, and 1 eau eOay Dr. Hsmtlton'S Pille are the'beit' plussu m y etter, 1 a rn sure , prove s I1t. n Refuse, a substitut.e for Dr., Hamil. ton'.' Pilsecf Mandraice anI Butternut, soiln luYeiIÃ"o ee, 25c. AUl dealero, Or The Catarrhozone Co.,_ Kingston, Ont. * PIVE MINUXS OF ÃŽME. One RIad Cas Be 3made From Boil. Threar Waditintr. idgo ic.Thieaetfie dstintkendis-f 'ce. Ted ftha. u ridbeens coelHrvd UnvProf.tP.,W. ridgman o! therar Uomniv're i. iet er je theacbemnau ice whichi water frznd t rorm 0 phrm C pr -10ur le C.a frois Pderof. BC te -man a dege . T i Pro. Bridg 13.5 per cent, les. dense than watcr, If tii be placeti under a pres- sure cf about , 1,e00kilograme tth. ice incite to, water. If the pressure b. increa-se,toe about 4,400 kilo- grains sud «te temperature b. maintaineti about the same thz h- ciuid water freezes &gain toc another kind of ice, c'ailed ice V., ywiich je about 6 pe., cent. den.er titan wa- f Incrcasing the pressure to about t6,500 kiiograms, we get-ile IV., the *voluinlo presseure aud the. density becomi-ug frein 5 teo @per cent. gre-ater titan water, If wc <ceeze water at atmoiapherie -pressure, -but with a tempera.ture o! --30 tiegre-es C, ordinary ice (ice I.) je obange ti e eIII., wiliclî je ou thte average 3 per cent. dens-er than wu-te.r and 20 per cent. denser t-han Furtier incrpasiîîg -te pressura., ice III. turne into ice Il., wbî0u lef about 22 per cent. denser t-ian ice I. On furt;her increasing ini pressure ice IL. changes to ie V. and t-linte ice IV. Sometuntes these -changes take place se quiekiy tiist a click is hearti. The lower the tcmperature the more slowIy Lesthe change efleet- 1. Ths dicovery huis a pactcal -ap- plication.. Wheu water freeze in la closeti veesel iiiiunne pressure is developeti.« Tie btirsting of boilera and wate-r pipes is a fa'niîiar exani- -pie of titis. The watcr expands iu freezing to 16e Il.; but if -the pres- aura -on the ice during freezing cx- ceede -about 2,000 kiiograme-, carres- ponding to 30,000 pounde per squ-are inch, ice 111, is fcrmned. - As this le about 3 per cent.,tienser tian wa- ter anti bas lees veSume, it sitrinlce- ratiter titan expa-uti.ý Au interesting s.d'elight on this te the discovery that if the prets-ure be great cuough the teniperature may be raiseti fac beyand, the net- mal freezing pointand stil the. wa- ter wiiI freeze.- "B> the applica- tilu o! a -pessure àf b -ut--2o,000 kilogrames," maya Prof. Bridigmnia. "we inay -freeze watcr. although it .faking Progress. 'II arn glati ta sée you home, John,'- said t-h. father to bis eiiall sOn,' mita lied been away et sehool, but, ia vas nov honte on hie vaca'tion. "Hoir- are yen get- ting ou st sciioli " "Fine !" sait Jclxnuy. TI have learut ta as> .1mank yen' and 'if yen -please' lut Freec lGoeod t" saidt te atiier. "Tiiut, e than yeu ever learut ta sa> la English.' niotarda Llnimufl Cures-BurnsE .c - Vcry làterestlhg.. "I ot't-blivemyhuabanti has ever decelyctime biiM -tif.;' sa 'id thex pretty -'jo;tni matron.* "HIK6 louuglx&va OU .beuxmarrietil asi- te get giey arcundthte,. tenuiles. "Tire. years sext montii." ".Anti vo ha eý erJec L' fa thi 'u y ou ~i n s - band i Tlrats- ver> iu'etiug, 'i amiuTh yen. - If 1 ooul4 Idèl j,5uitlivc that, > a sweet, i'bésutiful -wiiian could beiieve 1in me as you is1ay,ý'yoîtt botie-vo lu your'luusband, I thux* "might lie tèsipteti to-' I-" -0h I4but I haven't saiti 'I elieve lu my- huEband. or have filuh- n'h im znt' NOVA Si Seaboard. The co.a&lieIds of Nova. Sctia are the Only co&lûeldin Eaatern Oai- ad, sud -thi. oui> ceal deposits 'ini America on- the -Atlanitic* s.abord. The largeti cftha ie-"Ûids, -the.-Sydi- ne> coalfiblti, lies, along the-eatiterii shore cf ap. Breton Isiand, and covera -an -are& o! about 550 -square ,mile, The -fléet,wjieh is indened b>, capacloue port, contais, if'i.' estirnated, 9 billion bi<s o!al " in seams cf more titan 4 feet. Four companies opecate in i 'Liiead. Tii. Dominion Ceai C- ompany poeseses 17 collieries, aud have an outpit cf 4,719,614 tons cf steam'.andimetal- lurgical coal. - The. ova oetta Steel aud' Coal Cenpany posaesséas five celiierie,sud have an output f 811,434 t<>ons,26891 tonus9f which are u»ed for metallurgical pur- Pose".' ThieMoKa>OCeai Company aud the Colonial Ceai Comnpany pos- seu two eellieriet, andi-lave a coin- -bined output f 57,707 tou. '4be- Sydney Coul Company e Onae-eu collier>, aud laet yesi rai= ,W3 tons. The Cape Breton Coai, Iron aud Eailway Company* opened & colliery at Brougliton iu the~ suni-- mer cf-1913. For Mar-rIed Men Only Whou your.razor Io duil as a ho.. -.ik, youc wife if aeh waant pring- ler orn., Oct lier Putnarn's erin Eztractor, it' the. otly painles nd aae cur. Ail deler,3 eil "Putnasm'a" et 2k. per bottlê DOTIA'S COAL >FIELDS5. Mr. Exe-So you were at- the Swelton's five c'cloek tea,. What did you have?1- -1-'/ . Mrs. Exe-A good appetite whé,n 1 got homne, my dear. Balimore. Mdi.. Nov. 11. 1903. blinaizd'o Liniment Co., Liznitcd." SiT.-! came ae.rcir3 az bottle of your MINARD'S LINIMENT. in the hande 'of ac of the etudents at the. Univenâity of Maryland, ana lhe, beînag to kind aé to lot. me tue 1!.for avert' bad apra.in, wbich 1 obt.ained in training for foot racea, and ta e2y that it he!ped me-would be putting j!. yery mildly, ahd 1 therefore sk if ycrn would'I et me knaw of. one of your agne that la cc,-eato Baltimore so that I ay obtain' tome o! 1!. Tbank- Ing you in advale 1 remain, Voura truly, 14 St. Paul street, Care Oliver Typewriter Co. P.$,-Kindly answer a(t once. Dieren.ceShowin. "What ie the differenee beiwz'e-r a p'hilosophîer and. an opýimist 1" ",Well, a philosopher takes things as they corne, while an cïptirnist, if; thev corne with the dark side up- permost. turne theni over." Granuîaieci yelids, Eycs inflàtnct! by cxpo- <ýcure ta Son, Duslaad YdI >tEye condfort Your Dru gg.t'u0Soc r Bottle. Murlna Eye SalvoinTubea25c. ForD.okolîlÉfyefroeask Druggis o:r aeEye geuedy Co..-Chicago "W-hy thie cool ne---,.t.ween .vou and Mabel " "Oh, we Aizagreed- albouit eomething." 'Wha t-waz.it V' "As te whether lin dog yas more intelligent thian rny baby."? Tîghtivad. polly -W4en thij, came back ,f-roMtheir wedting tnip liq hat i jtst e-l60 lu hie poket. - Pggyý-Thî etînsy thiing. . The wheel of focttuxe won't, t-im for yen un-les yoùput your shoul- de o tit, Its 'soit - ed at the to equal *'You ai ciej iiWhiel rive. Ph a becomi 'i taikingtc introdue and'pr - - the li'rev Belturb citrolsigf to Primai ather mi on bis à 4.-but-.au alec, ani lie c Trevor. bwedj -net a Lo Respleu -lor Fergr to hiin lu seem forelier cab@eIte bot and cd with Mrs. Tez ing ir be' 8-licta Just bebluld one of the1 T'he play wad but full of 1 and 1trevor IEilturbet;ý wl cuiuued bhm -Site waa TOi the fain. Pt reamehed lim. lite wha! W2 he- vas filled * -dered hlm <1 but, Prîirase Tuiercurtala S'ive the Kif into tIuevst <-onfusioii fol couplesm it te catiture Il had followed Tmrevr as Il Philippa -four Imy Major Fei 1,;,,tani Prim 2- i.ete by k ll(-r Voice vad lroc a briel --You have -Have W,?1 Ta'- pureiy a Wb y yes-4 love you! 'I Il minute 1 aaw ped-iovimîg ye Ris dark e>y moment tle, tohber. 11e-Pl iielturbet tool - - Novbe ta tell You why ici! last year, liai nw, really oees » lier gray ey taw cAbe undel was t-iehapp to camie l ht uafier breakia Very pleasant 1ýe. as gaini credit-ibie nma * -banged to a e iwt a aeare -1 Ilever, lie iphe exclalimed maLrry-ing nil Iuarry umoi", '* ~ A* yen don need net "ru --rose, colat'hng * ~ y darg only expeet tý t-ho rapidlty1 fcrrptd htqa a the other.'* -~Yea. incet tate to palnt nut t ntrs t-t c - 1 - .ý tr P-

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