W. arc, making no change in ptlce, except '- in Uns dlrcctly afcecte4 by the. war. We are looliingaller and con- sidering the intercteÃt o ur patrons& It wilI jay you 10, corne here fe« your Irus4.dllossand OP".. Our. good arMe th e in@,t quallty. JE.WILLI$ Druglst and Opticlan- MEDICAL HALL Stock St. a Wbltby. JNO. E. FA!WELL9 K. C. Bartister,- County Crown Attorney and County Solicitor. Oâ south wlng Court Homs, Whitby. A. F. CHRISTIAN Dase. I.IIeIter. N.tary Public. Etc. 0 ~ . Breck St., Opp. Standard Baînk. Money te Loan. IAnES BWTLEDOe Barutr, etc. Moniey to LQan on casy terms. Mfie immediately south Royal Hetel, Whitby, Ont. G. YOIJNG SUITH9 LL.B. Issuer of MARRIAGE LICEhtSES Court Houà e, Whitby, or residence. 4 - De A. J. SWANSON Basmiter, Selicitor, Notany Public, Conveyancer, etc., etc. Oshawa,, - Ontario Ofiee-No-. zK.ing St. E, Mackie Blet Resîdçnce-52 Drew St. pWu-OflcÇ, 32i; Resideuce, 326. " grrtag Lone imner e! Mar riage U enflas corner drugutoire. Whlthy The, Sr ernada Improvemenit LandiCo.,9Lhnlted uela Estato Deanr, Estates Managed, Rente Colleoted, Fiit Loanîs Arrauged, S 1 froperties bought sud-sold. For -erme appiy Hoad Olliée, Brook -St. Bell Phono 193. Ind. ['houe 70. Sales Managers, WIIUN£RICHUOSN, Whltby. Wl. COURTO Plastoror 44 Symlugteu Av., TORONTO WLIfLb. pleasnd te vive estimates on ail , -kinde et Piast.rug, Lathiag, etc. Charges Moderato.- Write f or Terme. KINGTMNROAD- HOME1 Ten acres, Kingston Road, ceuvenient to -Oshawa, 9 roomned dwellng with nice lot trocs «in lawn, barn, stable, acre and halitbeanlng orchard. Clèar et encum- lace. Twcnty.seven- Hundred. Cesattry Real Estate and Fanm Brokon s * Lumsden -Building 6 Adelaide St. East TORONTO; Busand Dray Bu'siness Bas to ail trains. AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE.1 * e W. ave taken 'over the beginning orders etar. Be4l phone 8*~blî I If. Exprese buoineus, QOtober lot. Al efly attended t.é, "Q8, 14 mnd 24 74 aay oveilng, iotint wbehe lb. ms.' Itrio by4r ls -h rt -iadng. ln sua- weiaÉot ane vSIP ~D'1 ~suJflniatiah thUc e " by bers eonvemd-for the régular pilt- I'Mi, z..1i.*, rè,rW ta- hl bo w I1.bw-ê bI>r As tir a Broes.Il appoans thatthh~* luin lathé Council Chamber iw va.! att4saded a, niestiagi reproseu ttr ti o s< iWoe 11 va. iown-ýaê l a, a¼1Y thr. eetet '011wli 4ea ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p a'lc.fo h u pMaw ela o 1t0 oilr~~ fsle t.p e . aurd tfOed tiicon ffli Iie t ronii(na < Tho Clork road two, applications tlO esnhlyVoted 'be H ydro o thlat vao;tied-'-arpuuidbi*uist; 0f JHOIIi'tL 'It WasW liIemi laI hae onneon madie bqtweed rou.Railway By-Lawi -andi, theNewzuar- 1On ~udyems,-D.(W e I4 104fiSvl~'ya4vll të'ieu. atfi heséwer *iyotem. kot an& .Ulbrldge Townshilphaît i h..» llilvray, of Wh1tbîy, oemnullo& a wlkifl ho the. bain'bb porsons via, Ma 1Wlt aae iIluad-akeih aeante oeon the. coroer's Jrywhloh vlewýd *liodty kmewthat ho ýida su-ne oio tion hoe houe hhoée ver.87 otior a- q thlo. 'Tiiorle a movonient 0adhad ubretwtmus.Ti 1 and 4 lgied hlm, unconuicouo. plications lu, from peoploe wlsli- fôet aiue ho have the Domnion Goy'- Inqucot vas adjournod th;-a future linagining that hovas, illeti by lie et! te connect wlth the, soverage ss-erumeuti bonu the roadt -hie extSmt date. so o'hfiadhy r.dt c - 4 tom ah once. of $6,400 a emiIe. Dr. Austin Fivns trtd OSaI the OvdMce fthle crime ,by Maye vasaukc autpsy n Mods>,an »tirovlng the .body, lathe. well *and Mr. Laldlaw movet! for louve ho ln- On metio4, the Mayorlgbl»g Il dovu vionii a atone. By' treducosa by-law te ashow the cen- te write te hie member, Wm. Smilth, ot.he .bellot .tuat. H lagr W dg b moansClownasthagit oner litruction ef private drainsen the te use iesbout efforts te 'have this s- eib blgstukou. lb. las thiscame te lu s tho by drong r local Imprevemeut plan. This waS, requoutcd bonus graahod. Ib ev bec eeo~au cam t Hllw gr an fry onts hi grauted, sudthe firut reading vet Iu ez'peched that operatiens on thie fhe Nin Ner hbe rontslv o ndh -through. .I constructiosn o! ho nov-roat! Winindà NrhenRiwy n Tis procadure ativances thie mat- be ln full swing by nêxt-sprîug. 1 The murdten, for. ail,,uclf Il -ls roe- from whlci the land vas purchasod ter ho tome extent, but des net Mayor 'Willlu repertiod that ho date qaFed by the nosîdeuta, kacausot!a. fer th ection o e! i.sation. lM, commîtt hieCounéilite anything defi- about $47.000 has beon uspent on the. US5phln . i tl eaii~lrh h.dd nu asavoenadl u- nite. Tii. second andth ird readings sewer syshem, et which $1,18S iod >police ard' vorklng tffon I- b,ýhè,ypo- viveti by ovorai cildren, non.etof wili be glveiu.ah a s ubsequeul mieet.- been for extras. About $7,000 1 f thosîsthiat the crime was;o'>mm'ihtd* wiom li vil a h um, hovever. Geo. ing, vice thequestion eau bc fully vork vas yeh ho be doue. >10Lsaid by tvo people, sud ut lIosjà ted -liat Hollinger vas- about 55- yearu of ago, decTded. It vas staled tint a tom- that the contract viii bc finilbd tiey have alroady. obtalnoI a â ce and iad liveti an 4soluted, lite for1 porary cous-pool- couiti bc put lu ho vel- vithiu the contract pnie 5,. ic 5no en n estld.-Pro years. Oeo l eulrhe a serve thie qwn dunlng thie lnher 443. vinclal Detective Rabu$ as l intaI ïe, hastne failli-inuthe.batikir o! for $40. - TieCo(curt of Revisien was iixed to Whihby ou Montynigit in$rvievlug CanaRh ani ep iavings lu Casa- Mr. Moore breuglaI up thie qu estIon. meot on FrIday, November 27th, .ah Coroner, McGillvrT4y. ad!a recy lu his iomq, H.Iliked o! the main sewer on Asi Street,.It ine n<'elo<, t e hear appeals' front Acconstlng le utatéeînt . n - te tlk o! his mt>ney, anti trequontiy bas 'net yeh been decldod whether heas6min.be trsdetHllne id 'isrefernedto tehe tact liaI he- ias cer- 24 inci pipe siould bo usoti au tar Mr. H-arper spoke ho hhe Counoel Possession a large soin, tain amounits 'on hlm. euhas ie .P.. ati erh etUiclu e~S m111.1, Future action-intu Liicase vill de- J otas, ithiGe .H nd er CanodaCeln oence ho the condition e!fttno sali te be more tinIO vinpn$lr1y nlevedc rl0e subdivision, or vietier a 12-inci stage curtains luthie Music Hall. Hoehlmtiluappeareti. Ou elpendobilbyle Coronthe jurdit tre pieshouiti b. used. Mn. Young, theie thy were a disgrcadsol fethby wu eded$7 e-ngîneer, sald ho did net kueow yîberepaireti ah once. Mn. Colvîli, vas duscotened iluis lotbes, while t e he aou as rt ehoWt- vietherthie level o! thie groumd cara ! .uPoery at isep pocketbook le reporteti ho ît iha report liat sots ah resI vouiti permit iaying of a2"w-tii hat ils committee iad been doing bave been !ound a short distance bnyssiin s emr .H pip, ut o oud tie ice ansd a goond deal ho Iînprove the accoiI- freinthie veil. -a1 ssiin a emre. H rieort hec ouncil se eehobemodahion ,etc.,inuthie hown builti-,J states tint as a resuit oe!islsnves- repot. he ounil eeme. t belng. Te mtterwil dobtlss cHoîlinger vas lasI seeuu-onThuns- tigatlon ho lu ted te th. belle! tial uncerît ai opinion on tihesiuijech. l. Tcrahrvi olheubday, Lie day belon. hîs body vas thie deathvas causeti,by suicide. SQm deblei viehior popla- coslgredfunier fund. Ho vas a reticent -e'an, sud There were ne evideuces, ho shateti, lion efthle nor tieru part ofet tii ova (hairman Moore, e! the Streets llvedl by iimse'lf lu uis home, a small tiaI the'man hast been shruck befo ne weuld beconie-lange énougi vihhin a Conîmlttoo, vas authorized te hure a placee!11eprtue Ou rdyblginv lteheoî.Tcse-I few~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yor owrathelyn tahaiv ee oneuee i o-aneigibor, Robent «lmeur. desined les as te -is iaving big sunis o! mon- 24-inch pipe ah preseut,. The saviugý tract for a hennifer seven mentihe te Smhlm, and g*ig te lie tanin ev on h4m preiu oisdai ot cout by iaying the imaller pipe iaviug expired at voek. fouud tit ho va.s absent. Hoepo-vee is g oss agte sd Tii, wouid be $430. 'rie question ho de- Johnliui dgley vas granhet i is ne- pn eeas rsl xgeae.Ti cide wà s vietier thie lever expense quesh ho cuh dovu five trocs on Bev ceedeti te the village, but ouis re. places a. damper ou aay -effort te shoulti be lncurred now, Iaking - the, erîey St:, wvic inherfere withisîî um céaied again le see If Hohliuger make muci o! a maitien theorv. -t_ chance o! havlng ho tear up the lins propenîy. w as back. Ho noticed Ibis lime liai Dehechive Raeburun eturued ho Te- andlaya lrgr ppe.ln fw vars ! heStrets Comitee assd he bouse vas unleeketi, antihobees routeouonWetinesday afteonn n u andlaya irge pie. u a!o yers. Tie Strets ('oimii, pse usplolous. He care!ulv. searoieth le ligit ofis Investigation,he Some o! the (ounclI doubtet If the tieueaccounts:Cehm n anadthnloe oo j ur ilpoal eli neeti fer a largor pipe would ever bo John MacCari........ $ 30.00 ioe w eare hsu th loo&e teCorng insajurydIictrofh ii b le imminent. - IJ:s, MLeoti.. ... 24.00 Iteie ei.Teehsa hifotobiginavrct!susi. v oio as pasucdti tat a notice' Tj. Ae motcio n tepesno«ifylug liee W.~a. .wdoin.. ...........437 ada - it b bsn:sw t stfi.. there. .Bo.tibeahlthanti onmydo,- ulin wfih hveconuection md .G Whltfield ......_..4.85 _.,à ti_-_ 1--a_ --.a IL-&là -be ece1- u-m4 y _'_1 wth the sewers to mire application at once, to thé town clerk, alsn thatb the contractor can put connections HOME1 GUARDS ORGANIZI Enthusiasîic -I nat Forty min answered the eall to an organtzatlon meeting ln the Armnur- les on Mondev evening for tbe pur- pose o! discussing the formation of a "Home Guard." The gathering 'vaS composed of men of' varfous ages, ail desirous of giving any aid requir- ed o! them. Major T.A. McGii >livrav was eleet- ed to the chair. lu a few words he outllned the movoment, and what it meaus. The "Home Guard"l has no coanection with the Militi a. Tt Io composed o! mmn who, for variouis reasons, have not been able to, -,rl unteer for overseas setvice, but who are, willing to propare thernoËes by 'drill and training to partake lu a dofence of the. home shores, sh.uld! such ever b. requlred. Major MoGiI- j I lvray urged the. men to give tiieir 1 b eartlest support te the moviement. Rev. M. E. Sexsnlth gaive a splen- did speech to the,,asmbled mon on their duty to cuit tIn the "Home' Guard"l for preparation for home defeuce. The. German Emplre,whlle at prpsnut 1h la meeting wlth mauy re- verses and littie slieoss, wilil not ln- cite any movemeut among Its aub- jects ln foreigu lands, but If theI Gormans ever suoceed lu occupylng the coast citles, It le quidt possible that the. word will be sent eut- to sympathîzers lu America te do their share foi the F'atherlaud. The posi- THE- TORRIE EVANGi Inciemeut weatiier has Interfered conslderably with the atteqidawe ah ..obt -Vi..a ..n.....1...1.. .-- dent bel per in Mru. Terde, vue no- nana vuat It suna n e Put vo use eY Loý Bahepher ....ti. .. 03-1 companles hlm. Auy <oue neetiiug a eveny citizen ho viom il can afforti RL G ke 4 3.«.....2..... .0 heiper for a season o! dugatherlng cau service. R. G - ke ....... ..... ..3 make no- mishake lunoeouning lie ser- - - - - Ivices et Mr. anti Mns. T6rnie." E FOR HOME DEFENCE. ,I .1AS.A EE. Lecture on_'Nberculosis. e Ou account e! lie pouuingnain thie .igutal Meeting. Pro% lem for T'ovaiCouarca'l, lecture lu he tlev al l on 19unday nigil was like ail the Sunday sn Tie Town Council bau a preblem lies rter poorly attondoti. His biiîy o an nvaiono! Cnad bybefoe î tonconîstrahin vlciWonship Mayor Wlliu filedtihie chair bieit Geran is n of Ced dates lu efoe - fr.. ieato wihanti Mn. E. Sexsmith audied hdc tuhe, u Geiah esa niâed htaes1h lu voîraiî.es muci discussion. 1h is propos- lantensildes. iito , be t avtfe sucaneet. OuWeild tint ail 'the laterais, or coianco- Tie lecture, given iv Mn. Watson, motto shouiti be "He Prepareti."tin fri Leswr syshen tOe iehie Fieldi Secretary e! the National '-;oud schan invasion ever taKe utreet uine o! eà ci lot on vièie l a Sanitanjun Association, covereti an Shouliaxec reuideuce or occupied building, should place, the lake !rorît hewns vouid b adb tetwad h oto immense amount o! grouud, sud gave -ave ho bearthie firsi irunt o! the b adi i on nihecu !important Information as le mucb batlle. 1h lu weii then tint e sanie lbe ciargedteihole properhy on liai may beclone ho prevent the shoud bein repaatio.lie local improvement plan. This spread eit lat meut Insilious.disons. shoitiho u pepaaiion.wouid mean an apprex4mate charge C-onsumption. CoLt Basconi aise spolke briefiy, o! $2.90 year outhe properhv Jor TefvedfeutIhiuon e- eupponllng the movement, anti signi- aTpenioti et heu yearsnsortatcash ps- fylug ils vîliugnes hodo anytiing amet e! ao tn$22r, orpa cashpatîj lablîsheti bythe above association ho cult hofurten l. pon the depti o! tic sever ah hiat vene oulliieti, andtihe upeclal aphçes A negister vas tien opencd anti point. Tic Counicil ilusivitiet upon o! venk beiug doue. by euhi pointeti lvenly-seveu signatures vono secured tie question. Tiose vie favor the out. O! lieue lie Muikoka Pnee Hou. la a !ew-minuhos. Tisi W lu opeti, plan argue tiat ilus unvise for the pîhal for -Consumption lu- reganiet i a wilI b. turther augmenhed lnnthie ceni- lon te put $100,000'ie oa--sever Meuh Important because' 1h canes fer lng tinys.- systeni, andti ten oniy a few ofetthei greateut, numben o! patfients, andi Col. Bascom, Lieut. Everv, Rev. cihizens use IL. Ratier uhouiti eveny effets tie grýeahest number o! cures. M. E. Sexumti, Messrs. .J.T.'Horns- citizen be urgeti, anti au tan as pessi- At lie present lIme lucre arn u i, by, W.-J.H. Rciarduon, Tios. ('reuci bic compeiled, ho use- il, both freni t akug thie cure, 198 patients, 149 o! H.M. Resu andtihe ciainman vere sanlhary anti an econouile vievpoiuh. vioin are froc. The maintenance of elecheti an Organîzahlon Cemmihee, If lie inherais are put iu, antid c iteu o ppie ophîli to complett> lie dehails o! organiza- citizen bas ho psy for is ovu,' hoeycnn viii coul over 885,000. Belug hion,,.and té, cal thie next Meeting. wiil be more lkeiy te put lu a drain tiepeudent - morty- on thc coutribu- Iu thie meanhime auy vie visi le froni bis bouse te conneet up, argu- «(ons necelviet, ippeai has ho is matie loin the. "Home «nanti" may ieave ing liai uinsce lie laIeraI, bas ho be ho ail, classes lu ail louions. thein names wvlhiGeoo W. P. Every. paid-fon by i i. may as veli use A liautisome collection vas talcen Accommodation for driîll purpoues 1h. The Provincial Býoafiet ealti up at tihecund, anti a canvas ofthe wilI b. obtaîneti, anti rogular nigixîs o - edtint a severage syshen ibe tovn f belng matie for coutrîbu- b. appoînteti fortnaînilug. i. l de Instaileti luntirer te sateguard lie tiens. The lecture vas repeateti on sirei aise tîntthie men may ihave public icaith. 1h lu herefore only Monday nigit ah hie O. L. Colego, ightt hittetw hudueeeytevon aisteeso gItl lu nI lii. to, andunstrcion iu se ey i ong laIest li te. iovlgntl- targo- t rîesInf r ion effort ho have as many people uselgnt11re9i lecmpiu a useul îihar Inonahin. I as possible. gainst lubercuiosis. Onthe elier handth leeWhieop- IELISTIC MEETINGS# pose tic projeet make the argument ------- tlath le citîsens siaould b. ailoivet .-use their ovu jutigmeut as ho lieuo! GspelTrul. Mn Terle'swiethen tiiey viii connecl or,not e,-N l mioua01Go sp anl iah.M.T oryell ne suonsce pelîk u i edotos nvsiUan11 H o messge Ioso lai tht eeryneeupensholktsib. bcpeli et ishRand auoo tne revival meetings ln »e B aptasv camaunaenrsnd il, and,-lu preateti11' Sm-popeno-hv pivt inawinnlng, attractive manner. The eus-poêls viloi are glvlng go0d Bat- uplondît! sermons oaci night are v on- iotachion. Wiy shouidth Jey be con>- derfully aldeti by thie hearty slnging pelîmi te discard them? [ALet itIsizm ofthe coagregahion, and by thee v isi te put la couuoctions do lovely soles rendeneti by Mns. Ternie, uo, but vo have rio business cauulng The male anti ladies' quartettes oft ti extra expeuseono peoeî, uany tie churcia have rsluo contnibuteti ot wlom au 111 attend il. mauy beauhiful solections. T.esan ar argument lu a strosag Mn. anti lin. Toftie open meotingsonee In favr e of laavtg ail the' hater- - laTonuheon undy, oreber29.als put la. Tf lie Provincial Board Mr. Torne has numenous engage- eft Healh regandeti il as ueofuanY monts booketi for lie ncw year. Tiefrtecwnt a fteaOOS paston of lthe Presbylenman Churci lfotieleva b 8émhave thvraeTs-n Penoka, Alta., ywiers Mr. Terdie iaeîd Comil swould sean li ta lt. ou metivas wihtel ssoofateti wltii-systemis.lusoti- What la the. use of "I wutire. v e ssMa ter ituga ystem Iif IlîÃs hobe allovedti tell lis sv. lexatiorpela serie eau far as s.-greal mauiy citizens hee, bogfnîng Novemben 28nd. T7%e are concerne1 e tct laI hie lst : week the services ver. icîtiln proposai , vas appreve by a vote thePreshyterlan churh. M r Trdetaken, lait Jsnusny, veuiti Indicate Io a tnong- gospel preacier, emplistutiantsmajozlhy of ,thie natipayer zizlng most tordily the tires "R's" wre tn avrr f sovmerage îý9tM. of Soniphur e. lisanisa o!f ins Havlrto ngouSgleu *0 cthe Cistulaui spirit. Tii. four denominaroly etia ia yistn l. tions bwemo imitêl under Ileder- Izeu uiQit ovbeOnè,la d REV. ALEXANDÊR TORTE. shmlp, a thIng vicia vas consldenet sion Oven, pouglble sfétanie t51!0 ImpoMsle, la Pongka, -ati al -bave t? 1 e rpeSin atti Offmn boM ChurcIabut Il- ibu sel dSiDpel0d ie bous.groahly ie1pýd by bis t o u-i 10 taid' hr en blln Umbtlg od«'0;dillmlbdtineidquonceest, faftw beeuamJ 0 Ãe$10, n t gom ÃŽ&ale& Mdt Powen ef Mr. Torernos Pncmta!j Trufi. Andi la bis sevice of ~ Âtesuus.'tlu *)ng al Ë«soute bmmMlh froze Il. 1,e(g Iu order te introdu ce this splen- did Fleur- we will soul, fer the next ton days, net more than one0 barrel te auy £amily at $3.2so pet bag. This Fleur i. inst patent. and fully guaranteed. ln case it dees net give cuti re satisfaction,, yeu can use what you waut ef (t, return -the balance and we' will refund the money. BRAN IUDDLINGS *26.00 ROLLED OATS 82.00o 6ROIJND FEED 3000w- Whltby, Ontavis. OFFEI flSALE 111E FGLLOWINO PEPESYt $2AU. ;Cash, ayment cf $i,000 and -balance arrang-, ced will buy a solid brick dwelling, consistlng of t oom9,.also frame addition consisting of e'ooâý'ý'iiated, on the cast aide of Brock WhfP tby. Good cellar, fuin ace, elcctric lights, and townwater. service. Lot- is 66 (t. * b abp 40 h., deep.* There is- a small- Istble and' a number of -good'apple- trees. ]Possession at a:ny -tilpe On 30 dâys' notice. .Taxes ,about $î8mo per annum. $7',. 93,X- acres, brick A * elling, 7 -roOms, gocid cellar, ,frame barin, (rame cow stable, framne, drIve. shed -and 'horse' stable, stone root cellar.ý This farm -ie situated near the- Lak e - Shure and about 4 miles from Whitby.' It is one of the best grain farms in Ontario.. Sales Managers Ricarsi~ & Richardson. Bell Phone 185 Jati.Pone70, PEEL'S - 5110E - STORE eAn oFpeR Yeu Tkh, Fimesi Li00e1if Boots 1amd She en W iii you take Autumn Styles. I - -the market time 'to glance over -our .latest se'ection cif You will gaina Manifold- advantage by an, early cli-,ice.- "There is a last and Jeather suited ho your individuanes. Cail and select, a pair of good wearing school boots for - your boy or girl. - Rubbers of every variety. A- Pleasure hoshow goo.ds. Phone 1519 Whiitby.@ Ouir first shipment has just arrived. Corne noW9 and order while we have a good assortment. à .-- Hyaciaths, double or sangile, Tulips. double *or aingle, Paper White Narcissus Double Von Sion Narcissua Per Doke Soc Au- Tu. LA-WLER WHIBYONT. Pltones.: Bell,, Ne. 47;- Jndependent, No. 4 LOWEIL PJUlCES Bos:, a OetpIe foodi prodmet h W. kccP a900od uppry of tio"hc Perklalso lu inuci lý1erd and' vHii be a lare consumption 4, this Potatees censtihtoti a large~ about fiftpi per cent lower dhas a SUÉ&,ralio lames iuw naqe keeeMnay be enceuraged and à Prîngle & ýCol$ store. TIi.y bave clielce nev Rab wu B~PRI ry, has materiaiiy rèccdcd In Pricm- r stock. -- >id weCatiçr viii seo bclbore lim -'j. dýeSppei andth ley art, segllag dent ci 3oc pet huare& i. he --e 4hIr aJtem .E eck 5. m - 1 Ã