Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Nov 1914, p. 4

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TABERNACLE. îda'y, Noy.. 15. , he regular missionary' ýh Tabertacle wili bel ITB-Y V, A. bic MC H WATER AND LIOHT COMMUSSUONERS!1 Do you know of anything elue that han beeu steadily, comiugdown in price for the last few years, except - Electrlc -LIght'? The chio£ business of a Municipal Electri*e Dcpt. is to furMjsh e1ectriçity for light and inhàbitants of the municipality. poer "lat cost". to the Owing to reductionu -in ,he price of ' metes, and to the general increase in business, il h49 beon feund possible to lower the coul of light to the consumer by eliminating meter rents after thoy have 1been paid three years. GET YOUR EIOUSE WIRED and help us to red'uce the rate stili further, and strike a blow' at "the bigh coul o! living" by usiug electricity in the home.' GEO. W. P. EVEIIY, Supt. TREASWER'8 SALE 0F LAND FOI? TAXES *t Yvirtu. of à warrant underthe hand of tii. Warden and the. seai of the Corqpratloe Bof the. County of Ontario, doted the iîr%. day q! September, 1914, cornmat- Jinig me ýB to lovy upon the lande mentioned lu the foilowing lier for arrearo oftaoxe&. tlhjeon ansd couto as herem o@et forth ; 1 hereby give notice that unieso obch arrearuo and tests arc -uoaerpoid, 1I@aoli, lu complionce with the Ansssment Act, proceed to oeil by Publie * uction. tihe s.id londs, or no much thoreof »i amy b. aecesry for tihe taxes, et sie Court Houa., lu the Trown of Whitby, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26TH, 1914 at the hour of two o'ciock ln the ofteraoot Prt' Part Wxof E% part Pt. * part -Village lot îo, Blk A, Pickering beng N - Village lot 69. Cburch'St. -Whltevale beg 9 TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA Lot- Cou. Acres Taxes Costa x8 F 50 10 38 25Si Jo G 100 $13 43 $2 59 14 G _5o0 9'83 $2 50 2 L 100 13 86 26o TOWNSHIP 0F MARA Lot Cou. Acres Taxes Costs Io Il 50 8 87 a50 82 12 100 9 59 i 50 TOWNSHIP 0F BROCK. Loi Con. Acres Taxes Coss il J( 2 83 250 Q 14 24 31,38 3 28 TOWNSHIP 0F PICKERING Lot Con. Acres Taxes Costs 14 i % 31 53 3 29 31 5 % TOWNSHP (OF LwrMr Lg' 1799 2 95. EAST WHITBY TaxesCosto 37 70 3 42 B. A. Total 12 89 $160o2 $12 33 16 46 Totai Il 37 32 09 Pst or Unpat' Unpat Pst VUps 1 t lPat or Uxipa: PM' Pat Trotal Pat or Unpat 5-33 pat 34 66 Pat Total P'at or Unpat 34S2. 90 94 Pat TotaF Pat or Unpot 41 13 Ni McKAY, Cesunty TreasMor. ECONO»MY MNEANS BINO QIJAUiT GOODS AT A REASONABLE PRICE le have the Price and 'Quality Goods to, offer you. TRY US. *FOR VOIJUR XMAS BAKN- New Currants, per lb. 10 and l2je New Ralisins, large fat oneg, pr lb., i1Oc Newly'.Seeded Raisinsi,per IL 12je Seediese California Raisins, per lb. 121c New Table Figs, per lb.15 -Cooking F igs, 3 lbs. for 25c ExtraPastry Plour-for Success.- FANCV CHINA Côme inansd set what we have to ofler yjou. Our prices bave mot raç.we wintt! a way Bfything you buy unti! yoû neod it. ,TIRHOUSIE Prompt Delivery. celved instructions -from îâe eloil. T6SWSS 'nt loUS H@W areWiJ1UO tors of the ette of tho lateýTho. 0 b.sI.. mA to.fo Pereman, to sell, by pfxbUc auçtlon at W9 fr Y*»% 'Brooklil village on. SatUrday, Nov. 2lut, the foliowingvaluable property, 5)VCUT0DOt.tx4> lately oceupid by Mn&. Pereman. Prame hôuse, table,-sn&ddriving -For a long tinte zbave thougbt o0f ubed. fruit trees, 1ood garden, bard. witing yoa uýregorug what IternI and sol t wter. * acre laud -moreo mInmaurh.WscureeZfected by r leu. 'Ailthe f urnliturfe w!! aise o, e éO' .tT~;oiee n Rheusatls, esnosilly in My bauds. sold. Sale at L 1.0oclock sharp.. bvspta ofioe without. Terms, cash, exoept 1fe r »roperty, snyg put a ot 01bsvt"en ýI prunw ter». for whicb will-ho piade, known a-tiVco" for 18 montha owf, sud oam xm day of suIe. ,Thos. 'i. Peresuan-, lesed ho theU you tatIarn,ed. Thos-. Coakwllù, executors. William'AllSIrOitI a o utm 1111W ~~~ iiaM a~~id p ndVer apo nover will, but the - - - -- bres10a.gnuo' £MW PUBLIC NOICE., - I A meeting 'o! ait members o! theLA AG Horticulturla Society and mny -ct-'- Isens Inhereshed, -wil ho held -In, the l»*.atmaolm.r«thOdmsode Agrieultural rooms on Friday even-ds- it.o F. R m umfil e» of lthe"ikefflble lag, November 18th, at & o'oiock, for1 ~ 'rla~b~sin the election, foffi11ceàs'for 19144k. fomreospwr vrRms The direchors, wish the publie ho -un-1 jls MLsu4.l-a, fsct deoeshsnd that without the support o!f oerasieh bioéWIijo's r tb@ cit izens of the town tifbs Sooiety somne d«»ara Ou.fstmeo.s cant continue, and inucb benefit kid2sys r sia yl ho bu ot. "Pritt4tvl os" b.d by oIl dealo M. V. POWELL, et 50C. a bop -js509 triiolS ____ ecrtay. se,,or' uton rwiý We are in receph ýof a copy of "Thé Contriet Re3ord," ilu which ap- pe aua art .Icle on IlCernent Gun' BUTTER PAPER MUST BE "Coashruvtioa a;, the Hospital for the FRINTED. fumae, Whtby." ,This descrietb Th e ne Daîry Industry Act, whicll procss of doeug the plsstering snd came into soj nSohmerlt -tucoo work by maeans »o! this .cernent 11,eat Ia i ute odI sm device wblch effects an îm-111,natthtilute ldu printanmut be wrapped lu PRINTED mensesving in ishor sud 'ime, and ae.Timanta freswo Ai lu. use ou al the work st the Ho&.ppr if ea ht amr h pi tai. The article 1u written by Mr. Ibring butter in prints te town ho se!! H. B. Magowan, of the Hospital te local merchants mut have prînt- to wom w ar indbtedfor ed wrappr ôn t. Butter paper has staff, owo eae netdfragene î u pn ice considersbiy sAuce copy of the "Record." The descrip-'the war bega.a, but the Gazette and' tion of the processa la moat interest- lngsudaitoug apae povets Ls'Chronicie a suppiy it printed at a publiato ugsp eekpe entro ar- very sli-ght Increase on. the aid rates. puctci onib uhscd lu ,te nrftre. o- one ream, 480 sheets, our price lu $1.35 ; for two reains, 960 sheets, 6 1 $2,20. Order NOW at the Gazette of- Trunks, suit cases aad club bags fice, Whitby. The penalty, for non- .sliing away below the,.wholesale compliance wlth this law le a fine o! price at Burns' clearing sale. j $10 to $30. The word "Creamery" 9 or "Dairy" must be on each wrap- THE WAR L)OES NOT-AFFECT 'per, also the name o!f te niaker. It THE NURSiERY BUS§INESS. is against the law te use the word- In SpIte of the war we are sellung ,more nursery stock than ever before. Oeytn imueadctiosc We have room for another agent in Oe htiple'nalt e this County,. however, and applca- our sampies of Christmas cards ions shouid bc sent iu at once. A I NOW. The tume lu getting shorter good man uhould earný from $15 te4î nt11 Christmnas,- and lu the. final rush $80 per week right through the win- 1 you may ho toc busy ho thlnk about ter. No delivening or cellecting. Out- cards. Order them now, and we will fit free. THOMAS W. BOWMAN &' deliver tilez whcnever you wluh. We SON Co., LTD., Ridgev4lie, -Ont. have over two hundred sampies, al 6 deslgns sud prices. C. A. Goodfciiow SALE REGISTER. & Son. Tuesday, November 17.-Mr. lieor- bort Truil wiil seli by -auction on lot.a 2, on.2, aetWhihby, 40 head o! milcil cews, helfers and fleediag steers._ Sale to conunence at one o'clock D ___________U_____ sharp. Wednesday, Nôveniber 18.-Aucth,)n sale o! horses, cows, young cattie, hay sud corn, ah lot il, rear con. 2, Pickering Township, tie property o! Oliver Denny. Sale at i o'ciock. Sec bills. W.!!. Powell, auctioneer. - aturday, No v. 21.-Auction sale o! bouse, lot aid furniture, the prop- erty- o!thie estahe o! the lahe Thos. Peroman,, Brookli vililage. Sale ah 1.30 o'ciock. Wmn. Maw, auctioneer. Mr. Loei Buckiey, o! Orono, was ln town ou Saturdsy wlth relatives. * -4- SPECIAL SERVICES AT BAP- TIST CHURCH. Rev. Aloi. Torrie, BA., lu con- ductlng speclal revival meetings ah thle Baptiat Church every eveulng or- cept Salrurdsy. Thé services on Sua- day luat were weii étteuded, ah the evenfing meeting thle cilurcil being crowded. Esoh inglt the services be- glu ah7.45, the fast fi! tees minutes beiug devôted hora song service. Mn. Terrie preaches cacil evenlng, sud lira. Tonnie, who lu a beautiful uing- or, renders a solo. Otiler special mu- sic lu also gîven aid the services are brigilt, sud net too long, belng dis- mluuod premptiy ah nine o'clock,, Mu. aid4 ?rs. Terrie wAll continue hors ail sert wsek. Sunday, Noveniber 15, the aubjecha are :-Mornlug, "The noed of Evas- gellum aid Vthe Evancellsm w. Need."t Evonlng, 1"A plain Question." A lAve, healthy farinera' WCeky uewupsper s the Weekiy'Sus of To- rOntO. 1h la net owned by any - op& cial Interost, but hakes a fearleos and Independent stand on -ail public- mat- hors,, regardiess o! politica. 1h stands for thle tarrnlng Interestu, and le An te thifk o! the figih. Ihmba the Prestige Of au entàblished perses- silty. YOU uilould read It- every Issue. -Ou Sunday i"t t ev. John Bedord, o! Pickering, occupîed te pulptof the Metilodiet Tabernacle bore. and ah Alinonda. Rer., M.E. Sexomith was ah Brookliluthe occasion betng PrOfparatOrY issio>ary servles, Wilen al he pastere exclranged pal- Pite. SWhitIy had its first- taste -orunow *tWBis eacon on Tuesday, Eaough 1.11 to whlten, the"ground, but It-soon dsperiiagata. Furtber north, around Kinsaje and Brooin, about t b r O né m f ll a n d a t Mla r em o n t trews six luches dept&. 0ONTRA0T0RSl Je HVWELL JAMES CapneBuilder and Controctor. Repairs, Alltaiboln id Jobbing. Algent fer Brantfor'd Reeffmf Box 467 WHiTUrýY Phne.1,0 =JIOHN T.iORSV Plans Made sud EÈstimans icoGfe Alil Kinda of Brick and Concrete Work. Repaira to Chfmney Stades sand Boi*es C. FOLLEST coNr4-ioTrOR AU4D BuiLDr&R PLANS 0F ALL, DESCRIPTION - FURNISHED. Rndence, Thornton's Corqnr Phone 41, 'Osbawa. THiREAD)GOILD B1ROS. CMOUTM a4d 811D1»M YM IES LAD OR UW<E 'Charges moderate. Apply Dunda# St. West or P.O. box 4o3^ -amourn - 6.301 - T 0c OJTHE.DOLLAR' - I wiJ'Ihoàd> 60 1 Wï4 aie to clear-the stock: out@ Thsil be r.1neçhance in a- lifetime when you. can get *,- .~ Twt.Pafrtot Boots Boys WAl Strong omoli nickle ca £ gold filled For 7h Prico if Oms.. Every pair of ,fÜ'e , Womeiln's, Boys4,Gi'rls' and Children's bâots, sho es,'al kindsof rubbers and, overshoes.; a- al-arge'stock of trunks,- Club bags, suit 'cases,-,,nd Automobile skates will be- sold at - Away Belo th4e WholesalePrices. Set Our Wibalows agi, Bartaias Tables agid be CoavlincegiO Open Eveninggs. Terms Cash@ The stores lately occupied by R. B. Hoar will be to rent afte r December i 5th. F. N. BIJRN BROCK ST., NRTH WHITBY, GMT. - Camneo ring Disxnond rdugs Unibrella .Ebony Itoilet set * -Bedroem cdock -ýiMr&c.let, wateh Leathor bag "Xesh bag ~-Er ringt Jowel carie ,Pearl-pendaunts 1 I I w# c JIelp -the -Patriôtic--FunBd, BY BUYING AT w. Go SATIJRDAY, WlLTERS' -ON- e . NOVEIUBER WHEN 14TH l10 PER CENT. 0OF ALL -SALES will be given. to the; Whitby Trhis is your opportuinity to be.patriotic.- Yôu will be giving to the Relief Fund, and yet'you will get full value for your money. The key of our cashý register will be in' possession of the. Pres.ident of the Relief Society, who will be- the only -person able to ýopenth registe'r. The amount: of sales will be found there, at.ý the close of the -d-ay's busi- ness, and we will donate ro, per cent. of this amount to the War Relief Fund. Buy-*ýat our store whaetever- you need. *- - Dont- forget the date *Saturday, Novembere 14, ail, day. In ordef"to swell the Fund, we have'laid out, several - Sedial Linos at, -Reducsd Priées FOR ONE DAY ONLYS. - ,W. G. WALTERSI - WHITBY. ONT. -'I OINE DRUNKARD'S SAt Lindsay, Ontario, - ing of Tuesday,- Marclb -4 ourred a- terrible trag -home cf John' Maddisen, ,driver', wbo -cameé lu laie ILn& lu a state o!11ntexica lre o -the bouse inIai Iight hf s, pipe whîle lyin~ ofrags.. The man, tho~ eut o! the burning build -badiy burned:that he d1 ter, as- did aIso a baby gir] .mother, three-èhlidren and menthe'ýsuffered seridus i More Chiidren died the fo~ The unfortunaue womau, bebest to rescue her -h4 Lcilidren, is left wltm th littie ones on ber bauds. -whose, drunken stupldity tragedly, and the Innoceni wa the other victim, _s * rible ageny.- They _ werc -that the- flesk. dropped lodies. Meantime:the 'liqluor tra -,-men are- permitted te o ,out of the ýbusiness ibal produces sucil resultu go ile sanction o!the chi e rs andhe. electors wilo sibie for ail thle troub sÙffering apA crime. 0 L ~ Loal appel For the bel galvanlze jour silo go to e e. MIL 14ro. R. W. Allen- will ccnhe -third Thursday- o! fnstead *. o! on tihe lirsi 'kursday as_ frmery. WANTED. A good launclrees.. I.îotei, Whiltby. Né#tS'unday Lhe .seril 'Presbyterian èhUrch wllU .d by the.Rev.- Geo.ý We,, .elencoe, -Ont. Reduoed pr'ices -on wai! 'tmo days _o NovemberJ -Shepherd,4¶>ainter and- pâ *- At Ail Saints' Cilurcil ist, Nevember iSti, Ri Miackem,- D.D., Provost 'CoIlege, will preach at b -Tile làdles -o! the'-R. 9ý lild a_ !ancy sale and U, the Cou ncit Chamber o latem.ber l7th. .jlr] t 250 -pairs ladies' pan f ordo, ail kinds of leathel ~.baUf price at Burns' cle -sale. ARCHIVEmS 0F ON4TARIO TORONTO I 4 4 4 4 4 4 '4 *~ 4 .4 I Part -Lot Cou. At 4 I 7j Co. Bldp., Sept. 15, 1914. ASTER -THE WAR IB Enineso in Canada wiii hum. Tice dernand for weti-trainmed young mn4 Sand*-!uýeren for birmaneeli bukeïm. Ser*bin ever. Ticj#ge prepar- ocshoolo and be ready. A fcwmontia ,will do il. It wiii pay you well. Frac cataingue. W rite for t.4 'M ATSt. W. M. SONOPWdt, sas War Relief Society. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - m de MAL 1

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