Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Nov 1914, p. 2

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bencaf1ed lnu attem-fl", 11%vaor w - mif beel tak01 bc fi'ad &M -j bhave bosa 'lg,, lnbod 0> -long." muaiis. aaid Blygait ta fim. 01v. msonofin% naievr rao-O esyng. It is ha4l-nl to f Ite tn as i ks ile a"ns- iu botr ýW ave - 007o OO Vit for "Rin *tiotInt. M r. aEnmt." fI -nt ',Wbiut liasbeau> happening tanMer" ask- m-ra L.dgliau Bryanst. -- - brbugb The deuils? dgtm-led bil I05. ym.>aa e *lortunm-feI. be saiS. "x'ou m-mo -80onov in Ix.S*IY ad 910 vomiS tbgat vo bave avaiS- i -od oom4licatione; but x'ou led a netYl turnufor amboi~ t e n dsx'. M. Bryant.- 4i M .'o m r M ls 1you don' kuaol Wtelt iii uu ',u m-ne*thelo ai H , $"on eu5 911f Tr cooepiy;e'" -o lm- lu ob llif Bry-an, o - vas 4,,tknw h Ust ain-tha 1 ailira l sw e-t u caflJir wolZi, x d-yhe lis e ooo nd ngr- g a t 4#stali ,monzem or aiew apBrya t vas flguli- l'5 dofi aol vain LVfa ie usra n vTh-, m-ch dm-y t trosb b"1 i b oisgIpttolho mâdft'a ostou aiio 'à. jeruer e rti prt & lh in undeI a He bid. 1f fon r.Plex'dell -ha t Rachaeol Mm-nock'a quesi- 10binhlm .o-so- baed miore tu hLmthaIbm-n in~iO'Lvsted -od ioged linbbis. The i ore? adîn <bd is a t 1UIrs-. Mamuachilad fth'jMIn , i bue LonSan-lsausoeifsi-o aIf ue r - mm-na à actan sue bliai-su tr* al-mt;n tit duling 15 isilinea: lx. anu ni iow mis intaUfy ft hiebouse vasa pen-wait- Ju e1 i«CWheroun. »miîy the emru cjlied j ru ln cane lie ,slouldui rnas hern mActing on assomoi'* amutlirify. lieyoî bd put cqute t«etber -a vardrobeoultaif- or a nmn écm-l of )r-Byn'socîiand manciai poqi- ýX tien. Oni' e-enhamnS (Luxni-Tmet bîrn. At adt limea indeéd lho toit tiko one livi ng ln u an vere snchmnted îmnd. lHe bm-Sbut ta u MOeObifi mt en bond, 'nd bis oligts shwzraino1 lied; anSd- aIasj the t-efth offAt ryn sinit o9 uis-ei ad m-s>gr rcoiebined vas ~aoik, etrü gztula a.co nocloue gl orent 01 atis- soi-tC lactian-a dl t lu fIe case fIe cbam i ng- of li.s urai' i'ge, &raa lbinlofaliet ore-anal vanIty. aâe sof tha_îe iuavledge se of ps-ver. Xe adva-nced a litlho ver dar. ad -if lest ho permitted liimaelf tô ha coaduot- hdý car. ,and wl ri T14 ii it l .hoodd rougli fIe glany of h lmxnvsvi aunine. the autumi' Ils-t<$tilt bm-S thei-0 embuiae of summuer nAui oft gonai air - d lir. Ten4orten berdo i a dvance aoflie hi cU ene nd hlie aedS a lie vas mg tc,4,01th daly iv«s..o!f thevisifsta t bai aal n a -a otheerIorad- -espo1!0 surei whom tqpgfi -lad ii-ded tei-oLeber - onîter neamil - aain -s-len ho rom-ls- 'Tîi _~Ib-t- tJullan Bryant retueS fte, so hm. anS 1 a* &m--Il i ecping yul 's-bat lie lid disei imainoS. viti The Sax' came vhen Ufr. Bryantv-a-s lie-n ~renonced hell enouh l te 1ave lime nuira- epok righm.The speclllt (of course. M1r. liS-ve andonten la4 edSciettua-tma-eIb- -4 *sotor vas necenearx' p rescribed a Wli -titit tu Toai-ny. if Mr. Bryent pi-eferi- . nof te go mboaS.CU1 The youug mm-n liteued f0 mll thas Soc-lia-t torei-a!ltebhLm. but mmde no ramai-k.On v-ou the dey tIbmt .everyfhingwa-aspacied. and dure eo vas emdv Lu go, Stepheai brangbt fui ýirn ùa esmOl bmtIen box. H %Mr.Tenderten sm-id fIat bu'e flouglit leut txat youTioulS Prefor- o wviie yourn u ii- jie 1 endoS nt tl'e ueme time a sheut of laws bill:, Jullan Bnyaut turneS very-pae and -A mt for ana- Instant wf-thout noving - but ag Itephe.s b-m-S nuioclied the deeparàl box thi ,ad takon out a big cde ne-booa ndi, m u Punt biotfisîg paver-, Pen anatu-k, in frant wh: of bis mnaster.-3 l 1-1t yan viliiput -'oti- signature. '%lr, 1 raa-eatx ij II un fIhe ri-t. TI em-i-oe m-ifl Just for- an instant lBrya-nt.hsaedln agalu thon b-bai lbtheuen nd -vrote WS 'lm- Aret fchoque. i-a- 11 Wii liU.tIen al tuin mself," ho sm-id. «w #.ai' shall put ein luhevariou n au- velopee." TI Jutif oaie lie leff, vlan ho vrwal -one, m-i Bryvant etobaS in t-be ntdSle ef tue om. lad and cavemed hie face yulli ielande. lie -hi - bmted Iti-seîf for hies vealines. lie Saspis- 1 oS Isimeeit, maud itu lhi baiieS tuai-e sanm- mîngied a hou iîsg, ibm-t lougins v-hich vu bail -waveu ite t inta everx' couiscials Muo- at( ment of hielif1e, a ngiug lfor île creamt- ti -ure s-ha bad ilait bim. Ho b-a-S asied no qsuealsi becaee ]le fait Ibmt lie could t tr-ut Pîeydel-I. t4at thle lm-vxor vauld ~ have hb au-isscce balai-e tuis if ug flreans diSbeauft te ueed to, commiuinicate M- vith ini m The afeot fat 1Mr. pioydel h mmid nothlus-13roved to Julien'tliat hie te wifî laS beon traceS; baroud that la dmr- eO od net lot bidiseil -tliiuk.- so ReA rcve awav firn i-be nursing banio. Pr -leas-ing tho imurezau thaf foi- a mm-n oN Go richix' endos-ad m-s le vas ev-as Pan- ticu'ilm' ymoi-aie; a-ad hliesreceived in al hlm os-nhiausa an thougbh l ad been liv- on In"g-thora al bise-Ille. If grava Bryantm- pi tblilI feeling ta 111141hirnuaif paesing into vi btail s-whure lie ladt sat thet bygone il dm-y, ad baS wriftan tuai depmiiing let- sc fer. IlIas.far- aWa-y le lad beau fi-oui mlu a w inw the curions tunu fate bm-S priopel'- ti edSn ie, l Ife. TIe chill feeling lin geed au ho oîeed thiâ.-exquisitiay appinled l-Mm .n Corne Easier I h chlld las a .91, generu 1ight to study by. Thé lamp saves.t.eye str4in. It 15 lkero- -olear, mellow, auid unflicIkeriug. 5T@ R~A dm4oe fot smoke 'or smnell. It is -4my-t 4bli~t emy to -£lean, and: easy to - wiçIL The RA YO Ssts littie, but yoie, caIrlot gçt, a better lamp at BlYý price. Me-de iCanada la best for aI Ue .oîLÇp.,Jl 2' Igatisa Sin *bonteJi0Il a ,1a tht t-l ite100t IWPmup iu uetebis v9e. 1 ig thToysIi" lisald, l'and sonI m1 nretUrlled aIMost mt aneo and ,ltthane anhwCT.]kir. Weydell tii way. but would be roturning ~ 3ryent'a disMaai. st Wirn wa.tt." SmId Julisn ErYmil."I /i ab~~~nm lui UtIIV 111 1FC1 han alilve , r' re ere letterd for Ibim «prend out anan hr atknywnd ohojult& tfew sent halewyrSfixe hi@ UO likme-of b. en 4 epbefl lft m le m ad e a ibef o ISIKBD L PE TO SÂVE WOU!4DFo ad Meto, fDe . ü e -oun ho c ea e b lo B ye a T his C rude A m bulance ILa 8 L i 1y tbetofnl a~ l .t h e atoo r. of the lIghU$n4,Tn therteu : that intended repo ting hie brv I dotoaet7. ,ged o rgen péti tho unio n l, - m-c, ad ais we drove 'off I 'Wasa Il to onqvistlii a l." r~4 rring m ça*xwhil . T iansfer into W he vc the B.q ii e G n h o tounded t e rhm frid mT a ad CorteIL& and alied pole I . ai ý, pdrtn *ti auoepa, set pa <>Xthes fie,, mento n xa;word abhout i. T i ,tman or. pwii e b.V la ut ibeOi'r am s n o n !go hngcmn emt fr ye m ntes wVhOUtApples Frein the also hemrd hm i pes h wat-o DWlt 01fra wted.Wre 1 b. ewae flot tb..loaat bit sorary. leloi Ittfr b b d nt.aI who, jdin b Vh wema t . i e1nfecVa Put tri 13imelf am Juienrrnd fg"t i cômJ" to b bte anfd o rnha ýctOt ibM.TnotU. ýîIW tram nuclin ero414 tno Jn aho ein Treo,610WTe re Ba nt m l a s e l ; li aw i t l e .. wa v 414 h n ani ke H i t s f oJt e m e - Il rrîng, the p i o t hx r ~Feehlok i i fl e, u g g ob y' vano ive To1 i er àadre fo.- 14>10 g1>ou-t, fine. M e tanStran, Iýroug1i . -c<> A ar -r driv r at the front de e er om g om t t ofic . 1d oyila ieliving?" T r-àdne pak gino beioi xoa lowLWdsexve. anwrd Ieuraf a iavrnriI~ wnJiSuIeÀde.icu senls h4mea the following decrp- mgain., even mt the risk of hiis 1e I aiforata. Ibean' tie*t O o fibut tb a1' ta e mr tre dy. deee toije m--Adii -mnekimn hot tinfl o awa British cooi 2'risked wntm lc,'Ut 1I-could o 1fr..~~~~~~ Br*tl li<o lyi . tçhng f ait i ia u i elacet uat s. - t, D y t ab ndebsv yt b lol -p d v r le îtWo cui i i & reem nteprter o t O ,nMy h y m ke~ s r o to i o ~ s I.dont of f te lu R -.op tad v eetihe "bl e p rs n k x w hetoil hi pe tl ao fveeor S lr o h d i in a i ot r- a C fl ea tl us m b ut it nd rsal ho l3yý;i l i 1 » d nt Jcm u li n s m-d d lcý t se oh3 h ru ta d c ea o eh i' a s m ilug ni ofier w ith e d pm-tc he hm-v ingh re f r ov t er wa Jan Bant; . gi n -t heW Ik t a vtir r #*sho : o mnp eli f t.t nid m adebm-n -nofoney u a n Vhs lc hop.- ig d au i ter pr tr.r u h a d s o r e ; a y o - o a e d moe ii w~ wtha emrtthtbet o1 v naned mis nt atte~a ryn *a &~~w nixthe bananas ai '-ywboi et "hr h omp !gn hesne outlemtigde thorlled a -~fohr t retfo - ooe.vp hwvr ebvdr>iz ~ai urtV'vle enf es o! te jiter, and soegé eai triaOteteyma ho9ndY. ~ ---i -n'tbrrma Jagon.ad.ovdu ti- h -aaall icia btb lok Feïoye mpoye batnbu xotmam-stedmndha ee hepeàs s lrga othe rees,"con- es ur tha emtlhy le andef,Ior oce ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m i emdtlirthtliCOl hlin. ateteaut Intent iseaf bilwgercellnthe aei txebttee axein 4ht liv.~I ,Lo g - ati î îib f t p Ra ant oin. mm-nyc S ed the f uit a dsrea , og tle c in ter-an orfet er ming l f i e y u t m y n th n i u .i mg fo iecb t inof erw. ïs reliedof t'b ha a t re, a I d nt fne paiiII bqi e , b tir a lubons itr.tahl aql& aeu n<l m -s e id o t i a, nd w - e tok ny p o iti h m with@4 wuut v-nhtp@~id nvvlyyuhacoMe0bt. f as nond are hight m-n hav af xitone heium bmvobe n et ae eenome.f lfi atuowg, t ecmevd wtceanor s e s tey d dte a e'te egphra wu- t "ÉhV taheIiuiTS m-V a cottage.the chumi e hl h w t ure u -ow hoer l i bd l o? ft-li M I % Mia n i Jt acks-h aemnd e aga t vietta o I but ter or bak a sV. Te p oy n e e e v higna t r a im~ H n me ie - u h~ ut a - tm o a y h s itl n io ~ .ia in turn edWbt vu s11 lt< bl coi End Brymathe u't ganta hafve i<ile lV aî ororla e i m-bii o sefroite ven h - foupd Qormthe. n ins e, th rs qcu t atrwd of emdai hurej ilInva fih1rfo1 if aib t vondd brthm.Ho eu u he MOflbed l'Ythspepeualcr plO f31 fna. tb, lqnmeuant. ovlhle lubn.ogimam-ond a cle oCfr*h & r "(pe l h uiee ankn ihth h nepéelvn ethi e o osyntigàou weleth aety f henahifo i i i e o ew gg obve .-,colele;.butt is Tou lfl ofituire >a frçmuelie nlad ci "~ -ve t bon gi b e Ibtmatelet meood u ndin lait ins t ce orofr nIseet hyaedgt&d&ittey-rw-êttctae -lhe ho a tis o no? ToP -for u lisor if. m-nd abs la aing ta e. ut rfor rkd a i ad b..- et d u Vtdhi.yad n icrm-wledta dithe. "S uen ir." " Gt yur lc fe vas mIldj fhatwl Ml i 1ate lm ini rant cai eint.1-o hav n ae f]Srewt u ndcema9 H li e ,ad n. 1fr. wi-th e bi kidus wly 0 The Gerberdonaustelca onei sout, a.lritf rss sekrgeant;2Qeratheysdecand haveqiteatheseof wbu chl- n b. roced the crairdod, 5liab7 ley replîed a little coldly. 1 am con, Ijecin utAihiswa.y botAx theTh emIsc eouwislèran;tycn-v hi lit speak la 0lier. ons.nvokidRSYis nd tAie baniiafl" talcs on T mh odCk. the.driver, andI I stlopped theinmll tons; thie tunic je ruined rowau ,made tieir home. iRov n imoa e711.vanl; ou ç e,"en ed ,she.-!sn't ibire.yad aded ftawirby 'beiug togthe>4' Se- Onle ofthenxost, thoroughrecipe riht with mny rifle. aohr-mthaqatr advd w-I i ~~thâmwaIr ttMiss Jm-ien beesusae ge.hrs n av nte« th et bis liear-idarkeixiig the aut . wonQut lehoers for #ore-tino. eîtlior; j" fr~uiVitbich 'wblle -ripe les yet bookA gives a ist of rules forA he on.Ta'ergb.Gvete t e L v t as miaisof&iuiliaerand yet o l up ln tbenorth of B-0aphoi hie i e r i 11s- I w. have iht ie hi igBi iasMwaert&Jgfo eeliadwr dn nteproDer tetly firin. -Te* minutes &ar e ~- unscake, wlih fte re -Nwtekdis, ecramble1 n Mr ty-~~~~~vx' and Il !u are unig 1fr. Bryant, quired for bci1augatt five or a Itksf uily folhowed, waill resutinugood III have no rifle. You are a fine htswyeloeOroid l o n haî t noTl e arnoaee n ove eresa ons valth aliim -nd ome rubbis g ad fore f rf -i g The fruit yul lt cak4 îe astA out o! tsi'. Good shat, - . Keep me covered and' ngrety. Thkntowpèw-hoyr 8 lit* h ookidone, fobingr it cake h a matter of oareflneandI1,11 get him. I-f I fail, delivor the VLA ERECI-PE. hie.former la enuaetionelu-à es.H mytr 1 .vi agtfaîhai i-toa apulp, aseasy t ies r Diin ot of luck - Bm-V. hsdepatchee youreelf.", Sc spokce a 1 ia Bryanto! halles ona no txthe&akwuuVPetVhbevr abacmkputing ie rnk» ho w-sgo.la he Uachdonsl l;ü.Rm nt e ci not faexpos - i u t e r bacbi ' r 4ml. asu't g .food.'s ao k e bmna s MAIY weighte an dI measuilOs ex " -t. DO Brithlicolonel (-w oxder il ho- mulude Purifiation .l i oe this secret of ie he-rt dîasa11ed by W en 1fr. Î erdeli mildix' vonue e tk e pa fp tic s o t om x teck ,ni h ee l o w so eh do a unkempt. 1iUly1 but kndt wOmàn lo i b bm-i ves. rataa- m utn i ak1 Motun5rdm n heco bi, eas they are e xc5eientirply ready for itlto go in. SifLiVheRah fAl toIy mn lore £aed bmc ta si'- "Nao" aaid Miss Jacisan. "Enid mm-de lent with m-ilmentes. Bkthen in the foeur befiore mssrig u lhs w ay' to gave his life, if ecessary, nan and theout melao lie diedu i eetersisi hromih s. If emnyau nitt e vr no otove-f, antd pun(h bm-In-g powder or creani of tartarbisyuirad-goucmadleshuderubdntatm- -ed throueh every houx efthfat dreadll lier Toit cen aend a letter bore. l'il oseo tlem occasiOnailly with the fingers is usetI. suft it vith theflour.lesouaind-olck ndimshI brbe nt n t mm ehot. ane o qiiie lafQ t 1f.lle elq f l v i e v v t e s t.t a ee how they are progressilg. M ix h s cake i u an earthen b <,1 w ith . the words t a th s A lm ighty cu pful -o ! w ater. This ui o trs: but the voman of the bouse toW i. eeling ver muh framed liedl un- Beas and'ides.Vakd-wta oenpo. a ttat everythIng lied been sent on,a dertakentfis littie Journey actuatdhy neye andI baanaes-are tîie ingredi- yo&s and whites, of the eggs ssepar- mbsolutely could not mules for they fuis of wmter, aiv! a ieaspoou4 lo ers.b liit hee-e0 eenetputtivs. as omoottb - ionihatlenta o! tAis melting di-h . Talcs off alte-hy. Grea-se the ine with mrwsro heaped1injthe gmte hamiperiug the 'whole qitatilyadd ac ,And bire. Bra-,vir Yufoui lier m-slho could.betheon Julian and hlm vile: a littie of Vhseliduey fat-use only as butter blacicens. AtI a quarter their cwi movemýnts. OialY.thosO two-gm-lhou pailful cf drinkigw- ing but a tiff. She vesnt the one OilOf0 o-wthe iî'utli. and fte te liber thet a h ahf or quarter for oe enso-n- o esonu !emh-oml ae.w' av ehre aaiei e.Ti ilgv 4o ato nu and go off and iravo Tau. not shle!1 flich appBZOiVly lier liusbmud lied mm-de andI s-mute it wth butbter in quite a If the cake craeks open as it riee simiîmr circumustances cm-n realize free chlorine to a millhion prtJ o hy. 1 dont vaut eny m-ni tabm-vo bisehalicethfia rea.lly lied becu decided btpa.Th 'dney muet bhl too mueh flour bas boon used. If how long it seeme before hs last wmter, sufficient ta destroy n1 tctd e better ort o! vie. Teul for- for hlm. nd thet b& vas (iUlOtîeIorbowe lhlot el- unable mt t rb Thes lu a coe lunVhslecentre thseatig epeedhmadtlmntsaltpmi n oo a e me. ir, for aying ItL but times a the.mornent t ta deal matrorbone lghlbu tllb ef itrzs ntcohatr flueese ole n' l-miue alty,î nl , anged vitb vou. tlats@--elear toïieo.mnd vilb env other. ilittîs pinlc in the inside; tAis slihtven la tee hlot. Bsating eggs a-ud though a very coltI moriiing, I was cdli or other dyscntery piouig- t la f t.fr or m-oo.dparticil- h lied crosscd hie mind ta tnform that iaýï»l in1< gaofor , er;. uat-Tor alvsv hm-ontniod younit,- vawian thaf rarenese m e.tAe teste and butter makes it teuh;therefors now covered witli eweat, yet cooe raim utxew--r oevr i neair. 1 suppose YoU1f r.Bry'ant vsvery ii araliq 1-; lbaves iV tendu ., hncooked, alw a-ttIthe fleur laa-t. In filling and collected. Im positive I only mil traces o! Vhs chlorine wihlrp sut tiinking o miqbak?' but ahbcliaS lioe' 5en upleasein t.ylhostLile pue-h'the kid'ney te due esde and put the pane- le-t t-he mixture be a ittless - ne n ie il hr vdsper -No" ai41rynt amotroughîx'. tia ie loait-dtot ît botter to 5my othing.msed<nan re Vi he lydspar lin'e thanked tew m-u ad turned lnuIhie a'd.f'ihiofled mind. lowveri, ho in a banana, cut- in lc-ngt-hwise higber -an thxe sies t-han in the wsntamni iha eso hsmto fprfc rmy; but asllie vas goiug lie walked vit@ greetlv disturlied. In flic firet place sices that have been sprinkiod wit-h niddie. Wlien ths whipped - hefethen etdwihTrot m-s~- Lek amgin.mnSdlie put a a 'reig i -ielei. cltemsiit vhiehb laS crep tinta bis eo uc.Tls ilfl oaeaddd o tTbttr hmhsfe.be etdwt oot -r baud. uueventfuilime vas a incêt disturbingleonuce ThewilfmIVOaedddont trbturtei The~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i oiltc e a etliet leeet îesecond. the appeau vtat pieces with thho cooking. but ahl t-be lunlightiy,e-o m-s uot t-o break t-be That Awful IMass. tei- inoulated with millionsobmc na m-le lied hurt hlm in a vay th.t dite Julien Bryant lied made f iu ><i~better. Pile the pulp sec-side the airscelle-, Toil.Eeygim isbe e oftr allie îdey on a h 'c ceeevonanwd euItst heo stryed uJ ilhci ec» unec5 ould have licou the ilest te bhavounder- ciiy camne lack everv iiowt-and then taeot pat an ea ataTende, sbtîd b ony a-oer ood; àbut ber ioyalty and ber admira- prick his conscience. Forhi-. m-ff dr riig .ýa-wuims n hÈt- obi tewtr ,im. lio lurried wwaY firn f1he uari-w expected oa ilir; lievas te ind uia. ~Bry iv-.CPqlteý-h- saa e etdtr-uhadcn 'Btte eentfapphadàfc treet. wiâiséufYaMSh and 11 m-t, te inS lier lu the reai enlie of the Bilii rqzte--he 5m c- e etd-hog -dc- a ey Butte heren fihdfr This met-bamih sould erval- -ballehossetaa aword; yot thoui selado- rce h vr uihing di-sh, easily pepr 1jbeforforniing a ci-uc-t. - T-he -vle ree h -pamn be fr mnr, popco oftor-ca i aid as hoev-as dielrailwas no nearer refuri-iiig t br lslnd eetli e littie gimly. Ife vas not prepar- te*iims&-fthat If vas a cowm-idly sug- aud e--a-p ripe ban-anas . Cntt e-nh t-but. hen tlbe cake has been in Vhs oand ËAe being îiehblower lown tho %N-here the condition o! thewtr d ihteeatwr ihw1bc ed- estion anhie part; bt atthe osane, i rhqorc frrodtis mlowed then t-o fi-e at ih a x -aessiin ,i vith teeatyrdifibihtdogbualtsciguin two pieces aud eut Off t-ha ove-n ena-e-Iaf Til timne reqiie o odt tsi c r ib Y e rt i b - i o l d n e e r o f is th e e e f b is e i v d t h t t i i s t n t 1 i- n u go bmck to tliet old life. ota on-he f.Byu oldb croquette. h oi Aem in chopped1 Mo,.ing or jarriug thbe cake hefore y siglit. I just caugltoeimp- A certain na-w sensation m-ied, hlm as lie wel enougli fa asi que3lions.nuaoay cotanng rToe e ni:uLsahmmsIw- uymsof mnhe' oc s wa lighted fromt the cm-b and vas admilted 'Probabiy Tonderten understeuds tié-ls t f kindeithe-r peanittl. the m-jr olh areftxed le- a-h-uost surewoapne em nuprwn oh riirly)-Yî5ufl mil nosm-ai t fe XquiSteY ppiucdsort of thing bletter flan I do." hecsm-lS o hickor rw-nu-.L- o c- tc-sait, Vo fa11 DOuc-t, opean thxe dow, adm-s I fired there came air- wm-nt ta kunow ist how serin r !ace of whicl le w-as solc mastai-. The bime~elf, -- Iion of b i lIe ma gr'Wnosa Iaiit tflefOne thing lie did do. bawver;i-; livrote of lettuce and eterve witb a lit-tIc aven deor for the fi-st five minuites- aLler voilyaymt thxe officr,>-but I did youintentions towm-rd m dugi t lad alotif.deS-ont. le vas con- ta Enid informing lier ibm-f le lad been F ranch dressing cnaiiga- go aafter that etma.s' ha l ndntse i s1 a uy yeftoi-. Dultrsv) liionSin ibi oment ull fealmar- i inaree b e obdt th"led-em-hcf oliveilh. Thîis le- a splendid shut genîtiy. Cake takes fofi-o l -t -emmn.Te a i -iaeMmm!m-m!H Ai satiofactiGf -il I m-lraii nwedge of ber vbereabouts. lu bis ion of li preoet Po ci. nlrogîot tilted pliraselog esoi flu- iy uceo ihfo h ungrY achool taon mn a aan hour t-a b'îke, al-<id;haletaecvrf-ouanthoue ilm. a~~~~~mnt'adlstres of mind; but lie di141 ua go boy. coi-ding ti t-be kind andth Àickness. ie;ýehl ae oe rmantteOe wle a bcm-fidifo logair fortefldroa tl o aqgtiugls; andry-t 1liee s got.aufallen tree trunk ant crm-wled un- Wife '(after cmliera hatIgne ieWe bre hing tfie O ona i fortefint blaie m-n detai-1Braat ho buio d ote Creain anti B.aaaPie.-IIea-t It ledonc wheu a broloin-s-fra-w rmn dr't oe lfwyeHwdr o ëb Àim'e., 1 i- fathm *li adt o-inferin im inas ta vhethei' she tood lu toge-t-lier lu a- basin a lifftle gratl--ia oit e-ones out cdean andIsmooth. dris oa l h-w- -ross .the o mi- o c lu ehfr o tepens. '"Ring flro ngli md toil ion bL ilse Jackson' hesitmted .,a iti b l-s r th ca s do e el e r bmt 1i h-lvaut a ca-b hers et 1uue belere ooadlug on the leffor fo ber frlend. thieyolks o! tAxi-ce eggs. a itftle inlk moviug it f rom t-bhe oe-. et But ta get VoL the luLci-pitor he dem-r, I dan'Vdere Vo do iVwnw She m-d eenverylila teEniSBram-ut andshery »d -e bn-nain-a thor- tantI a-few uminutes iu t-he tin andhm-d t-o go about three yards fi-ou iae hy ourselv'2s. berhlbn Ldle enrvae aHi it epds nIa-rl i -CHAPTcER vwal asî. -it oughly mmshed\ Pour the- nnxt>u-r it wihh thaen camne ou-t easihy. - t-be protection etius off ered. -RHo Ild t.baeau f1. eeai attrlunt. er. ougi noromiding <ashion oelehe whites of two - egg, wsll beaten. useful Hints5. faiend, ad literally throws himju s-iidt raebr.JlinByat 1r m--ed tbm-t ihore 's-es anlv on~e porsouwFi REn- Pledel adfaliu m-i o avehltiods-o onialbeî-lier. anS t>hal ag aiBko iiann aven neot too hot, i0 Torooth-bieta tAiewood. I hem-rthecrash-fron Tcthee11 reark bine slcii-nb wrol.a ieckmy position. and J hen ho-- gain FE 1frPipsî di na bul--tetoexpeo tIi- p ofanijI a adi it ha thoneuglly clîjîhatI, thn put it vhieli Jxliim-a liedSeat-eS.nel o! the British au'my. IV consista seven d o!o anle As &nton ae paii.ly te bis pertuer wvhflitmbout o! a hollow steel saoli, filletI witAx jt ffles to .a bg9ii, poux-grg~du44y iîoapne itvataat tv abot 20 leda bulet, atIcon orSi-the ii".ad ugar , ~nxaywlhp w-tlieýut.difficuilt-y. the pioceetiiixs.&bu25 ednblesanco-'9c' Ï 'Tyonhave gone taa fer, inicb f00 fer," The mrt oe! anýceesedul iviiig i hi, m-i. "f t bcreuv f airtemu.auig amalbut î'ting charge, - oue.-tfl ms oninsi~ ~P-i~ int enougl t-a- pl-itto-peu auJ reè- ~its in'etii"- log ith am ft hemr fi-on1Kr. Bry'ant -shou ho la well Si, ,,~- » - m1ngvî a-1e e Tuxereari-Sonlypintf jig. UIa offU-n--n-'YSpsibe te f dWou.-@ tue mntter." ease the biihots ut mny given - Ifif. lce. Raexhx 1tn "~ m- afrm~ f~lx. iu~ed usua www rat-ban t ou ae-unulate ra-ny d poninteS. unvelly et about aigbhty yards! FA-n ga oo -butll im-,tr -n ve fi-cm V4e -abject ammed et. The bixl- MeaoITII , T'k ve-iy AtIditionul ane is -mn addJedioa-, u EPAIIr go a io cri-bm-fs ah. We'1l vaiýt anS lets antI the fragments o! th e ablIelcm-r-e. ýse - d1 - aIlgeIy d Mrigi. *PicySeli fiy enward lu a-toi-rifle ehower,j vat-hsnlhmt.ai )PIalEI NTTXi. -Original akae .wTb m l a t anYo have talion a which often cover-s an ai-cm- of 30 I- by asking for, true m-nthopae o etngine yrd i250 yards Jeep. . -- -I ollar'aWofth Of adouibesr Woiecm-n lie as ndpeneait as he using tAxe fuses -cf Jifferent lengths, of. flj wes vi hen ho gels letto ." fte Yo n g tVe artillery command e ai cmn ex ;. - l l iti i !iu lu P ies BY Provincil i gar 7" -q m mueS 1.15-Ao s eho - pertirled ai9 plode hise shbol s a ydsireRomrd of K ealth. WELicv -bmt yuu m-e .-wamy;nu -îct.point.Udr-fecies-s-On auJdm-tem Saptember jet,19i-i, 1 ygu re.hining hatyenare Çre, Vmcaps in thxe open siiferhem -- ie s14; "7 taO h oi1 v> yen mx' l y , -a MY a no ttAxe p ices o f diplithe ia auititoxiin ,tem - 'P yolu li aèyw m n - n i l t twill b a a f lov-s: î n .phi . a etù- ,' el11 I a1rn but if t-hey are behind good cover.500u i valpc ge -fl.0 ntàeue an iwthai à litou te dis tspassa hernuiessy ovar-5,0untvapckg..$j0 t woi iX a 1 5 U - t a m -t b v s o e 'ou l t hai b u5 ,ue t uu n i t s yI b s . ;1. 1 -ui a i nammflur; et'm-ny rate, sAxo head. Conseqlucntly, 'hrapnel l, is neludint hocôiaôtVB ,tee r to Pa", 50 0 u it yige -- .. cboo o, 4 0 do 0o t 9a v ry o pot< e in . olten usad Vo reduce the fi e o u s e oaf ein-im-k a ig l a-«rgok0 0 0 u t mal " - 2 0 ' u..eL niBryanýitorm nakiiig aven aé trenehed t4ms (by maiking -- ,fatal moi-lvObma real Macvok el U M >ealk es ta bis vu-e. T h er e" " -. 1 iL ii t ,)m -,,,'ed i lus-wif -sbatle ls-s !r -ntd fIf mmm.Sni US a r nan loeires.mnS Addressi D partm nt oJ Ilygiexve riictîhuî a ta cu Ilio 'ieb r a - keBov- nvii e u aine sl a!n m-d, u r 1M edical ei~u lding, U niveriity af To- vn ih-Wa has em r euona'h ota a ke eriey di. Exire sjnc ou s thendou4 ea-td ss-Usix011_____________a__ V h nk djfe -O tl~ aion poixT , a i ne m il ch r e ns e ad A S (i iose, T r- n o sm -id ~ fr. P 10 d011. a ili r - "aS v oooreeclmssy .10 iw iin di rnty o ,poi.In find--- o e-N /re o Oîe epea rulsbram- s CANADA SUGAR -REFINING Co.,,,LIMITE 1), sMNR. reetthaf 1 mvent mse n ot ee y aI cOi eiets5DEPT. 47, TOROWft- .mm-î ore than Ais awn. - bm-T O h v o don '- o Vt ll " s '.I t -e4 -e-' Fm-har'601, nythe thxe iin;acipse-ofai .ly- cnt by wmr-ho hi, hohy auJd impar seean' aow thatt sapar -t4a show eja1-m-ctlylat a-lI;h oriary' - ie, love, r-eigieon iLa-kc thenu as moere- - - - ~ ~ % -cTntIfw- .a-S t -Truly of \-reîigieo - - -'b e the p i n t But -yen werte net COUld mýve1 - Were it nait our e-weet, bm-Jeau@ AnaIded sp; e mndo~r 'the 1 waring nati svei'y aoldiam o! t -Thlisabouthm-lf -diorm--woight in ainonat t-he mver armny w-il eara i nommaI life. -Ye m-ie-, killed-li- as ne- uons ,eapparen -cost--than o! the themeelves ilu tlieii- nations, Pl greater value-o! v-ho hlI them-- have boon finanL lY witAx the cee-V view; yet eaeh l moi- Vé a neti Soidiers-c-fthxee Bythe e-xpeni -o! t-hae<c- o!u.k brocader and be fui. Mone.v spen - - botter sanitary- il. îuildî g cf t t-he a a.-lthf V -moral antI spir inl k;.Iîing menf -cep-t iii nec-essai Thc-.t a-41 -c fi a e 11-L Mr&n;~ ie- wts txein enep-pV - ~ th pai caat ¶ - - p -ce hey lia - d natio a ARçÇ IVES 0F ONTARIO TORONTO

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