Ever Reioîwatch 'is priced at the factory by the makers By- special arrangement w, have been alloed, on a ,iifited nuinber of th«.e fine watches, to ecut tirn price by That is a$1500 Watch for $10,00 > By PaYhig a email depouit w. wil< keep one for you for Christmas delivery. but were named for another inwho could, not acce-pt Cali and blave a talk with us about it. R. me IASSET-T .Iewlsr and Optiolen Whltby --Ontario. arPtsU.J6*I, t X. K ice. Every givinig f Jh In ahardware.,aea a a ne Va Miss Li#lla Mà llepWosil t ance, a1fr ,Ifa LUIl acCarl, who basbeen adcliô lnf POëý I ýeth -for th. as; ea, s them whenever -Convenint. itie -to sToronto hospitqI la4t r woek, whoere-se.und rwent a see5Oew operatlon. At prueut.ohe Io doing-- as isil as cau b.expected, and ail -Sudio jhop@ for aspedy r reovery. W ilson s~ TGU > fortlcultural Selety zemboýrs kuadlT cail!at theo Ml mmci Powell _______________ otôre for flI option o! bulbs. ÃM.V.- - _____ P>owell, 55ecr7 . cd hlbistriebdo.-for thieir klngemm bt MILLJNEft1 It', a long, Way te Tipperary, butl Now-ts ,your chance to got your dà î't let that prevent you froin re- WJI>#tbe ha., Red J015 u, trtmùà ed membering yeur fniends tihere at and untri-mmed hats, &aise mounts,. aid Crsnab eda rylt wlng, a MiS L1KE', cenér<>~tic card wlth your naine and greet ,Cnr d Dundas Sts., on Friday lng priuted lnde, aid a, beautiful s6 Satrday <only) Octobor ioth 1cvrdsg.W aeoe w aiid3 l1ot."-cvrdog.W aeoe w Sean!i9erts efer Ontarie Coun- tY's* entributfÃ"n te thc second Cana-. dian enutînigont4or. evenseas service arrlve.la Wltby fri the nortb on ?uesday. They proceeded te Oihawa, where' they will remain untîl the quota lu completed. PUBLIC NOTICE. The ofliers and unembÃenofetthe Whltby HonticulturalSclety please take notice, that la ýaccordance wlth the Henticultural Act, the _ amnui meeting will 'b. held on Friday, Nov. Oth, at 8 p.m., la the AgricultuXal roooes, te -conclude the business o! the year. i('V. ?çwell , Socrtary. On sale Saturday at W.G. Walters' ladies' coats,' regulan va lue $12 te $13.50, redaced te $9.90. Ail tMsg season's styles and matorials. Col- ors tan, blue, lknowî, bla.ck, buck cloth anmd brown and cardinal checks, lght tweeds. Mcn's, youtbs' and Boys' overcoats ai lowest, prices at W.G. Walters. -'arn1. In elght weeks Christmas will bie bere, se don'.t delay any longer or- derng your Christmas cards. Cal l* W N. Ce T-. LI. at the Gazette and Chronicle offie - -- - - NOW, ad get a goori choice.o! ail * A th reîiln eetng t te w ithe styles, with y our ame aid a *C.. T. U. at thÇ home et Mru. R. gneetlng prînted then *een. Cal up 'Thompson, on Octoben l4th, the ruera- by phene, and we cmi subit mmm- :Ãbers bad the pleasure of îîstenîng te ples at yeur home. a very laterestig report of the ne-0 cent Provincial ovnio1edl Ontari o Ladies' Coliege, Novemiber Toroto1b C onvat enko!tioer. in th, 1914, a patriotic concert wili Tarono-th firt wee of cto fbe -gîven ila bbc College Concert Hall Miss R, J. Mitchell was fb. dle. * laîad 'of the O.L.C. War Relief c gate who reponted, and as the trne Fn.Pr Mscad aroi cam fr" hemeeting te close cel e drille. Part Il- " The Laid of * -e llnlehed, she kindly promised* te Heint'. Deure,"1 (W.-B. Yeats). Adi. ýcomplets,, ber accounit aI the Never-m isio 5 ens ber meeting. Ià so 5 et. ! 1* wua eneouraging to hear' that -C &IO -frionds througheub Ontario had re- OIG wsponded te the -appeal for Surprise F. E. Laite, Opt. D., 70 Yoage SoapWrapperu se welI, that the sal. St., Dominion Bamnk Building, Tor- à .ye eod"rvlnsAd oibo's ibIe opticin, ca be con- ben ryoaefond raîr.o it luhpedsulted ai A.. H. Allla's drug store, 'tat pve sandthe uburbans ahons lhîtby, Tuedîy, Nov. lOth. This 'wlilal esupnb thoed uaf. Te work isa geed chance te gel glasses fit. -bas- been 'o! great help te you.gtdcnetyMtngtple.1. girls alono reachlng the' clty and The maiy fniends et Mr. Walter -wlthout friends. Lldgett will ha pleised to hein lu one et1 the meetings et tbc Con- thît word bus been neceived frein -Vention, 1whlcfrwau Jargely attended, 14wa unîmeryadetuatl Dr. Filds, Rgna Hospital, that 1cy efddto is oe o b though net eut ot danger Mn. Lid- -cupporeteditue s mny.fCrA. hegett 18 doing us well as can be ex- , supoarlsth è fthe Caziadiansoins- pected ialber a veny sevene îttîck of In 'rder te do tbis every membertyhidev. eft1h. 'W.C.T.U. I the Province of! ,«.XA NETINET ý.nafo (n,_ýe a'1000o The Baptlst Sunday Seheol has de- themn> li earnestly rcqueuted te give clded te hoid their.annual Christmas *4ao cent a'day, wtth' a prayen, dur- entertalnnient on Wednssdmy evenîng, 'ing the rnontix et Novemben. Our December 23. A Prognra unique Mssiouany's naine.is- Mr. Oscar Ir- la many respects la being ariangcd W1i,. *for. Local Héppenià gs New stock Peu Angle - guaaneed. houe fer men, womeA and chlldrea, AIl colons, at W. G. Waltons'. For bbe best galvanlzed noof for IYour silo ge te Giso. X.Ries.. Neit Sunslay the services ln h i4Presbytenhmn *Church wilIlho con- ducted by ithe Rev. T.B. McCollndale, 0f Lakefield, Ont.- Mn. Roy Boomuer had tue 'misior- tuas te fracture bis zlght ar n ee day *this, week; wblle - trnîg te eranit ai- automobile._ Mr. Athe çoWtlgbt, 'o! Witby~ bias recelvedl the appofn*mont . of Pro- vîional LIeutent h.. Canadiaii Spoclal Ifon Saturday aI W5.G. Wal- *ta"', ladies' veste and dr»werm ual- uial , Ãade, r egulan-ý value 850., Sat- -urday sale prtu .19à ., * - BRGAINPRICE. 01 vIl! pay fer a new subscrfptlon teî the -Gazette 'ùnd Chroicle (rom nov iifdI-J.Jiuary 1, 9I 6ez the oppotdty to sSdM 4tIt67pur iîstmul ft!mog, *- i At - bbe résidence of the bride, By- roi St. outh, on Wednesday even- Iîg, Octoben 141h, Mr. Wm. Jeffery was marniedi te Mrs. P. A. Jellsry, Rev.> G. A.MLeiicad. Mr. 1and Mrs. Jeffery are .well-knowîn e- sidents et Whltby, aid willl, h e on Dundas St. "PF. A. MacDonald, et 903 R. A. Long Building, Kansas Cty, Mis- sourf, U.S.A., ln very arlous te ceramualcate - with frlends or rela- tives of bis grndpmrents, Peter là me- Donald aid wile, who resided la Whtby betwebu 1850 and 1870. Any information -wili be gratetully re- orz.-R. RJcarson,f. eO: Form..-M. Cronk, R. Mowbray. The Attwell sale of foeders .held,,on Saturulay at Ibe Whitby Houai yards dlrew a large crowd. Thore, were 51J cattle diuposed of, aloà hors.andJ other thingo. * T'he sales tetald $2,- 000, and were made li ene heur. The bidding was keen. Wm. Maw, wlelded IIAD HIS FOOT INJURED. Lait Friday, whlle werking at 14he Asylura Fanm, one of the prisons ef the Central Prison, sustained a severe lnjpry 1Fo his foot, whlch caus- ed the losa ef oie tee, and whilb may ýresuIt even more serlously. Ho had bis foot caught ln the cegs ef a machine used ln the building acti- vlty at, the Asylum, and the foot was crushced aid cut as f ar Up as the la- step. One of the tees had te be amn- putated by the surgeons lu attend- tac, aid the mai wai removed te the hospital la coiiecton wlth the Prison at Toronto, where offerte are belag made te obviate tliè necemiUy of any furiher amputation. -The re- sult Is In doubt yet, howéver. 'À m o! money. Owner may have sânie by prevlng. property and pay- ing cost o! advertiment. Apply at Gazette office. Bowmanvlile CounCI! bas grante ratepayers the rIght to ecavate thel r own tronches for sewers and waterworks. Halloweyen Sale of Candies Soc CARAMELS Friday and Saturday 35 cas. Jb. 1 hutdred samples of cards, at prices that range te suit any purs. No trouble te exhibit simples. C. A. Good!ellow & Son, the Gazette aid THAIKKOFFEiRING M EE P [NG(.. The Baptlst Church 'has a custoin of holding each October a th-ankoffer- lng meeting, at whlch meulbers of the congregation respond te the roîl-cal aid brlag an offering * of tiianks to the Lord for Hlm geeduess duarlng-the year. On Tbursday evenlng ef . 1Ibis week mach a meeting will b. held. At its conclusion refreshmeaits wiil be Derved aid a social heur spent. Al momberu and adherents are re,uest-. cd te attend. * AN APPEAL. Te allwho are interested iu ne-1 glected chiidrcn we wlsh te say that there are îow seventeen childnen la the Sheiter at Oshawa, ranging-frein six meaths te 13, yeans old, and they are aIl badly lu need of winten clotb- ing, boots, stockings, underwear, suits, dresses, etc., and îîyone wish- ing te* cionate sucb geods, mIvll kindly send theni te Mrs. Worster, Supt. Chiidren's Sheiter, Oshawa. Yourmslncenely, E. C. HALL, Agent. MORE LARGE MANGELS, Followlng the report of large mai- gels gnown at the House of Refuge Fanai, as publîshed inf last week's issue, Mn. E. Martin, who bas beSa barvesting- the crop of noots aud vegetables on the farra of Mr. John IHallett, sr., bas an even better - re- cord te plaçcè for othens. Lait week from Mn. Hallett's fields were taken la twe mangels which, weighcd 22 and 23 pouads. Two veny large tar- alps were aise takea la, and when weigbed together tbey tlpped tbe scales at 35 pounds for the -,air. ?A.~ Ilà .,ltt and bMr. Martin nlght'%v l!,nk tbis las a record worth b iç A SUCCESSYUL SALE. On Taesdmy the auction sale et fanm stock andImplernents, owned by Mns. P.J. Coffey & Sons, was h.ld at their taira betwein Whltby an di Pilckering, aid was greebed by oie e! the langest cnowds that bas ever mi- teîded a sale, la Ibis nelgbberheod. Lunch was pnevided for thoeeil at. tendance, if ten whlch the sale was sated, -Wr. Maw and W.B. Powell beîag the actioiscrs. The blddig wmu goed,and bbc auctioîeerg wene. successtul la carnyiag. the sale t4prugb .wltb promptneus. The total sales amounted te $8,400. MISCELLANEOUS SHfiWERS. Mrs. R. B. Hein was the bestes o! a lnlscellaeeus shower n enFr1- day cvenIng, la houer of Miss Lii- lia Soathwell, wbose mmniage tikes1 place this week. Many usefai gîft t were received. A veny enjoyable even- lag wau speat in garues, etc., a! ber wbîch -dalnty nefreshaxeats wene served. On Satundiy evealag Mcs m. ensmt R. Heard wau aIse bhc bostes efa! showen givea ln honon 6f Miss South- well. Then. was a jelly crowd o! girls present who tbeoaghly enjoy- cd'theeveilg,'s tun. The may.gîtae recelved wereali very usefal. Dalnty ncireshments were senved. t- L A DAflflhIIi<' III l'il DEATE 0F MRS. E.O. M'CROHANI A ,I1,0fAlU iIIl a The Mdsath oecunred la Toronto onD Saturday, Octeber 24, of Julallar-- IlIon, ýbeloved wite of Mn.,E. 0. Mo- IHV PRHS Onohan. Deccmsed -was well -known mgo, and fon the Pist few years bas- N w -d e bad a. summer homo at Port Whltby. She leaves a hbasband and grown up IN~ famly te meurni er boss. The lite MEN'S AND 9018' SUITS, SuIRi Kras. MoCrohan was a sister -of Mns. SW TE,10K AT, J; J. Foley, o! Ibis towa. WÀEI O PN8J Mr. Reuben Taylor, of thoeit >1ALlLAIE'fA the Hosptal fer the Insane, was Which I Winll mile somswhaý surprlued on bis resumlng work oOU6ûtober' l9tb, aller bis bcn.- Big BARGAINS ýcaný be s, 'yon , P when- a number o! bis 'od i triendse h m and preOoods ni with n beautiful elght.day dock. Mrn Taylor, In a veey neat speech, tbk- Harrly Neskal, Hot Drinks HEAR TIPPERARY at, the Maple Leaf TEA ROOM OROCERY SPECIALS Reaiizing. the great sacrifices in mon aid money that are being made;by our ceuatry, we wiii fry te 1ieip as far -as our mecans wilIl ailow, by asking you te reîd these cxceptionaiiy- tcmpting pnicès, and corne and share in thé great vaues of-_ fered. OR. SUGAR 14 LIS. 1.00 1181 PASIRY FLOUR 76 RIGII GRADE TUA 40 TONATOE8 3 CANS FOR 26 PEAS 26 CORN 25 CORNELAKES i FOR, 26 CONFORT SOAP 6 CAKES 25. SURPRISE SOAP §-CAKES 26 SALMON, PLAIN 10 SALMON, RED is It is eceneruicai te buy can- uedgeeds by the dozen or baif dozen cans. You wiil eflcct a saving. 'Yonr business friend, I WL MEEKERj Phono 94,P-WHITBY UI ILUflN1 M -A BANKBUpT STOCK 0F o9nd-hauid CIO 'thing qCLUDING rs, IINDERSHIIRT80, o-, NAI 01K SHIRTS0 IOOTS -AID SNOES, IBATS AID CAPS. ISTS, AID BOUSE -DRESSES. rery evening at my residence. secured' while' the stock lasts. mos given iWay. Dundas8t.à East, Whitbyl 24 hem montha, abie fiai 28, Coi4, Whlby.-tf Notice lu bercby give-n pursuant to the statute shat the annual meeting of- the shareboiderï of the Ontario Ladies' Coliege wi11 be held at the College, in thé town of Whitby, on mi Road>, furnigWdor unt- d. Phoneq, ruial il, 4good4 Apply, at','onceAote R.G. Car-. FOIR SALE. d cve, gedfrra8 tao 0 in *good condlition. Reoe-4 is gin01. P. Lav.ry, lotà atthehuESD of fouEBr 1oT 1914m fo aecivn -heheuro! oue'ci o te p.m., for rhe Ceivingthe aeeinoe! Dihe affairso anth ol tresactin et Di thr ens, ead busitrns action o!suhotefrge oral businesgs. yb begthfr Byoro-the meeting By ~ -JH rdrothBard, E WhibyOctbJO6HN R91CE, Somi'roady Tailoring Many months- o! Overcoat wather in Canada. Thn gain-there's next winter-_ and Semi-roady Overceats are net one- season caats--they'rcmdce owcar. Wbcîber it's a stout Tweed if $1.5 or a lamb's woi chinchilla at $3ô or $4a -the value is there aiwaym, -Better te be cemfy in. Canada in -a Semi.reîdy Ulsier than sotten and pine la Floriia. For-ours is a giorieus and healthy winter country. - Warra wintcr malts, tee, at $ 15 te $35 - right here. ClianIng, dyeing, prmsing and rn. p&Lnlng at moderato pneum. Maurice Murphy 1 doop south Royal Hotdi Whltby Ot. Good- MornIng We Are Introducing A nierican Siik -American- Cashmnere Aznerican Cotton-Liaie HOSIERY They have nteod thie test.(zive$ real foot co"rnfort. -No ueams, te rip. Never becomuiootieor haggy. The shape is knit in-not preesed in. GUAiRANIERD fer ineneas, stYllil superiubrity of materiai and worknsulip. Abolutelystainless. WVili Wear 6 imonths without hoi., or new eues f ree. toe veryon. sendingus 81.00 i eur- reney or postal note, tooï over adrer- 1 igsu hP"ng90harges, wewill. tee,bSaokid by a fivllt million dollar company, elther 3 MW- Ofi'MFlne. aus A inmerican SilkHoeiery, Amerieù-Caubmer. oisy OP 1wrsofsMr go& maué or i a i 'OirssNusy 01v. theaeo o i sad;wheth. Ladiles"o> nt'elà oeryldeslrér. DONT U£LÀY-Offfr_"expires when a dealer in yeur ioealiti là eleete&l The latiruatlonalIl e'y -to.. P. 0. Box 2"4 DAYTON, 0H50, VU.S. A. Bedroom Solii Towels -, PilIow Cases Ladies' Wasists Trây Cloths ~Dresu.,er Covers Contre Pieces * BabyTIG, Nl'w. SHetln Flas WHITBY, QNTAR *MAILIAGES. HOLLIDAY-SOUTHWELL.-In Whit- by, on Wiýeaday, October 28th? ý1914, by , Ur, Ijew, ivy, ont., MisLII14in!5outlhwell tg Mri.Ar-. thur floiiday both eo! Witby. UDINTAL W. A:DAMS, Dbentist, Office, Dundas' Street,ý Residence go. 4, the Terraee Byron St., Whtby. Phone No. 122. AUCTIONEERS JAS. BISHOFP Oshawa, Licensed Auctioneer. Sue- cesor to L. airanks. For terrs and dates apply to self or 0~. Robb, Whiby. - WU. MAW LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. All kinds of sales promptly attend- ed to. Arrangements for sales can be made at the Gazette* Office. Terms reasonable. a spd* Independent phones. ý WHITBY, ONT. MON1JMENTS 14wll pay you to cali 84 our works and npet for youreil. Don't be mlSled by agents. We. do nt employ thor. Conequently wo en and do alow, h. ageut's or- mision, 10 -peCent., whch-you willi certuinY ave by purcbiasng from un. A Celii.5olicited. *Offlce, nd Works Opposite Standard Bank, Whlby. James & Walker Pump Manuacturers -Bhov Dundas à tN.et, Whitby. Three doors west of Witby House. NVe are prepered to inatail wood or iran" pap n short nîotice, aise attend te a4P kinde "of repairlng. Agnte for the Ontario win4 mrii, aise gazoline engine.. Phones-Bell 50, Imd. 26. Scranton Ceai Chiestnut and StVove per ton $7.50 Egper: ton AIHar.ýbor .Cos! sheds 50 centsu per 'ton lIss. Co!.The nà meý highemt quality. B/~ LOW@ mllOum-Netoit. Fr raies &Bd fou nUnormatdon qapply t. F.'J. DUPF, MR. A. E. DONOVAN- Metie. Toronto, Mgr, Tho Mutual Lifo sualeco "BORANTON, guarantoeu4th. As.soited Enubroidery TailoredWais'ts Art Fringe ac Sofa Pillew Covoring, SdbadSean.s -childroeni'Hair- Bows Euibroidery Hoqps Oiové, Camses1 ýLustrOd Cotýon »FIoue ANNOUNCES HIS REMOVAL tohis j4ew aid H1 1piely I ÀppolIxtcd Opticai Parlers i,ý the New Demini iBank-bu14., Ing, 70OY'ONGE s-tRÉÊT. Corner King St., Toronto. 8*4 -1 DOULE TRACIt 44L Tua ,Wà y TORONTO»- CHI-CAGO-- [TORONT- MONIR EAL The International Limited CanadlWs Train o! Superlor Service Leace., Toronto 4.40 pim. daily, arrives Detriryi 9.55 p.in. and Chicago 8.00 a nu.. MORNINO SERVICE Leaves Toronto s arn., arrives Detroit 1.45 p.ni« a,%Z Chicago 8.40 pani. dally. Lest Train Out o«Toronto at NIght Leaves 1l135 p.m., arrives Detrc)it Sja.m. and Chicago 3 p.ni. d'ai , suigIprtant connec. tions with prfipà iPDrain rWentrnP ae n Canada. FO orete»Ba8an FRMONTREAL Leaves Toronto9t..nî., 8.80p M.And Ilp. .daily. Berth reserratlons, etc., at G.T.IE. ticket offices. Full par j nIars froni agents or.write y.g.HoRxiNJ, \Distria Passenger Agent. ,'tb Uilon station, Toronto, Oui. Ê. hns»Agentphone 5U, hLtby The Eoultguftleflsieo e savcd its poi1icy hoiders $îoo,ooo in its ftrst ten years of business -by aelling them i wthout.Profits POlicies, and having ail Premiuni paid direct to head office without coniitilôns. Premn>,s col- iccted were $38q9-ooo, instead of $489,.- ooo. Fourteen other Canadian corn- panies reccived $18,499,645 in their first ten years rniniy -for with.-profits poiicies, and paid in profits to poly holders $9 1, 5 5o,. Their combined ac- cumuiated surplus 'over shareholders 1contributions was $79,707 Est te end of their first ten years. Wj i h ooks best to you ?1 The Equity Life is the total abstain. crs Conmpany. 'If interested Write, fer furth-er particulars. The man who stuçiles bis own iltreste wiii auroise The fqnti Llf Assurance enan wbenh wantoL fe Insnr&nce.'M L .DUDLEY, Hýà UTHERLANN Whtby.'ont. Peee T oroQntro.asg THOROUQHNESS Id the KeY-n te o! this Institutio O(ur gractuase s uccecîl becauis.they hare te- ctles I correed preparaion. Toronto, Ont. onaos a National Repuitiôzu for superlor Business aud Shorthand Eduoatiou, Al business ichools are uot alike. Noth'n lin than the boit shouli uati-ify you., and nothiug les* tlian glvinig the hist tralning wi11asatisfy us, Cor.-Yoage-sad W. J. Ellilot, Charles fSts. i . Principal Livery, Cartage adTeamîng. 1 lýave r ecently added f0 my well- -equippcd livery, stable a heavy te 1am and dray for ail kinds o! cartage and teaming work, and wiil be pleased fo receive orders, whlch will have prompt and careful à ttention. PHONE 6S. GARRIASE, TO MUET AýLTRAINS BIN-DAS ARCHIVES 0F C Chiidren'a Wagons, Rockers, Wheelbarrows. Poils ~od Doil Carnages,' SBI~IJR~3 YOIJR REQUIRI3MI3NTS EIRLY Te G. WHITFJELD Druggist, and Stationer *dilyJ i 4 --Vupa Pa RAILWAY [GRANO TRUNK S Y IG T JE M 1 ei n b n v p a: ti p b 0] si Secretary. -IR 0 PTICIAN ý 0- 1 Ice Cream. 6.601 Il k .. 1, - - WHITBY9 extARI EAUKE, 1 *