Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 12 Nov 1914, p. 5

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XIWASis oly 6 weeks awaàrE4 rUs for delîvery Xmas A peifrice on Watcbes; ail giý_roateed trâCý years. lova WïATClEs NvMNW4 "N LDIESU ACUES' ,BRA«:LET WtrCES Strong smlnckeosý eIfr$J st, usren tadi 'atbreoii1ar Fn 4kwtb«pt 800 for J 4wtbs u e(.4,speddvle 100 bO0 io* s.u Havyonenacedwat.bO.W s Anespecf.ll, e. f usd wa edle .'"1410o2<) Flue gooa a iimse, - to 22.9p 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e Il TU reua 4OoI0Agofiled case watcb, regour' uvr 12.00 te 16.00 gol fiJed' '12'beExtra quality ,fJled case, '17 jewel ý 1.for M AJIltisese watchds'hàve metal bracelet Soldfileil 12 .00 works, rd eri 120.70, or 1»Anetr in ilver watcbjegular 147 .Solid 14k came vitis 17 'jewef works, 1.! oii cmlt.W r hwu h regular M 40.00 for U», It will pay 7OsJust to see oui ladies Mest up-to.date stock i Ontario 20.7658 lUSReary, od 14W case, high grade--wàtchien. W#4@1neyer have showu works Me i ss ncb good valses. OOUtyi. . 880 iibuy ougr, chepest, -W. bave thern'op to 818.00. W. CAS- ~bhow you ime' peolalo in this lin.It will oost-you notig te examine the»se t your leigure. Led: Wirerâte for you à nimber of desirabk4!gUt& Lavaliers $ 12.00 t100.00 Cimeo ring. 3.50 tW 7.00 Diamosd ring t 5.00 te 400.00 Umbrelia . 2.0<1W 12.00 Ebony toilet net 3.m010 15.00 Bedrom ock . .75 to 12.00' -Bracelet watcis . 3.0 )te 50.00 Leather bag 1.00 te 12.00 Mess bag . 2.50 tW 6.00 Bir rings . 75 te 8.00 ~Jewel cse .25 te 12.00 Pearl pendants@ 4.00 te 28.00 Brooch . 26 te 40.00 GENTLEMEN, Sien Rigs, ~. .,2~.to50.00 Watch Fobs, . 25oto '8450 Umbrllas, - . .00 te 12.00 Canes, g. ý)1O te 14.00 Military Brunhes, . 2ô49te 1.00 Coat Brusnhes, - 1.00 te 2.50 Pipes, . 12 to 7.00 Playing ard," IÀ»ito t1. 50 Safety &ZRest, . 1.00 te .00 Poket Kaives, 45e to 1.25 8Soking Bets, -r >60o t»4.00 BrasAsis Traya;-.- 4flê te &ý50 B3edroom Clocks, 1.00 te 10.00 Shaving Mirron., 1.00 te 4.609 BOYS GIRlLS A $1.00 watch Poeket kuives Umbreila Tie Pins Csf links Shirt studs Tic clips Collar buttons Leath.r pocket book Signet ring Wateh chis Wateis fob Fountàin peu Ebjony seat bruis Ebony military brueli Ebony bat brush' 45e te 81.25 2.00 te 5.00 Irie. to.20.00 40e te 12.00 2&c te 2.50 15e te 3.50 Signet ring (Jmbrelia Ebony mas'ieure net Ebony brusisand comb Hat pin Bead seeklet Feuntais Pen Bedroom edock »OTUER Brais jardineer Silver tray ShOpIngbag Cutntgssvase Leaiher card case China, etc. By paying a, small deposit we will keep any thing you desire for Xmas delivery. 'Rie Ne THE BABY ICuife, Fork and ýSpoon, Brusis and Coinb, Ring, Pin. FATHER Cane. Carvlng Set, Csp and Saucer, Spectacles, Meenscisaux Pipe, Cigar Case, etc. may BAS-S ETT .Jeweler and Graduate Optician- WII TBY, ONE DRUNKARD'S HIOME. j'-At Lindsay, Ontario, ou the even- lug of! Tuesday, Marcb 10th, there -.occurred a. terrible tragedy inuthe. 4 orne o! John Maddison, a local hack d.nver, wbo came In laIe ln the even- Ing -lu a tate of Intoxication and set lire to the bouse iu attîempting tb lght his pipe wbîle lying on a pile ef raf ge. The man, tbcôugh dagged -out' of the burnlng buil-ding, was 'sb b)adly bunued itbat he died shortly a!- -ter, as did aiso a baby girl, wbile the -inother, three cbîldren aud the grand- -- -mother suffered serfous InjurieK. Two -more cbildreu drèd the. following day. The unfortunate woman, wbo dtd 'ber best, to rescue ber husband aid *clde,(s left witb the remalnng 'uttle ones on ber bande. The mai,. whcie drunken tupidity caused thb. -tragedy, and tihe Innocent baby, who was tihe other vlcîim, suffered ber- -jble agouy.- TbIley were bùued sn thatie f eeh dropped from' their mêantlme the lquor traificiwhc 'nýen are- peFmltbed to make- mosey -out of thse business that' inevitably produces sucis resuite goes ou witb the sanction of thse chosen îaw-mak- ers and thse elons wiso are respon- -Ëîle for aIl lise trouble, sonrow, 4tuffering aid crime. SLocal Hôppeinus For tise bt galvanised roof for jour silo go to Geo. M. lUce.. Mrs.R. W.Allenaw111 reccve oziT tnateadl of on this lnsad tisird * Trhursday as formorly.- WANTED. A good laundres. Appli Royal M *otel, Whltby. Nent Suday the servicese lu lb. Preubytenian eburcis wili b. conduet- ed by tise Rsv. Geo. Wein, ]P.A., o! Gîsucos, Out. Reduoed prices ou wali papor for tes days jo November 21st. LMt Sisepbord, 'Çinter aid paperbangen. At Ail Saints' Chureis ou SundaY uoxt, Novemben 151h, Rev. T.-C. S. MSacklem, D.D., Provost o! TrlnIly è College, wfIl preaie both servIce. Tise ladies of tbe R.C. chancis will bold a faicy sale sud talent tes lu tise Council Cbamber ou Tisursday, Decembor'171b. Fuller *particvIars later. 250 paire ladies"- pumps sud Oz- -lords, ail inds of balisera, selling aI hli!pice aI Burnus' clearngsg oe eale, A New Dopartmont Having taken over the agency for BIS MlI8181,8sVOCI We are prepared te attend to your wants in the line of VICTROLAS We have a very large and good assortment of Records, by ail the world famous artists. The Victor"makes il possible for you to hear any or ail of these talented artistsata any timet,with in the cernions of yoDur oWn home, without having to g ot a big expense or travel a long way. Corne in any tirne and we wil be pleased ta play a selection for you. Wilsn'sStudio Tle dancé and auchre Party- held in the town hail under the auspices ol St. John's Club on Thursday evening last waa veli attended, and passedl off very succcssiully. Ses our stock of s-loves and rangs. W. bave thebut~ -Une, and our pitees are the loweut. Ceo. M. Rico. Every thing in hardware. Mns. Hateis wlll- be pleasod te meel ail ladies wlithing tq learuisow le kaît tise Balaclava cap.:aitishe Li- brary Board Room on Fnlday, No- vember iStIs, aI 4 p.m.- We bave lu stock nmre beautiful samples o! *autograph .carde for Cbrisîmas. Tbey are well werth cailiug le ueo. C. A. Goodfsllow & Son, lise Gazette sud Chrenicîs. TO LET.' - Store and roonis comblued, 2 stores easl o! Libmany. Apply M.W. Colis' aises store. Ladies conta, regular value $12 te $15.50, nsduced te- $9.90. Patniotie sale day, Saturday, Novemben 14, at W.- G. Walteru'. Ail kinds mens', ladies' sud cbild- rnfelt1 boots sund slippens selling aI bal priesaI Burnns' clearing sboe sale. 1,000 bushbels o! cannoIs per acre tu tise cnop grown on Brookside Farin, 1Whitby, tlisi.season. ONT* Mass meeting for students, boys NEW BELL PHONES. and girls, Friday nigst intise Baptist 203-N. H. Scott .& Co., butehers, Churcis at 7. 45. Everybody will be Brock Street. made welcome, but part4cula.nly 202- Wm. Caimpbell, nesîdence, students, boys and girls. Evangelist Dom. Express. Terrie wili give an object talk. Spe- - ci music by choir. Ladies sud maie There will bee, Mass meeting ln quartettes, sud solos by Mrs. Terrne. thse music bail fer nâou only aid boys Se Bru'sioewndwso fourteen years old id over on Sun- SeeBurs'sho wndos n 'F- day atterudon, November 15, aI tiee day sud Satunday for the grealeot o'ciock. A mae quattewl ig barga'tns lu shees ever offered l h ereAleia. 1 bymus wlll be Witby. used, sud an effort lu belng made te secume an orchestra« le belp lu tise H-o for Xmas at home !-"thse old singing. Evangelist Terrie wlll speak freside"l-Engiand, Ineiand, Sectiaud, ou'tise subject, "Tise escape of a anywbere. Cail on, write or phone noterions cnîminal." Eveny man lu (,No. 36> Stephenson, opposite Hewis tise towu sbould plan bo corne. Bros. and Standard Bank, Witby, for bertis reservations, lisrougb tick- ets, one-way, round trip or prepalds. Ciseice o! al ecean Unes ' and rail- ways-Allan Line, White Star, Dom- lnien, C. P. R., Tnanoatlatic, Cana- dîna Nortisern, Cunard (Canadian as wiell as New York sailings), Donald- son-nl bave now couveulent weekly. saillngs for Xmas sud home golng. Try sud gel Stepbenson's resenva- lions aisead, aI your leisune, and se-, cure pick o! locations. Stepisensoa tickets tismougis irons startlug point1 -te destination. Rates, etc., guaanu- teed nlght. Aise avold crowdlug an&; "lest minute buylng" aI stations by 1 seeuring -ail local as weli as foreigis tickets lelsureiy aI Slepisensou's. He nedeeis -at par bis Issues If prevent- sd uslng. Office boums 7 a.m. to 880 p.m. Ses Stepbouson's oIson advl. lu Ibis paper. Meus' sud Beys' nubbers sud soeki 1bal! pries aI Burns' -cleaning sale. FOR- SALE. White Wyandotte pullets, fror thse bool laylng utralus. Apply;T. Cus- sien, , Meadowbrook Fs.rm, Kingston Road. W. A. Brougiston & Sons ansload- ing a car o! cannoIs for Toronto. 800 pairs girls', beys' sud cblld, reu'u Classie boots in Gui *Metal, VîcI Iid, Patent ai'd Tan Cal! lests- ors,, selling away below wiolesâle prices aI Burns' clearing shoe sale, King Brou. are loading a car of sugar boots for lIse DomInIon Sugan Comepany tiNnweek. Renmember evemy deilan's wenlb of goods you purchase 'as W.G..,Wallon'! store on Saturday, Nov. 14, Ielpou the patniotie fund, as we are glving ten per cent. te tisaI fuud ou al cash purebases for oee day ouly. Ruliberu 35c. a pair aI Burs' great ubos sale. Tise Women's Tutitute wIll meet lu lbe Agrleultumal roonis, ounFrl- day afternoon, Nov. 20, i 8 p.m. Dr. Evans will speak aI IbIs meeting ou "lTbe Defetive Child." Ail women wslcome. bMre. G. 'A. Ross, Pneu!- dent ; Mos.F. Bateman, Sec. CIÇNADSSBEST" OHOGOLATES Any Box in lise wiudow 50e EACN Regardiesu -of Cout. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. aItis.t Maple Leaf TEA ROOM .__ 1 T18 0000 E CONOMY To buy -certain Or-oceries in quantities. There are canned goode yeu find it wise te buy in dozen or hait dozen cane. You net* only effect a con- siderable eavisg, but it je ve0ry çonveniont. New Cern,. 95e per dozen New Poeu, 95é per dozen New Tomatees, 81.00 doz. Haddie, Ciscees sud Fil- lette at lew prices. unr'coffee makes yoar breakfast a succese. Your business friend, WM. MEEKER Phone 94, WHITBY Thse sunusl Convention of Women's Institutes is being iseid in Toronto ou Tuesday, Wednesday sud Thurs- day of Ibis week. Miss Ethel Fletch- er is attending as a delegate from Whitby branchs. Cali aI Burns' grea.t shoe sale sud see the bargain tables at 50c., 75e., 95C., $1.00, $1.25, $1.50. $1.65. AIl goods less tisan bal! lise regular pnice. A "HOME GUARD.">) Ou Monday evening next, Nevem- ber l6tb, st 8 o'elock, a meeting will be beld in the Armories for tisepur- pose of oganizing. a "Home Guard.'1, Prominent citîzeus are expected te be present te assint lintise w-onk. Al mei iuterested are asked te be pro- sent. Tho Water and Light Commlssiou iseld a meeting ou Tuesday eveuing, tise absentees belng Mayor Wills aud W. J. Luke. Severai applications for water service were deal ithoi, and a number of aceounts passed. EAST WHITBY'S DONATION. j".,- IITBY, BelP 3n 7.- Mr. Thos; . G.Man, of -Meollciu, Hat, Alta., wasia Whitby'lust woiek looking flàagàdfarm. of 50 -acres or upWardu t.purhas.He did> soi sfe wbat ho wanted. "M:seianeous Advetts *WANTEID A general servant. Apply to Mns. Jos. King- Whtby.-tf. HOUSE FOR SALE.'- INew frame bouse, li storsys, six- roome, 8-Plece bath, f urnace, electrie lght.. Appiy J. H. JAMES, Wblt- by.-tf. j FOR SA LE., 24 head calves, aged fnom 8 to 0 rnontiss, lu good condition. Reason- ablefilms- given. C. F. Lavery, lot 28, con. 4, Wbltby.-tf. MAID WANTED. For tenera1 isousework. Apply te Mns. Thos,. Cunningham, Dundas St., West, -Witby.-tf. WANTED. A emali fanm, 10 to 50 acres, waiit- -ed lu Pickering or Whitby districts. Forwand f ull description aud pnice te C. H. Wallace, 388 Manning Avenue, Toronto. . APPLES WANTED. Good wInter varleties, especially Tolman Sweèts, Greenings and Spyq. 1 Write G. Reynolds, Port Whitby. STRAYED. . Onto my property, lot 34, 4th con., on e red heifer. Owner may - have same by proving property and paying, cost of this advertiseinent. W. H.1 Bell. DENTAL W. ADAMS, Dentist, Office, Dundas Street, Residence No. 4, the Terra.ce Byron St., Whitby. Phono No. 122. AIUO UoNEBERS JAS. BISHOP Oshawa, Licensed Auctioneer. Sue- cessor- to L. Fairbanks. For ternis and dates appiy to self or G. Robb, Whltby. - WM. MAW LICENSED AÂUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. AIl kinds of snles promptly attend- ed te. Arrangements for sales cas be made ai the Gazette Office. Terins reasonable. Bell and Independent phone. . WlIITBY, ONT. Tise Townsipet Eat Wiitby noblyj responded te tise appeal ofthlie Hon. .a s George E. Fostsr, Minister o! TradeR.1fU nm and Commerce, for assistance le dU IUUUO & VYUkeI Great Bitaiu durlng 1he war. On. Saturday oue car, was siipped frmm Pump Manufacturers Oshawa Jet., contalxung 46 birrels apples, 18 barneis- potalees sud 756 Suecesuors le E. W. Evans bushols of! euh, aise eune car from Shop Duoeda Steet, Whltby. C. N. R. station conlaining 161 bar-ToedoswetoWbtyHu. rois potatoes, 48 barrels apples, 289 buibeis oassasd 1 bag o! fleur. Thse Wc arc prepared te instâIl wood on mron Cociii wl wsb le hlbak tise sever- pnm pu ou short notice, aise attend te aIl Coulonskindu of nepairlng. al douons for their liberally, as wel À ente- for the Ontario wind xiil, aise as Ihose wis eslped le pack sud sip gafie lune ngnon, Personal Mention. Miss Cisapmau, o! Greouwood, vis- ited reeeutly witis Miss- Vaîl. Mn., W. A. Brougton lu vlsitlng friendu lu Sarnia fer lwo weelrs., Mn. Norman MacCarl, of Toronto, ju spending a week or se witb bhis parents bore. Mr. F., C. Smitis sud daugister, Norma, - of Tonontoo , peut Suuday *ltb tise formen's parents bers. Mn. Geo. W. P. Evory was lu Lind- uay.sud viciily even tue week-end. Ne wenl norlb t. attend lise funeral o! au aunt. Mns. Col. Gra.y basnetuned to ber home lu Toronto, atter speuding some lime wilb ber brother, Mn. Wm. Cal- venley. Mns. W. A. Helliday, ef Urbridge, and Mrs. D. Heliday, of Breekli, visited witis Mmi. T.J. hlolliday tbiu wssk.- Miss Edythe Fornester bau retun- eM te Niagara Tlle s! ber baving upailtishe laut two weeki wltis bsn pioliser, ins. John Femnesten. Mrs. Huth1oisne, of Sarnia, -,wbo bau been a WhIstby. visiter fer tbé paît tbree menthe at tbe bome of ber deugblsn, 1Mn. Brougiston, bas re. turned bomne. Scianton CeOai -Chesînuut 'and Steve per ton $7.50 Egg per ton Pea Ceal per ton 7.261 At Harbor Coal shede 50- cents per* ton less. £1IO)RANTON Coal". The nain- guarantees the higbest quality.; E. IL LOW, Bell Tel. 9 M44: Home Tel 14. Improgable Strouent, Mmum genouticomparable Dluldfàiod, minimum mât Sont Fer rates andful Information apply to T. J. DUFF, BR~A . DONOVÂAN. specwlalesp Qusen i Victoria tso, MItyti. Toronto, Mgr. d NwYork Independent Phone 37, ~z4 4 4 '4 .4 4 4 4j MONUMENTS #411i Duales ud'Iatiral lbpt ln Stoci. ht. ll a y you te oeil atow works adlsot-or yourulf rot employ them. Co«Éequentlywe cun aid do, allow,, the agemt'r o» ission, 10 per ent., whlcb you.ww I certainly-lavo by purcbaaing lrom q. A Cali5Solk'ted. Offieau( Werks Opposite, Standard Bank, Whitby. 'FE UE, C PTICXAN - .SWAN FOUNTAIN' PENS * If1 yen want a Swan Saiety tisaI can hoe arlied in the peeket say way, tien the Swanu lu the 'o se y n w ant. . 0 U t70-YONGE STREET. Corner King St., Toronto. DouBLE TatcK ALL THE WAY TORONTO - CHICAGO TORONTO-- MONTRIAI. The leiternational Limüited'- Canada'd Train of 1S!perior Service Leaves Toronto 4.40 p in. daily, arrives Detroit 9.55 p.ni. and Chicago 8.00 a i. MORNING SERVICE Leaves Toronto 8 a.m., arrives Detroit 1.4&rp.mu and Chicago 8.40 pa. d uaily. Lest Train Out of'Toronto at Nis-ht Leaves 11.35 pnaries Detroit S a.m. and chiao p3 .diasntring important ecnnnec. Lionadwit principal trains fÃ"r Western Statè's and FOR MONTREAL Lenves TorontoOi.iî, 8.20p n.and 1 .ndally. Bertb reservati-ons, etc.. at G.T.E. ticket of0cég. Pull partienlars frori agents or write i.Z HONNkG, rAet D»E.Itit as-e1 Aet Uniori Station, Toronto, Ont. 9. Stenlîeinsoîî. Agent, phone 8. Whitby Dfe EQUIItLite hsliraw GO. 0F CANADA - uaved ils policy isolders $îeo,eoo in ils finit -ten years -of business by 'selling tiser without.p'rofits policies, and haviig al premiums paid direct te head -offiSe without commissions. Premiums col- lected wene $389,ooe, instead et $489,- ooo. Fouricen otisen Canadian com-. -panies received, $18,499,695 iu tissu first tc n years m'ainiy for with.pro6ls pelicies, and paid in profits te policy boldens $91,550- Their combined ac- ,cumulated surplus over shareholders contributions was $79,707 aitishe end of ihein firsi len years. Which looks beut meyeu? Tise Equity Lite is thse-total abstain. - ens Comnpany. If iuîercsted write for.i furtiser parlicularu. Themnuwbo tudise bi. own Intenesta wili patronize The Sqully Lifs Assurance Coempsny wban Be wants lIfe Insurance. L. W. DUDLEY, H.4SITm8RLAN.D. Agent. Prenidont & Genenai lmasager Wbfftby. ont. Toronte. la the Key-note of ibis. Instittion. Our graiuiates auccecîl because ibel baye re- calved corr:et preparaion. Toronto, Ont. «Jys à Naional Reputatîen for superior notini let taitglvlng the beot trining LivryCartago* and,*Teamiong. Il bave- receni1y added te my weell- equipped livery stable a heavy.jearn and dray for ail knieýcat~ad tearnlng. work, and Wllbc pleased tg receive ordene, which wili have prompt and careful 8ter.tiefl. PHONY. 69. '1R0GETOMEET ILL TRAINS. tojhn 61m'nb/le t D-YUNDAS ST., WEST WHITBY f LADIES W. C. T. LJ. 0%0%0%^Kl 1 l 1

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