lu Ca4w 01 9UI8 L - . Tý Pink Pille for Paie People arê tlie beet rwinedkne knowc. Every doie u»keô new, i4cS blood, whioh not w9e ljmenthns Vhse enia.h but builda up every parthe, i.-biody -awell. Hen. is am illutration o! * sitt this"medicu'eaim do: Mr&. fromÇhii ndflig4ticf. I 'w»B hungry &U Vthetime; ý yet oould liak velce fodandwhat 'I C d tak ws *lolowd y-grent ditr* and naubea. My ýëfeep at night wam broken, antiý I eftsn hati nlght ewe&ts. ;T. ,ýuffoastig eSJ.-I 1»« "" hc wtn kilowéd etig wouid cauge *y hebit Vo pmilvâ'at» violen'l.At, timea ýmuy hi4KI» oai face wouLd beconie tbe color of clay anti woui be c eeey Pro trà ted. 1_was Untier thSe cm igcfa gootidoctor, who flnaiiy told me the- trouble was incurable an-d gti 4>5emo-at coulti hope for 'wes t4m- porary relief., I waei in es. m b t when a' f ientiativise i me Vo 4rY Dr. Wiiliaima' Pink Pilla. I did o0, <id used the pilla ste"dly for two rýon-hs. when I was again a *1 "wMai, andi have iLuve -ha4ino ne- turn of the, trouble." bou cen get these pille througii any dealer in medicine or by mail et 60,fce-nts a box or six boxes for $2.5ô 1from 'Iie- Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Ce., Brockvill-, Ont. -BI1IJOF lRED CROSS. À. Proiluet of the Geneva Confer. ence anid Geùeves Convention. The Red Cro5ssof whiéh we hear miueSl to-day, owes rts real origin Vo the- gréut and terrible campaigu of *1859, when .Napoleon made it- his boa&t -that',he. wouid Iras Italy "from, the Alps to the Adriati ."',At the great battie --of Magenta over ten thousand Austrians and somei five thousard French soldien. jiverei Ieta"atdyngon the fiélds. A _Swiss gentleman, nà med M. Henri Duna.nt, macde pilgrimnage Vo that batfléfield, andi was an i- voiuntiry eye- witneu .s o!'Vhawful carnage'of .theibattis U Solferino, ~~A~tV1Cwhioh laited somen.- lxzteçû hours, and left soins tiirty thous- and i dead and wounded. .HEenri- Duunant reaîized tbà t the inedical service o! what was prebaibly the greatest army in the world wa.s absoiutely inadequate to cope with Vhse caà ualties, and he was at once compelled to take eome action Vo rectily the niatter. The resuit was tihat the wrote a small book lor private circulation, eztitieti, "Un Souvenir de Soi-fer- mo"andtitjis, 'together with 'his, private app ,al, resulteti in Napole- * on III. commanding-Dîînant to his presence, where. witli the great Marshla MoMà hon, tbey seriousiy ta..ked inatters over. The resut o! hs was aconfer- ence of the large powers, cailed Vo- gether by the $wiss Feder&l Gov- ernnent, at which Henni Dunant, placeti his proposais. Out -o! this Geneva conference of 186,1, re-suit- edt he Geneva convention, under which ail medicai supplies and per- sonnel in war tinie are protectcd. Strange Growth. "Pa, what's a !ceblyI?" <'There isn't any such thing, flar- "Yes, there is. It says inithis b4ok that hsyoung man had a fesbly growing down on bis cheek." -The 6tleat"e of Corn -the s weet centersof" cholce- Indian coin; eco'ked,- s easoied j ust. right, rolled thin, as paper and -toasted until they becomne golden brown flakes-.criop and delicious! T1ýat's why ettdr than ordinary fios are packed lni mer contginer finide the for Lt$L. reînm<rSv -' ltj3 wumM U iLrVà up the. Danube, &re reaily-in ê'êit. tor Vo nvade. Btosnia sicP8 re'oti-Trie* la fuar of etak frein th ea. llraitioeawalt~the. Itlaiýsand the. pitui, fatie 4nieduot-Of Beirad eititueiO. -ymbol cf AustnîpineffectivemessI1- "A.ugbrà le baakruptto;o.En-- cumnbèred by debte h lvnne miS a st&nistiiUl. lb.baîks doW, out dribleta, ¶d>i4t* hurried -miritinug and imà uing cf peper. .Hundesof tbouma"ld ~4busilness mn eà am Mi- ed'l &e<ii wvan-they haite. Vienoa> vboie focd Prb-4 is ae.ways sera- îu. a nènaaedwià tihfamine. ftere i&.' ïor Toujh&flly breâd and -ut =âuci, itîha. McaaiwIrl., fOr thi. raiary 'of the pooir în mm senpioTOd prices are st"eadly in "in ttter &, tsar Vhs '(verniflsft lma begun #io fortMy Vienna. A:- Ldatlage tracts o!fbw10~~ land- sro-und thé -City. Ol t.rnneea numbers 01 unemplc~ed- hiave been gjven work. But noal the unempioyed-buit a fraon O!.O d'#Austraa realizeahâtait hm a beei du-peti, now ahe oses thsat ber buei inot the aupreme !oI'es Se pidta be. Agliamt, ohéemess thSe arme a.ndth ie opinion ôi thé Wonlti .mddayed à gaiinstlier. But là la toc laVe. AuaLris, , the. olde* send- statelist empire csf our woilûd, is Pl uging Vo sSipwrock 'ik on hue »a'orm-osusht hulk, witihout mak , rutidenles.' - BOY TELL&S SECRET. Poignant Ineieuftila aFr eneb Ho&- pital Wanil. '- A poignanbt&Vlseinoes eomn one of VS. Fremi hhosçiilawarda. A maother colled Vo es lier wounded son anti féunt i hm in beti witSh bs Seat bandageti.- "You suffér xnuch, my son," mSs inquireti tremnusly. "Ne, mother," repiiedti hs sol- dier. I"NoVmeLh" " sle. 1 e" oe uit-, "will you come for a walk in hs garden V1" 'To-inorrow, motiher, penhaps," Se 'repliet.- ThSe next day the mother came again. Again ah be-ggeti lier son Vo corne fon a walk, anti he frankly tod ber Vo bend.over 10 thaît> Se coulti teliliher a secnt. "My two legs anti my left'aren have beenl shot aw&y, inohr," saidtihVS s"- tien, andthVS mofuher collapseci.ý BABY CRIBD CON STANTLY' Mme. Biinen Aumnont, Mushka, bat., says: " r saywaa 1111 anti c-ned continually tili1Ibekan givLilgi ber- Baby's Owa Tabiets. They worked a marvellous change in ben -anti se.beame happy, gainetinl weight eatdal signs o! acktnesale!t hem. ThSe tablets are tfie very best meticine I lcncw o! for littIe one." Baby'. Own Tablete cure &l the miner ille of little cnes uhas colie, colda, constipation 'anti indi- gcetion, etc. TSey are'oiti by inedicine dealers or by mail a.t 25 cents a box fren ThSe Dr. Willam.s' Medicine Ce., Brookville, Ont. wVr, n THV" flA V lsU matL DlWa.U "erwA .u.-J or- eatrih,' -tcaih,"Cc pains In every part ofth e aIl ize, bottie 50q,; A Bisky Callingr. ti.S lIed OCps -inurse la mati cb dmmk blue thiSr,îe oagmn no!fhiI wihité e n it ha, ed cros .iV.h eI on V 4 i, w'hiet ie paeeed under strupa on lthe shouitiea nt faa1tened Mat théback cf Vhsae t A white cap snd averelesves to Vthe teibow anti a&-lain stif-white coihar 1 Noya SGtia ýCase of 0,tret - eAli Woinen. r.4 u d ei p u b b Non-Cemmittal. » The teacher had worket that 'momniutg expIaining-Vhs injustices tons by Nero, anti believeti Se had 'mate -an impression on hse'boys. TISsa Se aaked questions-' 'Now, boys, whaV do yon thiak e! Nero 1 Do yen hink he *as a gýod manlI" No oesanswersd. Thea ths teacli- er- singieti eut a beY. "Oharlie, what do you think 1 Do yeu think Se wam ail igti" "Well," ne- turnedtht-e boy, s!fts a long wait, "Sle uever tie nuthin' ta me." IIIOUtiUUIO KUISLE 'u ' _MAIL- 110ELP KEEP THE POT ASOILI NO.0 Al we have- in Vhs world Sangs Kn. T. R. (Gaines, the People'î Pont, le on tisi war-Empire, ccUntrY, <lotlaed ta net Canada on timo wltls its henon, aur place in istory, anti in, 'W ?I1týAl linE', (dealing with tise buef> ths nations o! Vhs woniti; yet- 50 nossituation) 'will oon b. beard liner placeti as we are we can neither villaie, twand citi' ai aur land. Ecery' hom, eoreandfsory will become fain' flineS non corne Vo any patehed-up ilîar -wth Viii. superb paem. It goeiout ruce.-Lard Rosebery. ai the business man 0 War 0sa1g. 50. briage,-a cojwptlpald. lanpaSteard fana, Ther hasneve arien n cmr- 6Ig ta ieUne, buy a postcard for gency se tryiag Vo -aur best qlua&i. yourslf s nd lnlends. ies, so iampiring Vo ouir highest THE WAR PUDLISHINC COMPANY, ,hopes andi ideý.ls, &o gigautic anti 581St. Catherin St0W., Montréal, Que. portentoous in -the magnitude, the To believe1 that a task is impos- duration, the seape;- an&t Vie isues iblsV aei o -whicS Sang upon it.-Mr. Asquils. - - . --k it@o The Gerinan people neyer matie a mm»s i niment Cures Dandruif. giaver error when they believet that tihe hSoret! Geat Britain wam Loeation Stateti. a thing o! VS. past, anti that -Ser Elsie-Mamma, 1 don't fesi wel'l. frientimbip wu sa thiag alliavaleMothr-'Phat's Vtoe bat, tsar. n-peu uhibolne, us iautdepenti- W-ers e oyôufeol worstl Lord Ronaldshay, M. li-nshom ma kgsinst a is'etern so devilis¾ andi EmeI chomna destructive o! Vms efreedein Ger-. -Frea-"WSaV are ye do- many wonld yet frees1Sèreel!,' anti in' then e, Raffenty 1" Raffety- be reaccepteti by oVSer nations as "I'n ailia'ý ths-w'elbarrew,." N W escaping f rom the cons.equencés a! Foreman-"Wefl, lave it-à Vhsepoliey which Mad i'been foncetido i ne!.Wa d o to upen iier.-Rev. Canon Carnegie. 'bu nosan " The New Testament is nowhereabu-wÀinr, more ipesv ilz'weeit ia-, sste on hsfaet cf nman's inïdepenti- - no. lu *à avi" t he lint stV îp l eýligion is for mIn n4u iteel hbiesie leuues Chrat'. iligb bestitude l Vo- tke poor in.opfr1V-Henïy'Prtïn- ' -The jqIly olti uncie was relatins somWý O! Vhe inicidents ofbis cailer it!. Vo bisseIe.'9 i S o mnuyou -efor meý,, un 9,'6sa4 the youzig snbn, "ywihwers -you most etuok 1" -'S.y yoilr au-nS, myii y yyour aun / eplie fdths od gentleman, drcpping 'bis voles andi feeling IVh bak ,cf hua 'Shenti -tenderly. fl 4IÃŽSUIS 44-' '14. -try ulis.à body. t rial TIen. is alwayýs danger- in su- inçinea-Soô)gbVVks zen -wlio loran théin creo' w woud ,e it tVo in, up -at îful aýpeeti niglitover-ihs :place whete the under-w ater Sont is Dig, 'anti the irat initiination Vhs ,Men in bs .d-epths would' bave .o! *bhs factv ouid be the tearing o! the plates overî - their hbeatis as: ViSe big ehie%"sIke 'el bit into '15e steel, anti fUs .compartqnsulti ftiing vith wa- Ve r ias Vhe-s sutmarnae wenC Vo the betom itx amus, gîing notrace oifVe dgaser ibut.a few bulhbies. Th'en aitanymoment an explosion of 4as 1 nay, accunr, andtih-le crew be maimeti a'ntiinjured',-or thesaub- marine may mise- below anothen aship anti have hem huli cruWiied like ain egphell; whiie, finaliy, during .a dive for an, attac, aseinay lose evem.v ounce of hem reserve buoy, ance-astiti A7 in Wh 'itsand Bay- andi reinain fast at 'bottoni beyonti the reach oif huinan aid. llany Were Ilornilled. A Britishen who has just metuma- eti from - Brusse-la Sas been inter- viewed. IBe speaicaBeigian, Feem- ash, anti Genznan fiuen>iy, anti Sas t-hua 'been a-bis Vo get about freeily, anti aiso mix wi-à theh Gerinan sol- tiers. Many o'! theni, he said, are vemy mudh against the wan., "Many o! ua," aaid oae, "i'eteat Vhs- wam. Ail we wanV je Vo à get back Vo our wive6 anti children. " Another Ger- mn soltiier Vook hSu o oesaide in a cafe anti showedi him his cant- n.itige pouches. ":See," -Se aaid, "I have not fired a èhot. I have noV t1hs heant Vo dte a9. IV is Vhs Mati Kaiser *ho %b louglit this upon us."l Many o-f the Cerman soldiera were hornifieti at the Louvain atro- cities. "Ah, air," sait a meservist, i-t Was awful, but do not bMarne us. it ia thSe officema andti he K.C.O.'s who wisii Vhat sort o! womk Vo be A Friglfifl Fire Causeswldeopread sorow-11kowlaea llvely comn cauesmach pain- -the cure 8- vi fnmena- te ld liab,.Isl. Fut- alo ut twoi îontsb. Theonash ueenle wori. IAtlebligters woildd tar b=rt and a iot of disehargo 'weuld "*Wotrled ---olnt Sand - but té no good efeeL. Ater the eu been sufrfeiüiabô*ou Swo it recomnmende&to'try the Outicura Sc Ointment. Mter a fow appitti ,rele and the child be gan té Stsome la .about 'six woeko Cuticura.,Sgal CintmSet completely -boaflet he I and »,i ame sanla 1cR" (ignd> n Tuoker, Feb. 19, 1914.- samples Free. by pM A Munle cake of CuticaSUan sd Çutiura.- Olnment areallaS su when 'aU loel*lbasfalledi 5014 tbro- the world..-, ample or escli malle wfth 32-p. Skia 1300k.Addreu Pao »CuiurDpt. D, Bostn, V. e. A Explalned It. Thei-e had been an explosion in a powder 'miii, and the proprieter, who was a.way -on a pleasure tri.p, hurried -home to an investi- gation. "How in-the world did it happen 7" lie asked the foreinan of the miii as he viewed the wrecAc.' Who was to 'blamel"» "Weil, you 'See, sir," replied. the 1-oremaci, "it was in tihis way. filwent the mixing-rooln, probiubly tbinking of something else, andi strurk asnateh' in udetake! Re was-"' "Struek a* match 1" exciaimed the proprie-- tor in aniazemnent. "I should have,- tihought that wouid be the lest vhing on earth he'd do!1" "1 was, sir," was the -calm rejoinder of the A Welluknowri Man.Y Minard" LinimentCo.. -Lmited. Dear Sre,-I can recommnend your MINARDS LINIMENT for Rheumnattuif and Spraln», au I have used It for both Yours truly, TB. LAVER&. St. John. An oid bachelor n.ys that a inar- niage dowry is a lump of sugar in- tended to nullify the bitterness of the dose. TOUR OWN DtUà gsOISI WLTELL TOU Try KurîneZEe Regme for Red,Weak, Watery Eyen sud Grault<ddîYeUIi No amarting- t Utt Bye Coifoi. 'Wltë for EooQk oS 1be ElyO bymalil »r. . rine Si*,Eenedy Co, Chicago. Many a man has taken a hand fu 'polities and then put his foot in it. Minards -o -et fr aIie rywherê. MHalifax Soends Out a Message of HeIp Vo Many Poopie. - Halifax, N.B., Dec. 15.-When Inter- viewed at ber home at 194 Angyle St., Mrm. Havenstock was quit. willing ta taik of . ber -ýpecUllarly unfortunate case. 'II was alwayo bine' and de-' Dreased, feit weak, languid and uttenly unfit for iny work. My stomach was né disordered that I hnd ne a»petite. What I.did eaV disagreed. 1 suffered greatly !rom -dizziness and sic bod- acheý su& feared a nervous bréaktdown. tYpon ty duggis's recazumeudation 1 uaed Dr. Hamilteoas Pille. 641 feit bettïr, at once. Eveny day 1 improved. lun' six w elcs I was a well woma.n, cured completely ai er diffen- ent physicians had fniied te hslp me. IV la fer-t.bls reason Vh6ÃV I strongly urge suifferers witii stomacli on diges- tive troubles Vo -use Dr. Hamllton'5. Pil."- Dr. Hamiitoli'5 Pilla -strengthen the stomach, improve digestion, atrngth-, en he nerves - sd restore debilltated ystema to health. By ciennsing the blood ai long-standing impuritles, by bninging thes system to ahigli point of vigon, they eifetuaily disase away weaninesm, depresmion and disease. Oood fer youug or' oid, for men, fon womelh- fon childrea. Ail dealers aeil Dr Llton'a Pille ai Mandrake and Applicable ta the, Ilser. The r5bVh Pealin Sas Vwo. verses psculianiy applicable ta-the Kaiser at ths pressut tîme. The verses are as !ollows :-"He Saith put forth his bands againat sucli as be at peace witS 'bSn; Se hath broken bis oçvenant." -'"The worde ocf hie montS are, emootiher "hn butter, but war il lanhies eart; *is wortis wsne softer than -oi, yet ivere they drawa sworts." o U lf. b u m LFUm >L L 75 r & w i vL'U U Jm v O n 'Im o t o r PV A 1 P lo goS. cars with guns,montor, ecars witS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c oint- kitclens; motýorcar> -dlf ov.ry- aize, a.w. DAwsoN. 5u Mo fo vey ha loadeti with svery SaeSco viiorm of, Stores. I TI O WST '£0 G * Iiii"ow lwas thttthe&spies came TA Mji. Bw aun into tueir own. They 'hat ilivet for ýcIbom&rn. Utô?rontc - eara in Bruièls., Very znany o! s.w. vw@x, cé Id liad them were naitump~zed Beigian aub- ip snd .j ts u n'éd 4à e o i csa o! t R ISTER EDH A t gave e nrgreaaninwldesA- ,rize. wlnner; kp and theofceeatotrsoum os rouble houüe-le.anti placés .aibout wh& litley - . Wz îh4the vr lla Cirmtè.GOD WXB"K'É,à Many had the &udacity » oleadti hs, Yr dny*' ail %Olders Vo Vhs hoies o! 't#hoshoTerme 11 beral. WlII bo o à -ew weeks 'eanr hat > b,èen thëir pany. ,ý m~ient 1 veny emloyers, 'w seWthy el ed - E7S ugilaus~ ~ 'tmeveVo th e beÉt that the AGNS ffe, housee contained.' Aan d'URE m binEY- SURE MON_____ le fiits ýve bee inera -MiStb A pr-ocessiol Jlied with yen tnians anti gui bt5 fixeti bayasn bhrougiithe, Sta &heir way to t This was tbe 3, Austnians ai m'ughout the i ý1y tiose Savinl pers issueti pni pareti.- estima-Veti that a cnemxes in a, o! -veom a donz- Th'bui Ne*wt sdSOco] and power Plume .TAN STACKB. POI'ONON LOIinar What Shahi To=Nil A few hurs a year, a few years lin a cf us has to reati. Why waste that little time on uselesî There are a few really great books lin Q les, Histories, Essay, Dramas, Works Science, Religion, Philoscphy, anti Pot ture the progress cf civilization. - What are these few worth-while becl We want ta eend you Vhe answer te that qu Bookiet Vo Bocks." IV lu 'of woadsviui vaine. THE FAMOUS FIVEi 'SIELF 0F BOO] 418 Masterpieces for the Pr As a inatter oi effiency,'aok ian thie bookie whyý oae huadred.thonsand suceeseful *men ha Sheif Just Vhs daliy mental stimulus that they Why one huadrsd Vhousaad men, many o Cellege. uew have a wlde appreciaten ofi lter Vhey eau thiuk clearly, lalk well-ln short, w muccessini men of te-day. Vour f ree copy and wait-ii Merely aek ion IV. 'It us weth $100.00O man. YeV 1V !sfarec. For your oua Me ai chlldren, clip te coupon NOW. . ....................... ......... P. F. Collier and Son, 416 W. l3tii St., N.1 Mail me wltlîout obligation on my pi Bookiet to Books" contalning the story of Name ............................ Business Acidresa.......... Province ......... ....... la whaVt tcy read, put a X t lifetîm*e are aIl anY ;s, fast dying books? lie worldýBiograPh- sof Travel, Fiction,~ ary-V-hat, truly pic- . [uestIon la a free '"Guds It telle the steryl o! -FOOT-- rieof à ~ et. Flad out ior yourself - ,v found «In the Flye-Foot rneed. of whora neyer went te rature, scien ce, art-why why. they are amoag the is-ready- ng. a Vo me," writes oens busy nd- for the ffakeeforyour Y. cl>y rt, ycur free 'Guide ýf thse Five-Foot Slîelr. J are lntcrested la this squarie., ji The,Çopifor-t E 0 Moring Dîp says the'_oý C fort. - Baby's Gra nd- -mother, "what, do w t4hqui thi PerË-fe cti on Smokeless, 011 If.I'd - only, had-on. when..yoen -wore a baby, yoti'd have beers à a'ed manny a cold aut croupy speIL"-- For ;à nmignïcolti corners aad I»I&Wt.4 ptaire roomu, ad or counileo spedl can i oaswhon extra bat lu wenîed, yauz need Shi Perfeci çiokelse1mast mer.: PE~ ION- pressi VS. f. v e hunclreti have [&ne.iiWer ila241 beau elsewhene - . AÂ Nz>sialampVI mon Who was im 1etreet railway Mt o resiu V5 s. It is saidth V Sout his nétural 1 after Vhs war b ,DER$ FR031 W Ion Sweater Cei Shirts Are '-N tiespakch frein J \,,Fred sto1bai site, a eimilar numbe~ Ã,iy worsteti socks. a heav%,y unterwe-ar, a.. avy Englisii army sh~ id glasses, wîit-h wi mut a itl-ion &las itehes anti shav-ing b so want-ed. These 4ord4 'gVodo witli llie 1 C igent,' whose outiflt is - a!ten by thlie Donini mmt. Thse clotiies aref 1 army flow usthe 1fi aining ns ('î<Is Ol,î'isate Neec -.tlag (lloin Sde.-patèh f rom West F -avs: -h blicaine kn ut , Tl(uIsnîas -A. Eio rking for'iîearly tw cial storsîge'- battery, B 1¶'td oneps n-wiviii use. mine". Thie pr".-it îb at& i- lilfl-ili' gas wis cômie floodeti wit-h ait king in t-lie weakejin mia- for nsonth> aft er- bimarine andioecrc 0r ofî s, TitenewI 2 teeti issider ail urely satisfacttory. 1 Ies-patch -from- V von Sciiveru. tmi t-î C'hambc in tlie -Prtîss'uasi %0% ~ sarc lni<l-,1 m-inilihaune are ait st4 (hem.- T ýely c'e h-crue ýn panwer tise c'ar and always camaS, try it, 250. at aIl many a toor.y" "TISsu why dont dealers. _____ ors o! us aucceeti betterVP "The wui« u 'rouse.trou-bis im that opportunity wants Little Willie had been- veny ,_---__________ uaughty-ao mueS se, in 'fact. that Bd 'Beood alter havinq repniuvct him several ià the direct anid inevitable nequit of ines hie;niother was at asat forceti - rregular or constipateti bowels and to pnis hi seerey. henhis clogged-up ki<neys andi kin. The Vohe pariSuevemelyn the es his - undgested fodd and othrwaste mat- fat her ab nivet ho me i nVe hs evW - ter wic li ie al eow ed t a accum ulate iag e a onc peosivt tat ~il- poisons tihe-blooti anti thsewhois iie'm eyes weÃe .uspicioualy neti. systsm. Dr. Morses Indian Root Pis "WSat'a Vths natter, s;onny1" lie act dircctîy an ths bovvels, rcgulating cniet. "Oh, -nothing," nespontei hem -oa the kidasys, giving theai Wiiie neaily '-Core. clon'tVS came anti strength te propcrly fit-r the fnilienei. a h aie n blootid--nd on the okin, opening up foigtne s " te reri n bo the spores. For pure bloo anti ooti it,; I waut Vo knew. *' Wjilie me- D. Morse's 16 mainet ilent for soies time, Vhen Se auttealy burst -out, "Well, if' 1zMdian Root P'1. yen must know, Ive ha-c a thuuil-" ____________ 0OF IÉVENTIO 8 INFORMATION FOR IýNVENTOIISIENPGO DVS Meers. Pigeon, Pigeon & Davi.s, Writ¶,fer iufrnstion Patent Sodicors. Mont-resal, repoyrt - - - that 117 Ganatijanpatents ucre ATrî issuet for the w.esk ending October, "Doubllig 'csnsadsan 1 st,1914, 78 of 'vniich were -gmanteti- PiJu Vo Americains, 24 Vo Cana-dian to W *aJLleue Vo reaidetats of for-sa countmriell anti 5 Vo residents o! Grem tBrita-in Ti nCaaa il aund colonies. Inconsu l>4i1eer O! Vhs Canadinns wiî<, eeived ome. Rend 25q. for - rmplo <laY. patents, 12 wome resitien-ls o! O-ni past pald tba any addreon., tairie, 4 o! Bri-tieh ol-umnbia, 3 of, 1 Agents Waflhbd. Nova Scotia, 2 o! Quebec. 2 o! Sas- CAONE MODNOg£AMINO katehewait, anti 1 e! Manitoba. 0. OTkL Bilas--WSat'ayour son atutying PE.A& 8 at collae i 1 Iiraai-PharnaOYj -Bilas--SoIae new-dangleti farmin. e' IF IC !!jW i DTr1Wsrnack, 202 iié WII.bnow a~ tif. ta the abave reutedY: 14touTdle Llnipnt cure UiEÇf lu. - 1ow Stbà 1cm ir011 and trong A s8rfnlPotogra>h aleae ta wt tis h Mises ,wy1se-.<.&nd -I say , nsaliy maiSe!yonn dlii tl.dd - o n gale %»eal7Bto 2,0,di0 0< keet his phctograÉh ao!yenMm. ie t armelod 1, Sijnpkinm l - i wo rtlt - = 'with soe Bimpkfns (flattereti) -Delighted9 umption.e. r1-ws, for zunont J'ai~~ 007 d&yovd luy lIts Sa its "-ue t" - VM ouïe 1AÀ4é.005&"s'w * peclsllst tteiided M kithie ' botgrap -dhop@ Tit becs' 4ned f cmbvnl nalci e vli an andS et o à 630 ieaut. ~Tot.5-'WiyWi-li, -70 o U EaNDMDe ICINS Coà ,ANYu telou I'not OUyaeIwoet Olilti IsLtr-Iw-Ba tames S~ 11 VIIZ laN' tes5Ot «Y uheltn iasplayt u'VOg V hre. ià " Ul UISsîUi LIhi ohimIdofev11Nrurflpis 9. 1 . 1 -JHT