Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Oct 1914, p. 4

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-à ear Liand." 'Mr. Lingham characerized his Il- luetrated address given on 'Monday evening as a travel talk. It was not a- ecture In the proper cerise of the terrn, but the story of sonie of the writer's expertences in the highlaD4o of Ontarlo, upon the occan, and in the hlghlands of Seotland. The travel talk was very intetestlng and- instructive, and the pictures shown, 125 ln number, were beautlfully dis- tinct, and clear. The iantern was kludiy ioaned by Rev. Dr. Haire, and was capabiy operated by Mr. James Slelghtliolm. Next to maklng the OpANA TORONTO WHITB German Spies. An epiderniic of suspicion seeme to have struck Canada. -'Oue reade here and there o! persone belng detaiaed ait GerMan $pies, only te b. reieased later. Iu tlàs respect Whitby seerne te haro been quite up te the standard o! aertueis Ilu "epottliug'"suspecte. Last we-ek a couple o! youug Jce lwere waltlug Ilu town to make s train conucctton, and rnany coin- ESTMULW t 187O DARD 1 [(UEPMri a Lauk ac"uat for "huhàId eee 'ma m~eshrw.y pMoe ud dees .Y -BRANCH C. A. MoClelIun age. dm et. Mecieaas., AREYOU BAKUNG' WB H-AVE- )UST RECEIYBD A SJ'IPMENT ROBIN flOOD FLOUR for haking bread.- It makces a big white loaf. us send you a trial--order.- BIJLIS! B ULIS Ail ldnds for planting from 20c a dozen up. are extra goed this year. - TRY OURS. Let They Jmno. E. WAITIERIiOUSE 'hon. Il, WVHITBY Prompt Dêliverya of a1 f4 e * toJe $21, Got Five MonthÈ- Otwbat about H-enry Street- Schof? A majorty of 20 was gi,ý. 4#rlçk Coleman ,wlll spend . the on 4snt- rclga e ý~o ueix,-Iire months -in the Pfloviuclai and9 majorlty of 52 against repaîr- alty of! the- thett o!ý $21 from, 1' Thou 1 Ini the bulilding. Just s'O. Now, llondeTr ou oaSaturday last. Patrick what le to tôllow? Tii. Board, can- bl8' into towù ý rom Eomewbelre on lmprye ii siioï sut ~ Friday last. He jîasbeéin iu:Cànaa, -not #nry h o oltel ui he hesaid, ,for:- .ftee -yeers, eomlng Education Department, sud the De -rouheOdSdÇemut av partrnent may refuse to continue the been a roll ing atonie, for, he bas gath- fegular ýÉchool grant unlees theia. n.ered littie morne-,o! .a lnaucll value., provements are made. .If tic Depart~.O-e n Frda e ni,ng he oildn'mon- ganwthlsthe 'a ,the c nte eroe u tmdih ment a-gl ihmd grat askcd nightwatcliman, Pattersen for Board wlll be powerless to take anycihel-ter. He was, tie.rcfore, lecked sto'ps te have itn paymeut resumed. uP tili unorniu-g. -Their hande arc now sccuxcly tied On Saturday morning .hi .d nmre by tic. ratepayers.ý There wiIl quite llquld retreebinents ia the 'Quees hotol, hariuïg made the ,caiscet fmon- probably be seyerai v*cancics on theeynsoem nr. u-Ucae- Board to 1111i-ut tic close ot the year, eI n . oe man meh. . Hendfer- as several memibers of tic Board son, genéraIly knowu-n as Tommy, sudd have' prlvatcly slgulfied their iuten-jwetwth hhm -to W. B. Prlnglc's tionto rop ut.store, where Tommy scttlcd an-ac- tio t dop ut - count. Iu paylng thie bill Tommy took from is pocket ire ire-dollar Rev'. H. H.- Bingham billesud oeeoee-dollar bill. He Heartily \Welcomed. laid the soll- on the counter sud _______took off eue bill te baud te Ms. Pringie. Tommy saw Coleman make Geulal, hearty, lovable 1-I. H. Bing. a grab for hie meneysud, then rush hain, who for three years wae pas- for tic door. .Tommy spraug atter tor et tic Whltby Baptiet Churci, re- m and' caught him, tinktgoniy turucd here fer thceanlIversary oc- etf the $5- he meant for Mr. Prin- casion on Sunday and Monday. It gle. Just then Mr. rngle called to te nine yeare since Mr. Bingham le! t Tommy saying, "I -have the mouey, Wbttby, and these years hare iost te Tomm5." Tommy thon released hlm uothlng et value, but have decp- Coleman, who weut au'ay. cned sud mellowed his preaching abil- Sonxie time laVer Tomnmy mlesed bis lty sud hie spir4tual power. Ho $21, sud began s search for it. Sus- came back to WhlVby with beaming picion uaturally fastened upen -Cele- face aud happy manuer sud vltaliziug mani, -sud he wss arreeted about 6.30 message, and tie congregaLtion gare p.m. Upon him wa5 fouud tirce hlm a cordial greetlng. Standard Bank $5 bille, a $1 bill Hie two sermons in Whltby aud aud 58 cents -in change, unaking aonc iu Brookîlu ou Sunday were $1658;, aise - a large sud perfertly notewerthy for their deepiy spiritual new jackknite. The prisouer sald he toue and heart-rcach&ng power. got -the money Tram AI. Majior, et Hie merning- sermon was ou the Whitcrale, who had given it te him' meanlng et Getisemane sud the even- on big,promise toencl-lut lu the army. (ng dieceurse wvas on the subject et He sald he mhal sd the knlte fer a P'eace-uot the pence of clashln& aXr.L- long tmp, but It wae learued that les, but the peace sud reet of seul he had purchascd IV lu towu Satur- that humanity se muci needs. day aiternoon. 1At boti services the choir gave The abeve tacts were brought eut appreprinte selections, iaving the as- on Tuesday evenlug lu Magistrate sistance et Miss Eva Bell and Mr. Harper's Court. Arthur Lynde, Miss Bell rendeilng a The prisoner ol!ered ne defence oth- very sweet soloe at tice evenlng ser- er than te say he dld net steal tic vice. z iney. A TRAVEL TALK. The sentence lmposed was fIve 1 - ...mentie. estîug question. M'ile thc Towu o! Uxbridge gave a geod majjority'for it, thc Townsiip weut agaiuet it. Tic portion et tie hune affected is some litteeu or six- teeu u"ies long, Irom. Vandor! on tie branci Vhrough Whltchurch towuship to Newmarket. The latter place alec voted agalnst the by-law. These Vwo deteats ilius affect au extension to tic Town of Uxbrldge, in s way that may make ut possible for eus nortb- cru ueighbor lu Ontario County to reaci the Couuty towu ut Wbitby ouly by coupliug up witi tic systein by a branci frein Higi Point arMau. chester ou tic Port Perry extension. This could rua tbrough Utica sud Epsom asud theuce te Uxbridgc, a milcage et net muci more Vian hait that tic Township o! Uxbridge ihaà r.! ueed te assume icsponslbllty for. This would malte Uxbridge su im- portant junction point w'ith tic Grand Trunk Une nortierly, ticuce through Outarlo County, euzabling_ trafice te coins directhy se'uth te Whitby-snd tic barber bore. In thus very. matter the rexnarks of Sir Adam Beek at tic Whitby meet- ing are worth recaling. He said' wheu lu Uxbridge that 'afternoon ho îad been teld by prominent people i-V the 'meeting lu tic northern town that they tarorcd- tic Hydre-Radl because it weuid give tisin botter transport facilitîes lu reacàlug tue iollnty toWn ut WhItby, and aise nake possible the bslugu-g lu of coul wver Whltby barber for domestie and luduatrial use arnongst their citizens, 1Ali Sir Adam expiaincd, Meo connti- tution o! the Hydro-Radald'ichenie, It wll bo necema now forUxbridge tOWMMPIilp, i t ivanted ticorne lu alter ha-ring once turned Idowu the preject, te get tiie coneot of the au.nidpalltlcs that carrcd, the b"l Toere would be. powerful support f auch a solution as hereia sus- eoated from Fort Perry, tie towu. IMPof o!Reach, Whitby sud Plcker- Ig and tice.Town of Whltby. Ingston Road Imp-rove- ment. Arrangemetts hakve been made by the Secretary of the llullpaxtie lftere8ted ln the proposed improve- ment O! tic Kingstou RossI from To.. ronto .te Wiltby, and Oshawa for *8 deputation to wat on the Hou. W. H. Hearst, tho new premier, and té-Ontario Gorerumnt, this F*iday afternoon, Oct, 28r4, ah 2.80 o'cloci lu the Parliament buildings, Toroný- -tO. Further, a teturu -rate o! $1,10 te Rirerdaîa, or $1.15 t., the Unio ,StatIon, Toronto, freni Whltby,-Jet., caui b. had ou application te 1fr. E. Steplieson, the Grand Txunk UP.. -town agent. Au It lu douîrable that as large sud reprenttjr, a depita-ý tlon au Possible should presont Ibis Most Important project to -theo ew IGoemogmt, erery citizen cf Whltby, as weiI au feildentsetfthe - adjoinlng to-wnshlPs luterented la Ibis. great Public quetîo4 pho uld make It a point te go te Toronto to-morrow aud'join the. deputaion. cap was also of hand-made ý,russels lace, aud she carried a shewer bou- quet of Mies of Vie vallcy aud roses. Miss Mary Norman, as bridesmald, worc a ciarming dreset white char- meuse witi bodice of 511k net sud trimmings oi malteso lace, with a sasi o! paie pluk satin. Sic wore a large black velvet bat with trim- Imîngs o! pink, anid carrled a bouquet 1of Killarney roses. Little Ilazel Sel- don, e! Whltby, sister of tic groom, made s very prety iwcr girl, in a frock et embreidered muelin with plnk sasi, sud carryling'a dalnty bas- ket et Pink sud white carnations. The best minu was M . Bert Seldon, et Torouto, a brother of tic groomh. Durlng thc signlng et tic register, Miss Zella Gîliies, et London, cousin e! the bride, sang "A Pealin o! Love." Iu tic eveulug Mr. and Mrs. Sel- don lefV on a trîp un D!',rit, Sagin- sw sud pointe west, thc bride travelling lu a suit o! awethyst broadcioti, s black velvet bat witli geld military brald sud mouut o! uumld'ie, sud s corsage bouquet o! Pink ronce sud lilies-of-the-valley. lUpou their returu they wrill reside at 47 Spadina avenue, Hamilton. iting ber grandrnother, MrsBath. OONTRÂOTOffl J. ', iOWELL JAMES Plans drawn and eati mates furnishmd Repaira, Aiteiationsansdj obbing. Agent for EBIItfoPd Reofleu B3« 467 W 12TOY ,Ph... 14 = JOHN T. HORNSBY= S UILOEI &Wd OMOUT*S Plans Mlade and Estimates Given. Ail Kinde of Brick and Concre Work. Repaira to Ciimney Stacks and Bolos a specialty. Whltby, (Box 91) Ontarloe Bell Phone- 138, ONRC OLLADESTDE PLANS -0F ALL DESCRIPTION FURNISHED. Reaidence, -Thoruton'. Corners A. CURRBY wILSON, B.Â.So. AECHITECTr THREADGOLD BROS. Y I R T O L A Bs W O u E K G U ÂR Â N T E ED . j lCharges moderato. Apply Duadas St. West or P.0. boxt 4031 mail GRADE WATCH REPAIRINO. LJe' VA4SELESKY WATOHMAKER sMd JEWELER Tlwo Poors Seth i itoyb10751 otel WIwTenOT 28U Evelyn Ave., tock amuint $6s3 ani50'ounting t Do $6,30 I if oda 60 D ON l'éTH O LLAR h-stcot- age. Thue îac t tat them#wse Éï waa ail uiu dowu Jio"dtion.- Iet toe at a nieal arouaed 1he gurtvs the need ofsQmwgood Femed. and suspicion&, and, "Germ >u -pyP " ijh ali-b -l sYritfadeie cd acroes hie brain. - - i deCIded .to tý tlinl Til eo 1found mnre than atisactory. "The spyl" wý as -lmmedlately at- Teiatonw.idsdtieest reeted and -iearched. A bank ,book Thirt o w l ad te enl ami C~.R. irn tabe.wge fund My Kldneys remuunied their nohmal en iu»;whieh urtb'er bore <out" liiiactibn afterI id taken UpWards cof s suzrÀcions etofthe.,zealous guard, Wlho dozen iozesa±rd1Iregainéd Mytôld- unmet1y, called lu Chie( MaoGript- tlmevitali ty. ýTodya me~yu ty. upon '-itvestlatîon the. éhef ro thebesltbith -1 haveever lied tueed to arreat the MUa, but, Mr. B ,KI,< Guard lira iot satlstied. He.,would, "ltrult-a-tivei".je the. .rcates do hie Iduty if the Chief would not. Kiîdiey Remiedy lu the eworld. It acte .Any ýman with a C. .P.R1. tinie table on1 the b"~eliansakin iii wp1l 8as8.on and a 'bank book in bis possession the kidn"ie)7e,, and thèreby aootimeansd cures auy Kidueys orenens. was quite evidentiy a German l>y1 Fsit.-ie"l odb i eir or a suspicious individual, at least. at 50C.- a bii, dfor $2.5o, tiai aS ac. Beeldes, hie huit wauted- to get a or wiIl b. aàiion recept of price by meal here,' which was further prool Pnl-tyelmieOttawa. of his doubtful charactér. Anyway,! N he wae a mnuworth bholding. Mav ds lu .the.meantinie Mr. Motoiet used s.itb_,, soUlg,>5i ail hie powers o!f persuasion to .l- duce. obstinate Mr. Guard to let hlm SELDON-GILLIES. go, but there wae at least one ma ltown' who had keennees enougli t< The home o! -Mr., Sainuel .Gîlles,- receguize a epy, evenl If others hadl 53 Victoria avenue seuth, Hamilton, not,-and the. motorlst's, efforts wierel was, thie cene of a Most int'eretiug uselese. and charmiug autumu wedding on Af ter iuhmr rîis argu* Wednesday ai ternoon, October 14, meut, a téléphone meosege te péter- when in the bay window ef the boro broughit an identification for prctty drawing roem, banked with the motoriet, and he was ilnally ai-1 palme sud festooued with smilax,'aud lowed to départ, betweun hangiug baskets o! white Iu -tematie r. urdlkcp chrysanthemums, the marriage took lng hls cye open tfor more. place of hie granddaughter, Miss Florence -Irene û1iliies, daughter of $100 REWARD,-$100 Mr. and MIfs. J1. W. Gillies, 143 Mainu St. eust, to Mr. F'rank Lloyd Thereaders of this paprwill bd plcamed to JewelSdof amitnlclr- learu t hat there la at lcast onecdreatfed diseafet iSloo laitn oa . ithat 'qclcncc hanbiecn able tu cure tu ail jte preseutative of the Office Specîaity stages, aud that in Catarrh. -H.alls1catarrh CureMnuctrn Btc only Positive cure now know n u h M nu atuin o., ot Toronto, a d mcdical.fratcrnity. Catarrh being a constllu. eldett son of Mr. and Mrs. Cephas tional disease, requires a constltutionai tra ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure in taiten intetn'alt Seidon, tf Whitby, Ont. acndirectly upon the blood and muci u- Tecemn okpaea ' !aces. of the systems, thcreby destrÎ Th ermoytok latat3e' foundatlon of thediease, and zivlng the patient dlock betore a gatherinzg of about 75 strength by building up the constitution and assistsng nature in duing its work. The pro- gueste, sud was conducted by Rev. prietors have nonucb faiii ln Its curative powerg J J os atro JmsSre that they oSer One Hnndred Dollars for any J os atrc JmsSre case 1 hat t fails'te cure. Gend for liât of test. Baptiet -Church. inoniali. Addrcss: 0 . J.CHnNsy & dO.,eToledo. 0. The drawiug rom was bright with SI? byal ru Baots, 7sc.1 Take bal 9ul PlaIo outpatn ye..ew chrysauthemums, and as the -bridaI party entered the wedding mardi was played by Mr. Robin WiiJ Uxbridge Favor Nicholson, of Whitby.ý* . Vhitby?7 The bride enteied on the arm ot - her f ather, land looked very swect By F. Howard Aunes. iudeed, in her io% ely robe of ivory charnfieuse %vi ti hodice of hand-made 'i B The stores Iarely occupied by R.. B. Hoar will' be to rent after December i 5th. We can! sell -mont'y just buy-at once. a special Discount a on Meni and 33 -on Ladies' a Every one of g9uaran tèed -and is nw -Just absôlutely g -- $24 Wat A small dej -one of these Fe N.0 BIURN S BRGCK ST., NORTH WHITBY- GmTu < MURDER Two more - 1ive~ 'o! -ahcoiolic mad -side lu gruesome Él or of Vi. kitc tic poliL-e-_found womau'r Viroat -ar o car. Sbe ma lay unconse - d acrc>ss tic ne te deati. Betwe hie wife -lav au' isteepe"L ugorir. Themari, -Friu] butcher, 4at 70 7 S'as hurried te-i V] wiere -he <ied consciousness. lTI Carolirie, wa sel -lMurder and sui ion of Ve officer' Strong drin-k a te Gilobe, Octobc Dont miss tie -Rh 1oy alTheats -tober 29th. For Viehe et your silo go- to WhaV- do you -about Vihe 31st Parker;' o!-the Ce., le ut ýBasset, Sec FE N. Bu ment o n- page boi bargainà lu bect sale is non' on. -tue stock.- .Séu4 your ordei "-for tornatoi, onl for- picklng-plc dons u JtmotUon $1'will pay for -ote cGazette- neoW Until Jaua thé, opportùnity distant friends. "W oizr stock o weba v thé bu arc the loweat.G tblug fl hardwar OSHAIWA --Moaday, Octobe lor the Oshawa ian Patrietie F ter etyoug 'tagglg pp serersiorti whero thcy dlt for the Young Mrs. A. C. Wright aud cildren have retïurned from Ottawa, whore tiey-have been rlsltlug. 11NSURANC'E Fîro, LMfe, Luve S tock, Plate Glass, Accident sud Automobiles. Agent fon the beat Canadian, Engliali nd Amerîcan conipalies. JAMESMcCLELLAN Box 393 W hitby, Ont. Phone 12 ROYAL THEATRE flOuCUOLAS MOVINO PISTOlES. Open every.erening. Wc have installed a new Simplex machine, whicii is abaolutely tlickérlcai sud easy on the cyea. Saturday nigit, îoc te ail. BAIN PERRIN, Manager IHOLSON&£ SELDOIf AUTUM N SESSION la now open in (Cantral Business Col. lege. Toronto, sÉd lu oach of ttesix Branches.- ?re. catalogue explalus noures. Write for s copy. W. H. Sbsw, Prîsident Head Offces, Bo8s APOSITION FOR FÂLL AND WINTER.' W. bave a sonad businesrpsiinfr a relia "Ile enorgetle aslan for hia didrielt to oeil fruit trs, mM'rIt~ooIn bu a. c O)VER 000 AORE8 of fruit and ornanmental steak undar cuiation.' W. sal through our "mosnn direet to the cou- mnir ud gusimate. delivwy of frîmh, hlgharade trau. Oa ur arviababr5o f tbe e M aj i veand the volume of D us dons. g àbloUyetré. Write Pelims Nursary Ce.. Toronto, Ont. P.5.--Bandsome catalogua on request altber to Si- s A A * A WIITER TOURS > TO TRELANýÀD op Sunshin. sudi Sunimer Day. Limited trains lue, Toronto dsiiy, inaking direct conneetion st Detrot and Buffalo for the Bonthern States, ud at Chicago for Callfornia, etc.' Those contemplstlng a trnp of auy nature abould conut aitsadian Padcflc Ticket Ajoute wbo will b. pl#&uid to' quota rates, a rs ervstions and attend te H oai - onecton'It your trip, -r r ii oastewt ILG ulhy, Dtetile Pauer Agent, A '44VW .4WV bAA-A AAIA A A %A WATER AND L§GIITCOW ISONR Do you kuow ef auythiug cise that has been steadily Scoming down iu price for the st few-years, except -EleetHle Llikht-?- S The chief business of a Municipal Electrie Dcpt.- is- te furnish electricity fer light aud - power "at cenOt" t the Sinhiabitants of the municipaliîy Owing to reduc'iieus in tthe price of meters, and Vo thec gencral incroeae -in business, Sit han been found possible te lowèr the cessiof ligit te the consumer by eliruinating nieter rents after 'they have beéen - i.paid three years. GET YOUR HOUSB WIREDI and help us to reduce the rate still further, ahd strike a'bIow at "the bigh cost of living" by using electricity in thehone.- GFWOO W. P. EVZRYI supt, JTEASU RER'S SALE 0F LAND FOR? TA XE8 y uintue of a mairant updertbe baud of the Wmrd.nanmd the-SIaloe the Corporation R Of the Couaty of Ontaio, dol!d the î'tb day o! S@ptemb«e, 1914. commmrAing MO B to 1417 tPonthe lande mentioned in tii.foliwig ist for araso ae hro and COaMs»sbercin set fonib* 1 bereby give notice tust uuleaa mui araa u st Muoer Paidi 1 aal, lIOnph'miance wlth the Assesment Act, brcod to seul by Publ~ Auictlon the sald lainds, ornso mach' tbereor amay b. necessary for the-,tazis, ait c Cour flouse, la the Town of Whltby os t SATURDAV, 1bECEMBER 26TBt, 1914 ' at tihe ur eftwo âock ln the atternoca Part Lot Co- A F 50 Ioe38 2 Si G ioo $1343 $2 59 G 50 .$,g83 $ 2"-ço'- L 100 13 86 àz6o TOWNiSHIP 0F MARA- Co.Acre « Taxes Coitg 50 8 87 2 50 12 100 9 59 '2 -0 TOWNSHIP 0F BROCK. Ceu.' Acres 'Taxes Ceeu Il 9' z 8 35a0 14 24' - 3138 3 28 TOWNSHIP 0F -PICKCERING C"-. AcresTaxes »Costa Sk -3153 3-329 N 3ë X. .BLOW# Agento Wbitby j Part W % ofE> part Pt. - part Village lot zo, BkAP ickeilug being N Village lot 6, ChutaiSt. Whites- s PartT W SH PL NX LotCo.A Treaurees 0 ' 4 z B >d0.,sept. 1, 914- Lot - 10 Lot 19 9 Lot IP 0F 179 9 ÉAST WHITBy Tu« ,- C48to 37 70 34 -- otal 12 89 $160o2 $12 33 Total Il 37 Total Pat or Unpat 5 33 Fat 34 66 Pat total Fat or Ijupat t b i pst or Uapa' Junpa. Un:~ Fat or Unpat - Fat 34 82 20,94 Pat Total Pstet Uspat 49.1 - -,-- Fat CoayTrmuwem -This W'111 be one chance -in..a lifetime when youcan get. For The Price'of 0083 Every pair of Men's, W.omen's, Boys', Gits'Y and Children's boots, soesailkindsofru-b-ber*s and overshoes; also a:large stock of trunks, club, bags, suit cases and Automobile skates will',be sold at Away B3elow the Wholesale, Prices. Sec Ouf Windows and Baîgais Tables and be Coa.vinceda. - 1 Theadvrsemuiriv i, Tvhrloe1 --- B--*.~- j* ----rrussels lace, embrolclered iu rose Township againet tic Hydre-Radial pattern, and a tunic o! tic came bv-laws on Monday raises an inter-I lace. 11er bridai veil wiVh' corouet Open Evenlngs. -J 4-UUU«by &C&&mçoo au lumi- ý 1 mq 1 phone Jet. m-5. 31 Terms Cash,

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