Moncy Makes Monrcy r,-, l a îl e S i -4T liig is ee t he incid ents g Or, StaI2e Stpultio adStryer .flotilk on hostile, li S - Frp t, sucb, for inetaùce, aisHel balfled a.d discovereci aithVen CHAPTER 111.-'(Cçntlnu.èd).ý *eoe" atid thougil she loved him be- Ve-nga "Hussr enmet," «"eased 1" uaid Julian 'Bryrant. cus t hie proud resolutiolL.- h. only den 'turniug on'theni et seacohil "You've gut queer notions of whîa -le perrznttedhie wili te sway hec for -aaiùgrtion ttLgaiidaVr likeiy tu pleane me, I muet ay"- tiffelonger. -nu&tî Su'Enid neyer went baek te the man The duties ait the workir kept Julian im4tdy Vota- orpedo on ite Who had give-n her such hope, and the out titi ver>' lafe; he put In e-t least 'trated Wair News. lIttie aid piano cemained shut. fourteen heure a day ait the etat there- weenu- more preti>' littie dinners. no They stayed on through theé wInter.!î oreinvc?"ted delicactes. Tihe tired -- and the earl r part of spring, Little M rs. me-n mt ewailowtd bis food andket tw found it possible ta rejoice that hec b, Bryant rare y laughéd - now; Indeed,- bed ln haste to snatch' what se» he lvdo.sol aealt ie - re-dualiy there to11 upon the two young oeonshudavaIl ie i peuple a silence. The>' walked' tugether, cauld before. dawn - aud duty came ln the open air; no close office drudi they sait together; they were aiways agalu. ery. together:.but'the piisery of their posi- - lhere wece no more walks. no more As sie aettled herieif linelly with hg tien neyer let them be together ceaiiy. dreamy. lhappy discussoions. no inore needies and cuttuns and a coae-ofuti, When th& anniversar>' of their wed- Pla4nef»r the future,- pbyerty had wock- fin whlch there wais a big cent) lu hg ,ding day came- round. Jullan Bryant ed a blight on the happinensof these le-p. sumething happened. A letter silt fauud himmeif litersilly wiihout a ah11- two îYoung peuple, the sordid uglinees ped out of one of the puckete uftit 11Pg Iu hie pocket. off t 1f. destitute ut charin had corne cuat and feit on the floar. -.1 a ewe them. Enid clierished hier- As Enid Biyent stuuped tu pick u Me en ot i ti.usul e-. kse -hope and her taith lu the sunahine to this letter ad replace it. ehe pause in i iegre-vely and se->ing uu'- come.-but ît a no esy task. for Ju- euddenly. A, certain namo inscribe thina,: and suddenly there came u0on le-n was Afn-mo0 clo reledtuu erta hlm the Impulse ta go ta Rachel ar-i 0cane. *ce-ught her eyes, -- nock t oftce woî'k iad corne ei twc, ok.Weth okhad coe î wf and her lieart beat hurriedi'. 8h. lies 'fIhumble mnysetf, If I eire her the e ot tiat this hear>' cluud that l'est- te-ted, luoked e-gain at the letter, putj aatite-tlu utiettng er cno ti edno ta neibl>' upon them would sureli' satsfatio ofletingberkno tat be Ilited, but Ji'"en'a spirit liad see.m- -"sigle; then once mure oe. esltatedae- she-we-rtiht, periapa do Ine-t>'lentthe trick ut catchine- hope; hheePsnxer dehon w atke r Somethtng foi, me; -, t toast I »hall kuow ih pe-per on the table lu -ont th wliether'aie la workiug againstme. eand maSnot uieoroe.lynycaîlcred; he us he pae-ienthectae np'oetî * f lfeah. 1 Iwan'îupe-re lier!" e-' t tiftlesmoroe, dculd ahcrlly h er Ut we-s a* communication f rom But wieu he celled a'e-tuswell-re- 1 uessed the reau ce-us e of this change fsudo no lse-ade"ete le- rlemýbered office Vts orter gave hlm tiq. bn er hUsaa, Be-ciee erokeprevilaui>, adha R h a Information that- ifr. M1e-ruock' flota.tiere. - was silence, that humilli-lg silence. -didMr$. Mernock," e-nd we-sevidentl>' on not here mor thn dlsappoiint. I t burned. of numerous letters: thuse mysteriou "She don't came 'otten uuw. air," ore h lettera whici he he-d neyer upened lu i se-id. "'She has beaui aliig s bit ti The te-ct that lihé'be-S humbleS ulni- presence. Enid re-d cerefuli>' thru wlnter, aud la e-broe-d aomewhere lu' self teowrite sud solicit lier help em- thie le-w>er'a leiter, sud whsn she ha torelgu parts: Ieastwe-)ra< 't ln whet' h ered Bryant- hundred tImes a da> .dune so- ahe Bat and covered her te-c 1 hear." ha ttotureS himnelt witli the recollection with her he-udâ. 8Ie waa tremblîn, Brye-nt thanked the me-n sud gave ut that letter, M-e diS not' heoitate te tram the Aftect of ae-"reotie- dreadti hlm a amile. Me cemembered thé lest ourse the womsu te wliam It haS been shock. For this letter cece-pitulated i time ho lie- entered 1h. office. sud how - e-dcessed. curt légal terme certain tacto which lia beantitul lite ld ieSeemed to i theti. And then one de-y the pe-pera put out be-deandee amc euedt la e He be-S only e-on.s'a-few- yards down lu large, tetters 'the news tuât Mnr ad$-n.hs e-t elt lhe the etreet when the porter rau - fter Macnock wa'<ded:lier millions gave qieet niede b>' the lae. Mrs. Mernuck t, 'Om h e a Place of: Importance; lier Seati Julian Brya-nt. si"but ar,'1 oe Jutlerd . M at0 ulcitra.The ainaunt ut thie bequest was h, padn ar"lewga atof, cell terhuttrug larf Marnockut 'v on acl.shebarlan LaMau&qJ c an Brya-nt ceaS the newaL-and e a ' le thtthe figures SauceS betoz, 'Yeu kuuw where cie tives. Suu't rou? It waatfol uwed y ae-strange sense of The iawyers Jiad written appareutl, "Yen," seid JuilanBrye-nt. ie lit Te humiliation iras ifttod tram ta repeat once aai- that there had basi Âgelu acting- un' Impulse, liehlilied'rluie. hl.-Her silence rea nuw expleined. 0 miste-ke, nur.iras iliere e-ny poasibil a 'bus and ires carnieS westw,-cda. Si ue have.been tou 11i ta w-ite.ý-MHe It> oft compronmise; their duty ire-eti Thene iraissomnilng"u ledting- lu Ws orrn-niai De->' hr.Deah aover this ruuey to Mc. Brye-nt ouli hie heari. eomethlng that Sispeiled toc is the eresu leveller. If lie tuJiilied the condition attacheS tg a littie wilé the wretcbedness. It a ete enrhewfipkotetebéus hop. or f'he er-11 ad sffr-dee-d.iroman irlen they -met'tl'et nie-ht ' And irlat weahs condition? me-g, then perhaps this would b. h o i hy o Ics e et-he I eare alv i leaatfo - ~moment lu whlch ta appruaci lier. She nrdi he'everdsuale e-i the gIf h ere hd telie tslteeaUtro lai -i ied been e-ood ta hlm, she' hed shuwn Poer e-e tflacboheeelMnn ohu sgBrllie lie-S narled, tan Jumia -'hlm kinduesa mure than e-ny 'allier -Pier aste-blem at.Th oue rau oudli dibenaetna pereninthoe d-yains errytine wt. le-Sneyr kownexactl>'wma iiti e-n assured position, a me-n wt' - eo leS en take trotu hm s suely irorde be-S been iepaken ln thait mont re- poirr! If is refueed Vte-al lu it) li entiaknfwrk, imno e-s, denl'marke-bte Interview; but she lie-Saaqulck this condition, tien nuete- penny iroul- Ve me an t ea r nelte faors, o iP magination. She csauT ess. AnS PasInte, litspossession. utoc nsoedeendnt ou lm. for ad minya tme f l -te Ind lie-S Julie-n Brye-t'swiie se-t se.hardI- anefo me i a d egres talierfurcd lie-ruaItt ane Ve - l tEn reknew huir long mih ber tremblins -houset sie llved lu une. uf the niost' Marnnck'e tierce denuncelun ut theirli-d prse tolrhoee.S- fe-hioabl qurtea;,lielieS duedaImarrie-ee lad e-t least îhîe menitI utcorn. thouglit aie lad e-une tirougli a. muct tuis huse tirice 1i,1the old days, tiat mon Pens. ta recomrmend Ih. At an;' sirng l the le-st tew nibt onli . lie-Sbeen mien lier huebe-u lie-Sbeen irate. nie alirsys alrank- troni tie mer. rmnsls-tc- ereu ohn i éolcin ut Hache-el Mernoek. HiStilt at -uneWona.u-sbe- s a.thîs. Tc -e-irve,e-nSdlie lad been eummfoned thece nrciineV EeiStsp-idel tiai e stood e- te-gible be-rier tr ta discushie future. hdn-in o hnetera h a-i ah Ta hwolvdhm Theluxr>' te baut',Vie meatipers. no mas Ignorant ut thé tact tint mio mould Thate gvhe olaeSorhlm coThielu .te hoe da aiS ver> I atverybud>' mes te-Ikine- ebout Mrs..Ma r-haegenlr tfrn 'otled ln hisn ecuse a e- c erai -nock and the money s aieli-Sleft. TheIf il he-d been demandeS of lier, sulii exte-ut lie lie-Sbeen accustofmed tu such imiilie-S maeee-sensation: tiere wea e resu vi n zed e-e -- b-c aeIltat e-i l hunee; ut uir aslieetod o th o 0muclimoue>'. The mondergul lbe- Iswthle-in e lu lIe, wno e- re-gsdy doorstep, the reniembrauce of tuamu Ueî t cei> i- ametIoaî a texp'a>'ilne troyed su mucli ue I- man ansd lier power muclced hlm e-ne-S ledisposition-of lier torlune mas tue rWab iley-ite tle au muc:the Ur- almuat turneS' away. s rasn-tîseff'ufthVe moment. - rpobke:'. truleatseas. lie un- Neuessity wshwvrn rsig Unlike hie mife, Jultan Bry'ant kneW spokeran rbe:e-i ase sthlgawas tue-t hlieset Ils lips sud put ltsisu __ t f libis, -sud tue-t isis ant mould ie tram lier! ies priSe. -Re wa. -nul deslinsd. liai-,sure wt e-uv>' as lie ree-d tic ne-mes of * Sie kiew hlm au meil.-ý She couil erer Vuese r-ira. Maruock, a.s ree I Viose- ilim thus Seati liaS ennieS wa edI.oltharanflowai0s gîven uthe Intorme-tiontli e-I aieir-enutl uni>'nature-.I. -er relations, lier scre- eaS ttu iph lse- hertu flr-e -huatis ireli enaugi Vu recelve aiuyune. Sue tre.hrsrats l hs h a unusual sud mon-t cruel proposition ire- confiueS tuelier ruoi. wirked for Rechel Marnucl< lie-S een muat hav-e signIfleS lu- hi.m, sud iris "ýWill you e-jive me e- mess--ee. air,. remembered. Aven sorne utflis oirn kiti ths tret hot reseuttul miser>' lie- pais- Would >'ou il ce aeirrite a note?" and km <(peuple connecteS iithVe- dead - aler tlougîl iras of tulie-at pi>' for Juilan Bryant sa-Id "No" etfilrut. anSdironien tinougia her marrie-ee) mens lie me-n. then he change-S -il$ mid. meiitloned -se benelittue- bg Vie irîi. . logd teconitunt hlm. la put "Yes, l'il wirte." Althougi lic mas Saing e-plnSIdl>' lun Si.ang bu i n t lshm n H le se-t Soin e-ths te-bil li te ielits neir mark, eand the prouu.Ise utfear-n rte h abouitrdhm - r anStkîal t; u saeclous ball, su charmingi> acre-neeS.tue-a ste-ad>' iree res dMa*Ing daîl ta lios ie Iwte beis on olie-rabret be-vine- Ire-eaunes on lhe malts; il ira. ne-erer, 1h. hîllernesthat lie-S rept bfan ah. kke fotheposn f Ibis-sIren- scented mihflar-s,e- glinipse ut an- 'uta JultanBnyanî's liert seuh pisaned der5îlilevé!). wasfor hrsit(lie-Imn-t otien irorlSHo diS nel chuase litshlm: lie ires alirys sulîsu- nuw: île s reî> ire-a gytirie nir. nut - - iorde, lie irote like à amen dietracted. 'wit. se-mles sud lissuut hlm, lie even = e-ee-gis tig eiati but "I1trant. yau tla lieunme: I've trieS fore-ut etVîmes te ides her teen lie he gnimevedel'eîaun e everyngadéverye- a oewntotadcm n.Adltl yhersit, 'ever! ne-rer!" e-eainsI me.- Yeuwir-e once ver>' good 11111e thece ulule ia oEuS's mind lie She rusee-nS pile- un the lette-r tate s asu .dIisappoinleS >Yeu. I liisuspicion tue-t ties re-ea an eiement of aie Bitpped IV bacit tutu the sue-I poskel, sonny;' but 3ust bece-use youu iere gooS myslery, unclclying lien iusband'a -aud then aie suload a moment witi clos- ta me once I irenI ymu 'taeire me an- cie-neeS anner. >,eS e>es, littine- the sue-Vlunlier arme other chance. I've came te nMy elan 5 h. grisvsd for lier- lelt happîneas, e-nS pressing lien lips t Il as thoughl i -- pe-n'. Gud kuomu mat mili bappen If but tienrwoas -tauci ut natura e- s-tiene sentie-nI aud respunslve: tien aie I on't get eomethtug ta do. I So't e-s< sentment ln her sorroir. She Std nul un- brushed the tee-ns e-e-ey anS se-t daim e au tta te mne beck lttur %cOffice. Senstand mi>' Jultan shoult Vae ler su a-nS houe-il delihenatel>'. Happil>'. Jo- ut e-wrdnS tom you -would ie-nie meunkîncil>' uniesseinde-eSlie li et a51eil lie-niras nul comme- baek tiIIle-te. tue-ne work someiliene es. 1 a.k you ta lave ton ber. eand se, ould nul letI he'- iree sumany heiure lu wiîci tû thInk speak lie-I word." *- selt thit ils ytt1 elilI heirlite iras anSd-ctl! He signe-S il mlihie full ne-me, sud so dîffe-rent. Tier cee-meS taelie naîhine-T ecotne hIie-nS tremfble-S as lie inscnibed lier's aie couid Sa ton Jolie-n. He- put lier (ob otne. ou Vie entelupe. aiesoPeey Seke ohn Me hardi>' iceir mue-ce ie maikeS -iss upee>. Sekerntle mien lie lef V hs hous; lie e-eegîte-te-S ut lis mark uo' of ils prospects. He Boer General Wîth Bi1ish. nerou, uiept".NptVe - t lie ue- semed ho havrea d de-si of business nleUB na ie-rltilse If he liaSdune eaboultirhic-li uic- e-w noltue-, It je a.nuouncecIthat Vhs Boer Wrottne uhet-anr 'e -drelu- Lettena canme frequenîl>', but lie putGeel' Job t-i- me-g, n d lliet--I s sIe-m. e-nS unie-asthem n i ltepocket unupeue-d ta be ne-ad eeà 1 F ra! s, obr-i le had hl-p. lie. 100, mould egounder, mience as a§le, aucoîs ot penîaseneyer Vu camne Vo Vie tove-gain' neeaaem-.okie - î oî ar, anc s a fr i -tordeauxth Me found humueif e-tIen e-mlle l l-i ti a tene- et.her- liee-t hum ttred î racc-t ferhe wr V h "'. hy "ii'dont ýYOit lru -Il herele at.Iand aie seultu lM ls iart h ie w w ta tturu a-rifle or sebrapue ijl ýt,nom about aicer," lie iraIs; e-nS the 4a larme- rkt as, e-nSde-blesaîne-, telt It- Genecaiuiy speaking,- ouiy te yul- J ie deS I îe- li n aab-a t ne-t lspakten. eanS lien sis went be-ck té e-e-e-tunext me-e-tet emplun anS If 5noIlied e-e-elu. for Il mearer>' e-ni>', sud necaible 'pacts o! 'ths Machine are slian'l forgeel OU.Du'li sul1ln tleme;h.r-suu- preteeteci, such ais Vhs engins aad a eboul Ihts. ai*dchiai,;you knum me muse- a4py eandvrth mnsehd stand b>' une anoîher: e-nSd>au mere ti 'ere vnli enai i- hs seats outhVie Pilot and Vhs ob- -io e-oaSlume-lu me-ny isys ihea 1 firsu -marrieS usl e-s a moîhen >earp avec e- serger. -Thal nie-ht Juite-u Brya-n'taiS d. ils Sicteit lier cuae aigaol mIete aie-Iliugs mecs change-S, sud ltf e-mwy. $She ira.besel mi auxtet>'. nui.- lie' t-es goîne- ta serre an apprnnicesiip Iwliat sould sie do? Hum could ah. e-I some niotor morku. hsip liii? Moi brine- beck e- semble-use 11IhJutalttelc, '1le beofteri o. apCes yicus-I once kueir a tellow isumetiue beface laoe-," lie Af te-c e aieb- risen e-uS dressedshse Who gave agirl an engageetrn O- ýL r0Wî uVe 11e ud 'lleebsoftuirslf e-ppî: e hume le-hadt fopale. 414,mean you aeeogi ne- Vo earu ta lie ,cleianed. e-ndSthece ma. meudîne- ho dr-Ive a e-b?", oe-adS nid. wtmlite 1ebe dons, for JuiIe-n'e mark Elleyed geet Slllieus--Gracious! Waen't le catch ln lier volce-;-endlie-r a4-levus iuliels ithes.uluk --ded hie' heaS. AnS mhtld BuIS siept, -duated, and nuk --Yes," sud tien lie addeSd griml>'; "If even ascrulibed, lehebair a.wiîli hm. Cynicus-You bet it masji She -1 get Vhe chance." She determined la Ifneel hlm ilti a mnarried him, 'If you drive a ce-r. miy cen't I pie-y emiline- tece and pie-nueSho eIre hlm - < lu "public?" some-Iliue- uce ton ies, u<pper. once AnS Jolie-n Brya-ntcaugit lita lieati egain abe seltlierseif ta lookOpUile-ti- so lie ansireelie-r:.Cil>'thlefuture. Perbe-pa to-Se-y Y e do nt speak Vo - ll" QY "Bece-use I iron't letn>my ite workh mo uld lie a tu'nlne--puinuta their îlees "No,"l replied Vhe scholaicly girl. -f -He disseS ber sud helS lier ver> 'L1il- If lie dISire-il to-Se-y le mIe-ht son lie "When pased-him 1 v iutu ly>Inlaietsarma. lu cegular mark- That the mork oiald g ;Mth "'PIe-as GoS, me aee goine- Vo geeh e lu a sense mente-i be-S ceased hto vex geologlcal survey." "q11he géolo.gie- a hhrougi mth ouucbe-S tîmes ver>' soon be-c tender spicit. The>' lie-S heted 80al u " y l PWhat 18 Sm- - o - ainig," lie se-id. me-ny Segnees of sufferine- that thora .e uvy .A.ter tiatlilu.wais ou-t uf-tVie housea - renieleS nul a glîmmer of enoliber>' ta monly kuomu as Vhsestony stars,"1 the 'lime sud BuIir orked e-e-ela Inces-' situer ou, Iheni. Tadrive a motan-cali The dignity O! Ila-bor dm- srte ae.nhiy an<the olS pljno. l- mould b. tuerd wuck. but Il ires e-maeaumntae 1"1Q9Pe de-y hie ml canehi. ,mindi mark, sud a me-n miti lire-ts could rrae that ne mn i5so loir thait ho 4n 't b il et ,,~~iems thé wack,' ohé saIS Vo - e-yen la tViteprofession. luSsed, EniI4worthy of hie hics. <4nvlwarfere abou>vt wbià ohwo nht YaWeehips uind crujaers 1i . w eh LigoLnd. W ses es a, detSnyer flot noment Of, Iaunchia g whst Germi tr <m ogh au.tumn iht on tue,»hips lihson ehore emnd on boedthe asncoh.o ped<>-vube ie lcoking -êhrough the raà ng errand e esrcto -Fo aDa cI I p eû ce. I Wlth the Cabbage. lt Stag4a-rd LloIdslaw Dressing. -' nd JOase,,gg,-cne-hall cup o! sugar,on e-a taspoon !finnetr, n-ai! tee--o ,, Vaepoon of sa os-haiT! tea-o *k saît, dasl o! ced pepper, ans-hait- ý cup sache!fmaVer ead vine-gar. Put unVogether lu order givea, bating :li the egg a littIe, thea cook until iV aa' thicceas, then cool. This ma-kes ng enougit dressing fer Vwo or tres ýu man arb'baiges, and eue expert ad anaermultiplies l't by tiventy- 'Il tour -teniake enough Vo drese a :0 popular calbbe-ge celisit for 200 pea- Sple. lIt- is- a smooth eand piquant -ae dressing. >,l Easy Coldslsu Dressing. - Maeh n thle volk e! a bard boiled e'g mith I- 9 ao a quarcter o! a Veaspoon o! mustard, IV anc tablespèon o! sugar, sud -bai! a tO teaispoon o! sait. When thoron-gily, rnmixed'add enougit vinegar Vo make init as thin as desired, Severai Ln spoonfuis o!irnilk or crean may be th acidec to"'it. IV ig a pretty, -emeet, elad-agresambie dreseing for s small t' amnount e! ciéb-bage. The a-bave 19 amount is enough fer he-If a cab- ih bage. 19 Cabbage Saiî&i,-heree fg ne eau- iaid dres-sing toc cabbage Vhat le fluer Stitan seur ceani mbipped up a-ad 'see-sone4,miti lernon juive or vine- gar, salt, sud ipepper te Vaiste. The nstrict vegeitarian uses thle lemon jîtice aume-ys, A ittîesehaved onien with a ca'bage, oae littie eue or- yseveral nemans, aeose-sons thse asaiad mcii mwitfhaut being noticeable tin au indepeudeat may. Saine peo- 0pie like e- salad or -aw sea-soned rinstead mitb a al-f teaspoan utf sel- 1ery -seed. The caibbage muet shmays be vrisp, and il irshl ccleped e-fter it ha e sflst fie-ver if scalded and V-heu cnieped in icewaVer. Shave it -as finely e-e pasile, put it in a deepc tbewl mid hsheonion if the-t leo-ced, f tthon pour immediel' je-t a col- eacier wiith in fiuoles aud thon put r nt iceteater Vo crisp, le.arinur on ait Ieat au bouc. A \hiVVle sugar me-y be spcinkled an it befare ta-dding e- deesîung. Raidish flomece ma-ke about te prettist decore-tian 'for ca!bbage ce-lad, but beet, clicse b eut outt lu Sancy chapes me-y ho îtced aud suicesor chreds o! green or ced9 pepper in cea-son aisoe -cnlu avor; g Marine-ted Red' Cabbage. - Re- V more outer imperfeet, Teeves,iwasii, V aud eut uip a ced ca.bbae-g fine as fer iý cold cIe-w, Put il into a safety, gilaz- tg ed ear-theuware disit, peirder with fins sait, sud Te-vs iV iu a-vol ci Iplace for tir aeys, stirriag it se- s, Ivocal t-jmes ia ocde-r that Vhs saIt Ir Imay t.horoughlt'pouetrate Vhs ce-b- ci bage. Lt eau be propaeinlua ci shorter time by tising more sait. c* Enough liquici may be cire-mn ont, fi if there is e- considerabie quaiity ti o! cabbage, co that it miiluseci ta te be cirainsci off, but ordinariiy e- re asonâbie ameunt o! sait mii liH ' simply make teé- a-itage st-ioky. cli Next suice ans -uianer severalinta of the bottom eftVhe eartheuware disl, 'Si tje up soismitwole pepper, ai cieve th or tire, sud witatevec spices you se choose lu a 'bit et cheesecioth, thon -th covrnths uhole mith eiVher colci or te boiling vinegar anci le-ave standing vit for tweuty-fou-r heurs, irbon 1V le, reaci>'foc use. The piekieci anci ced e-i and fair more 'wialesome. Cook te green- part iu plenty o! mater for gr,( sun or Mlfeen minutes, or uqtil ten- p der; draini, chiop ia a clicpping sco bom!, then- heat np witb butter a-ad nou oihs: seaisoninge, or comibine mthira. - I LIFE TùEE TBOLIMS. tbear à t4ny mnment-an at.tack by The Guildhall le at Present a De r 'Off a naval port or fortified, out->'d rw illa, caught -in the acst, ns it were, pot for RdCos se officere are fond, of pictaresque- a'penla sof an snemy, by means of the isud Prpenua red ships., Theý man es in the 'As you corne m-to tihe cou'rtyarc e-findér w.ith une Lanid on tbe lever oftVhe Guildhall ycu -se the gleau rng by- C. M.- Padday of the- illus- of lance-oints, the flutter.cof rec aud',White -psè f~.The e are een* tries "posted ver Vhs centre, the holy- o!holiees cf London'emuni- a littis chipped meaV5 meat stock, cia ie s 4),' h cnure and sasnine, nd bak inVhsand in -ever;y ldiiths City, the even as a sort of les.! or Pudding rnunicipality, has been first' the l(Vhs Iialian 'budino). Or atter 8dd. oradle, then tihe'stronghiold of hee- ing Vths ibutterÉ and -aeasoning and dome, orde r aud, aw. Seven hun- cooking untiltheseblènd well.With dred veairs ago thes tout, citizens ot the greens, pýacir into cupe rinsed Lo6 wsre, on ths aide of -liberty out with cold' waiter, and when eold a«ainst bairon andi King, just as to- pour out anduse-as a salad. day à hse unicipality of Bruseels, Useul int. - in Vhes es son of M. Max, its Burge- Usell-, turdily refuses Vo cringe Leaving hann lu the water in beloÎe.Vhs, brutality of German whièh it ie boiled until iV je quite militarisan. ta cold 1 This will maike it juicy and It le naturael th-le City of Lon- tender, don, mont favous of! municipalities, Hamn which miglit otherwiebe should be ardent in support of Vhe good je otten spoiled by beiug national war aga.inst a despotismn cooked ln too emali an amount of by rigeht of arme, most fitting tha.t water. in this hour of stress.-Vhs preoincte Flowers witiher quickly in Vhshe at oft hs Guildhall, faxned for an age- but a amaTi piece o! cainphor in' the old liostility Vo mititarim, . would, ,water wiIl keep Vhs-n fresh nuch glitter with steel and echo Vo ths longer. rattie QI spur and sword. SIn washiug., delicate laces neyer Spared by Fire ot 1666. use etarch, but if a elight stiff ening While you '-wateh ths pennons le desired tivo lumps ci siLgar in1 a there cernes out between Vhs sen- basin o! Warmi ate,r will give ail tries a nurse in Vhs uniform ofi ths that le nesdsd. Red Cross. For part o!f-the- Guild- Sheets ci, tinfoil -placed under hall je given up now Vo ths work doilies upon whieh glasses,' pitchers of tiiose who ministér to Vhs-wants or vases of water are set -will pre- of Engîand 's aries. Under the veut Vhe dam-puss froin eoaking hiall, Which echoeJ recently Vo Vhe Vhrough and staiuing polished stirring, caTi of patriotism, you go tables. d-owù i-Vo ths crypt, with its fine When baking bread or using the cîustéred coluinj and groiued oven. for cther. purposes, remewber vaulting. Sjpared by t(hs great fire that it is an econoxny e! fuel if vege- of 1666,- which worked, so mnuch ta(bles are cooked lu covered d *ishes, havie among the niemorials ofiold in the oven-at'tbs sains tipis. London, Vbhs crypV le a« ce-muant of >J tifia-spots o-g> eloth need not be Vhs Guildhall whidh was buiît 500 rsgarded hopele3sly. 'Wipe off the yeurs a-go, be-fore ever Dick Whit- way of Vhs irapý with a silk baud- tington was Lord Mayor of London., kerchieit or very soft!brueh. If tiis Now iV has 'been granted to Vhs city be dons quickly, no marks will re- branch of ths British-Red Crogt So- main. ciety, and î-s beîug used Vto splendid Both vinegar and lemon juice purpose for the, work of thaît orgah- have a reanarçible action on Vhe ization. ribre o! beef, and if a piece o! steak Dcvoted Vo Red Cross. is Allowe.d Vo rernain for several hours covered with sither, it will At V-hie moment Vhè cryrit is a de- lose much of its Voughness. . pot of aillVhe thousaud and ons Schould an extra polieb be requir- thirige et whicb a. Red Cross de- ed on an old graVe, first rub Vfrs tachmeiit stands lu ueed. The cri b-ars with a -piece of lemon, atter ganization îe under ths cars of whicli Vhey wihll-Vake black lead bet- Lady Wyne, wifè o! Géneral Sir ter and polish more easily. A-. S. W.Ynne, keeper of Vhs Jewel Allow cabbage water teo geV cjuite Houeabt he Tower. To thse oypt cold before pouring out. Yau will corne flanuel and linen, giftst e h fid it wilî leave ne unýpleasant great firms o! ths city and o! pri- isel behind, as it does wîsn it le vate people. Those fabrics, are Vo be pouced away hot. eut out, and theni, Vbrough local Brown boots and 9,hoes 'tja-t have organizations, ma-de up inte neces- stains and spots on them rnay be sary garmeiltaby Vhe capaible work- enevated by rubbing thein with a people whom ths outbreak of, war pisce of flannel dipped in meth-has cobbed of cegular employmnxet.' îtedspiiteleaingtlie Vodry But it les not only Vextile mater- stoe .iporis ing jmtodr ais witih which the authoriVies ol ettue, prsley nd il the hscr.vpt an deal. Into great bas- creen tJhings xnay be kept delicious-tkets ilsore adth kin ro hn ýy fcesh if ficet washed in ceki wa- useful V hs i h rn ro ýr, shaken and -thon packed ln a active service aife being paekedi n pil hatha- avec VilitcovrThece are baskets o! Vwo epecies, Âni l thath as rma ytoV p oene rte surgical and comestible. -For Vhs- ïth-anset r olpae firet, -besides such matters as lint If to hoo adsetyonitndroolplacd.and sprinte, hair brushes, -ponges, Ifn o ca itea-c tîya endeaufeldand matches are needed. For Vhe ,ree coran d eadd ensousuar second, abundant crockecy and wte corep andradeno h sgablVsuch grocerisas tea,<coftee and n th préaraton o thetabl tObiscuits.-1 ea.son it, you will find it equal te It would he super!lucus te praise seet cern. When cooking field Vheoehuh n as wV rn er hs abl ad a-teapon- which aillVhs Tessons o! experience ul etf sugar te Vhs kettîs in, which have been brought ta bear upon Vhe ,he corn is boiling sud yeou eau-noV work. Sucely in aIllVhs five cen.- Ill it frein sugar cocn. -re Éo iei xseneVs rhs tt ood, ae Vfey cau be put-'on ehly dons np, and: look ea,n anci 10 Poudi. Whe ,sp. They- are juat stripe et mnue-, ~ ' very dai ntily henimed. - 20 Pr>oxtra, - - - 1 -- -e'.- 50 ý,Pcnnil "I1 tihought yen saici bis word mas goc as hie -bondi" " ýSe I did, it Iforgot Vocci te-t, hie bond is )geoci giVher." T'ie vueitoner ilu Vhs grocery. store ring ruiCed his-e eothee, mas hop- ig maci "Didn't, you ses Vit an, 'Fresit Paint'V'" skeci the ecer. "O! «'ur-ss - I did,t"- snap-« 4 thle custamer, "but I've seen- .nusny4 sigus-ýhung up baes an- îunoiug-, onuething fTesh* t1at wm't tihab I didn't believeIL.", 100 Pound. Cloth Baga, andin, 7 2 Pound andZ 5Pound ealed Catn ovineseV are sure sugar, p It's, Worth while t* insist. on the -Origina[Packags e.arned asueh ihigli praise from 81r John- Frenc' h, je the most popular general in the, British Army, *be- eMcause during tihe whole of his career. the soidiers' welfare fias al]ways -oc-- eu-pied first place in Ihie programme. lýNixie-tenths of hie« service hai -been paseed in- India&, and it was d, there à !t Quetta'tha. he "built tJse n first soldiers' -club that the Army dI hias known. 'The .Generat's first public aippçar- 0ance in. England -was made on a Wesleyan Plat'orn, rom which ho adelivered a lengthy speech in fe.vor - 0of ameliorating the discoinforts of. barrack lit e. , Re ie one-o! Vhs few soldiers w1ho can spsak eloquently- à and"without fnotes. Thé acts -which peraikpà have en- deared him. Vo Tommy Atkins more. than any others were the- repeal1.of pi quet duty and- the freedoin grant- ed ta Soldierg duri ng-manosnvree. Until General ,Smitih-Porrieif-- took coinmniand -at Alderghot, piquets of four or eight mien paraded .t-bs streets until midnight Gencral Smith-Dorrien put the soldier on hie -honor neot to misbehave him- self in the public etreçts and abol-- ished the piquets. They have neyer been reinstated. Thoroi:ghly .Subd sed. Her chlarms subà cued him Ere they wed, -But now, ber tongue IDoe;s it- inetead. edSugair >Refinery in ,n you buy ~g trnuIated Sugar in- any original jpackages you oif getting the genuine- ~,Canada's finest tire anc ean as when CANADAý SUGAR REINING Co), LIMITED, - hi s q ARCHIVES- 0F ONTARNO] race r-e-' aie-r? o!- u'ace -e su ~4 _ r-te-" i -tIli- m10w llut -A odLampBus Iti Own Sniok >The Rayo Lamp1-, mixes air and-ou i just' the right. pro .- portions, so that you get. a _clear, bright- light without a trace Of. 'mell or. smoke. LAMP$' Rayo. lampe are easy on the. eyes -soft e-nul steady-light up ga whole room. Made of! solid braies, nickel Platsd-hand. noms, made te laiét.- ]Esyto clean and rewick. Dealers eve'rywhere- carry, Raye lampe various styles anid sizes. ROYALITE GIL ta Lest foc ail uses' THE IMPERIÂL OIL Co-, Iia. il)N , l M I aur - oîîiî. or îî or r If ou-iy lew 1' a , lllllltwflul m f