Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Oct 1914, p. 2

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INYLITED SKIN8. ~1*the Aucients sesd thenu ta thse Water Thie Owl and Vlhe Puaisycai weut o se lu a be&utilu-1 pea-greeu boat," i. Viii way that deligattul nursery eeug rune, 'whice' iet te happy- music, .pd -,sung from.. he stage, ha. pleuAm.,tbouoàe,dso! oldsterî, liiinglug Vo iiud Vihe Pic- ture of eomne odd, fs.ta.tio craft. 01 course, the. mental iie of tho boat wae not, an ordinêry ehu.pedý cralt-that would net be aooourdng to the nuieseo! tbis nna.oy end tsary- Iand-but eomething cdd &nd whim- sia.When Newber4 O0. 'Nenw, i*ho_ ÃŽ3 a tudent o! ý- niliar thinga, aw, for the. firat time, a *photograpai o! a kufa, eue o! Vhe *bowl-ehaped boats used at Bagdad, h e-exclaimed:1 "Threj-I have found it at last- tht real Owl and hs Pussycat boat o-f thes ong!to Life by the, Tigrie and thie Euph- rates rnàoves elowiy; and it je inter- esting Vo notg, for example, tihat there are used for the navigation o! t~ hs rivers craft precieeoly smrilar te thoeý emtployed in ithe daye of- Sen- nachéerib, King o! 'Assyria_<705-681- S. C. Thes-eO are the kufa and the 'kelek, a imber raft fioated on ii flated ekins. The kuifas are bulit on Vhe bankes of the Tigris and are f rom four Vo Vwe-Ive eet in diameter. They are costructed of date-palm branches, woven togother with t-ope made out o! pnlm-ieaf, and piaetered with &esv- crai coats of bituxuen, which cornes froin the fa-mous fountain of Hit. to inake a kuf a o! fair size, Vires meu wLL work for twenty dayi. Tht craf t cari bc seen only on he Tigris andi-on the iower Euphrates, serving clîieft for ferrying paseengers or Ireiglit acros the river&. They are in eolumon use at B3agdad. Passengex's arc pncked like hemr- in gsin a -bar'e,.t-he river men ftnd- ing thîs neccssary, as the ferry -charge uniy represeuts about bal! a cent in out coinage. Being flat- bottomed, thebe ont% aré very safe.. They are in especial demand when the bridge o! bouts le disoonuected bý floods or heavy wbde. They can - - eniy cross thc water diagouelly,- for thcy are unmanageahle agailuet he çurrent. Wheu paseengers and pro- cixce have been brougtto town --f rom upriver villages, he kufas have to, bee-towed back by hand, the "passe-ngers" either walking or id- ing asiies. The kelek is a differient type ol craft, a large, raf t o! -wood made ad<itionally buoyant by means ol inflated ekins. 71t is used for mer- ch-ancse and for pnswenger Vtra~ffic. The upper Tigris is only navigabh by -keleis, the river being toc sha.l- iow for any ot'her-lind o! craft. 71o form a kelek, thin poplar poies are eecured, with topes of willow, to a heavy framework of thicker timber. This construction le then moored nearthe bank, and skins are plated in rows, 'one by one, beneath taie.popiar poles. Then tbe skins are blown up by mn.nwhose o nlv "inflators" are WriteT iw 1e ew York unre whieh tVhe 4umrine finrt proved lts effffliveusià. I.t wu on tatday th4é t.he, Pathfinder waa obruek by a. torpedo, bau<ed trm a GOrinen ,ubmarune and sent te th bct»= Not long owi.dbweethas submsrlne wvaes hab4tei'ed by a Bni- utè hi,and,a Br!-t4bsubmarti.ue ."e yemuêinga German port sud àiiking tihe Hels. -Three Bi1&Vish crnuera inoe, tâle>nhave; 'been sent to ths botom by "%. Qeoeimansub- marine, though thie B.r Li Admnlr-- a]'ty iqliinate. 1ht- the tolà ehold,, have been only one. and ha;t Vhs Hogue;sud -the Cr.ssy, wreviotànue ot beir-owm humsn 'dee&re to 1b6 ef, sevice Vo the Abouirýir, thie firetý ship te b.e truck. ]British Suhma~ee. ýT-liste c anb.e n6 doulit 'that V he loielo thesse -thre. slips, more or lese bsoie t tvugl h hq w e, waa a. geat ahok to tihe flroetah peopki, atoughpe>emheAdnlralty explaiu- ed, it was S, o" Ile azard$ of the so rt o! W a.fre that le'being car- ried ou. Thia, however, l ob borne in mW$-Britain asn more submanrinea Vthn Geruiany, and 1er saiLora know bow to operate tie<m just as well. Britdsh wareihiPs are nVmore et -thie nercyô!f Germain eubmarines than 0-erman warsphips are ntth Mercy -of Britioih eub- m=raues- Se tiat, however, terrible this new sort o! ftgluing siip Miy lie, thiere ie a good balance -of te-r- ror on th e sie e BriVain. Thie re- markable hUng about the exploits o! subuxarineis, botai Britisai and Gerinan, as reveled lu the Nortflh Ses fightiug se fat, la noVtahe, des- tructive quellty of the teieese, but thie range o! the aubuxarine. It has been caloulated tha.tthe Ger- muan submiarine that torpedoe'd thie Aboulcr an~d the orbaere mu-st haive traveuled quite 250 miles before de- livering tihe Miibak, and that the BritiEh subruarine Vhînt' entered Wilhelrmshaven probably tra.veUled an ýequnîl ddetance. A Radius of 2,000 Miles. Lt iii know-n tint some submia.rinea bave a cruisàmg radius o! 2,000 miles at re.duoed spted. O! course, going under water they have le-es speech, but it le noV improbable that boti the ata<dka e!erred te were muade alteogetiher- under water, and that Vhes ubïmairines Vavelled pro-ba'bly 500 miles8 witibout coming Vo Vhs sur. face. While they eau eend a toi'- pedo a mile, iit seems likely tit hs attaches sofair deliver.dwemre mande within a distance o! a quarter o! a mile. Since thxe perisooe, which hais -Icc taled tai esye o.the @ubinr-arine, riscs only a f ey feet aliove he waite-r, iV le plain that ne gi'eat accuracy cf aiun couId be se- cumred at xuch more thrsn a quarter of! a mile, especially if hsesein was at &Hl heavy. We bave the testî- mouy o! eye-witneefee thiait tey were ahle te watoh hs approa-li o! the orpedo witiout being able-Vo do anehuing to escape it, and -bile cen be understood, since Vhs Ger- nma-n t»rpe&-)delivered f raniàs uh- marine bas on-ly a, speech o! 38 kueits at tht starti. Its effectivenems la ex- plainent by las speed, but by ths bureting charge et 290 poundes car- ried in, swarihead.- New Deadly Explosive. uind 'and wOrk of amy kind Y- hsusts heu, Iu tinie er- he&Uai breaksa do'wn. 51» besooeàs as looise wom - eut, ile ianu9uid, irriba-, bl. sd nevous.Uer'h~a . p .tp toÀbes violently st taeleaet exeition,. and sIx. feue behind otiier girls in lcoec, heeit and -a eapacityýr ne-ý ~oyn Ide. Abundant xueh, red, bidis -Vue;only rtling . tt"eam re- ' store ,gooàd -health,-:.Vo theie mnY tbû9 o! such girls.*;.hIMarichli, redbloyd eau.,only lie .obtained. ùhroughthe Vhse i e !Dr. Williamls' Pink Pillea. They have given thou- ,oràodo o! wéak whiteý-faed,- blood- leos girls out vgooshat sud bigl spîils. Here le a ,bit v(d pro.Mins Olive GauVrenu, St. 3eoù,Que..asys: IT-have reaen te le mômee tliian grateul Vto. ]>r WilliamW 'Pink Pille, for <hey r s'ored me Vo heeath elter umore thlan< oe doctor and zmany medicinelied faaled., I sufféred as no many girls do f rom a.naensi. I wea ail run clown, tortured wibh hea.daehes, could noV stand auy exertion, aud haci ne appetite, though of course I lied Vo force myseaff oest. I wae in tii. condition for nearly twe yrsand aIthougli doctooing ou- tiui-ahy. aed. to be eteadily gnowng-w-orse, end I was -very mucl disoouragcd and deepondent. JFinally a friend urgcd me Vo try Dr. Williaums' Pink Pillas od I discon- i-ued ail otaier mnedicine.aud did se. Iu thxe course of a few weeks t-bere was ne room te douait tuait I bed at Lart found the nrigt mcdi- dune. My appetite returned, the hoadachea began Voconte lees fre- queutly, amd codior wae rcturning 'Vo my face. Thie eoutiued useocf taie Pille for a bitile longe-r f ully re- storeid my fiealth, and I have since be6n as heal-thy and active as. amy- oe- could wYiàh. I cannot too j tro-n g1 rercoxrmnd Dr. Williams' PinkEPlle to othcr wcak and ailinig You cati get thesepille hrough jyeur medàcine dealer or by mail post paid et 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50,frorn Tic Dr. Wil- liame' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FEWV CHIES STRONG EU. Antwerp Fertifled Sinee Middlce a lo1tis Century. Tic fortifications o! Antwerp are reckoned amoeng Vhsesirougeest in hs weld. The ciity lias ibts-n !ortified 'since Vie middle o! Vhs s-ixteentil century. Iu 1860, twenty-eight years after the taking of! tie ciVy by Eng- litai and Fron-ca troc-ps, Brialmont, tais notec Belgian- fort builder, su- pervissed ths refortifloation -o! Vie city, and eluce 1877 iV lias iad a lime o! forte well eut f rom Vie in- uer defenses. The growing cf!ect of modern siege guue,, however. coîmpelled tie Be3g4ans, if they-& isired to> pre- serve Visir neutrauity, te moderizc their defenees. Iu 1907 taie Gove-ru- mets deided to de away witdi the lunem ine o! wailsaud epiaeshema with an inuer line o! forte, on thbe igit bacinhe tcScheldt. The plain iuvolved ths, barricadimg o! the intervale brtweeim Vie eigh-t forts wiVh iron -barricades and per- manent redoubte. At Vie norbi and uortlh-east greet earthworks were planned for lu! antry, and ditches, whih eau he inundaited their menthe. Thiis e y ne s &n Anoiher reascu for Vhse n elugo these eaimtiworke. The forts ou a sfmaîl task; for as many as 700 deaclines e! Vie modern terpedoe Viefbc!ain-k ýo! the Scheldt are Vo ekine mary le used 'fer a kelck. lies lu Vie tact that guneotton is no eu.pplemenV Vhils muer hune o! de- longer used, but au explosive -ecs - -knowu' -aietriuitrottoluol. NoV ouay Tegeîe impor-tance is atVa<1 dote Vhileexplosive dela ia amheav- rett FOUND OUT jer bbow Vian gu-ucon, but it is ed Vo Vhsenuter works. They cou- - uhsae e adeaddoe lot ist in part co! new fortilfications., in- 'irained Nýurqe Disc'overed mach aer te handi âe, suddots noVpart ootid forrti&rebuiLt. The work detni~aiV Vioug~tle ad epo-was legun lu 1913. IV la prob-ablre1 Effeet. - s-raune. Sinçe the saverage submuanxne thathi-isdes was iealzed and Viat No one ç>meenlubette' oiinV cardies outiy six'or eight tVrpedos, tue fortification systean le now prao- kuow'Vie value o! food sud driuk itiS oreVia evr ueesaeme. Ahap arined mur-es. noue eiiould be wasted, and thi, (ot ths new forts an Vie enter lino, Speakiug et eottee a. nurse writes - therefore, Vie eubmarne should Osp- five lis Vo the. eaet o! Autwerp-Gra- 19I nséd te drink etrong coffee m. prosci as ne&r as possible te ber vyeintesi Qeegriex, Broeci-en, Ressb self, and suf eeed grèstly frein pney heione sthikig.. go far *3luxe - ' ock.Taere are six re- headaclis, and indigestion. (Tes 1 i,%- o s.s pofi<d 2agffo te lVtom do ute ote ewe-sV, and Vwo mors jus.as ajunieus as coffes because pd nt- wihisJt- n rmprotect Ertbrand sud'Braaciatin l Weh coptain tic drug cfeine) , uone ,wtc x ls cow fro1 ý urtwhlle Vres uew forte, "Whulbs ou'a vlirit, Vo my brothers thie battlethipe, and agrainat which Brsnok Liezole aud Bomuheni, I iiad a good chance te try ýPskt he torpédo explodes. Tbiè defeuce, have been s-ected oun th enoti. far tiey drauk it aitogether iu pi 7>C howevc'r, ia iateinded ouly foin eelsThs fort' Hatadouk, protected by ofc ie Mter xsing,.Petum.two wedem y aa s ncitor. Thie mo-,toroue amhs1 neecd weeiks 1 found I wre mudlibeuefited enDread-no;ugis have în<>ahertw reotae lasbueate andfiWlym-head"esedioappear. device, iu internai armér wiich le von taie weit. sud fixially myiffld te localize ti fece<1 This onter chiluo! forts lies fromn " atualoy It havie sicnue os-bth mnsadtrp tedo e Often teelevea miles on-Vide Vhs dtby éd ad .ralyI tavnie stin ines aud V- oes.and-Is a front o!f-about 8Q 'miles. tun among iny patients, and have IIow a Subinanlue Fighs. 1- Weda markedhen-efit wiere coi!- The MeOdei-n sulmarlns bas twc 1Mnards Liniment RhetsNeuraliia fee lias been leftV off and Poisttilmotive powerS, cà M sd ele'etrlclaty. canT used, Wen iV le posaible Z .e>nlisean * Phys ca-hsman'e condition 41I observe a curieua facit about staeili sbu we tholntdete rnk Re.a en W'bMu"dby OMer enl,.marine "eires te keep oui> o! dnuggacl Policeman (turning sud ~ b.l~>aVh faw ! iil1i eght eiee1rioity ia suhttituVed, stpeakine timdii)-I'm afraid ye're itw4prano wem e s caues tedry sln the ci aes ts. Vcn .il aae nigit, air. I dru-gged.hii all Vhs jt up, ud îsreteacaues Ur- i:wcL wter thtcaeaeîy bé- way-a uatter o! a huudred y&i-di id fiad trouble lu gettn-g'£"r elaborrate pliant for tbe unfactua-e - rateto Mab oPobuui op0rly. of!oxyg8n, and luaddition', s Ëltxfeinit iSI'pre?5decrdig imember of t'e-is crew _ha" aneer t.o lireononl 01p&O e &, nd "r ency îreà"ngat y~i >OMOgiyq b (>aliaauPoatum OU *l -Pr t,P OI be »J P~ado» Wo AU Naisti ~~Ilstake~. - Q5jp~,&~Tt&? 'age y-ou pnedhît~. ~ !woakl4'4 1Lv~ *~oi a., ~Q1I 5teYQU W.se swneDg.'~ I - h i, ew eléectrk oôknËtové sa ,rfictoris used te c.'onoemitrate thie heait et the 4,p flolivia will . peind more tlian $6, - '80,O0 on:diainage êyetems fOr five cdf las larger cities. Iit lias been estimxat'ed by experte blrattaie iron ore clepoks ?.f SBwe- den. approxuniste.,1,3C0O,O00Otons- 1t Re iexWcted tha4. Vhe dredging, of *0 esuez .na1 Vo -a cIepth.of, 39 fee.t .wl& s'-oom.pIeèe& a~nY. next, year. 1- -Ï<' .1 Only abou e lu everl hundSed the firbeiug .ff'W &1,bus-eso industrie. wig-i.be made by -au Eng- througouitt,e wçud duction of e,.sadctooc There aeno 1fours xuer 4' in caus e 'Ueme -of thie figure lfour- ,àhi-4o Vs tee' Woi"death-. TO agoie, milkiing, there has been iuvnted a eubstanti7a cain that!aIe serves as a etool, the millc being drawu into e& long-necked Witbh a view to the insetallatVion o! ci--burlnng l.ociotivee onaUfittls railr'oads, thie Ohuliain government will oond'uét exhaiustive experi- Thre 00-year-olVin mines I-n Boli-via ha'e, reaohied to a d>epth of 2,300 feet, and thie riohnessi dl the- ore increosoe as the workings de- sce'nd. An inventer lias inserted an cil re-servoir in the handie o! a snw Vo enabie las - user te lubricate the blade whi operating it by pressing a button. cAes camo n praiinldis-m n iniamo n p randtica is birds in ]England ie attributed to thxe dýistribution of dust through the air by auitomobiles&. Aented es anern yeo', sini- Aete Jaaa air urgbyen bain- that grinc a a nany beans into flour in 40 minues es a man cau grind by haud'i-n a day. As a new ilie preserveif whieh weighe but fifteen ounces and takes up but littie room when folded is e*tended for use air rushes in a valve and autouiatieialiy inflates it. Ais the resistance o! grains to in- secite and diseaseis ie due Vo thoir hardnu.esea a Themnian hais nvented a delicate fflbrurnent that measures thie force n&eded to cet thera. To bring î5leep te insyomnia, vic- tims an En.glish woman hai uvent- ed a-n appairaitus Vo flow watei or mediciaVed' liquides on talie fore-he-ad gently until the d-csi-red resuit le obtained. Every StiITJ.oint Limbered, Rhetnîatism Curede! That OId FamiIy Remedy "Nerviline" la Guaranteed for the Worst Cases, CUBES NEURAI-GIA, BACKACHE, LUMBAGO. Rhaumatteni to-day le uunecessary. It Se se weÃŽll understood and 50 read- lly curable that every day we have re- ports et old chronle-bYelng treed et their tormeuter. III eau speak confidently efthle Ner- viline treatlnent. tom tht simple reason that It curei me," writes Albert jj. Cornaline, from Kingston. "You 'ca't imagine ho* stiff andi lame andi sors I was. Nlghts at a time 1 eenldu't sleep weil. 1 f ellowed the Nerviline direc- tions caretully.-had it ubbed late Vhhe sort egione four or five Urnes every day. Every rubbing helpedti t reduce tht pain._ The swelliug went dowa. I gel aetair measure of rlief la a week. 1 aise toak twe Fèrrozone Tablets with my meals. They iucreaeed nîy appatîte anti spirite, purifleti my bleeti and toueti Up my systeni geuerally. 6-1 arn weli te-day as a. man coulei be-lun perteet good health. I give Nerviline ail thte redit." A large tarnlly size -botttet Nervi. lino coets ouly 60c., or the trial size 26c, and le ueetnl lu a hundre i lls lu the tamily. Whelher lt's teothache, tanache, headache nienralgla, lame baclk or a coiti. Nerviline will cure mest as readily ns'it wlll cure rîxeuma- tem. For famlly use uothing squale Nervilîite. not weershnre t e0ve..& I co uld uap .oéstehing 15 mli the time nd i e 1 ha& Ct -6-0I1 as VO hs Oi-u-lt~on-maY. takea aa bath 15 would itch and burnfô uet té between deadly. enemlet- about au hour. MyO.oewh was soeffront ealuted. In a. nortdxsnii'di*eiot eeratehig. - ~-tiers was enly oeefie,14 -suibable ",'o àU edi dsdeof seap anuxsed snipbnr foar d&àiling, and as the two oepo5 bathe but nethuxfg wenlci relevê .- , , M tionu ries wantýd g, thie ownei" Les Isvthe advertisemeatetof uticuaç gaibdin uemaaleed Sea un'Ontmatnth aea' smat oher. NoITtern cauninese aserrt- for " ipl.Tht; sampieo hâlp e me w mach i goS a oeke of outicnna Soap ad a ed itUi. -'Thecnxadiû fie box et OutienaOuient Mtandi beganbath- !ci ýoix. -bettalio n approtssbtd Vais Blas wfhtt and -iwater a. hot'-as i ênein,,and -they agr-eedta. remit tbe ceuit b 1r 5 tho eld ýtake a littleetf eld luincormeon, and use et n aI'- the Oinenmt saipujpt oàa the sia. I ,1,did temuate dya1 twocakoeof-Boa&p sud mee-boz cf iXont whLenm- ltr ouiteagw snd In lus thân sidweksthe rashhbai4a4 again." f- (É%ign) Mr-; AadroW Johastca. tingona.fence, watcfiàîg tfhéei Uàa729, 1914. Wheeu i w&e UJoued'by anu tI-1 Samples Free by M Il eennei -he xsiid tahiiaeri A,:c"ilpauy l4"d-u', loidanye:rhrife 1 Asingle cakFe .cf Onli ae'ra oep "dbox -ad couild nc'tidriU - ; "but,"1,lie.add - Of Onticura lant are eOfiea sMumia ed. "ve were wading, Vo eoeif-ws Wheaaual tise hau faultd. teld Ihhretl5bout coul!d -gei,- the b-sumo! you e whef tht world. saàpe et eaôii mlaiet - ith 32-p. 'Skia Eeokr. -saie youve do 'wih-t-m !!utàmna,De.DosoL..A" InSeancis ef a CommisSiOn. W elalY m nSITr A doctor, saye Vhee London ()Pin- ion, stopmed his car ou a aidestreet near the home cd la patient. Ht wae< aScosted - -by a womau whom he me- membered to have seen several times, butwhose nanie ie did net1 kuow.1 -1 suppose," eaid the wouan, "fthat yeS' gettin' a -good fes, sir, for attendin' tii. liVIde Smith boy V' "lWeill, yes, I gei a. pretlty good ' fee, but why do ïyou &AiV, "Well, I 'ope yer wo't forget Viat my littîs Aigy tbrew the brick1 that 'iV 'imi! Thse Explaîsation The bald-ieaded traveler, wlxo hrad just retumnsd te -France, was relatingails experieuce6 te aunten- thualasfic young woman.' Witi flouriâhing gestures, lie Imercited a list -o! the places lie-hd vieited. "Iarn very well acquainted with- Mexico-I have traveled extensive- ly in Braail-I lîawe visited taie red- skins iu their own wiid iand."- "Oh," cnied tue !aicinated youug- woman, with a. rapt glanes at the shiny top o! bis beach, "Vthaje how yoù haippeued Vo lie scaipecL" à SEPARATION GRANTED Net by -procèe. efIaw, but' by the tiSent working of *"Putnam's' are corne separated from aching toes. Amy corn or watt that "Putnam's" won't cure basn't been dlscovtered yet. Insist on ]Putnamn's Corn Extradeor only. 25c. at aIl dealers. Careful of Ris Razor. "Ohi, George, before you get your razor I miust tell you that 1-I bor- rowed it yesterday." "What, a&gainl1 "Y-yes. 1 had to do somne ripping. But it's just as good île ever. You"ll ne.ver notice the difierence. I -sharpened it on taie stovepipe." Chicago aa snGMu 'western Ey. Entor- tainea the. Canadian Ticket Agents à= Oieae., As a farewell feature of the receptioîî tendered to the memnbers of the Cana- dian Ticket Agents' Association. and their wives, who attended their conven- tion October 6, 7 and Sth, the CHICAGO AND NORTA WESTERN RY. enter- tained them at a luncheon ln the Dmn- Ing Room of their-new Chicago Passen- ger Terminal October Sth. The Dining Roomn was neatly decor- ated, and in deference to the nativity.of the visitors sprays of rnmaple leaves. (the emblem of Canada) adorned eatch table, and appropriate souvenir menu dards prepared especially'for the occa- ion were distributed. A personally escorted tout of the Passenger TermninalLafter the luncheoni was made whicb the party enjoyed very much. To dreaaim about a horse isn't re- cessairiy a nightm.a.re. Mbivmrdgs Liniment Ciures Dandrid. Fit",TH!> RUIT rVERVCANADAN wilI wishto have a L~Ecede!tpateur Boys" are playing in ibis greàeet war of history. "THE WAR ÉldTÃ"XIAL" hua. scured plenid Photos, at get expense, o! the? embrkation of eut troopsfreom Quebec. This ie ,just one cf'tht features oe, out "Special Embarkation Number," just Pub- Iished. EMA'1IKATION>PI'CTU Ris, 81Gw. RoyALCANADtA4ËIDýAGOONS, ALBERikA 110W GODON I"GHkDMNPRS ARMY SURVIE GORI'S GRENADIER GUARDS CANAI,)AN eE iRIJERY CANAD AN ! FOTHeVlFFRONT p1 ICTURES filMt, ,ttt.WAR9,1011E -TH BRITH ONPEDMR BRMANPRIONEIS RHEmnS-CAHebRAL- Surnalasy o-the ,War, givts, a ricordpol -tht outdiitanLJappsingo ofeach day la T1I~4,llati.10e"s'ud aWyeeklypre inhs iý' foir indaig, ' - i eprn'ed ou- finw en"atis&ps pei', six. ,9 î 12, With ei. trativ thee~olé caer.Price 15 cents,- at aIL newed"abii. Special SubtSIption-Offee.--Sind 50, cents (Money order or coin) for four pgrts,ý or ou. dollar for elglst part, commnencing -wkth Nob . hsuad 1iluding Valcarter amâ ~8p.ca~. ~ j~N~ Postg& There la Trouble Aheati. Constautly on their test, attending te the wauts et a. large and exacting tamlly, women otten break dowa with, nervous oxhaustion. Iu tht stores, tactories, and ou 'a tarm are weak, alllng.womon dragged dowu w1th torturing backacbe and beariug down pains. Sucb sufferIng lsm't -natural, but It's dangarous, bacause due. te dls<asad kidusys. SThe dlzzlness, Insemnia, dei'anged menses and other-symptome ot kiduey cesapiaint cau't cure themselves, they require the assistance et Dr. Hamil- ten's Pille which go direct te the seat ef the trouble. Te give vitaiity and power te tht Iidusys, te leud aid te the4biadder and liver, te tfree the bioed et poisons, probably thiere le ne rexnedy sa eue- cesetull as Dr. 1-auxlltou'a Pille-. Por aliwemanly Irmtg'uiarities their niai-t Ie WeU knowu. 1- BeBcauseot their mild, soethIng, and helilng affect, Dr. I-Iaxiltou's Pille are sâfe, andi are recommended for, girls and woen et ail agas. 25 cents par box at ail dealers. Refuse any sub- stItute for Dr. Hamilton'a, Pille etf Man- drake andi Buttamnut. .ne IVas Curcd.- And you sa.y that Browïnley was cured of a ibad atta~K*ci insomnia' by suggestionV" "Yes ---- purely by suggestion ! His- wife suggested tlhat since he could not, sleep he niight &s well sit up nnd amuse the baby. 1V 'worked like à charm." or ranulated Èeis Eycs inflarned by e'xpo- esure to Sun, Dust and Wlnd >Ies*fye Reedy. No Smarting. just Eye Comfort, At V'our Druggist's 50c pet Botie. Mutine Eye. StlveinTubcs25c. FurfBook of1bc EycFrecask Druggista ororrtile Eyc Rcwedy Ce., Chicage lie StililInad a Chttnce., Mr. Plintopp-They s#ay hat inen o! brains live long. Miss Keen-WelH, don't be dis- cou'r&ged. Mr. Plintopp; ail rules have their exception-s, youi know. A WeII-knowil Mail. Minard's Liniment Ce.. Limited. Dear' Sirs.-I cani recommefld your MINARD'S LIN17MENT for Rheuniatlsm and Sprains, as 1 have used it for both jL with excellent resuits. Yours truly. T. B. LAVEýRS. St. John. 7' G OOD WEECI York Cou Businïess tance Term lbéaL' ipany, 73 'West - Ai vany Limited, publioileWs,_ 'xréo ÂNOR. UXOS.,LUMPS, C internai'and -ettèruaJ Ourd out vain by Our berne treatrnent. un before tôt) late. Dr. Etill&lMàI Co.. Lirnited, OoliUn.iwood. Ont. Youî Lest Chanc~ Canada's Troops> off tô the' W Jiiet before ernbfrklflg 21 mau fgen opyriglT-viOws were 'tai includins two large aêa rcarde .an&. handsoffll o' bookigt. yours for 35ce. POOt-P Tradée suepIed'Agente 'va itid S. . DAVIES 525 8S.t. Paul St. -MonItrt CONSUMPTION, FD BRONGI Mr.WIA;aLy,4 Gre i Tise ýEye of tise, Subînarine. A mioeern submarinp bas a iai- velcue eye b dic Ieavxg4tàing ofilýe-ro on t'ih -boat ca-n survey Vhs glurfac o! tico cean, even 'e-ien taie craft le eeinple-Vely helow t-e wsves. The syï.e- cf ie uuxalerîne, or penîeoei-s a eradglity 1h6110W tube abot- x incis mndiamiete -4nd, fffteen lest long, that, leade f rom the aiteeing, chamber o! tht vesse1 otei surface. The upper- eud o! thie periseope centains amir- rer, i-n-d At an fngle O! fortY- fiedegx'ees, tixat ]receives thiui- ages o! objecte on ,the surface of thie Iwater, adàreileeta theuxdownwamd te asecond paraLel 'uxiror ait the lower eud o! Vie, tube. lu some. cases plwngi5, ji{IIreveAlalarger, part o!fVitého 'Orzcn, are u-sed 1-n-., stead o!"nu*rrrcrs. The uavigiting officer of Vhes uhmaii'ies bout aur- veye hvie surface e! Vieloccmby booki ng tlrough- a simgleý or double eyepiece aithVe lower sud o!' Vie tuýbe, sexaely a8 if -he we-re. using ýa goo,.d. field glass. The, peni&Spe le týheCj onyMMea.nby Whk i.bie pre- sence ýo!- taie ubsmarine. la revcaled to, taie:eneiny; butbam Vhe !ma&h Vile projeots, c'ly -a foot or two above6 Vie sUrfu>e, if, issa diffieulti. object Vo ýdiscover, stil more Vo -eetroy. E v én if shIdat»'ed by gunfire,' a ne- Serve tubs can. ho qtickly subsiti-, Wealbave need of!*the p'aye r of r Via -Britieli marier-' 'Sevle ns. O Gcs-Tiiubocean- lewtolarge, 'and 'Our geaUi~8 ülm1uaet. ferisie veaywtsers. Ave.4 Toronto. le anotbel' sufferet. who bas been reUleved-by Cope- - land's Cure forConsiuiption and Bronchitis. It will be Irrteresting ýfor- any having cven traces oif theme dread diseuses to read what. -Mrs. Mar- tyn BaysE "After takIng several bo t. tles of pou' Consulm.ption Cure, I amn now fully recover- ed and ln four meonthe have gained In wcigbt 17 lbs. 1 cannot speal tet highly of It.,_ and will be pleased to reconm- IK mond It to' ay one-enîuIrinff,7ý as to its boneftts." f Copeiand's- Cure for a-onsumnp- tien will benefIt even the worst cases. Try a bottle to-day. BOrl» E3Y ALL LE-XA:DINO or a trial bottie will be seriit pre- patd on recetipt of. the, regula.t price, $1.00. COPELfIHO MEVICIME ÇOMpft4.yLimited - 511 PAPE AVM.,. TOBOUTO.- One Good'Point-. I'T1 say .this for the prune," re- rnarked the. grouchy,, boardei. W-e- ail listened atýten-t3vely. "You can eît it-& leave it and that enids àt. You don't fiid, it con- tinually bobbing- up u~ a imde- over beau il wj the City lie look tien out been devOi* ûeuated it Il -- and te tara drudgety foi 'vas Impow-il iy ci thtsi -- Certainly 1 -dcbtr,, tilt v( müotber had quality- ebe father had b tbat il hitd lion to thet bati a littwr ly inftrii, again. Of course, conduel, mIn - - ber'e-had be dSi mot wil boy: -but iàd cozufortable & ceneiderai --a man ber1 renùtly poste "We eUi "Ihope. <Sa =e as often ni - isxotbe tbing -more nat-It -leit --' tiens -bailb, bhie fathers -they hnd ci - be ia-voived the only orn cal kindu .baci marrie bis motber' very kind t tixis lime.1 -a gret"n the ofice. ain btsz os. worx ee but bappinewst Brfyant wase om -prety or attrct -- -px'actical,. 'ývhbje not aiways na3 istic nature. Sh it iwag wh and sawthe dii tuera- away, who -- but founidod on ef: the biis thiag maire berseif wor cbosen lier, and -- -woaders. sucbbhi- ber existence.- Belere be racb 'evenînsJaIi n e- hwetuldmDot tel] -Dened; bat bers fnaictory Ibingri tixat befo-re- the minuteo<s bs b* ofbim. She Ea wss tuent. andlt 8,1.Julian<der wbat I bave -don Re toek hem in there tightly.- "Spelit,, my 'i e - - ong -ornaxe il' about this for ix> thinklng of." 1 She kibeseil hlm tears lit ber eye ",We -were ila su "We have been "Ohi we ihal s -- God." thte Ii"I an -te bic. "But tht -. leme. Jalian. IH oh! I1-wieh I1ua~ "*Wat du ý "wOmen are an atwertid. 'IL te neuzark; but il il la, 'with th-at I I1'wish 1 bati toli cet, marriti." - "I 'araglait yen Bryant a 1ittUe h isort cf wornan ye fýwe,'hesrt Shes man -tho neyer b lcnow whal sentin. ibin-k o! t. Enlid. te..~< bave dçne w1b Fnifd.Fryar't tee * "erasit inean W i entîntii- A Su u . li. - fenit dne la;s i Yoa var wbich-ait lier-m tî, buy."* i fiiwiin1m1 D'un yîî rrern Wof viar -h--w n tr Irl ri . eî t e WHAT -15 Y0UR; MIRROR'S, STORY? Y OU éan't have & beautifUi compleeion For the- asking. COLD CREAM. used Feg1larly -wlremove blemshesand marks the skin ýsmçod, clear, and sound. Vaseline- ColdiCreamp e -.fal, ts. k lsteriied i n the rakig anid deiceey, perfunied. A Fuil size ja.r of Vaseline Cô1aCream inWL be sent - w you direct on receipt -of- Dru' ad epartment stores everywhere sel1 the various "Vaselpne" reparations. line " cet teig àaýI c'&Meu CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO, .- (coSoiaîccil 1880 ChAH-T 'AVE. MOrNTR5AL

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