Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Oct 1914, p. 7

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Or,., Du~icie'g Con!esslon j 0CIHAPTER 701-aid Arthar~,-,,,,LIj mould novt ream When *hie caliéd ai the. radn« lt fa i nlicting. -xyaeif 0OUyi. - I meauate taie tellovlng afterneen,- Bltuobot, vas meea' ltile et taie wveril fer. I aeit mhciwn ite a. dr&wing.room Wvilcpai a pobll robubiy go abroati 't', ePmare4 tu e t ,-1ifaldogn vue barte'. MràTmorte 06 ae yenare mur. d t 01bim furinl >, A vormi miiioeanti ried-Egypt for -,tho v isiter, anti-ilion eolt'POumed Dulcie cane forvara anti vixrover my funcy > takoo- =O;" àrcototi hlm, bidilg the dtoge ie quwe. Primmcee- leked ti aihor vithly. i be aaQute unembarrammet, and pro. vue ne use. offoriug ativic or co-uie meitudti he vilster te XMn. Teolm er then; lator- on, poriape,Dlcike ,might introdiacedtihe tuni'toi' "o, ant declur- lteui. e et ho -'mu t munIiiPrlmrome vho liat The tmutai vas that Dulcle'eruai' huA Textieratupictiro-glUry ,viii Stoe re<isvsil averr nover. blomv. 8he rxeailqd mcnd, eund, nov ihai Blturbet bhut- neyer caret for echtuiibeitit eligaivi'duzuleti by D)' ber hot aiail -. ' bà ibeovi-lieolf ho cel'egal8etsuant taeemartuesm t Olier aile arme lieacha a muuer thai lie hat Aree.m,wbai a biatergyi' ci u"li l- ontbeeui 4ble te repizlee er,' anti ý,U tboui. "Anti netitegoîher Improveti thengi uhe dit14 ->1 fo bu1l bi' London,'11ev iuad-I muet have ben L hochrAimI -ree ever to.i4ye. ilougit eoh. va. the vilfs or une; al ite. ,im»î e vcm vey "bitter. MOI" recalusA eeveralincdent 7etthie iitef'~~~~~~~~ prevfae umte-etre'e ol.ys Bebtnet long te vait befere Pri- impa ~a«e>t4oce. efthlae attentiéos rcOêctameI.'h.eMia.us vearnga long iheva ;'uaogdl" nsiio, h e blacka drese, anti a -blakseha'ovet liai vhi i nedtu teachieve iebjeot et beqomlnlg matis bot complexion more like vIlti rSumeemetrees et 014 Hous; ilriotpti a0u*on tIai ovor. Blturbet veng forvatiw a i.îomaklnf gand. ber, quorrelsvilla meeattuer, antios; they sbooek aandm, Prlm'ailm. - roe'emiai e uevery mve e oe. Suie coulti lave blist lm tben-'vbexabmai bmhd ber gray'uniee for a second, buttJ1eY tid"ti net al.hlm!1'And, nov. viteni -aho greeeti eOacu otier qileili'. veuit give, everythung te ia hmmi Thu yoVonng qulro'e $sah Iseteti about .-I love youl" b ho itihae imhgate itult.an-hour, turIngwvici t ilme hO liuido vith hlir. - Wliai , a dleetemnAe tewatt, Duhcle'e dose go tiaregli iheir #iho admadetie teverythingi Weii, uni'. tnlekg, lanti en te tae.et tofiteir pre' bey eh. dit Det latendtotedie-etgrief or temnatnnal clevernesa. for Dubcie'e crame a broken beurt, andi rie vouitliov Ar. ut thé lime vaa toi' Pomnxorul*t. a tur Beurbei-and JJini Berett, 10e- fore hé. lofti, hevver, hho ut0e1a 1%inui altioh.étii net carsue jet for oltiier promime ilai the- eieieu'm anti Mme. Tom- et thon! - -Pemoreveoult inf hic Parti' taie fol Duning the neit five yearm Dulcie kept Wbovi thev.ok, oedo i, uceber vrt, .Att.: Prlmroee anti Arthur Wlt îe urciieionhm DaceBelinrixet vere naurriei, oe.santiEMn, "Eieuller han everl"t"é ehoallm' Tenuplemo *011abroad, andti t vue a e*1' xten pp wllhavea riot *eut befere taiey returneti toEnBglait. ai hlm nov; a iaeart la otten caught ouce ii en co pnt ctw'kovu su "Bmai'i," the rebeuiti, yen knov." ta eto fsceykono ,Sa', Rite p ok. ss'th a enser, for ber temper vont on a metor4our tirengai Europe Won hm iipovitg.- Prinrome tii net an- z ait-liat haicus uA "a--&perfotcli' rp. ave: -but boxr heurt feil ai the mention ePlnu rne,"lunth eoventuaUli, vaien everi'; eofIhlhIppu 'Wuse oié eone alvuym t thlng seemedti tepull, aitdboa' nnnmer- cerne bet-veemu her anti Beltntbet? Thon able firtatione aimA become v-oarleomoe, mix tot hrsit uaiIfho ereeeemeli'mie decitiedt e tdamoaih or tive ai iniluèeced, ,la. vas, net vortia.lier love. OtBue P'~roeà aid. Artlaur, anAi fh hem lient. dihigla, buta ea ertîini taie quletime ef taiia'home te galber voneamore, fer Dule.'e 1db e wrte hat etrengîla tu commence a freeli cnpipuln, vened, ber, et amusement. MDe huAdonu' mcmii ereo Duean t the atternoon leoeaol. ter ait Beturbet ôceuulnalby, for daer' turbt'#ullnner-party trying te ,tiecide prferedcoiutry.Ile teu,0 lewsudati ould vititoethem inmnerable tresses 'ah. net glys uicr thise oulteaxenvfor vhlcàam eliojalt vear. JlM baud neit yet een le rya In evenlng timo, se thoro vue a piseunt The Bleloîts b.d nuot eroeeed bier pui.h1 surpae. iun etomo fer him., But vuiai an for oovral ye*=. PhWhppu bat reçoived, - Intolerubio nuteance fi vas te have te- taie neye01cfPrlimiaoe.anti Arthaensu vear biackt Duicle looneti pettisuili ut vament c[mlrmcegataîng tiht lier lier dmeomofeneurli'eomi'materillun. chance et reigalu ai , loue.vuefer demr te sun lnally seiecthng oeedlifchU- crvuat an en&, A., ajor r n elb. ton vixich htted bler elontier figure te came very- attentive, - howyer, a mixe le perfection. There vere o e meees eoept came Mrm,,Fsrguon vlthouimuouic delar, a feu'- êtrapu et jet, aad lthe Jattllng ,llm alayed Oi£ i.fetvttan eider- vhutsnesm f et heieck and arme vas ai- Irut a eiepeke r, an& eitluadIe vanrtoum liancoti buythle black eetlng. XIlierexporiem.nutellh'uamrinintîy, àrigbî fuLair ave polmeti a jet butter- 1:-va ablanin,4dr.ai uJzme.vwhon Dal- Prlmrcee'm toihet took nearli' me long o è , orty4 ai 014 flôtieq, t l - te complete au Duiciem. Ber tractve: vny4 j-ba oW--nnt blne eyeà as perfect hIn te vay as beho ee'mît vr s<uta nti lte, alar nu taring, but wendegZrally becoming lh arrangeA li'*,a mm etfcurba about lier0 uts soft i fminSs.lMre. Templemeité eil. ,&all bat vU ai mcbniei e ue 1a etý aiti em apnnovingiy. vaien eh.e an4 her miserhu mu ite Thon. vile tev fi t ho diiugL.all eeti, anti -Blturbet bat vrort hf te eqnsj ml charges," ehe salid.Conterotaî1. " Yen are aaor oit thing t" repiieti Dul- But. yomrm tevoteti ole1o taie pursuit cIe, vihicix meet taiMme. Templornore of plemeuro bat -velier Y i'ta -had playedi iem carde te the botut vunt' «e t o i e ndicaté,thai ash. fouit momt -age. tlalis veanleome, anud bor enenales te. Tixci' -ere the lami of the parti' te ar' clanedti taithe look mnxe vers lhticate< rive. Phihippu. tic oniy other-lady, woro a >petialanitileuroltici. M a becoming emerait-greon drose; enloti,, 10 ae ht on It =ym ulioauDuilo car.1 lookfng raiber tiret anti beret, va.vudine, vaio vue aà n atulabiy aitrue. ia;ilkfîîgto ive etrangere, vuicinBelturbet tireyonug vmai, coifees otih limre 1 'f tloticei as Major Fomgnsmci anti utter a veek epene-at Oit Boum shibalthé A rclale Trevomrli e forerc uniide-ugeti Quiet,uneveuttui lite lad bi Ï;er sinter a nd peclpttbly baud, the latter yeunngait Beturlet dit netsunit ber lu tai. gond-ioeiting, and brimrnlng over w'seitajet, tâc trieprepeibie spîiita e yt iei. "Are yen noS go!ng te, provide ganibnp lcturbet, tali anti tark. vihaléItefithe ehape oz enierinmeaui for moe?'c oitrong freatures nand ligbi eteep, leoked mixe aeket -PninurSme oie utternon. "Ià te Prmnromeeimmeaunrubli' iuperior tuteisreal.y do nett îlik Ieu c andiutmnc other meni. Rh. oui next te hem beut, and more uxaduittiedimpllti'y." on isotho-r hait vaa Phihippai. Dnhcle P>rimic., wlo v-me me graceful anti wae beiveen lerloît and Amchle Trever, ueti'de me h ad svsr been, pust own but as Jim oui nîcît te Mr@. Tomplemore ler nemtlrk. alse. andi tevetet inieifttothaï iSti', "W. ave ameot îe Ferçmoum. Mr. Dulcie cemnienceti aivfioti filt-ation vith Heriott, anti the Aulbi'., brother anti ola. Trevor. vio e mponted in a manaxer ltat ter, te comm devu on Matnntiay tor aà slioweti h vas a gamo awi cai h. vwas veek or iv'oe, .repliati. net a î.ovit'e. "That isouniebotter." malt billte,t lIes ieieni Philippa tuiketi plewanili brig'hîening "Oaie Asibi' bey le ratbxor viiihCor lest, but suiedit net ignore Ma-. umang. By-tbe.va , vuiaî bas Jim Ber- - jor Fergusmcri on hem otici'bont. Prîi- lott grevu ite? throt-eisAte b. ýrose aie anti epoke as Fn a treai. iMhaitu I funcyli" 'coulti net believe ihat oe. ais acinally "Then ha gtev lhiiilnftead ie Hobue1 sittIlg beside anti taikin g te Arthur Bel. vonketi ifke a e"avefer lt. laut fou' yega. turbot, etfviionu nly a tev menthe ugo anti le nov reaplîg lth. revu.moftietlM fi-. ehe hat resolveti nover te uhinkai aaiu, Anetri'." 'h vus unredible t Yet rie va. talih.nJ "Doa me, boy noble iiaut seuudglNeist o te hlm on if îoting but ever h mmi inhavo citaugetia geeti deai ince hae It eametisas if a novlige etretebetibe. 'vasa atut, reti-liaet yeun mai viii a, tome hem, But lier troai lii ai anabup 'e suaî tempru a aDnOa for umk- 0 eîtiung Whéî tdin v as over, toua'%&W- ng acenes.'a cube teok them te tue theatre -, Bolur- "Yeun iii L i hlmgrealh iutereti. Bs a bei anA Pilippa enteretioe; eoiflol elai. in 4to e e vry nich :mai lefore et 'vitia Bleriottý, Dulcie viii Taevor, anti long ho 4Go"not aetknu Mr. -Templemore viii lie Major ecumpi'.nm@'O bigint ntv@t.'n p in gthe etiéos menas nou ttons Lho taîketi bravai' tu JIm, vho nover ailOti-D OiB¶Oie et tof r-,I'm ure" Dule 1ftl. 'I1feol qieatr guemed That the girl by hiesilde bat 01et lemont at a h 5'ofmething 0 evemi' viii as rnneh reooia. himmlf te iunia s.cell . w qiauneledthtae luet feè co retched. Ha tertianeti ifimeit bi' ime Ieuv hilm, 1 helleve." wontierrin viat DultIe vas ayig te liai Mb.. fo utui, a reoie. The time .eem.i "yourig iaeTreoe nhle taxi tiai vas et ve«7 rernote nov. yltiii. coult tue-d just bebfnd liW. tunotly recali aiov hem heurt huadacheti Betuçbaiboit enguged a stage box ut becaume Ji.m Igneret hon. fBni lie ache oiee ofFihe -bggest Fixatros in Londoin. hu addeppeaet Inlim re, anti a-bout oet The pay'va a mufcal-cernedi, piotiesu, admirerh. Saken' Hrfti',place, for1 ba iifetmevement andi celer. Dulcie D lerclvt an or- tiuL-- o ta .:,'rfrnrise t" hoesaiti huamiedly. "Prim. Bnî tdeiDil aenial e -rosto-I-ft's negod, I muet tell yen-I tl<'d lier ti-scenieni anti re@tloes4,, andi love voua! I have leoei von fronu the, fret woridered If sie liadtorgoîten Whxat lie minute I su-w yen. anti I lave neyer stop. ,.ut nover torget-liose hey lad qîxar. pet' loving yen. WiIl yen lilten te. me?" rellet five yeari4 ugo. Ffme yeaîrwofetSrün- Hiedar oy. mugh hmeant utFIa iou> vomit they hn<f been for hfm, and fixement the jey et Pniniroee's ifte came five yearie of n!euourp for lier. 'rhe'y diti te hier. Suie pacedot mail n n g haret hait iOit eeenm. hevever, te have hroiingli er on lite oléeeoant i epemot hi. nmme. haippjIc, ,Jndgiîîg tnom irlat hit; crhti. Beturbet to hemrfi hie armos, 1cal oye, douait see. 'Now,"ho aIta ltti buor n, lotme Noither, lie reficetdgrlmbly, lad tliey icil yeu 'eh' 1 mado snoci a foleof tm boighy-fn.p~ns. nî i self' tuai yeur. withfi hi-ereah-Iia twvmonîeh@ -"Içot nov." vhtmperet Prfromo. -ItPosition senîtld e ausureti, unît itlie lik - reulîy doese net rnater." et he neeti neyer. do a etroeofet vrt Hlem gray eyea icoketi lita hi@, andi hx.agaluIl.Yet iehowaeu it stialled vhth hi. -a envlue uridersteeti,1 lite. The neuf neaeon for tîlhie osîrove "No. deameoi," ho agi-ced, kIosing bler te lite, lbuitihi@ heurt et heurte lie nanin. "fi s10 notlutng teluO-noiv!' A eets paet re ul'frîehne Parti'. Dnhcie ne longer ceniplu,îied et' CIMPTER IM. uliiese, for Iteginalti- Auhby vas hemr rrimooo iMpt4ipte tbt nlht. e ave, vaille hifeoleter, Beairice, a pluinp. Pî'iroo mipi 11410thu nîgt. olton-la-med maiden oet tweîîy, claimot, wtmotehlappi'. Beitiarbet liatipremiset eiottian erhem quire, ce thîne titi net te cerne te ber the neit. utterfloen. 80oo n K eYYo tebnd fany of afier breakfast &io aecompllshed the net tbang hevi 'on îDuie landJit.r ver' pleeant lusk o e ting Dulcie ihait-bm, Yei oaifi Dulcie.nti in ofvere - sIc vas goi!ig te marri' the mai t0 whQxm 1 appehinmnt au the tays 8ev hi'.- and lier @Jeter bat been engagot, in a biglyl've l i-ocm o Jr eanuc credtîlie manier. Dulofo'-. ncreduhîty !we h iecm- o i oanuc ilanet t amnemen, an Luxlli' t t aioie as comiiellet hi' businesa te ro-, wb,-angt ppaet ve' Ilaedjsuin1Y. )tut~a iLondon fiaiàcouple ef days, Diii. hhtper er auiiiig am ' cebdgan toeoxpéraence anewai 4 mIeexealoti "ancy Axtlina'Beturbet na she lad enferot five yeare ago. mha rylîn mi. meer* cu*Ph aîa Iif le loveti ber what wasthome te pro- - Manj'y met", vent him telling lier se nov mie aLket "'A«u 11tin't.tcare for htum, Daxcle, Yenuixerseot. Every oea maltbtat ho vas go. nee ne gutie bnute me," aait Pniing mte b. a idi man, et-homo vue ne rose, coienhg hiroanon irai'ho ehouit not suy that he 1ev. 1 "Mi' dean giri'1 Ido îeli Buityoun eau ler-"if lhodit. A-h. ilat vas ltIf on' erveot*ihat thînge viii he alt. about ho dit! Oie unoment ithe toit certin et the apitity vitohivailcih. ebas' trame-- h, but the nexi maie doublet. terred hie affections troni one -ufeten te h daviioton lier hxe day betome the crie the othor."lied for hlm dopai-hure Fixai lie iniendoti theote ln. m'eiutlnd ntie-tc e ave lieriitenut sayxnç anythinir.- tale te p'oint fi eut te Me. I dLin11oiex* h onn niainno lpe ia' peci etheru te show ai 'greater 4eicucl ttnliei'tim, Ocame und - ussed; unI' aa- of feelIng." - nsrrsfeir heurs remuined boe'ore tley voniti Dulce simet i lir mtsl-e. oi' "Clotnlgixi anti geod.hye" iteriott tom theme vas a tene in hem volco vicii 'vu elueoul'toloxsonîg ahehuAnovr eur beon. -Trui'Dul- itvam a warm tetili ovoning, tollowirir - cle'e vomit muet ho chaun ,rg if tho uanial- a tItnebaat te ue hi' ~ ~ _ etiPrmooctfiemploi ' that the ltuile Parti' utroibot eut uni- e r dien. , Reginalt Auhixi' escoed Duet "Wci royn'gle ehor-a wod"tIlle aile golden-huired efuter kepi rieur si aSitetbeiIli "*In the autunin," vam lie quiet repli'. ."What ehail vo de te amuse IMm. Ber- "'And,,. Dulcfo. vo hop o ye viiUn akeiota -ion Lis lait erening?" asitot Beatruce ~'ux oxu;Q vth ne.'iitevm' id AeIby. Prlnroeet'" de not want te be umused." eplioti ,;,for thç. lo'mc Ritebeta of the German 1-The !Owïý Pnliuooat >the- E !out, modemn mutor-propelled kitéhen luin icht-e food for thbe Germai COruivi Prince, coin-duîg enaeof t-be Germai armies, la prepaied. Jlrn, "Only to,,be allovedti te inieh mi' 'it r ldeice.cool anti quiet ini the veode," engwede Dulcie vftb a faut- beatimig heart, "Thon le$n te the veeda t" criet Aâh- br. "W. vI ial play i'lte-undmeek, andi ht vii bu greut, epert. Priniree clured oe. ve te olti te come, but Phillp a t.longhtI t voniti -b. amus.ng, anti hold1ig #p herln srt led taie vway. Ad Dulcle bat ad b veodo vere cool anti Quiet, wvile ithsliglit oti lingere& VéTry seon taie elx yonng people vers rnnng about Mie a party. ef echool ciuildren, anti startllng the bird., that ixatilretire iat thir preper urne, Whezx Beairice Asbby beioie et hfer pale lii. atin ehippere ant iHerieti folnt It anti replace t, ethoéb.ovner'e preity foot Dulie feu a.if eh.oveixlti exje! noihinq me muh asme lgve Beatrice 'a moind% o¶en outhe e«r. "Il in r n te esek novDm ce crieWPhlpa. "De eiulcoiant i aithlon, thoen" an-I sen'd, Duoie, tryiug to arrange 'a leol of hair ghat hati tdkn dcvnInl. the hoat Thif"1 rentei a railler dleheveheti appokrance, -even etaieiy Phlpippa'4 aneuy robe vas tomc, aid Beatrice hati a large emutige ef green devi onesaie et hem dreuo, Dulie vue loft aloi. plnning up lier haIr, vhloitaehe tuera ecuttoroti te lite, Atter a fev minutes oeeoetthe litersj gave a Io" "Ce-ose.m" anti holding lier ekirte vJh up out efthe graise Dulcie barin (the earcai. Sho ran Philippu te es hquiclyand thon 3eaxtrIcm-who vhili. mani' ecreams et tiemay ruebeti tiu vuy ainithat, but falestitoeolnde Dulcie'm evift feet. Ih vue more tiDicnlt find Beginaiti, whe o lt-home esally, f ter leadlng Dulcie a long chaise, but se can<ht Major Forgueeon uîawarm. lierloti, Jievever, vao net te be meen. "YenU iilneyer fiait himit" eeffeti Beatrice. , "Oha'n't I?" retorteti Dulie. "Do ilet b. tee muret I yul catch hlm if lie las net geone eut et bounte" "0f courme h ailaenet" "Thon I viii Lut -hlm in a 1ew mInutes," muid Duie o. Taie boundamies hati been arranget i vth dia. regard te the futilei' capabihîtien au athleem. Daile dIeappesred ite the bsufy green- noe et tlie veetis, anti vhen ehe ve.u ont or in ert ofthe"etxer-a stoot etili for a minute. A sutdan thonght came te ber. lu.it ont of bonte vw aite (Gap Ini thex oit atone vali vaieme aIe lad se etten met lier lover yearm age. litippose o i lat gene there? Wita iellee etepes ah. made lier vay towards 1t. Behinti ber -the volces aid tager oet h.e thors grew fainter aid ramer nt.l they ver. coxapietoiy lest. )noee 6~u ateppeti eutiteniy anti liatericti but noting vue to e bohertmaya taie î'uetle oethtae lave. ait taie dreoai'notesà of thie bird. Preéently mixe came te a clearing In tixe woode vhlcix hatibeen deciarei ont et boniiit. M$hepicieti lier vay caroîully acrom i. and ti m iestie"anarraw path betveen tite tres on tle ether aide. Ini a few-minute. eh. batilreachodth le Gap, and there, nnabasled, mat .im, simoking a cigariette. "I.j mippooe yen knov yen are eut ef ~uiantisamid Duicie. "Oh L ar nont pla>'lng nov t"liah repieti. ..Then yen ougnt te ihave maid! Bo," r. torted Dulile, "andti aveti me laie trouble or cemlng ell hls aieva'te iA yenu." "Bey dit r'ou kiew I va.lier.?" "1 ihYonRhi yeu vouiti probably bo re- vietting tuemcms..et ofnor youthtul days." Diaie epoke easel. but mixe colensti. "Anti yen vers aime mizetd vth a te- sire, te doe am .querletiBenloît. rising ant i hoviui hlm intention ef ro- tnrning ote eotheme. "I béevo yen ame afralid toeteay hero with nixe," maiti Dulcie, "Do net lot me detain zyoa, but au I 1arnratixer tired i '0epm e ros for a tew minutes betere 8h. caretuili' noecteti a seat oni tle broken wall, vhie Jiii. rexnained stand. "Plray do net vait." ae. alt- viii ela- borate poiteneme. "I knew mY vai'. anti am quitO ai home In tiieme vooti, Once 1ixati -eCet tW Bine Peste frorn thievery spot qulte lato ai nîght, aid I do net nin t fin h teleaisi. Tuie vas te remilit Beoîtt oftaie 1"t occatlon, on which tioy liad eut there toeoher. If ho remembered, hovever. ho gaen igbteteoti mItent, holding hi>9 cigarette o Ie isfingore. "Do ,inoke t" malt Dnlie ovweetli. "Txanks," lie sali, avalling limself et hom permisseion. A guet et teuxper gcized Duie-lie vas like granite, hart andt Immevabie, Yet It iteemedti t ber finpomltbie that those tires et paeiiion vhi'h bl once burnet 10o iiiteiiely wItin hlm, cou!d be absio' lutely ext ingiîlehe4. "Yen have changeti very rnuchP the rematrl«idabruptiç. "I tiare Îav,.1have had s5,0maiiY "Do yen tblnk 1 have aiteet?" Duicie lncquiret, ith an tipwa.rd glance.of ber bine eyea. Herlett appearedti tereffect. "Ne gratly, I elieuldtilnk," vwu his aflhwer, Dulcie foit bifleti but gathered, her forces for a final dkort. "I arn afrali I -treateti von very badly once upon a time,- ehe mnnrmre &of.tà. "Oh, that wua yeuo ant yne ao!ot vai hie cheerful repiy. , il~ me, U have entlreiy forgotten it. Mont. of lie inake fbol. of oureelvem once inl ur iwlves," DiaIci. loohad at the man vho aeoke me careleeely. The. *paren aor his form made hlm look tallr than in days gone by,, hvotuies honce round. , mLllng face hati betome -hellow-cbeeked, enti the plnk, andi white of hie cotuplion given pLace t.o a unlform pallor. The briown oese vere-celd andi eritical, anti hi. hair ne, longer lOarne&. A.euerecognlsed ihe completellem of thie change in hlm, mentaiiy "mevl ae ebricar. heknev that fi vwu ici on- rk bduet tamany heurt ipent at wor, bt hathohad uentereti as eho. bU done.. 130 vii nover .pealt klndly te me a.gainl" ple toiti heoif. "Neyer i What I l d?1muet not-1 Ii net-loge * he etrove te ftnti word. vhloh vonli loadth ae cQflveration In the direction Se wimbe II tot take, but, versed as oee wae lu femnne wile. he coulithi nk ef nothing. She vue ezt.remeiy 'ierable, knowlng that therIlut -chlance of happi- noiu a ipping away. There wvasie- lence betven ihm until thie man- breke .,If yen have aufflcieutly reoteti." hie malti oonvontienliy, *"dp 7ou net ihink ve had botter returu te thxe etheriFMwyT w iii boIvourdering vhat ha. become of us."' Ildeoflot vaut te go back," moalt Dnlcie tieftantly. "Jirn " Again eflence feu like a curtain betveen tiiem. Hertott matie ne anever, but thie fingers thAtt hold thie cigarette crneheti fi. Se etod metionjese. Dulie . altIet fer a vord'-non escme. "Jimi" ae. hiepereti. "Jlm--epeak te met" Her miender for= irembleti vioentiy, andti ienae thbe -man matie nemi g n mhe burleti ler face fin her bandu na a ob breke f rom ber, "WhAt do you vant me te .ay?" asketi Hàerloet. in a veico that vae devoli-of al expremelen. "Do von neyer- intend te forglve me?" meketi Dulcie7 raleing lher ixeatianti loek- lng at hlm. *"There le nethIns te fergive." he re. plied. . That meansu n iii net. Well, any. ixew, I arn erry I behaved »asI titi, anti se I think I have humbleti myseif ouf- fcientiy fer. one evenlng. we rnay as veli retnrn te the ether. Suie rose e li er feet ratixer nneteatihly, grave a &hake te ber daunty oilken eikirte, lifteti her heati andietaret i hm etraight In the face. lie met her gaze wtthont flinching. "Cerne," @he eald. -witix a ratboi p??r attempt te emile. '!I amn quito ready." But Heriott did net make any attempt te move. "Juet oeamoment" hlie ad, "Did yon folev une ber. te ask me te forgive yon?" "Snuppoe I tiit-what thon P' "If yen titil I makoes ail the differ- ence." Pride anti love etrufged for the upper ixand wv-hm Du'ie; one lengedta teappear 21ipant, but thxe fear of leeing hlm stop- petthe -wordothat eeta her lipe. "W-iat difference couit It make?" @lie aekoti. "Tel! me The 'rui,"ho iesait staernly. "lWcli. I dld," âhe confee»eti. a trifle nervously. leqeid She eixrugged lier eheuiters. ":Why?" lie inited. "Oh. a whim!" she replieti airiiy. ",That le net the trut.h," lie otait eeberiy. ".Weil, then," ishe began degperately. Il feiieved yen eeau.e I g nosset yen liad corne liere, and I wanted to tell you that I am aeerry fer the way 1 treateti yen year. aga-and that-that---I have regret. ted fitever gslnee." "»À. a matter of taet, mo have I.- lie onrpri.etd lier by replying. She looked at hlm, andi thenonsucdenly became happy. "Bave .1 caten qulte enough humble pie, Jixu?" eh. amked isoft.ly. "Are yen neyer geing te be genorousP h it flot like yon te bearnmailice!"' I neyer bere yeu any mal",e" lie rit. piied. "But -bow arn 1toakîîew that yen mean what -yeu s.ay?" I viii marry yen ion you like If yen viii asit ne te.' die murmuré&. slipphig ain arm within isà. "Letne iai dewn andi ta.lkfiever," said Jlin. ge they at"tien, Very cloe.tegetho,' andti lere -vere many expination. auJ confemiens to'e m ade by both. DuWce persitoe on -unbnbrdnaxg everyw. thlng on ber -conscience. Mhe teld llm, vhomq eyem voere grovlng leom critical, the weaeon- he vanw t 't toie trne to, marrr Arthur Belturbet hev lie overixeard he r nos, but thougI it va Prtmreee, vhehati deolgn.upen hlm anti tixerefore Teeket on lber. 'wltli eeploion, andi vae determined flot te fal i fafloye vith;-ler, but tidtiem, lu spite of hlmelt UMli. q alo femet hew uthe hati Inveileti Arthnir Into propouine tourhe.' -jut, I.aveyen." ehe muid, glanelng enai t e eee liow lie look, It, se enly nodtied, andti l- ",JutmeagiYeu hâve nme. I eee-go on 1" Tliel Duiie told hlm; boy ohe fon t te Wu thai loft ber 'anti Priirme nearîy penxllem, anti hati birneti it, ee that ah. onld be rlch anti marry Ji=, "lOnl Yeuever aoketi me," ehe ealid rnefnlly. ,Wliàt, do 7011 thlnk. ofme, Jlm, nov yen have hardIt tl? he awked , hen ae-Q 11hairnebediherpconfem' "Mr dear," lie repiieti, "as yen are thie ouiy girl I ever vanted te marry, anti 1$ geeme 7011 are. foolili enongh toe are for, me, I1inay as vell tel1 Yen -thttIfde net aPPrev* Weu enlu lthe 'Yerylouas, If -Yen iati net fentime, ber. tiisevenfng I. eheuld have gene avay, because I nevei' lntended to aak Yen te marry - ie, butý since 4v eea . yen vant, me really, and I va-nt Yen, 1 think ve hati botter get ma-rrieti aM ooon » pcmetblo, befoi'e vo have iie te change our mis agfn." "I think se, tee," malt Dulcie lier hee.rt beating tnaxunuonely. "Anti, oh, Jim, I vII try te be botter lu future! I know 1 arn selihranti vain, but I mean te lm- prove. Yen viii nover knov lie-w retch- ed I bave been ail thege yeare," Jiin kiàet ber. "oYen reaily love me?" mixe aoked vlOtfully, for ho bat madie neoteciara- tien of affection, "Do yen love me?", asket i Jm, leeking at lier har-ply., "Midi more lii n ie efrve," suie te- plieti vlth epirit,. "XItle mmi the nme vlthl e,," mufi Jitu,. "I arn really rather fend ot yon, but1 o= mt Cingtomuke Yeu 'rainer -1 amn afruid," mixe eaid artfnily, "Fixai it1 le re o ent back te the others," "II0me firti" he erdered. "*I thlieglt yen did net carà-very mucx fer me," @oemnrmnred. "KmeSme t" hi nsoteti. Vory grently ele placed, ber arme round hie neck ant i kled i hi ratler timidly on thchedeki, ne va. not treubiei aguin vill aunY doubi as tethe mtrengtli ef hm affection for ber, becanse ho canght lier in hie arme andi kieeti lier tri a mzanner that convinced ber hlm love-wvae nearly- if not qulte-s tibnq as lier evn. "We really muet, g back te the otbera V" ehe exciairnet b.rc,.hjessly, "Oh. bether tho$erm"Sl" -ho salid, ke tng lier aguin. THE END. 1'ery Contîiieng. Maisie had just retumned Item her- dummer holiday, full of good health and spirite, and was telling one of hem girl friends about the happenings of the ,happy week. EventuaIly she mentioned a young mw iwhom she had met. "And, Elsie," she exclaimed enthusiaeti « cally, "he was simply grand! 8o square, s0 upri.ght, so higlily, p'olish- ed. Do you know.1 here seemed te be a syrnpathetic tone--" -Elsie intermîîpted. She hadn't yet been away fur her holiday, and výas feel- ing very hot, tired -and irritablo. -1 say, Maisie," she asked, wear- ily. "are yen talkirig about a young muan or a piano V"- Sweet Innoeent. Alice-\h are you - aking up bûtaxy î Kitty-Bc'ause iny fiance is in- teî'estcd in a plant -of some kind and I want Wt be able to converse intelligently with him about his busi ne ss. -Balbing Jiotises at Fatihionable OMiind Now Sheli3egniReuea Osten isiat-ho fashi<>na-bje walering place ef Belgiuml, and, iti-'miles -or more ol bat-bing bouseshave beem orie of t-ho sighbs of Eunopenîn tna-vol, They -are moret-han nsually intereathng jnst îew beca.use they are -b-eing usedtto houa. t-be Belgiean wvenanad chiltimen, whese' bornes vere burnît by t-be Gerinnu iny&der5. -Seasonable Reeipes. Wheu sugar la biga we iesan economical devices, and we inay gain sme tint viii heofaIlastlng value. In: oookini aid pretervimg fruit8, il w. «et dciwî te f unda- mental pr incipies, we saah learu tuhat hn a large number of cases it is net uecoary te foibi the.' old rule of pound for -pound or zneas- ur e for ne u e. One-haîf a pound ci sugar to\a pound ci fruit will de. In inaking jd!liea ene-haîf as much augar ne fruit viii Ibe ai rfght in the case ef crab aïpple, t-bon ap- pie, any apple, quance, and even. ,grapos. If tho sugar aid juice are thon cooked together lu more t-han a glass or twe at a thune for twenty minutes, oniy, neyer more, it may take it from, twenty-four te forty- oight heurs to set, but it ill do it if, vo have -patience aid woýhuve cooed the fruit iig4t.- Rigbt cooklng et fruit for joulies means -slow cooking w-hich brings' eut the jellying principle ôr what is ca-lied peetiî, Professionul jelly nuakere soetiineu alloi tire heure' ti-me fer fruits teo reach the boiling point in order te tievelop thie job- lying cuulity. and thoy -believe that mapid hoatung efthle juice, after- yards destroys its jellying power, It is. the sanie vith fruits us vîth cereuls or soup ment, long cooking maires for the jellying prýocees. Alwaye when a emzall quai tity of fruit juice ha cooked ai a time, or a sunali ameunt of fri-uit pulp for that matton, laits sugar cari -houeed. A great many people have leatmiet t-bat -they 'cun maire finor, hand- semer joulies8 by cooking only one glass or ut t-he meet tharee ut n lime, Witb SOMe fruit juices and an equai ameunt et -sugar a cîîp or bye enly of ench, only five minutes« ef gentle, cooking le meqnire.ialfter thbe-bell- ing point hue- been slowly reached te ceok thein .ufficiently. Ceeked much more t-han' this tho whole will pull up and lookr as euîgary as a thicir syrup, which wiilcundy when -cold. A bit more and thbe jolly ie 8poiled, for the sugar commences te camaimelize ,and spoils tbe flavrr if il dees net hinder the jelling. Juins and mai-malades are eften much tanker -nd stronger of tuste, mucl cf the tmue fruit flavor behng lest, bec-anse the- are cooked too long in large quantities. The.-fruit fla-vor le -largely lest because cama- melized sugar flavrs as woîl as darrons all. lb viii caranuelize un- lees tho cookhng i stlow, -mliih saves -stirring oftoîî. Jelîhes made with hall the ausual attnt of suagar wiii nover be stiff. Belon. paraffun is put cier bliem they should ho sponged over vi-h brandy ho kili -any n-ud spor'es wlaich may have gathered whiie they were setling. Stiff, or meus- une lu(r measure, jellies, may ho handlcd quit. dhffemently. Cuit .Jelles. -Thon apple, crab' upple, quince, anid ordinamy aipple jeliies and undoubtedly some others may ho mate somewhat 11ke the tropieal jollies which conte te us in an incu thicir layer in woden boxes. Amy cf tuhese jellieu may ho cut in slces or squares nd 'olled in suigar ho imaie a pure andi lant- some confectionu, purer and liant- somer thari uny Tunkiula pate and mrie .deliciously acid. Silice we kriow thut lîre'ad and jeily lit nut wholesome vwiblu breadnd cake, vo have homo a vay othex' tha-wvilh meut aînd in yrup drinks fur usiflg iïiem. The frmait shouuld be c<)okc-d mflowly. . trah ilt iohun succeu.s vegugpenches, eitlmatiùig vaste thon taking haîf thÏt-, weýývight of syrup, wettinig With l one-fo,rt-Ïi or ene-third as mntîdh -vnteras t-ber. la Sngar, then stin evor fiu'e 1111 dis- so-Ivet. aid- auntil il. comes te a boil. Skim 'if uecessary. I'repnre tho poulies quickly, çut in mnall bits, put in svup, wash if you want te, and ceoir tili 1st-ilienough to joli1 stinrfng occasionally tiven'if everj tbe loest lire, A -pouid ei peachos wili make thnee low "elly giasses of juin - eaoaomiz -e on sugar, Most of the .Jjelliis s m-racle, being acait ef- - ugar, have te be treated an seme- "àlpcii a or they' viii notkeep.- Usuailly they are coated with -sufgar. A layer of ?ougar ever, any jollyi l superior to paraffin and keeps it as well. Pure gelàtine-l'beifig ex- pensive, le ed- manufactumers have- purified orina-y 'glue -'for thài ,work, 'but uow they have found a ibetter wavy. They usee the. sea meus agar-agar, .wlkh will do & eight times as mucit work asu thoe fiu *est gei.atine, jouies at '-higher- temperature-, is saler as food, and maire. handsomer jeilies., This il s6ld ly aIl ýdrnggia-te aid is àau put up.-with the label, "1ve.getaible gelat-ixe." -The latter, is-anl ireu4 - for use, while the former bas, te be beiled-; Oie method et snakiig gelatine fruit jellies is te .add s'ugar te a het gela-tino solution, then te add frit-juiice to this mixture tuu,- til it has the right taste.- Legs. i reqnired with agar-agar than -with et-ber gelatine becausêltue f4>rmer is tasteless. Tho eu1'la cleril - it sets slowly. These gélatines keeup- a long time without bmeaking downi. 1hora Apflé Jelly.- TFr -th! g who can get.the t-hem appie a deli- ciotîs aid -handeome.jelly can be madd by--cooking il- sloviy aid long. A few wild green crabappleaadd to the flavoi' and someti-mos hall bar-- bernies and hall' thon appies -are 1>clîcIi3Meingue. - At'thiW- sea-' son many poah des.erts--cobbler'- short cake, dunupiig-are fouind sa.tisfaetomy, but not one .of the three mentioned is, good for the di- gestion -because ihe acid of th. fruit keepq the starehýy part of* the dessert frein being at all digested inî the month. A dessert- equailly sutisfactory is -t-he peacli merintguae, wbich niay be mnade iii -indivitital portions or in a i -aking pan. Pa-e aid cut the peaches in thiii pieces,4 -pninkie well with s?îgar. anrd put in, the oven until tie fruîit je tlîoÉr-ough' ly heated throaîgh. Beat up- as n'aiiy whites of eggs as néed-.d- two will answer for a four pears4n dessert-sweetin, spread ewer hot peaiches, and brovu In the oven or- put tinden the broileî', nût îoo hear, te -brovri and puif up. Thie laîrrer-ý wil1 be hiot entigh unzder the -oî'eî, if the gais is entirely tuîîned of u do. t-hie work, and the egg- must not then be too neai' or it wii] -ýblackenIl. Instead of heatinug the peaches th,!'y may b. prepared ini the saine wav, the white df g fiedoran ibrowned., eg î'a vrnt Accidents will s6metimes happer,. The jelly otight neyer te ia*ve fi-a under it te aillorw it tb -boil tip, much less over, but if it dos hou over, or. if anar sweetened thing ini the oven doos the saine tlîing, flic e'aution sluoîîld be taken teO have doors and windows open, for.-ie fumes f rom buîrîed saîgar more thain cause present diseoînfoa't te bbe eyes; they uctaially injure t-hem. Open t-ho oven door and stand back, even if yoîî lose a pie or pud- ding. - flem i h s. If a1imouîds ai-e put into Col4 wu- ter' aid allowed to just corne -t the boil, they will blanch easily. - C'old -boiled pobatoes cuit lcngth) wise anti broiled are delicions, il seri'ed -pipiig liot, with plenty o! seasoning and buttqr, A hothuit nlîeld jiet abrîve ihe - whil. spot on a p'alished tà-il willi reantve ht. >Piaish lte a-e with- a lit-ti sweî't oh], -Te inîxkcei,,hketn e'~k ui an- averaige ïiize'd foi-i ilîbîx pieces, andi ýc-er wi'h fouur 'quarts -it old :"Va- -ter. Jlriniiîistc, a - h-ilhng p-oint aid il' it te îusimmner'gently for - thi-e I.uas To remave bol- vaier marks om poàll<l taîbles aid Fraye, _make thin paiste of salIad oil aid sait, -jeavIe ij4 oe the marks for effn hou4 - ,then polia-h villýha dry dcvh.- To reniove sinoke ma-rks Item titn- vie, ruîb thC-t' iiwit -a, eolut-ion e« conîann baking joda anutdbolu Agreat deai of troui4e sax.ed by soaking îew ceurtuans t be waeluod overn.ght i ao i 'wlti'ch a liltle sûat has been diseel., cd. The Salt drA'ws the lime. and~- malces t-ho. curtaiu Msy to wa8h, -

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