Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 8 Oct 1914, p. 8

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the Agil sveal, ti Wb jollhsl nW TL 'WC of e!lePre averandah wiw hold g aiso e lg and tbu 0 - i 104. Té' :e.. oar Nyrte for the paaî ';wo years, l's TT.-£U, ---* --IW11 moX bisa proprty thaeeand 'bas tAdmlisioei 85c. Sioved liii f alily te -Pqterboro,where Bargaini 1i &rgalns 1IstaisDney lie wIll reulde in future. Brou.' furniture parlârs. Gi va tise T-le. C.N.R. station atBrolin ha a cail. Satiusfaction guaranteed. basa louad, owiag, te the imuil a- meutt of, traffc. Mr. -Johiautea, wlio REPLY. TO MYRTLE STATION lias been agent there, hi* SOaivM CORESPONDýENT.' aothcr-,appointînent eluowhee., DaMr fio Mlii Marie Holâdkay, wlie 'ias bas en rM.~54r~ la Ottawa' viitiag lieraiter for the In reply 'to -your Mytis Station thre MOtbg tA . OtiRO4correspodent of lait-week, wO would1 piui~lire niivth, kMe to ita.te *Jiitas everyois kaowu berne. Itii1 . manager of the Myrtie Football1 * "iewli. be an open meeting o! team, c they 'un, easill judgs the h.W.--M. Society of the Metliedit worth of Uthestat=men$ made lait uhurcb li the S. S. room 'on Tues- wek. In maklag àrri4pgmen-ti -te liay svening, October 18th. Every- play Myrtie lait, wi?.wq«o teld >by Aei>' wlict mee S ivr cIe l.t h bahiAgêr feacock t,bring o wn A pblc-meeIn t dieu.1 referas1 which we dld, having- one of Tif dro-Electrlo By-Law will ie lield 'thesot ,autheritis coe football In inl Wet'u HalAulbura, ôn Friday, Southi Ontaxie.. 146w, over the phonel October 0, and la- the Magonlo Hall, and la this paper, thie Myrtls Bou Bioblin,,on Saturday, October LO. bragged of beating Brooklil, and Chair takea at '8 o'clock. evea wentso f ar ai te put'-up twen- Mtr, Saraberger spent Sunday wtl ty dollars to five. When Brooklin b is parents In Seagrave. arrived on the leld, Beacock could P'ound on the Brock rond between qn1y kick and squirm au usual, and Brooklin, and Whitby, a hnnd biag. refuied te put up a-cent, as our ref- wermny bave came by applying eree was flot recogalzed ai tn of- to Mr. Wm. Reîoe. ficlal. lir. and Mrs; A.C. glliott, and'Mr. -ia place cf twenty dollars Ia hiei Chaq. Elliott, Mrs. Craig, and Mr. pousesuion aur worthy friead lad id Mn.ý Thon. Hall, motored te only tweaty cents. It waa further Brampton and upenti the day with stnted that Breokla m-d ealy ttee Mr-. and -Mn. Gordon Hall. of their ewn mca on iie .tcam, whicb /. ~1 yon are interested in a Gasoline or Coal Oil-Engine, you should sec our samples. Do you know that you savé-a large proportion of fuel expense, by b 'rning coal oil in place of gascIin-e? Al of-our _engines aie equipped to burn cheap fuels, except the very émail ones.-- -International Engie are superior to any makre, and cheaper, when you fgure the value of goods used in con- struction. Cail and invesiigate. We will be pleased to - demonstrate our engiries against ail other makes. URIAHJeDNEBSOnai. Brooklin - - A- . )tri Bell and Ind. Phçnes. --BE PATRIOTIC ÂýND BUY GOODS MADE IN CANADA -WE CAN GIVE'YOU- - QUALITY, QUANTITY, PR.OMPT DEL1VERY, CLO7SE PRICES. Gooid,.Shapley & Muir Co. Gasoline, EnieQa Gnd e rg, Pumps, Etc. - nieGanGid Chatham-Fanning. Milis, Farm Scales and Kitchen Cabinets, Corn and Straw Cutters, Potato Diggers, Stable Fixtures, Staunchions. 1900 Gravit>' Washing Machines. Standard Crearni Sep- g, Ipoutry Sheli and Beef Scraps, ,epairlig. H-arness and1 second hand wagons at iow prices. One usedi and onec Verity heavy gang. 6 009 PLOWING can be well plowed by an experienced plowman bgraac*ealkingpoWw esell. ?gt your.sonon the Oý. 0ta 'o ?ootlif t Sulky" 'and he -,tan, do cqually Other-popu1ar styles cof plQws we stock include ,ngarOOL Gànlg aid the Famous ClrownGag very largely, - ttendd fRe r. M. School 'Reports. Towlie, of Brooklli,4 gave two excel- lent. sermons, aid lthe choir gave «IONOR ROL1, MODEL SCHOOL, splendud satlufct4oil. Thei. ppper and -pjSEP MBR ententaiument on Monday evsning FRSPEBR wua a uplendld, sucees. Tho old Jr. IV.-Goldle 1tÃ"genu, Mary.Mit-- churcia was crowded te Ils itmoset. c<ilelEdia Wlliams. Madame le, Mar pleased ons- aid an. Sr. II-May Bonneîl, Eddie. Cor- the lwo young ladies from tlia Col- mack, Emma Thompson. leps rendered excellent service. Rev.* Jr. -III.- Editia .,Wtgstn, Jean1 Fowlie gava us a uplarndid addrmu,aid Meeker, Ioa Rowe. Rer. -'Nnk jmade ai Ai cIilrmaa. ISr. 11.-Phllîs -Shepherd, Helen The proceeds amouated teoi e - bai- Jackson,' Helena Richaerdson. <lied -and Ify dollars. - I Iii.II.-Wlnnitrsd -Bradbury, Stan-1 . r James Psrngly ipaid a fiyiag ley Bonneli, Munnie Brewn.* 110 siîto 'roroate(iast e, ~Jr. - I--0ladys Balon,, Dorothy Silo lilling ina ulllIlufull but, .George, Gertrude Tucker. Bailey Wea.bherfl has ereolsi lwo Sr. I.-Chha.gaw, Elena Gillespis,9 s iles on ieiproperty. u s N o rma-n Crmck.,ClarEda 9Ba Mr. Redma'i nsw-houseinnaig 7r I-ro'lkE aBn.1 gagadbrickag aow. The îamilyhave Sr.,- Pnlnir-Vera jehaion, Willis,- hepes of lavlbg a new labItable Word&- home by Xmas. Th'iIl wlll ba oie cf Inl. Primer-..Ganald Wigsea, Non- tIc- up-to-date,, boueu, pertng au mu Gilluspie, Emma Vlckery. excellent appeanance,, lndied. Jr. Pnline.-Kathleen Firth,. 0111- Mesi Loulua Stevenuon han bom t ord,-Webslar, George Brown, viltlg Oet-lis witb be bcothèr, C. HO0NOR. ROLL,-HENRY STREET J. Sbevauong, ut bur old bornesaut SCHOOL, FOR SEPTEMBER. o! 1he ý to'n,*Sr; IV.-Marjery James, Manjory Mr. Soo. Harbion bai bsa 'qtits Sturgess, Allie Wilson. n. G f amg, e Bruha, iî Sr.- III.-Roy Pinse, Duncan Mcmn- wlu. quta n a ccientBrou ait, metk1 tyre, Lillia Palmer.. wait o! 11h villagcisent ltakg Jr. III.-Olive MeMillan, James es# 0 tis ilag, he ore tkn--MoKanzie, Ernest lwradH - fright at an auto, upuetling thswag- oldaCollaid Har- on aid 'conteats, and glvlng hlm a Old Coulaaul.yHthWni Apperla pacing p Newman, Eva Brenan. wApple ha pachemuosla.Toreut-Jr. 1.-Eva Bradiey, John Bryck, ern aremthe afec.Thme r Ian lilma Ensklne, pte Il-al e mtho wefcare nga ia Sr. I.-Wlllie Cormack, Willie Gal- ,tlie rile truge: îîî areai liager, Syzdney Erskiae. th trrbl srugl: t ascetan- .Primary Ferm. ly lied Up our appla trade for 1914. Class VI.-Vlctor Teons, Harold Mn. Albert Pucknin sold a horse for the war. - Qlaon. Mr, Jackson preached an excellent Clas V.-Ruby Isaacu, Eddie Will- i seipo. onSunay venig lst. Iag, Mancal -Williams. sermo to t Sunday iagolnt. Clns IV.-Lenaina Smith, Carnie nactien with our S. S. neit Sali- Hannis, Gratta Grahamn. bath. Spacial preparationi feraa e Cinus III.-" Walter Thompsen, ntrsigand profitable lime av Kathleen James, Oscar Moore. be4 ntereà Into. elaeCînss, 1.-"Marjorte Baker, Elgin JohnDunnbu bughtthe orthWard Clnrence Colley. .hi Dun a srebouglit th noyf rtli Clasu I.-Monlcy Hall, Erie To7ld, fit y aces o th McAey lrm. Harlnnd Williams. AUDLEY. The silos are neanly aIl filled. The pnica of caItlleton friishlng ~punposes seemý alniost past tie nmargin et proS Mns. Folie lIff relunned le han daughter's after several wecks' abi- sencea. The Apple Association lias anected a falrteilzad store lieuse ni the C P.R. afing. 1 Quie a 'large numban atteddthe festival la Pickerng on Tucsday evening. Il wilIl al>' 4e a few weeks befone tle peut office wlll b. replacad b>' up-te-date mail service. Seversi are uemewîal slow la erdeflng -their liex. as, whilc soe desîre a few changes, whicl are worth censidsnlng. Miss Almira MeAvo>' passed awny on Sundny. Han remnînu wara laid away on Tueida>' la Salem cemeter>' basida lIesof lier broîhen Roeret, who dîed lasI Mardi. Thea MoAvoy family was onaet the flrs1 familles. lb thls neighbeniood and were mudli respected by evenyone. Tice ld homea* lead will aow pansis m stran- ger's bands, as Miss Almira was the lait o! th. f amily lare. Our school wlll lia closed Thursday -ad Frlday on accouai of tis conven. lion la Whitly. Mr. Frail Mowbmay. lu home trom Hamilton fer a short lime. Miss Gladys Mewbnay la racovarlng slowly. fnem han neent accident. Mn. Levi Mnckey, o! Toronto, lu visiting is brother, Mn. S. Mackay. Mnr. James Richandson, e! ýOshawa,, visilsd lore on Sunda>'. Tihe Hydr--Electrlc By-Law, whidh wiV1 shentI>' le voted on, lu tbalag dlucussed, and meut e! tha votera seem le laver -. - Mrs. C. L. Mackey speni the week- end witl lier fatier, at ils Hospital, Toronto, whare liela undergolng an 'Operation. The Young Paopil'sSociety' la con- nection with tour Church wlll necom- ane- on Fnida>'evenlng. Wa trust t thîe enthusiagm wlich.. wau showa la thle Harvesi -Home wlIî con- tinue te le shown by the inemberu o! the churehlml thon meetings. BALSAM. Deep .gleom wan cul, even the sn-, line commnuIt>' on Thunuda>' ,o! lai* wu'ak wheftIt1$ licama -known iai lIe grim naUPer deatblau visid te home* O! -nid Mm. James Meor. tep, aUd clamedfi t ls ielliMlie second_ cliest - "àoiWillam H>rtp., ut Il. sari>' ugeofo!10 ysars -and 8 menthe.- DaesshladbaenIn t he bail o O lîl Ëunlil a tew days pie- v1648 te "lis doutai, when he wMt tuai a'udiadl>'111,, wllh whai at,ânI 'Was, dl5.giied as appeadiollls, * but 1"pon uMoeration being pafr! oied, wau teundte .lie morblicatilon i tuS Iiwl.AIl tuaI ýmWcâl uIkii iW A Friend IV~ Codpat.m ua. en1. 1 la ~ o he it cfBath.f Ha span9sddnl ltofae ! ,~ Anor heDylaicre Litî 14ouri fte uba al inthe Csigihyof orth. "Hte Athey sc porhuaa hme You bosped frthe Dayandyou ltodsfo edthe Day, And nwkethe Day hu cedsl. Mastheer, ligraskddsad Divin, Nittlhe wter of theRmgall Anwhey ef or ui indanh. You drcad fr the Day, y leuo themedafoyt, ay Aadch hew the Daysrw lee. Sîayer o ae d youtlaidprimie, Thlounr steped lb leod i heastho lotallateso h hn Fa aIs rian aid oards l n You hae SOWUfor te. Day you she grow for t Day. Youru huw the haveut rgo.. Clanyeu hfar iaroi ndupritme awefunclscrai? o ee rm) Ceu rnt sasti epep cfulloaIa h I li4 YôU have ioWngel for lths Day, yen have lonsdfor lhe Day. 'fiat lit 1the aful lama. cTin îothlng leeyoueliaiOf 'du aid nezn momrafor thËer lovai 1~fl ilVUUWIW Ol W VL lii. pie, treuily Inlet'"nmsi wihi mer.;~ DIVSIO CORT. al - peclalîles o! the bottai clasu, DIVSIO CORT. vîlih1wîîî make the audience ait Up Thora wsre five cass on the dock- and lake ublice.- et, for the monthl>' Divi.sion Court The oegaalzatlon Iu accompanid hie, bl' i rlday. 1us$, but only b>' a solo concert bandand, a iuperb one, of tIbm came te -trial. Hiam-u. orchestra. The band wlll ad Ihe or1 Judge SmiltI pnaaided, ta tls ab- Koonlowa parada aI %oon. Tlic pticeu sues et Judge MOGIllivra>'. o f admisaiea - lava been- placed aI The case heard was oaa la whidh 85c. andi 50c. Seats are new ueîlng q "Adain 'Rowland sued. ffank Enîkîne ui AllIa'. drug store. fer $15, tha. ameunt oet oaa month' _______________ ranI fer a-- lieus. ,whièh, .le occupied. ýT defadànt -was ill-at, home, but _ IBY MARKETS wao.repreato iiy M; Rtlege. Tlh. -rent, climed wai foi ýUgW1, eWheaifal . ..... . .....00l 11 cuslavlng beauajuiifemla bagom....-1.10 10 1,10 court. As Ibis li. Oecober, -thes de- Barle y......... . - .0 -0.654 Vendait,, consealsi let judgent for Beai ................... 1.00 10 1.25 tîrea mentIs al$15 -and cost@on, CaRy..... f .......... ....* .70 toèOi70 lhe undeiutandhîg bahst iewould. va- -Peai ....... ....... . .0 11.00 cala 11. bhuse betere November >1. Buckwleai.. ... .......... 70-be 0.75* The defeadant clalmai te haveà ats.......l%4 . ... ...... 0.45 ta 0.50 bease for tîres yeans o! this prom- R«e Cloyri .........e.00< 0.06S lm a aI11 par. month, but I nordsnl FLOUR AND FEED. te lie aîlowveilte vacale, coesrted I'ieur, per cwb.-ý....... 8.25te 8.40 to the igler rent for t. heoi«t Per- Cýpe ed w . ..16- 1 TIl lie aeswr-Hadv ....eal .....W.... ...-1.004be 1.50 The thercase wor-Head v.Br'ai, pera ...loi ....... 28.00 le 28.00' Blow, Huggard v. Lesta., Collast v. Siorbu, p«r Ion .....80.00 le 80.0_0, Nois, alhtv. oe-l der -MÉAT, POULTRY AND PRODUCE cd 10 neit Court. Bat cwt., dtus.1.5 018.00 *Catlî, livu waigbt ....7.60 le 8.00 MARRIAGES. Lamba, @oac... .... . 00.. 1.00 GUY-GROAT-AI bhe raildance o f Hoge, d&eàued .........12.00 te 18.00 Ibe bride's fâlien, East Whitby, on Hogu, select ... ...........98.25 le 8.50 Wednesdny, October 7, -by lia Rev.lI Chiakeai, par lb.,..... 0.20 le 0.25 G. A. MeLean, Mn. Bickle Guy, te'Des a b.....01 e02 Miss Edia Great, ealy daugliter.of. asis,' dnsed, par I.. -0.1810o 0.20 Mn. Chas. Great. Turkes, dreuici, perîlb. 0.20 le 0.25 IButter, par lb .- ... .. 0.28 te 0.80 DEATHS. Eggî, aewg, par' doz«.**...0.27 bo 0.80 McAVOY-Ia Pickernag Townsip, on Lard, Par lb.........0.18 te 0.20 Sunday, Oclober 4th, 1914, Lamina Potnteu, par liag ...0.90 te 1.15ý Wiîluon McAvey. Apples, par'barraI ....1.50 te 8.00J 1-IAMAN-n Whtby on TuesayIOniens, par bug......."*1.00-te 1.25-. I-AY A-I hib, n.TedaHa>', per ton ........ ...14.0010o 15.00 Oclober 8, 1914, Mary Ana Hay- man, aged 77 years. 1Weol, uewnslad .........0.14 te 0.17 YARNOLD-Ja 'Toronto, on Wedaes- Cal!, ukinu, per lb .... 0.15 te 0.10 L day, Septamber 3Oth, aItIth resi- Lumb ukinu, such ....0.70 te 0.75 dence etis mother, Mrs. Geo. E. Hhdes, per cwt ....... 18.00 le 18.00 Gibbard, 1871 King St. W., HulgliSbeepsklaIt........... ..0.75 te- 1.13 L. Yarnold, beloved husiaxd ef Deinons .*......... ....l..0.25 te 0.70 Editi Scott. Hersa Hides .... ....... 2.50 te 8.00 Tullow, rend., per lb.... 0.06 te 0.00 TOWSIIP CUNCL. Alsike ýiIever, per -bus. 8.0'0 te 9.00 Council met on Monday, October 5. -60VEARS' Membens aIl present except Mr. EPRE Brown. Reeve In tic chair.- Minu- tes o! last meeting and special meat- ?,ng. wpre r..ad aud ...,nfir.:.Pd. Mn. Ceux was isard by Council iqe 5h con. being tipened te C N.. Stc l'ion. A auniber- o! acceunits wera pagucd fer payment. ~seebdsakasa oc1 eQt s Il wns moved tînt ain appropria- Jatrmoti u piin»eltira tien o! $50 be. granted tewardu lin- »t? d% on AUt6 prevlng thc gravaI roai, centre of fluntta uan ru uMna CGo. uivo con. 5,- Reeve nd Counceillor Hall te, hava charge of said wonk. ncn 'As tIare wgis ne «furtler business AbniUl1tuc'l5natar the Couacil udjourned le ineet on &D&dmtaaeV91:60epatd. 5O14by Monda>', Nov. 2.moyYd J. C. ROCKWET.LS SUNNY.. I - SOUTH CO. tre goars wIli have an opportunity cf ,seeing something eatirely new in thé' amusement lina at the Operai House, Whitby, Mionday evaning, Oct l2th, whan the J.C. Rockwall "~Sun- ny Seuthi" Comnpany, the show that leaves you laughing whea they, say geod alglit, wlill make its appeyar- anca. This Is concedcd- te be one ef the strongest c ombinations of celoed talent ever orgaaizad. Tihe perform- ance la up-to-the-rnfnule, bniglit, and pleasing from stnrt tefinial. It conlaînu more rea humer, wit, nov- elties, original ideas and surprises than -aay similar orgaaizâtlea. The music du briglit and catchy, It lo ail new and pepular because il ean le whlstlied afler oe hear(ng. There lu plcnty cf fui la the performance, in To Youwue by kee pingingod physical trim and you wiI etebs friend to yourseif anid a pleas- urer to others. Most sickncsse3 bEgin ini the ordinary. and minor almentsof the dig;cr,-L*v. organe, and for these alirrnnts t4 pepular are se* promnpt Li i cu im -- 11,dýn Jeu. £1. x«1.1 TraiT' - G.T.R. - - - WHITBY JUMCiTI0Ns - ;os .... 7-40 P.m. ouU*...ên 1Sua>' iratas lne for Tor tu &r..ail -.40 p.=- Prom cule-Itratu stop ai Whltby Jum ai 8.11 and 9.5a.,ad08 y.M. UP-TOWN STATION4. Going North ..f. o30a&.. 1Gping 5ui...ia C. P.K Golng Weit-q9o ai&.. 1Goiag 2ait-g., a.M - 5.43 P- iD. , 7.5 lpa a.Cà. Rud, 4 p.m. Jos. loie, -pro>- Loaues for Brougham at - lé à.m. Mnr. Edwsrds, propriobtor. vý For Wt- e 6 MAÀILS CLOSIE. 530 . j For Port1 Wbitb7- - I 6.W ,0p.rln. 1 6-33 0, P.. For uaf-.jearn. or Oibawa-a2.jo p-= iSo.rnP. - For Nrtit-6.:3oo.r ars Effective August ust, 1914, ta August ist, 1915, n nd guaranteed againut an>' reduction durin«g tint -lime. Ail cars fuli>' cqnipped f.o.b. Ford, Ont. Runabout - - $4 Touring Car - - 590 Town Car - -- 840 (In te Dominion of Çanada offly> Buyers' to, Share inPrft Ail retail -buyers of new Ford tars from August 1sf, 1914, fo Auguuf lut, 1915, wilI share in the profits-cf the company -te the cxtcnt Of $40 te $6o per car, on ecd car thcy buy, PROVIDED: wc ucsli and deliver 30,000, new-Ford cars d'ut ing th.at perio;di Ask for particulars. Ford I'votoir Company 0F CAN4DA, LIMITED W. J. Lukc & Son, Whitby,ý Ont., Agçnts.! i M F'arnsFor Sale -Upwards of forly farme from 25 acres up, nd at fron $35 an acre, guaranteed te sho>w satisfacory results froei' investwent, located în - Whitby and- Pickering owuhàu Every conceivable requirement .ot !Oîil, buildings, orohard ' ud oher imnrovenients.-can 1 - mi b ta L4~.... ýower P rices on TFord-1 1! price, WC siderin Patren It w for yà 'Our goo i5NO.1 Offce soUthi OfceS, Brecl JAMES RU' Mens>' MAI Court Ho 1 oa - à Plues ImuiT JAS Ouhêva, iAc suuoe b L. LICENS mi* te. Amn lm maes ett Toe rem wi LiKE 8P Smaill farrr on, Lake, buildings. É JOHN TC Bus and ÂAUTOM( W.lhýaI Dowkien beginning im Cc Profits

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