cave the girl a genhiney1 'You kiiow you woren't lok wbezi 'ie met the othlex, day., derlared 70enwere' qo happu, 'and I've tliought abdut o1 Eaid. O'0' 1what. etuvid oola Oro ruahing tutu marriage li minin hey nleet. INo*,wlat edf Tell me ait about ild' "If you do't mind, SybIl ther not-tlk to-uiglit, 1 ti te under.tand tliat-th.t 1Iai 'Lbaepy, and, that I* wau eùll le?ar4ti. froni My iuabà nd. w wth vot more tItan af- e*d didit't know wliere elie te go. "l'ou eau sta.y wlth me an lîlce," sald $ybll Jackson;. a: tva. really full of curioiltye, w Enid Bryan t wam in no con& iiu<toned' ln fact, the other tired! facq and raLlier lorloria ber pt. va . DU Ytcksoén w nardent Wdnan'aS uffrage, andt ehe a& torcible examrple of- the diiiat cd what eh.a called,*"man-mai I ratifiaadlier pride te feelthti zum ed to lier. Se was of a4 nature and- loved to realie it portance. "I don't sjupposee,' slw mulc "that he'll corne worriang bc 1 5ujp< me hla1,onty too g1a IEl i wifo; but If hoehould reme a good deal of pieae 0f courso Mid -wao full of III wasit ta earn isome mouej au tliey euat at breakfast1wc Iter. I dont cure liowI do got to llve" "Wall, VU iv e you d'ne et] iaaid Mliss Jn.ckan. "Dont ta] ing. There are far too tuany le; and if .1 hadn't a 11111e aile n'y p'»opte 1 abouti! bave lia up'montha ago Beoides," teachin-u la practically ef litt petI with people like Yeu ar net opeaktnu of iboae who ha name for themeselves. then It'. feont matter. and teahnt lI xplendid thlng-but t becom But, my dear Enid, to get ont leuons inl feerfully liard work, EnId elirugged lier ehouldea hupelesasiy., "I dont 'iant b teaci," al want ta icaru. I waant to kuow alter 1 met you the otLle 1 went te see that agent. Tou ing about. 1I ayed th nm- very eiicouraghug." tCa. 6hep" eald sybil Jacca 5 a', ood. for If Gersteilid one la practically launched.1 to go to hlm right away; &ný Eni, 1 hope youil tay -withi geL on te ure ground. Whiati 'tillI do for two; and I dares;: 'able- ob lelp me-smre way or -lt. * 1 cari give' you nome wor mue tilu ornlng,. I waut yoi out thla report and pout lvtt dress;eâ." liome color flaa It mIEnla *as oc glad te toelttht ehe cc- fui; but, ni îabe read Ilirougli 41er expreion changeit. 'Oh l' sho eaid. "Are You a ttybiIP" .Ye«, my dear," ad Mie@ arn; andit l'ea asplendid thîng fore I' ilirough with iyou,1 anud make You see thingu from, vlew; but PUi tell you whlat yc to do ftiret-ait down andt write riay thnt you are etaylng wit] asic hlm to give yeon a atari Yeu don't came avIt t IleI." Mr. Cerotein mepliled almcet: o £'nid's letter. but lhe hai tet ho eaw no immediatecipenIng. lier to corne and eueo hlm tli f th~e next few day.. It tw» MimaJacliéon uol btern of the finediate moment Wlieu she eot, back one aftera or so inter .he liai some uews. »I belleve I'Ve got a chance Albe said. "Do You remeuiher1 rie, who wia at the Âcademy You Joînedf" III rerntmbtr lber very weli,' "Shc lad a iovely volce" "'Ye.s. she duein t inig badiy,' Jackson. "Weil, 1 met ber - afternoon. aud mie tells me tha ont lu the country wlth a lil part yandt tat the pianleL b up 1i, andI Manon had, telegral aioter te try'aud et jome poie 'place. I rog edYeu. They ver y wucg; ut emil i I',aa anI they'll payyour expenses thern.. Wii Yougo?" "Yee," said Enki luna loir VOI -that's Juà t what Isliouldd 111 ainxii to be dolng oomethinl "Weii, there la no doubti aboi .lolWly uckyr' sait Mim Jack.c "'It's. mt a fluke. you.know."' mutaway 'wiih.heidea tiat3 lu* to tumble imb good tiilgi ever you 'aant them. I promk itp Lucie Lauie ai oon ae nou. Thora ls a telephone at ,, J ust rmn round to Che cal bail better put a feir thungi t cause you'ii bave tLo bave liere eight o'clook." "Obi I amn g'adl I arn glait! to heneif as lier f rient buvti sie wae le! t qulte alorie. 8h. edite10contes. to lef hoir ber 40 'be 1n ond1 nuitnot lier huerband. $hie liat been living lu a curf dream i ver éunes. the- moment hiait loseit the door of her litÉ hinrd lier, and liaitturnei to t t4tand tb 0110anotier; uaL even ing desime ito give bnck to iii (if wlat liaitonce leinoulh ie a;vpr havae îîrritted hor Vu m l'ois. Ther' were timuewihia her sa :weed o. a>lir nov ouly fooyl½lh çcd. 'And tyet now tblaewaa back. % Jüiar n; baï t 1vtulier, forf iranteitlier. ovaurly ho wiotila ieteittili lin liait founit bei'! 9.w.îî nfrald A<f eiiditg Sybit Jaclaeoî'e pmîîrcc, undit beartywe ba '0bhd te iutmn teiluse o Iiii, a ,nd £that of course Min >ackzon look Z£ - king too JotIY wrong view rof their oepamatîqn, wias bx> aithougt Yenoomiug aLanout unabeamabl>e. Nwt h Ilreaimeit ho wougi 'asutsd y, 31le mi;tô. get'aay aaway frorn evemything an arful 'lot, that eminitei ber. o! thélIr life togetlier. 'XIrle ar As îe&tmavelleit up swiftly to the nortit iibts Dru Ebt ili ni ryant cridtlll îlle limi raed~pu' eterseif almomit to a utate of ex- dear, l'à t ra. haution. $ho mas very uubappy. nuit l mai ail o airai g e tefind bernoît as "s'e mut Y" elle ddtowardi miduight ln a lte ho. ,ethbveroe#Ufl' tel-roon, oui amwq.y f rom everyhiug ltai st a n dearette behu.' dta",a but el Shllooked very tîreit, and mitgtand. 411 ,ha exto dar, and the members of the lit- Yeng as y' concert.rtyslrugged 41dm itolu. site sair tiat I "I ope you won'i break~ dowa, lo., ciltion to be g ait Manon Laurle to her. 8h. mai stroug oeirIu whiîte, Ianuit peudit ooklng, and eite emptauiet * ilook airoke Mid'. ragillook. s 'II arn ouir a litile tiret," Mid sait t atvocnte of iîurrieitiy. Iîitau'i diappolut you. I'm twi hi Mid a really very tmrons." ln tact no lutemesteit trong rsulte u aisitelu the meiearoal, lu adapthug hor- de l Irs" slf 1 te te'equlrernentueofthVie 'aomk, t.hnt* . tat MuId laed by 'tuuolimlln ie looket anotiter beins. dorneeriug Thor mere Jusia-anuuiber of young pse- ~~~ e iras oflrn- pi, uiudonim for tle imciipart wib 4.. .. .. . ......... forrneit tiemuaeives lie tois litile parbY à te1 geLrit f.adir o wthMWLri a,the qulet lutae A Tragie Seene iln the FiIng-Lineof <thet Freiich Army. keet eau.fattraocinhat ee metngis ' ph-ot<. usrtesthe reiuarkabie spéit cof tihe Fmeénoh troops w hic h hano often been teboast 09 corne t ILlm The mener offerei te10 Mud geemei t b ler the. officia~l rconmuiquea. A soldiemr tries to' aid a. wouuded comrâde and iritit grizn deterruination coatin- ute tu talk more titan aitequt*w'men île rernembereit oloi itle oIe and Julan hai tiniagret te ues bisî unvemisng fire ait the eneany. pln. iveonoubut ils. quickly foudttiait e .y,É miuld haitMaurnyexpenseo. ro momnîngo Manon Laurle meut back b- hem littie a it. but l'y» noom andt examinait hermamitrobe: te"Site mas Impulsive sit geueroui. ' arc7 imPmoved by 'thia treà bameiit, mwas a kindwbiearteit voung wmran anuit "Yonmuet corne ami tino 'aILI me," @sale me ýèices ci nion or some oilion tralih t iv " ilorefoee îe put thé matiber at@ delcateiy bh ai al almoet at once-, nuitMm. Tender. arn~ m k teieach. las île obuid, but Eut mrelizei t ttllie tin dînet frequeutly, on au average once juice- being, added te heightbte. t o usas It 'oult have te furbumb up lecîme sert o! a& eek. hataket ui * for the Home eaeoning. Like mzyneyia.ise, a.ddi- loance frorngown lu 'icli te appear en the plattortu. Lady mien mao not vemy mitre thaima ittto oelleos ar n.ceV the atteit, turesque styrle." unît Manon Laurle. masa a.mays ireil etockeit 'aith soct ety gon. the Fre-nch dremisng. ttlevale, t ,Loo ouoe, ILâtlte gnayficu, Ifhyen I mndsna. kne Vin p set e lai ontie geyabrchu, if ou ink demctedn. Mr. Teuderten e 10 j teCooked Salad Dressing.-Nenay ave dide aa -i li do, stai b otr to-nlgit. Yon tlinttimtacy mitai the teiaacîty ofra 59 ahi the co.oked eaiad dressingas, m quittoa if- lave get sucit aeei al,'nuitYouare vib. se fot only a very lntereethng looklng, you kueir; and, -lHe meaul Vo use Lady Ellen; eli li oulît iimes caa.led ~coked ma'yon- 71s n y dtI"dear, Yen do kuow loir te play nc bchO e mians -ioughit h lie taoult en. eisocnit of the meai eingredi- e's living DY companlante. bMy ionge nover mont bat: ta, lao Vnt. ont u'ilnwid iIt maes luam- Salait revsIngs. entsbut in diffemeant proportions. k.11 ter Vlan bley d1.4 tiii moruing," ' biLlon te moye as n peoon ci Importance; yo9 rs a lîttie Il ires Jusi tie mord of appreclation nlroady lie liait met mnny delighttul peo. (JQuiek Maon .-Puat a pincit The fdi-lowing ia one of the simple miticit MuId neoteit; t gave bier-courage pie at liem house, thougiteîle callet lier- of sait in a lsoup aite wîtIh a table- and satiasfaaotomy oies 'whialh 'il illa sait. I"I n it lb tieugtbeuod lier. self a pauper. elhe man ait to keap au ei. i tudy. Yeu Natiamally slte irasi ervotas, and oshe me. sood cook an- gave c armîug sp 0fcivinegar (if aL! egetamian keep well : One egg, tiro taible- r ta>', êybi,. outely set berseif te get a btîle moît dinnemi; lu tact, every-tblng about lier mas you will use leinin julce-elnsteadofponofveer utalsos -gae speak- beoorath@ evenlu;. ciarmlug; miemas preily, fAscinating, vne a nd nmauy not Y"te a if silkns o vîeas four ta lorn -andi ho wmas WIeu the tie came1teitrews'he baud- anuitdressaite 0perfecbion. vn-a eain a iltotason fctio lai the ittIe'gre>' gowu îeîderb . lu mes There mas oot.bng hait boylihbout p refer it), a littie white epe ( butter, cimebalaf teaspoon of sait, so."ononue!ftedraesesthat isiebalmrn in'lulier osirnfigure, anu ithViafrauk laapymynas n he ptpepper aone-haif teakpoon of uéta.rd, a. eucouraghlt ng Yulcejionl,&ulreslakler; ticn Je by1Ofktoheme u. Ellon- lad innumerableashowr is -110t as ha.ndsome awhen Pincl cf pepper. l butter i.s used I &dvOe ou iiau's eyes It bat beeu lovely. Ste could admireras; but alwayu déclaraitelle nover tliey do not), and a pineit of mus- înstead of 011 i ails Put in 'net be ilokhr;hear hle volqesnom hiporing tender lniteiddt'O m rry inl. a ihtcvl f aeeg.Uef± -acnwfrmVefire. ï f. ii i me till you mordeilun erir, sIe ula foothIls- arm I I now y yen itou t bolieve tua," %sha tard, wt h oko n g. ' it ac rl tà fcl tees 'oon oe about hor. IL mat Imposeîble for hon te onlet on one occasiîonut a certain main ail egg whislc Vo blend these, then us-ed mIIU lit thoicughly with the dry yT yoi'Ilt b.realizeï lu mch a moment tai siteanid mto pait lier vory are visite, lut mitoadd ttetmcne-1tai! cup ofcutil. If Ingredients, tie add Vie -'eggand roter dotn Julin more separateit, oparated perlapiu - mo I ecoe heevr adît )r c0Ioter; uam>s'vloomtuvr ~ a-tehs ieiaonas iol e for noverai minutes, three or nu ho write actuail>' neyer te moat again I Comae. ttelsth maonieh dbr o'hs It.l oniy he lad mrlbbon me one mord. 'II don't diabelleve roll. =,y ear," titis Split a. ittie, wbislc in a tbieispcooîfIour, then 'beaV in the vinffr for a W tosead-ifon]>'lih tnlot me knom blat tie caret," man sait; "bocauso no doubl you imagine '-. h ml n pt h d'a face. Site île sait ts e erelf brolcenty. Vint you are lu eanueet. IL lu nbmayi a o f boilinigwater te blend it. This minute. -Adlieml n.p- i ol ehl Site kepi back thlite lois miit ngrenu ef. momau'e prîvilege to change lier mutniae h desn ahtae ier wtole in a douae bolier, cooitg tith tepfort, ehld doue e ol lunîle moraiug; you kuomw." 0mksQ rsigaltl ht i e, paper., but elle hai tôl do botter at nîgli; anuit "3 i miiiou moalin'b caîl me a wmaan," anId amociatis it il it has becon'e until thiok -and stirring &U te tinte. suffragette. noir pemiapu for the firne tlle unièr. salit Lady mlien matesaîy. thick. ItV mli nea.rly ten minutes foF etoo thVit ele really dit face thewirnt "Well, wmita re vou-a camel?" If a, langer qatt atone, anuit oult lave te fight ber -libeia She laugiteitandi lug a floiror at him. qutltt ust be ît Vo eook. It ca-i be botitlead and Jackuon. *II ateo eutirely on ber owu efforts. III mie te le coatiltereit one of a clame," maide and it muest be thinned from kept in a coolý place for a. week or W te lie.'Be- I sitabi try site sunît. "I ike to ha soiathiung spart- imetVotinte wmile -beating iLt, a.fevir more. my poin t 0f CHAPTER Vl.- muiyf. Tnuuuuiitn e ndi i dr-opa <o! cold mater Mnay genemaliy Ileal Creani Drewsing.-Sweet or ouI hava get ohig" ad din eprfrrd -vldusiibtr. nsed se-n-m ream can be iised frthis 10t Goertelu Mr. Teuderten mas n man mti certain D"I 'mliio it la len> o otigsalit dresrinu.prefemred ieaxaiop juice *f li me, ansi aubttlons; lie mae resoivai tevohave mr,, te ineyful ha gL lieas avpoean' ilcoit for te&ame pitrpose. luaVten caf desn.Praa~Vlsmtehs Vof s uinitigtsolemasvey telaIant" fr ' oem craunes8 telasou- n ernalnuit toteit iitcomei. but eal, epeiiity buillt. Rie lad bien a îottier tire egg yoks fra, cup of cili somte O w'tcem n1 molit anoney, anuithte ms infeceotalso sian fui one. as ltee orpby leeve pin.-epeuea oeegbti sntcembs utbe und ýu immedilatly mittha very <totutolicomplaîi c f te. neît 1 e iroasat of hlme 'onitètlfied. PCJLVueambae g u ti o rathi ut entmeWi rertt at srlug to mingle lutimatel>' mititthos t qit a esytomnaxe ahaîdsome u h nmwt neg etr regret Vint ~~~~~~Touigie mas youg, not yet forty hie qiefa ayea-PVt ae. iha g etr Rie advised wirlo moveit lun ahiltgh o cia.l @phaeeto bih a my ii oli ninos10,myas.Saii n- ng te and Vo a ci-a a atabiespoon of hacuseo ie omu. wa1gaadh adae'o k aonis.Si n'uin ,ho ours of e -mas a self-made mana. Thé sou of atia look wihloit cornes ite 4hhe faes cf whisk for any ups-a Iýgodvn arroflinjicoraite rnost mounmite ha-vo etareit at death nuid '0n ia . edvearo enn~nc ralti [v te pro- imnl hraitesrnau lu nMit-In nuteu, it rany ugI i>'tîug. ' deanl Vo doa itit the finual appearance more, if nee det. Most people 'wila it hait bean open -te hlm te foibowi n hbu fa-. Âinn Damne>' mas a cousin iy anar- of the dressing. prefer Vie'vilaicgar, and about tmlace rnoon n day ther'. foctatepi, te bîve as tii father ladrig uycfLdEle';ntpras doue, -anid te mnmry as hie f ather ba thLe manri artly realizait hirnielf loir Thonsand Isiandil Dregsing (l),-amuhauet it etas it for. Mid," doue, andt tA le com!ortabiy provîdeit for. marm ams tle place has. ad iuîtVih!@italuty plain mayonnaise jr n ot .gctsour cnes-m. A litble sugar brings Manon Lau.]But i.ha rd tuuet is baok on Vie tittle caavrc rear. jut mieti Midlandt tomi. 'nuithle sial io i eiiafi esan o et.atal bte rgad.ont Ve fl vor aid altesi a @hthd Lady lllen wmis lii 10; but leda e si ngfrltuf.adnlte ' 0I lltl at 'atEi.articleitlîrnmelb t10a a' r 0 hldlier.a nuithonhaud seemed r niaulously green saintds rel-atetho lettuce, but adted. -Other additions are made eadEi.doue business mil lhi ftLionfroin lime stmaiti men oe ltippet 1ilite lis. erong "ei,,a or'Cldig Ve Vaste. Celery sabtit-ls te trne, anuit adpianneitout lu lis mut browu rigîl0one. -mtayonnaise, more nîgîaîy sca.soTlOuoie o! thent. It -ls an sait Mien to edfrtebr..Adnr-uare going baek le the and"thiîed miti Soute tomate mix- eaten thie 1Thaist<j omever, le relînquishedit miaountry 'your bous iad you' pigsa nuid remsqi-egnna det h ressin-g for cabbage folat, ant Liete concertaliens;lie mas fa:boterai tharest of yurfarmyamir utI ii ipl:as-alltTinant 1s&aall arficulardy for te Chines. -cab- bat orac2kei sutet at n iamyer'ieoffIre, thanote Ticanilaugited. îhvstson u leing ip a mi tr !mayonnaise U eSalade. ýped t0 em oo xbl îemork. ohl yes, you mlii.Ihaetcoal a te 4111 itiiet o n steaiiy, tosaint no oppotunity iii aina matter et facb, to îee Pleydetî about and chili sauceSthte ceaniser pieces enn't"fIva chance -lad given blrn n place i n tie Wall.b-orne husineis o! mi' mothérso. I thougit being citoppet finýe. But if cane lias lixperisi'e ent Dilhe.s. bIlunn;kon rn<fPedt utCzn. I isioubit lave fount hlm te-day; but le Tcal reVIîe chilifserin for ohing 'his chance lât cost hirn a very faim îasn't cerne back r îom hii îoîîitay yet." note hl sauce Sote cooked to- Teoaemn aso evn arnount cf Vie. moue>' e lad tint togebter, "Wl>'yiton't yen sec Mr. Teniterten r" mato, bei-ted demi ansu iafted, meat that are fairly inexpeusive, ke. "I am-u o a oaditi agotiepn.ulaaitLady Emica. Igave up Mn. Pleytell makes a handacame aid meli-fiavored eVen atVte prescrit tinte, when the -e m I o soutoelon.I o're les£too mespetablefo stfme h gnup -, Peydeî nitCozens mwas -a ver>' odtndm e, s aretroad l tiki te-u oddre-ssing, on Some ra'w tomfate chop- cnao ot isgn p i a ya'rnveny otablîset dfirm, iinLnonzeby mn" qielr etetn ai mith a bit o!fcnien ant per- Lî e rasdaî amse ii yon brany. and Mr. Teiterton lubouded tVo lose ne op- oel Damne>'. "Hoeîje a bitt puîî,ing h aps sotie green pepper aid ti-ers-f elictmoe you are go. portunît>' o! Ingratlating lrh c'ibsl i m prk broynase. d itit sait aid vinegar or mitit a tnnn,(elr adpotat-ocis akes Sutmie s ueit clients. -"WeU,,It v'aiasafilly goit cf Yeu ta Frencli dtresig ay b _cbd, a dehlus dtune r difit, aid isnoic lee te ming Iu a verv itieune é ouait hImu'eil c rne.a, n an Iayamaire a ned mark epni î a onconîtauttyin luroquent. Certain peoulé al.enom a oiarmenAu aaeen enotagh to tin the mayonnaise ac- xpmie i h wafnmys preformet te eat l ihMrn PI ydeii hnýuhv eut of c.Tn(i i.oMi anci a e it% see Ba, nme , bca iIo l uet an Importnt- cepta-bly, andt tiis de-pendwi on hem Sputre niaba, mici are in te man- ogetiter, bc. ilese). but othere louait Mm. Teuieten en "ln r o ou l ouis o.tlick the latter is.- Mayonnaise ket nom, are citcap, ait witen cooki- i o.iglt b>'prov.nyueu, e>ablgnud 'aery s-iyhom?" Damwne airait, asaleo took lier keepr w-cil, but at tome tcmpera- et in the routhemu 1way mith a titick Euid malt Aauong thie ltLer mas Lad>' Elten tl itayftisn ui mve a'rsst0itmos i-t hickans ant in otiters bnmigay telctegabs le n adCooea preLLi'anuitcînrmîng voung Ishemîngdei ber aloulitoru. groma ltin. In the ordinary ice-box are delectablq. They are aise gotd îardlrdam.- moulari mho lvot lunai iralitbousge liite III to bad itte e hnlutomuforîouuebaei. it dtees iu ch-ange mucit if aîy. grilled ai senvet witi a bot sauce, m csIatneigibonlocit of Berkeley Square. Lad>'y se"oli ae salit "anithten-oli! mol!, you mt sfur:Oehi tpo t pra Ellen mas tia wltow ot a certain sportlng do'î kuom how boit up I gel 'sith everuy. RoqîuefortI Dresslng.-One c o! Vhasflow:Oe-aiclpo Vou appr'o itbaoxiet i lt ehof siif oteati thinz sornetlmea Airiani I've hast eomle anost poputi' ar aditioatar i Frenc4htoaecVuo-iafupW - laskn'oflic ouoini hi iuo oli-hs bac rom îtaying 'îithCarnie Punslamo 1 -ceetershire, Vire te-apoonfuls of it 'avon slie 1ver, blît le lait aianageite10squa'nden aiI used tet be arnuseit mith Carnieonce: dresraing-utreri iaRo eft uan, ita -ah fvn-g. tLie lome bho- hlm m a nd uta goû iteai of waat liaitnov. melt" Sie elruggeit ler ehoutitea-ý,c lics. Ti4iam"e i e Tint iiiamdxat meh og ethcr tep foravami boete te i îb. I ar_ not e'e.itis wefl nad t ere spa tiad -i5 er ler yen-rn- Ladl ie,î ri s iairî cu;nî-a--T ým>tkins' inii i'ertiiîiauieOe--ig -oii' ie nv te'hietee- ai sometiing rega-de tus' avrkiugs o! the -at(x-k Et- a iuiekiauinc'a. There lai a b-cia au "a'egi-i >ua'oiag 'Ihe' mixturne 1liian d serve. iife shoutllaa .111 a at crai'kneabo autt mnny wvue iff I11,advngr TcmetbWa eLtn.ý1r taiolieue (;'loenuitcae:nt4-act tint iîa'; cio t a ru;mba'a- s-f'pii-zzin'lg rfrci"L-esiatau-nalitcsu,~ep-' it~i-gr Tc etbhcî wkp id cprtalîiy-wurded ' botr frouaiie ba 1ýinS aie f"Aspilus. ilid tlaie -'xpa'isiý,r<aui a ti' -ve tinma's lite rîasoa-f oilai-e b3' a utfle' cane and -hfthsîaL giaîf-cnacrilea-e uew an a îeioî oi(tit ),oclua'l t rait-1 i liu iia ýwruh wtf4lrDon wietepi-saeseig h, but wia'k- ay <c a eqis aIl ih a it tr.taiatil cit 1i- s-in4,4 a msi'r- î tiî apinet, ' 1 ad iîu~bî- ibit ih f;ri' io nt iie tu rc' ies îg rio cigheu' oî'r-dt aafia iri ie cJua a' s-va-nrabî -ic-spluiuaa'tl lia ilis ais tiei u- ain at ia]y'<îm uliclet i---a îY expeisi-v e intra of nient. Tiacre tf e aist id 1l uia1hVad. oaa; ie'ioî r lti o i"eih iiklas 'ii ii 'i i t, it Lhlas 44i-er na-me-s, are pct 1go«I, inepxpenrîve u-lts ai ruot hava' otien! Tia'rafo e tih' a-miaug o-t Mr. T'i-y-air' -' 4alie4Jd 'lîcaiiso lilaa' ta xhu tartan uni-oIllea'flraaaiat aui îÎ- u -itjf ý)e s a'-ai-lîg to wh- l iiîaed ti-. n î t i re t l -av xis-q ti'ars ii ms ananier 2,1~ r"aau'iît' ,;ii nmds~e ' fauanîs ~ la it j(?liamake a. tiiic'k dresing edt uiei- possilility te pî'ies' f te ulinugla rait El1tra. saildit-e uatet zelm- the BniliiliPi- Suuepiple pt it. iaeie;n a bot- 1etitets tTany 1,ia-e oitoîi. lie-t laiîia a ut-il aIi i as' Ojîpesiîiî,u tifitiiai4-l shako tt, and as it eePs meîab'cr-tat ltist itec îigVia lt,(,)dclt1-se the' hiuvernireit'm a as n-e-l. aiy la rleft s'iîer <'an be Inia-ra t-eEhoiîl. Tii-rbest attena is n ala refei'a-ce te the Veto bill. tised an4l lier time. Penitap- a bel- spoilied if i' le mî4t cooket correctiy R U~~Th P R IZ I2i rîelaar s nom geuîerauly re ter may toeriake it ira tc, paît a- havîl andthlie tougliest, ntay ho mnate pal-. ferred tu as "Craz3- Bibi" anad lte tasoo f sait ant tome peppel' atabte iikllad rc Crowu Prince as "ij"ije Boitb3e" itlte equisite amnt o fo vine- T O GIlRLS GerinaTi suipers are kiemi as gar in a shalloi boira aud iten use(ful Rhîîts. iaLitîlp Wibies." wi ti-hie culi litet. junt -a inrrtià k- Ue ae-r bags for ceveia-g Beautiful, Frci 1)rcsgcd Doli Thé riiter lhue of treiches, whminig Mayonnaise. Tis mili Muke a pitchers wmmtli féot lien t. men are p".tedt rt tdram Vi-te tiick, cmeamy dressing, mic An oit rît-le for roaslng-a tprkey i6 luchees laU, lu]]>' oluted, ee open sund euti shoermtaan fi-cs as ass50m 6 ipped, i' an fheur four eaehi ycar. iooibaetely itreeet Visalin wsjà s. Sd-r bouGprianfi l s knomn hs he ut 9sc trtmolng. Baust uILU LMmo4hliad ammc .0 "drawing reent," aidtheVite as t miii quickly iseparate. Aiways Vian sai]t fui sildn site up ndM A otnueai lime, mhore the at-taeks are rea.hy Thte reanci cala titis tiressing bcth mvhen soaling it Vo ire«I>ex. le 7fa o t X"ga 9 tns ' juet, je ca-led te areSpt,>ia. n vi rLteand a. marinade. IV If a ralancoa4 es cuann Imm 41 401, - -witcre lite test ai-ebu ried, las called it las use trmitt clt boie4 meste, di'pe o! antmot ledd Vi yu ,te <donmty' shootd, ait aî1oweý Vo resbi t lultaun- A ioveýloraiberr ac inse S ôbu olt snigMiet lIthie nstAy thoy mefer te Ad mi rai il seascanet. IVi cabl1ed a marin- ed dates added tê dt. foueI Von Tirpitzaé aaold Tirps,1' aqd nde witcampieces o! ram c-w o um es li 5SlIgra'.. Ilom erm.W arreîi th de have aîways callet Sir Johin fiait are tipped iiiit, or, prefei'ally, If rast las"Wte b.servedobt forý eahce"elrsJc. Suma-.odole 1in li, tan heur before two meais, ookr ltiiglWty the firot rDEPT. 8%, TQRON"O. iues arec nlIe-t "mase,"roiling. Neamly ailthe. fiait steaks day aid, &lce- only'-inom 'oie site. c MasUe. ha»s ocen cnein. Almiay. insiet on haviig ainythin Ãhait ils b'ougrt din- baskets 'empted ont. By titis meneypou ère sure of hotit quality- and 'qù&u8xtty. jstaced Ineato are better for, beiig' mcii 'browrned before. amy lquit i adtet, by lte way. . -Aftér bhat,' tiey m-ny ha finashed li Vie fireaiesacook- en or lin a. casserole li Pitc ve Whcn eweh 6o eedonize, ait ge temost sod t nuatrimenit, for onir dollar, we muti resottt Vo corn. A dollar thue speént-given more aou-ýal, foot titaumien épent for any other foots 'whatsoever. There de l-ut liatte docubithti p ple itoem tabout ie sMme ttînge over ait over aire moéoreiaiey Vo be laVe-st recearche. in science fa-von a constant eh-'ange in foots aid, fia- von-s. 1 î las hast noV -VO ailcawte mairrow Vo' emnun on te backbone of your ntVln or lamb or the thin mem- b rane on u r seks, as these are Vhs p'arts -eitch decay quickly ait "en V 0itestof tement. I tr OOR LOUVAIN. - Iliston>' o! the Beigiain City' De- tnoyed by tht Germans, It is oe ecd tle terrible ironies-,of Vhis terrible mantat Belgiiim, .A nation tint md ino conceivable la- ter,"t lin the quareis of Austria ait Servia, ait no itars in te nivainies ait alliances of lthe great -pome-êrs-, atout abe Vie -first ant greate-st sù'fferer on accunt e! ItL Ait linail Belgrnm, Vie case o! Lou- vain is -per 'iaps lie moral. The de- struction of lie ciby iii almoj cent- piete. Louvain las a very oit city. Ils citaizens nesentliat Julius Cutesar -iimself estnibiisited a fortifiet camp lthent, ait alnto'sV a titeusançi yoars aigo lat a asdialiaguishe-as lthe ne- sitonce of Vie Duk-es e! Brabant. Il irashe centre of lthe moolea trade lin hhat. region, ait a very importait pince -mieî -Brus>seis iras only a village. Thte ftoperity o! Louvain began Vo deerease as n ne- suit e!fyoutre o! civil strife 'betmeen lthe nobiity aidt lomispeo.pbe. The weol meavers, mie caliedthIem- selves White Hooda, more early protestants against 'tie -pivileges o! Vhe anis-bocnacy, ait more 'titan -onaethey gainedthtie uppor haut. During oie insurrection, lie ont- battaled meavere treir hiirteen ne. bien eut o etitemndows oftaie-toma hall on te Vie spear points o! te crowd beneaVth. But tint exploit rousedthVe Duke o! Brabant, mie inteforedtVo su-eh -purpose tiat titousants o!flte Whtite Hoods hait te take nefu&#. h Holinit and Eng- lant. Thase -men more lthe f outd- ena o! t>ie'wioýlen intustry lit Eng- laid, for tutu tint tinte notaiuîg except lthe cearsest cf fabricesmas mate outsmide of -Flanters and Bra- bant. The city lias shrnk so fan witiu its amecit mails that ailmost hail Vie spaco that lthe Vomius-edttec- cupy is liai given up te market gardons. Tiiere are nu modernfct' tificaitions, and the oIt. ramnparIs; more years ago mate auto toery at- tractive promenades. Tht University o! Lotuvain, whielî eccupiet a venerable, building o! long arcades and graceful pillars tint maz ori-ginally .Cloth-Workers Hall, mas fountet five iuntred years ago. It is-ur mas until lait Augusit-still i9 famuaus actool, al taiougit like taie cily, n'as not se great ait flourisiting as il ýonce was. Tiiere mas a urne, in lthe sixteenta century. miten it was lthe leating unavei'sily in Europe; six titotîend schlîcars aittendet il, ant no oie cotatlîcîtpe for a public -off ice iu thei Ausînian Netlienlarîds---as Irebgium mas titeat cnhid-aneraîs lie hia-ta degree f rom Louîvain. Tit i' mer- sily, u'itt aIl ils bibi-amies tant cot- lections, ira in ashes,. The rectum w-as, wc are tuaIt, ralît by bhe Ger- man soîliers: aidthle liomebess catildi-en oiflthe professons, riqany cof whiot ari-e aao ipliais, 'are beiîg, shle'ed, iinthe Fuaglisa iîuivea¶ily Lsiwn tofOxford. A Nul Fuîus,îîîl (tat. aOi hear, iat Casey jetavin' tirouble wid lais botter hall." iYis site uuîils.te )bc lthe wl<îl- b.iing. "_ - TISACOLUMBIA. (CsFrmProflacea Whemre Iafi Outà rio Boys end. Girls Ars -Fort Osborne -as te Winnipeg mlbitary prison., W i peg's- paîrliotefu Ipan te eô'*o,0 mark, - lest his left fout miien ha fell <romn -a -train.- Many tesltitute Germains ini Win- nipeg oai neither cittain mork non ciarity. '-harles E.- M"cteiziè., manager e! the <ianadianGenèmai .Electnio ompaaay, tiet ataWi nipoek, dmoîton,.women have formed - Vie 6ir John French Ciaipter of the Daugitens oli te Empire.- Frank Ià ghtcap, 7. St. James Place, -Winnipeg, iras cnotked; - tow'i aid injured .by a Venin. -L honses. Tmo-year-Qlt Artahur Bilas Woçd,ý - 145 Higit Street, Moose Jair, at.1. patent medicine tabloidsenad dlaedý aie a resut. .Harold, ite four-year-old tron cfý John Woodal, .166- Mouitain Ae, Winnipeg, mas tromnet ia rha Red- River,. Eigity acres of 6houitice Park,)'- at Calgary, >mill be picrmed aind" plantet mitit potatoos by lie,,I-nom-'- ployet o!fltait city. - Wiuiipeg Wil lic te western headquairters of Vte Salvation Army in-Vte neirdivision o!flte or-, ganization in Canada.-- Horace 0. Homard, veteran io! the à iel liebellion, diet at is home in Winnipeg. Ho mad residet in thatl- city for 26 yeame. Ex-Mayor R. D. Waugit, of! Win-i nipeg, miii probablg contes. ta lie Mayomailty o! tint city- mitit Mayor Deaicon-hs yeair. "But' Brouwn, a Winnipeg colon- et mai, irasseitencedtotea yean tin prison for staealing iney f ront a C.P.U. passenger. - 'William Gilmour, ofýNo. 2 firac hall, Winmipeg, iras semiiiusly ini-:- jn-ret- wien a atreet car struck a. fine tmuckon ublit -lie maie idiîg.ý E. E. Jarman, 216 kth Avenuer' Saskatoon, mas killet' by a etreet car la KiitonanStrbwai, Winepeg. Ho hait boom rejectet ait Valcartaîer.. The Robin HoodS Milling Qom-, pany o! Moose Jair, bts givon $1-,-- 000 mortit o!f our Vo lte Patridtie Fuit aidthtie employeea cfbte firm ccitnibîted $600..-' . MayorDeaico! ofWinnipeg iin-. vesligatimg the construction e! cerz T tain civic works -mih coat 39 pên cent. more titan the tenders eet-i- - matct.- Mn. A. G. Saitit, 1712 Thirteentith Avenue, q iam, c1aims tn titrougli tie negbeet, o! lie city fumi- gatons tine o!fitis fantuly escapot niarrowly mitai them ives. Sîîgar lias advanced tW $8.40 a hundredweight - at Prince Albert,; Sask. - Julian Georget, pestmtsen at St., Louis,-iras finetl $15 for striking and 'Licking a Si. Loui.s momau utile ini tu' post office. An or-dot'foi- the extratition- of J. A. Crisler. - licen grantet ait Calgary,- <ITirler i-8 at-eiset cafmur- dering Julins Br'own ar a sîq.tuat,- ter's claim i nMontana. He ije- iug a uini's soentn- in Calgary' nom -- - ie 'littScot 31 îet s Cot. ,1 - - - -s' - T-le lady mas talai'ou-uer o! a mtail siîop, irrites the London Telegýrapi, anîd lien squire nccjnired iliehabit of -3eeing lier' home. a-id carryhîju 'te cash bag ltait containedtht-e tay's tabcag"S. Il m as geier-ally "Y4c)ii uurt-bc'<attî' u'ee,," re- ini-ket the 'c'itbernai, fnequently. "'Oh. ,ay," talai'lady motîbt reply,' "it's a guit 'bit uiae. Buit. sue <it 'net tisclese tuai hi'- sites the mu4v rate drau'ings, tht itag cairuaiuned -the- couinten u'eigiits. The ea-n-ny' vlover oîiY -di«esw'a'(red -tait lact'aller tannage.- du yeuit iîî4erstitti-b~, suafferingflui riglateouisuiss' sa-ko ?"'> itlle Girl -Pîaîse, miss, it nieans itatiug t4. cime tsi Stna i1i-bCt<b FRE TO BOYS op HOUSIE SPECIAL" ,torlzonf4I' flodet 5team crnie ait mnkwith &k aumc relii0 lhuhL i~-m anun b abcnd iglt ni IV en , tmi . 9a bas ,Ofqir IiomermAVý .L.